HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 11/17/2007 , / SPR fiELD SUITE 0, 223 A STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 746-9621 FAX (541) 746-4109 WWW CI spnngfleld or us November 16, 2007 McKay Investmen Company, LLC c/o James W Ickerman Gleaves, eanngen Potter & Scott LLP 975 Street E ene, OR 97440-1147 c/o Glenn Am Lane Po 142 Ifth Avenue, SUite 4100 S ttle, WA 98101 RE McKay Investment Company, LLC's Measure 37 Claim Dear Sirs This letter IS wntten regarding the City of Spnngfield's position as to the effect of Measure 49 on McKay Investment Company, LLC's C'McKay Investments") waiver Issued under Measure 37 As you know, Measure 49 was approved by Oregon voters In the November 6, 2007 election Measure 49 Significantly alters the eXisting law enacted under Ballot Measure 37 and any future claims that may be brought under Measure 37 In addition, Measure 49 speCifically addresses claims that were prevlouslv filed under Measure 37. To prOVide some background, McKay Investment filed Its Measure 37 claim on November 30, 2006, With respect to property located at 1650 Centennial Boulevard In Spnngfield, Oregon More speCifically, McKay Investment requested a waiver or compensation pertaining to land use regulations that restnct Its ability to construct a major commercial development on the subJect property On May 21, 2007, the City of Spnngfield approved Its claim, and granted a waiver of speCific land use regulations The City formally adopted a resolution authonzlng the City Manager to modify, remove, or waive provIsions of Articles 40 and 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code Although McKay Investment has received a Measure 37 waiver, the first question IS whether McKay Investment has taken suffiCient steps to have acqUired a vested nght to develop the subject property To acquire a- vested nght, the property owner must take substantial steps toward beginning construction, or Incur substantial costs toward completing the proJect 1 Additionally, the owner must have been Issued all necessary bUilding and development permits, or commenced and continued construction to a pOint where either a local development code or court would find It ineqUitable to revoke or modify the development 2 Consldenng that McKay Investment has not proceeded With development of the property since It received the waiver, Its property nghts have not vested Since McKay Investment does not have a vested property nght, the next question IS whether McKay Investment has a valid claim under Measure 49 Section 5 of Measure 49 proVides that /1117/1 , 1 Clackamas County v Holmes, 265 Or 193, 197 (1973) 2Id I Date Received Planner MM "~7Ct&~" r, McKay Investment Company November 16, 2007 Page 2 eXisting Measure 37 claimants are defined as those who filed claims on or before the date of the 2007 legislature's adjournment (June 28, 2007) Section 5(2) further provides that eXisting Measure 37 claimants without vested rights who own property In areas wholly or partially Within an urban growth boundary ("UGB'') are entitled to "Just compensation" as set forth In Section 9 ConSidering that McKay Investment's Measure 37 claim was filed prior to June 28, 2007 and concerns property located Within Springfield's UGB, McKay Investment qualifies as an eXisting M37 claimant and IS subject to the provIsions of Section 9 On further examination of Section 9 and other applicable sections, It IS eVident that Measure 49 speCifically limits the application of Measure 37 to regulations that restrict the reSidential use of private real property As such, McKay Investment IS not entitled to JUst compensation under Section 9, which proVides relief for eXisting M37 claimants only If, Inter alia, the "property IS zoned for reSidential use" Therefore, McKay Investment does not have a valid Measure 37 claim as of Measure 49's effective date Based on the fact that the subject property IS not zoned for reSidential use, the claimant no longer has a valid waiver under Measure 37 If you believe that thiS IS not an accurate interpretation of Measure 49 and/or Its application to thiS particular claim, I would be happy to review any facts or authOrities you may choose to prOVide Please feel free to contact me at (541) 746-9621 Bill Grlle and Mark Metzger have asked that I Inform you that they would be willing to talk With you about another alternative for siting the Home Depot on thiS property Please feel free to contact them dl/'ectly Thank you for your attention to thiS matter Sincerely, LEAHY & COX ~~ L~\~ Joe Leahy cc Bill Grlle Gary Karp Mark Metzger Greg Matt Date Received Planner MM lilt 1 ( t>7 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Resolution No.07-18 A Resolution Concerning McKay Investment Company's Demand For Real Property Compensation WHEREAS on November 2, 2004, the voters of the state of Oregon approved Ballot Measure 37 and thereby amended ORS Chapter 197 to requIre, under certam specific circumstances, payment of compensatIOn to the present owner of real property If government land use regulatIOns reduce fmr market property value, and, WHEREAS Ballot Measure 37 authonzes the city to adopt and apply procedures for processing demands for Just compensatIOn, and, WHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl adopted Ordmance No 6102 [effectIve December 2, 2004] addmg SectIOns 2 900 through 2 995 to the Spnngfield Muruclpal Code prescnbmg how to process demands for compensatIOn under Ballot Measure 37, and WHEREAS SectIOn 2930 of the Spnngfield MuniCipal Code reqUires that In order to receIve compensatIOn, a present owner of real property must make a wntten "demand for compensatIOn," prOViding the city With pertinent informatIon needed to determine the vahdlty of the claIm and the alleged reductIOn In fau market value that IS attnbutable to a land use regulatIon applted by the City, and, WHEREAS, McKay Investment Company LLC, filed a Ballot Measure 37 demand for compensatIon under the provIsIons ofMumclpal Code SectIOn 2 900 on December 1,2006, alleging that the actIOn to deSIgnate and rezone theIr property at the intersectIOn of Mohawk and CentennIal Boulevards from Major RetaIl CommerCial to Nodal Development Area-Mlxed-Use CommerCIal, has reduced the fair market value of the property, and, WHEREAS the CIty Manager has mvestlgated the vahdlty of the delnand claIm and has made findings WIth respect to the procedures and cntena for deCIding the vahdlty of a claim, and, WHEREAS notIce of the McKay Investment Company demand claim was mailed to all property owners reSIdents WIthin 300 feet of the subject property and receIved no comment during the deSignated comment penod, and, >, - _ _.. I_WHEREAS, the CIty Manager has prepared and subm IttOO a recommendatIOn concermng ....- -~_ J;:1'.,I;.... j the McKa~(Iit'<-estm"e'nt Company to the City CounCil, and, D &( I ,\ VI 19'1rt6,': ate Received V' /1 6/ Planner MM RESOLUTION Page -1- \ . WHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl held a public hearing on the McKay Investment Company demand chum on May 21, 2007 and has conSIdered the testImony receIved at that hearing NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Councll of the City of Spnngfield as follows The Common Council hereby finds and determines that the McKay Investment Company demand for real property compensal1on to be a valId claIm and authonzes the CIty Manager to modIfy, remove, or not apply the elements of ArtIcle 40 and Artlcle 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code that are the basIS for the demand claIm, rather than paYIng compensatIOn to the property owner, McKay Investments Company 2 ThIS ResolutIOn shall take effect upon the slgnmg of a Development Agreement negotIated by the City Manager or hiS deSignate, between the CIty of Spnngfield and McKay Investment Company, LLC speCifically defmmg those development standards from ArtIcle 40 and ArtIcle 41 that WIll be retamed or modified, and those not to be enforced on the subject site Adopted by the Common Councll of the City ofSpnngfield, Oregon, and approved by the ~ay~e of..2..,for-ando against, thIS 21st day of May, 2007 ~JIl _ May<f V ATTEST ~-~ City Recor~r Ii[V~!:WH: ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM ..}~"C"-t''''''' J L(1U"\'.......I_ DA.E OS' III \ 01 , OFF.CE OF CITY ATTORNEY Date Received Planner. MM ~-Y~ RESOLUTION Page -2- DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Resolution No 15-03 This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. hereafter "Agreement", IS entered Into this _day of . 2007 (the "Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. hereinafter "City". and McKay Investment Company LLC. hereinafter "Applicant". In accordance with Resolution No 05-13 A Resolution Concerning McKay Investment Company's Demand for Real Property Compensation. adopted by the Common Council for the City of Springfield on the 21st day of May. 2007 RECITALS WHEREAS. on the 21st day of May. 2007. the City Council adopted a resolution approving a Demand for Real Property Compensation submitted by the Applicant for the purpose of the follOWing CITY JOURNAL NUMBER lRP2006-00033 Demand for Compensation Under Ballot Measure 37. requesting relief from land use regulations applied to the Applicant's property at 1650 Centennial Boulevard. since January 1. 2000 These regulations Include the application of the Nodal Development Overlay designation (Article 41 of the Springfield Development Code) and the Mixed-Use Commercial zOning district (Article 40 of the Springfield Development Code). zOning designations applied to the Applicant's property on November 7. 2005 The property IS Identified as tax lot 3900 on the lane County Assessor's Map# 10-03-25-34 WHEREAS. the Applicant submitted to the City a conceptual site plan and elevation (Plan) on August 24. 2007. shOWing a proposed retail development on the subject property that could not be accommodated under certain regulations found In Articles 40 and 41 of the Springfield Development Code The Plan IS hereto attached to thiS Agreement WHEREAS, by Resolution No 05-13. the City Council found that the McKay Investment Company demand for real property compensation to be a vahd claim and authorized the City Manager to modify. remove. or not apply the elements of Article 40 and Article 410f the Springfield Development Code that are the basIs for the demand claim, rather than paYing compensation to the property owner. McKay Investments Company WHEREAS. the effective date of Resolution No 05-13 was made subject to the signing of a development agreement negotiated by the City Manager or his designate. speCifically defining those development standards from Article 40 and Article 41 that Will be retained or modified. and those not to be enforced on the subject site WHEREAS. apart from the authority granted pursuant to ORS 94 504 et seq, the City of Springfield has the power and authority pursuant to sections 4. 5. and 6 of ItS Charter to 1 Planmng Journal No LRP2006-00033 Development Agreement -!fIn It)';> WIN JaUUe/d , P8^,a:>acl alea enter Into a development agreement and chooses to enter Into this Agreement pursuant to that Charter authority WHEREAS. In conSideration for resolution of the Applicant's Demand for Real Property Compensation. the City agrees to modify or not apply the following development standards from Articles 40 and 41 of the Springfield Development Code as they apply to the Plan attached hereto, In accord with the provIsions of Resolution No 05-13 A The follOWing standards found In Article 40 (Mixed-Use ZOning Districts) of the Springfield Development Code shall be modified or not applied 40 070 Off-Street Parl..mg (I)(a)2 The In"",mum parkmg prOVIded cannot e"ceed 120% of the mmllnum parkmg reqUirement for commercIal development The proposed retail use may e,cced the ma",mum parkmg standard and should not be applied 40 100 General Development Standards (I )(a) Ground level wmdows covermg 50% of the length of a buildmg faclllg a street The Plan shows entrance area glass wmdows and false panes portions of the bUlldmg fa,ade These may not meet the 50% standard (5)(b) Street connectivIty and mternal CIrculation The proposed development may not allow a through street connection from east to west between Mohawk Blvd and 18'h Street (5)(e) Pedestnan connectIons to other buildlllgs may need to be waIved ConnectIons to Mohawk and Centenl1lal should be retamed (7) Pedestnan amemtles of the scale envIsioned by the Code may not fit mto the proposed plan 40 110 SpeCific Development Standards (I )(b) Ma"lmum bUlldmg footpnnt of the proposed retail use m the Plan substantially exceeds the standard ThIS standard WIll not be apphed (I )(c) Mmlmum floor area rallo (also found m 41 040) The proposed development may necessitate a large parkmg field that would reduce the development denSIty to less than the reqUired mmlmum rallos (2)(d) Contmuous mternal SIdewalk network Imkmg WIth other development and to adjacent streets and transIt stops Some of the buildmgs on the development site are not owned by the applicant and connectIOn to these bUlldmgs by Sidewalk may not be poSSible S,dewalk connectIons to Centenmal and Mohawk Boulevards WIll be reqUired Plannmg Journal No LRP2006-00033 Development Agreement 2 Date Received S'/o / v7 Planner. MM B The followmg standards found m Article 41 (Nodal Development Overlay District) of the Springfield Development Code shall be modified or not applied 41 040 MInimum DensIty and Floor Area Rallo (1)(b) SIte docs not meet 0 4 FAR standards ofSDC 41 040 (2)(a) BUlldmgs are to be set back no more than 20 feet from the street (3)(a) The parkmg dnvmg and maneuvenng areas are to be placed at the rear or side of the bUlldmg when It dbuts a street (m tillS case, Centenmal and Mohawk are the pnmary streets) C The City Manager or hiS deSignate shall modify or not apply additional development standards found m Article 40 and Article 41 of the Springfield Development Code that are found to be m conflict With the Applicant's ability to site the retail development shown m the Conceptual Plan when dOing so IS consistent With the mtent of Resolution No 05-13 D ThiS agreement does not modIfy or not apply development standards established mother articles of the Springfield Development Code at the time the Nodal Development Overlay (Article 41) deSignation and Mixed-Use Commercial (Article 40) zOning deSignations were applied to the Applicant's property on November 7. 2005 E ThiS Agreement shall be bmdlng on and mure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, personal representatives. successors and permitted assigns F Execution of thiS Agreement by the City and the Applicant shall make Resolution 15-03 effective IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Applicant and City have executed thiS Agreement as of the date first herem above written APPLICANT BY Date BY STATE OF OREGON. County of ,2007 Personally appeared the above named . who acknowledged the foregOing mstrument to be their voluntary act Before me Planmng Journal No LRP2006-00033 Development Agreement 3 Date Received *1 P7 Planner MM ' Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires CITY BY Date STATE OF OREGON, County of . 2007 Personally appeared the above named . who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires Planmng Journal No LRP2006-00033 Development Agreement Date ReceIved Planner MM 4 5 Ink, ( Mmlmum Relief from the MIXed Use Development Ordmance (ArtIcle 40) To allow Mohawk Center Development 40.020 Schedule of Use CategorIes The MUC ZOnIng does not lIst Home Center per se Pamt, electncal supplIes, hardware, floor covenngs, household appliances, and general merchandIse are allowed m MUC Lumber sales and plumbmg and heatmg supplies are not lIsted m MUC but are allowed m MUE 40 070 Off-Street ParkIng The maxImum number of off-street spaces allowed WIthout an ITE parkmg generatIOn study IS 120% of the mlmmum reqUIred for a commerCIal use as shown m 18 070 40 100 General Development Standards (I)(a) Ground level wmdows covenng 50% of the length ofa bUlldmg facmg a street (I)(c), (I) (d) offsets to break up expansIve lJlank walls and elevatIOns (5)(b) Street connectIVIty and mternal cIrculatIOn The proposed development may not allow a through street connectIOn from east to west between Mohawk Blvd and 18th Street (5)(e) Pedestnan connectIOns to other bUlldmgs may need to be waIved ConnectIOns to Mohawk and CentennIal should be retamed (7) Pedestnan amenItIes of the scale enVISIOned by the Code may not fit mto the proposed plan 40 110 SpecIfic Development Standards (I )(b) MaXImum bUlldmg footpnnt (I)(c) MInImum floor area ratIo (also found m 41040) ThIS standard was based on the eXlstmg denSIty on the Mohawk Center sIte The proposed development may necessItate a large parkmg field that would reduce the development denSIty from the eXlstmg uses (2)(d) Contmuous mternal sIdewalk network IInkmg WIth other development and to adjacent streets and transIt stops Date ReceIved _ 5;' 7 /67 Planner MM " Mmlmum RelIeffrom the MIXed Use Developmeut Ordmance (ArtIcle 40) To allow Mohawk Center Development -' 40020 Schedule of Use Categones The MUC zomng does not lIst Home Center per se PaInt, electncal supplIes, hardware, floor covenngs, household applIances, and general merchandIse are allowed m MUC Lumber sales and plumbmg and heatIng supplIes are not lIsted m MUC but are allowed In MUE 40.070 Off-Street Parking The maxImum number of off-street spaces allowed WIthout an ITE parkIng generatIOn study IS 120% of the mInImum reqUIred for a commercIal use as shown In 18070 40.100 General Development Standards (I )(a) Ground level WIndows covenng 50% of the length of a bUIldIng faclllg a street (I)(c), (I) (d) offsets to break up expansIve blank walls and elevatIOns (5)(b) Street connectIVIty and Illternal CIrculatIon The proposed development may not allow a through street connectIOn from east to west between Mohawk Blvd and 18th Street (5)(e) Pedestnan connectIons to other bUIldIngs may need to be waIved ConnectIOns to Mohawk and Centenmal should be retaIned (7) Pedestnan amemtIes of the scale enVISIOned by the Code may not fit Illto the proposed plan 40 110 SpeCIfic Development Standards (I )(b) MaXImum bUIldIng footpnnt (I)(c) MInImum floor area ratIo (also found In 41040) ThIs standard was based on the eXIstIng denSIty on the Mohawk Center sIte The proposed development may necessItate a large parkIng field that would reduce the development denSIty from the eXIstIng uses (2)(d) ContInuous Internal SIdewalk network lInkIng WIth other development and to adjacent streets and transIt stops Date Received 5/11/0( Planner MM