HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 10/19/2007
11 / !9/D7
i-'Ianner MM
Meetmg Date: November 19, 2007
Meetmg Type: Work SesslOnlRegular SessIOn
Department. Developm~TJiY~ces ~
Staff Contact: Mark MetzgtAlp61in TamuloDls Jb ~
S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No. 726-3775,726-3656
C I T Y CO U N C I L Estimated Tune: 15 mmutes
ACTION CounCil IS requested to conduct a first readmg and pubhc heanng on AN ORDINANCE
On November 6, 2007, the Spnngfield electorate authonzed the City Council to allocate
taxes to a downtown urban renewal dlstnct AllocatIon of taxes to an urban renewal
dlstnct requires the creatIon and adoption of an urban renewal plan and report A draft
versIon of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was reviewed by CounCil on September 17,
2007 Staff was authonzed to present that draft for review by other taxIng bodies and for
presentatIon and revIew by the general pubhc
At Issue IS whether the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report should be adopted,
adopted With amendments, or reJected by the CounCil
Attachment I Downtown Urban Renewal OrdOlance
Attachment 2 Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report (Exhibit A to the OrdOlance)
Attachment 3 Staff Report (ExhIbit B to the OrdOlance)
Attachment 4 Comments ReceIved and Recommended ReVISIons to the Plan and Report
On October 2, 2007, the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was reviewed by the Planmng
CommiSSIOn The PlannOlg CommISSion voted unanunously to recommend that the City
Counctl approve the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report WIth a mOlor text change
descnbOl& how urban renewal would affect schools "Town Hall" events were held on
August 7 and September 20th to present the draft plan for public review and comment
These events were pubhclzed by dIsplay ads ol the Register Guard, by medIa stones and by
direct mati (September 20th meetOlg) to reSidents and P'vp",;; owners wlthOl the urban
renewal plan boundary Staff also made presentatIOns to numerous commumty
organlZlltlons such as the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, and LIOns Clubs
PresentatIOns and diSCUSSIon With the staff and elected offiCials for affected taxOlg bodies
mcludOlg Lane County, School Dlstnct 19, Lane ESD, Wtllamalane Park and Recreation
Dlslnct and Lane Community College were also held
Attachment I IS the adoptmg ordOlance whIch follows the reqUIred contents and makes the
reqUIred findOlgs and determmatIons descnbed 10 ORS 457 095
Attachment 2 IS the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report whIch IS also Identified as
Exhibit A 10 the adoptmg ordmance
Attachment 3 IS the Staff Report whIch proVides fIndmgs for CounCil review related to the
reqUIrements of ORS 457 for the estabhshment of an urban renewal dlstnct and for the
contents of an urban renewal plan
Attachment 4 summanzes the comments received from the affected taxIng bodies, the
public, and those received through the Plannmg CommiSSion review held on October 2nd
The attachment also mcludes recommended reVISions to the Draft Downtown Urban
Renewal Plan and Report that are Ollended to respond to the comments and to unprove the
,te Received:
,tanner MM
I ( /1110 I
Ordinance No.
WHEREAS, the Common Council has determmed that there IS need for a Downtown
Urban Renewal Plan for the followmg reasons 1) The eXistence of Inadequate streets,
nghts of way, open spaces, recreatJ.on facilities, and utJ.htJ.es (including, for example,
storm water systems and SaIlltary sewer trunk lines and laterals), 2) the eXistence of
bUIldIngs and structures for Industnal, commefClal, and resldentJ.a1 use With problematJ.c
extenor spacing, design, and physical constructJ.on (includIng obsolescence, detenoratJ.on
and nuxed character of uses), 3) Proper!les and lots In Irregular form, shape and
dunenslOns !muting usefulness and development, 4) Lack of proper utJ.lIzation of areas
resulting In a stagnant and unproductJ.ve conchtJ.on oflands potentJ.a1ly useful and
valuable for contnbutlng to the pubhc health, safety, and welfare, and 5) Econoffilc
detenoratJ.on and disuse of property
WHEREAS, gIven the preceding lnformatJ.on, the area WithIn the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan boundary IS bhghted,
WHEREAS, the rehabilitatJ.on and redevelopment outlined In the Downtown Urban
Renewal Plan, Incorporated herein by reference, IS necessary to protect the pubhc health,
safety or welfare of the mumClpallty,
WHEREAS, the 2001 Spnngfield Charter, SectJ.on 49, reqwres voter approval before the
City Councll can approve an Urban Renewal Dlstnct Plan that Includes allocating
property taxes,
WHEREAS, Ballot Measure 20-131 presented to the voters of the City of Spnngfield on
November 6, 2007 for thelf approval of the questlon of the a1locatJ.on of such taxes before
the City Councll approval of any Urban Renewal Plan,
WHEREAS, the results of that election approved Ballot Measure 20-131 so that the City Councll
may comply With the proVIsIOns of SectJ.on 49 of the 2001 Spnngfield Charter and state law;
WHEREAS, Oregon law also reqwres that adoptJ.on of an Urban Renewal Plan be
approved by the City CouncLl In the junsdtctJ.on mcluded ill the Urban Renewal DIstnct,
WHEREAS, the City of Spnngfield IS a murnclpal corporation orgaruzed
and eXisting under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon and the 2001
Spnngfield Charter,
WHEREAS, on December 6,2004, the City transferred Its authonty to exercise the powers of the
urban renewal agency to the Spnngfield Econoffilc Development Agency In accordance With
OAR 457055 and all dutJ.es and obhgatJ.ons of the urban renewal agency Wltbm the JunschctJ.on
of the City were thereafter assumed by the Spnngfield Econonuc Development Agency
WHEREAS, the Spnngfield City Councll, the govemmg body of the murnclpahty,
received the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report from the Spnngfield
.e RecelVed:djJJ.!)~-~
~Ianner MM
Econonuc Development Agency, the City'S urban renewal agency,
WHEREAS, the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report was forwarded to the
govermng body of each affected taxIng dIstnct and the Spnngfield Econonuc Development
Agency has consulted and conferred With those taxIng bodIes,
WHEREAS, Notice was sent out to the electors registered m Spnngfield and Wlthm
the proposed Downtown Urban Renewal Plan area on or about November 9, 2007, that the
Spnngfield City Council would conduct a Public Hearing on November 19, 2007, at 7 00 P m m
the Spnngfield City Council Chambers of Spnngfie1d City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield,
OR 97477,
WHEREAS, a publIc heanng was conducted on November 19 and testunony received on an
ordmance adoptIng the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, the boundanes of winch are shown on
the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan map,
WHEREAS, the City Council found that the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report meets
the content reqwrements for urban renewal plans as descnbed in ORS 457 085,
WHEREAS, the maxunum mdebtedness that can be mcurred under the proposed
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan IS $43,010,000,
WHEREAS, the Spnngfield City Council determmes and finds that the urban renewal
plan conforms to the Eugene-Spnngfield MetropolItan Area General Plan winch IS the
comprehensive plan for the City of Spnngfield and winch prOVIdes polIcy drrection for
econonuc and land use development Wlthm the City,
WHEREAS, Section 1200 of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan speCifies that SEDA will
proVide relocation assistance and housmg for dIsplaced persons Wlthm therr finanCial means m
accordance With ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except in the relocation of elderly or dIsabled
mdIVlduals, Without dIsplacmg persons already on pnonty waitIng lIsts for eXlstmg federally
subsld1zed housmg,
WHEREAS, If acqulSltlOn of real property IS necessary, It will be proVIded for through
later amendments to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan as specIfied m Section 900(C)(1),
winch reqwres approval of property acqmsltions for the purposes speCified m Section 700(A) of
the Plan by resolution of the Spnngfield Econonuc Development Agency and the Common
WHEREAS, adoption and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS econonucally sound
and feasible based on the mformatlon mcluded m the Report mcorporated m the Plan, and
WHEREAS, the City of Sprui.gfield, as the govemmg mumclpallty of the Plan, assumes
and shall complete any actiVIties prescnbed It by the urban renewal plan
,-Ianner MM
City hereby approves the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report set forth m Exlnblt A,
allocatmg taxes from downtown area propertles to the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan
hereto as ExlnbIt B, and the findmgs and detennmabons contamed therem, are mcol]lOrated herem
by reference and are hereby adopted
the adopbon oftlus Ordmance approvmg the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan, nobce oftlus acbon
shall be pubhshed m the Regtster Guard, the newspaper havmg the greatest crrculatJon Wlthm the
City of Spnngfield and publIshed nearest to the City of Spnngfield
Recorder, the City Fmance Drrector, and the City Attomey, and each of them actmg mdlVldually,
are hereby authonzed, empowered and drrected, for and on behalf on the City, to carry out the
purposes and mtent of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan
SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE Thts Ordmance shall take effect
after Its second readmg and upon Its adopbon at a regular meetmg of the Common Councll of the
City and approval by the Mayor
SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any secbon, subsecbon, sentence, clause,
phrase, or pomon of t1us Ordmance IS for any reason held mval1d or unconslltut1onal by any court
of competent ]unsdJ.cbon, that pomon shall be deemed a separate, mstmct, and mdependent
proVISion and that holdmg shall not affect the valimty of the remaunng pomon of t1us Ordmance
ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Spnngfield by a vote of_for and
_ agamst, t1us _ day of . 2007
APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Spnngfield, t1us _ day of
City Recorder
R[VIEWm t r "\\;GVED
A~ TO FOr ',I
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DATE 1\ \ LS'~
'late ReceiVed:$P)_
I-'Ianner. MM
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
I. Executive Summary
On Iuly 23'd, Counctl approved a ballot tItle and descnpllon for the November 6 ballot that would
authonze the Counctl to allocate taxes to a downtown urban renewal dlstne! Counctl dIrected
staff to develop the mlllal draft of the urban renewal plan and report based on a large boundary
that would extend east to 23'" street along the Mam Street/South A comdor
The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report provide the mformal1on and analYSIS reqwred
under ORS 457 to establIsh an urban renewal dlstne! The renewal plan seeks to balance the cost
of potenl1al projects that are envlSloned for the urban renewal dlstnCt With the potenl1al revenues
that would be generated to pay for those projects over the lIfe of the renewal d1slnct
ORS 457 095 lIsts certam detennmal10ns and fmdmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan (plan) and Report that the City Counctl must mclude m the adoptmg ordmance Staff has
evaluated the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and has presented fmdmgs and detennmal10ns
concemmg those Issues listed m the statute
These detennmallons and fmdmgs must conclude
I The urban renewal area IS blIghted,
2 The rehabtlltal10n and redevelopment IS necessary to protect the pubhc health, safety or
welfare of the muniCipalIty,
3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensive plan and economic development
plan, If any, of the muniCipality as a whole and proVIdes an outlme for accomphshmg the
urban renewal prOjects the urban renewal plan ." vt'voes,
4 ProvIsion has been made to house displaced persons Wlthm their finanCial means m
accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocallon of elderly or
disabled mdlvlduaIs, WithOut dtsplacmg on pnonty hsts persons already wailing for
eXlstmg federnlly subSIdIzed housmg;
5 Ifacqulsltlon ofrcal t'.ut'~"j IS proVIded for, that It IS necessary,
6 Adopl1on and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS econonncally sound and feasible,
7 The mUnIClpaltty shall assume and complete any actIvll1es prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan
In addll10n to the contents of the Ordmance, ORS 457 085 requires the City'S urban renewal plan
and accompanymg report contam specific mformal1on and analysIs m order to estabhsh tax
mcrement fmancmg The urban renewal plan and report must then approved by the CIty Counctl
m order to estabhsh a new urban renewal dlstnct
The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report suffiCiently addresses all apphcable
requrrements of ORS 457 085 and mcludes the mformal1on and analysIs reqUIred by the statute
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
Navember 19, 2007
c l<eceived:
.<.Ioner MM
{II, r ( ~ 7
The Plan and Report estabhsh a sufficient factual basiS for the Spnngfield City CouncIl to make
the determmatIons and fmdmgs requIred by ORS 457 095
Staff recommends the approval of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report.
The followmg report provides the delalled analysIS that leads staff to make thiS recommendation
II. Procedural Requirements
Planning Commission Review of the Urban Renewal Plan
ORS 457 085(4) states, "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be forwarded to
the plannmg commiSSion of the municipality for recommendations, pnor to presentmg the plan to
the govemmg body of the munlclpahty for approval under ORS 457 095 "
The Spnngfield Plannmg CODlffilsslOn reVIewed the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and
Report on October 2, 2007 m regular sessIOn The meetmg was advertised by display ad
m the RegIster Guard and the pubhc was inVited to comment on the Plan before the
CODlffilsslon After recclvmg pubhc comment, the Plannmg CommiSSIOn voted
unanimously to recommend that the City CouncIl approve the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan With a mmor wordmg change regardmg the unpact of urban renewal on schools
The Plannmg CODlffilsslon, m Its capacity as the Committee for CItizen Involvement, reviewed
and approved a cltJzen partICipatIOn prognun that mcluded vt't'v...nnlles for the pubhc to
comment on the urban renewal plan Outreach for pubhc mvolvement m advance of the October
2nd Plannmg Commission heanng mcluded
. A dIrect maIlmg to all property owners and reSidents m the urban renewal dlstnct
descnbmg urban renewal and mVltmg them to the "Town Hall" meetmg on September 20
. Two "Town Hall" meetmgs that were pubhclZed With display ads m the RegIster Guard
(August 7, September 20) Handouts were ilistnbuted at these meetmgs hlghlIghtmg the
Plannmg CommiSSIOn heanng on October 2 and other "t't'v...JllItIes to comment on the
. Placmg of mformatIon about the Plan and Report on the City webslte and the Plannmg
DIVISion webslte
. Meetmgs With the staff and elected bodies of the affected taxmg bOllIes wlthm the d1slnct
. Presentations to the Chamber of Commerce, LIOns Club and other commUD1ty
orgamzatIons Handouts were dlstnbuted at these meetmgs hlghhghtmg the Plannmg
CommiSSIon heanng on October 2 and other vt't'v.;.mltleS to comment on the Plan
. Media stones m the RegIster Guard and the Spnngfield Beacon
. Display ad m the RegIster Guard, pubhclZIDg the Plannmg CommiSSIOn heanng on
October 2
ReVIew of the Urban Renewal Plan by Affected Taxing Bodies
ORS 457085(5) states "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be
forwarded to the govemmg body of each taxmg dIStrIct affected by the urban renewal
plan and the agency shall consult and confer With the taxmg dIstncts pnor to presenting
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report 2
Staff Report
November 19.2007
" ...te Received
Planner' MM
If 1.1 7 !o7
the plan to the govermng body of the mumcIpallty for approval under ORS 457 095 Any
wntten recommendatIons of the govermng body of each taxIng distrIct shall be accepted,
rejected or modIfied by the govermng body of the mumcIpallty In adoptIng the plan "
2 The table below lists the taxIng bodies affected by the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan The govemmg bodies of each taxIng district were each forwarded a copy of
the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report for reVIew and comment Staff
from the Spnngfield EconOmIC Development Agency met With these govermng
bodies and receIved theIr comments
Consultation with Affected Taxing BodIes
Govemmg Body
Date of
Lane County
Lane Commurnty Colle~e
Lane Educallon Servlce DistrIct
i Sjl11ll!(field School DIstrIct] 9
I Wlllamalane Park and Recreallon Dlstnct
]0/1/07, 11/2/07
] 0/22/07
9/11/07, ] 0/1 0/07
No I
Yes I
3 Written comments were receIved from WIllamalane Park and RecreatIon DIstrIct
staff These comments were forwarded to the City CouncIl at theIr September 17,
2007 meetIng for consIderatIon.
Notice ofthe Urban Renewal Plan Hearing
ORS 457 095 states "The govemmg body of the munlclpaiJty, upon receipt of a proposed urban
renewal plan and report from the munICIpalIty's urban renewal agency and after publIc nollce and
beanng and conslderallon of pubhc tesltmony and plannmg conumSSlOn recommendallons, If any,
may approve the urban renewal pIan "
4 ORS 457 095 does not descnbe speCific notice requuements for the publIc heanng for the
urban renewal plan and report
5 Mlllled notIce of the November 19,2007 City CouncIl first readmg and publIc heanng on
the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was sent to 23,000 Spnngfield households on or
about November 9,2007
6 A legal notIce concernmg the November 19th heanng was publIshed m the November II,
2007 edlllon of the Sunday Register Guard
7 AdditIonal medIa releases publtcrzmg the heanng were made by City staff m advance of
the November 19th City CouncIl meellng
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
Nuvember 19,2007
~.\Jte Received: I' It r Ie 7
i),3,mer MM
NotIce of Urban Renewal Plan Adoption
ORS 457 115 states "Nobce of adoplIon of an urban renewal plan requrred under ORS 457095
and nolIce of filIng of an annual fmanclaI statement reqwred under ORS 457 460 shall be
pubhshed In the newspaper, as defined In ORS 193010, haVIng the greatest ctrCulabon In the
mumclpahty and which IS pubhshed Wlthm the municipality If no newspaper IS pubhshed WIthIn
the municipality, the requIred nolIce shall be pubhshed m the newspaper havmg greatest
cIrCulatIOn wrthm the municIpality published nearest to the mumclpahty" ORS 457 095 specd'ies
that the adopbon nobce be published (accordIng to ORS 457 115) WIthIn four days of the acbon"
Arrangements have been made to advertise the deciSion of the City CouncIl With respect to the
urban renewal plan In the Register Guard WithIn four days of final aclIon of the Council on the
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
m. Determinations and Fmdmgs Specified by ORS 457.085 and ORS 457.095
ORS 457 085 prOVides a lengthy hst of urban renewal plan elements and requires a provISion for
pubhc Involvement In all stages of the development of the plan
8 SeclIon II (Procedural Requrrements) of thiS report documents opportumbes for public
Involvement In the preparalIon of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan
9 The table below summanzes the hst of content requrrements found In ORS 457 085 and
proVided the page number In the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan where those content
requirements are addressed
ORS 457.085 Content Requirements and Page Number In the
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Where tins Content IS Addressed
I Urban Renewal Plan Reaulrements
I DescnptlOn of Urban Renewal Prolects
Outlme for DevelopmentlRedevelol!mentlLand ACQwsllIon
I Maps and Legal DescnptIOn of the Renewal Area
1 RelatIonshIP of the Plan to Local OblectIves
I Proposed Land Uses
I PrOVISIOns for Relocauon
1 ::'A......,;.../ AcgUlSloon
I DIVISIOO of Taxes and Maxunum Indebtedness
I Plan Amendment Procedures
I PublJc Bwldmw;
I Urban Renewal Plan Report ReaUlrements
I Descnpuon ofExtstm~ CondJuons m the Renewal Area
I Reasons for Selectm-8 the Urban Renewal Area
I Relattonsml' of the Prolects to the Plan
I Es1unaled PrOlect Costs and Source of Funds
I Anuclpated Compleuon Dates for Pro1ects
I Amount of Monev Reqwred for the DISInct and AnbClpated Debt Remement
I Fmanctal Feasibility of the Plan
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Pa~ I
I~ I
16 I
17 I
19 I
n Received:
Planner MM
r , . ~
I Impact of Foregone Taxes by Taxmg Bodles
I Relocallon PrOVISIOns and AnalVSIS
ORS 457 095 hsts certam determmatIOns and fmdmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan (plan) and Report that must be mcluded m any adoptmg ordmance consIdered by the CIty
These determmatlons and fmdmgs must conclude
I The urban renewal area IS bhghted,
2 Rehablhtatton and redevelopment IS necessary to protect the pubhc health, safety or
welfare of the munIcIpalIty,
3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensIve plan and economIc development
plan, If any, of the mumclpahty as a whole and proVIdes an outlme for accomphshmg the
urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes,
4 ProvISIon has been made to house dIsplaced persons wlthm their finanCIal means m
accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocation of elderly or
dIsabled mdlvlduals, WIthOut dlsplacmg on pnonty hsts persons already waIting for
eXlstmg federally subSIdIZed housmg,
5 IfacqulSltlOn ofreaJ r'~rw"."IS proVIded for, that It IS necessmy,
6 Adoption and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS economIcally sound and feasible,
7 The mumclpallty shall assume and complete any acttvltles prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan
Presented below are findmgs and detennmattons concemmg those Issues hsted m the statote
1. The urban renewal area is blighted;
Addressmg bhght IS central to the purpose of urban renewal dlstncts The Oregon ReVIsed
Statutes (ORS 457010) defines "bhght" as follows (underlmmg IS added for emphasiS, and
numeration IS added for clanty)
"Bhghled areas mean areas wluch, by reason of detenorallon, faully plannmg, madequate
or IDlproper faclhues, deletenous land use or the eXIStence of lD1Safe structures, or any
combmallon of these factors, are detnmental to the safely, bealth or welfare of the
commUDlIy A bhghted area IS charactenzed by llle exIStence of one or more of the
followmg condJuons
I The eXIStence of bwldJngs and structures, used or mtended to be used for hvmg,
commercIal, mdustnal or other purposes, or any combmallon of lllose uses, wluch are
unfit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of anyone or a combmatton of the
followmg condlttons
a) Defective deSIgn and quaJtIy ofphyslcaI construction,
b) Faully mlenor arrangement and extenor spacmg,
c) OvercrowdJng and a lugh denslly of populal1on,
d) lnadequate proVISIon for venulatlon, hgh!, samtallon, open spaces and . w~, w~on
e) Obsolescence, detenorallon, dtIapldal1on, nuxed cbaracter or sluftmg of uses,
f) An _~~_~.....lc dJslocatJon, detenoratJon or dJsuse of Y'~rW"J resulnng from faully
Dawntawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date ReceiVed:JLjJ T ('7
Planner MM
g) The dJVlSlon or subdJVlSlon and sale of properly or lots of Irregular fonn and
shape and madequate stze or dJmenslons for y.vywu) usefulness and development,
h) The laymg out of y.vy,..; or lots m dJsregard of contours, dramage and other
phYSIcal charactensttcs of the terram and SurrOlDldJng condJttons,
2 The eXIStence of mad equate streets and other nghts-of-way, open spaces and utthtJes,
3 The eXIStence of properly or lots or other areas wluch are subJect to mundallon by
4 A prevalence of deprectaled values, IDlparred mvestJnents and SOCIal and econolDlc
maladjustments to such an extent that the capaclly to pay taxes IS reduced and tax receIpts
are madequate for the cost of pubhc ServiceS rendered,
5 A growmg or total lack of proper utlhzal10n of areas, resulnng m a stagnant and
unproductive conwtJon of land potentially useful and valuable for contnbutJng to the
public health, safely, and welfare, or
6 A loss of population and reduction of proper ul1l1zal1on of the area, resultJng m Its
further detenorallon and added costs to the taxpayer for the creal10n of new pubhc
facilitJes and ServJces elsewhere "
Note that It ts not necessmy for each of the CIted condItions to be present m the renewal area, or
that these conditions are prevaletlt m each and every sector of the urban renewal area.
lOA 2004 phYSIcal survey of buddmgs by Spnngfield community development staff m the
downtown area revealed that 59"10 of downtown structJrres fit the Department ofHousmg
and Urban Deve]opment's (HUD) cntena for bhght ThIs IS slgmficantly hIgher than the
25% threshold requrred to quahfy for HUD deslgnal10n as a bhghted area.
'flus survey of downtown bmldmgs was completed as part of an amendment to the FY
2000 FIve Year Eugene-Spnngfield Consohdated Plan that establtshed the HUD bhght
deSIgnation for downtown Spnngfield. The survey found that the condltJon of some of
these y.ut'w,;.es may make It economIcally mfeasible to rehablhtate or reparr them As a
result, HUD approved the deslgnatJon of the downtown as a bhghted area, enablmg the
area to qualify for specIal assistance under the CDBG program
II Recognll1on of bhghted condItions Wlthm the downtown area goes back to the early
1980's The 1984 "Downtown Tomorrow" report of the Spnngfield Downtown
ConumssIOn, opens WIth thIS observation of condItions m the Downtown "Downtown
Springfield has needed revltalzzatlOn for a long lime The Jumbled mIX of Signs, vacant
bUildings, ragged patches of landscaping, crumblmg Sidewalks, and heavy vehicle
through-traffic VIVidly portray a lack of care and a message of neglect"
]2 A survey of the urban renewal area m July 2007 by Spnngfield plannmg staff confrrms
the urban renewal area contams bUlldmgs m vanous states of dlsreparr mcludmg
reSIdentIal propernes (along South MIll and South 18"), commercIal properties (along
Mam Street and South A), and mdustnal ".vyw. ;.es (south of South A) These buIldmgs
show eVIdence of extensIve detenoratlOn of roofing, sldmg, foundations, steps, and
Dawntawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date "eceIVed.$ /0)
Planner MM .
extenor tnm Reparrmg and mamtammg downtown bUlldmgs IS essentIal for the
recovery of any hlstonc dlstnct
13 The Sprmgfield Station Specific Area Plan Report (July 2001) .wy~.~w.l that "renul rents
average $ 50 to $1 00 per square foot per month m Downtown Spnngfield, which tends
to work agamst redevelopment of most mcome producmg properties That IS, slgmficant
redevelopment and new development WIll not (generally speakmg) be econonucally
feasible WIthout hIgher rents, mcentlves, subSIdIes, and/or catalyst developments such as
government bUlldmgs" CommercIal lease rates today remam low compared to the
remamder of the Eugene-Spnngfield market TIns has made It drliicult for property
owners to mamtam eXlstmg butldmgs and has worked agamst pnvately financed
rehablhtatlon and redevelopment ThIs has contnbuted to the contmumg detenoratlon
and bhght conditIOns m the downtown area
2. Rehabd/Jation and redevelopment is necessary to protect the publIC health, safety or
welfare of the municipality;
14 ORS 457010(5) hnks bhght comhtlons such as the "lack of y,vy'" uttltzahon of areas,
resulting m a stagnant and unproductIve condItion of land" to pubhc health, safety, and
the welfare of the mumclpahty By thIS defirutton, remedIation ofbhght promotes pubhc
health, safety and the welfare of the communIty
15 The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report document the eXIstence of bhght m the
urban renewal area These documents also outlme projects and expendItures that use
redevelopment and rehabtlltatlon to remove bhght from the area It IS necessmy to
elrrnmate bhght m order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the CIty of
3. The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensIVe plan and economic
development plan, if any, of the mUnicipality os a whole and provides an outlme for
accomplishing the urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes;
16 The Eugene Sprmgfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) IS the
comprehensIve plan guldmg Spnngfield's development The Metro Plan mcludes an
"EconomIC Elemenf' that descnbes pohcles for economIc development The Downtown
Refinement Plan IS a more denuled descnpl10n of comprehenSIve plan pohcles for the
Downtown area It also contams an ''EconomIc Element" The Clly has no adopted
Econonuc Plan document
17 Pohcles found m the Metro Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan support efforts to keep
the central busmess dlstncts healthy and support usmg a vanety of pubhc financmg
mechanIsms to help m those efforts
18 The Metro Plan, EconomIC Element Pohcy B 14, states "Contmue efforts to keep the
Eugene and Spnngfield central busmess dlstncts as VItal centers of the metropohtan
Dawn/awn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date keeelved' ( II~ 1
Planner' MM
19 The Downtown Refinement Plan, EconomIc Element Pohcy 3, states "The CIty shall
mamtam a vanety of strategIes and fundmg sources as mcenl1ves to development and
redevelopment of the Downtown ThIs should mclude, but not be ltnllted to State
Revolvmg Loan Funds, Industnal Development Revenue Bonds, Oregon Busmess
Development Fund, state lottery funds, CDBG grants and loan programs, tax mcrement
fmancmg, local rrnprovement dtstncts, economIc rrnprovement dlstnCts, and, SpecIal
assessment dlstncts "
20 AppendIX 2 of the Plan contams numerous references to the Metro Plan, Downtown
Refmement Plan and other plannmg documents that support many of the mdlvldual
projects descnbed m the Plan '
4. PrOVISion has been made to house displaced persons wllhin the" finanCIal means In
accordance with ORS 35.500 to 35.530 and, except in the relocation of elderly or
disabled individuals, without displaCing on prwrity lISts persons already waiting for
exISting federally subsidized housing;
21 The Plan and Report do not specIfY projects that would requrre relocatIOn of persons
Section 1200 of the Plan (pg 23) descnbes how the tssue would be handled should
relocatIon of mdtvlduals be requrred Section 1200 states
"To the extent requrred by law, the Spnngfield EconoDllc Development Agency (SEDA)
WIll proVIde relocation assIstance to all persons or busmesses dISplaced temporanly or
permanently by project actlvll1eS As requrred, those dtsplaced wtll be gIven asSIstance m
fmdmg replacement properties As requrred, all persons or busmesses whIch may be
dIsplaced wtll be contacted to determme specific relocation needs and wtll be proVIded
mformanon on avallable housmg or commerclaVmdustnall',vY"Hj as may be apphcable,
and WIll be gIven assIstance m movmg All relocation actIvIties WIll be undertaken and
payments made m accordance WIth the requrrements of ORS 35 500-35 530 and any
other apphcable laws or regulanons
Relocatton payments WIll be made as proVIded m ORS 35510 Payments made to
persons dIsplaced from dwellmgs WIll assure that they WIll have aVatlable to them decent,
safe, and samtary dwelhngs at costs or rents wlthm their finanCIal reach As requrred,
payment for movmg expenses WIll be made to reSIdents and busmesses dIsplaced. SEDA
may contract WIth Oregon Department of Transportation or other partIes to help
admmlster Its relocatJon program "
5 If acquISition of real property is providedfor, that illS necessary;
The Plan does not specIfY any y.vyw.;j acquISItions and does not allocate revenues for property
acqulSltlon The Plan reserves the nght to acqurre property, If needed, under the procedures
detalled m Section 700 of the Plan.
6. Adoption and carrying out of the urban renewal plan IS economically sound and
feasible; and
Downtawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report 8
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date JdCelVed I { ! llo]
Plannir MM
22 Charles Kupper, a consultant hrred to asSIst the CIty WIth the preparatJon of the Plan and
the Report, used data from the CIty and from the Lane Assessor's Office to complete
Tables 7, 8, and 9 m the Report (pages 21-27) These tables estunate cash flow, proJect
revenues, proJect costs and the taxes foregone by taXIng bodies oyer the hfe of the Plan
23 SectIOn 500 of the Report provIdes a fmanclal analysIs of the Plan The maxunum
allowable debt under the proposed 25 mtllton dollar project budget IS $43,010,000 The
Plan balances the prOject costs and debt load WIth reasonable estJrnates of revenues
(Table 7) The balance achIeved demonstrated the general feasIbIlIty of the Plan Actual
project spendmg WIll depend on tangible revenues or resources, available at the tune of
project mltlatlon
7. The municipality shall assume and complete any activities prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan.
The Plan hsts categones of spendmg (Report Table 9, pg 27) as well as specific prOJects
Spendmg WIll be restncted to these categones and to the 25 rmlhon dollars m project costs and
the asSOCIated maxunum mdebtedness Spendmg IS generally llDllted to proJects Wlt1un the urban
renewallmundanes and to the 25 millIon dollars m proJect costs lIsted m the Plan
The findmgs and determmatlons contamed m thIS report demonstrate iliat the Downtown Urban
Renewal Plan and Report proVIde a suffiCient basIS for the CIty Counctl to make the requrred
fmdmgs found 1D ORS 457 095 Staff recommends that the CIty Counctl approve the Downtown
Urban Renewal Plan ,
ConclUSIOn and Recommendation
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19,2007
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,. September 15, 2007
Date RecelJetfl I B IT B - P 1
Planner MM l 'I ( i (6]
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
I. Executive Summary
On July 23nl, Council ayy' v', wl a ballot tItle and descnptlon for the November 6 ballot that would
authonze the Counctl to allocate taxes to a downtown urban renewal dlstnct Counctl drrected
staff to develop the mltlal draft of the urban renewal plan and report based on a large boundary
that would extend east to 23nl street along the MaID Street/South A comdor
The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report proVIde the mformauon and analYSIS required
under ORS 457 to estabhsh an urban renewal dlstnct The renewal plan seeks to balance the cost
of yv.om,a1 proJects that are envISIoned for the urban renewal mstnct WIth the potential revenues
that would be generated to pay for those proJ ects over the hfe of the renewal dlStnct
ORS 457095 hsts certam determmatlons and findmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan (plan) and Report that the CIty Counctl must mclude m the adopting ordmance Staff has
evaluated the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and has presented findmgs and determmauons
concemmg those ISsues bsted m the statute
These detennmatlons and fmdmgs must conclude
I The urban renewal area IS bhghted,
2 The rehablhtatlon and redevelopment IS necessmy to protect the pubhc health, safety or
welfare of the munlclpahty,
3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehenSIve plan and economic development
plan, IT any, of the munIcIpalIty as a whole and proVIdes an outlme for accomphshmg the
urban renewal proJects the urban renewal plan proposes,
4 ProvIsIon has been made to house dIsplaced persons Wlthm their fmanclal means m
accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocation of elderly or
dIsabled mdlvlduals, WIthout dlSplacmg on pnonty hsts persons already waltmg for
eXlstJng federally subsldlZCd housmg,
5 IfacqulsltlOn of real y.vyw.~j IS proVIded for, that It IS necessary;
6 Adoptlon and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS economIcally sound and feasIble,
7 The munlclpallly shall assume and complete any actIVIties prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan
In addltlon to the contents of the Ordmance, ORS 457 085 reqUIres the CIty'S urban renewal plan
and accompanymg report contam specIfic mfonnabon and analysIs m order to estabhsh tax
mcrement fmancmg The urban renewal plan and report must then approved by the CIty CounCIl
m order to estabhsh a new urban renewal dlstnct
The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report suffiCiently addresses all apphcable
requirements of ORS 457 085 and mcludes the mformatlon and analysts requrred by the statute
Dawn/awn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date Received /, I
Planner MM II ( n (0; -
The Plan and Report estabhsh a sufficIent factual basis for the Spnngfield CIty Counctl to make
the determmatJons and fmdmgs required by ORS 457 095
Staff recommends the approval of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
The followmg report provIdes the detatled analysIS that leads staff to make thIS recommendation
ll. Procedural Requirements
Planning Commission ReVIew of the Urban Renewal Plan
ORS 457 085(4) states, "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be forwarded to
the plannmg commIssIon of the mumclpallty for recommendations, pnor to presenting the plan to
the govemmg body of the munlclpahty for approval under ORS 457 095 "
I The Spnngfield Plannmg CommISSion revIewed the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and
Report on October 2, 2007 m regular sessIon The meetmg was adverttsed by dIsplay ad
m the Regtster Guard and the pubhc was mVlted to comment on the Plan before the
Cl'mm"'lon After recelvmg pubhc comment, the Plannmg CommISSIon voted
unanrrnously to recommend that the CIty CounCil approve the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan with a mmor wordmg change regardmg the rrnpact of urban renewal on schools
The Plannmg COIlllDlSSIOn, m Its capacIty as the Comnuttee for CItizen Involvement, reVIewed
and approved a CItIZen parbclpatlon program that mcluded opportumtJes for the pubhc to
comment on the urban renewal plan Outreach for pubhc mvolvernent m advance of the October
2"" Plannmg CommIssIon hearmg mcluded
. A drrect mlllhng to all property owners and reSIdents m the urban renewal dlstnct
descnbmg urban renewal and mVltlng them to the "Town Hall" meetmg on September 20
. Two "Town Hall" meetings that were pubhcIZed WIth dIsplay ads m the RegIster Guard
(August 7, September 20) Handouts were dlstnbuted at these meetings hlghhghtlng the
Plannmg CommISSIOn heanng on October 2 and other vyyvo ;.lIutles to comment on the
. Placmg of mformatton about the Plan and Report on the CIty webSlIe and the Plannmg
DIVISIon webslte
. Meetmgs WIth the staff and elected bodIes of the affected taXIng bodtes Wlthm the dlstnCt
. PresentatJons to the Chamber of Commerce, LIOns Club and other commumly
organIZatIOns Handouts were dlstnbuted at these meetmgs hlghhghtlng the Plannmg
CommISSIon hearmg on October 2 and other _yy_' ;.IDltles to comment on the Plan
. MedIa stones m the Regtster Guard and the Spnngfield Beacon
. DIsplay ad m the Regtster Guard, pubhclZlng the Plannmg Comnusslon heanng on
October 2
ReVIew of the Urban Renewal Plan by Affected TllIlIlg Bodies
ORS 457085(5) states "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be
forwarded to the govemmg body of each taxmg chstrlct affected by the urban renewal
plan and the agency shall consult and confer WIth the taxmg chstncts pnor to presenting
Dawntown Urban Renewal Plan and Report 2
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date Received ~
Planner: MM '( ( I (4J
the plan to the govemmg body of the munIcIpality for approval under ORS 457 095 Any
wntten reco=endattons of the govemmg body of each taxIng dIstnct shall be accepted,
rejected or modIfied by the govemmg body of the mumclpallty ill adoptmg the plan "
2 The table below hsts the taxIng bodIes affected by the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan The govemmg bodIes of each taxIng dIstnct were each forwarded a copy of
the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report for reVIew and co=ent Staff
from the Spnngfield EconoIDlc Development Agency met WIth these govemmg
bodIes and receIved their comments
Consultation WIth Affected Taxmg BodIes
Governing Body
Date of
Lane County
Lane Commuruty College
Lane Educal10n Servtce DIstrict
Sonngfield School DlStnct 19
I Wlllamalane Park and RecreatIon DlStnct
10/1107. 11/2/07 I
9/25/07 I
10/22/07 I
9/11107, 10/10/07 I
No I
No I
No I
Yes I
3 Wntten co=ents were recetved from Wtllamalane Park and Recreatlon DIstnct
staff These comments were forwarded to the CIty Counctl at their September 17,
2007 meeting for conslderabon
Notice of the Urban Renewal Plan Hearing
ORS 457095 states "The govemmg body of the munIcIpalIty, upon receIpt of a proposed urban
renewal plan and report from the mUnicIpalIty's urban renewal agency and after pubhc nonce and
heanng and consIderation of pubhc testunony and plannmg C0lIlll11SSl0n recommendations, If any,
may approve the urban renewal plan "
4 ORS 457 095 does not describe specIfic notice requrrernents for the pubhc heanng for the
urban renewal plan and report
5 Matled notice of the November 19,2007 CIty CounctI first readmg and publIc hearmg on
the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan was sent to 23,000 Spnngfield households on or
about November 9,2007
6 A legal notice concemmg the November 1911> hcanng was pubhshed m the November II,
2007 edItion of the Sunday RegIster Guard
7 AddItional mewa releases publIc1ZlDg the hearmg were made by CIty staff m advance of
the November 1911> CIty CounctI meeting
Dawntawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19,2007
Notice of Urban Renewal Plan Adoption
Date ReceIved:~!D..
Planner. MM -
ORS 457 115 states "Nonce of adoption of an urban renewal plan requIred under ORS 457 095
and notice of filmg of an annual finanCIal statement required under ORS 457 460 shall be
pubhshed m the newspaper, as defined m ORS 193 0 I 0, havmg the greatest ctrCulal10n m the
munIcIpalIty and which IS pubhshed Wlthm the munICipality If no newspaper IS publIShed Wlthm
the mumclpallty, the requrred notice shall be pubhshed m the newspaper havmg greatest
ctrCulanon Wlthm the munIcIpalIty pubhshed nearest to the munlclpahty" ORS 457 095 specifies
that the adopnon notice be pubhshed (accordmg to ORS 457 115) wlthm four days of the action"
Arrangements have been made to advertIse the decIsIOn of the CIty COUDCtl WIth respect to the
urban renewal plan m the Register Guard wrthm four days of final action of the COUDCtl on the
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report.
ID. Determinations and Findings Specified by ORS 457.085 and ORS 457.095
ORS 457 085 prOVides a lengthy hst of urban renewal plan elements and reqUIreS a proVIsIon for
pubhc mvolvement m all stages of the development of the plan
8 Section II (procedural ReqUIrements) of this report documents _t'y_.~.JDltles for pubhc
mvolvement m the preparation of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan
9 The table below surnmanzes the hst of content requIrements found m ORS 457085 and
proVIded the page number m the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan where those content
reqUIrements are addressed
ORS 457.085 Content Requirements and Page Number in the
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Where thlS Content is Addressed
I Urban Renewal Plan Reouirements
I DescnotIOn of Urban Renewal Prolects
I OutJme for-DeveloomeniiRedeveloomentlLand AcoulSll1on
I Maps and Legal Des~u~uv_ of the Renewal Area
I Relallonslun of the Plan to Local Oblecnves
I Pronosed Land Uses
ProVISIOns for RelocatIOn
I :{ n"~"'HJ' A~qulSlb.on
1 DIVISIon of Taxes and MaxlD1um Indebtedness
1 Plan Amendment Procedures
I Pub~c BwldJng5
I Urban Renewal Plan Report Reowrements
1 Descnptt.?n of EXlStJn~ Conchl1ons m the Renewal Area
I Reasons for Selectm~ the Urban Renewal Area
1 Relanonslup of the ProJects to the Plan
1 EstJmated Prolect Costs and Source of Funds
I Anl1CIPated Complenon Dates for PrOlects
I Amount of Money Reqwred for the DlStnct and Anl1clpated Debt RetJrement
1 Fmanclal Feasiblhtv of the Plan
Dawntawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Pal!e(s) I
26,27 I
23 1
19 I
21 I
16 I
17 I
19 I
19 I
26 I
Date Received {(/I 'I (t?-~
Planner. MM
1 Impact of Foregone Taxes by Taxmg BodIes
I Relocation ProVISIOns and AnalysIS
26 I
ORS 457 095 Itsts certam determmatlons and fmdmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan (plan) and Report that must be mcluded m any adopting ordmance conSIdered by the CIty
These determmatlons and findmgs must conclude
I The urban renewal area IS bhghted,
2 Rehablhtatlon and redevelopment IS necessmy to protect the pubhc health, safety or
welfare of the mumclpaltty;
3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensIVe plan and econolIDc development
plan, If any, of the mumclpahty as a whole and proVIdes an outlme for accomphshmg the
urban renewal proJects the urban renewal plan proposes,
4 ProvIsIon has been made to house dtsplaced persons W1thm their fmanclaI means m
accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocatIOn of elderly or
dIsabled mdtvlduals, WIthout dlsplacmg on pnonty hsts persons already waltmg for
eXlstmg federally subSIdIZed housmg;
5 If acqulsmon of real property IS proVIded for, that It IS necessmy,
6 Adoption and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS econolIDcally sound and feasible,
7 The munIcIpalIty shall assume and complete any actJvltles prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan
Presented below are fmdmgs and determmatlons concemmg those Issues lISted m the statute
1. The urban renewal area is blighted;
Addressmg bhght IS central to the purpose of urban renewal dlstnCts The Oregon ReVIsed
Statutes (ORS 457010) defmes "bhght" as follows (underlmmg IS added for emphasiS, and
numeratJon IS added for clanty)
"Bhghted areas mean areas wluch, by reason of detenorallon, fauJly plannmg, madequate
or IDlproper faclhtles, deletenous land use or the eXIStence of unsafe structures, or any
combmatJon of these factors, are detnmental to the safely, health or welfare of the
commUDIIy A bhghted area IS charact=d by the eXIStence of one or more of the
/ followmg condltJons
I The eXIStence of bwldJngs and structures, used or mlended to be used for hvmg,
commefClal, mdustnal or other purposes, or any combmallon of those uses, whtch are
unfit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of any one or a combmallon of the
followmg condJtlons
a) Defective deSign and quaJlly ofphYSlcal construction,
b) Faully mtenor arrangement and extenor spacmg,
c) OvercrowdJng and a lugh denslly of populal1on,
d) lnadequate proVISIOn for ventllatJon, hght, samtallon, open spaces and recreatJon
e) Obsolescence, detenorallon, dtIapldatlOn, nuxed cbaracter or sluftmg of uses,
f) An econolDlc dJslocallon, detenoratlon or dJsuse of properly resultJng from faully
Downtawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date Received (( /( f / C I
Planner MM I
g) The dJVlSlOn or subdIVISIOn and sale of properly or lots of Irregular fonn and
shape and madequate stze or dJrnenslOns for properly usefulness and development,
h) The laymg out of Y'~Y_"/ or lots m Wsregard of contours, dramage and other
phYSIcal charactenstlcs of the terram and SurrOlDldJng condJtlons,
2 The eXIStence of madequate streets and other nghts-{)f-way, open spaces and utilIties,
3 The eXIstence of properly or lots or other areas wluch are subJect to mundanon by
4 A prevalence of depreCIated values, IDIparred mvestJoents and SOCIal and econOlDlc
maladJustJnents to such an extent that the capaclly to pay taxes IS reduced and tax receIpts
are madequate for the cost ofpubhc Services rendered,
5 A growmg or total lack of proper utthzatlon of areas, resulnng m a stagnant and
unproductive condItion of land potentially useful and valuable for contnbunng to the
pubhc health, safety, and welfare, or
6 A loss of populal1on and reduction of proper utthzatlon of the area, resulnng m Its
further detenorallon and added costs to the taxpayer for the creallon of new pubhc
facilines and services elsewhere"
Note that It IS not necessary for each of the CIted conditions to be present 10 the renewal area, or
that these condItIons are prevalent m each and every sector of the urban renewal area
FIndIngs .
lOA 2004 phYSIcal survey of bmldmgs by Spnngfield commumty development staff m the
downtown area revealed that 59% of downtown structures fit the Deparnnent ofHousmg
and Urban Development's (HUD) cntena for bhght TIus IS SIgnificantly hIgher than the
25% threshold required to quahty for HOD deslgnatton as a bhghted area.
TIus survey of downtown bmldmgs was completed as part of an amendment to the FY
2000 FIve Year Eugene-Spnngfield Consohdated Plan that establIShed the HOD bhght
deSIgnation for downtown Spnngfield The survey found that the condJtlon of some of
these propertles may make It economIcally mfeaslble to rehablhtate or repair them As a
result, HUD approved the deSIgnation of the downtown as a bhghted area, enablmg the
area to qualIty for speCIal assIstance under the CDBG program
II RecognItion of bhghted condlllons Wltlun the downtown area goes back to the early
1980's The 1984 "Downtown Tomorrow" report of the Spnngfield Downtown
COmmISSIOn, opens WIth tlus observanon of condItions m the Downtown "Downtown
Sprmgfield has needed reVItalIZatIOn for a long time The Jumbled mIX of Signs, vacant
bUIldmgs, ragged patches of landscapmg, crumblmg Sidewalks, and heavy veh,cle
through-traffic V1vu/ly portray a lack of care and a message of neglect"
12 A survey of the urban renewal area 10 July 2007 by Spnngfield plannmg staff confrrms
the urban renewal area contams butldmgs 10 vanous states of dlsreparr mcludmg
reSIdential properties (along South MIll and South 18"), commercial y.vy,"",es (along
Mam Street and South A), and mdustnal y,vyw,;'es (south of South A) These bmldmgs
show evtdence of extensIVe detenoratJon of roofing, sldmg, foundations, steps, and
Dawn/own Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date Received' I
Planner. MM
extenor tnm Reparrmg and mamtammg downtown bUlldmgs IS essenual for the
recovery of any Iustonc dlstnct
13 The Spnngfield StatIon Specific Area Plan Report (July 200 I) reported that "retail rents
average $ 50 to $1 00 per square foot per month m Downtown Spnngfield, wluch tends
to work agamst redevelopment of most mcome producmg propertJes That IS, slgmficant
redevelopment and new development WIll not (generally speakmg) be economIcally
feasIble WithOut Iugher rents, mcentlves, subsuhes, and/or catalyst developments such as
government bUlldmgs" Commerctal lease rates today remam low compared to the
remamder of the Eugene-Spnngfield market T1us has made It dIfficult for property
owners to mamtam eXlstmg bUlldmgs and bas worked agamst pnvately financed
rehablhtatJon and redevelopment T1us has contnbuted to the connnumg detenoratlon
and bhght condItions m the downtown area
2. Rehabilitation and redevelopment is necessary to protect the publIC health, safety or
welfare of the municipality;
14 ORS 457010(5) hnks bhght condItions such as the "lack of proper utlhzatlon of areas,
resulting m a stagnant and unproductive condItion of land" to pubhc health, safety, and
the welfare of the munlclpaItty By tlus defirnuon, remedIation ofbhght promotes pubhc
health, safety and the welfare of the commumty
15 The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report document the eXIstence of bhght m the
urban renewal area. These documents also outlme projects and expendrtures that use
redevelopment and rehabIlItation to remove bhght from the area It IS necessary to
elrrnmate bhght m order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the CIty of
3. The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensive plan and economic
development plan, if any, of the mUniCIpality as a whole and provides an outline for
accomplishmg the urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes;
16 The Eugene Spnngfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) IS the
comprebenslve plan gUldmg Spnngfield's development The Metro Plan mcludes an
"EconomIC Element" that descnbes pohcles for economIc development The Downtown
Refmement Plan IS a more detaIled descnptlon of comprehensIve plan pohcles for the
Downtown area It also contams an "EconomIC Element" The CIty has no adopted
EconoIDlc Plan document
17 Pohcles found m the Metro Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan support efforts to keep
the central busmess dlstncts healthy and support usmg a vanety of pubhc financmg
mechamsms to help m those efforts
18 The Metro Plan, EconomIC Element Pohcy B 14, states "Continue efforts to keep the
Eugene and Spnngfield central busmess dtstncts as VItal centers of the metropohtan
area. "
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date Received
Planner. MM
19 The Downtown Refinement Plan, Economic Element Pohcy 3, states "The CIty shall
mamtam a vanety of strategies and fundmg sources as mcentlves to development and
redevelopment of the Downtown T1us should mclude, but not be IUnIted to State
Revolvmg Loan Funds, Industnal Development Revenue Bonds, Oregon Busmess
Development Fund, state lottery funds, CDBG grants and loan programs, tax mcrement
fmancmg, local unprovement dlstncts, econotnlc Improvement dlstnCts, and, specIal
assessment dlstncts "
20 AppendIX 2 of the Plan contams numerous references to the Metro Plan, Downtown
Refmement Plan and other plannmg documents that support many of the mdlVldual
proJ ects descnbed m the Plan
4. ProvlSwn has been made to house displaced persons within the" fmanclal means in
accordance with ORS 35.500 to 35.530 and. except in the relocation of elderly or
dISabled individuals, without displacing on priority lists persons already waiting for
existing federally subsidized housing;
21 The Plan and Report do not specIfy proJects that would requrre relocation of persons
Section 1200 of the Plan (pg 23) descnbes how the Issue would be handled should
relocatIon of mdlVlduals be requrred. Secnon 1200 states
"To the extent required by law, the Sprmgfield EconomIC Development Agency (SEDA)
WIll proVide relocatlon asSIstance to all persons or busmesses dIsplaced temporanly or
permanently by proJect actiVities As reqUIred, those dIsplaced WIll be gIven assistance m
findmg replacement Y'~I,M~es As required, all persons or busmesses whIch may be
dIsplaced wlIl be contacted to determme specific relocation needs and WIll be provIded
mformatlon on avallable housmg or commerclallmdustnal y.vyw,~j as may be apphcable,
and WIll be gIven assistance m movmg All relocatJon actlVltles wul be undertaken and
payments made m accordance WIth the requrrements of ORS 35 500-35 530 and any
other apphcable laws or regulations
RelocatJon payments WIll be made as proVIded m ORS 35510 Payments made to
persons dISplaced from dwellmgs WIll assure that they WIll have avauable to them decent,
safe, and samtmy dwellmgs at costs or rents wlthm their finanCial reach As requrred,
payment for movmg expenses WIll be made to reSIdents and busmesses displaced SEDA
may contract WIth Oregon Deparnnent of Transportation or other parnes to help
admmlster Its relocation program "
5 If acquISition of real property IS providedfor, that it is necessary;
The Plan does not specIfy any t',vyw'~J' acqUISItions and does not allocate revenues for property
acqUISItion The Plan reserves the nght to acqUIre property, If needed, under the procedures
detaIled m Section 700 of the Plan
6. Adoption and carrying out of the urban renewal plan is economu:ally sound and
feasible; and
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report 8
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date Recelved.JL/JJJ. 6?_
Planner. MM
22 Charles Kupper, a consttltant hired to asSISt the CIty WIth the preparatJon of the Plan and
the Report, used data from the CIty and from the Lane Assessor's Office to complete
Tables 7, 8, and 9 m the Report (pages 21-27) These tables estlDlate cash flow, proJect
revenues, project costs and the taxes foregone by taXIng bodies over the hfe of the Plan
23 SectIon 500 of the Report proYldes a fmanclal analysIs of the Plan The m3XlDlum
allowable debt under the proposed 25 mllhon dollar project budget IS $43,010,000 The
Plan balances the project costs and debt load WIth reasonable estimates of revenues
(Table 7) The balance achIeved demonstrated the general feaslblhty of the Plan Actual
proJect spendmg WIll depend on tangIble revenues or resources avatlable at the time of
project mltIatlon
7. The munu;lpaldy shall assume and complete any activities prescTlbed it by the urban
renewal plan.
The Plan bsts categones of spendmg (Report Table 9, pg 27) as well as specIfic projects
Spendmg WIll be restncted to these categones and to the 25 IDllhon dollars m project costs and
the assocIated m3XlDlum mdebtedness Spendmg IS generally Ilrmted to proJects Wlthm the urban
renewal boundanes and to the 25 mllhon dollars m proJect costs hsted m the Plan
ConclUSIOn and Recommendation
The fmdmgs and detennmahons contamed m thts report demonstrate that the Downtown Urban
Renewal Plan and Report prOVIde a suffiCIent basIS for the CIty Counctl to make the reqUired
fmdmgs found m ORS 457 095 Staff recommends that the City Counctl approve the Downtown
Urban Renewal Plan
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Stqjf Report
November 19, 2007
IComment Source 1!'lanlReport SectIon and !>age ~taJfRecoriimended Revisions
Wlllamalane (Bob Report Section, Table 6 Proposed Re-examination of the Inclusion of Meadow Park within the Downtown Urban
Keefer) Projects, pg 18 Include Meadow Renewal Boundary No assessed value Impacts would be associated with the
Park Improvements In Urban Renewal reVISion, and SEDA would ultimately determine whether any urban renewal
boundary and Project List funding would be used In the park, but that option would remain available If the
park IS Included In the boundary If Included, conforming language (recalculate
acreages In the Plan, revise the legal description and map, etc ) would also be
made In the final Draft Plan and Report before presented for adopllon on
November 26
Add short desctlptlons of the benefits of Idenllfied possible public projects In
section 600 of the Downtown Plan ThiS amendment would Identify and allow for
forseen speCial Circumstances such as completing a proJect that may lie both In
and outside of the Idenllfied Downtown urban renewal boundary (See Below)
Planning Commission
(Bill Carpenter)
Fred Simmons
Fred Simmons
Fred Simmons
Plan Section 600, pg 15 Describe
further the "benefits" of the public
bUildings listed In the projects
Plan Section 600, pg 15 Note the
projects that are both In and out of the
UR Plan area
Report Section, Table 6 Proposed
Projects, pg 18. Increase amount
spent on "off-street surface parking"
Report 5000, pg 24 Adjust Schools
Revenue Forgone statement and
Report Table 8, pg 25 footnote
Note the projects that are both In and out of the Downtown Urban Renewal
District (See Staff Recommendation Above)
Increase the amount from $25,000 to $250,000 In the "St of proposed SEDA
projects for "Downtown off-street surface parking construcllon and
rehabilitation" There needs to be an offsetting decrease In Downtown Parking
Structure funding from $3,000,000 to $2,775,000 so the larger category "Public
Facllltes" IS unchanged The actual amounts for each project would be based on
actual needs of the project when It IS proposed, the annual budget approved by
the Budget Committee, and subsequent approvals from the Boatd
Substitute, as recommended by the Planning Commlslon, the language used In
the Glenwood Urban Renewal Report "Under the current method of funding K-
12 level education, the urban renewal program Will not result In revenue losses
for those educational Units of Qovernment "
0 m
3:lD ><
3:~ :I:
a. -
Da\_ ,{ecelVed ~!?7
Planner MM
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
I. Executive Summary
On July 23"', Councu approved a ballot title and descnptlon for the November 6 ballot that would
authonze the Counctl to allocate taxes to a downtown urban renewal dlstnct Council directed
staff to develop the ImtIaI draft of the urban renewal plan and report based on a large houndmy
that would extend east to 23'" street along the Mam Street/South A comdor
The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report provIde the mformatlon and analYSIS requu:ed
under ORS 457 to estabhsh an urban renewal wstnct The renewal plan seeks to balance the cost
of potential proJects that are enVISIOned for the urban renewal dlstnct With the potential revenues
that would be generated to pay for those projects over the hfe of the renewal dlstnct
ORS 457 095 lists certam detennmatlons and fmdmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan (plan) and Report that the City Counctl must mclude m the adopnng ordmance Staff has
evaluated the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and has presented findmgs and detennmatIons
concemmg those Issues hsted m the statute
These determmatIons and findmgs must conclude
I The urban renewal area IS bhghted,
2 The rehablhtatlon and redevelopment IS necessmy to Y'v~~; the pubhc health, safety or
welfare of the munlclpahty,
3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehenSIve plan and econormc development
plan, If any, of the munICIpalIty as a whole and proVIdes an outlme for accomplIShmg the
urban renewal proJects the urban renewal plan proposes,
4 PrOVISion has been made to house dIsplaced persons wlthm their finanCial means m
accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocatIon of elderly or
dIsabled mdlVlduals, WIthout dlsplacmg on pnonty hsts persons already w3.ltlng for
eXJstJng federally subSIdIZed housmg,
5 If acqUIsItion of real Y' vyw.;; IS proVIded for, that It IS necessary;
6 AdoptIon and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS economIcally sound and feasible,
7 The munlclpahty shall assume and complete any actlVltles prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan
In additIon to the Cvll.~m" of the Ordmance, ORS 457 085 requrres the CIty'S urban renewal plan
and accompanymg report COnlam specIfic mformatlon and analysIs m order to establISh tax
mcrement financmg The urban renewal plan and report must then approved by the City Counctl
m order to estabhsh a new urban renewal dJstnct
The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report suffiCIently addresses all apphcable
reqwements of ORS 457 085 and mcludes the mfol1Datlon and analysIs required by the statute
Dawn/awn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
"'ste Received' Ii (t 1,!c.7
. Jlanner. MM
The Plan and Report estabhsh a sufficient factual basIs for the Spnngfield CIty Councu to make
the determmatlons and fmdmgs requrred by ORS 457 095
Staff recommends the approval of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
The followmg report proVIdes the detaJ.led analysIs that leads staff to make thts recommendation
II. Procedural RequIrements
Planning CommISsion Review ofthe Urban Renewal Plan
ORS 457 085(4) states, "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be forwarded to
the plannmg comrmSSlOn of the mUDlclpallty for recommendatIOns, pnor to presennng the plan to
the govemmg body of the munlclpahty for approval under ORS 457 095 "
The Spnngfield Plannmg CommIssIon reVIewed the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and
Report on October 2, 2007 m regular sessIon The meenng was adverttsed by dIsplay ad
m the RegIster Guard and the pubhc was mVlted to comment on the Plan before the
CommISSIon After recelvmg pubhc comment, the Plannmg Comrmsslon voted
unanrrnously to recommend that the CIty CouncIl approve the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan WIth a mmor wordmg change regardmg the rrnpact of urban renewal on schools
The Plannmg CommISSIon, m Its capacIty as thc CommIttee for CItizen lnvolvement, reVIewed
and approved a cItizen particIpation program that mcluded ~yy~' ;JIlItJes for the pubhc to
comment on the urban renewal plan Outreach for pubhc mvolvement m advance of the October
2nd Plannmg CommISSIon hearmg mcluded
. A drrect matlmg to all y' vyw.;; owners and reSIdents m the urban renewal dlstnct
descnbmg urban renewal and mVlnng them to the "Town Hall" meeting on September 20
. Two "Town Hall" meetmgs that were publtclZed WIth display ads m the Regtster Guard
(August 7, September 20) Handouts were dlstnbuted at these meetings hlghhghtlng the
Plannmg Comrmsslon heanng on October 2 and other opportunItIes to comment on the
. Placmg of uUormatlon about the Plan and Report on the CIty webSlte and the Planmng
DIVISIon webslte
. Meetmgs WIth the staff and elected bodIes of the affected taXIng bodIes wlthm the dlStncl
. PresentatIons to the Chamber of Commerce, LIOns Club and other communIty
organIzatIons Handouts were dlstnbuted at these meetings hlghhghtmg the Plannmg
CommISSIon hearmg on October 2 and other opportumtIes to comment on the Plan
. Media stones m the RegIster Guard and the Spnngfield Beacon
. DISplay ad m the RegIster Guard, pubhclZffig the Plannmg Comrmsslon heanng on
October 2
Review of the Urban Renewal Plan by Affected Taxing Bowes
ORS 457085(5) states "An urban renewal plan and accompanymg report shall be
forwarded to the govemmg body of each taxIng wstnct affected by the urban renewal
plan and the agency shall consult and confer WIth the taxIng wstncts pnor to presentmg
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report 2
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
.'~t@ ~eceiVed:4-1 ~ L
t'lafh'ier; MM
the plan to the governing body of the mumctpahty for approval under ORS 457 095 Any
wntten recommendatIOns of the govermng body of each taxing dlstnct shall be accepted,
reJected or modIfied by the govemmg body of the mumclpahty ill adopting the plan "
2 The table below hsts the taxmg hodles affected by the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan The govemmg hodles of each taxIng dlstnct were each forwarded a copy of
the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report for reVIew and comment Staff
from the Spnngfield EconoIDlc Development Agency met WIth these govemmg
bodles and receiVed thell' comments
Consultation with Affected Taxmg Bodies
GovemlDg Body
Date of
10/3/07 [
1011/07, 11/2/07
9/25/07 I
10/22/07 1
9/11/07, 10/10/07 i
Yes 1
I Lane County
I Lane Commumty Colle~e
I Lane EducatJon Semce DIstnct
I Snnngfield School DlStnct 19
I W tIIanta1ane Park and RecreatIon DlStnct
3 Wntten comments were receIved from Willamalane Park and RecreatIon Dtstnct
staff These comments were forwarded to the CIty Counctl at thell' September 17,
2007 meeting for consideration.
Notice of the Urban Renewal Plan Heanng
ORS 457095 states "The govemmg body of the mUDlclpahty, upon receIpt of a proposed urban
renewal plan and report from the mUDlclpallty'S urban renewal agency and after pubhc notice and
heanng and conslderatJon of pubhc testimony and plannmg commISSIon recommendations, If any,
may approve the urban renewal plan "
4 ORS 457 095 does not descnbe specIfic notice requirements for the publIc heanng for the
urban renewal plan and report
5 Matled notice of the November 19,2007 Clly Counctl first readmg and publIc heanng on
the DowntoWll Urban Renewal Plan was sent to 23,000 Spnngfield households on or
about November 9,2007
6 A legal notice concemmg the November 19th heanng was pubhshed m the November II,
2007 edition of the Sunday Register Guard
7 Addltlonal medIa releases pubhctzmg the hearmg were made by CIty staff m advance of
the November 19th CIty Counctl meetJng
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19,2007
Date Received:
Planner: MM
Notice of Urban Renewal Plan AdoptIon
I(~ r If?
, I
ORS 457 115 states "Notice of adoption of an urban renewal plan reqUired under ORS 457 095
and notIce of filmg of an annual finanCial statement required under ORS 457 460 shall be
pubhshed m the newspaper, as defined m ORS 193010, havmg the greatest clrCulanon m the
mUDlclpalIty and whIch IS pubhshed Wlthm the munICIpalIty If no newspaper IS publIshed wtthm
the mUDlclpallty, the required notice shall be pubhshed m the newspaper havmg greatest
CIrCulation Wlthm the munICIpality pubhshed nearest to the munIcIpalIty" ORS 457 095 specIfies
that the adoption notice be publIshed (accordmg to ORS 457115) Wlthm four days of the action"
Arrangements have been made to advertISe the decISIOn of the CIty Council WIth .,",yw~; to the
urban renewal plan m the Register Guard W1thm four days of final action of the Council on the
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
m. DeterminatIons and Findings Specified by ORS 457.085 and ORS 457,095
ORS 457 085 prOVIdes a lengthy hst of urban renewal plan elements and reqUIres a proVISIOn for
pubhc mvolvement m all stages of the development of the plan
8 Section II (procedural Requrrernents) of thIS report documents opportunIties for pubhc
mvolvement m the preparation of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan
9 The table below summanzes the hst of content requirements found m ORS 457 085 and
prOVIded the page number m the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan where those content
requirements are addressed
ORS 457.085 Content Requirements and Page Number in the
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan Where this Content is Addressed
I Urban Renewal Plan Reqnirements
1 Descnpbon of Urban Renewal Prolects
1 Out1me for Development/Redevelol1mentlLand ACQUISItion
1 Maps and Legal DescnPtlon of the Renewal Area
I Relanonslup of the Plan to LocaJ ObJecl1ves
I Proposed Land Uses
1 PrOVISIOns for Relocabon
1 Property AC9,UlSltlon
1 DIVISIon of Taxes and MaxlD1um lndebtedness
I Plan Amendmeot Procedures
I Pubhc BwldJnj(S
I Urban Renewal Plan Report Requirements
1 Descnptlon of ExJstm~ CondJtlons ill the Renewal Area
1 Reasons for Selecnng the Urban Renewal Area
I Relal10nslup of the ProJects to the Plan
I Esnmated Pro,ect Costs and Source of Funds
I AntiCIpated Complenon Dates for Prolects
I Amount of Monev ReqUIred for the D1SInct and AnticIpated Debt RetJremenl
1 Fmanclal FeasIbility of the Plan
Dawn/awn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Plll!e I
16 I
]6 I
17 I
19 I
19 I
~ J ~ved:
fllafltlet: MM
It It ? !~2._
I '
I hnnact of Foree one Taxes bv Taxmg BodJes
1 ReiocatJon ProVlSlons and AnalysIS
24 I
26 I
ORS 457095 hsts ceTtam determmatlons and findmgs regardmg the Downtown Urban Renewal
Plan (plan) and Report that must be mcluded m any adopting ordmance conSIdered by the CIty
These determmatlons and findmgs must conclude
I The urban renewal area IS bhghted,
2 Rehablhtatlon and redevelopment IS necessmy to protect the pubhc health, safely or
welfare of the mUnicIpalIty;
3 The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensIve plan and econollUC development
plan, If any, of the mUnicIpalIty as a whole and prOVIdes an outlme for accomphshmg the
urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes,
4 PrOVISIon has been made to house dIsplaced persons Wlthm their finanCIal means m
accordance WIth ORS 35 500 to 35 530 and, except m the relocallon of elderly or
dIsabled mdlvlduals, WIthOUt dlsplacmg on pnonty hsts persons already wartmg for
eXlstmg federally subSIdIZed housmg,
5 If acqmsltlon of real property IS proVIded for, that It IS necessary,
6 Adoption and carrymg out of the urban renewal plan IS economIcally sound and feasIble,
7 The mumclpalIty shall assume and complete any actiVIties prescnbed It by the urban
renewal plan
Presented below are findmgs and detennmatlons concemmg those Issues hsted m the statute
1. The urban renewal area is blighted;
Addressmg bhght IS central to the purpose of urban renewal dlstncts The Oregon ReVIsed
Statutes (ORS 457010) defmes ''bhght'' as follows (underltnmg IS added for emphasIS, and
numeration IS added for clanty)
"Bhghted areas mean areas wluch, by reason of detenoral1on, faully plannmg, madequate
or IDlpropcr facilil1es, deletenous land use or the eXIStence of unsafe strucnrres, or any
combmanon of these factors, are detnmentaJ to the safely, health or welfare of the
commurnly A blIghted area IS charactenzed by the eXIstence of one or more _of the
followmg condJl1ons
I The eXIStence of bmJdJngs and structures, used or mtended to be used for hvmg,
commercIal, mdustnal or other pmposes, or any combmatIon of those uses, which are
unfit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of anyone or a combmatlon of the
followmg condJl1ons
al Defective deSIgn and quahly of phYSIcal constnJctJon,
b) Faully mtenor arrangement and extenor spacmg,
c) OvercrowdJng and a lugh denslly of population,
d) lnade'luate proVISIon for venl1latlon, hght, samtatlon, open spaces and "v,,~on
e) Obsolescence, detenOrallon, dtIapldal10n, nuxed character or sluftmg of uses,
f) An econOIDlC dJslocatlon, detenoratJon or dJsuse of properly resultJng from faully
Downtawn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
ol1Pe Received (/ /11 It}
Planner. MM
g) The diVISIOn or subdJVlSlon and sale of y.vy...j or lots of rrregn1ar fonn and
shape and madequate stze or dunenslOns for y' ~y" 'J usefulness and development,
h) The laymg out of y'~y"'J or lots m dJsregard of contours, dramage and other
physical charactensncs of the terram and surroundJng condJl1ons,
2 The eXIStence of madequate streets and other nghts-of-way, open spaces and uWltles,
3 The eXIStence of y,~y...j or lots or other areas wluch are subJect to mundal10n by
4 A prevalence of depreCIated values, IDlparred mvestments and SOCial and econolDlc
ma1adJustments to such an extent that the capactly to pay taxes IS reduced and tax receipts
are madequate for the cost of pubhc servtces rendered,
5 A growmg or total lack of proper uW1Zal1on of areas, resulnng m a stagnant and
unproducnve condJtlon of land potentially useful and valuable for contnbutmg to the
publIc health, safely, and welfare, or
6 A loss of populallon and reduction of proper u~l1on of the area, resulnng m rts
further detenoranon and added costs to the taxpayer for the creatIon of new pub~c
facilitJes and Services elsewhere "
Note that It IS not necessmy for each of the CIted condItions to be present m the renewal area, or
that these conmtJons are prevalent m each and every sector of the urban renewal area.
10 A 2004 phYSIcal survey of butldmgs by Spnngfield commumty development staff m the
downtown area revealed that 59% of downtown structures fit the Department of Housmg
and Urban Development's (HUD) cntena for bhght TIus IS SIgnIficantly Iugher than the
25% threshold requrred to qualIfy for HUD deslgnatJon as a bhghted area
Ths survey of downtown bUlldmgs was completed as part of an amendment to the FY
2000 FIve Year Eugene-Spnngfield Consohdated Plan that estabhshed the HUD bhght
deSIgnation for downtown Spnngfield The survey found that the condItIOn of some of
these y.vy.,~,es may make It economically mfeaslble to rehablhtate or repair them As a
result, HUD approved the deslgnatJon of the downtown as a bhghted area, enablmg the
area to qualIfy for special asSIStance under the CDBG program
]1 RecognltJon of bhghted condllJons Wlthm the downtown area goes back to the early
1980's The 1984 "Downtown Tom~u.":' report of the Spnngfield Downtown
CommISsIOn, opens WIth thIS observatJon of condJtlons m the Downtown "Downtown
Sprmgfield has needed revitalIZatIOn for a long tIme The Jumbled miX of SIgns, vacant
bUlldmgs, ragged patches of landscapmg, crumblmg SIdewalks, and heavy vehICle
through-trqffic Vlvuily portray a lack of care and a message of neglect"
12 A survey of the urban renewal area m July 2007 by Spnngfield plannmg staff confirms
the urban renewal area contams butldmgs m vanous states of dIsrepair mcludmg
resldentJal properties (along South Mill and South 18th), commercIal properties (along
Mam Street and South A), and mdustnal properties (south of South A) These bUlldmgs
show eVIdence of extensIve detenoratlon of roofing, sldmg, foundations, steps, and
Dawn/awn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19, 2007
Date r{eceIVed.
Planner, MM
extenor tom Reparrmg and mamtammg downtown bUlldmgs IS essential for the
recovery of any Iustonc dlstnct
13 The Spnngfield Station SpecIfic Area Plan Report (July 200 I) reported that "retail rents
average $ 50 to $1 00 per square foot per month m Downtown Spnngfield, whIch tends
to work agaInst redevelopment of most mcome producmg properties That IS, slgmficant
redevelopment and new development WIll not (generally speaking) be economIcally
feasIble wIthout hIgher rents, mcentlves, subSIdIes, and/or catalyst developments such as
government buddmgs" CommercIal lease rates today remam low compared to the
remamder of the Eugene-Spnngfield market ThIs has made It dIfficult for property
owners to mamtam eXIsting bUlldmgs and has worked agamst pnvately fmanced
rehabultatlon and redevelopment TIus has contnbuted to the contlnumg detenoratlon
and bhght condItIons m the downtown area.
2. Rehabilitation and redevelopment is necessary to protect the public health, safety or
welfare of the munu:ipahty;
14 ORS 457010(5) hnles bhght condItions such as the "lack of proper utlhzatton of areas,
resulting m a stagnant and unproductive condition ofland" to pubhc health, safety, and
the welfare of the mumclpallty By tIus definItion, remedIation ofbhght promotes pubhc
health, safety and the welfare of the communIty
15 The Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report document the eXIstence of bhght m the
urban renewal area. These documents also outlme projects and expendItures that use
redevelopment and rehabIlItation to remove bhght from the area. It IS necessmy to
elrrnmate bhght m order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the CIty of
3. The urban renewal plan conforms to the comprehensive plan and economic
development plan, if any, of the municipalrty as a whob! and provules an oudine for
accomplishing the urban renewal projects the urban renewal plan proposes;
16 The Eugene Spnngfield Metropohtan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) IS the
comprehensIve plan gUldmg Spnngfield's development The Metro Plan mcludes an
"EconolDJc Element" that descnoes pohcles for econolDJC development The Downtown
Refinement Plan IS a more detaIled descnptlon of comprehenSIve plan polICIes for the
Downtown area. It also contams an "EconomIC Element" The CIty has no adopted
EconomIC Plan document
17 Pohcles found m the Metro Plan and Downtown Refinement Plan support efforts to keep
the central busmess dlstncts healthy and support usmg a vanety of pubhc financmg
mechanIsms to help m those efforts
18 The Metro Plan, EconomIC Element Pohcy B 14, states "Contmue efforts to keep the
Eugene and Spnngfield central busmess dlstncts as VItal centers of the metropohtan
Dawntown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19. 2007
Oais Received: (( It l (6 L
fil/f1flfler: MM
19 The Downtown Refinement Plan, Econonnc Element Pohcy 3, states "The CIty shall
mamtaln a vanely of strategtes and fundmg sources as mcentlVes to development and
redevelopment of the Downtown Tlus should mclude, but not be lrrmted to State
Revolvmg Loan Funds, Industnal Development Revenue Bonds, Oregon Busmess
Development Fund, state lottery funds, COBG grants and loan programs, tax mcrement
financmg, local rrnprovement dlstnCts, economIc rrnprovement dlstnCts, and, specIal
assessment dtstncts "
20 AppendIX 2 of the Plan contains numerous references to the Metro Plan, Downtown
Refmement Plan and other plannmg documents that support many of the mdlvlduaI
proJects descnbed m the Plan
4. Proviswn has been nuzde to house dISplaced persons within their financial means In
accordance with ORS 35.500 to 35.530 and, except In the relocation of elderly or
disabled individuals, without displacing on prwrlty lists persons already walilng for
existing federally subsidIZed housing;
21 The Plan and Report do not speclfy proJects that would requrre relocatton of persons
Sectton 1200 of the Plan (pg 23) descnbes how the ISSue would be handled should
relocation of mdlVlduaIs be requrred Section 1200 states
"To the extent requrred by law, the Spnngfield EconomIC Development Agency (SEOA)
WIll proVIde relocation assIstance to all persons or busmesses dtsplaced temporanly or
permanently by proJect acl1VltJes As requrred, those dtsplaced WIll be gtven assIstance m
findmg replacement y.uyw.;'es As required, all persons or busmesses which may be
dIsplaced wtI1 be contacted to determme specific relocation needs and wul be proVIded
mformatlon on avatlable housmg or commerclallmdustnal t'.vt'w.;j as may be apphcable,
and WIll be gIven asSistance m movmg All relocation activIties wtIl be undertaken and
payments made m accordance WIth the requirements of ORS 35500-35 530 and any
other applIcable laws or regulations
Relocation payments will be made as prOVIded m ORS 35510 Payments made to
persons diSplaced from dwellmgs wul assure that they WIll have aVailable to them decent,
safe, and SanItary dwellIngs at costs or rents wlthm their fmancIaI reach As requrred,
payment for movmg expenses wul be made to reSidents and busmesses dIsplaced SEDA
may contract WIth Oregon Deparhnent of Transportation or other parttes to help
admmlster Its relocatton program "
5 If acquisition of real property is provuled for, that It IS necessary;
The Plan does not specify any property acqwsttlons and does not allocate revenues for property
acqUlsrtIOn The Plan reserves the nght to acqurre property, If needed, under the procedures
detaIled m Section 700 of the Plan
6. Adoption and carrying out of the urban renewal plan is economically sound and
feasible; and
Downtown Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19. 2007
Date Re&)led (r It '7 ( 0;
Planner MM
22 Charles Kupper, a consultant hrred to asSIst the Crty WIth the preparation of the Plan and
the Report, used data from the CIty and from the Lane Assessor's Office to complete
Tables 7, 8, and 9 m the Report (pages 21-27) These tables estunate cash flow, project
revenues, proJect costs and the taxes foregone by taXIng bodIes over the hie of the Plan
23 Section 500 of the Report proVIdes a fmanclaI analysIs of the Plan The maxtIDum
allowable debt under the proposed 25 milhon dollar proJect budget IS $43,010,000 The
Plan balances the project costs and debt load WIth reasonable estunates of revenues
(Table 7) The balance achteved demonstrated the general feasiblhty of the Plan Actual
project spendmg WIll depend aD tangtble revenues or resources available at the tune of
proJect lDJtlatJon
7. The mUnicipality shaD assume and complete any activities prescrwed it by the urban
renewal plan.
The Plan lIsts categones of spendmg (Report Table 9, pg 27) as well as specific projects
Spendmg WIll be restncted to these categones and to the 25 milhon dollars m project costs and
the associated maxtmum mdebtedness Spendmg IS generally lunlted to proJects Wlthm the urban
renewal boundanes and to the 25 milhon dollars m project costs hsted m the Plan
Conclusion and Recommendation
The findmgs and determmatIons contamed m thts report demonstrate that the Downtown Urban
Renewal Plan and Report proVIde a suffiCIent basIS for the CIty Council to make the reqUIred
fmdmgs found m ORS 457 095 Staff recommends that the CIty CouncIl approve the Downtown
Urban Renewal Plan
Duwntuwn Urban Renewal Plan and Report
Staff Report
November 19,2007
lComment Source I Plan/Report Section and Page IStaff Recommended Revisions -
Wlllamalane (Bob Report SectIon, Table 6 Proposed Re-examination of the inclusion of Meadow Park within the Downtown Urban
Keefer) ProJects, pg 18 Include Meadow Renewal Boundary No assessed value Impacts would be assoCIated wIth the
Park Improvements In Urban Renewal reVISion, and SEDA would ultimately determine whether any urban renewal
boundary and Project LIst funding would be used In the park, but that option would remain available If the
park IS Included In the boundary If Included, conforming language (recalculate
acreages In the Plan, revise the legal description and map, etc ) would also be
made In lhe final Draft Plan and Report before presented for adoptIon on
November 26
Add short descriptions of the benefits of Identified possIble public projects In
section 600 of the Downtown Plan ThiS amendment would Identify and allow for
forseen special circumstances such as completing a prOject that may lie both In
and outside of the Identified Downtown urban renewal boundary (See Below)
Planning Commission
(Bill Carpenter)
Fred Simmons
Fred Simmons
Fred Simmons
Plan Section 600, pg 15' Describe
further the "benefits" of the public
bUildings listed In the projects
Plan Section 600, pg 15 Note the
projects that are both In and out of the
UR Plan area
Report SectIon, Table 6 Proposed
ProJects, pg 18 Increase amount
spent on "off-street surface parking"
Report 5000, pg 24 Adjust Schools
Revenue Forgone statement and
Report Table 8, pg 25 footnote
Note the projects that are both In and out of the Downtown Urban Renewal
District (See Staff Recommendallon Above)
Increase the amount from $25,000 to $250,000 In the list of proposed SEDA
projects for "Downtown off-street surface parking construction and
rehabilitatIon" There needs to be an offsetllng decrease In Downtown Parking
Structure funding from $3,000,000 to $2,775,000 so the larger category "Public
Facllltes" IS unchanged The actual amounts for each project would be based on
actual needs of the project when It IS proposed, the annual budget approved by
the Budget Committee, and subsequent approvals from the Board
Substitute, as recommended by the Planning Commlslon, the language used In
the Glenwood Urban Renewal Report "Under the current method of funding K-
12 level educallon, the urban tenewal program Will not result In revenue losses
for those educational Units of Qovernment "