HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 5/16/2007 ts~ - ha . cce/1iI 4;-,. / -I LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION nner IvtMecJ ~ ~. Measure 37 Claim Form 125 E 8th A VENUE, EUGENE, OR 97401 PLANNING 682-3807 I For Office Use Only FILE# ~b '12-12-- CODE PLN-M37 FEE $850 This completed form, supportmg documentahon and processmg fee must be submitted to the Lane County Land Management DIvISIOn for all claIms subject to the provlSlons added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (November 4, 2004), to be considered for compensahon under LC 2700 through 2770 In all cases, the apphcant has the burden of demonstratmg, With competent eVidence, that all apphcable cntena are met and the apphcant would be enhtled to compensahon If the land use regulahon contmues to apply LOCATION Townshlo 17 Ranoe 03 Secllon 25 1/4 Section 22 Tax Lot 200 Address 1537 Havden Bndoe Road, Sonnofield OR 97477 (See Assessor's Mao, attached as ExhibIt "A"\ ApplIcant William and Wilma Purcell, Trustees of the Purcell LIving Trust 1537 Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 746-0040/1 l ,1/1 ApphcantSlgnature ~,MI1 geJI I Agent Michael E Farthing 767 Wlllamette Street, SUite 203 Eugene, OR 97401 Tel (541)485-1141 mefarthlng@yahoo com Agent Signature r Land Owner Same as Applicant UJLc 7t; ~~" /-e Land Owner Signature By slgnmg thIS apphcahon, the apphcant, agent and landowner(s) certIfy the followmg I (we) have completed all of the attached applIcahon requIrements and certIfy that all statements are true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and belIef I am (We are) authonzed to submit thIS applIcahon on behalf of all those With an mterest m the property and all the owners(s) agree to thIS claim as eVidenced by the signature of those owners (Include additional signatures as necessary) L_,e Received 5~/. ~'7 Entry by County or Its desIgnee upon the subject property IS authorIzed bflartn811e'lllllVrnd the 0{:.,,(,<~{Sj consent to the apphcalIon for claIms under provIsIons added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (November 4,2004) Addlhonal land owners, hen holders, trustees, lessees or anyone wIth an Interest In the subject property DescrIbe the ownershIp mterest Attach more pages If necessary Name SIgnature Address Name SIgnature Add'CS5 SubmIt the followmg documents . TItle Report ThIS report mustldenbfy the current land owner(s) and the date the current land owner(s) acqUIred the property or an mterest m the property See attached listing kit for Tax Lot 200 attached as Exhibit "B" . DescnplIon Card and deeds The descnplIon card IS avallable m the Tax Assessor's Department SubmIt all the deeds lISted on the card from the date the current owner acquIred an mterest m the property The deeds must verIfy the current land owner, as lISted on the Title Report, and demonstrate conhnuous ownershIp by that owner SInce the date of acqulSlhon See Descrrptlon Card, attached as Exhibit "C" and anginal Warranty Deed to Claimants, dated May 12, 1965, attached as Exhibit "0-1" . If the property IS In a Trust, LLC or other type of ownershIp, submIt documentahon regardmg the ownershIp These documents must show whether the Trust, LLC or other type of ownershIp IS revocabJe and Idenbfy all persons With an mterest m the ownershIp See Warranty Deed to Trust, dated May 11,1998, attached as Exhibit "0-2" Copy of the Purcell LIVing Trust IS attached as ExhIbit "0.3" . If the property was acqUIred though a land saJe contract, Idenbfy the ongJnalland owner and each person who assumed the contract pnor to the current land owner Include the documentahon that demonstrates when the contract was conveyed Also, submIt the document(s) demonstrahng the contract was completed and ownershIp was conveyed to the current owner Nt A . Leases, covenants, condlllons or restnctlOns appilcable to the subject property NtA . Reasonable and competent eVIdence of a reduchon In faIr market value from a land use regulatIon Claimant filed a Research Request wllh Lane County to determme orrgmalzonlng regulations at the time of acqUlslllOn (PA 06-6939) Copy of that request IS attached as Exhibit "E" Agent will supplement thiS claim upon receipt of that notice Current zoning information IS found at Exhibit "F" Opinion of Value IS determined In a wrlllen statement prepared by Michael Miller, Certified Real Estate Broker, attached as ExhIbit "G" Current Zomng- LO (Low Oensltv Resldent,al bv the Cltv of Sonnofield The Sublect Prooertv IS inSide the Sonnofield Urban Growth Boundarv but outSide the CltV Limits of Sonnafield See Exhibit 'G" ) Acreage 188 When dId the current land owner acquIre an mterest m the property? Claimants acaUlred the Sublect Prooertv on Mav 12. 1965 bv Warranty Oeed attached as Exhibit "0-1" When dId the famIly acquire an mterest m the property? Claimants conveyed the Sublect Prooertv to the Purcell Livlno Trust on Mav 11, 1998 bv Warranty Deed to Trust. attached as Exhibit "D-2" Current fau market value of property $300,000 See wntten statement. attached as Exhibit "G" Alleged reduction m faIr market value $235,000 See written statement. attached as Exhibit "G" Measure 37 Claim Form Page 2 Dad;ifRecelved .5;:" / tJ7 Planner MM EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS IdentIfy any eXishng improvements to the property such as any homes, roads, other structures, etc The Subject Property IS Improved with a single-family dwelling What rebef lS bemg sought? Are you requestmg monetary compensatlOn or a walver of a land use regulahon(s)' If a walver is desued, what lS the desued use and/or how do you want to develop the property' Claimants seek monetary compensation for the reduction m fair market value In the amount of $235,000 If thiS request IS not met, Claimants request waiver of ail County land use regulations that were adopted after May 12, 1965 and which qualify for waiver under the terms of Measure 37 More specifically, Claimants request waiver of the land use regulations enacted by the County after the above-referenced date and which applied to the Subject Property while the property was regulated by Lane County land use authOrity These are those regulalrons that restrict or prohibIt Claimants from subdiViding the property Into four additional lots and plaCing a Single-family reSidence on each lot Clalmarlt applied for a Measure 37 claim wJlh the City of Springfield to waive the current LD zomng and other land use restrictions to allow for subdiVISion of the 1 88 acre parcel Into four lots I APPROVAL CRITERIA Lane Code 2.740(1) The County Admmlstrator shall make a deternunalIon as to whether the appllcalIon qualifies for Board compensalIon consIderalIon An appllcalIon qualIfies for compensatlOn consideratIOn If the applicant has shown that all of the followmg cntena are met (a) The County has either adopted or enforced a land use regu]alIon that restricts the use of pnvate real property or any Interest therein, (b) The restrIclIon on use has the effect of reducmg the falf market value of the property or any mterest therem, upon whIch the restnctlOn IS imposed, (c) The challenged land use regulatIOn was adopted, enforced or applied after the current owner of the property (the applicant) became the owner, and (d) The challenged regu]alIon IS not an exempt regulalIon as defmed m LC 2 710 Answer the followmg queslIons Attach additIonal pages If necessary . What land use regulatIon(s) has been enacted smce the current owner acquued the property that reduced the fau market value of the property' . How has the IdentIfied regulahon(s) reduced the fau market value of the property' . What eVIdence are you provIdmg that demonstrates the value reducbon7 Explam the eVIdence See attached Written Statement addreSSing Criteria In LC 2 740(1) Measure 37 Claim Form Page 3 uate ReceIved 5' /1 ~ I f>7 Planner MM WRITTEN STATEMENT ADDRESSING LC 2740(1) An apphcatlOn quahfies for compensatlOn consideratIon If the Apphcant has shown that all of the followmg LC 2 740(1) cntena are met (a) The County has ellher adopted or enJorced a land use regulatIOn that restncts the use oj private property or any mterest therem, Fmdmg of Fact' Claimants acquired the Subject Properties on May 12, 1965 At that time, Subject Property was not zoned by Lane County Claimants prevlOusly filed a Research Request (P A 06- 6939) to determme the zomng restnctlOns Imposed by the County thereafter See Exhibit' E" Copy of the response to that request wIll supplement thiS claim upon receipt The Subject Property was zoned LD, Low Density Resldenl1al by the City of Spnngfield m 1986 with the adoptIOn of the Urban TransltlOn Agreement (b) The restnctlOn on use hOli the effect oj reducmg the JOlr market value oj the property or any mterest therem, upon whIch the restrlcllon IS Imposed, Fmdmg of Fact The contmued apphcatlOn of the LD zomng has restncted Claimants from further subdlvldmg their property mto smaller parcels, therefore decreasmg the value of the Subject Property Michael Miller, Pnnclpal Broker, has valued the Subject Property under current zomng restnctlOns at $300,000 The fair market value of the Subject Property Without zonmg restnctlOns IS $535,000 The loss m compensatIOn due to the Imposed zonmg restncl10ns IS $235,000 See Exhibit "G" (c) The challenged land use regulatIOn was adopted, enforced or applzed after the current landowner oJthe property (the apphcant) became the owner, and Fmdmg of Fact Claimants acquired the Subject Property on may 12, 1965 by Warranty Deed recorded at ReceptIOn No 8710263, Reel 1449, Lane County Deeds and Records See Exhibit "D.I" Subsequently, Clalmants conveyed the Subject Property to themselves as trustees of the Purcell Llvmg Trust on May II, 1998 by Warranty Deed recorded at ReceptIon No 9838477, Reel 2420, Lane County Deeds and Records See Exhibit "D-2" Copy of portIOns of the Purcell LlVlng Trust IS attached as Exhibit "D.3" The Subject Property was unzoned on the ongmal date of acqUlslUon referenced above The Subject Property IS currently zoned LD by the City of PURCELL - M37 CLAIM CRITeRIA ANALYSIS - PAGE I OF 2 Date Received >/1~//)7 Planner MM ' , Spnngfield See Spnngfield Zone Map, attached as Exhibit "F" d) The challenged regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulation as defined In Le 2710 Fmdmg of Fact The zomng regulatIOns referenced above are not Exempt Uses of RegulatIOns as defined mLC2710 PURCELL - M37 CLAIM CRlTERlAANALYSIS . PAGE 2 OF2 Date Received 5/1f../lJ7 . Planner MM PURCELL LIVING TRUST MEASURE 37 COUNTY CLAIM EXHIBIT LIST EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D-I Assessor's Map No 17-03-25-22 Llstmg Kit for Tax Lot 200 DescnptlOn card for Tax Lot 200 Warranty Deed to Purcells dated May 12, 1965 and recorded at ReceptIOn No 8710263, Reel 1449, Lane County Deeds and Records EXHIBIT D-2 Warranty Deed to Purcell L1vmg Trust dated May 1 I, 1998 and recorded at Reception No 983477, Reel 2420, Lane County Deeds and Records EXHIBIT D-3 EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT G PortIOns of the Purcell Llvmg Trust dated May I 1,1998 Research Request submitted to Lane County (P A 06-6939) City of Sprmgfield Zone Map OpmlOn of Value prepared by Certified Real Estate Broker, Michael Miller dated November 16, 2006 PURCELL MEASURE 37 CLAIM EXHIBIT LIST - PAGE I OF I "O("'l ~:>< " ::l: - o::l - ..., .:,1 -~ 25TI7SR3WWM NWI/4S"" N W 1/4 NE COUNTY LA , 1-100 SH MAP 110] U]] 17 03 25 2 2 .. ~~ ~ -;-.~ l~~~ z I i~l_ HAYDEN _ ~'h.. -ROArP /LollNTY .,............ ::'1.. __u_ : ~o~~.fC. '/ I:I-I~STATES SWANK ~Ul~, ,__. "-<e ~__ -- - 1 1.'----"'<'- _. .~..:~ .~ ~'::~ ~U~tt.."( ;~'90~ ~~~~1 ~-aJ/ ~-_.::_"'~ . - . - ~ <:~(r WAY _ Nc!.,~ID~f,,""'l"'" '" ~~ . lI.RAC. ~: , ;, ..~ ~.t:~ :"" ) 1O.O,.c " ~k !' l. I j. r I '1 I l. -- - "~-. :L'::; .....0.=. ~ --. - : :\lOO ,"'" I: i "" o. ~ ; " " ~ : " I: ~~- --:. ~ ~ "" . . o . . . o . ; 01 9 -00 .~ . ; '" "' <( "- . . " - """ ---; Z~'_ w ..::~ o . . >- "'" -< "'C _~ """ -noo ----'-'-;.--ol.. _ Stt ....... 1105 UZ3 "'00 -00 00- ::J([) ::J;;o ~([) C'l s:Q1 ,< ""~ '~ ;;::: ----- Oo '-oj v M i c h a e IE, Far t h i n g -Date ReceIved 5',/t 1)0; Attorney at Law Planner MM Smeede Hotel BUlldmg 767 Wlllamette Street, SUIte 203 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Office (541) 485-1141 - Fax (541) 485-1174 emall - mefarthmg@yahoo com May 16, 2007 Mark Metzger PlannIng Supervisor City of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re Measure 37 Demand ApplIcatIOn # LRP2006-00032 WillIam and WIlma Purcell, Co-Trustees of the Purcell Llvmg Trust, Owncrs Subject Property 1537 Hayden Bndge Road, Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Map No 17-03-25-22, Tax Lot 200 Dear Mark ThiS office represents the WIllIam and Wilma Purcell, Trustees of the Purcell LIVIng Trust, claimants for the above-referenced Measure 37 Claim I am enclosmg supplemental mformatlOn that addresses the ongmal ZOl1lng and an evaluatIon of the Subject Property In more detail The Purcells acqUired the Subject Property on May 12, 1965 and later conveyed It to themselves as trustees ot the Purcell LIVIng Trust on May II, 1998 The trust IS revocable and Claimants are the sole trustees of the trust The Subject Property was zoned by Lane County on October 25, and the Suburban Dlstnct (RA) was applIed to the property A letter prepared by Lane County ASSOCiate Planner, Thorn Lanfear, addresses the ongmal zonll1g and IS attached as Exhibit "A" The property was subject to Lane County zomngJunsdlctIon untIl It was rezoned by the CIty ofSpnngfield under the Urban fransltlOn Agreement m 1986 It IS currently zoned Low DenSity ReSIdential (LDR) Under the current zonmg restnctlons, Claimants may subdiVide then 1 88 acre parcel mto smaller lots but wIll have to dedicate a road as a conditIOn of approval I hiS Will slgl1lficantly restnct the number of lots The surroundll1g area IS developed With subdiVIsions and contams lots that measure 80' x 100' See Plat of RamblIng Acres, attached as Exhibit "B" and Plat of Swank Estates, attached as Exhibit' Coo Claimants seek to develop their property ll1to four lots conslstll1g of approxImately 0 5 acres each These lots would be more conslstcnt With lot sizes m the area and would only be possible If the road dedicatIon IS not reqUired Date Received 5,1t? It'] Planner MM Mark Metzger Planning SupervIsor, City of Spnngfield May 16,2007 Page 2 In our ongInal claIm, we submitted an evaluatIOn letter dated November 16, 2006 prepared by MIke Mlllcr of Coldwcll Banker Mr MIllcr has prepared a supplemental report that discusses the value of the Subject Property In more detaIl and uses comparable sales values to support hIS assertIOn that thc Subject Property IS currently valued at $295,000 WIthout regulatIOns and assuming ClaImants could subdIvIde theIr property as they could have In 1965, Mr MIller values the property at $535,000 ClaImants declare a loss In compensatIOn In the amount of $240,000 See Supplemental EvaluatIOn, attached as ExhIbit' D" In addition to the enclosed matenals, we are also submItting a PrehmInary TItle Report, prepared by Cascade Title dated Apnl 24, 2007 See ExhIbIt "E" Please supplement our claIm with thiS informatIon If you have further questions or comments, please call at your convemcnce SInccrely, ~ MIchael E Farthing 0' MEF/kt Enclosure cc Blil and Wlima Purcell (wi encl) JIm McLaughlin (wi encl) I , " > Jate ReceIved Planner MM February 12, 2007 Mlchdel Farthmg 767 Wtllamette St SUIte 703 Eugene, OR 97477 LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION http /IwwwLaneCountyor9/PW_LMD/ Re Research Request P A 06-6939 1 have researched the avaIlable records to deterrmne the apphcable land use regulatIOns In effect m 1965 WIth the following results The subject property, Map ]7-05-25-22 #200, was unzoned untI] October 25, ]96] At that tIme, OIdlnance ]48 was adopted whrch apphed the requIrements of the Suburban Dlstnct (RA) to the property Thrs zorung was m effect dunng 1965 A copy of Ordmance 148 can be obtaIned at Lane Deeds & Records on COmmIssIOners Reel 13, Page 2] 1 Please call1fI can be of further assIstance ~2/ Thorn Lanfear ASSOCIate Planner Land management DIVIsIOn (54]) 682-4054 EXHIBIT A Page I or l' LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / PU8L1C WORKS DEPARTMENT /125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / EUGENE, OREGON 97401/ FAX 541/682 3947 BUILDING (541) 682-3823 / PLANNING (541) 682-3807 / SURVEYORS (541) 682-4195/ COMPLIANCE (541) 682 3807/ ON-SITE SEWAGE (541) 682 3754 030% Post-Consumer Content , ',' I ~ ' , " 11'11 Di TII! roJiD, or OOllll'1"t COIlllISSIOIIEII5 or m SUfJl 01 01ll!lJOl ~,~R LAlIIl COUIlTI I I' , ,i I, I 1 In tile .Uer of ... Ord~c~ ;to ) lIdopt ZODI.Dg and Larld Uee ,~' ) llega1atiODll il I" ) 'I " I, \t Zoning !lDd La:nd U ee 11' ~I Ordinance No, 148 ,'1' ~I , 1lIIEIlEAS a majority of it; Illj1lentire lIl8IIIbership of the Lane County 'l<>l1Illng ao...tsa:lon, att.er due PflIlt:i~ ~t notices and public hearing on Apn 1 25, :1, 1 t ", :USS -pied.!. _lIT reeol.o" j,a devtioplllllnt patten> for the below described , " -- - <..ea,....... _-Wne ClUn4y;z;.mng !laps, Sheets 4 and 9 J.D'l'wp, 17S, il2W, If. +, ..,..;....d ....._~1le 2, S, I, T ~ 8 in 'I'wp. 17S, R)W, ~,II, 1 I, Ja:q'et T,.' ,.I... ".., Patllernl- '~ ~'f _ j;1 _ _ _ ___ ~"~Ilg III \1141 i... ...-. ,. tiOll of the south bank of the McKenzie River ~- ''',' ...:1.7 :illl$~o~""", :utIl of the Brownsv1~e Br~f the s....llb..!'II PlIeiAe R d.lr!>M":I!n Bection 9, 'I'wp. 17S, ~ ~ , "-----"'" ..",,,,, ti<_ eJ!l! lher;lt bOllg the e.lIterly right of way line of _ ~__ to t Ie ~er17 l1m1ts of the City of Springfield, -1IlilfI!I'H-~" ;..." t 18 d~T;':l1m1te of the City of SprfllRfield fii"?" Clioee1lloh.. __~G I t I ~iI!!: _.torly right of way line of the Wandling ~ot 1Ihe 8cnrt,ell,- J?aci1fic Railroad in Section )0, 'l'wp, l7S, R21I, 1'.lJ", tI!IIIlte D01"th"'~ ~ e88torly along the weeterly right of way lbIe ~ II8Id 1hIIdllng ~~eh of the Southern Pacific Railroad to tIJe 8111R11 u...!f /IilOtjJ&nl~19, 'I'wp, 17S, R2W, W.N., thence east to # ~II\. tile lIO'dhe-.t comer o",lIe!'id Bection 19; thence .outh to the we.terly bl!lllk of the IleKenlie Hi"'er; thence d01lJ1.tream along the westerly and "GbDel"J.7 O.ut ox Juu :u....u.'~ftZ'...a IU .'UJ. 1;0 -the po1nt- of ':"_~":"._.":"ng I · 111 :' NOW ."""""u",," TIlE roARD rOP COUllTY COIlMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY STATE OF ORl!XlON, roES ORb.lN AS POWlWS 1 a' - - - - Land U"" !legal"ioft. sh'fl.l hereaftor be in full force and effect a. il. " .prescribed by Lane Count,. Zorli~ ani Land Use Ordinance No, 4 in t.he 1 follOll1ng area. 1- ~: [i .. A AREAS ........". DESIGp'ml AS RA SUBUIlBAN DISTRICT 1,1 . - __. 1. ~ at tb~, Mersection of the eaeterl,. right of uy l1ne'~e 1ll'lInc1l or 'the _enI Parlfie Railroad with a line para1le~ to ani Joo feet northerly from the centerline of CoUDt;r Road No io9 in Section 15, Twp, 175, RJIi, Ii Ii' and , running thence e~rly parallel to and Joo feet. north of the centerUne of CountyJ' ll'Oad No. 209 e di.tance of 2J40 feet plus or m1n1l8 to the e~il of a 20-foot rolld1re;y north from t.he inter.ection of Coun~""Roa<l No. 209 with Count,. Road No, 90; I Ii , ' I ~ i) ',f,l! " ~, ~ I; 11 .. , "rial ! ' , 'f l'~' 2 L f 'I' 5lllH ,.. 01' -- dcr 'mil DAY , 1, ''"I I Ii 1 ' Iiffi. [13 PAlit21,L . -$-~ Page 1. Ordinance '. :_..::;...r.., 1961. DlI_! l.9TJi JUDICIAL Date ReceIVed Planner MM ~/;/p,7~ "- SleED Jll' rnxocr . OCT 2 51$1 BY .11. :1' - EXHIBIT A . rage ~ ~r '1 " . 1\", I" 1I ~ ~I~ I jl I~f f~;;~~'212 I't 'II' '~J Ii ",f V 11111 I \) I' liif I Date Received Planner MM UI.P".:,...I, ~....,ot'--. iffi U-e ...uth to Co_y lI<latf\ 110. 2091 tll"""e ooat.berly aloD<< Gue I'anI ao.d (Coomt;r lI<led Jioj, )\ too the euterlJ' right of ..y line of iIIe a-..rtlle Brw>OlI' :u.. Sollthlll"ll ?&cillc llailroad, t.hSlee DO' .;.., "".rq- ~,~.~ ,;, Paclfic llailroed rlglrt. of ~ ~1loU Pio~YU.A.a"'\oI.&. .",,,,_..1. t '1, 2. llap........ lI\ tbe 'COnler of t.be let. Add1t.1011 t.o Il\ItDII fut.a II1Ihd1rt.oia11 ..: L", ..'" ,1 1A Ilook 20, Page 25 of ..an. Cacmt;y, 0 ......0 Plat Ilecol!lil!, : ilectlao 22, 1'1rp 11 S, ll)I, . Il. aDd ~ u.- 1IO~'rl;r alOllll tbe euurl,y Une of tr.- n... .., ,llla ar-h ot tbe :~I\e'" ?&cHlc Rallroad 1'1 gnt of "J to t.be DOrtberlJ' l.1JI1" of'~tIle City of Sprlng!ie1.cl; thence e,..., *Id DO~lJ' alcI\g "tile e1 q lint. of Springtield ano __..... ]'-'''''~' _.< _~_ _0", <_., DOl'th to . po1D\ 200 8t( ~,fib Of t.be aeoterline of "Q" St.re", ."'" eu\ to tM 1'~"c1f.... Speac.r ou:: Bo. 50, tbOllce lIOlIth to tile nonller 1l1.1~\~ tbe City ot Springfleld; thence - $_........ tlle _ty l1JiltB ~ 9A !eId in . c1oclnrt.e directl.on to l;Iie'f8I; -u. of ~l"'twp. 178, R)_, _,II , thence northerly e:' .1IlA But liml. !~I,!m 25, l'1rp 178, RJIJ, lI,ll to. line . !l to BDd. 300 t. lilt ~h of tbe centerline of lIarcola Road ... .... ~~ ,*",el _17 )00 t....t north of and ~ to the ~l1De I~ Co_y Road No, 278 to a line U ~ to 8DI. )00 tM e~11ll:ot the c."terline of :oWlty 'load hf .' t"IlDU DOlflth ~ ~1 too and ~ teet e""'1If the Clill!il!l" at ~ J ll.od ,!i )'11681 to the nortn line of "ayden !rUle. ftDad ateDlled ,est 8\.1~a1d aUgment exioto ....t or ~' tlIIeee t<i !tli~ 'Ilnte""""tlon of the centerline -, 1111111 11118 rtll ILl. of HlQ'den Bridge Road. tnenc. o -ibe .ae ti.Qe,'bl' $tll !tre.t extende" nortr te tn, " I . -I oterl,y along the .o~tnerly ,ar. _ B:l.wr to t. rth line o! the 1st Addl tlon te ...... Y:\BtIa 81Ibd:1na1 II ,'lriUd 'Wrth line we... enende" ....t.e-" .... __If to "~~of $ginD1ag ,~ I:' '1 B. F"""",,- ..~,..-.A'I'BD AS C~l COlllllllCl~L CLH.::1' (IIEunJl. "" .,;t. _ .J. I I" 1.. Bil'&it-.,.- a the 1lD'C.re~tdQD of the cfmtAtrllne or -:;- ~t ....,.~t ritb the- ~l1IIe ot 5th Strut. (CoWIty Road No, !7c I lo 8eotl1... 26, !lip, 175, a", ~ ,II. ODd l'UIIIl1ng thence Dorto?<' -.t tbaa. eem. to tile ..lit liDo I,'l-! .... :'petIe. I' Dr.... Ho 'L.' C d ~p IIId r-... ~O. \"oUltb to the cent.erltnfl or .... ...1tr"'.t ..... wet.er17 al.oa8 tb" c,.nt.rUno or .... :;,lreet u tne ..)()In\ ;:' ~-i"C. I' . c , I 2. Ilec:'-... at tile ncrt.~, oomer oC IlIlI'Iott PlAIt. .. recented 1'1 ' ,16. Pac. P1IIt ..........., _lon 7~, r, ~ 17S, lnl, DOrt1I 0.07' e&.e't 90 t..t., t. ~ ,. e..-t I$) .).06' ..., 770 r..t, u..,,,,,', "'loot .60." ?SO 6tIlM\r.....&An t.o~~ oC D!."':"::' AW II!JlD'f DllaUIIATllIl A.5 ....J 1IUl'T llOOli'l'RlAl Jrk- " , I --- 8ect_t.ac ... t.b. l.Dto""ctti;o:f1, ..( t... twrUl It...l\.a , , Jpnnc:n.W w1.Ua ~ .&0'\ If I,. of ""'UuG 1'; f.-, I J .H1. . M .MId ""'.1JIc' ~. ..t'\.b .~\I'1If. U... ..... 1\1111 .( ..'(1 ... \.1 " .. t . pol'" ecl"'\b &'.~I ...., ,~! lbo h!',n.-.., (c".r (..... t , . 17~-)O. c.n'-()1. ,~ .\01)''''''*1 &'i '-' ...t \.<l U... lM).\ ".hr.)' ........r\f u.a. of .... t_-;i'~14r .. 11....\I"\c ""..t"l:t I.l_r Tr...\...tw::.Gt VI.' if .... _.L ....loet'I11,1\M..,... ..\aa4.-..:S 8Ol,)\6UwrlJ l.t.--. ;, I Let I, Plo<la 2 n..-,,'" .-an.. ounty r"'lI:on I. IU\d t"UDl1.11\1[ t..n r....1 tr.nc-. .0\Jlh "'"l! \t1.4Jnt"fl II< ..tr "-1r1 nil 1 "" lh. lr -"f""'f-' ~ ,. ,. . $ -- f-- ~/n/~ I ~~ ... - hiP 7, [', I iI,lI'1 I (I P 1'1 \1 G If EXHIBIT A _ Page 3 or4 Qrltl,..._ . .,. I I I III (I 1"~ ~_ _ ~ ".~"~J: JJI1 1.......,.",.., I ',I ,I .3 21') Iflil i' .FIlIi. <l , I, J, I I:; , il~ I ~! I I , flli: IIIIi\II'tIll 01.'9' _ \o'~ ~~;...-_ ....mer or \1M hc- .-.- .. ........ ..... .....I~~ ~ .u", u.-. ral.1.o"'-JlI UIe ~.,. of .. .....,.... ' n.vu BouoII I..n rr._, I'l.Joa1. =fIe"'::,~-t:~ ,u."~,_~~~bt,~= ~U1&t ~ of CIIatiF " 681 bNIf..DC DDrUl 620)0' _n I.t o&id 1....---1_ ... ~:~ "'-" ..ut.a 8'")0' ......t t.o tM 'JJ.:~~r I!lmI< of \he: ~ 11._, "MIo. upetre.. uOIlC t.M " 1iI'''' of UN, ~....... to "be _n u... at Seet.l<>ll ?; "... 1", .., ....,' 1lO!rtIb to t.... _t.IIe-.t. oomer ot ~ 19, 'flip. '1781 ,1 ...." U-ce _at. t.o the .,..t.erlJ' r~nt >Of _ JJIla of ~ or t.IIe Sout.Il".... f'aelttc R.o.ll.ro..: ~llU ~ tIbe _r:IT r1&bt at ..". Uno o.r .&1c ~", ,'" ..~ ,:4Ii*JI11lId.ts at Sprlnct1eld; tt.l.,., tollawtQ! .. l!ISW-u...fIe let I.JI . oooart.er-cloolrwi... d1~Ct.l0D tr 1M ...... 01 , ,j J 1,1; , AS .Qr. AOarCfJLT (Ill, QIIAZlIG .um n II&ll I" ~,'J1... y- .,... eJ:Dept tho&e areu nenrlnNt!oN!' ~. ",. '\Dd 'C~ as ILl. :-2 and Ii-) - 1JSII~t1qn ot~. 80Uth boni...ot t"" Wchnu. o1'.r loti: ot tbe Bro.snUe 9r...,0 a!.&"" I - Se4tlOIll 9, ~ 17S, lQ'I/, I W "",,'" .. __ 'a1 t.he nn.,r1,. r1.ght or .... L.... of to t.IlIl . I "':IT Utdt.e or the :Hy of 5i:r1.n<!.old... ?l UJIl,t. oE tm.. C'lt, ,-r 'rl'1o.(!le1d n a I.,.. ""et.erlJ' nght of ..,. llne ot tlle londL.... ~' lI~e Ji.ejlroed In 5e<:t.' on } ,"W;: _7' -.II " ' ~uterl.Y I..lQng t.he .'l't8t.~rl1 r gnt. o{ n:;y .. 'ot the Solltbern P'&Clnc: q.a.~...r"ad t.: ," n 1 ,Twp 175, RtI, . W , trence f'ut t.o f:.a1d 5eet.i()n 19, thencf' , Jt.h to t"A' nftt'r~T lpr; tbl!Ulce dO'WT\.t.r~... a.1ol\l: t.h~ ."!IIt...r.y lI.f'l. l~r.n:U.t.R1..r to t.he r"lnt -" ""of>f{"''l!L1~ ":11t,' ,I f (",,, ,,,, S,. tee IItfl.....lfoJ,.O!.f or . IUJorlty r', on. I I 'j J "'II &illdlld_ 'lib aJ.t.A., 147 ~r ",tob.r ' % 1 , " jl,l, I,,' I, " I ~ ~ I' I, " 'J'li',.. ~/' I /V ./ 1>' , !!:".L..-' --" e' 'I:: or /-1-<:"'- I h' ,...l~ry / 11", / -,'''.1, ~ _ .','1 )1'" "... :&J....\1 &.J"(j r \J~t.L t.r.. Z- eo.tI,. ..."" 01 O......Q.I"\.' ~ ..:..:.... d" .c,~ ":..oIi.!.J.' ."'", , j , 1 , III : II , ' , , i> :I!I"[I I., II \1 I' II : 11 , OJ . W' , ,. , ig, (jl!..... 'I~fl l_:l.li ..~,.. It ,'~ I I i" . I~ .,. ~ .. . .... ), ': I) I, , , I I ~ ' 0fliIII. . =-1- I ~~ '"~- Date ReceiVed PlaQner MM j /t/'~7 I I ~ <<I" -- t I .....,....'t /7 -'1~ll It ,,r ), cx..L'--.-"-__ -t~1rl... / ~\ . ~--- - .".. ..~f' _ ~......../"1-", !l-..._ ~..1't1Dlt'" I 'J / EXHIBIT A .-t!1f1- ,(....14~.. - mfg. 'I- of 't i. J i~~ ; !~ , ' . ~'\J ' . ! . ,"'~ ~ ~1\j l". 8 ~ I '- J> '1 , r I; ~ ~ , , ! , . , , ~ . , ~ " . I' , " !!. ~ ~i" ~, oj zrag ~i:..! .' . -. oj h " ~ q [ i. ; I~@!l '! F I . ' ; ~~ ! : ~ i ~ \(' ! f r ~ , ! [ ."- .re Os " .' . ~= =-~ e. '. fl I ~ DO" I~ W , 74.0$'" ,"- '" n" ., "' -' ^. ., " p- .a .' .. I ~ . ^' ' n ~ ~ : ft ~: .. if ,,~ ~n fl ill ih I a~ aH 1 ,,!i~ r 1[" 11 ~ ~o lrHiHi Ilj':P ,., s" ""'9 ~ !ll"T I ...1 . o_!I. :J :lfi~ ~ 'i'!r" " [al! . I'l 'If 1.- 'jl f!!.~ i" .,j !i" '. 1 l 1 . . !. . ~ I,' ~ . i ~ " . , ~ 1 " i , , 1 ~ I 1 I. i.!: --I\' ~; ~ Ie. ~ !::..~ In . ' I! I ! I ... 'I ~ -;1 ~ !I'.!!. :t lui l;ilrF~ m I!!.s'i!:l , '''1'- i ! ~i::li[ !.! -$ I !IJ f~; ~ H:!f .. .. ~.. ~ 1"- .. f ' 'I'" !! - - l"~f: f I.. , ~t;_J .. !!. I iI":l.'"i"i i i ~ gh.. ~ ! il" ;i~ Ii" -~'1. !,[., II H . ' . ! II ~"':'~ i:~i:1li ~1Il",.. Hi?:j H:;, I __,,!it ~ra";l ~ H~~;; gi:i"~ . ~"~! 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I 19..!L I _..,.,.Ily oo"",,.d &f91f So........ _ u_ -... _......" ....om.... _.......ald S1,1f $etI....... "It>O ",..ld"'" _ ''''''l\euld ~,.....Son"""..II....er...."O(L"..CclufoIyTl,,"Com......,o..~ """"""',,__...o.'.......lo"l>&dla........'JOlI>o.............,.'..._""'... ...., .., _01 o",,,..,..,~ .ad _...." ..Sf..-..., .... ..._ I.. """""'" ~rd _0......,_ !7r .........dl. of .. ."""" AI dl.""..... _ 110.., <Ie.......,...."...... ..."_.r"~l""""'a'.'l'oclondd_ _..._ I , , ........'10 A , "'8&1 . _, 3 i~ u- '" " iE '" z >- w '" w '" eo ACRES $....._F.'"'__ $eo>t1./<.D.LC.Ha.St : LAWNRIDGE AVE 1--------------... : \ I i RAMBLiNG I . ~o - . . S [....... "'1111_ ... s........O-Le._ D"...."'.. - - - - -If'UE.IP~t'Ie...... ...,,,,.01.1111"... ............ SCALE I" =50 S1AfEOfCltEGOHI... 1DLl'ITTCFL.&HEJ ~RoI<"'lr...R>I'o"IleI..,.....y........_ 011" _".."IbIsI...........cow 01'...._ ~'~I.r F'RST ...COITION TOU...BLINCAClfES ,...."'" d........ 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CorI>pOtlJon~eq::n~_and_1I>e H<JI atfbedlutMfore;oiro;lonfruncnllS",," corpOn2le'e<>1 ol$OldODrparuI'lonancl"'afsotd..srr_l_sl~'nbehalfaf,(lI<lc"'l>Orot":,,.br,ovtt>cwlT,ot,ts bGar<l1lf ""KtorS- ""'" "'~adno.fedged sOld on!<tr.-t to be Its YCIlunlCll")' cctondde-ed. Be~",e BOOIl. 2.g DAG.~ e. SECOND ADDITION TO RAMBLING ACRES SEC 25, T I7S,R3W,WM, LANE COUNTY, OREGON lOG'" Of ",~i E....e..\). '" \2 8 2\ 20 J<lhnRR,e<!ln<ler No.ary Publlc:fot Ore9"" ~~ '0 ..-;;;:,..- Myeo"""lSS..nlt:llplre, Sot." 19 t9..!2L- ~o 2 . 4,,"I'II"l4V1TumnF"<;(";RIP1'lOlol ~~~\ss I Rat~" L Follef! boon<;l hl"ST ""I, SW<lmon ocllh say that I am a Reqlstered Profess_a E..q___bJocc..poT1....'..c'lh"""'......_'I'.......,....,l>elcnd...IIo"''''''pl<lfcfSltO:IndA''diIIonT" Fl<Inlblln9.1llc"", thaltcrlMlNrnAL- POlNTl""'02.~36901_ _p,p.6-t.lowllocsurlo"" or Ille _" ""'I sad INlTUIL POIKT tMors Irvaolboo Southlasl """"'" atlhe Wllllom S~ 00ncII... l.G'1" Cl...", NtnIw'50 T"....shoprTSo<nI> Ronqot3_slolttw...II',,"'."....'I<l>"n... 10110.S' /(a"15 1:'5 "if 7<19.80 fflel aIong1't>f: flISt I.... ot CI=- _l>a-SO lr>/hIt Soull>..s, ttJ,.,., 01"'" Fel"S"""JrOorlatlorlL6ldCIoftlNumtlle'~ 1hfn<:eN.O"Oz'I'!JwI4'l'56"'e-el<JIotqllwc_rl,n..ol S<l1II Cl<nm N....w 50 1M"". N.89~W: <I8S 571H1 ",,,Old INITIAL PaNT runninqlflenc:e S 0"03 15 E 632..2S '-cT, lho!nc.. 1(89.33 W 2-7500 f.e' lto......... 5 82"'05'50"W 786.20''"'"', "'.."".. NORTH ClO 00 I....! 'hence It JO~O'3O W 60.00 ...., Ihm'" It ~ '30 E 36..70 I....~ Ill....... N 10"2.0 XI \It. 2.90 00 Ie.! 'IIena N..79.3'93o"E. <16 <15 fee'l II'Ien~ It lo-.!o'30 W Il~ 00 fu' If'lenoo It 7<:1"39'30"[ 92B.6::! I.., II>.n"," s.89"'31tE 1'" 21 f..., lolbe INITIAL POINT QlI ,n lAne C:O""JOrelJCll'1 C'~-' < . / ff-/q~ . V~ '~ RoIIlhLFolleli R~ L FoUen Sub.c<lbed olld _m 10 me "''''_~~_.d<l, 0' FO'IlrthIn' G JobnRR,.dllloer NoIO'y Pubhc: to. O',qon My c"_,n'on erpj,n Seol 19 199 ~.' ~ Jeu HIli eo...ty Comm'ss."""" i K~ner" N,..I.en ~c.:mm'so....... -..tU'Ity Qlmm~ 19~ , FE .......onn..r 2-18-60 K.lIllIlIlh E Omlld By Adelln. a VolksIOt1'. Depulv I"....-.ty SU......,c:r Vl6/60 ~As._ EJ~JfT 0:;" O~~~Nl IS I Aalph LF"llell b.'nq dulys..orn depose n"4soylllallh..,s,," Docl COlI)' oflbefinolp'''l"r Second Addlflon To RombUng Ac,es ..cords Lon.. CouUy Ongon. i , RoIphlE l .Illi\l~ l".omn'f PI4N!.I.11Ir. mUUlc.'~lruJ Rcoers -:.he.."",n Hoeord W 8ul.".d ~"","rcrr1 ."""'jNITlALf'OIHT .,_1412' ,~4~'7 _ ~'Si~.6I~ro "'!17"~ ;t f'\\) ~ ~: ~"'~~5"'S6 '3 !;~f4 ;~ ~~ o . . 1 moo 15lD n.21 S.1I!I"3B~ 8 7 ~ = o o o -. !!,;:::;; ci~ ::t .H 00. .~ . $."-4420_ ~' ~ ~ I E: 2:::: . r.-.' o Gi "''''''' ...JU.~ =00 ...,"",~3'''' '"''''' i 3 . $.___ ---- 5con~ llL..C.""SI NOTE ;: '. :' s.E....... ..~__ __1lLL.Ne.'" .11 ~'.' __ -. " ...... ~o-. SCALE I~ r 100 ____tiIPUEI""'.'....".....04 Ulrllll..I:o.......... !/P~ .7'~ Roiili L Folie" SUbs",I"... ""d ,.....nlobelor.meltils Iff( dOy of~/'''''',-"" 19....f!.. '9-1 .r? C?-, , ,. - eJ'O'QryPuPhcl....Onqon Illy comm,u'''''.Kp,re._ _~~_+ ,.. 19-fZ. I ~~ ~ '" f- ;reI - :c " ><.. [;,;leE . , ! \ . . :: . '-) al;2 ~;2 o al.... C:::al e: ale: -m m_ ca.. <:;II\:1I1l'Ynjl<; 4F~n4VTT ~t~yO~~R~N\n I R"Ipt\L~.t' I,,:IIU} ''''~I dull' ,..or" on 0,,111", Iha' 10m a R"'l.stered Profu""'no' EPQm"'''' by """"p<ll"'" tl'tGl I have ",ornelly surv"1'ed II.", /"nd ..,Ihm ~1>e2~~:! oT,,7:~Il:.f~~O:'p~ 6 R~t;I:;J14I~ A~r~;cel':: ,thO; ~~tTl':'; ~~N:T~:~ !"OINT b~,," I",", Ill.. Souftl"",,! e"""" at Ihe IVlllicm Spaneu Donetlan L.ond Cla.m Numbtr ~O TowmlllQ 17 SOlllh,Rcnqc 3 IYw 01 the \'Iillometfe Meridian a'J foUOlr.I .I.O"I.5!.5 \'1 14990 'ed olo"ll '1M ...st ffnc "I Clcnm NtJ"'b.... so to tile South..est eomer af Ihe Fell" Sellll .k. Donarlll" land Cla.m NlIrnber 51 !hence Nf':o:n5 \/ ~B69 fur along Ihe ".."II..,,, at "old el...... Number 5(} '",,"ce NB9.33'w 48533 leello "",eI rMTrAL POINT gll,n Lane County Oreqc" ttlfRllI"( ..-7 ./~.-- '$~~ ~",~---- ;~~ i:!Lv""-,,,,=~ 'Rolllh'LFaUdf .."'''''V'~~~ ~..~o= , \....\~~ ~ J.... SlIbsCTlbe" me! "..em fg me If1Is ~day .... '" .r.~~-=- r\ ~<,~o,) 0' ,A1.hl. r96Z N ':'"-~~'_~~ 'L 10" :1.../'.." /;?(j:)",/--:,~ <~" .} I" Notary .....01'" lor urc\lOIl < - 1... .,__...,.. , .~ ~ _~" Ii' My camlT1l",on Uplru~19~ < -<?;~r' p~ ...." l'lFSCRlPnON Bell"""'J at lhe Sou11leas! "'lrl'le'l' of tile William Spenc:cr Danolion Lender".... Number 50 TDormt\lp rT 5<:Iulll Ran\lC 3 West or lhe Willomallo M~ndion, 11,,~"cc rt~15 15 \'L 749.80 fecI olong ,"" "<nI' ine of Number :;0 10 the Sc.t1IMcst coml:f of lhe F..Ilt SCCltI Jc Dona".... Land C100ln Numbcr 51, Ihence N 0-02 15"w 55869 'eel Cllong n.., ca,l ine or sold ClaIm "'"",ber 50 'h~ N 69.33 W 46533 foel to the ~~~J~rl~.oO~Ce;:,:~~;n~~~~~I~=e=5~~'(~~fi::1 t~h~ N.Q04WZ10.o01ed,ll>encc ~J3'w538.42ful,I~" NorrhJ39.T9f....lll'u!nce N.82 O~50 E.. 1B620Ieel,ll'>eo>~ S.89"33E.21500 fUI, 'Mm:a S.~03't5 E.Z54.oof..e' to I~ -~,nAL POINT nllm Lone County OrellolL DFDICAnOl<l ItNOW' ALL MEN Ihllt Lone Covnly Till.. Compll/lY em Orc90n CClfpOfllfla" Trustee (Ita Ille _nen In tee s/1I1pIe olltte land he,eon dU<:floed and Ihol_ hereb, '010111 G'IId ~Ubd,y,de file ~alM as shawn G'II llle ""nend pIal and ore do lI~reby ded..:al. fa IlIe public forever oU ~treeh os Sho"," OIl nus pial ;:~~-~- .......~'1 ~ c;r>.:::;p'~ ... :~1~2<JY"::O:.} . -a. ,~~ ifl ~~~ _,::,1.;9 ~"vvv~ l.aneCC<lntyTi camzo JP. ::a".&-:;.. ~80'Shere A... /,,,../. J r " Esther Sando" ---- <:-.-'l!U. 4CKNOWL.!,:OGEMENT ~cfu~~OFoi''tE;f: l~s "' '? '''-~ 19...f:....z.... P",."na(ly appe,,'ed SHSeasha,. and ""'Iter Send"cs ..he> be"'9 duly sworn ay rha! he III" so,,1 SHseo~l1ore IS Ihe preSldenl and .'1e thl; Eslhar Sanders 15 ll'oe '~erel<lry at l<lne County TItle Company on Ort;'q<l" Cll'~r<lbon and lhm !lIa SlIal a/f,xad 10 the la'ooa'hO 'M1rvmenl '" IlIe ccrporet" 4"01 af sg<d Cllrpcrg!lan and 1Il<>ISQ.d 'Mlrv_nl "a, ..".,..d." b"hal/ af.ulldca'l'On'lt(Jn bycufhar'tyaf II. beard at d".cto... and lhey aeknawledoed sood lRsfr"...ant 10 be ,13 ..alunlCll')' ocr and dl"Cd Sefant me /~ ;-/' ~~, '{cO mr.:.:: Y" <: :." !:I':-.. ~ yll} \\\ ::;,t.--:~"l .. to. "~--r .....-. .~ ..~"" ,,,~ ~.fl,.. u,A:>/?r~~_ Nalary Putf,c ler Oregon V My comm'SSlOn 1II1P"ll~ .<:' --" /- 19~ eoo~ '3~ ~EZI~ M ::c" XOlJ [;;:;I': THIRD ADDITION TO RAMBLING ACRES SEe 25, TJ7S. R3W, WM, LANE COUNTY, OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OREGON AUGUST,1962 CARRIAGE PLACE : l ; ~..'::tl ~:!oa 13~~; ":~ r~~, - - "~". ~1!L,,=---- ~_-!.MlI.1.~~ "-:v," -~'!- -~ "~-:~ '~rll..:....._'n ; 8; 7; 6, 5;il, :,~-""---~< ,.-...., T STAEET .mJli; 4 ~ '1' ~ ..............-'. "'i- 10 Ii _m 12 8 """ u. "'" "'!. .....,c::;;~ "i....... ":;""'''>l .;.. ~ -:@\l~"~E ;15; 14 13 _ _ _ 7 "". ,"""ue _ "cuUullLlr,n ,..~..un' ".."ss ~T~.. *OT"" "~Tn. SCALE' . f~ .. 0" .....:uT/_ I''''''''''''''D '00 'I :I@~ C__ ,I _ .:;;:;...-.f~...- ~ 3 :8:''L ~ l'i:"-" - 0 4 " 'i I..... 2 s. STREET -----, I," IlOI!AL.D "'''l.1 4PPIlnV41 h"7.~ ;<.1;// Cll<lnly Comm'SOllOnllf ~~_....-- -= ~/"-;_.,L'".. !Aunty CommtS.u.nCl" ~_~_..1::: /\"'_ /~__ t;avnly Comm","onllf ,;......-'....., ~~ k'___~j; ...e"- ~.,..... ..,.':7_,::)-/-/..__ P.-.,,! /-t:/_L_../~.<:: C;,tyEn<j1I\_ 3 .. """ ';'i ~;- 11_, - fl........... ",-,I , ,5;' ; 2 " : _ l"::;~: -~~OO n.aa 3 -&iiiOl' , 42: ....001: ! " , H~n or OIItGoftl ~0l,I.1'T OT I..1dIl In 6 5 . ~ < 2 @ 3 !i"-~__ ~~J'~ - = -=-=L 7; 7 . ~#'~,,-' -------.." . 6 5;1 -- --1__ 7 ~ !!~ :E ~~1!' ~~~ ~ ,- I I ~ i ~ E D '\T--.JlT.1!llX_J'I N(l1.11~ -:'(f"~\\'\J ..... "G--~T- ~""---~.r-- ..0A.... 1"lIIunlyAs:s""lIIr I hip" l roll... ...In, ..., ..-n dll!>".. _ U1 tNt t~ls Is .n . "". .0\>1' .f U", fin I ,IU "I TlIlI" olIIlllnO. T~ ~lIl1(;.o.cIES ~....d. Dfl_~_'y 0.._ ~7M~ la''''''' '0"'" SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION ~A<..-.- '>14 /.u is:7-- ".",." --L:z"'.-.----" '~--'" "'~ ?_-" Secrelary a S.....ulbod_.,..,..nlol>efon_ thh I)lh d.,..f "'-t 196.1 ;)!." C? (,? .L _ , , ~7 ...' ~ '.... 0........ t7 ",.e_I"'""..plrotS<"fl._rlll.J1;7 ~ ~:2: -:2: ~ Q)... a:::~ .l!lc: Ill..!!! Oil. e.OOK~PAqE- 1:.3 ~~ ... o E- C5\(1 - =.. :0<"" ro.l~ j AD D I T ION TO RAMBLI N G SEe S 25 a 26-TI7S-R3W- W M SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SCALE ('=60' SHEET I OF 2 SHEET~ARoP",,,,,,,,,,,,wAi ___ &crR1C ____ j'/AreRfff/.. ____ &:,/ctcWC FOURTH ACRES ----- LECcNO _;4."'" ~ , ~ ~~~"k-,.,"" : 1310.97 Al7!J.J930~ .---1.J.BJ _7""'::; -{ 'U.B)- ~. , ;;:, r~...-_ , ~!r- ~ :I: 44 ~~1- ~ o~ ,~~ " <Ji " ., 45 % R 46 % ~ Ii' - ? , I"" 1",,-/ I""L I"'" I""'" Ce-.vTERL/)./E al'~E .Q4TA R ~ L .. """*' ,...,..~ /t>>~.s "'''7 """'" r35~ /~"'3 /M!J5 .t/..,~ 5::3/17 ",..~ 12':;~ uao..< .r/,;ac.~ l,z//(J /2/09 -: ...t: e c-r.n.:r MIltOn? f'pt:nt:t:"r :OLC..<..6.50 T/7.YRJh/A/M I :r 1.5~~1 1.5.,17J1 I ~:1S+ I c.O~T ( ,..,_... --. lO"..F$.~,~~.. ~/~ sn:PH'D{ H. FOfW I '" S'It/Qyn~r~IIJt J7:Dh'/r L2..:C N.:>.S/ T/7.f' R5N~)1/M ", - . /tjr~....J".o::WE~~_ /_ 11_1'~ , S 1617 III -g::;E 2:;:a ~ a> .... 0::: a> a>2 mJ2 ::Ie.. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS - FOURTH SURVEYORS AFFIDAVIT /J"~h"rcn:7 ~ t9rd a'~.r~/7 J'r?y ~/0l77 qRe.;>/~~ Lo/']&7J"v~"'" #7c heA!' aTO~, rl1qr/nov~ ~arra::T.(y_...,_..,_~ i,._ n7ar.n:dIV'/~pn:1~r n?o/U/~;J' Me ___,,_~__. a'X?'.6r.roJ'.r~~~ ;'l'1aI-/h:ne-Jll:?t?r.s.:/l>!,,__'_,.___'#l::V)~,&><:t:;.I1"1(;'h.:.rLJe,b.., 'f:Vv~'fH~'b01r$ff% ~~B~-;~~ff~d zr~f=/z'1QV~;~&J~;;;-~=r0/l:~ Spencer .oDn~on Lbnc'C/Qun N6.SO_70.wn.$'h~/7 J'ovrh ,.<Cb.~.3~.r......""r.& . ',,"....__..~ Ncr/d//7n yo-/SIS-IV 741'''0/..-e/ o/CJI79/.?c ec.rr //.-= arJ"C'.o:T C/o",," A.../.:l 50 ,.,. rh4 ...r~h.w~~ carner or ~ ~nx St:a# ..IT Oon06"/Jm-?C't:Yc.un;l.6$~ #.t:'na:- ,,(./eroz/~N.f~ TeeT cmnp ~ egoSI' ~ or Jl7rg C/<7,,"," """sa ~. A,i:19"J.S' JY /t:~9.$3 rec/ ....".s:;r..:t' /n/liel ..Ch.-nt' ./4.-7 ;K../ , ..,.".,..,"""""" .J'uD:Jr/7OM aw' .IM:Y17 Ii:> W'~ m:: ;;?/.J"2c!Z.. d:1y .r~.y ~ 1S07 A~ ./ ,..!.P.'.,. N~~~I(y~ A?- C~/.....r/an ~p~r 1-.3/ "" ~~~~ I mi'Hi'iiH.FORO j '" DESCRIPTION ~~m~.f:'$f'#om~e/~'%~~~"~~5~ .ti;tt..5/ o/~ #;>c ~""I%r&" ~~~on t:r.eI ~ &t7JTM= .r ~07 ;.q,.,..t, nx'&VU'e'dm ~ $N"pah ~R ~&J'<< U7/l.: Chvn"y o'ba ~ ~7~~ ro'p.,h/ cr .......::>..r k;?C or /ht!' &~ JVo::rwond C7a::7'I'"/C~ r/9nll:T"^'o/, :h~na ,(.7;7'3':35J50-~ /3/0..97/):c q/D/1g.fl74 r4/)1 a'Nr:Iy#ne Jb >>?& ncrMwe.rI txJrner""'~Sa%'/lIl:7' I~ekl..bcn 1f>~an?"hn9 Acre.r r~Ct:VD'~dn~;:?94r,J:lbh: pe1r!l68~D/',U:Tn&'C",,",,&~ ~.c"4;f~.%13O".!" j/./ <17 *; (T/<:Jn9 Jf?e )o'~J'1 pnt!' ~ .:r<:74 pel o:r "" "J' n~gz,~~eZ/=h~:;'q .::;~~~ q ~n/ /~n~ .f/(7~.oj,OE .!!laiJCke: ~hn~//l7gg~ .n7..c' {,AU'; .wu ~ (T poN?~ IMnc't':, S'79".S.91kTJY 5lit701i-i1 a:v.>.f~ db.?p JWd' ~ pn;!.M ~ ~nl Hv~ f.D'1J:13:JE (;0.00 k~1 n:vir.-nvU?9 (T/~.rr;,d' _.f?" Qnrt: .n,.:r~ Mt:'.na; Sm.t.....-? Z-'O.I$ k~ ~nv/~ (T/angftMT....er7'An<- and d,A:!n9 //Je,NeS"1 g~"'" ~ TI5//'P" Adgd,O? Jl:l ;;'P7T'1tmn;; Acr~.r,/1fr:::m:f&dlf7h#~..rpf1J!"pape.v lZ!'a:7rI::&er U7~ Ca;"y Orept.7n.o'o h ~ <<Ynt:'r#.l..re~ P.l.!-~ A/4'Y:JY AXlOd m~ Whg/ ,cwnJ" //7 .f',Pr/~~ ~ Ca.m&" Orept''''' ADDITION TO RAMBLING ACRES DEDI CATION ,.e:vOW AU. ,N'eN tf'W1- wne ~ l7W~ tbm-.t:l:"1?Y Tr</JTe.: a('cr"a.:>rQ#cn "n~~~O~n.oiIty~//;;eQ'1!7i":II7 av#,,~rlz&P Jb 0'" bVr/nv:=r.r .:mt7 ~ av'" P~0- In >>Jd.F~ ;r~~;~ .rbn~ ':;~k--:;~~~;'::' """A'J,: ~~dP.b)."~'..-::t7"#xT?'d~J'''''''~o/~~Ib#:l::' ~ v.n: tN'".lf'Jt:' pv.b/IC", ,..~ ,:v/..r#=TJ' i:P?UNt:7I..i:I'tCyJ' g'J .r~Qn....h.t.r~1 /A,I WITA/Efr NH'eX'Eor ;~ .xv-panm"'" M.r rt:1UJ'ed#J..r .....,...../r~..... J& k~"",dH7 /lfr m7n?4' cndan../.r ~ Cy ,LII-IJCh/<X' dJ .:~_ -=-_,,_':'dr,~ Cg/Q'~Ao'a?7J' In -:f-.r::::;;~~-=-;:d~.;:;t/:r~::~~ ,c,beah'i,edM~/... },1'''l'~d:7J.:rJA A.j' ~T _'E ~...v7"t" r/TLe' ct:/I'I'..oAAIY rRVSTEE f .-:1/ , ..,5,.,< @'.d-~ hf. j/;a: ~tl:'nr C/.ontr~~.r,..tr.s__. :-~.,-J ACKNOWLEDGEMENT , SJ;4T-= O~ Ql?E6'O..vJ.J:.T cO~n' O~.L:AN'E J r""J' ~.-.=:r ,;';oT a-J lk2Y-obr --r46-"'>"~.- /5l:7 Op~ M/'O~ ~ a 1'lb1U,ry- Pt./Mc- ;;d;./;fr J'O'Jf7'~,;.-a;;o' ..f>b1:o ~ ?A::7re /V~ Ath(Jb?~ and t7kvTa te~ Act:PnT .!Jo#1 per..rona/(y knonn J'b ~ b t>tf .P?~ ~ ,="..n:v?..r ....nc ~~ ctJo~ ~~, 4nd ~~ &Jt.-Iy .r.A.Ch?a'.c'.Jt:l'Y~~.Y~ri4'~ Y_-~uL~'~.~' -;.r~~:;~m'3t.'jf~~c;~~~~~~~ Jb.rql.::f ,....~..._,_r q h%~~;..-'N'__ N..1 %-~_.~;:~:r;:~~~~~ #Ie/ J"aQ~ /.r#;e' r/a"~0?d'~..rJ\:r.c7"_r-__.7.~ /NIV/TNe"J"f ;Y;,,,",-,<r~...-'/~ k.n.-v~ .MJ"l'ny~ a'"h~ my a/1"7.:"..c/ ~aI ?'/I/..r~of:y";r. -;. .;%7 ?J..., - -!.U~- & ~./~.~/ q\/atry' ~.c'm-- ~a.? "7 Ca-n/??/..r..r/O.'? Lrpln:S ",,-.-. e.OOl'-fiILPAt4E......!L ~.~ - ~ :I: " ><:"" "",,0': APPROVAL LANE CGVN'TY ~F/C/AL.5' C<X/I?j' C.::vn-7?....J's..=__ County C.o.n?J?'7lff~r "~C.:L'_~.. ." Afft::'.iJ:;;;:l ><::...e"-l"-'E--ru C""-....."-'1oL ~~ .n-r-r lCF-","'''''_~,-, ,,-,\l;,L~E."-I .TF_"'-"'- >-I.LL E.. ="-A'---'''' C/TY' t/...YPR/AC'..o/rr~ o'&"nc/ALS Coy ':1'7~W~4r_ /....- iZ J~ .fP~~WGFI "LD P4AMV/A/C a:7,v'N/JJ/O..v ~/d~""f. .-;p~~~c7A) J'e~g, \-~ L-::::s;-.....~o'- STATE or dRer;ON) # az.Jv7r ar MNc-P /, .ni:-phe-n H rtY't:t klr.I?d'v2' .r..w;vn.J'r7y.....~ /11,,, ..."q"'thOC:/ Cl?Pyt7.r~/.?or.ef/dH a-/~ J'lnc/map oI"/"WRT# ADD/T/OA/ ro "'AMBliNG:' ACRE.!' /"'.5J::CJ R$',~.77?f ,"",W-WN ~ d/i'7...../ Sk'~ J.I TQFC' S'v~"'/b="dcnd $Nr:'rn >t>.t='&11:" ~ 1i?...J'....&:f6:i.~..r-~ /-"'7 4.- / ..IJL A:.6b-::rA:l-~O~.:Y7 ~ Cbn?n:>/.r.J".o-? 6-p..""'r /- .-u_ ... Co....o<-...............c.a. o:;.........c................c..... 'I"'-~....->1. ~~:a-...'"'....."'-os ~...I"'T...... 1.1.. 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I ' I' ~ . ~ 0 ^h......;.;~~ F_11 /-J, // i ~ ~ I I I ~ a I APPROVALS COMMf.,r..rlONE- }/____,...-.4 =M/oAIJ:rfaH~'i =MMu..rlONr" il...r.r~J...so"'. ,<-'____._/A. SURVEYOR "c-~l<..r---____ "_."4 ~-;;....", ~ , . JDUTN,.,eJ"T CORNE" ... F~'-f:L ~CTT ,,/R Di.. t:. "'.!SI TITS R:lW 0 w~ f0- r .ION'" UUJr'''''' ~,~ ~/N4 Q<fLY "'~'N~ ..~..~ AN&> -s..y ~r 7>(~ f~ _ ~~~q".",..",,~ """,.~ "'..........c_r_1!'S _~'<:W_T:fT."I<-i""~ IIfM LAN' c.:;>PNTY t:>"'<!i><<JN_fL;.! ~ ~&:.cI:.JI!1,.D"'ND~....4JCH~.~_TN,..M_~ ~ DESCRIPTION "I../::~~~~ ......__......b_"'..d'1?'2' ""'" g eCGINNINlS AT A paIN"'" WNfCN 6,E"AR..7-:;;;-T,;.;.!'e-;; rfi.~"'~;'~;:T ~ Q FEET A/<fD NOflTH '~Z7 f~ FEET FI'rOM THE ...svUTNrrE"S"T CDlrNCfl OF THE FEL..IX ...r~OTT oJ" D'- C '*.sl, T/TJJ ".3W, J't' "'* HlJN T""~NCE NORTH ~..~ ..30" "cor-r ~~$.3.5 FCCT THENCE #0"'7"'" (I 07 ~"E,A.$T <11./6 JJ!!I FEC7' THENCE NORTH Z./-~4 .$0. EAST .s:t67 F&E7j THENce NORTH a 07 Sa"EA.TT oo,:,~ FEET THENCE ...sOUTH .es3 4Z .:S.5"EA.FT 4J.5 00 FEET, rHENc.E NO"T}.! O"07.sa-E.IIST Z70 DD FEET" TNEIIICE ...rDUTH 43 42. ~5P EAJT ZI!!l3 ~I!!l FEET TNENCE ...s,:u.rT~ I!!ldl!!l /:&J FEE7" TO THE POINT OF 6EGIN,HING ALl.. IN LANE COUNTr D,qEGON DEDICATION J(Naw ALL MEN THAT PIONEC-'f TITL.E CO OF L.ANE COUN-rY...--AN QR'EtSON CO!'i'PORATIO'" IS THE aWNER 01 F~E ...rt~Pl..E THEABDII'E DE.rCRI8ED PROPERTY AND IT DC~S HEJ'f'F:8Y LAYOUT ...suBDIVIDE THE ...r".ME A~ ...rHO"O~ aN rHC- ANN-E'..cED ~"T "ND ~OE.S HJf;I<rE6r OEDIC,IITE 1'<;1 THE PU6LIC FOREYl!:;;> ALL ...rT'REE'T...r AS" ...rHOWH ON THIJ Pl..A T or/'" / '7?- /-.,..,..-{ R C M"~AUCX, -:;;i.J:.r'T .sECR~AR"r PIONEER TITLE C11 6Y ~~ .!-ANY~t~::' ,hllCN W JTANLEY VICE P~DEHT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT JrA"TE OF OREGaN'} ~ s CDLI'" T Y <::IF LANE l.."'..'A'1 Zz. 1-364. A.l;l. pdraNAl..L"r APp~REa "THE SAID v"CH W -rYAHl..EY "ND .-r:"~CDRMICJ( ""Ha I!!lEIHG DUl..Y ..J'7VORN ...r....r 7"#,117" AlE THE ..r.AI7;J JACH 17 ...rTANl..EY IS rHE VICE PRG:,.rIDENr AND NE THE ....TA/D /? C _CCDJ;>.uIC/f .(.f THE .AJ..r r ..rECRET.AJ'f'Y ~ PlaNE~'" TITLE CO OF LANe COUNTY..", 0"'10&0/0/ CQRPORArlDN AND THAT THE ..reAL "FFI)('ED n7 THE FORE- GOING IN..rr~lIlW~NT IJ THE CORP'OA"AT""" ~EAl.. OF ....rAID =A'-:JRATlaN AND 7"",117 THE ...sAME IN..T/<rUMENT "AS ..rU~HEJ:J AND ..S"'E'Al..ED IN J 6EHAL~ OF" ~AID Cal'7~aI'7A7"ION ~r rHE A6Cve OFFICERS A/YO nfEY ACKNcnUDGED ~"D 'NnNU~EN' = 8E ,,_ ~rANY A~iND DEED . /I NOTARY PUl!JL.IC FOR o.<;>EGON d ;;:; r7/A /WI' c::.aMMI...s..IOH EX~/I'7E..r ^ ~..,.. I~ 10,,,,"7 I a AFFIDAVIT ~TATE OF OREGON1...ss COUN"TT OF LANE J I <.IOHN LAURIl..A <.IR REGI...sTERED PRO~E.r..rIONAl.. EfVGINEE~ 6EIHer FI{'<rS-r- DULY J"WDRN eN DATH ...r,Al'" 7HAT I HAVE CO,Jl?RECrl..y...rUR- VeYED ,IINO MARKED "'I TN PPOPER Il.-#ONUMENT-S TNE LAND A.S SHaWN ON THE AN"'""XED p(..." TJ./G INITIAL paINT IJ A 2 X -36' t3Al..VANIZEJ;J IHOJJ PIPE 5. BELaw THE .....rI.lRFACE OP THE GROVND ..r..,D INIT'"l.. ~aINT ~EARJ N"~TN 1-'~7...s~ FEE- A#b Nt:JPTH~4Z.~5' ".,. WEJ"T I.:rOil? D4. FeET FROM "TNE ..rOU TH nE..rT C.ORHER OF THE FEl..IX ...rCQTT JR.. ZJ.L..C "SI, TITJI R~"'I .ov "'" I'" LANE fauNTT, oREG ON (j,-L ~ 1'] 9r .6 1 LED ...rUQ..rCRIBED AND .swaRN 7"0 1M; THI...r.zz::=:Z,AT In'"..L'''~_.': (/ '~",f.D. .l;T~ NDTAI<rY,-:J/!!TUC "lVf' ~eGoJ./~~'" ..6'/L- JUli 24 1954 MT COMMI..r..rION E)(.PIHE-S ~U i I l....NE COUNTT PUNUf~"p~I.!;nON ~ CHJJIR""AN~-Yff- P~_7"\~_-T ~ ..rECRETARrJI-/:....- ___1'-11/ R~J/-.__~ I" %? I I ~~~""fE~.- ----~ .-- .~ ~11~"~~ S 1348 ~ al:;E 2::;E ~ CIl..... D::CIl c CIlc ....ro ro_ Oa. ~~IJ~~T':':7;:="J ~~ r JtJlJN <~I"I'U JIt bUND 'liP _tJflN pe,..'u, ''I''''''''' flUT flI~ " ~"~u~r _1'7 " """ 1"1,,# rur 1"1"'" ~'>r"""N U ,"',.."" ~!'l~T~' ,~e; 't.<f TI1, ,o:!,~ ^' Jz.L~"T~"'O:"h. '1J~It'bH' HIl' ~D1(lI T" UF"<<"'t T~-I..!!-;'7 .., ~ NU~"" /faTIM n>D</& ""It P~"J. d I .5-"i 4- _ oS ~~. 4.~ 3.5 E /Q.54..44. ,<:I R'EDE..rTRIAN WAY:::: ""'''''''/~1t:''' ~~"'II'" ,,,nUx" ..::.:~ ,.r... :I: ~Q --UJOOO-Iq__3.50D_ ~... _.3.s0t:J_~_~oo_~ -~<Ul-~~OOO_~_"'OOD_~ _3o.00_~_<='OO~ 1 -~oo -~ --...."".....,-:...::, ~:::::... ;;a< ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ;'j I::l Q t:I ~ olQ ~I') Q J 0 ~ . I:l ' I y' r.J e': I) /I \1<1 10 ',' 9 " 8 " 7 -, 6 " 5 " 4 g 3 . ~ 2 "1~ tic ~ Q., 1:1 " q " tI '" tl ... 0 ... tl " t:l " J " ~ ... I tl tI Q ~t! tl~ <:II) <:IQ t11::l@) tlt! 1;]<) QI;;l <: ~ t11::l 1::1 I;) ... t:l'" <:l Q.... <;;), 1:1" 4 ... tl" tl~ <: ~ tl~ ~Io /o,:).oo'l: ......."0 ~ ...500 ~ ~.soo 'l: .3,-;:oa 'l: ~on'" ~ :;: ;:.. ~ <: I' ..onn .!'l!i:O"'_ -"1!i:oo "'4_d7' I,~ ,o""A"fCa B~ t:'.l i- Z!oNn~"_" I i:.= ~'" -- ;- !I::rW;;:'" I i II I Ie ,,-.. I I ~.f:::..... I I ~i -,' I ~:;;------j 1"'- I I ......,.-,., I I 1..:.) I 1--------1 I I I a I I I I '. r------I FIRST ADDITION TO SWANK ESTATES RESTRICTION SECTION LANE WM 24, T/7S, COUNTY, R3W, OREGON ND DU~L~.r~ TD ~l: J!I~HL.:r ON .sJNtSl..~ LD7:S AS CA'~.A""~D 8'1' T#L.S ...rUJ!!fDII/I.,SIDN EXCEPT ON T"~ exPI'rE..s:x~O APPR'DVAL CF THe Oi!'PT c,. I1~A'-TH AND ..sA/OTATION 61 LED ,,--""""--" AUG 519ffi " " " ,< "' , _WJJtUL"iJJ:.d... ---- ....'t'::r r~A) ~ ~ ~",..< .. :1~- H ~ u~oo"1 : T~ -,{~'~;:~/ ,..00 -";'1 "'''00 ~ ~~ :Q~~~~:~' .. : {\ 4zl~ , /@ ,,~ 2 ~" :;t.l '<l ~: /2 '1 ~ /I <:i..,... 6' I ,~ 5~~ ~<:l~~~OI...<:I ~l>.J~~ ~ l' 4"4LJ7ISJDZUCK->' ::a "l "l'i..'5".nd!..rl7lUU <:i ... \:If.., j' tI 1 =' -nQ.DD-":-:--~D4DlJ.J-=;!;":: '.J_"'D.4.~_j~~:o;,~~e: ~.~ -""7.I~~.AJ"O"",_-1~ I -- NtlJ3 4.ZJ4-w ~DQ -- '-""o/il34Z~"--f r .~.3Da G:;_I$':>OO'_~"-------f =:. I \ .:t I =UIWI...r...rn:lN~R ,,_~ _ ~ ~ I :,~ Aj Nl~",~;:'p - f Z, A <l1J , \I" \ CJ;M.6.M/...r.S"NJH~H'V- ....._.,"-1._. ~~ 10 '7 ~:'l !........1'1 A.r.s~...r.sO- 1,-"'. _ i:" ~ ~ .n 'Ii ~ ;.. ..... J, ! .sUHVEYO- ;:: 1= '-_/_ _ ',' ': Y." 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P~H~ONALLY A~__EAHED TH~ "'1!1OVI!: NAMI!:D ...G.CCK"JTANL& _0 I'r C M"ClJI'rMlt:'X 6'HO ~NG .:;JuLY' .swORN ~Y ,HAT H.::' THE -SAID uACK " ...:rTANL~Y IS ,N~ ~1'r~"OENT "'NO THAT HE 77I'E ~"O ,Ii' C .u""CDI'rMICK IS 7'"-'1'= A.$.S T ~ECH'ET"'I'rY 0'- PIONEER TIT!./! co 0'" L../NE' COUNTY AN OREGON CDR'P"","ATIO'" "'NO THAT THE ...sEAL "''-~/XED 771 THE FOI'rEGO/NG hU7'm1PBr'T IS THE CO-"".POR...TE Jl!.;AL OF -SAID COR...-aRATION ....ND TN....T THE ..sAME IN,Sr""UMENT Jt'A.T ~E'D ...HO ...rE"'L~a IN BEH"'L.F O~ ..r"'Ja CORPOR...TION 8Y T..,E A.:JOYE N"'MED O?FICER~ .AND THEY At:KNOI'VLEaGED S...."O IK.JTRU"'EflfT n:7 4E ITS VO..!:UNTAHY Aq7 AND D~ NOT"'RY PV~LIC Fl:711i' D"f"EGON....,h'1.. .'::__'" .---< ""Y COMM/~.sION ~X_'R'~ _...-{- ~ ST"'TE &Y' OIli'EG""'1~ S COUNT." 01" LANl! :r '-'OHH LAUI'rILA viii'.. Rt:GIJTERELJ PI'l"O~~SU;1N.AL ENGIHEeF'i' 4=1'1'0 ""RST OU..!:Y -S7YOHN ON OATn ~Y THAT:r H"'YE CDf'i'Nec.rL.'" ~VRYEYEO AHO "'A"'KED wlTN _~EH NOHllMENTJ THE LAIVOA..l"JHOI'YN OIInfE A/ofN~XEa pL.Ar THE INITIAL POINT ~ .A Z.;c .3(;. ISALY....NIZED II9t1H ..../~E & BELOW THE ...:>VI'r....AC~ t:Jp THE G...-r;;1UND ~AIO "HIT~AL POINT 8E"'R~ NDHTH Z7""S 3~ ~EET "'ND NO.3 4.Z .1'S~W /..3BZ 04 FEET FH'OM THe..sW CONNER Off Tff.E ~/X .sr:oTToIR C.!.. c "'51 rl7S A'..3/'Y W M IN L..NE C:OVF\IT>:; OI'rEGON ~ ~---.L_} SU4.$CKIOED "'ND "':>WDI'rN 771 ~FOfl~ ME TrtlSn - aAY" OF :;t..:r'~'/ . ~?~.A ~ NOToARY .PUBLIC FOR C/R~GO ../\.-1: lb _. ....-i,.-/::A.. ...,'>' COMMI..r...sION e;XPIRe..s j., " , uU 4- DEDICATION IrND" ALL MEH TnA 7 ~/ONecR TITL.c co OF .(.ANE C:Of./NTT AN O~EGf/N Q:JR'I"rIR...T "N IJ TH~ OWNEi'f IN FEE JIMPLE ~ THE A80VE O~.sCRI8L'"D ......OP~RTY ANO IT ODES H~~~Y UY4UY"AIo'D ..rlF80IYlD&' THE SAU~ AJ -SIfDWN QN TH~ ANNEXED P.!..AT "'ND ITDtJES HERE8Y OEOIC.ATE 7;7 THE PUt!U.."C I"1:JJi'ErE~"'t.L ..sr/f'tFer...r .U"'O '-EL:1ES7'"R/AN NAY AS ~Hi/!WJt' _ ""'H..S PLA7" j..4 ~ ';k ~ fl-C- ~aJ"A.uCK, ...Lii- T S=R~AI'rY' PIONEER TITLE CO pF LAN; JTY (~.Y -/. ",.,..;;...... IV P.AIY~E l'J - "'I'r~/DEIVT <J S 1484 Bq<?K 49-PA'",E1-3- SECOND ADDITION TO SWANK ESTATES ~~. " .. " ~ , , - o ~ ~\ DESCRIPTION - ~N~...~t~:<J:N,J,a:.';JffHr?.f;";,;,~a;:;~H~,f'.ri? ~..:-e%~ T~E~~.J; "'JffD"~~ d. ~d ~aC.r';iJr:i:;::~";;~n;t.l';i~;V ~":%J./~o;N;;O~::':!.o'!-; T.%o ~~~N~ ~~~~~~ !;:JJ S,!t~J.Z~ E CORNE" CF 'r/RSr AL:lOJrJON TO S.w~.&e-.$'TAr-;:S"A.y '-LArrED AND REcaR'DC-:~ :. -T----r----~."""'J'l:cv-,-j --- --,----~-l 1--- ~~L~G~1f:.IC;j;~yLAci'?.ff~~~Ar.s~.~LA.3.5~~~~~.sF~~.....jj,.~~C~":Yc_r!l"~ I s/CUDFEE'T 77fENCE ~~ 4Z. ~.E $D..CDFEeT7"HENCE.sa orso-w.:J!JtJ.CDFEET. -HENCE 1 I S~,~ -3.5-F Na4.z.~ET: THF/VCF so or.5t)._ J.!raCDFE'ET rHeNcE.s~ :.t.>:: ~-F I - - -..... A"" .... rz J" ~,..~ ":4' 'If< :--.....,.,J: rE." Z7.5a:>FEE'T = THENaH'f~We;sT COI'?JVER QF kQT4 -8l:.0CK~ '-SWANX E::S7A7E.:r"~ r ~ ~ 1 -.... '''', ~ - ~ - - I - I PL.'f7T~D AND /rECClfi"OEQ AT .=..- 4..1:. PAGE ~ 4ANE COUNn' a/rJi'60N ~T '-El::J:JR0$ O '~2 ti 17fENCE ../.ANG THE WEST BOUNLJAI';'T ~NE OF -SAJD ~.s7YANK J!!';:!fTA.rss-SO'OT'.$D""A' ,5 I 2? ~ I I I II0.9.9FEET 777eNC~ so ~4.s0-J-V.s~G7FEETTHEPCE SOOQ'7.5O.W IICCVFEE'T 'j ~ 77'tE~ LEAJI"fPG THE .sAID WES"T eOUPDARY UJJ~ N4!1 <(Z ~.N 1S6a.~FE&r n:l 1 . 1 ..J '" _ _ _ _ THE POINT Or' ~GINN/Na ....LL IN LANE C::C:Jl.lNTY O~~GQN __ S~ 4t: -"TSE ~4.ECD --~ ,~~ u"-~ ______ / _ --110=-1 i-IOSCD- --/~-ll' DEDICATION f.,{l rt:;J t) (l I \ I'CPOWALL M~N T....,AT P/ONEER r/TL~ co. OF LANE COUNTY AN 0.....4:60N IJ 3 <:!!.J \l <:l I C::O/'rPD.l'rA.TION U T.HE" OIYNEfl N ~E S/.vPC...E or ,,yE A~E ~.,-~ -. - ,- gl~ ~ ~ ~ 13 ~~ ,.. \ :z..~~~~~'1v~;%"'W~~~bo;;.r~:;g;;~';';~;."%e~1.[.,-:::M'~A~HE 1'1 ' I' .---..\ ;...... Ptl.e.c..=~EVE""AL.c..._..._-,~.~ASSHOWNO/V7HISP.c..AT ~~""rrJ AI.......? '7<:~.....\ "l:: ,/ -....... ./ ............. I. PIONEER nTlE CO OF LA2'E WNTY i J; ~'~ ,- ~-~a4Z 1 ~ // -,-.................... /' \ '/' 0) I ",-"-",--y~~.~ - - -;,d"~ j~g 6 ~ ~ ~ 140~~/ <: # I 8 ~;::JlCxw.srANf:Ey-piif.s/.oCNT .sC0T7.wCA.RL_~~ETARr 1'1 r t:J 3 '11 ~ I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ., 1 .sTATE OF OR~GONZ...:s J~~#~_.....?n /~6eA 0- 1 I I -.l I I..!: cau..vTY QF L.ANq- ,... ""~ ..!!O "" I~a .d.Z P....~...LL7"" APPEANE'D THE AaDYE NAMeD <.JACK"", STANLer _13 .sraTTJf' ==,v..a-..=,,~.-=-,~.o= -~. ~'~- '="""2 ~l' --~=~~~,-.'1.Z-:::;:'-lo'::":'= 1--, CARL, ..,....Q 4E/NtS DUL.,...~~"'" .5;o<Y:n'fAT ""'~ T<'IEoSA.ro <.JAC.K VI' .$'"T"',"U...EY I I .... IS -:loI& PR"EJ"U:3ENT ...AlD 77.Pn""" <'IE T8E s:..:IO oYCOTT W CARL IS 7HZ: ASS~T "'J ~ETA~Y ~ .-ICNEE-'l' 7FTt..:': co OF LANE COUNTr ...<'1 ~ COI"r'-OP- ~ h. ATION AND THAT "THE SEA4 Ar....,x~D n:> r...-e I"OReGa~.!VG .rNSTI"rU.LIENT (j 8 ~<:! 7;:: 15 16 cc /7 ,,01 /8 .... ~ ~'JJ!!k:~:"'~~ ~;;'E:;A~/':,.E"'5/;:i:~7;~%:'At~OJH.#.J;O~~o':r%-: ~ r~ N6S!TA-OW _ _ ~Q <:!~ Q~ ~ .:- Z7..;"7Jff':;'~M;-Z-;. ~D~ ~-;.,;eova~':;-:'.I~~":.:~ :'eN;' ;.:.oEYp~C;';:~LEa;ED nt:j en' I I "-Co">:"'--=> " N.4IZ..4.rzrw ~ ~ ~ I (., /? 4 ~., # n '( L ........-""4 '" ... "J IoIO"TAflr PlISL./C I"DI"! O/f'EqaN~ 7/_~~ l' .!f!:,.5.o/t v~.....~ "~scn I , 1~~_...c. ~ \/7sill;::0 ~ ~...._ \1 ~~Z" SZ~.3&.50-1V MY COAlMIJ'.s.rON .E"X'-IRE".s~ _?.<:- /V'<::9 n ....~ I -;; H I: ~K. ."-flF"'T ~67 AFFIDAVIT L : - ",4= 4Z$S-_ ..;E~=67 / g-::;:",~o'Zf~;'1s= == ~u.a t I~ r oJOHN LAUfll.L.A J.If' "'~GI.sTeH:=a. ._.~.. _.___.I0ftrA.L. E./VGhVEE~~.rNr3' .~ ~ ~ ~ '- z.,Rff7M';.~~E:W:;:;'''f, ~g~;~ -:::;;"Jff;";;.,..]' ~H;:~'55'ff~c~~bJ1';:~~ L.C..4.9.d.7 ~,,~l;J p~ ~ I ~~~;:;- 7:HE .4I11Ne'XED PLA.,.. r.r1E INITIAL ,q:vNT /oS A Z-X~G.(3AL7""ANIZEO "I" "l "1 ~ ~ IFi"ON PIPE 5 BELOW 7"H~ SURF...C.E a.... THE O...-ouND 'sA.rD ~N/-/A4 '., 13 ,,8 14 ",8 15 ~8 /6 8; ~ PO/NT DEARS .soSS.4Z.3S E..5'D=....e~r.AN.t:7 NO 07.so.E ~a=FEET ~:,: t;1;) (J" ~~ ~~ ":t ~~.#.gg;::E~~::E"~/:%~HS:{:gf..4.c.9:';;e"~;;S;~~HE! " l;J::: ~~ (J" I --- WM, N" LANE COUNT,.. D-i'i"EGOIII 71!:. --I-5~."'IO ---: -~== ~-':l>::l..:o- -.,"'= -~ -~D.:o ---l} ~ SU8.S1:I'rISEDANOJ'".m:Vf"N7P6EFaRC_E 7""'oS~,...J~"..""'::;L';:4A.o. N d~ .d...Z.. ~"- /lSBO'!:so ----[1 'Z' -I- NOTARY Pr/8LIC Fr3R OflEG-' /}-"',' Z/y /, ~ Mr COMMISSION EXP/RE..:; 1A~ ~?-<: /9'4:9' 1----- ----- I 3~~:'? ~~~ Sc.ALE" 1-.60 RESTRICT/ON NO DUP!...J':xe:.s -0 4E ~/l..T ON .s7NGLE l..OT.S A.r ~EATEL:J BY' TNIS .sUSD.I,YI"s/ON C=___ ON "TAlE E"XPR~SSE'= APPflQVAL a..- T"'~ aEPAI"rT'"krEN"T OF H~AL.7H AND ..=...,./,.....,...10'"" , SECTION 24, LANE TITS, COUNTY, R3 W. OREGON WM --.) \,) -0 0>:2 ~:2 o 0>..... o:::~ 2t: ro.!1! 00.. a ~ 4 5 " , 's , " , . 8 9 ~ ' 10 lit'! ..,.., I ~ : 10 ~~ ~-='~ \ ~~:-IIQ=-JU JU!..28ES I.. .---.......NjTI....L. ,.,UNI ........._.... ~8 Do;L.&=t'--'~~"~:::-~::! 1"~~.._. <:: ~ ~- '<l_-~___~_ , , "" -;:Y--.i'CC..." ~fI~ 9';'1 f-RDPE?ll 7A~El 84 APPROVALS 1.:ST-r7Z"""~, u. "'"~'-'Js s CDUNTr "" L.lNE. r _.JCIHN LAUR.rLA uH~ DE/NGpUL,....swaI'UI DEI"'aSE A#.o $<"" 77tAT THI.Y ~ ~XAc:r COP7"" aF ~e I'YNAL. M"'P OF.~CONC ADOlrlaN -r1 ~ANX L:'STATE.:r- ~aNZ4 T"/7S.'i"-:i'_ W.H: INL.lNL!'=U~DJ-~N ---$1./ =""~_\r ,,_~-.."'~ .:l~,__ ~__O~Nro~M4'7'H'IS~........-.-',- ~"'-::._ N<1TA~"~I!!fUC. fiJR aREGON~/7- j' ~.p...-_....v"_ :." Mt =MM/~/DN eAPIRes. ..I:!-~~jJ'-<: /..,~ COMM/S.sIONEfl .1- =M~/.s.r.lONEF' 1- u " =_..../.r.rID^'~r ~- As.sessaR. '-- SURVEY"OR = = TT.I"U;;UC--;n.""/i:in---....=~=.-:::- .L.ANE COUAn-r PLANNIM::l" ~0iV CHAI.R'.M'AN~ ~ .0:-:::' =- --::. ~ - -- S.t;C:::R=rARY.:-W-" , u- ~ ~-- s 1576 Date Received l-llIl'-lpdl UIUl<.l:l- Planner MM MullO M,lhon $ P",dum #1 Agent 1990-2003 ~ !~ :{~?R' GRI CURTIS IRVING REALTY, INC 560 COUNTRY CLUB PARKWAY, #200 EUGENE OR 97401 BUS (54!) 334 SOLD FAX (541) 334-1286 RES (541) 741-2669 E-MAIL CBMILLER@CONTINETCOM Mike Miller is a Principal Broker for Coldwell Banker CurtIS Irving Realty and a Licensed Real Estate Broker for the past 18 years. Mike specializes III ResIdential and Commercial Sales, Residential and Commercial Development and Investment Properties, MIke has been a Top Producer at Coldwell-Banker - Curtis Irving Realty and in the Top 1 % of Coldwell Banker National since 1990 with over 35 Million Dollars in Sales each year, Mike IS a member of Coldwell Bankers Presidents ElIte, The Lane County Million Dollar Club, CCIM and CID, a GRI Real Estate Designation. Each Olflce Is Independently Owned And Operated EXHIBIT 1) Page / of ;2./ ..ite Received 0,/1 /P I 'b 7 Planner MU:E MILLER, GRI PrincIpal Broker MU\tl-M!\hon $ Producer #1 Agenl1990-2003 CURTIS IRVING REALTY, 1NC 560 COUNTRY CLUB PARKWAY #200 EUGENE OR 97401 BUS (54]) 334-S0LD FAX (541) 334-1286 RES (54]) 741-2669 EMAIL CBMILLER@CONTINETCOM RE: Subiei;t Pl'ooertv located at: Purcell Livmg Trust 1537 Hayden Bndge Road Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lane County Tax Assessors' Index Map 17-03-25-22 Tax lot 200 Based on an analysIs of comparable propertIes, physicarinspection and-my experience In Real Estate Sales m the Hayden Bndge Area I find that It IS reasonable to state that the faIr market value of the subject property Without regulations IS $535,000 00 The subject is a 1931 square foot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home on 6 acres valued at $295,000 00 (See Comparables "A"), and (2) 6 acre lots of whICh each lot IS valued at $115,00000 (See Comparables "B") I find that is reasonable to state that the fair market value of the subject property WIth rellUlatIons IS $295,000 00 the subject is a 1931 square foot house WIth 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on 1 88 acres (See Comparables "C") Each Office Is Independenlly Owned And Operated EXHIBIT /) Page 2. of:Lf 5l/~/D7 Date Rec~~MILlER, b~I . nnClpat BroKer Planner t"YM-Ulhon $ Pcoducer #1 Agenl1990~2003 CURTIS IRVING REALTY,lNC 560 COUNTRY CLUB PARKWAY #200 EUGENE OR 97401 BUS (541) 334 SOLD FAX (541) 334-1286 RES (541) 741 2669 E-MAIL CBMILLER@CONTINETCOM Measure 37 ValuatIOn analysIs November 16, 2006 Preoared bv:. MIke MIller, GRI Coldwell Banker I Curl1s Irvmg 560 Country Club Prk # 200 Eugene, OR 97401 - RE: Subiect orooertv located at: 1537 Hayden BrIdge Rd Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lane County Tax assessors' index, Map 17-03-25-22 Taxlot 200 Based on an analysIs of comparable propertIes, I [md that It IS reasonable to state that the fror market value of the subject property WIth applIcal10n of current regulalIons is $300,000 [Land Value $140,000 + Improvement Value $160,000] Compared to the fair market value of the subject property WIthout regulatIOns whIch IS $535,000 [Land Value $375,000 + Improvement Value $160,000] Eaeh Olliee is independently Owned And Operated EXHIBIT ~ Page ~ ~ Date Received Planner MM t/n(O? The pnmary basIs for the Increase m the value of the subject property IS the conSideratIOn of two addlllOn vacant parcels SUitable for construcllon of smgle famJly residence, therefore I find that IS reasonable to conclude that the reduced property value as a result of current regulatIOns IS $535,000 - $300,000 = $235,000 If you have any further questIOns regardlllg tills analYSIS, please do not heSitate to contact my office at (541) 334-7653 or my cell phone at (541) 954-4454 smCerel~y, / ;fri4 / T / . I / / ,-~A. (,,/ MIChael P MIller Pnnclple Broker - Coldwell Banker CIR EXHIB1T b Page ~ 7-1-20. _ ro 6-30-2007 REAL PROPERTY TAX S EMENT LANE COUNTY 125 E 8TH AVE EUGENE, OR 97401 (541) 682-4321 Date Received Planner MM ACCOUNT NUMBER 0204139 SITUS ADDRESS 1537 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ACRES 1 88 PROP 101 TCA 019-03 MAP 17 03 25 22 00200 1537 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LAST YEAR THIS YEAR VALUES MARKET VALUES LAND IMPROVEMENT TOTAL M5 SPECIALLY ASSESSED VALUE M5 REAL MKT VALUE ASSESSED VALUE EXEMPTIONS NET TAXABLE: 84,105 139,740 223,845 135,409 150,920 286,329 223,845 184,126 286,329 189,650 184,126 189,650 MORTGAGE CO LOAN # Full Payment with 3% Discount 2,45249 2/3 Payment with 2% Discount 1,65185 1/3 Payment No Discount 2006 - 2007 TAXES 842 78 trOTAL TAX (After Discount) ------ --------- ----------- ----~----- - -- 5" It lu 16]_,. , , LAST YEAR'S TAX 2,48874 ICURRENT TAX BY DISTRICT[ U Lane Community College U Lane Education Service Dlst U Springfield School Dlslncl 11741 4233 88021 Educalion Totals 1,039 95 Rainbow Water & Fire District Rainbow Water & Fire District La U Lane County U Willamalane Park & Rec Dlst U Willamalane Park & Rec Gap Bond 391 26 205 85 242 39 37422 57 General Government Totals 1,21429 U Lane Community College Bond U Lane County Bond U Springfield SD Bond U Willamalane Park & Rec Bond 4371 2475 16631 39 33 Bonds - Other Totals 27410 2,528 34 2,452 491 ACCOUNT NUMBER 0204139 F II P t E I d D INCLUDES DELINQUENT TAXES OWING, IF ANY U aymen nc ose ......................... . ue: 11/15/2006 2,45249 or 2/3 Payment Enclosed...,. ,...... ........ Due. 11/15/2006 1,65185 or 1/3 Payment Enclosed. .....,...... ." Due: 11/15/2006 84278 DISCOUNT IS LOST & INTEREST APPLIES AFTER DUE DATE EXHIBIT lJ Page ~ of;z[ ....ROPERTY REPOIH - LANE COUNTY 5/;t" /07 " ~C!;Ql!nU 0204139 Map, Tax Lot, & SIC # 17_03_25_1t1d~~Celved Planner MM Site Address 1537 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Owner Name & Address Tax~J'l'l[ Name & Address Purcell Living Trust Purcell William F Te 1537 Hayden Bridge Rd 1537 Hayden Bridge Rd Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield, OR 97477 Multiple Owners? Yes' Additional Account Numbers for thiS Tax Lot & SIC ApprOXimate Tax 187 SubdivIsion School Springfield Lot Acres 81,457' Name District Inc City Phase Elem Yolanda UGB Springfield Lot # TL 00200 Middle Briggs Census Tr/BlkGrp 200212 Recording # High Springfield I ZOning Parent/Overlay LD I Statistical Class 140 I Land Use 1111 I Property Class 101 Class 4 Single Family Home Single Family HOUSing Residential, Improved 2006 2005 Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Mark~ $135,409 $84,105 Improvement Value Real Market $150,920 $139,740 Total Value Real Market Assessed $286,329 $189,650 $223,845 $184,126 2006 I_axable Vl!!!!~ $ 189,650 2006 Taxes $2,528 34 Tax Code Area 01903 Two Most Recent Sales Date Price 05-11.1998 $0 10-31.1991 $3,775 Grantor Purcell, William F & Wilma M H&w Purcell, William F Jr Grantee Instrument # 98-03847700 92-01176300 IYear BUilt I Bedrooms j Full Baths Half Baths % Improvmt Complete Residential Building # 1 (of 1 ) Characteristics 41 stat 140 Square feet Base Basement First Second AttiC Total FInished 1956 3 2 1331 1331 Bsmt Garage Sqft All Garage Sqft I Det Garage Sqft Att Carport Sqft 697 100 600 1931 600 1931 , Comments' *Thls report extracts commonly used Informatlon from the Detailed Property Report ~t1ck~re for ttH" filII np~<'lU~ct Prnnf'rt'l.B~Rort EXHIBiT il Page of ~ Date Received .-!)"/1>7 Planner MM Purcell Living Trust Comparab:e Sales Exhibi~ A: 1537 Hayden Bridge Prepared by: Mike Miller Principal Broker Coldwell Banker, Curbs Irving Realty, Inc, 541-334-7 653 (Office) 541-954-4454 (Cell) 541-334-1286 (Fax ) EXHIBIT D Page 7 of 2( Presented By Mike Miller Coldwell Banker CIR RESIDENTIAL Status SLD ML# 6038074 Area, 232 Addr 1555 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD City Springfield Zip 97477 Map Coord 29/GI14 Zoning County Lane Tax ID Elem YOLANDA High SPRINGFIELD Nhood/Bldg Legal 1703252200100 Public Internet/Address Display ff Agent Full ~~l~~ec~V&43 PM (jW"'IMlr, Ml\tb48,500 Unll# Condo LocJLvl LlslType ER lR N 5/tt,/67 , r 204121 Middle BRIGGS PropType DETACHD GENERAL INFORMA TlON # Acres 0 94 View Seller Disc DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFORMA TlON SFSrc #Bdrms 3 #Lvl 1 TotUp/Mn 1809 Style CO NT EM P Parking DRIVWAY #Garage 1 I CARPORT Roof RUBBER Exterior WOOD ::EMARKS Harlow to HaydenBndge Rd Or Main to 14th to 19th to Hayden Bridge Rd Immaculate custom bUilt 2 owner home, on beaubtul park like 94 acre ground Light and bright rooms With large Windows looking out the gourgeous yard Red wood toungue-groove panelings, lots of Skylights vinyl Windows, updated bath Plus 550 s t Sunroom With Jowl stove New root In2002 Leave a message & show Day sleeper, Ifs OK to show at anylJme A perfect comblnahon of beaulJful home and wonderful 94 acre lot Reverse floor plan and beautltulland, must see Inside Fully Imgated land With garden, many fruit trees Addlhonal 550 sq It sunroom Is potenhal addition Shop Highly molJvated seller Lot Size Waterfront RlverlLake' 20K- 99AC Lot Dimensions Lot Desc LEVEL, PRIVATE Other Disc Upper SOFT Main SOFT Lower SOFT Total SOFT XStlDlr Private o 1809 o 1809 Year Bit 1955 I Green Home Wrnty Y 55+ wlAflIdavlt YIN #FIreplaces 11 PELLSTV BsmllFnd SLAB N Public Living Kitchen Dining Family APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS BEAMS, FIREPL Mstr Bd M 112 X 20 I BAYWIND, WI-CLOS EAT-BAR 2nd Bd M 110X 11 I 3rd Bd M 119 X 16 I SKYLlTE SUNROOM M f I 1 1 FEA TURES AND UTlUT/ES M f 17 X 17 M 112X 11 M 113X 11 M 113 X 12 f Kitchen BI.RANG, DISHWAS, BI.OVEN Interior WW-CARP, LAM-FL Exterior GARDEN, PATIO, RV-PARK, SHOP, SPRNKLR, PAVEDRD Accessibility 1 LEVEL Cool NONE Water PUBLIC Hot Water ELEct Sewer SEPTIC Heat CEILING, WOODSTV Insul FULLY FINANCIAL Tax Deferral N 3rd Party N Ren~ If Rented Property TaxlYr 1894 2 Terms CASH, CONY Escrow Pref Cascade IlOA Dues HOA 'ncl Spcl Asmt Balance Other Dues BROKER I AGENT DATA BRCD 5PRU01 Office Prudential R E Professlonels LplD KIM NANCY Agent Nancy Kim Coll'ID CoBRCD Agent E-mail nancyklm@prurep com ShowHrs all day Tran 91512006 LBHrs/Loc/Cmb front door Show OWN-OCC, RMLSLBX, CALLOWN Phone 541-485-1400 Phone 541-984-2547 CoAgent Pend Sold SplD List 5/1512006 Exp Occ' OWNER Owner Darrel & Lynn Kenops Tenant Lynn's cell # 517-2358 COMPARABLE /NFORMA TlON O/Prlce $379,000 Sold Price $335,000 SIOff 5PRU01 7131/2006 8/30/2006 KIM NANCY DOM/CDOM' 77/77 Terms CONY S/Agt Nancy Kim YIY Oller/Nego Baths - Full Part Upper Lvi 00 Main Lvi 20 Lower Lvi 0 0 Total Bth 2 0 Fuel ELECT BAC % 3 SAC Fax Cell/Pgr Coph 541-485-7136 Pass Phone Phone CLOSING 541-741.3466 5/011 Phone 541-485-1400 @RMLS'. 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS - CONSULT 8ROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAlLA81L1TY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHIB,O' l> P"ge~of 2.1 RESIDENTIAL Mike Miller Coldwell Banker clRDate ReceIved Status SLD Plan!lJSf20MM 12 45 57 PM it~t~ Of " Presented By ML# 5077569 Area 232 Addr 2255 VIEWMONT AVE City Springfield Zip 97477 Map Coord 291H/14 Zoning County Lane Tax 10 Elem YOLANDA High THURSTON Nhood/Bldg Hayden Bridge '1'''"',,<, Legal 17-03-24-42-02718 ;I. , ""4 Public Internel/Address Display -, . "'L, l List Price $269,500 Unlt# Condo Lac/Lvl List Type ER LR N 200780 Middle BRIGGS PropType DETACHD YIY Offer/Nego GENERAL INFORMA TlON # Acres 0 24 View Seller Disc DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFORMA TION IIBdrms 3 #LvI 1 Style CONTEMP t1Garage 2 I ATIACHD Exterior CEDAR REMARKS Hayden Br ,left on 19th,rlght on Yolenda,left on 23rd, left on Vlewmont One level,updated comtemp home In beautiful condlbon,on Ig lot Three bdrm ,2 1/2 bath, 1912 sq ft Kltchen,family rm combination With dining Formal dining rm Vaulted ceiling, force air heat and cooling Lovely yard With Ig patio and garden area R V parking One level, updated comtemp home In beaubful condition on Ig lot Three bdrm , 2 112 bath, 1912 sq ft Kitchen ,family rm comblnabon With dining Formal dining rm Vaulted ceiling, force air heat and coohng Lovely yard With Ig paba and garden area R V parkmg APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND (JESCR/PTlONS FIREPL, HI-CEIL Mstr Bd M 111 X 15 1 BATH, WI-CLOS EATAREA 2nd Bd M 111 X 13 I FORMAL 3rd Bd' M 112 X 9 I BOOKSVS I I I I FEA TURES AND UTILITIES KItchen 8/-M/CO, D/SHWAS, DISPOSl, FS-RANG Intellor GAR,OPN, GASFPLS, SMOKDET, LAM-FL Exterior FENCED, GARDEN, PATIO, RV,PARK, SPRNKLR Accessibility 1 LEVEL Cool CENTAIR Waler PUBLIC Lot Size Waterfront Rlver/Lake 10K-14,999SF Lot Dimensions 65X165 Lot Desc LEVEL Other Disc Upper SQFT Main SQFT Lower SQFT Total SQFT o 1912 o 1912 SFSrc TotUp/Mn 1912 Parking PAD Roof BUlL TUP Year Bit 19681 Green Home Wrnty 55+ w/Affldavlt Y/N #FIreplaces 11 GAS Bsml/Fnd CRAWLSP XSl/Dlr Private Pubhc Llvmg Kitchen Dining Family M 118X 12 I MI14X 11 I M 113X 10 I M 121 X 11 I I I Baths - Full Part Upper Lvi 0 0 Main Lvi 2 1 Lower Lvi 0 0 Total Bth 2 1 Hot Water GAS Sewer SEPTIC Property TaxlYr 181341 Terms CASH, CONV Escrow Pref Western Tltie HOA Dues HOA Incl Spel Asmt Balance Heat FOR-AIR Insul FINANCIAL Tax Deferral 3rd Party. N Rent, If Rented Fuel ELECT, GAS BAC SAC % 3 Other Dues BROKER / AGENT DA TA BRCD 5WJT01 Office IMndermere Jean Tate RE LPID 1446 Agent Vanna Khne CoLPID CoBRCD Agent E-mail vkllne@wlndermere com ShowHrs Tran 11912006 LBHrs/LocJCmb 24 Show CALL1ST, RMLSLBX Phone 541-484-2022 Phone 541-687-2709 Fax CelUPgr CoPh 541-465-8169 CoAgent Pend Sold SPID 12/1312005 1/912006 KSALLADA List 10114/2005 Exp Owner Gary and Carolyn Tenant ,COMPARABLE INFORMATION DaMICO OM 60160 a/Price $280,000 Terms CONV Sold Price' $269,500 S/Agt Knsten Salladay S/Off 5HFS01 Occ OWNER Poss Phone' Phone NEGO 541-746-8338 S/Off Phone 541-349.0558 @RMLS""2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS -CONSULT BROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE II. EXHIB,T I' Page of 2..( No Photo Avcailable Presented By Mike Miller ~ate Received Coldwell Banker CI I MM anner RESIDENTIAL Status SLD 4/5/2007 12 4526 PM ML# 5043588 Area 232 List Price $269,000 Addr 1473 YOLANDA AVE Unll# City Spnngfield Zip 97477 Condo LocJLvl Map Coord 29/H/14 Zoning List Type EA LR N County Lane Tax 10 198141 Elem YOLANDA Middle BRIGGS High SPRINGFIELD PropType DETACHD Nhood/Bldg Lagal 17.03-24-33-03800 Public Internel/Address Display 5/i~!~ Agent Full NI N Offer/Nego GENERAL INFORMA TION # Acres 0 32 View Seller Disc DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFORMA TION SFSrc county #Bdrms 3 #Lvi 1 TotUplMn 1878 Style RANCH Parking DRIVWAY #Garage 3 IOVRSIZE Roof COMP Exterior T-111 REMARKS Hayden Bndge to 15th, (L) on Yolanda to Cul.Da-Sac Thank you Dave Haverstock APPRAISERS NO ConcessIOns to buyers ThiS house was STUNNING like new, Everything updated PLUS about a 1 ,00p foot garage A true one of a kind In an established but mce neighborhood SOLD IMMEDIATELY and had LOTS OF INTEREST Entered for companson purposes only APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS MstrBd MI I 2ndBd MI I 3rdBd MI I / I / I FEA TURES AND UTlLmES Kitchen DISHWAS, DISPOSL, PANTRY, BI-OVEN Interior GAR.OPN, HARDWOD, SMOKDET Exterior PATIO Accessibility 1 LEVEL Cool CENTAIR Watar PUBLIC Lot Size Waterfront River/Lake 10K-14,999SF Lot Dimensions Lot Desc CULDSAC, LEVEL Other Disc Upper SQFT Main SQFT Lower SQFT Total SQFT o 1878 o 1878 Year Bit 19661 APPROX Green Home Wrnty Y 55+ w/Affldavlt Y/N #FIreplaces 21 WOOD Bsml/Fnd CRAWLSP XSl/Dlr Private. Public Living Kitchen Dining Family M/ MI MI MI I I I I / / Baths, Full Part Upper Lvi 00 Main Lvi 20 Lower Lvi 00 Totai Bth 20 Hot Water ELECT Sewer SEPTIC Property TaxlYr 179262 Terms CASH, CONV Escrow Pref HOA Dues HOA Incl Spel Asmt Balance Heat FOR-AIR Insul UNKNOWN RNANCIAL Tax Deferral 3rd Party N Rent, If Rented Fuel ELECT BAC SAC $ 5400 other Dues Pend Sold SPID BROKER/AGENT DATA BRCD 5ASB01 Office ASSist 2 Sell-Buyers & Sellers LPID 7402 Agent Kim Miller CoLPID CoBRCO Agent E-mail kJmm@asslst2sell com ShowHrs Tran 6121/2005 List 5/12/2005 Exp. LBHrs/Loc/Cmb CLA Owner CLA Show CALL-LA Tenant , COMPARABLE INFORMA TION O/Prlce $269,000 Sold Price $270,000 S/Off 5REI01 Phone 541-461-2222 Phone' 541-461-2222 Fax Cell/Pgr CoPh 541-461-2254 CoAgent Occ OWNER Pass Phone Phone 6/2112005 6/2112005 HAVERSTO DOM/CDOM 40 I Terms CONV S/Agt DaVid Haverstock S/Off Phone 541-345-8100 @ RMLS'" 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS - CONSULT BROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHIBIT b Page I () of 2./ Date ReceiVed S II (p /07 Planner MM ' Purcell Living Trust Comparab:e Sales Exhibit B: 1537 Hayden Bridge . Prepared by: Mike Miller Principal Broker Coldwell Banker, Curtis Irving Realty, Inc, 541-334-7653 (Office) 541-954-4454 (Cell) 541-334-1286 (Fax) EXHl~}T /) Page of :2..f D No Photo Available Presented by Mike Miller Coldwell Banker CIR LOTS AND LAND Status ACT 4/3/2007 11 58 40 AM ML# 7004715 Area 232 Dat&tRecelVed ~' 'i nnf' Address Yolanda Planner MM .5/ I~! 07 City Springfield Zip 974 7 Additional Parcels Y / Map Coord 30/H/15 County Lane SubdIvisIon Manufhs Okay Elem YOLANDA High THURSTON Legal 1702193300800 Client Full Zoning TaxlD 107878 CC&Rs N Middle BRIGGS Prop Type RESID Lot Size 20K- 99AC Waterfront N I Perc Test I Seller DIsc DSCLOSUR Lot Desc PRIVRD Topography LEVEL SOIl Cond Acres RlverlLake RdFrntg other DISC GENERAL /NFORMA TlON 059 Lot Dimensions Availability BLDORDR Rd Surfc PAVEDRD View MNTAIN 5011 Type/Class #lots Present Use RAWLAND /MPROVEMENTS UlJlIlIes POWER, SPT-APP, WAT-AVL EXIsting Structure N 1 REMARKS XSUD,r Public 19th St to R on Yolanda (past school) BUilder's own loti Super locdatlon, large flat lot with utilities Over 1/2 acrel Have home bUilt to SUit ,~!NANC/AL PTax/Yr 0 HOA I ncl HOA Dues HOA Dues-2nd @RMLS'M2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS CONSULT BROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHlBLT /) Page f.2 of :; I . No Photo Available Presented by Mike Miller Coldwell Banker CIR LOTS AND LAND Status ACT ML# 6092831 Area 232 Address Yolanda City Springfield Addlllonal Parcels / Map Coord 30/H/15 County Lane SubdIvIsIon Manufhs Okay Elem YOLANDA HIgh THURSTON Legal 1702193300800 Client Full 4/3/2007 11 58 40 AM List Pllce $180,000 Date Recel't~:F$(rtlo7._ Planner MM Zonmg TaxlD Not Found CC&Rs Middle BRIGGS Prop Type RESID Lot SIZe Waterfront Perc Test Seller DISC Lot Desc CLEARED, PUBLCRD Topography LEVEL SOIl Cond NATIVE 20K- 99AC N I / Acres RIver/Lake RdFrntg other DISC GENERAL INFORMA nON 047 Lot DimenSions AVailabIlIty SALE Rd Sunc PAVEDRD VIew SOil TypelClass #Lots Y Present Use RAWLAND IMPROVEMENTS UtJlIlJes CABLETV, GAS-AVL, POW-AVL, POWER, SPT-APP, WAT-AVL EXisting Structure N / NONE REMARKS XStlD" Public 19th Street to R on Yolanda past school BUilder's own lot Super localion, huge, flat lot With utilities, nearly 112 acre Have home bUilt to SUit Call listing office for mfo to purchase separate and use own bUIlder ,INANe/AL PTaxlYr 0 HOA Incl HOA Dues HOA Dues-2nd @RMlS,M 2007 All RIGHTS RESERVED -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS - CONSULT BROKER FOR I~IFO SCHOOL AVAilABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHI&lJ ~ Page~~ MIKE MILUR, GRI Prlnclpat Broker Mulll~Mtlhon $ Producer # 1 Agent 1990 2003 CURTIS IRVING REALTY, INC 560 COUNTRY CLUB PARKWAY '200 EUGENE, OR 97401 BUS (541) 334 SOLD FAX (541) 3341286 RES (54!) 741-2669 EMAIL CBMILLER@CONTlNETCOM Comparable sales of (2) lots at located at apprOlumately 3180 Hayden Bndge Road Each lot is approxImately 44 acres I sold these lots In July of 2004 for $110,000 00 each They are In the Hayden Bndge area, very hard to find comparables, as there aren't many aV8.Ilable The tax lot numbers for the above mentIOned lots are 17-02-19-00-702 and 17-02-19-00-703 Date Received Planner MM s/r"JU) Each Olllce Is Independenlly Owned And Operated EXHW~T 1:> Page---If-or 2.1 Date ReceIved !5 It /, J D7 Planner MM ., Purcell Living Trust Comparab_e Sales Exhibit C: 1537 Hayden Bridge Prepared by: Mike Miller Principal Broker Coldwell Banker, Curtis Irving Realty, Inc. 541-334-7653 (Office) 541-954-4454 (Cell) 541-334-1286 (Fax) EXHIIJIT /) Page~or :2f Presented By Date Recelv~-54v ~ Mike Miller Planner MM ' gEln u I Coldwell Banker CIR" Status SLD 4/5/2007 1 21 38 PM Area 234 Ust Price $299,500 Unll# Condo LocJL vi List Type ER LR N (. RESIDENTIAL ML# 5046314 Addr 84588 Bristow Rd City Pleasant Hill ZIp 97455 - Map Coord 53/0/17 Zoning County Lane Tax ID Elem PLEASANT HILL High. PLEASANT HILL NhoodlBldg Legal 1802330000704 Public InternellAddress Display Not Found Middle PropType DETACHD Y/Y OfTer/Nego GENERAL INFORMA TlON # Acres 1 27 View, Seller Disc DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFORMATION SFSrc county #Bdrms 3 #Lvi 3 TotUp/Mn 1369 Style CONTEMP Parking DRIVWAY #Garage 2 I ATTACHD Roof OTHER Exterior WOOD '~EMARKS Hwy 58 pass DarlQueen (4 MP), Rt to Bnstow Rd before 5 MP Beaubful close-In country property on quiet dead end road Well kept contemporay With vaulted ceilings, big Windows, rock fireplace Sunny and useable level acreage Well test done With 15 GPM Sepbc Inspection ordered Call or leave a message & allow 2 hours advance nobce Overly friendly dog IS KaliS Hard to find close -In country property (less than 5 miles from Eugene) on qUiet dead end road Charming contemporary with vaulted ceilings Level acreage with walnut trees, fruit trees, covered deck, Iddney shaped sWimming pool 1Ox12 outbldg dog run Roof, 5yrs, well pump new In 2001 APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS FIREPL, VAULTED Mslr Bd U 114 X 13 I SLIDER, VAULTED EAT-BAR, VAULTED 2nd Bd U 111 X 13 I VAULTED SLIDER, VAULTED 3rd Bd U 112 X 10 I VAULTED DENIOFF L 114 X 8 I I I FEA TURES AND UTILITIES Kitchen BI-RANG, DISHWAS, DISPOSL, BI-OVEN Interior CEILFAN, GAR-OPN, SMOKDET, WN-CARP Exterior DECK, DOG-RUN, FENCED, GARDEN, OUTBULD, PATIO, POOL, RV-PARK, PAVEDRD Accessibility Cool HT-PUMP Water WELL Lot Size Waterfront RlverlLake 1-299AC Lot Dimensions 165x338 Lot Desc LEVEL, PRIVATE Other Disc Upper SQFT MaIn SQFT Lower SQFT Total SQFT 687 682 500 1869 Year Bit 19611 APPROX Green Home Wrnty N 554 w/Affidavlt Y/N flFlreplaces 11 WOOD BsmllFnd CRAWLSP,DAYLlTE N XSlID,r Private Public Living Kitchen Dining Family UTILITY M 114X 18 I M 114X 10 I M 110X 10 I L 113 X 11 1 L 111 X 10 I Baths - Full Part Upper Lvi 1 0 Main Lvi 0 0 Lower Lvi 0 1 Total Bth 1 1 Hot Water ELECT Sewer SEPTIC Property TaxlYr 2011 Terms CASH, CONV Escrow Pref Cascade HOA Dues HOA Incl Spcl Asmt Balance Heat HT-PUMP Insul FULLY :-!NANCIAL Tax Deferral N 3rd Party N Rent, If Rented Fuel ELECT BAC SAC % 3 Other Dues Pend Sold SPID BROKER I AGENT DA TA BRCD 5PRUOl Office Prudential R E Professionals LPID KIMNANCY Agent Nancy KIm CoLPID CoB ReD Agent E-mail nancyklm@ppporegon com ShowHrs 9-7 Tran 8/19/2005 List 6/2912005 Exp LBHrs/LocJCmb railing Owner Jeff & Nancy Wing Show CALL 1 ST, OWN-OCC, RMLSLBX Tenant selle~s cell # COMPARABLE INFORMATION OIPrlce $299,500 Sold Price $299,000 510fT 5COLOl Phone 541-485-1400 Phone 541-984-2547 Fax CelUPgr CoPh 541-485-7136 541-915-5560 CoAgent Occ. OWNER Poss Phone Phone CLOSING 541-741-3530 541-912-0008 7/1912005 8/1112005 SIMSMIKE DOM/CDOM 20 I Terms CASH SIAgt Michael Sims SIOff Phone 541-338-3200 Ii:> RMLS'u 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS - CONSULT BROKE'ifM8 b ""ge~Of .:2.{ McKenzie Hwy, between MP 15&16 Lovely private acre wI updated home and super master sUite Laminate floors In liVing/dining area, Tile counters & floors In baths & k1tchen/eabng bar 4 bay shop/garage has an office wlfull bath This Will work well for home business, contractor or family member Lovely home on gorgeous 1 17 acre level lot Home IS updated Roof new Dee '04 by McKenzie roofing Decks galour The office by the 4 bay shop garage could be made Into a studiO for a family member? Full bath Master sUite has jelled tub, sllbng area, office area & open airy vaults APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS 1 FNCH-DR, LAM-FL Mstr Bd U 118 X 13 I BATH, SUITE I EAT-BAR 2nd Bd M 111 X 10 I I LAM-FL 3rd Bd M 111 X 10 I I I I I I 1 FEA TURES AND UTILITIES Kitchen BI-RANG, D-DRAFT, DISHWAS, BI-OVEN, PLB-ICE Interior CEILFAN, SMOKDET, TILE-FL, WW-CARP, JET-TUB, LAM-FL Exterior DECK, DOG-RUN, GARDEN, PORCH, RV-PARK, SEC-UT, SHOP, SPRNKLR Accessibility Cool NONE Water WELL Property TaxlYr 101405 Terms CASH, CON V Escrow Pref HOA Dues HOA Incl BRCD 5REI01 Office RElMAX Integrity LPID CALLCOLl Agent Colin Call CoLPID CoBRCD Agent E-mail ccall@remax net ShowHrs Tran LBHrs/LocJCmb 24 Show RMLSLBX, VACANT Lot Size Waterfront Rlver/Lake Upper SOFT Main SQFT Lower SOFT Total SOFT XSlIDlr Private Public Living Kitchen DIning Family Pend Sold SPID Presented By $ /t ,j,,0..1I Mike Miller Date ReceiVed Coldwell Banka/amner MM Status SLD 4/512007 1 21 35 PM Area 233 List Price $269,000 Unll# Condo LocJLvl List Type ER LR N RESIDENTIAL ML# 4076333 Addr 88810 ROSS LN City Springfield Map Coord 15/E/8 County Lane Elem WAL TERVILLE High THURSTON Nhood/Bldg Legal To be determined at escrow Public InternellAddress Display Zip 97478 Zoning TaxlD Y I N OfTerlNego 1-299AC GENERAL INFORMA TlON # Acres 117 View MNTAIN Seller Disc DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFORMATION #Bdrms 3 #Lvi 2 Style COLONIL #Garage 2 IDETACHD Exterior VINYL REMARK" Year Bit 19421 APPROX Green Home Wrnty 55+ wlAffldavlt Y/N #FIreplaces I BsmllFnd CRAWLSP Lot Dimensions Lot Desc LEVEL, PRIVATE other Disc SldIng,LBP 925 925 o 1850 SFSrc appraisal TotUp/Mn 1850 Parking Roof COMP M 116X 12 M/l0X9 M 17 X7 I I Baths - Full Part Upper Lvi 1 0 Main Lvi 1 0 Lower Lvi 0 0 Total Bth 20 Hot Water ELECT Sewer SEPTIC Heat FOR-AIR, WALL Insul PARTIAL, UNKNOWN .iNANCIAL Tax Deferral N 3rd Party N Rent, If Rented Fuel ELECT Spcl Asmt Balance BAC SAC % 25 % 15 other Dues BROKERIAGENTDATA Phone 541-345-8100 Phone 541-302-4882 CoAgent Fax CelUPgr CoPh 541-302-4899 541-579-1615 4/28/2005 6/912005 BEEBEE 6/10/2005 List 11/22/2004 Exp Owner DenniS & ChrIsbna Tenant COMPARABLE INFORMATION O/Prlce $299,900 Sold Price $269,000 SIOff 5REI01 SIOfT Phone 541-345-8100 Occ VACANT Poss Phone Phone NEGO 541-579-4072 DOM/CDOM 157 I Terms CONV SIAgt Linda Beebee @ RMLsm 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS - CONSULT BROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHlllJj] /) P.lgc~()f ;i}f Presented By Joann Hallett Coldwell BaIlYatelllKecelved RESIDENTIAL Stat.cJ~Mer fI1MO/2007 11 5959 AM ML# 6038899 Ares 233 List Price $305,000 Addr 45767 MCKENZIE HWY Unlt# City Vida Zip 97488 Condo LoclLvl Map Coord 85/B/14 ZOning LIst Tvpe ER LR N County Lane Tax 10 78772 Elsm MCKENZIE RIVER Middle MCKENZIE High MCKENZIE PropType DETACHD Nhood/B Idg Legel 16-25-28-00 3700 Public InternellAddress Display g ;1, t:elt Full YI Y Offer/Nego LA-ONLY XSlIDIr PrIvate Public GENERAL INFORMA TlON II Acres 1 75 View Seller DIsc DSCLOSU R RESIDENCE INFORMA TlON #Bdrms 4 #Lvl 2 Style FARMHSE,2STORY IIGarage 2 I DETACHD ExterIor OTHER REMARKS McKenZie Hwy , Just east of Vida, 1/4 mile on left Part of the square footage In family room IS converted garage and can eaSily be changed back Into a garage Completely remodelled house with newer carpet, Interior paInt, updated bath and views of the established landscaping Great outbUildings Including 36 X 44 shop, polling shed, chicken coop, fire ring and patro area ThiS property has It all and IS move-In ready 500 1400 o 1900 SFSrc County TotUplMn 1900 Parking NONE Roof COMP Veer Bit 1943 1 REMOD Green Home Wrnly N 55+ w/Affldavlt Y/N IIFlrepleces 21 PELLSTV, WOOD BsmllFnd NO-BAS N Lot SIze Waterfront RlverlLske 1-2 99AC Lot DimenSions Lot Desc TREES Other DIsc Upper SOFT Main SOFT Lower SOFT Total SOFT LIving Kitchen DIning Family UTILITY APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS M 112 X 18 1 BEAMS, WOODSTV Mstr Bd U 114 X 12 1 M 110 X 11 1 COUNKIT, EATAREA 2nd Bd M 112 X 8 1 M/15X9 1 LR&DR 3rdBd U 114X141 M 123 X 23 1 BL T-INS, WOODSTV 4TH-BD U /12 X 11 / M 19 X 10 / SHOP M 136 X 44 1 FEA TURES AND UTILITIES Baths - Full Part Upper Lvi 1 0 Msm LvI 1 0 Lower Lvi 00 Totsl Bth 20 Kitchen FS-RANG InterIor WW-CARP, LAM-FL ExterIor BBQ-PIT, DECK, GARDEN, OUTBULD, SHOP Accessibility Cool NONE Hot Water ELECT Water WELL Sewer SEPTIC Property TexNr 1101 57 Terms CASH, CONV Escrow Pref Western Title HOA Dues HOA Incl Spcl Asmt Balance Heet WALL, WOODSTV Insul BLOWNIN .-iNANCIAL Tax Deferrsl N 3rd Party N Rent, " Rented Fuel ELECT, WOOD BAC % 3 SAC % 3 Other Dues BROKER/AGENT DATA BRCD 5REI01 Office RE/MAX Integrity LPID 5373 Agent Kimberly Kellison CoLPID 1798 CoBRCD 5REI01 Agent E-mail kkellison@remax net ShowHrs 8-8 Tren LBHrslLoclCmb 8-8 Front Porch Show CALL1ST, RMLSLBX Phone 541-345-8100 Phone 541-302-4836 Fax CelllPgr Co Ph 541-302-4899 541-915-1339 541-302-4837 CoAgent PatriCia Kellison 9/18/2006 List 5/17/2006 Exp Owner Cathy and Dick Tenent Owner Cell Number Occ OWNER Poss Phone Phone NEGO 541-896-3637 541-892-3186 @RMLS'M 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEO -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD 8E VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS CONSULT BROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHHBJl Page /' of I) ;2-{ <" !'resented By Joann Hallett Date Received 5!r"A(r:l,-uu Coldwell Bankli/lamner MM Lot Size Weterfront RlverlLske Upper SOFT MeIn SOFT Lower SOFT Total SOFT XSlIDIf Private Public LIving Kitchen DIning Family ENTRY RESIDENTIAL Ststus ACT ML# 7014983 Area 233 Addr 50069 McKenzie HWY City Vida Zip 97488 Msp Coord 0/0/0 Zoning RR-2 County Lane Tax ID 552800 Elem MCKENZIE RIVER Middle MCKENZIE High MCKENZIE PropType DETACHD NhoodlB Idg Legal 17-35-01-00-01208 Public InternellAddress Display Virtual Tour 1-2 99AC RIVER McKenZie River GENERAL INFORMA TlON # Acres 114 View TREES, RIVER Seller DIsc DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFORMA TION #Bdrms 3 #Lvl 1 Style RANCH #Garage 2 I DET ACHD Exterior T-111 REMARKS 3/30/2007 120000 PM List Price $329,900 UnIt# Condo Loc/Lvl List Type ER LR N VI Y Offer/Nego LA-ONL V Lot Dimensions IRR Lot Desc BUSLlNE, LEVEL, TREES Other DIsc Lead Base o SFSrc RLlD 1962 TotUp/Mn 1962 o Parking OFF-STR 1962 Roof COMP Veer Bit 19791 REMOD Green Home Wrnty N 55+ w/Affldavlt YIN #Ftreplaces 11 STOVE, WOOD BsmllFnd CRAWLSP N M I 14X 19 M/12 X 13 M 111 X 13 M 112X 18 M/5X 11 Hot Water ELECT Sewer SEPTIC Heet CEILING Insul UNKNOWN :-INANCIAL Tex Deferrsl N 3rd Party N Rent, If Rented Hwy 126 E to MP 36 5 on left Side of road This IS a well maintained home With a large country kitchen, dining room and family room SitS back from the road, river frontage IS across the road Big covered storage area With separate shop Oversized Insulated garage With a full bath and separate water heater Manicured grounds With garden areas, Irrigation and more Please leave card when showing III ThiS IS a well maintained home With a large country kitchen, dining room and family room SitS back from the road, nver frontage IS across the road Covered storage/separate shop Oversized garage With a full bath Manicured grounds With garden areas, IrrIgation and more APPROXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS I DECK, SLIDER Mstr Bd M /12 X 18 I BATH, WI-CLOS I COUNKIT, PANTRY 2nd Bd M /11 X 12 I I DECK, KIT&DR 3rd Bd M /10 X 12 I I DECK, WOODSTV UTILITY M 18 X 10 I SINK I I I FEA TURES AND UTILITIES Kitchen BI-RANG, D-DRAFT, DISHWAS, DISPOSL, PANTRY, BI-OVEN Interior CEILFAN, GAR-OPN, WW-CARP Exterior COVPATI, DECK, FENCED, GARDEN, OUTBULD, RV-PARK, SHOP, RV-HKUP Accessibility 1 LEVEL Cool WALL Water WELL Property Tax/Yr 195367 Terms CASH, CONV Escrow Pref FATCO - Kim HOA Dues HOA Incl Spcf Asmt Balance Other Dues BROKER / AGENT DA TA BRCD 5COL01 Office Coldwell BankerCIR Phone 541-338-3200 LPID SMITHMIK Agent Michael SrrIlth Phone 541-726-8000 CoLPID CoBRCD CoAgent Agent E-mail BrokerMlke@Comcastnet ShowHrs Tran 2/21/2007 List 2/19/2007 Exp ace OWNER LBHrs/Loc/Cmb 24 Owner DenniS & Dorothy Cleek Show CALL 1 ST, RMLSLBX Tensnt Beths - Full Part Upper Lvi 00 Main Lvi 2 0 Lower Lvi 0 0 Total Bth 20 Fuel ELECT BAC SAC % 25 Fex CelVPgr CoPh 541-338-3299 541-954-4946 Poss Phone Phone NEGO 541-822-3852 @RMLS'" 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE is APPROXIMATE & MAY iNCLUDE BOTH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS CONSULT BROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHIBIT 0 .' eo :J../J of irf Pr~sented By Joann Hallett 5((t? r :::!ent Full Coldwell Ban"5S~ Received . Status~ner MM'2007 120001 PM Area '~~. List Price $298,800 Unlt# Condo LoclLvl List Typ~ ER LR N ZIp 97478 ZOning TaxlD 144418 Middle THURSTON PropType DETACHD RESIDENTIAL M L# 7008084 Addr 8157 S A ST City Sprrngfleld Map Coord 32/1/20 County Lane Elem THURSTON HIgh THURSTON NhoodlBldg Legal 1702363003200 Public InternallAddress Display Y/Y Offer/Nego SELLER Public GENERAL INFoRMA TloN # Acres 1 1 View TREES, SEASONL Seller DISC DSCLOSUR RESIDENCE INFoRMA TloN #Bdrms 4 #Lvl 2 Style 2STORY #Garage 2 I ATTACHD Exterior CEDAR, SHAKE REMARKS Hwy 126,(S) on 79th,(E) on SA, to end of street Nicely remodeled ready for your clientsl Remodeled wi new furnace, floor coverrngs, plaster/fresh paInt RewIr" electrrc system New roof, deck & brrck patio Over 1 acre, secluded w/flltered views Lot's of posslbllltlesl (ShOWing Instructions Home IS located at end of street, enter home from east Side, go up steps across brrck patio, LB IS on front door Best of both worldsl Over an acre, close-In secluded property w/flltered views on a qUiet country lane Nicely remodeled wi new heat pump, floor coverrngs, plaster/fresh paint ReWire electnc system New roof, deck & bnck patio (Many pOSSibilities 4 bedrooms or 3 w/famlly room) APPRoXIMA TE ROOM SIZES AND DESCRIPTIONS I GREAT-R, WOODSTV Mstr Bd M 111 X 13 I I EATAREA, EAT-BAR 2nd Bd MIll X 13 I I GREAT-R, SLIDER 3rd Bd L 110 X 17 I I UTILITY M I 6 X 22 I I BONUS L I 6 X 19 I FEA TURES AND UTILITIES o 1255 720 1975 SFSrc Lane Co TotUp/Mn 1255 Parking DRIVWAY Roof COMP Veer Bit 1948 I REMOD Green Home Wrnty N 55+ w/Affldsvlt Y/N #FIrepleces 11 STOVE BsmllFnd CRAWLSP, FINISHD Lot SIZ~ Waterfront RlverlLake 1-2 99AC Lot Dimensions Lot Desc PRIVATE, SLOPED, TREES Other DISC Siding, lead base Upper SOFT MeIn SOFT Lower SOFT Total SOFT XSt/DIr Private LIVing Kitchen DIning FamIly 4TH-BD M/18X23 M 110X 15 MI I L 111 X 17 Baths - Full Psrt Upper Lvi 00 MaIn Lvi 1 0 Lower Lvi 1 0 Total Bth 20 Kitchen Interior Exterior Accessibility Cool HT-PUMP Hot Water ELECT Water OTHER Sewer SEPTIC Hest HT PUMP, WOODSTV Insul CEILING, UNKNOWN ~/NANCIAL Tax Deferrsl 3rd Party N Rent, If Rented Fuel ELECT Property TaxlYr 1357 64 Spcl Asmt Balance Terms CASH, CONV Escrow Pref Evergreen- Scott HOA Dues Other Dues HOA Incf BAC % 2 5 SAC BROKER/AGENT DATA BRCD 5EQROl Office EqUity Realty GMAC Real Estate Phone 541-342-4200 LPID BATCHELR Agent ChnstIne Batchelor Phone 541-556-0352 CoLPID CoBRCD CoAgent Agent E-mail chns@eqUltyrealtycom ShowHrs 24 Tran 2/23/2007 List 1/25/2007 Exp Occ VACANT LBHrs/Loc/Cmb (E) entry door Owner Ward Ricker Show CALL-LA, VACANT Tenant Fex CelllPgr CoPh 541-342 3299 Poss Phone Phone @RMLS'M 2007 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED INFORMATION NOT GUARANTEED AND SHOULD 8E VERIFIED SQUARE FOOTAGE IS APPROXIMATE & MAY INCLUDE 80TH FINISHED & UNFINISHED AREAS - CONSULT 8ROKER FOR INFO SCHOOL AVAILABILITY SUBJECT TO CHANGE EXHWH b r"gr---.fl:l_of ~_ . s/t,,{ err Date Received JIIIUillIillI~~I~1 Planner MM , =-= CASCADE TITLE CD_ PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT MIKE FARTHING, ATTORNEY AT LAW 767 WILLAMETTE STREET, SUITE 203 EUGENE, OR 97401 Aprll24, Report No Your No Seller Buyer 2007 0254440 PURCELL TRUST TO COME PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR Owner's Standard Polley $T/C PREMIUMS Owner's Standard Premlum Government Servlce Fee Temporary Bl111ng $T/C $25 00 $225 00 We are prepared to lssue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA tltle lnsurance POllcY(les) of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, ln the usual form lnsurlng the tltle to the land descrlbed as follows ( A T T A C H ED) Vestee WILLIAM F PURCELL AND WILMA M PURCELL, Trustees, or thelr successors ln trust under the PURCELL LIVING TRUST dated May 11, 1998 DATED AS OF APRIL 17, 2007 AT 8 00 A M Schedule B of the POllcY(les) to be lssued wl11 contaln the followlng general and speclal exceptlons unless removed prIor to lssuance GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage Polley Exceptlons) 1 Taxes or assessments WhlCh are not shown as eXlstlng Ilens by the records of any taxlng authorlty that levles taxes or assessments on real property or by the PubllC Records, proceedlngs by a publlC agency WhlCh may result In taxes or assessments, or notlces of such proceedlngs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the PubllC Records 2 Facts, rlghts, lnterests or clalms WhlCh are not shown by the PubllC Records but wh~ch could be ascerta~ned by an ~nspect~on of the Land or by mak~ng ~nqu~ry of persons ~n possess~on thereof 3 Easements, or clalms of easement, not shown by the PubIle Records, reservatlons or exceptlons In patents or ~n Acts author~zlng the ~ssuance thereof, water r~ghts, cla1ms or t1tle to water No liabIlity IS G!sumed hereunder untIl poliCY has been Issued andful/ policy premlZlm has been paid MAIN OFFICE . 811 WILLAMETTE ST FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 - S 2 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307. E-MAIL' . EUGENE, OREGON 97401. PH- (541) . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH (541) info@cascadetit1e.com . FLORENCE FAX' 687-2233 997-8417 997-8246 ~~"HI?IT ~,E~ Order No Page 2 0254440 Date ReceIved f /t I, /67 Planner MM vlolatlon, var~at1on, or aaverse c1rcumstance be d1sclosed by an accurate and complete land 4 Any encroachment, encumbrance, affectlng the T,tle that would survey of the Land 5 Any llen, or rlght to a llen, for serVlces, labor, materlal, equlpment rental or workers compensatIon heretofore or hereafter furnlshed, Imposed by law and not shown by the Publ,c Records SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 6 Covenants, cond1tIons and restrIctIons, IncludIng the terms and prOVISIons thereof (but omlttlng covenants or restrlctIons, lf any, based upon race, color, rellglon, sex, sexual orlentatlon, famlllal status, marltal status, dlsabI11ty, handlcap, natlonal orlgln, ancestry, or source of lncome, as set forth In appllcable state or federal laws, except to the extent that sald covenant or restrlctlon 18 permltted by applIcable law) In Declaratlon recorded February 7, 1945, Clerk's Flle No 46734, Book 282, Page 522, Lane County Oregon Deed Records 7 Rlghts of the publlC In and to streets, roads and hlghways 8 Deed of Trust, lncludlng the terms and provls,ons thereof, executed by Wll11am F Purcell and wIlma M Purcell, Trustees, under The Purcell Llvlng Trust dated May 11, 1998, Grantor, to Western Tltle & Escrow Company, a Oregon corporat1on, Trustee, for the beneflt of washIngton Mutual Bank, a Washlngton corporatlon, Beneflclary, dated August 22, 2003, recorded September 02, 2003, Receptlon No 2003 - 0842 92, Lane CounLy OfflClal Records, to secure payment of a note In the amount of $67,000 00 NOTE The property address as shown on the Assessor's Roll lS 1537 Hayden Br1dge Road Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 NOTE Taxes, Account No 0204139, Assessor's Map No 17 03 25 2 2, #200, Code 19-03, 2006-2007, ln the amount of $2,528 34, PAID IN FULL NOTE The POllCY to be lssued may contaln an arb,tratlon clause When the Amount of Insurance 1S less than the amount, If any, set forth In the arb~trat~on clause, all arb1trable matters shall be arbltrated at the option of e1ther the Company or the Insured as the exclus1ve remedy of the partles ThlS report 15 prel1mlnary to the ~ssuance of a pol~cy of t1tle 1nsurance and shall become null and vOld unless a polley 15 lssued and the full prem1um pald Cascade T~tle Co. /~ By sc Tltle Offlcer BOYD STEELE EXHIBIT &;, Page ;:L Of~ o Order No Page 3 0254440 Date Received S d I, 107 Planner MM PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beg1nn~ng at a pOlnt 1n the center of County Road No 1141, on the East Ilne of the W~ll~am C Spencer Donat~on Land C1a~m No 50, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Mer~dlan, 2661 78 feet North of the Southeast corner of sa~d C1a~m, thence along the center1~ne of County Road No 667, West 1420 94 feet to the true po~nt of beglnn~ng, thence South 459 88 feet, thence West 190 0 feet, thence North 459 88 feet to center of sa~d County Road, thence along the center1~ne of sa~d road, East 190 feet to the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT r;; Page ~ of u: I ~irp 17 "03 3 3 14 ('i-\ C'rY~' ~I WAY 11;-- Ifl\'{I)E-N BR 1 DGE IAd'- N~ -~ . . . -~-.;-o -6 ]I ",.----"f!- 67___ '. ___ IIJ <'4 702 o :l5AC \.' 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