HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 3/23/2007 HAND DELIVERED March 23, 2007 Mark Metzger Planner Supervisor Development Services City of Spnngfield 225 Flfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re Ballot Measure 37 Demand Application No LRP 2006-00033 Claimant J Douglas McKay/Lmda McKay Korth/McKay Investment Company, LLC Dear Mr Metzger This will address the ApplicatIOn Completeness Review wherem It was mdlcated additional Items were necessary for a complete Measure 37 application While notmg that many of the reqUirements of Spnngfleld's ordmance are not reqUirements of Ballot Measure 37, therefore, not necessary for a valid claIm, those Items will be addressed herem Paragraph 3. A title hIstory as part of the title report. F J J r ! 1 L As mdlcated m the submittal of December 1, 2006, the subject property was conveyed by McKay Investment Company, aka McKay Investment Co , a Partnership, to McKay Investment Company, LLC, by warranty deed on January 1, 2000 While the claimant believes the "date of ownership" for purposes of a Measure 37 claim would commence m 1962, when the partnership first came mto ownership of the property, this claim only seeks waiver of land use regulatIOns Imposed smce the January 1, 2000 date \ \ l 1 The title report clearly shows McKay Investment Company, LLC remams m title to the property Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 IS a listmg kit from Cascade Title Co which sets forth the last date of transfer on the fourth page of that listmg kit and contams, as part of the kit, the last deed of record, the deed conveymg the property from the partnership to the LLC ~ F I ~ J F J . RECEprr;::lDate Received I MAR 2 3 2U07 Pll:nner MM BY' Mark Metzger Plannmg Supervisor March 23, 2007 Page 2 Paragraph 4. All of the specific code sections that are believed to be relevant to the claim. In Article 40 of the Spnngfield Development Code, Spnngfield MIXed- Use Zonmg Dlstncts, all sections pertammg to the MUC MIXed-Use Commercial Dlstnct Article 41 Nodal Development Overlay Dlstnct (INDO) Paragraph 6. A statement addressmg the Demand Criteria. The demand cntena are addressed as follows (a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulation that restncts the use of pnvate real property or any mterest therem On November 7,2005, the City of Spnngfleld adopted Ordmance 6145, which applied the MIXed-Use Commercial zonmg designatIOn and the Nodal Development Overlay dlstnct to the subJect property These zonmg dlstncts Imposed restnctions reqUlnng mIXed use, pedestnan onented development which are mconslstent with the demographics of the area and result m high cost of development MIXed-use development would not be fmanClally feasible at this site The ECONorthwest report, AppendIX C of the Mohawk Boulevard Specific Development Plan, bears out the fact that the economIC profile of this area limits the potential of market forces to generate the substantIal redevelopment contemplated by the MUC and nodal designations (b) The restnctlOn on use has the effect of reducmg the fair market value of the subJect property or any mterest therem For the reasons above and as stated m the appraisals submitted as Exhibits E and F of the claim, the restnctlOns do have the effect of reducmg the faIr market value of the subJect property (c) The Identified land use regulatIOn was enacted, enforced or applied after the current Owner of the property became the Owner The regulatIOns sought to be waived were Imposed on November 7, 2005, a date subsequent to the commencement of ownership Date Received Planner MM ~ / ~"' / b] I ' Mark Metzger Plannmg Supervisor March 23, 2007 Page 3 (d) The Identified regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulation as defmed m SMC Section 2 920(4) a The regulatIOns do not prohibit activitieS commonly known and hlstoncally recogmzes public nUisances under common law, Sprmgfleld Mumclpal Code or the cnmmallaws of the State of Oregon and the City of Sprmgfleld The regulatIOns are land use regulatIOns mtended to guide the type of development on the site b The regulatIOns do not restnct or prohibit activIties for the protectIOn of public health and safety c The regulatIOns are not reqUired m order to comply With federal law d The regulatIOns to be waived do not restnct or prohibit the use of the property for the purpose of sellmg pornography or performmg nude dancmg e The regulatIOns sought to be waived were not applied to the subJect property pnor to acqUisItion of the property by the Owner Paragraph 7. An appraisal to jusbfy the Claim. Appraisals to Justify the Claim were attached to the ongmal demand for compensatIOn under Ballot Measure 37 as Exhibits E and F The appraisals were submitted to comply m full With the reqUirements of Ballot Measure 37 With regard to the ordmance reqUirement that the appraisals expressly consider the effect of Ballot Measure 37 on the availability of other real property, such a consideratIOn IS Irrelevant to the consideratIOns here The situatIOn IS umque m that It mvolves a large, partially vacant, underuhlized tract of property prevIOusly deSignated MRC MaJor Retail Commercial dlstnct that has been restncted by the ImpOSitIOn of the MUC dlstnct and INDO, Nodal Development Overlay To our knowledge, few Measure 37 claims have been filed m the City of Spnngfleld and none of those filed would make available a large tract of commerCially zoned property, such as thiS site Date Received _5/.:!2/D '7 Planner MM Mark Metzger Planmng Supervisor March 23,2007 Page 4 Paragraph 8. Any additional documentation applicable to the property. Attached as Exhibit 2 IS the title report With copies of documents referenced m the title report As IS apparent, none of the encumbrances affects the present value of the land WIth the 2006 land use regulatIOns m place, as compared to the prevIOus value, pnor to ImpositIOn of new land use regulatIOns The same encumbrances eXisted before and after ImposItion of the land use regulatIOns, therefore, the encumbrances are of no effect for purposes of evaluatmg this claim Paragraph 9 Written permission for staff to access the property. Attached as Exhibit 3 IS wntten permissIOn for staff to access the property WhiCh, m any event, has unrestncted access Paragraph 11. A statement regardmg exempt land use regulations. This statement has been set forth above at paragraph 6{d) On behalf of the client, we ask that the applicatIOn be deemed complete and the tlmelme resumed Please advise vel tr ou have any questIOns Attachments Exhibits 1-3 Jca cc Steve Korth (w /0 attachments) J Douglas McKay (w /0 attachments) Lmda McKay Korth (w /0 attachments) Joseph J Leahy (w / attachments) Date Received ~o; Planner MM LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address 1650 CENTENNIAL BLVD Map & Tax Lot # 17-03-25-34-03900 A & T Account it 0212033 Convert to PDF Document ~ AUG-24-2006 16 36 VICinity Map I X-Coord 4263959 Site Address InformatIOn House Suffix Pred,r 1650 Mailing CI\y SPRINGFIELD Create Date 1984-02.10 Land Use Land Use Code and Descnptlon Use Code and Descnpbon ZOning Zoning Junsdlctlon Parent Zone 1 Boundary Information General Incorporated City L'm~s Urban Growth Boundary FIre Protecllon Providers Plan Designation Node 2000 Census Tract 2000 Block Group Year Annexed Annexallon # 2004 Transportation AnalYSIS Exhibit 1 641 486 0307 P 01 SoeCI,,"nt..,...t Code ] iTax Map _ il Detail Map .<il VlewTaxMap l -i -- / Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y -Coord 880994 Street Name CENTENNIAL State PostDlr Street Type BLVD Zlp+4 3362 UnltType Unit Zip Code 97477 Update Date Carner Route OR C013 land usa InformatIon has nol beC!:n llBld YenfiE'd Code 5410 R Descnpbon GROCERY STORES, WiTH OR WITHOUT FRESH ME RETAIL Please vi;>nfy zoning Inf()rmatl0n WlttllocaJ Jurtsdk"llon l~l'e County OVerlay laMs A~ not currently sl10wn m RlID Code SPR MUC Description SPRINGFIELD MIXED USE COMMERCIAL PIUS9: 'i9r'rfy boundary Informatfon With locelJurls.dlctlon SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD B Y 3400 g 1948 NODAL DEVELOPMENT MOHAWK NO 44 Date Received 'Pi 7-'l;; I er; Planner MM Emerald People's Utility Dlstnct Soli Water Conservation District SOil Water Conservabon Olstnct 0 Zone Political DistrIcts ElectIon Precinct County Commissioner Dlstnct County CommissIoner State Representative Dlstnct State Representative Name City Council Ward City Councilor Name State Senate Dlstnct State Senator Lee Board Zones EWEB Commissioner Olstnct Lane County Assessor's Office I Account Number. 02120331 Properly Owner Owner1 Name MCKAY INVESTMENT CO LLC Owner Address 2350 OAKMONT WAY STE 204 AUG-24-2006 16 35 Zone ApprOXimate Acreage ApprOXimate Square Footage Environmental Finding" Metro Flood Hazards Metro Wetlands FEMA Flood Hazard Zone" FIRM Map Number 41039C11&1F Gode X Solis SOil Map Unrt Number 32 6 119 Schools District Elementary School Middle School High School ServIce Dlstncts L TD Service Area L TD Ride Source Ambulance DIStTlct 1ee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 02 1385 603,306 Pll!<lse vBrrfy anvrronmenti;lllnformatlOI'l WIth local jUnSOlt.1,on Nole Some I:larcels may extend onto adjacent FIRM map3 Re>glstratlon blHween pilrcel baundanpo; and flood nd.Z.ard zones 1$ approximate Community numMts Olta ba5ed 011 the culTent city limIts and may not ft!flel;t boUl"ld8T1E'S at the date of melp pUbllcauon Con$ult FIRM maps or approptlt:ll~ authOrity Communlly Number Post - FIRM Date Panel Pnnted7 (Y/N) 415592 1985-09-27 Y DeScnptlon Areas determmed to be outsIde of 500-year flood SOil Type DeSCription COBURG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX AWBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX SALEM-URBAN LAND COMPLEX Percentage ofT ax Lot 54 31 15 Code 19 255 584 664 Name SPRINGFIELD MAPLE SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD YES YES EC Area EAST/CENTRAL ProVider SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY EAST LANE 102304 2 BILL DWYER 12 E. TERRY BEYER SP3 ANNE BALLEW 6 WILL/AM MORRISETTE 3 SPRINGFIELD Map & Tax Lot. 17-03-25-34-03900 Date ReceIved Planner MM ~/z-~/d} ( I AUG-24-2006 16 36 ee Devereaux City EUGENE Taxpayer Taxoav"J Name MCKAY INVESTMENT CO LLC Taxpayer Address 2350 OAKMONT WAY STE 204 City State EUGENE OREGON Property Legal Descnptlon Township 17 R,mge 03 SubdivIsion Type SubdivIsion Name LotlTractlUnlt Number TL 03900 SubdivIsion Number Recording Number Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real MBcket 175,139 142,390 148,318 145,410 145,410 2,364,300 2,003,640 1,926,580 1,870,470 1,781,400 1,681,230 3,856,457 Taxable Value 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 State OREGON Country UNITED STATES 641 486 0307 P 03 Country UNITED STATES Section 25 Improvement Value Real Market 5,202,580 4,229,740 4,405,980 4,319,590 4,319,590 4,229,790 3,584,570 3,620,780 3,515,320 3,030,450 2,748,100 667,390 Exemption Amount Regular (EAR) Tax Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Zip Code 97401 ZiP Code 97401 Quarter 34 DIVISion/Phase Total Value Real MRr~et Assessed 5,377,719 4,523,847 4,372,130 4,372,130 4,554,298 4,554,298 4,485,000 4,465,000 4,465,000 4,465,000 6,594,090 4,356,044 5,588,210 4,229,169 5,547,360 4,105,989 5,385,790 3,986,397 4,811,850 4,811,850 4,429,330 4,429,330 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanallon of Tax) 63,410.57 60,10991 61,995 90 60,492 20 63,204 52 69,184.87 69,941 57 67,991 07 67,73725 75,01675 69,524 99 Current Exemptions Tax Year 2005 Explanation of Tax The tax shown IS the amount certified In October, unless a value change has been processed on the property Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clencal errors and omitted property The owner either Initiates the change, as on the case of appeals, or Is nol1fied by the department, on the case of clerical errors and omitted property The amount shown IS the full amount of tax for the year Indicated and does not Include any discounts offered, payments made, Interest OWing, or prevIOUS years OWing Amount 667,390 DeSCription ReligiOUS Date Received Planner MM "/2--,/0) I I AUG-24-2006 16 35 lee Devereau)t: 541 485 0307 P 04 Account Status @ Acllve for the 2005 Tax Year o New Account Scheduled to be Active for the 2006 Tax Year @ Locally Assessed o Pendma Sea/Merae o Pending Value Change o Delinquency o Delayed Foreclosure o Bankruptcy o Code Split Indicator Remarks gDe..i~1 ~mmtEmgr.am (if applicable) Code GenerallnformatJon Property Class Statistical Class Neighborhood Code Property Use Type Account Type Category Mortgage Company Name Total Acreage for thiS Account 13.91 Fire Acres Tax Code Area (Levy Code) 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Descnptlon 201 453 81904 COMMERCIAL, IMPROVED SHOPPING CENTER RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS Lane CounlV Assc.ssmcnt and T~1C3hon 200'; 2006 BllhnQ R(]les Sales InformatIon Sales Sales Date Pnce 01-04- 2000 Manufactured Structures Grantor Grantee Instrument # 2000- 001327 Analvs~ Code Mult Ace!? MCKAY INVESTMENT MCKAYINVESTMENTCO CO LLC ~ y ~~..ch RE!s.l.!!m I~ Pmnl'!1'1li S:"'a(cl:llAppJjr.altons MiI1Inu Date Received J J2~ 1- Planner MM ~- AUG-24-2006 16 36 ..- 1se Devereaux 641 486 0307 P 23 DIVISION 01' CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK LANE COUHTY DEc:DS ANtI RECORDS III11mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 0~0940120000132700! 2080001327 2:50:57 P" 01/10/2000 RPll DEED 1 - I CASlfIER I1lS 215 IIll 11 IIll III IIWl 46.00 After R=nllllg RclmlIIo. John C Walkmson Wadanson Laud Rubenstein Lash""}' & Baldww, P C IOIl!astBroadway, Solte 101 Eu&=:, OR 91401-3114 UnDI a change IS "'QDl'SIl:d all lax SL...__ sball be sent 10 !he followlI18 address' NO CHANGE [ -.~ WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM McKay Investmeal Company, aka McKay Investment Co , a partnerslnp, Grantor, conveys and warrants to McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon hnuted liability, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of encumbrances except as specrllcally set forth herein Legal d""~"t';"on on attached Exhibit A Subject to Reservattons, rights-of-way, easements, conditions and restnctlons of record, leasehold interests, and monetary en=brances suffered or created by Grantor nus INSTRUMENT WILL Nor AlLOW USE OF TIm PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR AC",,,," I u~G nus INSTRUMENT, 1llI! PERSON ACQUlRlNG FEll TITI.E 'fO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITIlnm APPROPRIATE CITY OR-COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LlMlTS ONLA WSUITS AGAINST FARMINGORPORESTPRACTICES AS DEFINED INORS 30 930 The liability and obligatIOns of Grantor to Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns under the WlIrTanttes and covenants contamed herein or prOVIded by law shall be lunited to the amount, nature and terms of any nght ofindemmflcation aVBIlable to Grantor under any lllle msurance policy, and Grantor shall have no hability or obhgatit>n except tt> the extent that rennbursement for such liablhty or obbgallon IS available to Grantor under any such title IDSUfance policy The IllTlltatlons contained herem -'t',....sIy do not relieve Grantor of any liability Of obbgal1ons under this IDslromenl, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such liability or obligations The true conSideration for t1us conveyance IS other than money Date Received Planner MM ~/z-~/c; { t Warranty Deed -1 S \M\MCKA YIClJ.OB~ OOM.1IWpd -- ,~" , - - .. AUG-24-2006 16 36 1ee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 24 TIns conveyance IS effective Janwuy I, 2000 1~~~?W;( ~~0t.~, Wid; Linda McKay KOr& 7 STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) Tlus mstrument was acknowledged before me tlus ~day ofJanuary, 2000 by J Douglas McKay and Linda McKay Korth as au1honzed partners ~Kay Investment Company '1."'" ",' 'I'AACY~'ffOGG "'- "" ; IIOTAftI'PUBU;-OREGO,1 " 00llII1SSlOH 110 I15t34I ~i\II"""."'.l.l' ,~~~EXP~ESNO~ ~~~~~,~ Trdfi1 [( iJ.Ltum Notary Public for Oregon \ My CommissIon Expires I 13/07) W 81l1lI1ty Deed . 2 Date Received Planner MM "k5/c) I , --- r ,,- 1III " ,,-.. AUG-24-2006 16 36 '1E!9 Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 25 I!.AttWu A PARCEL J Beglnni"8 at a point on the South !me of the A. M Powers Donation Laud Chum No. 69 Townslnp 17Soutb, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 1450 7 feet North 890 57' West of the Southeast comer thereot: then North o. 03' East 28716 feet, thence South 89. 57' East 4653 feet; thence South 00 03' West 287 16 feet, thence North 89. 57' West 465 3 feet to the place ofbegmrung, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion described III deed to the CIty ofSpriugfield recorded lu1y 25,1957, Reception No 18049, Deed Records of Laue County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that portion descn"bed in deed to the City of Springfield, recorded November I, 1971, Receptlon No 70906, OffiCIal Records of Laue County, Oregon TOGETIIER WITII that portion of vacated Centenmal Boulevard which would inure to SSJd parcel ID accordance to law, as vacated by Vacabon Ordinance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, Recepl10ll No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portion descn"bed in deed to the City ofSpnngfield recorded lune II, 1963, RecepbOIl No. 13833, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II. Begmning at a point winch is North o. 03' East 433 89 feet from a pOlDt on the 80u1h Ime of the A1bal1SOn M Powers Donation Land Claim No 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Mendian, winch last mentioned pomt is 14507 feet North 890 57' West from the Southeast comer of said c1aun, from said beginning pomt IUD North 0.03' East 586 93 feet; thence South 89. 57' East 4653 feet, thence South O. 03' West 586 93 feet, thellce North 89. 57' West 465 3 feet to the place of beginning, m Laue County, Oregon EXCEPT Begil1n!llg at a pornt on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said pomt hemg North 89.44' 15" West 11008 feet l1lld North Z9. 13'7" East 14531 feet from the Northeast comer of Block 6, MORA WK FIRST ADDITION as platted and recorded m Book 15, Page 23, Lalle County Oregon Plat Records, thellce along the said Easterly margin North 290 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaving said Easterly margm South 890 48' 27" East 100 feet; thence parallel WIth slUd Easterly margm South 29" 13' 7' West 50 feet; thence North 89. 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pomt of beguming, m Section 25, Townslnp 17 SQuth, Range 3 West of the Wdlamettc Mcndil1ll m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT that portion described m deed to the City of Springfield recorded February 20, 1959, Reception No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCELm Begmning at a pomt North 89. 57' We5t 14507 feet and North D. 03' East 850 00 feet from the Southeast comer ofthe A M Powers Donation LamI Claim No 69 m Townslnp 17 South, Range EXHlBIT A Page I of 3 pages Lei' ~ ---- I....J>.-- _ ...-'.....~ ~ '/~~I ~ Date ReceIved Planner MM AUG-24-2006 16 36 541 485 0307 l1ee Devereaux 3 West, run thence North 0' 03' East 1704 feet; thence North 89" 57' West 1475 feet to the Southeasterly line of the County Road, thence along smd line of County Road South 29' 09' West 194 97 feet; thence SOlllh890 S7'East I09 6 feet to the point ofbeginmn,g, in Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT: lJegiruuns at a point on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 89' 44' IS" West 110.08 feet and North 29" 13' 7' East 145.31 feet from the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thCllce along the Sllld Easterly margin North 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVIng said Easterly margin South .89' 48' 27' East 100 feet, thence parallel WIth Sllld Easterly margin South 290 13' 7' West 50 feet, thence North 89' 48' 27' West 100 feet to the point of begmrung, Ul Section 25, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wdlamet1e Mendlan 10 Lane County, Oregon PARCEL IV Beginmng at a point North D. 03' East 28716 feet and 14507 feet North 89' 57' West of the Southeast comer of the A. M Powers Donation Land Claim No 69, Townsl1Jp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North O' 03' East 146 73 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' West 14673 feet, thence North 89" 57' West 465 3 feet to the place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portIon described 10 deed to the City ofSpnngfield, recorded July 20, 1959, Reception No 60561, Deed Records of bile COunty, Oregon PARCEL V All of Block 6 III the MOHAWK FIRST AulJIII0N to SpnngfieId, Oregon ALSO that portIon of vacated Centennial Boulevard which would mure to Sllld parcel In accordance to law, as vacated by Vacation Ordmance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, ReceptIon No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING TBEREFROM' Beginning at the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Spnngfield, as platted and recorded in Lane County Plat Records, run thence North 89' 45' 3D' West 93 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 150 feet parallel WIth and along the Mohawk Highway; thence South 89" 45' 30" East 10 a point wluch is South D. 13' 30" West below the paml ofbeginmng, thence North 0" 13' 30" East to the place ofbegmning, III Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXEPT Begmnmg at the stone marking the Southeast comer of the A M Powers DonatIon Land Claim No 69, Townshtp 17 South, Range 3 West of the WllIametteMendlan; thence North 890 48' 27" West 1449.97 feel along Ihe South line of said Donation Land CI81m No 69 to a point, thence North 0" 13' 30" East 99 15 feet to an iron pIpe marking the Initial Point of MOHAWK FIRsT ADDITION accordrng to the plat thereof recorded In Volume IS, Page 23 ofplals of the Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence North 89.41' 53" West 308 64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence Nortb 89' 41' 53 ' West 200 00 feet along the South Ime of Block 6 of said plat to an trOn pIpe set 011 the Easterly margm of Mohawk IUghway; thence North 29' 13' 07" East 165 00 feet along the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway to a pornt, thence South 700 22' 19" East EXHIIlIT A Page 2 00 pages t.CF bat~ Received ~/ b I 'tJ7 Planner MM P 26 ~ AUG-24-2006 16 36 lI.,nee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 27 13500 fi:et to a pOint; thence South 4' 24' 51" West 100.00 feet to the true point ofbeglnlUng in Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginmng at a point being NOl1h 89' 41' 53" West 308.64 feet and North 4' 24' 51" East 100 00 feet from the Initial Pomt of MOHAWK FffiST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, bemg m TOWn5lup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; lUll thence North 4' 24' 51' East 4 15 feet, thence North 70' 22' 19" West 133 24 feet to the Easterly line of Mohawk Highway, thence along SlUd Easterly line South 29' 13' 07" West 406 feet, thence leaving illlid Easterly line South 70' 22' 19" Ea5t 13500 feet to the POUlt ofBegllllung, in Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT' Beginnmg at a point IO feet South 29' 13' We5t of the point ofintersectlon of the Easterly nght-of..way line ofMohawk Boulevard and the prolongation of the Northerly nght-of-way hne of"M" Street, said pomt ofbegmn1l1g bemg South 29' 13' West 333 7 feet from the Northwest corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FffiST ADDmON, as platted and recorded in Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 60' 47'East 85 0 feet, thence North 74' 13' East 14 14 feet, thence South 60' 47' East 5 0 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 80 0 feet, thence North 50' 47' West 5 0 feet, thence North IS' 47' West 14 14 leet, thence North 60' 47' West 85 0 leet, thence North 29' 13' East 60 0 feet to the point ofbegmning in Lane County, Oreson ALSO EXCEPT Begmnmg at a pomtlO feet North 29' 13' East of the pomt of intersection of the Easterly nght of way bne of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongation ofthe Southerly ngbt of way line of"M" Street, S8Jd point ofbeginrung hemg South 29' 13' West 393 7 feet from the Northwest corner of Block 6, MOHA WI< FIRST ADDITION, as pllllted and recorded in Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 60' 47' East 60 0 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 100 0 feet, thence North 60' 47' West 60 feet, thence North 29' 13' East 100 feet to the pomt of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT Beginnmg at a point bemg South 29' 13' West 393 7 feet and South 60' 47' East 6000 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, as platted and reeorded III Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 60' 47' Easl 25 feet, thence South IS' 47' Easl 7 07 feet, thence South 29' I3' West 95 00 feet, thence North 60' 47' West 30 00 feet, thence North 290 13' East 10000 feet to the Pomt ofBeguuung, In Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL VI: Beguming at a pomt on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said pOmt being North 89' 44' IS' West 11008 feet and North 29. 13' 7" East 14531 fi:et from the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the said Easterly margmNorth 29' 13' 7" East SO feet, thence leavmg s81d Easterly margin South 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence para11el with s81d Easterly margm South 29' 13' 7" West SO feet, thence North 89. 48' 27" West 100 feet to thepomt ofbegmrung, m Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamelte Mendlall in Lane County, Oregon . i . - . Planner MM EXHIBIT A Page J of 3 pages gf-f/EJ . TOTAL P 27 ~- - I "" Exhibit 2 ., llo'" (,~" ~ ~~a! ..... First American Rrst Amencan Title Insurance Company Df Oregon 600 Country Oub Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 , FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT' Ronald Denton, TItle Officer Phone (541)484-2900 - Fax (541)484-7321 - Emall radenton@firstam com Alan Evans 10 1 E Broadway # 10 1 Eugene, OR 97401-3114 Order No 7199-912425 November 16, 2006 Attn Phone No (541)345-4860 - Fax No Emall alan@eebcre com (541)345-9649 Re 1st Supplemental Preliminary Title Report AlTA Owners Standard Coverage lJablhty $ Premium $ ALTA Owners Extended Coverage Liability $ PremIum $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage lJablhty $ Premium $ ALT A Lenders Extended Coverage lJabllily $ Premium $ Endorsement Premium $ Govt $elVlce Charge Cost $ Otner PrehmlO2Irr Title Report COst $ 000 We are prepared to Issue TItle Insurance Policy or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, Insunng lIt1e to the follOWing descnbed land The land referred to In thiS report IS described In Exhibit A attached hereto and as of November 09, 2006 at 8 00 am, title vested In McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, as to Parcel I, Cuddeback Investments, Inc, an Oregon corporation, as to Parcel II and Wells Fargo Bank, successor In Interest to the First National Bank of Oregon, a naDonal banking aSSOCiation, as to Parcel III Subject to the exceptions, exclUSions, and stlpulalions which are ordlnanly part of such Policy form and the follOWing ThIs report IS for the exdusNe use of the parties herein shown and IS prelimInary to the Issuance of a title Insurance pohey and shall become VOId unless a policy IS Issued, and the full premIum paId Date Received Planner MM 3)~/0) f I Prelimmary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 2 of9 1 Taxes for the current fiscal year are reduced by reason of ReligiOUS Exemption If the exempt status IS terminated under the statute pnor to July 1, said property Will be taxed at 100% of the assessed value (Parcel I) 2 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 7,771 08 Unpaid Balance $ 7,771 08, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253404402 Property ID No 0212124 (Parcel III) Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Unpaid Balance $ 7,59988, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2004-2005 UnpaId Balance $ 7,454 14, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2003-2004 Unpaid Balance $ 7,240 17, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2002-2003 Unpaid Balance $ 6,61482, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2001-2002 Unpaid Balance $ 6,489 17, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2000-2001 Unpaid Balance $ 6,332 38, plus Interest Taxes for the year 1999-2000 Unpaid Balance $ 6A01 64, plus Interest Taxes for the year 1998-1999 Unpaid Balance $ 6,223 13, plus Interest 3 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No (Parcel I) $ $ 01900 1703253403900 0212033 68,793 79 68,793 79, plus Interest and penalties, If any Date Received Planner MM 3)7-7/0; Rrst American Td:Je PrelIminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 3 of9 4 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 4,085 54 Unpaid Balance $ 4,085 54, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5007784 (Personal Property assessed to BI-Mart Corp #603) 5 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 414 69 Unpaid Balance $ 414 69, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5120082 (Personal Property assessed to Abby's Pizza Inn) 6 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 1,158 18 Unpaid Balance $ 1,15B 18, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5361058 (Personal Property assessed to Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers) 7 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 187 65 Unpaid Balance $ 187 65, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5503279 (Personal Property assessed to Dollar Store #901) 8 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No (Parcel II) 22,344 48 22,344 48, plus Interest and penaltIes, If any $ $ 01900 1703253404101 0212074 9 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount UnpaId Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No 850 11 850 11, plus Interest and penalties, If any $ $ 01900 1703253404101 5084841 first Amencan Tltie Date Received Planner. MM ))23/0; { { PrelimInary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 4 of9 (Personal Property assessed to Taco Bell #372) 10. Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 2,643 62 Unpaid Balance $ 2,643 62, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253404402 Property ID No 5347172 (Personal Property assessed to Wells Fargo Bank #92471 Inc ) 11 The nghts of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein descnbed lYing Within the limits of streets, roads and highways 12 Easement, including terms and prOVIsions contained therein Recording Information September 19, 1961, Reception No 44347 In Favor of Northwest Natural Gas Company, a corporation For Ulllltles (Parcel I) 13 Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information February 05, 1963, Reception No 98548 In Favor of The Rrst National Bank of Oregon, Portland For Customer parking (Parcel I) 14 Easement, including terms and provISions contained therein Recording Information June 11, 1963, Reception No 13832 In Favor of. City of Spnngfield For Public utilities (Parcel I) 15 The terms and proVISions set forth In that certain easement from The Rrst National Bank of Oregon, Portland, a national banking aSSOCiation, to McKay Investment Co , a partnership, recorded June 25, 1963, Reception No 15462, being an easement for pipelines and Ingress & egress (Parcels I and III) 16 Reservation of utilities In vacated street area and the nght to maintain the same as set forth In Ordinance No 1808, a copy of which was Recorded November 22, 1963, Reception No 34155 And re-recorded May 01, 1972, Recepllon No 97020 17 The terms and provIsions contained In that certain easement from Hazel P Peterson to McKay Investment Company, a partnership, recorded January 04, 1968, Reception No 9941, being an easement for sewer line or other underground utility (Parcel I) Rrst AmerlCiln Tttfe Date Received Planner MM 3/Z7/<>7 I ( Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 5 of9 18 Lease and the terms and condlllons thereof Lessor McKay Investment Company, a partnership Lessee Taco Bell, a Califomla corporatJon Recorded November 14, 1968 Recording Information 45029 (Affects Parcel II) 19 Easement, including terms and prOVISions contained therein Recording Information November 06, 1973, Recepllon No 73-50317 In Favor of City of 5pnngfield (Parcel I) 20 Easement, including terms and prOVIsions contained therein Recording Information January 17, 1977, Reception No 77-02804 In Favor of City of Spnngfield, acting by and through Its Spnngfield UtJlity Board For Water transmiSSion or distribution line (Parcel I) 21 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information January 17, 1977, Reception No 77-02805 In Favor of City of Springfield, acllng by and through Its Spnngfield Ulllity Board For Water transmiSSion or dlstnbutlon line (Parcels I and II) 22 Easement, including terms and prOVISions contained therein Recording Informallon September 14, 1998, ReceptJon No 98-73229 In Favor of City of Springfield, acllng by and through Its Springfield Utility Board For Public water utility (Parcel I) 23 Right, title and Interest of PMD Restaurants, LLC, by reason of Its executJon of Flnanong Statement recorded May 13, 1999, Reception No 99-43178 The present ownership and other matters affecting said Interest are not shown herein (Parcels I and II) And by Rnanong Statement recorded February 16, 2005, Reception No 2005-011519 24 Declaration of Cross Easements, including terms and prOVISions thereof Recorded November 22, 2005, ReceptJon No 2005-093358 Affects Parcels I and II First Amencan Title Date Received Planner MM 5/1-'1/ ? f Prellmmary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 6 of 9 25 Covenants, conditions, restnct.ons and/or easements, but deletmg any covenant, condition or restnctlon Indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnmmabon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongm to the extent such covenants, condlllons or restrictions Violate Title 42, Section 3604( c), of the United States Codes Recordmg Informallon November 22, 2005, Reception No 2005-093359 Affects Parcel I 26 Lease With Redundant Cartndge, Inc, dated Apnl 22, 2003, as amended Lease With Jennifer Williams, dba, Shabryls, dated July 10, 2002 Lease With Janis West, dba Z-Coll, dated May 18, 2005 Lease With BI-Mart Corporation, dated December 09, 1964, as amended Lease With Stanley T Merrell and Connie J Merrell, dated July 06, 198B, assigned to Springfield Taco, a partnership, as disclosed by ASSignment of Leases recorded November 30, 2005, Reception No 2005-095349, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon (Parcel II) 27 Unrecorded leases or penodlc tenancies, If any - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2006-2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount 403 06 Map No 1703253403900 Property ID 5487960 Tax Code No 01900 (Personal Property assessed to Stepma's Famous Pizza) NOTE Taxes for the year 2006- 2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $409 90 Map No 1703253403900 Property ID 5515083 Tax Code No 05229 (Personal Property assessed to Schwan's Home Service Inc ) SituS Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll 1600,1650,1705,1710,1780,1782 and 1792 Centennial Blvd, 1489, 1449, 1453, 1455,1457,1459, 1461,1469,1471,1475, 1479, 1483, 1485, 1487, 1491, 1493, 1499, 1505, 1507, 1509, 1511, 1519 and 1521 Mohawk Blvd, and 1250, 1480, 1484, 1486 and 1488 18th Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITlE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc cc McKay Investment Co LLC cc Alan Evans, Evans Elder & Brown Inc 101 E Broadway #101, Eugene, OR 97401-3114 FIISt Amencan Tdie Date Received Planner MM J/~7/a7 / { Preliminary Report Order No 7199~912425 Page] of9 ~~- ' . ~_~Y# First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (10/17/92) The following matters are expres:51y exduded frcm the coverage of thIS palq and the Company wm not pay lass or DamD!;Ie, cos:t5,. attorneys' fees or expenses which anse by reason of 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or !;Iovemrnen~ regulatJon (mcludmg but not Drruted to building and zonlllg laws, ordinances: or regulabons) restnctlng regulatJllg, prohibiting or relatmg to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land, (ll) the character dImensIOns or tocabon of any imProvement now or hereafter erected on the land, (DI) a separatton In cwnerstllp or a change In the dunenslOl'ls or area of the land or any parcel of whICh the land Is: or was a part, or (Iv) eovrronmental protection, or the effect of any VtolatJoo of these laws, onllnanus or governmental regulabons except to the &tent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notJce of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulbng from a VIOlation or aneged vlOlabon affecting the land has been recorded III the publIC: records at Date of Poky, (b) Any governmental ponce power not exduded by (a) above, except to the extent that a notJc:e. of the exerose thereof or a nobce of a defect, bell or encumbrance resultlng from a Violation Of alleged vloIatron affecting the land has been recorded In the public records at Oat!! of Pohcy Z. Rights of eminent clc:m,lIn unless notice of the exerose thereof has been re:orded In the publIC records at Date of Policy, but not exdudmg from coverage any taKing which has occurred pnor to Date of PolICY which woulcl be bllldmg 011 the nghts of a purmaser for value WIthout knowledge. 3 Defects, liens, enrumbrances, adverse dalms or other matters (a)created,suffered,assumedoragreed to by the Insured dalTlant, {b) nat known to the Company not: recorded In the pubnc records at Date of Poley, but known to the Insured damant and nat dISclosed In wntlIlg to the Company by the Insured claimant pnor to the date the Insured dalmant betame an msured under thIS poley (c) resulting m no loss eI" damage tottle Insured daimant, (d) attactllng or created subsequent to Date of PoDey (except-to the extent that tius paltcy Insures the pnorlty oftfle lien oftfle nsure:1 mortgage over any statutory rlffi for Sl!:I'VJC:es label" or material or the extent Insurance IS afforded herein as to assessments for street mprovements under construcbon or completed at date of poley) or (e) resulting In loss Of damage whlch would not have been sustamed If the m:oured clamant had paId value for the msured mortgage. 4 U"~....,~....~,,.ty of the lien of the Insured mortgage because of the mablllty or failure of the msured at Date of PolICy, or the mabdlty or faIlure of any subsequent owner of the mdebtedness, to CDlTlply with the applicable domg business" laws of the state In whIch the tand IS situated 5 Invalidity or unenforceablllty r:A the ben of the Insured mortgage. or dam thl!:Teof which anses out of the transactlon evidenced by the msured mortgage and ~ based upon usury Dr any cmswner credit protection or truth in Iendmg law Any stlt1Jtoly lien for services, Iaberer matenals (erthedaim ofpnority of any statutory lien for services labor or rnaterlals overtfle fll!:l\ of the Illsure:1mortgage) ansmg from an Il1Iprnvement er work: related to the land which Is contracted for and commenced subsequent to Date of Policy and IS not financed In whole or m part by proceeds of the IOdebtedness Sl!:CJred by the Insured mortgage whICh at Date of Policy the Ilsured has advanced or Is obligated to advance. 7 Any claim, WhIm arises out of the transaction creating the IOterest of the mortga~ msured by this polICY, by reason of the operalJon of federal bankruptcy, strte msolvency or smnar creditors' rights laws, that Is based on (I) the transacbon creating the Interest of the Insured .'._.,",,~~'"- being deemed a fraudulent conveyance er 1Taudulent bansfer; or (Ii) thesuborUlnatlonofthemterestofthelnsured..._.,,,~,,.._asa result ofttle appbc:atlon of the dodrine of eQultable subordination or (III) the t7ansactlan creatlng the lnte'"est of !he insured mortgagee beln" deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferentJal transfer results from the fallur~ (a) to timely re:ortI the lnstrument of transferer (b) of such re:ortIatlon to rnpart nobce to a purchaser for value era}udgment orlll!:l\ c-edrtor ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (10/17/92) The foIlowmg IT\atters are expressly excluded from the coverage of thIS policy and the Company wnl not: pay loss eI" damage, costs attorneys' fees or expenses which anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (Indudlng but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances or regulatJons) restnctlng, regulating prohlblhng or relatmg to (I) the oa::upancy, use, or enjoyment m the land, (6) the character, dmerr5lOns or bcatJan of any ImprOvemelJt now Of he1eafl:er erected on the land (Ni) a separation in ownership or a change In the dUllen5I01lS or area of the land or any parcel of which the land IS or was a part:, or (IV) envlronmental protecbon or the effect: of any vlolabon of these laws ordmances or ",_. _,.,"~_..... regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enforcement thereof or a notlce of a defect, lien or enaJmbranc:e resulbng from a Violation or alleged VIOIatJon affecting the land has been recorded In the publiC records at Date of Polley (b) Any governmental po&ce power not exduded by (a) above eKcept to the extent that: a notice of the exerdse thl!:Teof or a notice of a defect, flen or encumblOnce resulting from a VIOlatJon or alleged VIOlation affectmg the land has been recorded In the public records at Date of Pobcy Z. RIghts of eminent domam unless noI:lce of the exercse thereof has been recorded 11'1 the publIC re.:ords at Date of PolICY, but not exdudmg from COVffilge any tal::lng whim has otcUrred pnor to Date of PoIrc:y WhlCh would be binding on the rights of a purchaier for value without lmowlB:lge. 3 Defects, rll!:nS enrumbrances adverse claims, Dr other matters (a)created,suffered,assumed or agree:! to by the lJJsured darnant, {b) net known to the Company, not: recorded In the pubnc records at Date of PolICy, but I::novm to the Insured clamant and net dl5dosed m wnbng to the Company by the Insured clamant prior to the date the Insured daimant became an msured under thiS pohey (c) resultmg m no loss or damage to the lJJsuled claImant; (d) attachmg or created subsequent to Date of Policy, or (e) resulting In loss erdamage whICh would not have been sustained rfthe Insured clamant had p<lld value for the ~er Interest: Insured by thIS polICY 4 Any claim which anses out c:lthe transacbon vesting In the Insured the estate or Interest msured bythrs polICY, by reason oftheoperatlon of federal banl::nJptcy, state msolvency, or Similar creditDI5' nghts laws, that Is basecl on (i) the _~.._~~. creating the estate or mterest Insured by thiS poliCY being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent tran;fer or (ii) the transacbon creating the estate or mterest Insured by thiS polICY being deemed a preferenball transfer except where the preferential transfer resullS from the failure (a) totunelyrecordthemstrumentoftransfer or (b) of ~Uch,u............." to lIT1paIt lIotxe to a purchaser for value or a judgment or bell creditor SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS TIle ALTA standard poley form wlll contaln In Schedule B the foIIowmg standard exceptrons to coverage. 1. Taxes or assessments whttl are not shown as exIStIng liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the pubic records proceedlllg by a publIC agency which may result III taxes or assessments, or notice of sum procee::IIngs whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publM;: records. Z. Arry facts, rights, Interests or claims whn:f1 are not shown by the pubnc records but which could be ascertame::! by an inspection of saId land or by ma\:lIlg mqulTy of peI'SOllS In possesSIon thereof 3 Easements, clams of easement or encumbrances which are lIot shovm by the pubIc records unpatented mmlng dams reservations or exceptions in patents or III Acts authortllllg tile ISSUance thereof, water rightS, daIms cr tltle to water 4 Any lien, or right to a ben, fer sernces., labor or m;rtertal theretofore Dr hereafter fuml$hed, Imposed by law and not shown by the lJubllC records. 5 Dlscrepandes connJCts In boundary lines, shortage In area encroachments or any other facts: which a correct survey would dISclose NOTE A SPEOMEN COPY OF THE PDUCY FORM (DR FORMS) WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST TI149Rev 5-99 first Amencan ntle Date Received Planner MM ~ Prelrmlnary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 8 of 9 Exhibit "A" Real property In the County of Lane, 5tate of Oregon, descnbed as follows PARCEL I BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST, 30856 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST, 10416 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 22' 19" WEST, 13323 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 19469 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 60047' 00" EAST, 9000 FEET, THENCE NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 150 47' 00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 600 47' 00" EAST, 5 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 80 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 600 47' 00" WEST,S 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 740 13' 00" WEST, 1414 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60047' 00" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO 5AID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29013' 07" EAST, 18370 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89044' 15" EAST, 165 65 FEET TO THE EAST UNE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST UNE NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST UNE RUN SOUTH 890 46' 30" EAST, 141 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 06' 00" EAST, 30 02 FEET, SOUTH 740 28' 08" EAST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 890 53' 24" EAST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 580 49' 12" EAST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 8go 48' 26" EAST, 3465 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 00 11' 34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES 1) NORTH 89049' 36" WEST, 252 70 FEET; THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 1708 48 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORDS OF WHICH BEARS NORTH B60 19' 36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 860 19' 36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 890 49' 36" WEST, 542 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN RUN NORTH 00 10' 24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL II BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 890 44' 15" WE5T, 110 08 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 19533 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 890 48' 27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 00 11' 34" WEST, 273 00 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 890 48' 26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 58049' 12" WEST, 2585 FEET, THENCE NORTH 890 53' 24" WEST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 74028' 08" WEST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 700 06' 00" WEST, 30 02 FEET, THENCE NORTH 890 46' 30" WEST, 141 99 FEET TO THE EAST UNE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST UNE NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST, 109 54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTH 890 44' 15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 110 08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL III Rrst Amencan Tttfe Date Received 3 /t-7/ 2-_ Planner MM Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 9 of 9 BEGINNING AT THE STONE MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE A M POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMmE MERIDIAN, THENCE, NORTH 890 48' 27" WEST 1449 97 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69 TO A POINT, THENCE, NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST 99 IS FEET TO AN IRON PIPE MARKING THE INITIAL POINT OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15, PAGE 23 OF PLAT5 OF THE RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THENCE, NORTH 89041' 53" WEST 30B 64 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE, NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 20000 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF BLOCK 6 OF SAID PLAT TO AN IRON PIPE SET ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE, NORTH 29013' 07" EAST 165 00 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY TO A POINT, THENCE, SOUTH 700 22' 19" EAST 135 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE, SOUTH 40 24' 51" WEST 100 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 308 64 FEET AND NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST 10000 FEET FROM THE INITIAL POINT OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, BEING IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, RUN THENCE NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST 4 15 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 22' 19" WEST 133 24 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 29013' 07" WEST 4 06 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 700 22' 19" EAST 135 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Tax Parcel Number 0212033 and 0212074 and 0212124 R& Amencan rttJe Date Received Planner. MM J/z.~ / r; ( I ...- . DIVISION OF CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS 1/ ""11111111111111 111111111111111 '" 0'0094012000013270,e 2000001327 2:50:57 PM 01/10/2000 RPR DEED 1 - 6 CASHIER 05 '8 ~ II ~ IA AA 46,00 Aller RecordIng Return \0 UUbl a ehange IS reques1ed all tax stalements shall be scntlo \he foUowmg addlllSS John C Watlunsoo Watlunsoo laJrd Rubenslem Lashway & BaJdwm. PC 101 East Broadway, Swte 101 Eugene, OR 97401-3 I 14 NO CHANGE - WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM McKay Investment Company, aka McKay Investment Co , a partnerslup, Grantor, conveys and warrants to McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon IIffilled liabIlity, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of encumbrances except as speCIfically set forth herem Legal descnptlon on attached Exlublt A SubJect to Reservallons, nghts-of-way, easements, condlllons and restnctlons of record, leasehold mterests, and monetary encumbrances suffered or created by Grantor TIllS INSTRUMENT Wll..L NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY Ll!\.llTS ON LAWSUITS AGAINSTF ARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES AS DEFINED INORS 30 930 The hablllty and obligations of Grantor to Grantee and Grantee's successors and asSIgnS under lhe warranl1es and covenants contamed herem or prOVided by law shall be IIffilted to the amount, nature and terms of any nght of mdemrulicatlon available to Grantor under any title msurance pohcy, and Grantor shall have no babllity or obbgatlon except to the extent that reimbursement for such bablbty or obhgatlon IS available to Grantor under any such IItle msurance pobcy The bmltatlons contamed herem expressly do not rebeve Grantor of any bablllly or obbgations under tlus mstrument, but merely denne the scope. nature, and amount of such babIllty or obbgallons The true conSideration for tlus conveyance IS other than money Warranty Deed - I S \M\MCKA Yle lLC\B~_\LCF 000< f / Date Received 3 1. 'J D7 Planner MM I , . , . This conveyance IS effective January I, 2000 JS~~~~( ,!;z.~_./ 0~ ~d' ~I~ay Kortlr .f ST A 1E OF OREGON ) ) 55 County of Lane ) Tlus Instrument was acknowledged before me tlus ~ day of January, 2000 by J Douglas McKay and Lmda McKay Korth as authorized partners ~Kay Investment Company .'r.' " OFR:l!I.sm. .. - .f. i Tl!4C:Y A. KEUOCG I ) NOTARYPUBt.!;-OREGV./ . COIIWISSIOH NO 05934. ;e ....h.I.' 'i~~~~H.DP~ESNO~ 1~.1~~~~'. 7rlU-1 t{ WiG} Notary Public for Oregon 0 , My Commission Expires I ( (13/ (Ji.J W manty Deed - 2 Date Received Planner MM 5/2-,/ lQ / - '" EXHIBIT A PARCEL I Beginning at a pOint on the South line of the A M Powers Donaoon Land Chum No 69 Townslup 17South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Mendlan, 14507 feet North 890 57' West of the Southeast corner thereof, then North 00 03' East 287 16 feet, thence South 890 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 00 03' West 287 16 feet, thence North 890 57' West 4653 feet to the place of begin rung, m Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portIon descnbed In deed to the CIty of Springfield. """, Jed July 25,1957, ReceptIon No 18049, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT that portIOn descnbed In deed to the City of Spnngtield, recorded November I, 1971, Recepllon No 70906, OffiCIal Records of Lane County, Oregon TOGETIIER WITH that portIon of vacated Centenrual Boulevard wluch would Inure to SRid parcel m accordance to law, as vacated by VacatIOn Ordinance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, Recepllon No 34]55, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portIOn descnbed m deed to the City ofSpnngtield recorded June II, 1963, ReceptIon No 13833, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II Begmrung at a pomt wluch IS North 00 03' East 433 89 feet from a pOint on the South line of the Alban~on M Powers Donation Land Chum No 69, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wtllamette Mendtan, which last mentioned pomt IS 14507 feet North 890 57' West from the Southeast comer of sald claim, from sald bell1nrung pomt run North 00 03' East 586 93 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' West 58693 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feet to the place of begmrung, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT Begmrung at a pornt on the Easterly margrn of Mohawk HJghway, Said pOint bemg North 89' 44' 15" West II 008 feet and North 290 13' 7" East 145 31 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the Said Easterly margm North 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVing Said Easterly margm South 890 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence parallel WIth Said Easterly margm South 290 13' 7" West 50 feet, thence North 890 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pomt of begmnmg, m SectIOn 25, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willametle Meridian In Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT that portIon descnbed m deed to the CIty ofSpnngfield recorded February 20, 1959, ReceptIon No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL III Beginning at a pOint North 89' 57' West 14507 feet and North 0' 03' East 85000 feet from the Southeast corner of the A M Powers Donatron Land Chum No 69 In Townslup 17 South, Range EXHIBIT A Page I oD pages LOF p'a,teJ3ecel~/t.7 /61 ......IIIIC' IV~ I _ 3 West, run thence North 0" 03' East 1704 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 1475 feet to the Southeasterly 1me of the County Road, thence along swd lme of County Road Soutb 29009' West 19497 feet, thence South 89' 57'East 109 6feetto the pOlOt ofbegmrung, 10 Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT Begmrung at a pOlOt on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, 5ald pomt bemg North 89' 44' IS" West 11008 feet and North 29' 13' 7" East 145 31 feet from the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the said Easterly margm North 29" 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVing s8ld Easterly margm South 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence parallel WIth 5ald Easterly mar81n South 29' 13' 7" West 50 feet, thence North 89' 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pomt of begmrung, 10 SectJon 25, Townsrup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wdlamette Mendlan In Lane County, Oregon PARCEL IV BegumIng at a pomt North 0' 03' East 287 16 feet and 14507 feet North 89' 57' West of the Southeast comer of the A M Powers DonatIOn Land CI8Im No 69, Townsrup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, thence North 0' 03' East 14673 feet, thence South 89" 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' West 146 73 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 4653 feel to the place ofbegmnmg, 10 Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portion descnbed m deed to the City ofSpnngfield, recorded July 20, 1959, Reception No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL V All of Block 6 in the MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Springfield, Oregon ALSO that portion of vacated Centenrual Boulevard wruch would mure to swd parcel In accordance to law, as vacated by VacatJon OrdlJlance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, ReceptJon No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Beglnrung at the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK Fffi.ST ADDITION to Spnngfield, as platted and recorded In Lane County Plat Records, run thence North 89045' 30" West 93 feet, thence South 29" 13' West 150 feet parallel WIth and along the Mohawk HJghway, thence Soulh 89' 45' 30" East to a poml which IS South 0' 13' 30" West below the pomt of begmrung. thence North 0" 13' 30" East to the place ofbe8lMmg, m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXEPT Be8lnrung at the stone markmg the Southeast comer of the A M Powers Donation Land CI8Im No 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamene Mendlan, thence North 89" 48' 27" West 144997 feet along the South hneof5ald DonatJonLand Claim No 69to apolOt, thence North 0' 13' 30" East 99 15 feet to an Iron pipe markmg the lrutlal Pomt of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION accordmg to the plat thereof recorded In Volume IS, Page 23 of plats of the Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence North 89" 41' 53" West 308 64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGTNNlNG, thence North 89" 41' 53" West 200 00 feet along the South line ofBlock 6 of said plat to an Iron pipe set on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, thence North 29" 13' 07" East 165 00 feet along the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway to a pomt, thence South 70" 22' 19" East EXHIBIT A Page 2 of3 par~ ! ) ,~ate ReCelVe,11 :J 2->167 . _1, , ""I '~j1V'.I... .-.;:.., . 135 00 feet to a pomt. thence South 4" 24' 51" West 1 00 00 feet to the true pomt of begmrung m Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Begmmng at a pomt bemg North 89" 41' 53" West 308 64 feet and North 4" 24' 5 I" East 10000 feet from the lrullal Pomt of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded 10 Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, bemg 10 Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Mendian, run thence North 4" 24' 51" East 4 ]5 feet, thence North 70" 22' 19" West 13324 feet to the Easterly hne of Mohawk l:lJghway, thence along wd Easterly Ime South 29" 13' 07" West 406 feet, thence leaVing SlI1d Easterly tme South 70" 22' 19" East 135 00 feet to the Pomt ofBegmning, in Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginmng at a pomt 10 feet South 290 13' West of the pomt ofmtersectlon of the Easterly nght-of-way Ime of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongatlon of the Northerly nght-of-way hne of"M" Street, Said pomt ofbeginmng bemg South 29" 13' West 333 7 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, as platted and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, ihence South 60" 47' East 85 0 feet, thence North 74" 13' East 14 14 feet, thence South 60" 47' East 5 0 feet, thence South 29" 13' West 80 0 feet, thence North 60" 47' West 5 0 feet, thence North IS" 47' West 14 14 feet, thence North 60" 47' West 85 0 feet, Ihence North 290 13' East 600 feet to the pomt ofbegmning 10 Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Begmmng at a pomt 10 feet North 29" 13' East of the pomt ofmtersecllon of the Easterly nght of way hne of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongation of the Southerly nght of way hne of'"M" Street, Said pomt ofbeglnmng bemg South 29" 13' West 393 7 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 60" 47' East 60 0 feet, thence South 29" 13' West 1000 feet, thence North 60" 47' West 60 feet, thence North 29" 13' East 100 feet to the pomt of begmnmg, 10 Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beglnmng at a pomt bemg South 29" 13' West 393 7 feet and South 50" 47' East 6000 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as planed and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 60" 47' East 25 feet, thence South ISO 47' East 7 07 feet, thence South 29" 13' West 95 00 feet, thence North 60" 47' West 3000 feet, thence North 29' 13' East 10000 feet to the Pomt ofBegmmng, In Lane County, Oregon PARCEL VI Begmrung at a point on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, SlI1d pomt being North 89" 44' ] 5" West 11008 feet and North 29" 13' 7. East 14531 feet from the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the Said Easterly margin North 290 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVing Said Easterly margm South 89" 48' 27" East I DO feet, thence parallel WIth Said Easterly margin South 29" 13' 7" West 50 feet, thence North 89" 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pOmt ofbeglnmng, m SectIon 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlilamette Mendlan m Lane County, Oregon Date ReceIved ~/~/'7 Planner MM . EXHIBIT A Page 3 00 pages t.cF 4< ~ --3-'!- } 7- ~ -,..e..~ L~~"- It'".. .',,,,~,, .JIIIi.r . ') -:..- - ~,I 1- f- G'-<.J ~J/l.? Mo ~ f I ! r ,/ ~~ o.uJK. ..IAPDA:;r"[ OC!), tClO11 AU. ""'.::"1 ;/ 7'fES!: ~=i1'3. 'That ~<.r, !.-sves'C""etl't r.o~.. a eo~ 1 :1 sh.1~. ~U14iur calle<! ee ""rantor. U\ c:ons:\.cera:c.c:n c! ":e:l --:oUd--;; <SlO.i10> and. amer valuable cons1.dere.t::.a\S to 1.~ ?U-c. ~ '!he "'J..l'S't rLa'tia\oll 3anJc: of 1)re6CZ\. Plrtland. a. na:t1.cnal bank.:.n~ assoc:iaeCll, "ere~ter called the I""ra."\~, does ."er'l!I11 gr:"8I\'t. ~. sell and ~, untO Miu ~tee. its successors and as51gn5, the follon,ng desC'1-'ed real .,...wr-"] U\ t.ane COJnt"f. -"refcn, to..",~..t: 3egum11lp. a't e-.e stcre ~.J.""R ~e '!iOU~ea5t' c:omer of ~ A.". Ctcwer5 t:lc:mat0l'l Land Clal.'::I b. 69, "I"OJnS.'U'1 11 <"'4ir'" lJange 3 ,JIes\ of t!'le l1.l.lararte YeM.d.:.a."\. ~er.ce. " 89" 1!8' 27" ~ l....9.97 feet alen;: ~ sou~ llJle of $&U "'crIanen Land CLwa '10. 69 to a polJ\~; ewnce, N 00 13' 30" t 99.15 feet: to an l..I"Cn ')1pe mar4anl t:toe In.lez.al Poln't of "4.oMwX, rlI"St A.dc11t:lon ~ to ee i'lat Oereof t'eCCrded U\ V.w- 15, ;>age 23 of ?laG of ~e . ___ - of !.one Camt."h Oregcn, thenCe, . -' I If ago ~l' 53" 'II 308.6... feet to the T!'1JE CW]I:rr or 3!:Gl:~rr:~. thence, N ago Ill' 53." 200.00 feet alat,g t!'te SOJth lJ.ne of' 3100< 6 of s.u.d ~t: -:0 an lr'CX\ ::u.;. set' en ~ east:erl~' ~ of Yd\a:;:k -u.1tr..2Y'I-- -, N 29" U' 07" E l6S.00 fee~ al_ the eas~erlv ~ of - ~ to a poUlt, 1:henCe, S 'lIl" 22' 19" E US.OD fee1: to a poin1:, therl<:e, S _0 2-' Sl" ~ lOO.OO fee1: 1:0 the 1:rUt ;>oln~ of :>eguuu."g lJ\ S;>n.ng- tield, !.one Coun~, -gen. Also. .m easement' app.... .-.,,,-.. thereto for 1:\e ._. ~._llS1.V~ use fat' (......" ;>ortung. sub]ec:1: to and Ilpoll the _ and oon<l>.nOllS ~ stated, of the folJ,o.nng ~ ~l, ~.uW'ter called ~ .~arlt1n; .\~". iIogu'lIUng on: the !rtate lIlU1ang the SQrtheast c:ornor of the ... ~. Pc:wers 'Oona t:J.a'\ Land Cl.aL."D ~lo. 69, T(W'1SlUP 17 South, v..an'be 3 ..1cst' of the"~ "er1d1an; thenCe 189" _8' 2'1"; l....9.97 feet al<lng the SQIth IJ,ne of said Da;anen Land ClaJ.>! "0. 69 to a ;ll:>lnt. thai""' ~ 00 l3' 3D" E 99.lS fee~ to an U'Clll ;n;>e 'Mrlo.ni the I IU n.ol 1'a1n~ of ~ r>",~ )dcU den acc:ordlng to tt-.e ,la~ thereOf .....:...1 in Volur"e 15, Page 23 of ,lats of ~ _____.:.. of !.one Cc:uItV, Orega\ ard Oe m.xe: POcrr OF errm:NL:G: tt-.enc:e. t 890 or S3"'of 283.6'0 feet alorg the sorth tine of 3lod< 6 of .uc ~Lrt /~ to a pmnt lJliI.t'iced by an ua'\;>in, ~.. ~l 00 18' 07'" E 92..77 v fee't to a poi.n't nm1<ed by an irr:;n pm; 'thence, ~l 500 1t6' 53" J 1$2.09 feet to a lead :>lug 5e't CI'I ~easterli' mrgi.n of ~ Hiato<a'f; __ II 29" 13' 0'1" !: 1ll1Y!ee~ along the easterly 'IIIl"Oln tL _!haI1WaY; _ S 60" '16' 53" E to the eas~ IJ,ne of _ 6 of o;wl pla~, thence S al<lng ~ eas1: line ot 31oc!< 6 tL S&d pl.irt 1:0 the -mJE: rom OF SEGn:lI:IG. '\lw ~...... ...11 dso provide 0...'__ ;llII1<lng fer - -.-.- lJ\ the _ ~ _ P'c!(ay Shapplng Center, ntua1:e to ~ r<rt!I and eas~ of the pcIcizl& _. I~ is f\JE"t!>er agreed' -J... b~ . ~~4j " ~, ~ . ~:~ ~ t :' ~ .. ,'" (-./,1 mJ f9l3 Date ReceIved 8/'Z:~/ if') Planner MM f (' f .0. \ -. ;ebr.lat"'/ ~. 1~) Reel - i -.- -- - 1. ~:>orIc1ng...... does not 0"" .;0, ~ """"1 .........'7 """"--,,,,,. ~. ^"",=" c:oven..-", far <'''.If. <ts SU<____.. ana asu'JnS no. to 0<-,= ..... "". of ...... ;><rIQn; - by t.'I. =truc't1on of ::.u1dt~ or- Qt;enr-S<! ,,= t'1e ~ ...... or- lQal the lands lY1ng ~~en the l'V'<:J.ng area an; tne lanes _""':,./ =""'''"''. 2. ~ ~an.... does not ass_ ..., clJt'/ to ...untaJ.n or J..-;>ro-,~ the ;>orlc.ng ...... or- to c:<m:ribu1:. to the = of "lOintena..,.",. It """'non.. rcr ..s.u. 1"" 50' ors and ass<gns. "lOt to do or ~ to be da., "''''''u.ng ......c, Ultorf....... "l.th the "'""'=!us,,,,, .... of the ;>lr'c.'1l; ...... fer .....O"le:' ;>.u1ur.;: :,., ~. ':n1n_. '''' SUl:cessors and ass,_ and tI1e1r tenonts <n 5a1<l Sho;>P>.n;; cen..r. 3. 'I!le -~_.-.. ~ IlZ"antec! shall ""Pe:T.un tD the ~I hereOy ~ 50 la,g as an, ~ 1101ge =tr\Icte:l !>v ~ Crant... <IrI !Ia1c! ;>n>!lert-, ~ -"'" shaU stand. I to do\YE A'll) to <ilLD tile obou>e <Iosc:r'1bed and !lnInted ~ses and pnV1.leg"" IIIrto the said ~_, its "'---""", _ ~. Md tile ~tor does """"nont to and WJ.th the~. <ts SUCCessors and 0SS1gns, thet the ~- 1S lan'lIlly ~ <n fee s1llQle of the ab:>v. ..-anted -... and the ;>oriang an.a here_. des~. thet the obou>e ll"anted I"'mlis.. - free fI'a:! all ~ and the ~ area is free :ran all -"'tlru....", ~ a cerrain 1IElrtiO!!lO to the ;quitable W. "ssuronce S<>:1ety of the Uutllcl States ---- __.1 Q1 ~ 23, 1962 in the office of the C<>lnt'j ClerIc 0{ Lone Olunty. ez.ega,. as Instnlnoont: 190805. Peel 214 , of tile l!ecanIs of (. /,- S ..... -:---5-.4 <: ZI/6 :1:... --- 0{ said Olunty - State ana t!1at the ~ will and its Slla:ess","" - ~JlllS shaU c-..__... and f~ daten:! the above ill"anted l'Z'OolIses and ~ ...... - ......,. part and _1 t!ler.,a{ "!lOinst the Ia.ful c:la1.... and -... of all ,-~--: Wl1a""",,,,,1'. """"Pt as afOl'Osaid. DI ~ <llEI1Eor. the GZoan_ has caused this deed to be ~ <IrI it" beIau Ill' all of its lIO!IIf>er.s. ~ [) fSis ~()) / "-y:~;.J':'/.{(UA "<G".; JIc3O.- f )?Jt',,;:::r- :~b1.Y~ ./1, , I ,J SDlD: or 0Ilfl\lJI ) ). ClUnY or 1M!: ) 110 it. -.. -. . - that: Q1 tI1is .;. K'rJay of i ~ 1963. bef_ ... the ~, .. notzy l'Ublic in and fer ......(; _ Stat>>, llo!nalally -2- ~f! ~ Date Received _ _ Pl6.rme.- MM - L:"brua.-" '. l~j Sed '0. ~ - I ; I J 1 'I J 1 JI I " , J 5ftClAL WAIlRAJ'ITY DEBI __!.!cLl.! IIIVIS'I1'l:1lf CO'L . Part.n.nh4!-- _ G~.l'" .Oft"Y' .noI.......ny ..".." '0 _yJ;RST MtlONIJ. llAtlIIJll' QRSJO~.- a national \>&J'ldn& anox:\.otWD- ~ - W.L: '1-14-,<1 P.'13'" ~ 1. 4~ I 7~ 3 - ~ tf ~...;)...Q , 'l.: vll".....--........."".... 'J first. Jiational Bank ot ore&OI1 ".. ..., .J '/c fI' Ilt<!!.de<l by ~:n.,"" 1.1" _-.: ! i=1 .sA .I'!~ ,;-1 ,.~~ t:~! o;~l :11.,1 ,I ...;~:; f5 ~ i~ ~ ~_ ""Q"O C ,:. Q-;...I .. jj, - it Z ! I &;: .u ~ 9 ~ ~l .~ - Zl !" p. O. Ilo>t )1)1 Portland, Oregon 97208 ........1: .DO.C.!.~ :I'" .......1.~.,~-.....I..I..."_-".. F~ J!at1.~ Bank .r Oregon _ P. O. Ilo>t )131 _ P.rtland. Ore&"" 'f/2f!..8 ""","L ADo-U~ Z.. 0.- . - -< - ;'l..i -'I .. ..<J 911 ~~ (J s= t ! ; 1 ~ ! :; .. ~ ! ;;; ~ ~ il; c l! ! l~ ! ! ~i , . " '::CIJ EC":l ~O) ... r,-. ., :! --------- . G,,"" ,he fullo...... ok<cnb<<! properly f.... of ....um_.. ......ed or ..rreu..! by lhe ,""0' e.eep' os . IfCCtflc:aDY iC't forth hem" --------- ----- ..---- --- S.g"""""' at a po!l1t boWS Ilorth 8<f' 1.1' 53" West. J08.6I. r.et and n.rth 4. 2l.' 51" East lOll.OO reet rrom tIte Initial P.!I1t .r Mohawk Fint Add1t1on. ee plott.d and recocd.d In llook IS. PoSe _.. ,.. ,. .... '. ,.", Plot 1I...cd.. being In T_'h1p 17 S...th, lIans. 3 West. .r the WllleJoOtte Meridian; NO thence North ~. 2~' 51" East ~.15 r..t, thence North 7d' 22' 19" V.st. 133.2l. reet t.o t.he Easterly line or Mohawk Kic,lnI8Yi thence along a.locI Easterly Un. South 2'1' 13' O'l" Vest ~.06 r....; th.no. ~.vlng .aid East..r~ line S...th 7d' 22' 19" East 135.00 r.ot. to the Po!l1t or IleginnWS, l.D Lone Count~, oregon. II (. , ~,.. 1111 t1.HD~ : t'" ....W.F'C.(...y p.IICK. CONY'NUll Q&5oCII''''''ON ON ...OOIYIONN. ""'GCI Tlle ,,,J p"';""" "r.... 10",".11 ,",um~"n,....ctpl eond1t1.... restriction., end ...._to or rec.cd, plus ...rtgage rec.rded ~ IS, 1972, lIecept.1on No. 9'1196. IfcKlI INVlSn4EIlf CO. IlfJ~D7' .1.. '" " ;. par\:lOr !ll"~'" I' .', Ii ljl1.i. / partner _ -:.:/ fA J.AAJ .Y--- .-.... fRy' - - ---- ,.--- . ~ ~~'iJ>IJll..?'p ..at. enunty of Lane .. "".....Ily appe..ed .It< abot< ..m" ~ '. . .. '\ '\ J. Dcullu IkIa1 an4 MlJ,aa B. MeKat ~O'TA': v , "'d,, u..",I.)j,.d,'11< fo"....'.. .""....,0' '0 be th."" __.oIlOo'ary ad aod d<<d !l<fc" me . " .,G.!. /f /. '1.' \.fu',::pI3...""'.!:.1i., AD 1978 -~, t.' - 1- '--" ,'~=, '. ~,; <:'''''''"''':tl,~ 6/12/78 1Iol"Y ""~ r.. 00.... l'r r.fl .' .' CASCADE TITLE COMPANY - uu~ "nn.."h.r 111011 r.... th... CD...t'Yan..~ I~ S ~.7W"Q9 Da.ed _ AUC'.t 14. 19 78__ . ~ . . ~ , .' . ~ . .." " ,.....Na "" 1075 Ook S..... Date ~ecel~ed Planner MM ?/~~(4J ~ \ _ . ._....._ IL1 . . I ,~ ; _ ~.tt.i==-t ~~.r,.:-. 'J.tii=.:5.f;tLJ-..:....~'.o.~,"-"r.~.~~~.. ... .-t:-......... ~~..~~ '. .,c~' ~_ " ~~,...'.. ........~........""......T<. ~"~. .". ,-.",..,<('-4/. 7~A'" - ,-,.foe"*-' . . .. . ... . _ _ ~ _.. "",."i:-,;~ . *.~.~ J .- OJ '" \ - \~,6t I 1 ---_..--- -- '-r-r > 1<-1"'- eo. ----- 7 -=-- .-~ " - ........-~--- GRANT OF J:ASlCKENT FOR cONSTRucnON AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER MAIN. DOW ALL KEN BY THESE PlU:SENr.l That Co. ud II> oOl>dcleratlo1> of eM .am. of Tea. DollarD ($10 00) ..a.eI other ..luble coa.liderat1oQ to it ia. ....d paid. THE IUlST NA nOMA L BANK OF OREaON . PORTLAND. & -.tloaal b&AJdaa a..octation. Graator. doe. hereby Irut. ba.r.aia.. leU &ad cOllver lIGto McKAY INVESTMENT CO.. a parmerahip. the lole aud ouly partD8rl la.bleb. are Mlle. E Wc:Ka.,. Ete&lllOr P YcKa'f, 1. Doq;laa McKar aGel LiQ.d.a Le. McKa,.. t!uI Onlltee herela.. ltJ sucee..or. aa.d ..adllU f die riaht to ezca.vate for. la..taU. repL&ce (of tII.. laitial or allY other dzo) t 1I'_4..ta'll &ad ue aD a,a.deraroullCl maiD. or pipelia,e lor the pe of coaveyiag water, uti alao a rilbt of way therefor, tolether with the riaht of illlre.. thereto ..clear... therefrom. 10., OD. au aero.. tho herein&lter cteacrJ.bed IIt:rip of Laocl altu.te III 1.&1lO COW1ty. Oreloa.. schematicaUy IhOW1l aD. .xbiblt.A, attacMd ureto aa.cl eqn:e..ty made a part ureof by reCerence .. tbo..h fall, ..t forth. urein, aa.d lDore partlclLlarly d.eacribed ae !allow.. A .trip ollaa.d , leet La. width lpDC acljacea.t to and ea.t of the ....tol't, tlae of the foUowillC de.cnbed traet of land a.cel ex.. t:eG.dllll fram the .outlierl, lin. to the Bortharl, liDe thereof ,/ )7 II ..pDDiCC at th. eto_ marki4& the .Olltbe..t corD.er DC the A~ w. power. DoD&tloD. Land Claim. No~ 69. ~owa..bip 11 SOtIth. bDl." 3- Weat of the WllLamette .... ricli.aD. thence, a19- 481-27" W 1449.97 teetaLolll the aoath line of .&leI Doaatioll Laa.d Claim. No. ',to. polDt. dlence. N.O. 13' 30'" 5.. 99\15 C..t to aaLroI> pipe -.-a tho loitl&l Polot ol (' Mouwk. Firat aclditioa. accorcUDI to the plat thereol recorcled au ........ .tSt ,:tsa %.9 IlIl. plat. of the recordl. of LaDe COIJllty. On lOa.; tballCe. K 8'.41' 53" W 308 64 feat to the TR.UE 41 .._... OJ" BEGINNING tbenc., N~ 89. 41' 53" W. 200 00 feet aloDl the .oath l1ae of. :etock'1i:ot ...id plat to aa. 11'011 plpe eet oa. tM ...tart, marlill 01 MObawtt His......'. tbcllce. N Z9. 13' 01" Ea 165.00 f.et atoll' the .....terl, mar,la. ol Mohawk 8llllwaf to & polat; tbeoce, S. TO. Zl' 1,., E. 135~OO feet to apolllt; tI....e..S. 4' 24' 51" Y. 100.00 led to tho t.ae pow of bepaalq Ie SprlaaOe ld. La... Coat,. Oreaol>. 3h-, / '9 / ' Date ReceIved Planner MM I. ~ -......-, -- 1 J~ 2S, 1963 ILool ~ I i t i I , i ! ~ -. / nplaclllD1co.ta .a eqeditiouotJ .. po..ibte and. to coordlcate to the lulloR eKtoG.t pracuc:able with Gr&a.tor'. a._e oC the preml.aea TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the nabla a.ad. pnvileaea &lore.aut IUIt:o tbe .aid Gra:Iltect. ita .acc...ora allCl....iaa.. Dr .........'u...;.JoolI WHEREOF, the Graator has au.ed. the.. pr..eClta tD be exeCuted. by 1ta cozoporae. officer. thereu.DtD duty authorized...1ld. ita coqtOrate ..at to be here.am a.Ulxed tloo 24th clay oC 11140', 1963. (Corpo..... 5.&11 THS nRS1'NATIONAL BANK OF OUOON, PORTLAND, a oatioaal :aHqlf!la..z~_ lU ce - tilt.tiC BJ .e u j'-LJ lie ...i...... Voideo. STATE OF OUGeN I I ... COUNTY OF MUL TNOMAH I OD tlda the 24th day of J'uu, 1963, bofore me appeared. c.. II. c:art:'rell :aad. R. V t.enllfield both to me pe.l'aoua.Uy tDOW1l, 'tMlag <lllly .wora. did sa.y that he. the aaid C. K Cartrell ia the Vice Preddent aad be r the aaJ.4 I.. V. Le!1ffidd i. tbo A..bc.aa.t: Vice Presi- dellt , of the with1u nam.ed corporatlOD.. aDe! that the oea.l a.lfised to aaid iut-ram.eDt 1. the corporate Deal of sa1cl eorporatiaa. alld dlat aaid. ill.UUlDeDl wa. alalled and lIea-iedlD. behalf of saul corpora- tlollltr aatbority ollt. board. of director.. and that C. K Cartrell &ad L v. t.-ea.field. acka.owleqed lIald 1D..umnol1t to be the free ~ vohla.ta~ 'I act &.Del deed. DC .a14 corporiLC1Oa.. Df TESTDCONT WHEREOF. 1 bave hereunto aet my haa.4 aa.d afflaacl:m.r..a.l tin. liar aa.d par fhet 111 tbl., m.r cerb.ficate. wnttea.. GI. A . l.:::rfJ *!'z"M..~" Motar, PabUc: for OrellDB. M,. Cammi..ioa Expire. ~..J t..:..L..t.i..-' I J , I 15462 3. Date Received -:2 / 2-~ 1_ Planner MM ~ - -~ ----- -- --.-- .--~_.. -- ...~ ~,.- ~ -';_" ZS, 1963 Boel ~ ---- ----- Branch DSE, User FA]] TItle Officer RD Order 9]2425 Comment Stanon Id CUlM After ReaJrdioa Return to McKav Investment Company 2350 Oakmont Way. SUlte 204 Euoene. OR 97401 Dlvlolon 0' Chi.' DopuLv Clo,k ~~nftJ'~7 Lane CounLv Do.do and RRo,do 'W~-v; ~ m!lIlJ~Wllljs~~lIllll~II~1 $66.00 RPR-OEEII Cnb1 SLI1=I cJl'~~ 02:34:10 P" $45 00 IU 00 110. DO Uatd runher notice, send taJ: statements to. No change DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND DEED McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon ]nmted liablhty company (McKay), IS the owner of two adJommg tracts of ,...,...:, referred to herein as Tract] and Tract 2 McKay IS makmg thiS declarallon to set an adjusted boundary Ime between Tract] and Tract 2 to comply With City ofSpnngfield land use regulanons and the proVISIOns ofORS 92190(4) The legal descnpl10n of Tmct ] pnor to tins adJuSlment IS descnbed on the attached Exbiblt A The legal descnptlon of Tmct 2 pnor to tins adJus1ment IS descnbed on the attached Exblblt B Following this lot hne adjustment, the descnplion of Tract I IS descnbed on the attached Exhibit C FollOWing tins lot hne adjustment, the descnptlon of Tract 2 IS descnbed on the attached ExhibIt D The parllon of the legal descnpllon wluch depicts the new adjusted Ime between Tract] and Tract 2 IS underhned on the attached ExJublls C and D, .~.,.__wveJy McKay conveys to McKay the ,.._,.,..:; descnbed on Exhibit C and McKay conveys to McKay the ,...,..../ descnbed on Exlnblt D The true and actual consideration for this deed IS none TIllS INS1RUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF TIlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TIllS INS1RUMENT IN VlOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INS1RUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 Declaralion of Property Lme Adjustment and Deed . I h ' F\JOBS\62OO's\6u'" _,'JJ\DeCloran.~,.._.,LmCAd~iV~~ 7 2.- /. Planner MM ~( 1I? LANE,OR Document BlA 2005 93357 Page lof9 PrInted on 9/29/2006 10 01 3] AM Branch DSE, User FA II TIde Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIOn ld CUlM Dated t1us 22nd day of November, 2005 McKay Investment C_'~"~'J' LLC B~~~M~~ STATE OF OREGON ) )ss Coun~ofUme ) Nt. ThIs mstrument was acknowledged before me t1us 'Z2- day of November, 2005, by L.nda McKay Korth. a Manager of McKay Investment Company, LLC. -_.--..-~i . OFFICIAL SEAL GAlL M Lisa , NOTARY PUBUG-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 354792 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB IB ZOO6 Qu.d, ~ N4 Pubhc for Oregon ) j,....I My COI1lIl115S1onexpues: <7l'fOt:. ----_._---._-~~-. -: - - - _. -- ~~..,~ Deelarallon of Property Lme Adjustment and Deed . 2 F IlOBS\6200'lI62641wORD\lleclanboaPrpcnyLme AdJU5UncntAlldDocd11210S do<: Date Received Planner MM '{/z.? IV f f LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 , " Page 2 of9 . ,I Pnnted on 9/2912006 10 0 I 32 AM Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stallon Id CUlM EXHIBff"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION BI-MART / TACO BELL PARCEL (TRACT 1) PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT PARCEL II BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS NORTH 0003' EAST 43389 FEET FROM A POINT ON THE SOUTII LINE OF THE ALBANSON M POWERS DONA nON LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTIl, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WlLLAMETIE MERIDIAN, WHICH LAST MENTIONED POINT IS 1450 7 FEET NORTH 89057' WEST FROM THE SOUTIlEAST CORNER OF SAID CLAIM, FROM SAID BEGINNING POINT RUN NORTH 0003' EAST 586 93 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89057' EAST 4653 FEET, lHENCE SOUTH 0003' WEST 586 93 FEET, lHENCE NORTH 890 57' WEST 465 3 FEET TO THE PLACE BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MORA WI( ffiGHWA Y, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89'44'15" WEST 110.08 FEET AND NORTH 29013' 07" EAST 145 31 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 MORA WI( FIRST ADDmON, AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29013 'OT' EAST 50 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 89"48'2T' EAST 100 FEET, THENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTII 29013 'QT' WEST 50 FEET, TIiENCE NORTH 89'48'2T' WEST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNlNG, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE W1LLAMETIE MERIDIAN, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO EXCEPT TllAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED FEBRUARY 20,1959, RECEPTION NO 60561, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL III BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTH 89057' WEST 1450 7 FEET AND NORTH 0003' EAST 850 00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE A M POWERS DONA nON LAND CLAIM NO 69 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOtJIH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WlLLAMETIE MERIDIAN, RUN TIiENCE NORTH 0003' EAST 1704 FEET, TIiENCE NORTH 89057' WEST 14 75 FEET TO THE SOUTIlEASTERL Y LINE OF THE COUNTY ROAD, THENCE ALONG SAID LINE OF COUNTY ROAD SOUTH 29009' WEST 19497 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89057' EAST 1096 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGlNNeNG, eN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date R /; /. PI ecelved _~ $"2- anner MM 7, ") _ I LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 " " Page 3 of9 , Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 01 32 AM Branch DSE,User FA II Title Officer RD Order 912425 Commenl Station Id CUlM PARCEL III CONTINUED EXCEPT. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHA WI( HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89044' IS" WEST I 10 08 FEET AND NORTH 29013'07" EAST 145 31 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6, MOHA WI( FIRST ADDmON, AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29013'07" EAST 50 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTIl 89048'27" EAST 100 FEET, TIiENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 29013'07" WEST SO FEET, THENCE NORTH 89048'27" WEST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL VI BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERL Y MARGIN OF MOHA WI( IDGHWA Y, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89044' IS" WEST I10 08 FEET AND NORTH 29013'07" EAST 14531 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6, MOHA WI( FIRST ADDITION, AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29013'07" EAST SO FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 89048'27" EAST 100 FEET, THENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 29013'07" WEST SO FEET, THENCE NORTH 89"48'27" WEST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SECTION 2S, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. Date ReceIved 'Jh..'f 1- Planner MM ~ LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 933S7 Page 4 of9 Prmted on 912912006 1001 32 AM Branch DSE,User FA 11 TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIon Id CUlM EXHIBIT "B'" LEGAL DESCRIPTION MCKAY MORA WI( PARCELS PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT (TRACT 2) PARCELl BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TIIE S01.J'rn LINE OF TIlE A M. POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 S01.J'rn, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE W1LLAMETIE MERIDIAN, 1450 7 FEET NORTIl 89"57' WEST OF TIIE SOUTHEAST CORNER TIlEREOF, THENCE NORTIl 0003' EAST 287 16 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89"57' EAST 4653 FEET, TIIENCE S01.J'rn 0003' WEST 2f7 16 FEET, TIlENCE NORTIl89057' WEST 4653 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT TIlA T PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO TIlE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED JULY 25, 1957, RECEPTION NO 18049. DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. RECORDED NOVEMBER I, 1971, RECEPTION NO 70906, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON TOGETHER W1TIl THAT PORTION OF VACATED CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD wmCH WOULD INURE TO SAID PARCEL IN ACCORDANCE TO LA W, AS V ACA TED BY VACATION ORDINANCE NO 1808, RECORDED NOVEMBER 22, 1963, RECEPTION NO 34155, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED JUNE I I, 1963, RECEPTION NO 13833, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL IV BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTIl 0003' EAST 287 16 FEET AND 14507 FEET NORTIl 89057' WEST OF TIlE SOUTIIEAST CORNER OF TIIE A M POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTIl, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE W1LLAMETIE MERIDIAN, TIlENCE NORTIl 0"03'EAST 14673 FEET, THENCE NORTIl89057' WEST 465 3 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY. OREGON Date Received Planner MM :II",?! '1 I LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 5 of9 r PrInted on 912912006100133 AM " LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 6 or'9 Pnnted on 912912006 10 01 33 AM Branch DSE,User FA 11 Tille Officer RD Order 912425 Comment. Stanon Id CUlM EXHmIT "C" LEGAL DESCRlPTION BI-MART / TACO BELL PARCEL (TRACT I) AFTER ADJUSTMENT BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERL Y MARGIN OF MOHA WI( HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTII 89"44'15" WEST, 11008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHA WI( FIRST ADDmON, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 195 33 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89"48'27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO TIlE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0011'34" WEST, 273 00 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID ~T MARGIN RIIN NORTII 89"48'2"" WEST 1465 FRET ":HENCE SOIJ11lSg049'12" WEST. 2585 fEET. THENC~ NORTII 89"53'24" WEST, 151 99 FEET. THENCE NORTII 74'28'08" WEST. 62 15 FEET, THENCR SOUTH 70"06'00" WEST. 30 02 FEJIT~ TIU'NCF NORTH 89"46'30" WEST. 141.99 ffif.T TO THE EAST LINE OF SAJD BLPGK 6; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0013'30" EAST, 10954 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, TIffiNCE NORTII 89044' 15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 11008 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 3 09 ACRES Date Received Planner MM 7(Z--'!15l , I I.. LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 8of9 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 01 34 AM Branch OSE,User FAll TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stallon Id CUlM EXHlBIT "0" LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOUTHERLY PORTION OF MOHAWK SHOPPING CENTER (TRACT 2) AFTER ADJUSTMENT BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTII 89"41'53" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEEl) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 4'24'51" EAST, 104 16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70'22'19" WEST, 133 23 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAJD EASTERLY MARGIN NOR1lI29"13'07" EAST, 194 69 FEET, llIENCE LEAVING SAJD EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 60047'00" EAST, 90 00 FEET, THENCE NOR1lI29"I3'07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, llIENCE SOUTH 15047'00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 60"47'00" EAST, 5 00 FEET, TIlENCE NORTIl29"13'07" EAST, 8000 FEET, mENCE NORTH 60047'00" WEST, 5 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 74013'00" WEST, 1414 FEET, THENCE NO~1lI60047'00" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, llIENCE ALONG SAlD EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 18370 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAlD EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89"44'15" EAST, 16565 FEET TO llIE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, TIlENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORllI 0013'30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID E".ST l.lliM' IN SOUTH 89"46'30" EAST, 141....22 FEET THENCE NORTH 7Q"Q6'OO" E,<\ST, ~QJ)f.F.f:ET. SOUTH 74'28'08" EAST. 62 U FEET. THENCE SOUTfI 89"5~'24" EAST, 1 Sl,':J'J ~j,j,r. THENCE NO~TH 58"49' 12" EAST ~.85 FEET. TIffiNCE SOUTH 89"48'26" J;~ST. :w 65 FeaT TO 'UiEJYEST MARGIN QF 18TH S~ THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0011 '34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEY ARD, THENCE LEAVING SAlD WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORllI MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD llIE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES I) NOR1lI89"49'36" WEST, 25270 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 170848 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RlGHT. THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 860t9'36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORllI 89"49'36" WEST,S 42 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAlD NORTII MARGIN RUN NORllI 0"10'24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 1099 ACRES Date Received Planner MM 5h.}/7J/ I , , LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 9 of9 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 34 AM Branch DSE, User FA 1\ Tille Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUlM G .0' \0- II , . . Division of thief Daputy Clork '1M: ftllC'U Lane County DeeD ..... "corda ,~ ~1I111~ 1I111111~ 1111111 ~ ~III ~II~I ~I ~I $31.on ee18071J82ll0!",,"- ",...,,~'! \1/30/2110511:29:40 All IIPIl-lIEED Cn1.=1 St.n=5 CASHIER 04 S10.00 $11.00 510 00 ItJTE t:iJ. tJQi7 UJr After _nIIDo JletarD to. WESTERN TITLE AND ESCROW COMPANY 497 OAKWAY RUAU, ~r~ J4U EUGENE. OR 97401 Untih c:lum&elL '" ",,,,d oBt...tate....... ,baIl be not to the foDowia& Iddress. CUDDEBACK INVESTMERTS, INC. PO BOX 5769 EUGENE. OR 97405 WARRANTY DEED. STATIJTORY FORM McKay Inveslmenl Cl......_, , LLC, an Otegon lmuted liability company, Grantor, conveys and ...__~ to Cuddeback Investments,lnc., 811 Oregon _.......;.011, Grantee, the real ....r-.' dcscnbedOllattachedEmlbitA. Subject to. easements, covenants, condtl1ons and restncl10ns of record. ngbls of the public 111 and to that porl1on of the property Iymg With 111 the lmuts of roads and highways, exlStulg leases, DeclaraI1011 of Property !..me AdJuslment and Deed; easements, selbacb and wood feucc as shown OIl :-..L-..ory :1....-:/ Lme Adjus1mc:ot Survey, Job No. 05-6264 dated October 5, 2005, by SS&W Ine L..-.-., and Oregon Well Owum;bip lnfonnal1on form recorded at Document No 2~13-993, OffiCllll Recorda of Lane County,If apphcable. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN nus INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE !J\ND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR A,-,-"-,, lU.G THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOUID CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPAllTMENI' 10 VERIFY APPROVED USES AND 10 ""U'N.mm ANY LIMITS ON LA wsurrs AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 The true CODSldmdJon for tins conveyance IS money and other valuable C01lS1dmdJon. which i. being paid by a ~/:~~ntermediarY as part of an IRC 1031 exchange Dated tJ".~-! day of ,2005. McKay Investmem C.".. ''''~UC . """"'A1.llEAL SHANNON M BURGESS NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 360823 MY'COMIIISSlONEXPlRESAUGUST30 2006 By,.JI~J. J SI/ut,).k"d ~~;~ger STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss Tlus mstrument wss acknowledged before me on (IOV.t~ aq, 2005. by Lmda , ....,"""'_ot....,_~ . WammtyDeed-1 s.....CXAYJC.UC\&o.."'.-~It"l\eC'ei~e'd... ~h I Planner MM - 2} I 0/ / ( - LANE,OR Document DED WAR 2005 95348 Page 1 of2 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 34 AM Branch DSE,User FA II Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIOn Id CUlM . EXHIBIT A Legal DescnplloD BE".."..,." AT A POINT ON THE sotrmBASTE.RLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89'44'15M WEST, 110.08 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADOmON, AS PLAnED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING nmNCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTH 29'13'07' BAST, 19533 FEET, 'IHENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN sounr 89'48'27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN sounr 0'11'34" WEST, 27300 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORlH 89'48'26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE sounr 5ll"49'12M WEST, 25.85 FEET, THENCE NORTIl89'S3'24M WEST, 15299 FEET, TIiENCE NORTH 74'28'08M WEST, 62.15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 70'06'00" WEST, 30 02 FEET, THENCE NORTIl 89'46'30M WEST, 141.99 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6; ,=........0. ALONG SAID BAST LINE NORTIl 0'13'30" BAST, 109 54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER. OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTH 89'44'15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK. 6, 11008 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNlY, OREGON Date R ~ Plann ece/ved """ I,}~ er MM , 'I1 - LANE,OR Document DED WAR 2005 95348 Page 2 of2 Pnnled on 9n9n006 10 0 I 35 AM " ]. ~ 1 ~j854H 'WMJWfN IJEE!) f lO'J()o1 M.L HE:N BY ntESE r~wu03, 'lhat' I't:Ka., I,vestrrent 1"'0., 4 copllrtner- ship, here~ter called the Grarl'tar', in exmslderatim c" "'C"\ ~1Lll"s ($10.00) and ot'ler valuable CQI'l91deratlC2'lS to it pr51d by The ru'St l.Jtlm.11 3anlc of Oregon, Part l.ancl, a nanmal banJd.ng: associat101, hereinafter ca.llecJ t"le l'Vt.'ltee, does 'lereb-l ~t. ~, sell and et:SrtIeV unto saJ.d '::rantee, it's ~yccessors and asC;lp,nc:.. the follo.'lnp descr1.bed real ....'"' "'~ .. J In Lane Countv. 0reeal, to-w! t ~glnnln~ at t'le stene marIo...nR 'the SOJ'theast comer of 'the ~. u. PDoors "onat"lll Land ClaJ.m No. 69, Ta;msnip 17 Soot'1, Itmge J tlest of the hllaJrette "1er:u:U.an; thence, H 89" 48' 27" j 1449.97 feet alCl'll! the south liJ>e of "a1~ "'maUal [. and ('la.1.rn -k>. b~ to a. polftt. thence. U 00 13' 30"::: 99.15 feet to an lra1 pipe marlo.np, the Irntlal Point of"'ohawk T'U"St ^ddJ.tlal ~ to the ,lat thereof ~_........:"j l.n Vohm" 15, ;>age 23 of ?lats of the records of !AIle rOJ11tf, ')regal, thence , N ago 1Jl' 53n W 308.64 feet: to the TPUt POlIn" aT 3!TliNI'.... tlellCe, H 890 41' 53" ~ 200.00 feet along the south llne of Block 6 of sald ?14t to an lral pipe set on tlle easterl" lI'eI':".1.n of . oh4' Jk ilp)TMV, thence , ., 290 13' 07" E 165.00 feet alalg the easterV "'1O%7ln of .~ fhsJ-y to a polllt. thence, S 100 22' 19" E 135.00 feet to a ?Oint. ~~, S lIo 21f' 51" Ii 100.00 feet to the mJe ?01.nt of ')ek'.1nru..~ In 3~ng- fleld, Lane C""'tv. 'lrega\. Also t an easeonen.t app.n"tenant thereto for tle non-e:lClus1.v"! use far custaner ;>arlullll. subJect to and upon t.'le terns and OCilldJtlOOS 'let'ein staten. of t.'le foll~ descr1bed ?OI"<'l'l. hereUlafter called the ""arlunl; 'Irea"' 1lelllnninR at the stene mmung the southeast corner of tne A. ". ?ewers r>:na t1.00 1.and Cla1.m lb. 69. 1'Clmslup 17 SWth, r>Nlf.e 3 ~t of the j,llamette ~rl(han, thence : 89" 48' 27" j l4W.)7 feet ala1R the SOJth line of sald Ikr.atitrl Land r-lai"l "'0. 69 to 0.1 ;x)lnt~ ~oe, 'i :)0 13' 30" E: 99.lS feet to a."1 .lfU'l pl.;!'!! 1JanU.'lg t.~ I Il1 rial Polnt of """"'" Fl"'t Pddl t1al acccnhnr. to toe ?lat thereof _____..:_J in Volume IS, Page 23 of ,lats of the _...___%.. of '..ane C<lUntv. Oregm and the Tl'lJE POI/If OF 9E"I'JU'i' thence.' 89. 41' 53" W 283.64 feet al~ the south 1>ne of 910ck 6 of .ald ~lat to a point: nm1ced W an 1.ra'l ,JUl, tllenoe, tl 00 181 0711 r: 92.77 feet to a pol.nt nerIced by an 1.1"Ql1 pm, thence. '. 600 1&6' 53" .-1 152.09 feet to a lo!ad plu~ set on the easterl\' morp,ln of _k .u.~. 'thence i' 290 13" 07" !: 100 feet along the easterlv 'I8Il;ln of UOh5l1c Il1.ghway. thence S 600 46' 53":: to the east 11ne of Q1od< 6 of &a1d plat. thence S a1~ tlle east llIle of lloc:k 6 of said?lat to tho T"IJE "OM or BI:"r:u'ro. The :mi<lng area W111 also ?n>Vlde custall!!r ;>ariung for """"""'ts 1Il t."e 'Icrt" ""te - t'c!(ay Sho;lp1nR "enter, sltl.l4te to t.'le nort" and east of the ;>ar1dng area. It 1S furt!>er al",X'eed' J j t I -1- .. Date Rec .l']/, ~ /~ Planner ~~dfk : , , ~ ~ ":--:~";~''l'l\l'...,-.".. , - "'-\.1>J!o.l.;: 7~t:.. '1 " '. , , ' , 1. 1he ~ ~4Pes nJ~~ 1nb parcel hereby ..,., ~J-j. The GNntar covenants far 1 tself. its "'""""'SOn! and "sup not to obstruct the use of the paria.ng area by 1ne _~_,;ion of buildlnl!S or othermse upon the patid.ng area IX" upon the lands lyUl/l be_ '!he pari<ing area and the lands hereby cClw"'Ied. 2. '!be Grantee doeS not asSUlDO any duty to nw.ntain or ~e '!he parla.ng lll'M er to ccntr1bute to the <:art of ...,..._.~..~. !t ___,~.~ for itself, lts s"i"'-C!C!cr9 am assi.els. not to do or cause to be da\s an{tiu.ng wlu.d1. lnterferes W11n the .._. _..lum.ve US<! of Ille parlwlg area fer custa-er parlu.ng U{ the Crantor, 11s successors and assigns and thelr 'tenants In sale ShC?Pl~ center. 3. '!be _'""'" hereby gnmted sholl apport.on to the .. -r~ _I hereby conveyed so 11218 as any banIt:ulg hC11Se ocnsttuated by the Grantee on said y__..~_, hereby conv..",d sholl stand. m lAVE A'fD ro !IlLD the aboYe _ and granted ~ses .wi prlVlleges unto the saul "rantee, lts SUCOl!SSC1t9 and 8SS1.p. And the ~tor does .. ...",~..,'~ to and Wlth the Grantee, l.ts suocessors and a5S1gns, that the ';ranter 19 lawfully seued u> fee S1Jllllle of the ahove granted -=es and '!he pariang """" ~e descnbed, that '!he ob<:we gnmted pl'eIIWle9 are free from all erlCIJN>IWlC8S and the :>arldng area 19 free from all &nQ....:..~._.s ucept " certa1n martll'lI" to the !l:jw.t.>ble l.1.fe Assunmce SOC1.ety of the Un1ted States ____~"l on Il<wember 23, 1962 ln Ille ofbce of the Count'J Clm of Lvle County, Orepl, as InstnJml!nt '90806, Peel 2l~ I of the Records of ~ of saJ.d Courrty and State and that '!he ';ranter ",,11 and 11:'0 successors and assiRns S,".all won-ant and forever ck>ferd '!he ahove 'l'Wlted prIl'II."''' .wi parla.ng area and f!VerY port and parcel thereof atiorlrot t'lc lawful cla1nB and cieIrams of all persons whatsoever, except as cUoresa.l<.l. Dl ~IITNESS I'friEREOr, the Cra.'ltor ~ cau.c;e:l th] s deed to be: executed en 1 ts behalf by all of 1 ts _~,: ~". '1c:Y.hY ~ CO. / ~ ~~~L) .( /:'/~ r.:, /~J."-" ~!!!r' c' ,', .-' ^ ,,') 7........' :~t;~~ - Q I STATE OF ORIXnl ) )05 CONI"i OF lANE ) /1 Be .10 ~red that en tlus J I>- dav oLZL _. 1963, before / ... TI- na, the urxlorsigned, a notary l'lblic u> and far sai ty and State, , L.,..Llly -2- . .........,..... .. . .... Date Received. 3/ J-'7 / () Planner MM I I . '. 1 1 . . j " " I have hereunto set"'" hand and olflClal seal the... , "" ~"IIIIl",,,,, , '!t>,\\,'t 3N/lf~~,,"I!, d // "..'.L:~' "" , .Lu<kfJ/J"::d" 'tJZ'l.~pq"<>,,.\,,; \ otaX"; "Ub'uo ,or ';uno .~ " :.... ~ -tl (. ~ '>) 1 , "1 camussun elO1"''' 1.- . 3~~~fON 1;)1, .~'~ ''$,~ .It ./~"".l "'r"~ i' ....'1ot.8 o~~~~~" ,\"J . ~ "II'mn",,,"," ~" IV t. a..,~c...J tile W1Uo.in naned M1l..s E. 11cKa;~~H ti.--- p~. 1r7 who, be1n8 o..ly swan, 9<Ud 1:ha1: tI1ey and lWglas '1cKay -.. were all of the nenbers of the ;>ortner9lu.p known as l1d<ay Inves1l>ent Co. and they, be1n8 dull _ to ..." ackno. odp,ed that they .""""tIed the lflII!.-.I i~t Ql behalf of the s.ud !lartne1"'\"U? freely and ....'.: I j It.',;:7 .,,~\ YI!l have hereunto set ~ hand and ofhcial seal to... ~-_.. ) )os ) "\40..,../ I before me, the \lndergigned, a nctary 1"h11c 1n and far =d C'DJIlt'! and State. . ~S" f Be 1 t . ~,_,.. ~red that en 1lus ~ day 0 t 19&3., ;>erscnally ap:>eared the ,nt/un naned ~las ''d<.a/llllOlll who, beJ.nf. duly sworn., s.ud t~t :t~ and ),f.lles r. Linda Lee McKay Hc1<ay in! Eleanor P. MCI<av and / were all of the me.'Itle", of the ;>Ortner- slu.p _ as Mc:Kay Investment ('0. and Zhelt. beUl~ dul'l lcr1C>'f1 to me. ackn~ledged tilet SlleIt e>aecuted the said UlStnment Ql ",".half of the saId partners"'-p freely and volun~ly. IN oTIW!SS WHEREOf davand year last _ ""'tten. ) ) .. COllNTY OP MllLTIlOlWI ) STATE OF ORllGOll . Be 1t remeuered that on this !.!!!. day of Pebruaq ,_ 1963. \lefOl:'e ~ underoianed, a notary publie in and for aaid County and State~ par.onally .~ the withln named Linda Lee HeJ:ay who, be1ns duly aworn. ..1d that .b. aDCll Kit.. E. HerAy. Eleanor P Mclay. and J. Dougl.. Melly vere aU of the membe:n of the partnanblp known a. McKay tnnltment Co. and .he. being duly known tt) 1IIIe, acbovledsed ehu: ahe executed the ..1d. in.truJMnt on behalf of the did ......... .........;.~..(,..! partner.hip frae1J a.d yolURtarily. ~J;.,,~."I" ,~ hereunto 8et 111)' hand &!ld official aeal tne day and year ~ ,. 'f,~'o"'~ o~~. '~. ~ ~ __=,t'i/l:Jo.OI\\\BJ --,mta ~ for tiUitQOlDllb ~~ ~ra ..._ -3- Ily ..1... ""pl.... n/.//r' ':.- Sl=>> ol~'" \. ,~... ."'= . -,.,. ~. ... "'"',,O,j< ....~/ ~ iI,...." .. lo.~ ''''ft..;:;'; I. J!l ,_oJ.,'!Jt k. ~ , . DateR ~ PI ece/ved;5?-7 anner MM _ , I .. , \. ~ . .. ..... ~-=--~--- -, -........... ~-- -~- " . ~ .- '- Date Received Planner MM / I~ . . (~~':' " ,l/l ,-,<1fl 1- ~ - # .. ! 'Y'.t~~9~' , t'" ~r .r . . " , t, 7'9 44347 l! A S ..IU.!!:, Dew ALL jjD 1Ir _ I'I\I!I~ 'Ol!<~ . s. IfcKaT &DO! lll_r ~~, -_ aad v11'0, _ I. lIclta7 AI\4~J~ . :". '" aDdrit., ~,. BasIl aDd Ptaacie _ __, _lloail a"""~~ '. s. Irala;r &Ill 1Iar~ Jrola&7, __ aa4rite, aU of ~o 3~ 01' ore_, 1Ia'e~ ca11e<t _, #ar aDd ill .....1Ae~ <<II .", """ JloUAr &DO! -.. Y&1.aahlll ~Sdal:rati.OIlt to 'thea.pU4 'b.7 ._~r fJ"U' Gu CiaQlI.D7. . '.'''11 "..1'" UClD 01' tII. S1;oto of ore_, b..._r ~ Qliul: . tIl. .....1llt of 1Ihl.* 18 be..1I7 _ovlo<l&e4, 11&... ......_, __...., ....1ll.lIIl'l .~, aDd 117 tbou __ do CNDt, krpiD, ..U _ _ lllIt<> ~ _Il_, "" .""".._ ollll aao1_, tb. r18bt of ""7 aa4 __, to laf. II'IIltMlIl aa4 "ll""""" .... 'Ii&lL,. iDcb (8') po pipeu... .ad .ppurte....... in, JI1I>\I&. 11_ &Il4 ~. _1lr1p <d lall4 10 1'.., ill v14t1l. bel.D8: pari; 01' 'lax :Lot 3!lOO ill 1;11. "'''''''' __ of tile .Oltl:b- we., ...."w...... ot Sec'tlou 25, '1'. 11 S., R. 3 V" w.lt., LI~ CouDt7. 0rlD-., ..44 Rr1p of land. beiDg IlOl'e particular17 d..crl.be4 .. tba _ :lO u.' of tIlo t.llDnIl& cleeertbed ,.......:.7, to-vit. lles1l11l.1.1l4 ., _ J>OiD' OIl th. __ llDe of _ A. II. -... D.L.C. 110. 69 ill .&1d -b1J> aDd __ lA5o.7 1'..' .. 89. ,-r' w. of tIlo .""the.., ._ '11&_, _..... 0.03' I. 2ST .16 t.et, _. s. 89' ,-r' I. 'li5.3 1''''' tIIImo. S. 0.03' w. 28T.16 toe', tbeDO... 89' 57' w. 'li5.3 teat to the place or 'ha&f9\""""I, axcept that porttOZl of the 4eecr1'bed "..._~. :Qo1ns 1I1thin tIl. rl8bt of W7 01' 18t1l s_, aDd "11:" SUoet, all aa ._ OIl dra1I1ll& 1,9-21lll!. _ttaobad to _ad 1>7 tb18 .'.' ",.... _e _ pari; b01"Oot. replac:e or l'emOft add plpe1.1De _04 appII"temu:aeetl. \,. Sa14 po pipeUDe .hall. be la14 two teet, 110ft or lit.., below 1:be .ur- tacit ot' the grouDll 1D. a. pol aad vgp-",,1 i Jr. aaael" .Dll the .urface of the grotm4 restored, a. near17 .. practicable, to the CODllUOD ._ vu in prior to the la71Da of .&14 pipel1De. b cona14erat1on at the ~.., Granton -sree that. DO bu1l41Da or otbcor ._"- 11111 be c....vu.ted rithiD .....I..tL- t..t of ea1d JIU pipelillo. aDd tha, DO oporaU_ rill be oarrle4 on _ ..id praia.. that rill Jeopozd1se ito ..1'0 operatioD a II .' _.oia\o;;,.... WIIIRBar, tho Qren1.on ban exeeute4 ~ 1DIItraMDt thU ~tllo7 ct AUI'll . 1961. ~/ "'~d '1 ,'.~ -'77." p~ 1 L ~P~.."'&./ u-1:t~ y ~~$~~ t- o FL..,., ';P ?J-~ -"./..( . ...tJ (~ ~.&. ... / _ ,,~~~_ 4___.., ~~p~ ~~J:-:t ~ -.- ^\\'. ~'.II/;"~ '\'"" . ~.... ..:. < ~ 'too'T.^fI'r._\ . f'.~ . ,-" ,ou;#\.\V ~j " ~ i of" .~...., ~ OF 0 .' S!I'M'iI' IJP IIlJllOlI ) ) COlUlt,- 01' lAne ) 011 'lW 27th dar of ~n ' 1961. pen~ a--" th. .bcmo-_ MUe. B. _7 allll llloenor IlaIr&r ao4 "-o4pd tIl. tore&01D8 Paso 0.. 01' two _ Date ReceIVed Planner MM :: 1"~" I " .Ii j. , , - ~ I " ~ ~!;.~Jn ~Jl' f f- r~ ~; ~' 1~' I , ~ ," , 44M:7 lJlatJ:ulml~ to I>e th_ TOl1lll~ ....t aJl4 deed. Before.., ) ) ... ) IIf n lJ <- ,,' ;/..d.- H~ PUb~1C fOi ~ lIT ec.dee1011 __., Mr ----.....:... up;... DeL 15. !SIll. o -U.- 4a7 of !Pl'U , 1961, pe~lF ".' B. lICltoy aDd BeWl'J:t,T; _,. ..1Ill -le4ael. the o ,~ be tbeir ~ act _ le04. Bef_..., "'..- :..... .,...., I ~ ,0.11' ~~If~t", < R I( 0" 0\""...', 1":0-,-,..,,, ,,"'" .....,~- .~.. -'''~'!. . 0 '(\\l'thllJ"\\lih \::,.~t~9::~ \ .e. ',:'> '. ~lr<<l!Il'~~Jt:e"" ) ,,""~" . \l~7 ,C:AOV.' """ ":'~'1.''':~'\''' 011 tble 27th. d.aJ of Anril t 1961, penonau,- appeared the a.oq~)J ,d Barold"1!:"1iiiSS allll1'r~l. _ Bass _ acknowledged the foresoinS l4....". "".. to be their TOl1llltary oct .1Ill deed.. Before..... ~1h',_f!~ PW;llC for Cbleson M7 co.ds.:l.on expires: My ~"."....:, ,~Ut ex.j"ITC. Od. 15. 1861 ! I ~/.{f<-_ A!' ~ lIotary l'ubllc for ureS'" lIT c..deo1011 _irea, Mz ---..A ~ o.pln.o Oct. IS, lISl S'rA1'B or lElGOII ) ) e.. County of LoDe ) OIl tide ~4ay of An..lL. ... 1961. pere<>D&lly appeared the .-- no,d B. 8e_,. _ ..........t""'ltel:il.,. aDd aclmoll1odge4 the foresoinS ...<~.~;~~ be their T01lmtar,. act aDd Ieed. Bef~7 .. ~ I " . ~ J l'Iotary Public ...... ......&011 f*!. ..~~r ....:.'i. lIT CoIIIll.ae1011npire.: ~ J"I, Ifv1 ;; . PUSUc ; P . f ~. ~ .. ,..:..~ i ....II'.. ......,: .....,. ':'" ...~f::::j~ "'t, 'e.... OF ol:(.~ .\.'.... """""'t"..,,~tt" Pase two ot 'tWo page. Date ReceIved Planner MM ~tf!~! , 'i I ., l ~ , , ,1 J -~~---_. .f:r l .... ; . ~,'to.tJ ';' 1. ']' '9' r . :' , , ,~ '<~:~'J ~~~I '" .. ~..j;,~[ ...;';0'.1 , " , ~, .---- '" ,~t I' ; :'/ -\, .1-;fi ----1~~ ~... ~"'~,- .) , " . SeCor A./Y? -,::ower" ' , z;u C M;>.. 8;} " " ~~~ .... , " 4C.' ~ tv,>:;';? /"I , "'-..:" . !' tic . - - /.J/,) I 0/ rsgl' " 9 , ~, , .,' ',~.t- ....c 1/ 11,'" 4\Jcm..,ttwiia., _U"IIlL Ill" ctlMlJMliiit -r Pkt.l/.~tl!.>CO 0..../:7);.:..'\/ J:i.-nM Mit It/CPAY ..." ..."" rrA.< Tt ,:-n- :'EY.-_-JV,/J~"Ec 1;'.!" '-1:'- ""I" ,T/7.:i,{'SlY $1 ~,F,<'~4t'YeC'- CR4. ~ --';'.--:;;;4"-::'-... .o.L.::___ 1__u.?,__,i..;;;~1 -.. 1"If)~,,~ "!i ~:=--~~~ ',- ~ , , 'n J, , " . " Date Rece/vea .0{?~) Planner MM -:::;; ~ . ! '-. ~l ~ ....\.1,. , , - . ~ '1<llt ..{- .J,~i' .~ 1.::!' J . ..,. , , d , !t ,! " 0' .' ~ I I I --- r, ~ ~ " .<:!, '::!' ~ .....""< , \ \ ,'- " ~ ,', ,\ '- " ~ -::5-- ,~ . :oJC-' ~ , ~ i I . :JH l- . .. "~'1.:f - > " ..af f\ :].111 'l\ J ca I \>... t .f.a "-'1> a"fl it '" ~ "- !?:! ....... "- m IOl ;:; ~ ~ , z , Z 8 19-6hm ';/ ~ .. .. f ( ; j ~ ~. a ; J Ih ; J iiJi" J ~!~ dh ... 'i '] , I 1 , i Date R ( Planne:C~'Md 4~ ( f " 1: \" ~ ~ !~!!!!l!1! 1II1S IMDEllT\lIIE _ _ entored IntO thll 2nd day of--llil," , . 19....] by and betwMtl McKAY INVESTMENT CO. ~ iI ~.J;-.;.n.rsti:J.p .. hereinafter referred to as the Grantor., and the CItY of Springfield, a munte1pel corporation, In lena County, Oregon, her.lnlh.r r.forr" to .1 thl Grent... U!!!LU.l!.I:! That the Gr~tor.. for and In c:ontlderatlon of one dol1.r to them In hand paid, do hereby gront, blrgaln, ,an and convey unto the GrMtae, - perpetual ..,eMDfIt 8 0 and les~f..t In width. together with the right to go upon ..Id ..senent area ner.lnaftor described for the purpose of constructing, reconstruc.tlng. _Intllnlng and using .,y pubUc utllldol which 1'f1111 ......fter be Inst....d on tho fOll..ln, do.crlbod property, to-wlt: BE ginning at ,I point South 00 13130" West 25.72 feet or the Southt:.ut eorner of Slack &. Mohawk FIrst Addition to SprIngfield, Lane County. Oregon, then,e South~a~terly parallel to and 8 0 feet Horth from the North edge of an eXisting 5 0 (oot Wide concrete walk along the arc of a 1700 48 feet radiUS curve le(t (the sub chord of which beers South 85. 521 \911 East 188 93 feet) an arc dluance of 18898 feet. thence South 8g0 57' East 256 62 feet. keeping 8.0 feet North of the said walk to the West line of 18th Street. thence South O. 03' West' 50 feet to. point which Is 60 0 feet North 00 031 East of the South line of Centennial Blvd (K 5t ) thenee North 89. 57' West 380 54 feet to. point on the Harth edge of the said walk, thence Horthwesterly along the edge of the said con- crete walk which makes the arc of . 1109 49 foot radiUS curve to tho right (the sub-chord of which bears North 82" 07' 16" Wnt 65 14 feet) an arc distance of 6S IS feet. thenu North 0" I)' 30" East 8 06 feet to the pOint of beginning All being a part of the A H. Powers DLC #69. T 175, R 3 w, W " being north of and adjacent to the north line of that ~treet fight-of-way described by lnst #18049 of ~ 1-2D of Lftne Countv Oregon Deed Reco~ds In Lan~ County, O~e9on. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Dove oesement to the leld Grantee, lu heln end us I 9ft1 forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho Grantors above named heYe hereuntO let their hends end ..a" this 2nd day of "en 1 . 19-!l.. MCIV\Y INVEST~N~ GO., , /' I ll,v. // /~r~ ,'''',,"-(SEAL) . Partner / (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON ) ) .. ) 'ountV of ~ BE IT REH!IIlERED, that <XI th I. 2nd doy of Apn 1 J~. INI.fOl"'ll ... the underllgnacl. a Notlry Public: In ond IrK ..1d county ond State. " .lly appeared the within n...d M~les E. McKa~.. P!'rtner of McKay ~' known to .. to be the Identl"1 IndivIdual ~trA~11'.,~."hO .-cotod tho within Instr.....t ...d oc"'-Iedged to .. thot - ,,' h,\..'~ted tha ..... 'rooly and voluntarily. ~}~Q'Hs3l~EAEOF. I h.ve hereunto ..t rtIf hand and afnaed rrrt offlcl.1 I.al ~ tlio~"liMr la.. abovo ..rltton. ,', /" rl .,. ,()Q;gllP~~J -;:::'7/:9 ,//'7'" ~ /:A:.,s:,<, 1" i" " ..ftY. f.P1t1'1Gn ixplrel <' AOTAIfr PUBLrc:' t OF 0 at " /, for Oregon ,. ..... DateR ~( Plann ecelVed .3 V er MM 7 ~ Ii It " . <J~ I .it I 11 "; 0 ~~Il ~ N l~fJ [.. , '~H !lli~1 z: ., ~ ' 'U . J ... a . , d "h~ "", - - -.:1- Q"'8 {If-n.unr ( J :i , f1 , , , , , ... ""'"'""!tt~ "?~.t"'~"I' ""l:. 'J;.'" .,;t- 1 :or,...- '~!T""""-~""'- ~,. ... 1 - 1,' 'J .J .,_ GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER MAIN. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That for and In consideratlon of the sum of T,"n Dollar. ($10 00) and other valuable conaiderat Q to 1t in hand pa,d, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON, PORTLAND, a natioMI banking associahon, Grantor. doe. hereby graDt. bargaln, sell and convey unto McKAY INVESTMENT CO , a partnership, the sole and only partnerl la. wmc:h al'II.. Mlle. E McKay, Eteallor P McKay, J Doualas McKay and. LInda Lee McKay. the Grantee heretn, its 'ucce8SDr~ and autgn., the rIght to eJtca.vate Cor. inlltall, replace (DC the lmtlal or any other size). maultalQ and U8e an u.Dderground main or plpeline for the uee oC conveying water, abd also a r1lht or way therefor, together With the right of iDgre.. thereto and egrellll therefrom, in, on and across the hereinaCter described strip of land aituate 1ft Lane COllDty, Oregon, sc:hematu:a.lly shown on Exhibit A. attached hereto and expre.sly made a part he real by re(crcnCe a. though lully set Corth herein, and more pa.rticularly described.. foUows A .trip DC land 6 feet 1ft Wldtb lYlftg ad)a.ceDt to and east of tbe we.terly hne of the loUowtng described tract oC lan.d an.d ex- tendlng Crom the southerly ltl'1e to the northerly l1ne thereof B~glnnlng ilt the stone ma.rk.lng the IC)utheaat corner of the A M. Powers Donation. Land Ctalm No 69, Town.hl, J7 South. Range 3 Weat of the Wlllamette Meridian. tbence, N. 89- 48' 27u W 1449 97 feet along the south Une oC said Donatlon Land Claun No 69 to a pOint, thence, N. O. 13' 30n E 99 15 reet to an. trOD plpe ~rklftg the Imhal Pomt or Mohawk Flret addihon accordlng to the plat thereof recorded in vol 15, page 23 DC platll of the recorda of Lane County, Oregon, thence, N. 89. 4}1 53" W 308.64 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING thence, N 89.411 5)11 W ZOO 00 feet along the south line of BLock 6 of said plat to an non pipe set on the easterly margln of Moha.wk Highway, thence. N. Z9. Il' 07" E 165 00 feet aloa.g the easterly margul of MohAwk Hlshway to.. point. thence, S 70. 2Z' 19" E 135 DO feet to a point. thence. S 4.241 SI" W 100 00 feet to the tru.e pOlnt of beglnMng in Springfield. Lane County, Orelon Date R Plan ece,vet/ neT MM \ i i , l , , "..:,.."..4~ ~ ;,~;: ~t ,1- 4;t,). J';,r~,!'I . It'''. .Lf~_~ 15,~(j:~ The Grantor. by the ez.~cutl~ of UUII lnBtrumen.t. acknowledges that this caaement is applH'UInB:1lt to Land owned by the Crantee Qorth pursuant to oral COnsent of tbe Grantor heretofore gIven to the Grantee f 1 I of the above described real property and further acknowledges that that Grantee ha, laid an Clg'b.t \neb (8") wa.ter maLo. through the above described rlght or way. and that .aid water hoe 18 laid in D. good work- manlike manner, .. of 8U[!1.Clcnt depth below the surface of tbe ground, and the surfac.e ot the ground ba.a been. restored a8 nearLy as practIcable. to the conwllon Sind surface was 111 pnor to the laytftg of Bald water malo. Grantor covenants and agree. that 0.0 buildmg Dr other stru.cture Wlll be conatructed over the aforesaid water mam, prOVided, however, that notlung s.hall be construed. heretn to prohlbl1 Gran.tor Erom con- strucbng or maintaining any overhang or structural proJechon over the \ I ~ aforesaid water main Grantor expre8"!y reserves the nght to UBe laid strip or land (or such purposes 8.S 1t deems neccssary and appropriate, 10 long as 1t does not Interfere with Grantee's (ull enJoyrnf"nt oE the nghu herem gra.nted. Grantee. by the acceptance and recormog 01 thiS lnstrument, hereby covenants and agrees Wlth tbe Grantor to hold and save harmles8 the Grantor Crom any and all damage arising (rom the Oraatee.. uu DC the right. easement and nght DC way herein granted and to repa.ir any dantage to the property or premuc. through Grantee'. use. occupattoa and po..c..ion 01 tbe .nsht8 herelD. granted. said agreement to repair shall Include , but is not bmited to. the replacement of shrubbery. lawn and paVlnR to as satasfactory a condlhon as at was Cound Grantee (urther covel\anta and agrees to rnake any and all malntenAllCe, excavationa and " z. DateR ~ ~ Plann ecelved 3 0 er MM - ( 6) { - < ~ j , . , ! I , I ; 3. ~ ""11 "'l.."J,l\o~"'~~ ~,-I"" r -;'~t.- I, 1f replacements as expedJ.t1ou.aly ao pOllluble and to coordinate to the (ullcst extent prachclI.ble wlth CraDotor's llae of the pI" tni.es TO HAVE AND TO HOLD aU the rights anei privlleges aforcsud unto the sald Grantee, its 8uccelsors and asslgns IN W1TNESS WHEREOF. the Grantor has cau.sed. these prounts to be executed by Ita corporate ofhcers thereunto duly authorized a.nd lt8 corporate .eat to be herrl.lnto dCixed thu 2.4tll clay DC June, 1963. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON. PORTLAND. a national banking association By Ulfll""~~ ItIl.Y1CC Pullideot )~ I I ~ I t C. ~'( ~f-- ~ { ( Its Asshtant "liCf.. President By '. STATE OF ORECON I I.. COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH ) On th18 the 24th day of June, 1963. before me appeared C H GartroJll and R l' It.nRfleld both to me peroanaHy known. betng duly aworn dId s.r tbat he. the saId C K C.1rtn.ll 18 the Vln President and he, the Bud R W LenB-field Ul the ASsistant Vlce Presl~ dent . of the wlth1n named corporation. and that the eeal affixed to said instrwnent 1Il the corporate Ileal o( said corporahOn and that said Instrument was lugnad and lIealed In behalf of saId corpora- hon by author1ty oC Its board of dlrectou. and that C H Gartrell and R W Leng!1eld acknowledged. said instrument to be the (ree and voluntary act and deed of said corporahon IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto eet my hand and affixed rny Ileal thlD day and year first In thIS. my corhflcate. wrltten ---.!...:...t, ~ \ (.t::..:f.../, f. J. ,-,-' (,-, Notary Public (or Oregon My Commission Expires "I ( Date Rec ..3~ ; I... Planner ~~ect ~ { j I ( ; ~ " l~..;l , ~1 I'~ - ~I t, ~~ ~- . " ~ , f. , , , / , , . \" {, I ~, .//( n;:~CT NJ':: _~~"\ ~\/ r;p~,- "/ -;; /1,- ~. ,/,... I....-/.:...J"JJ - . -, '/ " - ~ i:- , . . ~ ;IJ I ) ~ --"""=' '. / r~,,".v F'r" ".. r, J- ..- '1"7:1'1"1: ,c":r 7tJ ~_.,/ e:: v-"",,?,,-":~ , ......-. "'jl.".""3-;./"4\. ..1--1"" -~ -~... ~.,.. I , - V_40' ....', --:".'/ _'": .. 'K' STi?E.: c:. T . ,,' :., 'I , , "- , /~,'_4"'.,. ~ Z' iY, '''- lIo- - - ~ ...--.. \ lyl____-.s.D' .- ~ _,-il' _9 /"~""I ,.. -rJ_ ,- ~ / ,. - - .. - , _ ~r ...-.:;'" r7t!...... r,. ,... ,.~~~.: __ _ PJ-9 .:'-,- ~ 1 ~ -.1 ..-_ ~ .... r .. 7"N~ "'I rJJt~ J ....l...~_~r_ -~ -..., . It) , ~ ., " kCcPL=.-"VL> /r..." ;;;; _" rtlt.//;Y .)r~ ';~.. X;,J' / ;;- ~ - _' 'I /!:- ,,/ - (~ '~ ..----@ , d'" CO r"-:?-c' r ~_ -~ ..,'" """...: rf"p,< - 'i' ,"J _":G. ""oJ .."11/:) "';".f"/-:;',;; - ~A1~e.1 :-5':;' ..v..?v/....;......~ .~c.J. p-;~? ,:,-G-.-..... ;; ;;; O...A.~M' AY '-s. t~ .JOB No2/. r _ I!l'X!l%l!l1& A I 1,.. I 0>, . ,~ f" 1"- .J , . t ~; ''\< ~ ,,- ---D ---- ,"".ate Rf>^",. 1''',,';. i ,,-.' Janne '>'<:ta' . tf.i;: .~< " .{ lJftr.1 , . , < .if! ' 'J ~.. . t _....'-"""'v_........-- . , " ~u~25-63 8 6 8 ! ~ .. I -., 1'j( J .j III - 1 1> " , '!. ! .. 11 . ~ It " . ~~jl w , ~ 0 . I . ;;; - . 0J ! -f! . . '" L': u f ,I ~ "'" ~ '~I ~ .. I j i..j 0 g '- I !j~ I , 7 I . 1> .. i .. I. ... .. . . , "i If!' -- .. '" ~ . . :! I \ J .. 1~ j - ,t! '- \ . ~ ~ . ~ Date Recelvep _~;;~/ 0;2 Planner Mrvt' _ -~ t<, . ~ " ~ , ~ ~ , , 'f , I i . " , , ~ ~ ~ ! ), e< ~ f ; ~......;... J. . y '" , , , , ':<. " t . > r , ..,. .1 ~~.. . .. ..~~.if*'- l\;,,~,~-" '" _'~ .<f. -~. .' . .' ,~ .. ~~~t: . ,."X~';~ ",<~g NO. 1808 . ';../'1"3 AN OR.lllIi\o\lI.Il~' '.'.... ~ - ~ON OF CElITEIlNIAL 80ULEVARD IlEnIEEll IIlHAWK 80ULll'f.ull ' ~N THE CITY OF SPRINGFI&LD, lAHE COIlNTY, 0IIiGllIJ, ,EMERCEIlCY . "'::.... ~...1' _5. by ....~ edopted on tbe 11th day of t<orch 1962, the ~ City of SpringfLho o.d declare .to LnteotLQn U YK..t Cent8Mlal Boulevard between :.{ohawk 80lllev.rd 4l1d 1&l3> If City of SpringfLeld e. hereinafter described, a~ ~~ J1ln the general inter. aU of the C1.ty cgrams for the development of the Clty. i&la thereof, and week. notice of the proposed vaca tloo \!o the Springfield Ilews, a neWlpaper of 1lPdngfield, Lane Collnty Oregon, proof i'''heutofore filed with t&. Clty Recorder. ~ ,', WKEU'ASt ip. the 'resolution and the above mentioned noUce., the ~.-I!O I,n the Clty Hall on Monday, tbe 22nJ dall of -lulrlIl ~ the hour of 7'30 p..... the t1lllll .ee for .pvbUil.'~"U '1leld e pvblic hearlng on .dd proposed 3tE...t va~ W ' . appeared and objected to said v{lOeclon, aM~" t;lng were filed pdor to or durlng odd hUd"S..JoM ~'" l .. ,~.. ~,,~~~ ~~~~~ld.vacat1on should take place and no ob~ectlop"~~ ~8 to the contrary. ,- I..i,.....{ .. "'\ IlOI/ :1''''-''''''''''''' ' SPRlNGFI&LO DOES ORllAIN, 1IIlERl!A,;,. ...~ ,." In carrylD&~'l:. and of the iUM.l;s notice of the aforesaid public required by law, and nO val.d eet wa.. IIIIlde at the bearing afore..ld, ~ will DOt be prejudlced by the va<atlon ht tho pllblic intere.t w1l1 be served vacatlon. 1 finda there ere no liens unpsld or Lane County. agairi.at laid r find. that .ald vacstion w1l1 not .vp.lue of the property in ~be area t..- ~ t~on of Centennial Boulevard between ,)f;n the City of ~priD&f1eld, Lane r , eel bel... of Centennl.al Blvd. t appr~mete1y 216 feet 'lIl\lbewlo rJ' to the lIe.t line t bmttennial Ivd. was 8stablished II- Mohawk r.t Addltlon, and by .~ Inst. 110. 18049 of R 102 Recorda. The express intent . concrete C\1rb and the S.O t wblcb centrole the l~Uon ins all that part lylrq: north measured at ribht a~le8 to str-OQt centerllne, belng the J Date ReceIved 31z 7/ C5( Planner MM j- . tl..._~~ l' n " ' f; .,. . ~.~ yt,...\'~~_ ; , ~ !rro2O , 1; i' . ~ , Beginning at a point OR ,be centerlin. of said Centennial Blvd. which ia 301.97 feet Korth 89' 57' w.st Rnd 40 0 feet South O' 03' Ile4t 9.f the initial point of the Mohawk First Addit~OQ t~ S,r~ield, LaQa County, Oregon, as the aa~ ""s hled st Pall" ~3 of Book 15, of the Lsne County Oregon Plat Records in ~ County, Oregon, the said centerline point being 1.08 fOot arc distant easterly from the point of curvature of a 2291.83 fbot radius curve to the right (the long chord of which bears South 86' 27' Esst 279.83 feet); thence dOllg t~..r.c of the doredescribed curve to tha right an arc distance of 248.93 E.et to the point of rever8al thereof; thenco alon& tha arc of a 1733.98 foot rsdiu. curve to the laft (tha long chord of which be.rs South 86' 27' East 211. 71 ~"tl All. ~rc distance of 211. 76 feet to the point of ta~~ curve; thence South 89' 57' E.i.t 256.62 feet t" a "ao'the centerline of Centennial Boulev.rd in~aee~iu ' 'q.,~ margin of 18th Street if proJected South, a~. te~nating at a point 30 0 feet North O' 03' Ea.t ol-' t on the South line of the A. II. Fowers Donation Lsmt *. 69, Townahip l7 South, Range 3 west, wn i8n 1005.40 feet Nortb 89' 57' West of th, er thereof. FROVIDED IIOIlEVE1t l$~~~ins sa a public utility esaement tbe following 8.0 ~J)ll:ip: All of tbst ~~!I&Noribad above lying between the ..;_.~_._nt1!ollild~'" .~k margin and a line 8.0 faet Noreh th",,~~~-be:litlg 33.5 feet northerly from and ......"""d .t r~~ to the centerline of Centennial Blvd. ,f '" ' be, and tbe ""_ 18 bHeW~ :.." ....~~I;. Section 41" "1t 1,,~~~ed tb8t t.t1e to seid r--r"-ty shall, upon QJ:l.s "'Jl,,~.~'~d in tbe abutting property owner. i according eo l4Jf:-, , ., ~ .1 /.. . ~l- l;' '",,\. Section ~l ~~' .is hereby directed to file e certified cupy or cnu-~_ j!lunty Clerk, one certified copy to rbe lAne Co. Au . certifipd copy to the Lsne County Surveyor I for~. '-1"!If __./~r~, ~ ~ ;'1 , , \ > . ~ I , ~ \, '" ~t i ;. ~ , , :I.. h....eby declerea it 10 expedient ,)i, and the public interest thet tbis on its passage and approv41 by the ~lared end adjudged to exi.t, end d1ately upon ite palaaga and , , " ;., ; i" , 1963. ) . f . ~ . :1 ,. J l !' 22nd dey of April Adopted by 'l3ul 1963. ,,"ppreved ~ -tit..:, r, ATtEST: , , , I !. , ~ Date ReceIved _:/?:~ I C57 Planner MM ' ( " J,:' , . -,,,:.'It>:'' -~--: ....rr ~~ ~ ,,;/~Jt'l~i~l ().7"t -'- ~ ~~ '!;,:,~ \" ~ . ,t. -._--- t~ ., ~ \\- "ita , ~ , iU' "I 1 ~ ll:~l ~ , ~"" ....... ~ ~ ~ ~H~ .. ,~ ~ -' ") >- ~z A! 3 ai '. , . 1:U'; I "'CII ~ . rill: g U 0 -t. ~ e f! ,,- i ~3 ;~"i1: -, ~ " o ~~ ~ 0'8 ,,{;i" f; ~ ~ :. ~ ,; ~1: ~ ... i .". ~ l B /lit i u ~ :I I j de! .. ~ . <> !. , ~, " ...-~~ ~ .. U '. 1 , ." :\ . , "l.Vt ' ...., ~ ',.~ ~ " .ji~ ~ ... - f. , ~ :} . : .., , i \. CT ,oS"D'<=' 1 ~ m020 '1'Y) , . ~'J<""..u. D " lITAD 01 _ ) _o,wm )... cml5~) 1~ BLUII L.. ~ ~f.t.,~"c.ord.r of the City of Spda.afteld. ORgon, 40 ,",1:." ~"1" t;JaM: . <<Webed documlllt representl . true aDd conect copy of ",...."., " .111a",",~fi on Uta 11\ Wl'J off1ce. , j , . .' " .' Itu.e t~ JlLWIIl L. IU%IB City "corder City of SpCiDgfield. Oracoo ... .. .~~.. ,I , r ;, , I ~ jllO'9 " t :"~1fII- I , '. "",,," Date Received ~_~ f} /l.';,!,? rlannef MM Ojjj ~_ l BIr..ti&.. -- . . f<J4 t !~!!!1!~! . " :rH"Is "'4~"o:..............E made and entered into between HAZEL P. ---~TERSOW, a single person, herG1nafter rGferred to as the Grantor, and McKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, a partnership, here1nafter referred to a. the Gr~te~ITNESSETH' The Grantor, 1n cons1derat1on of Fifty Dollars ($50), rece1pt of wh1ch 18 hereby acknowledqed, does hereby grant. bargain,- - . sell and convey *"to the Grantee a perpetual easeme!1t w1th the r1qht -to go upon sa~d easement area hereinafter deacribed for the purpose of constructinq, reconstruct1nq, ma~ntainin9 and using a sewer.line or other underground util1ty which may be hereafter installed under the following described property, (b-wit. Beginning at a polnt belnq South O. 13' 30- West 131 25 feet and Harth 890 44' 15- West 146.71 feet from th~ Northeast corner of Block 6, Mohawk First Addit1on, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat ~ecords, thence North 14. 41' East 66.03 feet to the Easterly right of way line ot Mohawk Highway: thence along said riqht ot way l~ne South 29. 13' 07- Nest 11.95 feet, thence leAving SB1d right of way line South 14. 41' West 55.23 feet, thence South 890 44' 15- East 3.10 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The eAsement hereby granted shall At all times be conditioned . upon the Obligation ot the Grantee to restore the eAsement property to its original cond1t1on following the initial construction or any re- construction or maintenance to the sever line or underground utility ~ and also conditioned upon the Grantee.not obscuring the view from the Mohawk H.l.ghway of the present 819n, or a r.placellteft~ thereof-, new- ()ft-- . the Grantor's property. Thia easement shall be appurtenant to, and its benet1ta . and burdens shall run with, the land owned by the Grantee which lies d1rectly to the South of the Grantor-. property. a 41st.ne. of 100 t..t. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOP, the parti.. have effi-.d thair Page 1 - Ea.emant . ~ . Date ~ecelved 2 I~> In ___Planner MM ~ 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE , ~ 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE . '-J - ---- ~ j ~ . I ' 3 ) ~ , - ctl ~ 4 ~ ~ \l - "4'\ ~ .... ,~ .., ~ 1:'-... t\. ~ q ~ ~ I' I I - ,; J 1.':: .:.!:., 0... .. ... ..II,1:ll: ~ ~.a ~ '" ~ .. = >." Q,iii "11''' ... M . .c to u IS. # '1 GoO 2"1l ! .. I/! _.. . 3::.. i 0 g.~.....III~ :3 a:2J'5~ 0'" J i =.i.! "a: . 5.! .." .; ... to "Ill ~1 ~g 1I.'t~ U; u is oS ~: 119',.=..." -j 11/29/2004 "': ~ ~ - , ~ C\. Iv) 'Otl ~ I . . ~ ;; ~t ~ EN Je! :s~ ~; )' , u 8 I i: f~ a ~'O 1:- 8! ~ J ~! ~ ! U~'N ~ ~ 3' ., l 'I,' :I. . 2:;. >. N III ...Q IQ U Date RecelvE!d Planner MM · ,... ~ \. 'l~ ~ 1 .,) l..~ i' ~ .' " ~ "l ~ - i ~ ~\C ~tJ If -.... / '~7 If>? WESTERN PIONEER TITLE .. ~ 1 , I f ( i .' ~ "). - f i . " > ~flfP\""~l4'&'" ~ !61'..(P..".~ - ~ - . . ~ .,' ;01.., ~~ ':'lItS 1l1~1l.\"lVaK XoIllt ",,4 ..c..O<I inc. thi, r dol' or d::\. ~.,.. ~l' ...4 b....... ~'t'".,l\. '-':;WL,.""",.l,- C,,_ ~,~nYI\~ eam~ny~~A flout! t' HeKAv. M,.tnPr. 4.. bar4(1\,,(t41' r.c.l!o:r~w &:to 08 CoM CtIiDJiOt., Anu 111.. GITY 01 SI.ltl~Gr.III.D. A ~"IC~~41 oorpOrat1;ft. id L'~ eov~, OtGlon. ~or.1naltcr rofOf1Od to 45 th4 Cr4I\tGO. . - VlftUSIt"t, In ~ot\ddQudoR 0" dUI ACOepU1\Ct by Ctaru:oo: And t.he ute or. -' hJl~L~~ 01 lAid 4.'o~nt lor pre,anc ot t~cur. public ~.e by Crantee. " C1'aae",r., MrebLaraM'lI 'bare.in, a0.11 GOQ tOAVo.y \Into t.he CtAntOI. A porpeev..1:'j 4~nc. .r to.1 Ln v14ch. tOlochoZ' "1tb ...h. ds,hc 1:0 1-0 u.jIIon. ...,t4 ...eaanc At... "O:ft11\O'J.r ....,,,),., ,.r P\l~OJ' ., OOIWUUAUAI, r..o"",""oDdf_ ....1.u11l1nl "'d ...11\.' . ' . . . wbKII JUt ' lIe....t....,~. """Ul04 "" tho t.ll.vioa 4...d~.4 p~.po~.l'. _~. . . ': ~~ u..pn"f~.t . point be1n& Souib 29- 13' West. 333.7 teet. trda. the JIortbweIQ' ~ ....,l:"l' - of Block 6, FIRST 4DllI'rION TO 1IlllAWlt, .. )>1at eel and ,""oordeel l.n Boo.. 1~, . ; -.' Pece ~, lane C0\UJt7 Orep Plat. RecOl'da, Mid po1Rt &1.0 ba1n& t.ha 1i:t..,eatj.oQ- ~,~ or till INterlT lIIU'Iin ot ""hawk BouJ,.vard Vith tho Ilorthor:i,T "'rsl.n ot .... " Stroot .. cIocI1..tecl in lIlat..-m No, 36708 r.oordecl ro-.,. 23, 1m, ill 1.0lIl" ,'rj; CoaCT 0,._ D.&Il ....._1 tlB... 0101111 ..14 J1a&t.or:i,T aarpn /lQri." 29':131~- l83.7 t_, tll!lD.. 80"''' 11'1.1,4' 15. _ 5.71 t_1 _ _h29',).)' 1I!In" <"' l86.47 t_ to "'" 11<. ,~..,,:. -dn of' u.1d "II" Streot __t=1 tIooIlaI At.<iIS:~. - /rortMr:i,T~ _ 611.47' !loot 5.00 toot tb t.b. ~ of ..........,..; 11\ taao ~, 0_ . '"~~" . , ~ _I . .. ~;.\ ...: .... ~...t.-~ '1'0 nAVE JJiD 'rC HOLD the .bove ....rM:IU: CO che ..1.41 Cralu:.e, tc .\lce."OI". ...1..&1'& for.ver. -'f' XX ADPITto:t TltlRB'TO. ~bo C tor. do h8Y'oby &1'1'. And &rane UI\1:: ho City 01 : l.~, e,r1ns:f101d, . construe n e.s,ClIllOnc. of fete 1a w1 alonl an4 t k- Uvc ctac: the .ide .nd. for r". f&l len&ch ot the i .for.~ne100ed io.cr~b8d perpatu~l e.,...nc toY' purpo.. of 81v1na a work are rins the con.cruct1on of . Gtor. dra1 fec111tY .Ad/or aaaiC4 .r with~Q tho p.~p.tual .....ent. !-'fO 1IAVI AXO TO l1.OLD ..14 con.tr\lc~101\ Q.,.Mnt unto the ..id City of SpTina- fiold and ;.0 1~. lucc...ora and ..utgnl, dLlr1ftl the con.ttuctlon. ot tbe .COntl r~ ud/n wa1c6ty IWar. Upon "'0 con5trUG~1oa of the ICOnl dra1na;e f8cl11J:7 /. \f~ .n4lor aaolcary lOWer and ita .eCoDtOftC. for u.e. ch. ao~.crvc.clon. .&lCDeftC ~~~ .\\a",l.5 IlOMlI .""11 ~._ 'Void."' ; ... . ." I .... , ,~",.. \)0 JQ "" ... ~, IX l,..._lWroho WUBIIOJ', Ge Cre;\corl ~OV. n......s bava horeunco Ifle C\ObO~a;:,~~"<' ..~~ ~,p; -.I ..."" UU 9 tlay.t oc:t. ~...... . 19.1.L. j "', ~ \ ,1.. ~ ='0:; 'J\ ~f)C:i'\"'~ l'" ~ ...._ ~ JI. _ . · - ~~. T"", .:;t...;::t- ClT (SU~) ;~ -(/./';(.8&t>'."I.-'~ --. -l ~.. I' ~-~~ ," I -I' ""'-"'.". ....."f.,l' " ,.... ... ~7 ..;::c::: (IUL) ".:.",...(&.s';.tS' .. ;~~~ ra Qf I, Couney of ~ ~rn ' .., PctfDOna117 GPPlfarod tho .- OW UIOOcI aad .oltIlOlll04.oT'thGi~r'Goi.G 1l1atl'llllOa; CO ~. .tu;s:;. v.lulltory 1101 0Ild do"". Ilotor. ~t. " ~~ Yoy Couba1on l.(") r . 1. .,. ''1'_ ~',-I~..L;-t.. . ".'~et~elj.C." Planner MM .~~~:,~.h'_~-;l DU.4..J:2r ~ 9 4,D, 19.1l L 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE 'IiI.' " J ',.., < "~I ~ li;oE'~ P1r~ Additioft to the Cl.t)< oE Spr~lA1d. Lene Ccl!mtr. 0_ '" !' ~1S. ~?!l. R31f. ~ ~. _ "_.__~ 7. au> 111 - 1S '.' '1' ~2~'''f"Lane. ~ Clng<lI1 P1a1: 1laccu:l\8, 1A LIInfl ~. C)nQGD', # : ;v"... .If _ ','- ~ _-;>...iP&i.... fl- ~ '"l\flIIIY _ta . '10' .._ 1Il:111t)< _t 1fl.th tta G.._Una, .,..,. ,I u f011owJs' ," ._ '.t. pol.nt... _ Eut ....__,' Una 20.86'. so"U'300,W tx.. _.-'.. ' ~lOf .'.- dUer1bod 1I1oolc..I2I..... s's'l'!33' w. d1&~ Of'21'53'..~ ",1!I~7' " . dlItance of 153.65' 1I'IOI:'e or leal to the we.1: ."."11 ...~., 1.t.nI ~ Edt i; tl\IlI,Of __ Htgh8y) and 1SS' South Of tho II, W, __ II1ool9 _ _t ..... .,~._ ~ ~ot 1:tte aboN ~ ~"'.II ..__.,'. ..;I'I~ * . ~ ~t::~$ , .. ...~\ ,..'"'lit "," N. J.'~J ~t..iJ.Ao. ",11'/'- " !f...'t;"'~i..i,{., .. ( 1 _f'r :t.', ~'1:" ' . j' ,1,.,' L , · II-It.,)" i t.t.!~1 ;~ " "'-. ~ -,., '::- .., ~ J.J.""!f. ~ .... " '.. '# .. ,~ :]'o!- _ ~ ( ~ 1.' :J. J,"II ,..~'J .i~ ~"'~~. ,~~.fl', t- < . Andfto"p1ece, conatruc:t, opec-ate, J:'eP8ir. aintein. relocate and replace ~',!f tor ~_ "" dl.atdbuUon ll.Do'i1Ac111dl.Dg 0-'" """"IIIIUY fOSU!~r_- 'anct'''.Jtt1a''ltreea,''&tl.. ,~I_.,_... aDlS ra;D9a aid nplacQt~....Md.it.lIMIdt:d _oocu:y.J>>'_uu:t; _ Dd.ntoin Oald.._ li.... d'''u" ..- 'I ~Y.~!;' .... ~r I . _ 1..- j~' ~ .. '1bct under.l~ covenant. that. be 1_ the owner 01 the et:ove 4eacdbed .J...... ~"'. and that. .ucta .t~"~"~ .1 b free end c1ear~ ~ 0:nC\abr8ftOl8 ancl 11.. of~... ~ dI~~I" ~pt., J ' " ~: ~ f ,fJ'" ~ 1 , ,\0'" " . 1 t- - 1'Ji ~ .. f. DC w;rruESS . .:".~.. I the 1.mdara19Md bu Bet hi. band aDd aeal tits.. ~ '_clay ,of I....~ " 1~., ..1. "'!i. ..,'.....!.... l,.;.~ JII 'V... ~d..~ Gy (s"all'" "'1 1.,. ' I ~(:;'';I~ ' ,~ y.~~o\j""<"",,,- (SIlall \-- -- ;:l'I"'r,-> , . ~ ~~ ~\ ~ , '!f~ , "tt ,~,,,,, I , .,. Af~~ fJf: ~_/. ~ Notary Public: ~..,.~ 111 Olall.oa1on EI<p1Aa & - NV-.r", ....""< t ~ " .' .., Date Received Plan'tler MM ? J2-~/OI I I , r...;,- 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE I_...-r ';../if(:!i.(l.....1J"H . lot. . , , " . J .... k~ ~ .....:1- ......<If''" '1:-" "V~4' 'fl, ~~... ~'..,., . '\~..r~..1..;.,.t!! :.c,,,,~,t;~~V , -rtt:' 'f' Ii liit')''".J~,'i'1 ~. 4 '\} " \,. ~ r:"'ft.... _. . c\" (' , .. .' ~ I" ~ I~ . ~ ...-4:."..0;. ;:~/~ , , I I;:' . "',r- ".'...,..'.,...."" .- _"",'4'~~.~ ~ .. ~ ... ~ ' ~ {,~~ t~.."'1''' ..!2~'''J" iIIoo. t.r.c.rr ftr'1..i-:; ~ly ~~, '8-==1 '~~j,' ,\-; .s a ~ E <~ ~.;., '!:...~ .. " IS p" 11\ ,..'; I ~ ; - 12 ... \ 'i tu::a", , . T"1 P i ~q "88. 'J: .., :a'll. -. t;:' '" . ~ - -= .. 0 >to;; Cli~!:; ~ ....'g '" "t"'~. q <1".ill-;'rI'i:~ ~ \ ..;. Po:l..... 1,!U 15.!:: t: ....,ji'~ " r' - . ':(,.< ~~}l.'.,.,,'}..';,T'"I ""... ~':. i;l;., , . -~c,h'~ 1, ,.~~~ ~ ~~ ~ -,' rl,:!' \! f -:1';;:1. 1 JIJ.~ TI"" ,r z ~ ~1 ,'tC'r ~ , Ji' _ ~ , , " . "' .'1' ~ \~.I ~ J Jl.. ( . L I ) "'~~1:" I J-:" yo: t p 1 I' '11 . . ... .< ..... =, . '-.. I ,In { , "~Jt,'~~~'fl~W""" lr . ' f.. ~ . \ l~ , .J. " I i l~ i I g '=a & 1 .; i. ' /:Ill 3 /I] u u -&:,'0:1 --.. ~w _ 0 e. ..." f ~ w ~. ~ U :I i !~~ ~ i .. 11/29/2004 ~ . ~'i"" to ;. ~ . ' .~:. ''''~'-i '~~_" ,'If. ..~ ,'>., :l".t ~"j" ,,~, t,+" .. I ~r.~ ~~~ 41 -.. 1." J . "f., ,..1".. : ~l~r'~\ . ... .,.'), . .. " ~- M.-\I-" l,"'J ~ ;;It(tt till "r ')-...... :;, , " 'J~ I, Ii..... '.T- ..' . "1 t . ': ~,) J~"" " i Date ~eJ.veq.."* / Planne ~?...", . WESTERN PIONEER TITLE , '~ ... ., (Seal) .. , "'1' hr (Seal) 1<_ ~";~. ~~; .. ,>< ".' "4 w-" <Go-1 770~S "~;'4 1 -; ._,_~",.~. ..,'~t__a1gnod. -. ]."'..,,, _.""",^,,1t. _. "'r' ... '~m',", tw . goocI ~ _'-&.r.!W.~J -t:IJ!" ~ ... iI.!~ '"'.''' ,""!""'. i _..,~ _t...to ~l;y1>f"SR~~'''';\d ... "'. ~, ~.,:~ , ..~/r1!.~' . "",:'~~"~llli!I~~~::';"~I'~.II"; ..,-~.:;' 'ci,~"'~~ ~~I~'...~'-'~t~I:~' , ~)(l'b'il-' . 4 ~ ,.,.~ ~.,...~., W"',..-f], . . _ at: . po4nt ob1<:b 10 llOOOO3's .3S,lIlI t1:. f.- _ pol.J>t _ - _ JJ,ne ~ t..... ~III/O 116', n"', Jl3W of WUl_ta _dial, _ laat ~ polAt is 'H .'10 t1:. 1189"57'W f.- _ lIE ......... of oal.d c:laJlI faa _d po1D1I of ""9t-' "9, " ( amlfOOOO3't;;S86.93 ft., ttwnaa~sago57.t: 465.30 ~t:.1 tbmcca s00003'V 586.t~~It.~~... lI89"57'1I 465.30 t1:. to _ ftUO IlaiAt ~ Begim1Jlg, is ...... ~, 0_ Wff~ ~"""~I~Od7 __ "" _ City of Springfl.ld 10ft raed by _ 60561, R128, 195' , ,. .....' lID 'lL, .101 pc 2415/4$02' ,is Ul" lbe1llg 'lL "~wi.1:h. St?3... ~oIi II' " -'011'r"""~ :.(.~ 'f.t1~..f1.:~G.'S,~"~ ~-' , ... .ro 1I'Q'1 , ".. ~ ~ ,'f:p'; a: .,of'- IIKeby _ts a 16....._ ut111ty _ aloDg _ __11' ~ u.. for: .' Y <t"hJ'fr .u.- of 586,'3' wll2l _ E.._ly _t UIlOl _ wll2l _ lI_ a/tI ~" ;,or '~~b _:18121 stnet. 'ftWo __t w111lle fOfIthtl .pec1fLG "..,_ of!u~ -,:'~C.w.::: ..-lD~ Ii WDtc 11ne. . . ~ ~ ~I.... ~ fr , ' u.a bm:eby VC8DU . 10' wat.c ut.1Uty .....,t w!.t:h ita centar11nD d.uc:d1Ied as. ~r' ~~ 11ows1 ~ftftf~ at a po1.nt an the ea.t: r.....I............1J.ne 284.55 teet S ~, ".' .\-'off....... ~ _'II. E.'_ of thto __ c1aocr1bac1~, I2IllDC1l II 89" 57' " tor a :\ : .~. dUt:aDce of 272,00', _ S 670 33' II tOft a dU_ of :182,17' to thto lI..t ".oJ!~.t - . Oil . . ....., 11M. .... <\ . . ~ '\!! Jil.'t"1 ~ .~'~ .. i oJ';. '" ',t ~ ...-~ 1 f-1 ,,._ t Q',... 4~' , , I.. '''f( ::. ,1/.. jO, \1 ~ ... .. \ -. :-L'" ,1-' f "'''''f- Jtt" "R e- ~ ,~- L , · '101' 11 II . ,.u \ -~, , " And ta..place, ...'" ,_., _' . aperate, repair, 1Ialnta1n, relocate end. replace thereto a _"'__ ""' cI1.~ u....1nc:1ulI1n9 other DeQOIl8UY'fec:l.~t1.,-. cut and"tria ...... .. "i, .... on<! r__''' _ rep1acol tone.. _ ~k~~ '"...,,:,...: l"! ~tr1l<:t _ lMlntaln said vater llllll. ,,~/l --:t.;,J>'A, ~ 1.f f:t\ "',"'r'F'" t,'t lJbIt \lnderalgned CO"fananta that ba 1a the owner of the above de8l:C'1bed ~ty """ tbot 00IdI properly I.a free GIld clear of ".:."".,...,. on<! 11_ of """_nK"*' ctlaractoc' ...-pt. ~, "l ~~ 1ri,.~t' ~~.,. ,1~ ' ,. ~~~it~--- My ~.1... Exp1ru &.~... -,I'" Date Received 3P7 h R/anner MM 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE - O' n_ ~ ~ .;':1 ...1 ~ I I J Lt, pc. ~~', "'I"'~ .r.., , t... P :t . '.,1 v.[:u . 'J. ,1.11').1 .....~ ! " " rt r ,,to,,~. >.""'c.':) .~ \w'::!:"'("'l<r r I ?'1~ ....,. 1 lr .....'Ui ':.. tI .J.rr , '" , . , 'Ul, :)... b _ , ~ '_s, "... ,!. , II! .J . r I.,. " '" " .. 0( "~"2.:!>....;~. -', ;;",-. " . ....... I. ~'.~'~~Jij""1 ....,"" ':.. I i' it" ," ~ \r... ., '(,l"].~~" '-;.~.,.~... :/' ".-i't.' > ~ . -'1t' . ~ ~".. r H Ol 'W_ .. J : ~ L lu ., ',~" ._'".....i<<../:~ . '~:ipr~,. ... - i ... .; 'at flit. ........ . .. 0 sij . _1~.. ...,~ ...; 1'1:: a is: ." ce!l~ i.: i it " .. ~~ ;; ~ " ...~ . """pO... ") I' '\ I 10l ~ -.-. ~ \. ( :" <I'.. i'"- It.. .. 'It i ~lf.... ~j~ I ,:)'.JSV""! I' '" D ~\ ".lJ of... ate Recehc~'~, . A\~ Plann~r MM-- 3',' 1.1 ('61 ~... .... ~: ~:~~ ' , ..?- .' . . " ... '\'... "', <<..1:) j ',' 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE ~ 10 98'73229 I'I1BUC WATBR I1I'IUI'Y IlA8IlMIlNT ICNOW AU.MIlMBYl1IIlSIlPltllSllHTS.lIIoI'" ,.",... .,,' L_!'~" .:. ... "..,.. . 1Ilr......__... "."..,dlo......-._......,..".. ...",.,do(lII)___ dIo ClIJ fIl ""....... . ___ . .,., ' . "........ bJ _ ....... .. SPIlINOPIIII.D lTI'ILl1'Y 8OAIID. ..s _III- ,..s....... ........_........dIo """..__... _fIllllt ,..,....,...1_IaIlltCIIJfIlr:,."",....,_fIl~IIIIlI_I*.. . I) ......... -- ...........,... _ "IIlO'CD"B 28f I' a. _..,....... _lIDIcI A.M. _ llLCMI.T17B.R3WcI~~_'" ...,.. .,....IoI.eD'lOII.NB9' srw Ind'lIlo BIl_claId _ _ aldpalaollloallmlol. ...1IlO' m'B I~ 'IJ 11.. _SSII'S7'Il4li5 30ft. __lO"W I"" L. _NB9'srw....3011. ......_ _ol.......IIl'-~.~ I!XCBPI' 0.27 _..llIlI a., tit 1JlriIlIlldd'" _.., IloId eA, al2l. 1!ll9 JlXClIIl'!' om_"TL4101 pcrlAUIGIllIIIl 1* lWocTL41OO... S 93_1IIIIl .....,,_.lO'_Wllll\r_......____......-clua.n. _llIlI-'f_....__llIlIW..lIWoI_I..-. !1IlIlIf.P.14'9lDlIIIlEJ: 5.00 !IIDIEP.14'98ID6PFUND 10.00 And lD '. . ,. ...,........ moImola, lII'hllJllll:elbolota ".". ,...,.. IIIdIldoo .. ..".., ;,___ _ pIpeIIaeI, 10 _ IlII npIIce .......... lllIII_ 10 .. _., .. "'''.. ..-. .........._,.-IIld_lIIdfacllllioo. Nopodflllll1l1ul1dfoa..." ,.,.." ",."".., llIdIlIIeIor 1111..... ,... -wlII...plIced...lllpol_u...__.......,.,.,..,.,........",,, ,.,." oaI ,. . '. .-.na-dlo .."."., _afdlolrl-b.,jIWdlllllllyllaonl. 'Il1o,..,....",."" .......1bIl....dlo_afdlo '" . ,.......,~...dIII_~.. tno__oI.......,,,.......IIIdu..tIt..,.. ,.. .... .... ..... ...,. af_ :a'~,;;;; I .,.~~""j....,;;tV~ :i,jL-'1--lll*- Sl'A11IOPORIlOON ) ~ ~~ ~ )a. ( Co COIlNTY Ol' L\NII ) - BB rr IlIlMIlMIIIIIlI dill... ....AiL.doJ fIl r!!fj:.ntJ<"K . I'~ boron _ dlo I... ". r. ~'NocIr7P1dlHc Iallllll"""'_af ,... .., ~:. -=dlowIddD_ . ~ ~ fI1l-f~ ...... to. '-alD..... bo_ .s..tbodb&em,lIIIlIwbo__"". "..... .....l-,. ~ JI...lIId h~ -dlo_lnd7I11d-.!l7. INwrrMBSS ".,~.,.,...'. 1__..rtII_....__ dlodoJllII4,......_ -'.W~<<rLJ MJ .." ..... --'1DY - /3 :Jam) ~ a~tf. IIOlIIy Pullllcbf~ "0 "'~ _clOn:Ioo c-.clw.--. I,hC'omtpQall. IIIIn11 lor...... eo..,. . bINbr""" 1hIt.. ..... ........._.....IorMClDld. '985EP14P1 28@Jte Received .... 2463R Planner MM L..c-........._ L.. eo.." CIoI4 1'. WA.-<t..LJI '7/Z-1/a; --.... ~- to., ......"Ot.J'frt.rt'( ~AIll)"Il'l"~ ,'I .c,"..,O....Q1tT7 ...' I - ". 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE . ' .;,![~ . / /7-.a- -8.S--.Ji~~ , 2005.om19 11I111II1D~1I~1II11111111D1II1111111 mil $SUO ee~11Sl90ege892 0211612005 02:39:50 PI! RPR-IlTli Cnbl Sln=l ClISIlIEIl cr.l 549 00 510 00 $11 00 Division 0' Chi.' Deputy Clerk Lan. county D"ds and RKOI"cIa UCC FINANCING STATEMENT I"Olt.CW INSTRt.JCl1ONS ""'hi __..., CARVUlL'l" 'l.HME& ~!;OF COHTACT AT At.at1"...,..1 i:'aIGlODD a;" . TTO" ~...~. ( ~~ SW 1\<... _'__ HiDsda1e Hwy Portland, OR 97225 L -l , tHI A8O'lIe Sl"ACl!lS ~ /"lUNG OmcllUSl Clfft.y , cssrOR'SEXACTF\JU...LEaAL ~ - ....(JIIIl.....-u.loQWS/OU.Mli _4'..'. .........---.--- PMD Re.~aw:ant:s u.c CIil ....~J.V51~ I~- .....- ,~ -~, ...~Al,IQII~ ~ \".n I~~_ OR 97401 1''''UM(i,O.'''''''~U..''' n_. ...,...-.....""=""5 ...... ...'uu.~;II(;Itlg.OR~11Cil'1 USA 2111 Elkhcrn D~.ve I~~~,~.,~;;;~:-';A;";"" I OR l.N)OIT1ONALOEBTORSEXACTFULlLEOALNAMl! _____c:..~ ...-----..-.-~ ILQItGNIlVoro.rsN.O.lllE PMD The Calles LLC QR a..~~I..AST~ 1 679301BJ. k';;"-'~ 1-'- I~" ....,... l..ii.uuo:-t. -..... "",,",' E^~ I~~"=' OR L,7408 ~~D.._ USA 1117 ii:lkhorn Dr_VCll II. "...___~"", IAQI1\.~- Il& TT"iQl'ON-........ -..- 0'tllf0Jt L.t.LC , OR ~SECUREDPAATYSNAME:'-lMaEdmTAlASSlGNEl!"'.ISSIOI'GIU'I __.---0."- ....CJIIG,UIUoIIDNaN,u,l& l<ll.~""--""'" n_. 102735585 Cia capJot....l P=a1'l.c'u.,se F1.naDCe Cc~oraci.on O.~5l.UT1U"'" .~_t: I~~ ..-- I jD" seott.,Sd.ale :>,...~ F.&l..c;;OllIl: AZ las:zss t::'MT k..M:iG~ 17107 K Pe~~~ter Or .. n-AiWCNGst...fD,OENT____~ All rest..&uraDI:. ll!q<11.pment: _ch.1.nlt:"'/ ~ur-u:..I.re fixtures replac:eme.nts suhSt.lt.ut.on. addi:::ionl p.I~s and ac:eesaorles now ovred lI.:)a l-ereal1:er acqtl;ired by Debt:or lnc:l.udirg tNt. not. l1lll1ted. to ~ryer5 gr111s ovens, wa~ers r.!r.ge~&t.ors fr~%ers waste dlsposal urltS dish~a.~.r' beverage dispensers 1ca cr..~ ma~.r. racks, display cases, light t~t.ures deeor count.r. eaab re<;J.J.ar.e:s I...h.d equip_at. tabl.. ...t:::n9 .i~ aDd s:uu.lar praoerty of Debt.or ~ed in its operaC:10r1 or t'!.e ~"d)' 5 restaurants l1seed Oft the attached SXhilnt. A In addition to :.he ahove-de.c:l;'.1~d. collateral, the Seeured party'. sec:ur.ty to .11 o~er prope~y at the .boY. locat:ionla, that the Debtor may now own 1n wh.ch I)ebeor Il\a.y r.ave or acquir. ri=~:.. sufficient. to suppor:. . secur),t.y course of ~hi. &greement ~l Property Description sa: t.ECAL 'OESCJl.tPTXON AT""Jl.onm IfEJtSTO AS EXHIBIT -. AND BY nus REnRANC3 MAD'" ~ PART HPEOI' J.ncereac: or late!:' l.nt.ltrest: &lull exrend acqu),re or during the !S M19M11\IIiQelOl<l"T1Cil'II"~ "~IV~~".~::::.:'~1 ..~_RliF~IEQoIIr... Loan LeS:SEE\.t5SCll1 COOoIIGIo'(lE,C:OfISlCNOIIl ~OA 11-_'''':- .;....~.,,',., SEl.lEMlUYl!lt (I_ l~ I. '.~,~ 126"O/FF/SMN 7JJ7.. '1lD$"-' .~ ODr....U_......ue ~ ru e........ L." a_ .n ........,.....01:1_ OR_LaDe Count.v 4. ~~.c. fll.JNQ OfFICE COPY _ uce FINo\NCING STAT!.Uf.NT (l"O'trA UCCl) IltfV can2IUl) . Date ReceIved ~ )1-71 - Planner MM ~- . EXHIBIT "A"' Exh,bIt "A" ID thaI _ L.ane County UCc-l Finanang S~",. ,. between Genernl E1ednC Capo1aI __ Asset Funding CorpotatIon as SllC:Ind Party and PMO Restaurants. LLC ancl PMO The DalIes LLC as co-OeIl\O<>. All restaurant eqwtoment, madlIne!y. IumItura. _ ~.... ...~ subslltullons addsbonS. paJ1s and ao:essortes now owned and _ ac:qured by DeOIDr. ,ncludong but not irrnllld Ie lIyets. gnlIs. ovens, warmOfS. ~ freezenI. waste disposal umts, _"'0fS.1." '.".. dispensers, .... cream makers. rados, ~ cases. Ilghllixluras, decor CllUnletS, casIl reglSIelS. salad eqwpmenL _ seatIJl1l, sogns and 51lI1iIar "",petty of llellIDr used In lIS _...~... of If1e Wendy's restauranlS located at 1~ G.- _ Rd . Eugene. OR g74n 1499 Mahawtc SIteeL Spnngfield OR 97477 2830 Willametle SIreeI. Eu9ene OR 97477 1895 Franklin 81vd . Eu_ OR 2401 W 11. Slreet. Eugene OR 1965 River Road. eugene, OR In addllian Ie the ____ _, lIle Secured party's seeunty Interest shall extend ID all ather "",perty at the abOYe -..(aJ thalthe 0eb1I>t may now awn, or later acqu.... or In whoch 0eb1Dr may have or acquA ngh1S sufliClenllD support a .ecunty Interest dunng lIle CQU/SO oftt'lls ...:3'0_;.'0_....':- Record Own.... Legal Property 0 ".....__." SEE lEGAL DESCRIPTION A TrACHEO HEReTO AND 8Y THIS REFERENCE MADe A PART HEREOF - "'" Date Received Planner MM ,/t-,IOJ I I 1025 Green Acres 14 . Eugene, OR 97408 ~ ! ~ : - I E1xmRIT A i I , , LoI 4, Plac of HOME DEPOT, as !',ucd Uld =ord'" lD I'de 75, S~d.. 58, 59 IUd 60. Lane CoUDty. Oregon Pial Records, ~I=oun~. Oregon. EXCEPTnrEREFROM ; 1" Begmmn8 at 1bc Nozthe.. ::com t of Lo. 4. TIm HOME DEPOT, . duly recorded , 1I1bdMs10n m Lane Co," f!. (~D1l, IUd bems m Ihe Nozthcut Dne-<j1Wler of SCCllon 18, Townslup 17 : '!>uth, Bange 3 Wesc of the Wiu.me= Menchan m SlUd CoUDty IUd Slate. " thence SOUlh02' SI' 28" \\ )st 6 <OfccllO an UJgIe polnllD 1bc East line ofwd LOI4, , 1bcnce South 27' IS' 36"' tese : ~7.22 fccl along SOld East hnc to 1bc be=g of. " . 130.00 foot radIus curve 10 e 'ej ; lbence along the ere of SOl C1Il"', the chord ofwbtcb bezrs South IS' 03" 32- West 54.95 fee~ 5537 feet, 1hence South 020 51' 28" .e!t S;81 feet 10 I. pamt OD the North hnc of Grec."I Acres Road, SOld po1l1l bc",!: on "'" Jr. 437 46 foo.radIus curve, lbence Westerly along 1I1e" of: "d curve,1he chDl<I ofwluch bean North 80' 2TIS" West 37 76Cect, 37 n fe:~ I thencc Nozth 02' 51' 28" E< ~ 28 :5 feet; lbence South 87' 08' n" Jt 27 ,Of..~ I I thence Nozth 02' 51' 28ft E fu 2S ~3 fcot to Ihe oegnuung of. 140 00 fooll2lhus curve " , 10 the 12gb!; thence along t1:. arc ,fwd curve, the chord ofwbtch bears Nozth 15' 03 32" Ease 59 18 fe:t, S9 63 cf~ ' tbmceNozth27' IS' 36"E~ J2i:6 fee~ tbmce Nozth 02' 5 I' 28" E '" 5 O~ {celIO the North line of .lUd LOl4, [ : thence Soulh 87' OS' 32' 1East 1000 feci along said Nozth line 10 the Pom: of Bezwnng.lD Lane COllllty, ~ n. 1 I 1 : I, I',.!> , I' , I ~ , i Date ReceIved Planner MM 3,(t7(V1 , ; , I , I 1_ . I - 149~Kohavk St., Spr1Dsf1eld, OR 97477 EXHIBIT A Beq4~nq at the In4t.al P04nt of Mohawk P.:st Add4tion as platted and recorded in Book IS. Paqe 23. of Lane County Oreqon Plat Records. said p04Dt be.nq No~-h 89' 48' 27' West 1449 97 feet and North 0' 13' 30' East 99.15 feet from the southeast. corner of the A. M i'owers Dona tJ.on Land Claim No 69 in Townslup 17 South. Ranqe 3 lIest of the W111amette Ker1d1an; run thence Nor:h 890 41' 53. lIest 308.64 feet alonq the south 14ne of Block 6 of said plat; thence North 4' 24' 51' East 100 00 feet; thence North 70. 22' 19" lIest 136 00 to the easterly 14ne of Mohawk Highway. thence North 29' 13' 07' East 542.61 feet along sa.d easterly 14ne; thence South 89' 44' IS" East 165.65 feet to the east l.ne of sa.d Block 6, thence North 0' 13' 30" East 131.25 feet to the northeast corner of said Block 6, thence North 89' 44' IS' lIest 110.00 feet along the North 14ne of said Block 6 to ~~e easterly 14ne of Mohawk H4ghway; thence North 29" 13' 07" East 195.31 feet along sa.d easterly line; thence Sou~~ 89' 48' 27. East 455.19 feet to a point on t.~e west line of 18th Street. ~enee Soat~ O. 12' lSa West 733.66 feet aloDq sa1d west line of 18th Street; thence South 89. 48' 27. East 5.00 feet; thence South O. 12' IS. West 227.16 feet. to the intersection of the west 1.ll1l!t c~ l8t.'t St::eet wJ.th the nort."l line of oxo Stree'tl thence North 89" 48' 27" West 449.13 feet along the north line of ax. Street, thence North O. 13' 30~ East 39.15 feet to t:he pC:J.llt of beg'Ulninq, J...n Lane County I Oreqon. I , I , Date ReceIved Planner MM 3k, / rf1 { ( ! ) i 2830 W1U.ametta St-. t Eugene, OR. 97405 , Exhibit n An Beginning at a pOint which IS 1453 4 feet north and 2432 6 feet east of the southwest comer of the William BreedIng and WIfe Donation Land ClaIm No 49, Notification No 3264, In section 6, Township 18 South Range 3 West. W M, Lane County, Oregon, said point-also beIng the southeast comer of Block 24 of the, FraSier and Hyland Addition to Eugene, thence south, 00181' east along the west hne ofeounty Road #113, known as Willamette Street, a distance of 230 0 feet, thence south 890 42' west a distance of 172 0 feet, thence north 00 18' west a dIstance of 231 59 feet to .the south, hne of the above descnbed addrtlon; !hence north 890 58' east along said south hne-a distance of 172 0 feet to !he place of begInnIng, excepting the, ",;10..", the south 1 05 feet Date Received Planner MM 3/1-? / l5J I I ~ 1895 Franklin Blvd, Eull"RC- OR 97403 Exlulllt A Beg1l1l1lRg:lt1lle Soulb....com... of Lot 11, In Block l,lIIII<Rded platofFamnoD~ as plattzd and recorded In Book 2, Page 12, l..uIe founty ~n Plat Rt:oonh, and num'Dg Norlhoaslel'ly on Villard S""",a d,SWIce of 100 feet to . polm; thonce.n a NorthwesterlydJ=Dn parnllel w,lb FrankllD BouIovard. 141 feet to a poln~ Ibonce In a Soulbwcmrly d=on along FrankllD Boulovanl. a dlSlal1CC of 141 feet 10 1IIe Pomt of8eglnnIDg, m Lane Coullly, O...gon Also. Begtnnmg It a polnron the Ease: hneofLor 17, Block. I of Amended Plat of Falnnount. Lane County, Oregon, as pllllledand =nlod.. page 12 of volume 2, Lane CoUDly Oregon Plat Rt:oonh,...d pom. belDg 100 f"INorth 15 dogroos 52" East from the Soulhoast com... of Lot 17, thenco North IS dogroos 52" East 189 foot, morc or I.... to a po.nttlw IS 75 feet South IS dogrees 52" West from tho Northoast comorofLol11, thenco North 81 dogroos Wostl47 feet parallel wllb the North t.... of Lot 17, thenc. South IS dogroos 52" WOSlIn foot. morc or I.... to. pomt 100 feet North IS dogroos 52" East from the Soudl hn. ofLo.17. dlonce Soulb 74 dogroos 08" East 146 feet parallel wnh the South hne ofLo.17 to lb. placo .fbeglnnIDg, In Lan. County. Oregon Date Received 3/z..'7/ t57 Planner' MM - I I . 2401 W Eleventh Street. Eugene. OR 97402 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcell BeginnIng at ttle East one Quarter cornel of Section 35 Township 17 Soul:h Range 4 West of th. WIJlamette MerlO'''" thence North SO 63 teet (0 a pClInt on the North margin of 1 ~ th AVenue West (bell'9 60 00 feet In wldtht U tn, S8m8 IS lOcated and monumemed bV the Office of the City Er.gll"Mter thence NOrth 8911 10' 15'" West 56909 feet iJong the NOfth tm!rgtn 01 I ttn AV9nUe West to an /ton {jm set on the West marq." af MC{lrUlJY Sereer 'being 60 00 feet In wldthl as the same IS located and monumented by the Office of the City engineer and marku1g the true pOint at beglMlng, thence North 8g11 10 15. West 150 00 feet contlnwng along chi North margIn of 11 th Avenue West to a POInt marked by an Iron ~ln th.ltnce North a. 34 45" East 150 00 feet on a hna parallel With the centerltne of McK1rdev SUeet to a pOint marked' by an Iron pin thence South 89. 10 15" east 1 SO 00 feet to an Iron Pit, set on the West margIn or McKinley Street thence South 00 34' 45~ West 15000 feet to the true pom' 01 beginning In the City 0 f Eugene L.ane CountY Orl!9on togethElr With the Interest of the Grantor In all roads streets and mleys ad)OlOrng said property eXCEPTING the follOWing That certsln parcel of rand In the Northu:iit Quarter Qf Secnon 35 Township 17 South Range 4 West Wlllamene Mendian more particularly descrlbed as follows Stglnnlng at the East One.quarter comer 0' said Section 35 thence North SO 63 feet to a pOint on the North margin of 1 1 en AvenuI West (being 60 00 flet In wldthl as the same IS located and monumented by the Office 01 the City engineer thence North 890 10 15- West 56909 feet along the North margin of 11th A\lenue West to an lfon pm set on the West margIn of McKlt\Jey Street (being 60 00 feet In WIdth) as met same IS loeated and monumanrad by the Office 01 the City Engineer and marking the true POUlt of beQJnnng thence North 890 10' 1 S. West 1S0 00 feet contJnumg along tt'le North margin at 11th Avenue We.s:t to I pOInt marked by an Iron pin thence North 0" 34 4S. East 1000 feet on Ii line parallef With the centerhne of McKinley Street [0 a pOlOt merited by an Iron QIn thence South a9" 1 0 15- east 1 50 00 feet to an Iron pm Ht on the West margIn of Md:lnfey Street. thence South Oel 34 45. West 1000 feeUlon; the West marg.n of McKinley SUlet {being 60 feer In wtdthHo the tr\.le pOint of begll'll\lng In Lane Counry Oregon ALSO EXCEPTING the follOWing A parCQ! of land lYing In Section 35 Towll$h1p 11 South Range 4 West of die Wlllame!::! M.ndlan sSld parclri biting a porDon of that certain tract of land descnbed on Reel No 1501 recor~ed FebrulfY 16 1988 Receptton No 8806746 OffiCial Records 0' Lane County Oregon, !aId parcat bemg more partlcularfv descrIbed as follow5 - aeglnnlng at the POint of intersection of the West right of way hne of McKinley Street WIth the NOrth right of way hne of West 11th Avenue said pOint btrtng 25 CO teet from the centerhne ot McKinley Street and 3000 feet from the cenuuhne of West 11m Avenue thence North OOQ 34' 45- East 2000 feet thence South 450 42' 1S" West 28 22 reet to a pOint on the North right of way fine of West f 1 tl'l Avenue thence South 89" 1 0' IS" East 2000 feet along said North right at way hne to the POint '=If beglnOlnq U1 Lane County Oregon Parcel 2 Beginning at the InterseCtion of the North hne of 11th Avenue West (being 60 0 feet In wtelthl and the West hne of MC'l;.mley Street (beIng 60 0 f..t In wtdth, run thenes North O. 34' 45" eaSt along the West line of McKlnlev St, eet 1 SO 0 feet to the Northeast corner of the traCt 01 land: conveyed to Mid Od Company by Deed recorded December 20 197Ei Roceptlon No 76672 fa OUraa' Recants ot Lane Counev Oreooon and beIng efTe erue gOlnt of b89lnnMQ at the roltowlng dncnbed trllct run thence North Sgll 10 1 S. West ISO 0 leer thencs North 0" 34 45'" East 600 lest thence Sourh89" 1015'" East 1S00feel.o theWesthne or MCKinley StteeL thence South O. 34 45~ West 60 0 feet fO the true pOInt of beginning In ~Ing '" SeCtion 35 Township 17 Sout~ RanCf8 "West tn lana County Oregon , , Date ReceIVed 3 / V; / c7J Planner MM ~t . ... . 1965 River Rd . Eugene, OR 97404 Exhibit A Begllllllng .. the I3llroad Spike marking the South_ comer of the L. POindexter Oonalloo Land Clalm No S2. TownsblP 17 South..Range 4 W... of the WoI........ Mend,,,, Lane CO\I1Il)', <mgon, thence South 334816 f..land East 1342.69 feet to an IlOl1 plO marking the InIe point of begJn01OS; dlence East 155.23 feet along a lone parallel With and 330 en f<etNorth fiom the South lone afCounly SurvcyNo 6g6 to a po'o, Ihence Soudl 16 degr= 59' East along a lone .....Ilel WldI the centorhne of River Road as __.____J 172.52 f<etto a poU1l; thence West 155.23 foot.,. po,nt marlced by an IJOn pm wluob bem W... 0 41 feet and North 16507 f<et fiom the Southwest oorner of Coun<y Survey No 6g6, thence North 16 degr= 59' W.... 172.52 foot along a lone panllel wnh and 50 0 feet d,SlInt from. when "._~..1 at ngllt angles to, the centerline of RIver Road as consuucted.. to the true ponlt ofbcgmD1n& In Lane County, Oregon Owner reserves an easoment over the North 2S 0 foot of the South 45 0 reet af the above doscnbed p........ for die purpose of,ngress and aggross by each partY to thIS agreement, u. lessees and tho licensees and 1QVltees of etCher party Nather party to tins agreement shall park vehicles on or obstruct the easement pretnlses. or allow any obSUUctJOD of the easement premls~ by Its lessees or hcensees FUI"Ibcr. owner sha.l1 proVide tenant, Its licensees and Invltees reasonable access to and ftom Corliss Stn:el over and across owner's ,.._,.__'" adJommg the lease premises on the East and South Said access shall be a mlDlmum of2S 0 feet In wldth ~late ReceIved anner MM ~/1-} IOJ / , - Branch DSE, User FA 11 T,tle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stabon Id CUlM After Recording RetarD to McKay Investment Company l35U Uakmant way. SUlte lU4 Euaene. OR 97401 DlvlalOft 0' Chla"boputy Clark Lona COllnh Doe. and Rooarda UmllUllJlUII III mill RPIl-ESIIT ental 5....... cJJ~~20D5 02: 34: 10 PIt 53!! 00 110 OD 111.00 07 , 2005-093358 $56.00 DECLARATION OF CROSS EASEMENTS ThIs Declarabon of Cross Easements (Declaranon) IS made thts 22nd day of November, 2005, by McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon hmlled hablhty company (Declarant) RECITALS A. Declarant IS the Owner 10 fee sunple of contiguous tracts of real property (each 1OdlVldually, a "Tract," and collecnvely, the "Tracts"), commonly known as Mohawk Shopp1Og Cenler. located 10 thc CIty of Spnngfield, Lanc County, Oregon, Idennfied and legally descnbed as ''Tracll'' and "Tract 2" on attached ExhIbIt A and ExhibIt B, respectively B. Declarant deSIreS to create cross easements for access, parlang and unhnes for the mutual benefit of the Tracts, as set forth 10 thIS Declaranon 1'ASEMENTS. COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS 1. DefinItIon! In addinon to the lendS defined 10 the body of thts Declaranon, as used herem, the followmg tcnns have the followmg meanmgs I I Common Area. All parts of the Tracts wlllch are from bme to bme devoted pnmanly to parkmg, approaches, eXits, entrances, Sidewalks, extenor landscap1Og, mCldental and mtenor roadways, semce roads and other sumlar areas as the same may eXist from tune to tune on each of the Tracts. 1 2 C__"~.;,. Declarant, and Declarant's successors and assIgns, mcludmg successors 10 mterest to nile to the Tracts, and all Persons who from tune to tune shall be enniled to use and occupy space located Wlthm the Tracts under any lease, sublease, hcense or concessIon agreement, or other mstrument or arrangement under wluch such nghts are acqwred or granted I 3 Pernll11eeS All Occupanls and all customers, employees, hcensees and other busmess IDvltees of Occupants Declaral10n of Cross Easements - I f \JOBSI6200"\626.f\WORDlDcdanlllon~eiWJ6< ~ 2/1/67 Planner MM LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page I of7 Ponted on 9/2912006 10 0 I 28 AM Branch DSE, U ser FA II Tlile Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIon Id CUlM I 4 Benefitted Tract Each of the Tracts which are benefitted by the easements and nghts set forth In tins declaratIon. I 5 Burdened Tract Each of the Tracts whIch are burdened by the easements and obhganons set forth In t1us Declaralion. I 6 Owner Each Person wluch IS the record Owner of fee simple tItle to a Tract or an equitable owner of a Tract as a vendee under a land sale contract 1 7 Person An mdlvldual, partnerslup, IUDlted halllhty company, c_.~_.~;lOn, or other enl1ty 2 Shared "eeess Easement Declarant hereby creates an easement 30 feet In Width, the center hne ofwluch IS the boundary between Tract I and Tract 2, SlIch boundary bemg the "New Lme" shown on ExhIbIt C (Shared Access Easement) The purpose of the Shared Access Easement IS to prOVIde access to Tract 1 and Tract 2 from 19d' Street 3. Cros. taoement for Parkin.., Declarant hereby creates a perpetual non..::xcluslve easement, for the benefit of Tract I, 10 use exlstlng and futw'e parlang areas located on Tracl 2, and a perpetual non..::xcluslve easement, for the benefit of Tract 2, to use eXlsl1ng and futw'e parking areas on Tract I (ParJung Easements) Subject to the reslnctlOns and prolubltIons descnbed In paragraph 4, the Parlong Easements are for use by Occupants and Pernuttees 4 Restnetions/L,m.tatton. on Use, Tbe follOWIng restrictiOns and lnmtatJons shall apply to the easements granted 10 t1us Declaralion 4 I The parking, loading, or unloadmg of a velm:le or other deVIce In or on the Shared AcceSS Easement IS prohIbited, other than for emergeney purposes 4 2 NeIther Owner shall pennlt the employees of that Owner or the employees of any OCCUpaDI of that Owner's Tract to park on the other Tract Each Owner shall worm the Occupants of that Owner's Tracl of t1us restrlcl10n and the right of the Owner of the other Tract 10 lOW ihe vehIcles of any employees who park on a Tract m Vlolal1on of tlus reslnctIon The Owners ofihe Tracts shall cooperate With each other m the enforcement oftlus restncnon. 4 3 The ParJung Easement shall not be used by the Owner of ihe Benefitted Tract to use the Benefitted Tract for a use Wlih mmunum parlong requirements m excess of ihe parJung avaIlable on ihe Benefitted Tract only 4 4 The Parking Easements shall In no way IlD11t the development or redevelopment of the Burdened Tract. The Owner of ihe Burdened Tract shall have the nght to change, mcrease or decrease parlong spaces on the Burdened Tract as detennmed m the sole dlscrenon of ihe owner of the Burdened Tract, subject to g_, _.~_ental requirements apphcable to the Burdened Tract only Declaratlon of Cross Easements - 2 f UOBS\6200'sI6264\WORD\Dec......rJ~1S11210S doc are Kecelved Planner MM C;/V,/o1 I LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 2 of7 I Prmted on 9/29/2006100128 AM Branch DSE,User FAil Tille Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIOn Id CUlM 5. Malnlenance Each Owner shall mamtam the Common Area on that Owner's Tract 1ft good condlllon and repair, mcludmg the portiOn of the Shared Access Easement located on the Owner's Tract The Owners of tbe Tracts shall make a good flllth effort to cooperate WIth each other m the mamtenance of the Shared Access Easement and m the coordmallon of repm and mamtenance acllVllles on the Tracts, includmg parlong lot sweepmg and stnpmg of parlong spaces so thai the Tracts appear as an mtegrated wbole Nolwlthstandmg the foregomg, the Owner of each Tract shall be responsible for repwr of damage (other than normal wear and tear) to any portion of the Common Area of the other Tract caused by the responsible Owner or such Owner's emplnyees, agents, contractors or tenants 6. Utility Eaoemenl. Declarant hereby creates non-exclusIVe easements (UlIhty Easements) under, through and across that portion of the Common Area of each of the Tracts for the mamtenance, removal and replacement of eXisting water Imes, telephone bnes, gas hnes, sanitary sewer hnes, electncal hnes, storm sewers and drlllnage hnes, and other utlhty Imes or systems eXlsllng at the ume of thIS Declarallon, provided, however, that all pIpes, WIreS, lines, condUIts, mlllRS, sewers, systems and related eqUIpment (Uuhty Facllllles) shall be mamllllned below the ground or surface levels of the Tracts, except where the partlcular uohty cannot feasibly be placed underground, such as transformers, as long as any above ground Installauons are enclosed and do not Iftterfere WIth the mtended use of any Common Area. All UlIhty F 3Clhues shall be operated and mlllnllllned 10 a marmer wlnch will not unreasonably mterfere WIth the use of the Tracts 6 1 Relocaoon The Owner of a Tract shall have the nght to relocate a UlIhty FacJllty on that Tract wlnch benefits the other Tract, on the conwUon that the Owner relocal1ng the Utility Faclhty bears the full cost of such relocaoon, and on the further condlllon that ullhty Service to the Benefitted Tract shall nol be mterrupted m connecoon WIth the relocation 62 Work Standards Any Owner undertakmg any mamtenance or relocallon work WIth respect to a Utlhty Facdlty pursuant to tlns Declarallon shall cause all such work (mcludmg general cleanup and proper surface and/or subsurface restoraoon) to be completed promptly and m a marmer that mlDlm.zcs mterference WIth or unpedunent to the common area of the Burdened Tract 6 3 Indemnltv The Owner of a Benefitted Tract shall mdemnlfy and hold hanDless the Owner of the Burdened Tract agwnst any and all clamlS, losses and hablhlles 10 connecllon WIth the use, mamtenance, removal and replIlr of the UlIhty Facihty located on the Burdened Tract 7. Name Declarant reserves to the Owner of Tract 2 the exclUSive nght to use the name "Mohawk Shoppmg Center" 8. DlsDute Re..,oluhop Any dispute lDvolVlng the interpretation or enforcement ofnghts or obhgaUoos under tlns Declarallon shall be resolved by arb.trabon conducted 1D accordance WIth the rules of the Arbitration Service of Portland, Inc or the Amenean Arbllraoon Assoc1abon, whIchever agency IS selected by the party thallDlt.ates the arbitration. Declarauon of Cross Easements - 3 t\. ~ -Q'I:I t-<ecel F \JOBS\62QO'sI6264\WORD\Decla""o~~JIoc: M"Md Z. 7. LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 3 of7 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 28 AM Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUlM 9. Effect. The easements and covenants created by thIS Declaranon shal1 run WIth the land and shall be bmdmg upon and more to the benefit of Declarant and Declarant's successors and assigns, mcludmg successors-m-mterest to Ownership of the Tracts Declarant: McKay Inv_.~..~.. Company, LLC By ~~~~eI STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) ,.J... Tlns mstrument was acknowledged before me thIS zz. day of November, 2005, by LI rw..1V\c.~ \!'O~, as Manager of McKay Investment Company, LLC _.-------._-.~ (I) OFFICIAL SEAL GAIL MUSS NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 354192 IIY COUUISSION EXPIRES FEal1 2Oll6 ~~-_. - -- .._--_.~---- ~~ Nofary Pubhc for Oregon ;l/. rtf My commtSSlon ."r- _ I 0(. ----. DateR ~ PI",,,:, ecelll"'.,t ~ Declaratioo of Cross Easements - 4 . "''- MM" 'l:z . F 1I0BS\62OO"16264\WO!lDlDecllnlloaCssE_112105;u. LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 4 of7 Pnnted 00 912912006100129 AM Branch DSE,User FAil Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUlM EXHIBIT "A" Legal Descnpbon Tract I BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH g9"44'15" WEST, 11008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTH 29"] 3'07" EAST, 195.33 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89"48'27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0"11'34" WEST, 27300 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 89"48'26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 58"49'12" WEST, 2585 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89"53'24" WEST, 15299 FEET, THENCE NORTH 74"28'08" WEST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 70'06'00" WEST, 3002 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89"46'30" WEST, 141 99 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0"13'30" EAST, 10954 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTH 89"44'15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 11008 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 3 09 ACRES DateR ~ Plannerecelved .3 VI I'vtM t> LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 5 of7 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 29 AM - , Branch DSE,User FA 11 Tille Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUlM EXHIBIT "B" Legal Descnpuoo Tract 2 BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 89"41 '53" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHA WI( FIRST ADDITION, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 4'24'51" EAST, 104 16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70'22'19" WEST, 13323 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 19469 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 60047'00" EAST, 9000 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29013'07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 1504TOO" EAST, 707 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 60"47'00" EAST, 500 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 8000 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60"4TOO" WEST, 500 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 74013'00" WEST, 14 14 FEET, THENCE NORTH 6004TOO" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHA WI( HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 18370 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89"44'15" EAST, 165 65 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0"13'30" EAST, 2171 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE RUN SOUTH 89"46'30" EAST, 14199 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70"06'00" EAST, 3002 FEET, SOUTH 74'28'08" EAST, 6215 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89"53 '24" EAST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 58"49' 12" EAST, 2585 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89048'26" EAST, 3465 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0011'34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD; THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES I) NORTH 89"49'36" WEST, 25270 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 170g 48 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 28294 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 28312 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 89"49'36" WEST, 542 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN RUN NORTH 0"10'24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 10 99 ACRES DateR ~ PI ecelved,} ;z.. 7 anner MM LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 6 of7 Pnnted on 9/29/2006100130 AM Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station ld CUlM EXHIBIT .C. ~ DENOTES LINE NOT DRAWN TO SCII.E ill li.- " \I\, -- S 00"11.34- W. 18 T H STREET 1 -; - - S OO'lt'34" W, e&5.10' N 747.8'08"" W ll2.1S' I.. I 1;..1 .. '"I I~ ~ I: -'LOT I ) / . 7lI'Pl"P.Q" w 3002' 3900 NEW ADJUSTED PROPERlY UNE /:'2: -~~ yO" ~g:~ ~~ TAX ~g ,,~i! t;i~ fl.~ ~~ L1S00 I: ~I JOOO' SHARED $-' ! ~I ACCESS fASEMENT--j r 2171' G 10954' . ~C N ~\J~ E ~. NORTH 8:- :-:g ~~ TAX LOT 4401 i~ SCALE ,. '" 60 IT z th r 1111 o JO 60 120 EXHIBIT IoIAP or 30' SHARED ACCESS EASEMENT roR. McKAY IIMSTIlEHT co SPRINCRElD, lANE COUNlY, OREGON JOB /04-8264 NCN 16 2005 SSfWgnc.-Englnee,-s . SUf>.VEYOf>.S f PlANNEf>.S :IUO~-",""tcIS. "-0.;-111..", . flA1J~ : I REGISTERED I P~IONAl. lANO SlIRVEYOR ~d~.kJ' ") OREGON .IlJI.1" n, 2DCO WICHAEL R. twflDlS 80052 -- 12-JI-2OIl5Dat ~ ~\ E, ReceIved :7 . "'liner MM LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 7 0f7 Pnnted on 9/2912006 10 0 I 30 AM Branch DSE,User FAll Tille Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stallon Id CmM RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS McKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY (P..... POOl) BEING THE RECORD OWNERCSI fA aI 01 the folDwfng described property located in the CIty 01 Springlleld or Us UlbanlzabJe area. In Ihe County of Lane Slale of Oregon See Attachment A - Lltgal Oeac:riptlon for Tf'IIct 2 S.. Attachmont 8 - Map SowIng Exlatlng Building. HEREBY DEClARES THE FOLLOWDtG RESTRICTlVE COVENANTS 1 IN CONSlDERAnON FOR the approval of a property ~e Adjustment (Case Number SUB2005-00051) by Ihe City of Springfield that canlaJns praperty as deSCJ1bed in AltachmentA with an e,rlsbng . .. ,~. . '\g bvIdIng as shown on Attachment B U1at Is constructed over the east subdlvlStOl'l boundary line ofMohawt RratAddltlon BlockS end In 001. to remo....lhe . .."_. . atalus of this existing budding, owner(s) do h8l"eby make tho following COYenanllb the good and ..tory of the pubic, In .. "',, ". wiI'Ilhe Spmgfield 081 ._. ~ Code and the building regulalrons 01 the CIIy of Spnngfield encumbering the above described rea! property 2. IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE THE HON-CONFORMING SITUATION described in Section 1 above SIlber L The Pc0p8rty desaibed In AOachment A mull hernftDr be sold w1thoulaeparatkm of thelott or portions thereor as 11 single unit of land so king as the butIdlng shown In Attachmlml. B Is constructed over the .,as( aubctivlllOll boundary line of Mohawk Filst AddIUon 8Jock 8, or b The east subdlVlsion boundary Une Mohawk First AddIUon, B1oc;;k 6 must vacaled or reJocalBd by process permUted by law : 3 LEGAL LOT OETERMINAnON REQUIRED No sale of an mdlVldual buddUlg or group of buildltlgl as lhown on AUM:hmenl B shan occur ; wt1houl approval from the City, uniess the indivklual buIdIng or group 01 bulcHngs 81'0 on a legal/at alii determined by the City of SpringffDld or lene I County as appropriale Sale Jndudes the transfer by deed or conlract. .. THESE COVENANTS shall run wllh the \and and shall be binding upon and Inure 10 the beneftt of all owner(s) parties and persons lncludlng heirs successors and 8SSlg7l' clalmlng under lhem. and for the tMlneflt of snd ImstatIonI on .. fulUre ownet(s)s of lhe property !jesalbed herein IN WITNESS WHEREOF the I" : _ '.'.l.- . ," have caused tt'll.lnstrument lobe executed IhIs day 01 20_ ~hl 5-11~ ~~ ~I~ve'bn:nf ~~ MeXay Korth Manager 'STATE OF OREGON) l'" County of Lane ) ON THIS ~ dayol Novt.-Mbt-r- i UI'\t14... (V\.c.'Uu I(o~ foregoing 10 be their vohm~ ie\ and deed 20 ()S personaUy appeaNd before me. . Nolary Public, the wiWn nawned . acknowlBd~d the WITNESS my hand and .... thIS day IInd .,..,.t_t wrllten .00_ Ql." 11 ,f1'\..-~ /~;;. Pubic for Oregon .;t/I'6/DIo My Commission Explros. , , . _ _. __"'A""_"'_"'".'""_]_ .' ,- ---- OPFICIAL,SEAL QAIL II LIS. NOTARVPU8U~REGON COMMISSION NO 3$41782 MY COMMlSSIOII EXPIRES FEe l' :rooe '---ai~I';101'1 ., Chi';' ~""v Cl';;- -- ----- Lane ec.ml" De.. and Recorda 2005-093359 U~JW!~m~mll'f1~~1I1 $36.00 APR-IU!:ST Cftbl stn_. cJMW~5 02'~'IO PI! a'5 00 ala 00 III 00 ,A t:Opy of !hI. recorded docum.nr 1JtU,. k rHuttted ro rho C/ry of SprlnOn.ld. Devolopm.,,' s.,wc.. o.JMtfm"'4 225 Fifth s"..,.1 Springfi.ld. OR 974n , PD/Bte Received 7.~f 1_ anner MM ~ LANE,OR Document CCR 2005 93359 Page 1 00 PrInted 00 9/29/2006 10 0 I 30 AM Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station 1d CUlM ATTACHMENT "A" LEGAL DESCRJPTION SOUTIlERL Y PORTION OF MOHA WI( SHOPPING CENTER (TRACT 2) AFTER ADJUSlMENT BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 89041'53" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM TIlE SOUTIlEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MORA WI( FIRST ADDITION, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 4'24'51" EAST, 104 16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70"22'19" WEST, 133 23 FEET TO TIlE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MORA WI( HIGHWAY, TIlENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 194 69 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 60047'00" EAST, 90 00 FEET, THENCE NORTI/29"13'07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 15047'00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 60"47'00" EAST,S 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 80 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60"47'00" WEST,S 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 74013'00" WEST, 14 14 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60"47'00" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHA WI( HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 183.70 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89'44'15" EAST, 165 65 FEET TO TIlE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0"13'30" EAST, 2171 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAlD EAST LINE RUN SOUTH 89"46'30" EAST, 141 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70"06'00" EAST, 30 02 FEET; SOUTH 74'28'08" EAST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89053'24" EAST, 15299 FEET, THENCE NORTIl58049'12" EAST, 2585 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89"48'26" EAST, 34 65 FEET TO TIlE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0"11 '34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO TIlE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, TIlENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG TIfE NORTIl MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD TIlE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES \) NORTH 89049'36" WEST, 25270 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A \70848 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, TIfE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG TIfEARC OF A2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO TIfE LEFT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 89"49'36" WEST,S 42 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN RUN NORTH 0"10'24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 1099 ACRES ~/ate ReceIved anner MM ~/! 7/ '!7 LANE,OR Document CCR 200593359 Page 2 00 Prmted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 31 AM Branch DSE,User FAIl Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StaUon Id CUlM ATTACHMI:.I'<IB s....-rrJ....... LECfNO - ""t~.. 9 '~'t._[ lUll ,.,...,_ m ""1t"'I('~ ,~ ~... -.-, -0- l~1'Q.C ~... """'.IoQ.I......I"~1 , C.....I'll: -0 _1'",[. .. ..I~.....we ....~ r_t..._ ... _too -.-.-"'"'...... -__OO'(.><t..._t -.-...Tl..... _I - ....--.0 tr..c~ UI~ .\Iot. I'IoIk.C ~"".. toltlOOl I ) .0000Uoa_....I'{.DWn --Yi-- DI"""U.,,: 00' fIII_ ~"'" A N m ".-- tt.oI.(. _&II" . , "':::. il1! -. ~1_lU'l' "U'''..1.I ~~ ..,1'-. .~ CENTENNIAL <:,. BOULEVARD ~ lQ l.O'l' .)tOO .. WAC - IIoUOIl' R[1", (OlAlUICIIt. T,t.I'lOTU01.loIIIC.lUJOlt~tCMlll(fICl/II. S[l!lllC'I! rll'ONt~"'..oSJl)[YWtO- . ,orHTTO 1J1,IIlDlNCS - 5 r~[l 10 PIoltKlHC. DItPo'{....y SlOllAlX ..... ~[\S "'....'tIOl:lI _n_ --- . . i ~ i C&U~ _ ~1lC1IOI'$" IICCI'D 1'1:' .a.[.. _, _11OM'~"......c ~ ..u___ _ .__ Df.ItD <<_.. lIClClii '" _"'''~OCIP''_____ __...._,.........___ _,......_.__c"'''_~..._.. .........-.__ ,...c__..._.._ ......ww;__._ a-',,'=-':."'::,-==-~: --' ~~...."t "M~~~"':=:...:':::''='':'~..:-''''::'~~t........::..... ~::-'::~"'::'':.''":.':'':::::''',",=-~=!:':::.=-c'''~..-:'-:'::l''==--:''='--'''''''._'''- -....- --...----. _._"_"'_ .___........_......, au_. __ .-t.-_......._.. ..'lDoC.........._.__..._.. _. __ Mllr>I"'_'f\:P",_a. :::L~:""':.."':':'~:"""'~";:==~-=",,;"'~-:""':' ;;,::,"=,---,:-_-..=':,,~""'.~.....u.:-.~-=",,~ -...-.......--...........P-.....- ...... _..._..._____..~__...,._.OC...._..'I~__..._...._..._... ....- _.. _"411 ........_....,._.._ ~1""" ......___.__...__...____ .._~__..____. __........ 00:0:_ .......1..._.......___.. ... .....""".........._....._...... :Z':.::::::..OOCj'n":==."='=-~~":.I::=-~---..""'-.._" ---.._..... "'..'" 1___...__-....--.--.--- .___._....__...._ _... ..--............-..-......... "'.... r.R__..._____.........___.r....._..____...- _.. ..--..""......-- .io'....'=......-:=...~':."':=-- -........-.....--......- --.. -....-...-- -.. .,~,,_t1.IU-~)o....Ul"_...O. l:-. -J ~t --''')'- PREUWNAAY PROPERTY UHE AOJUSTMENT SURVEY FOR MeKAY INVESTMEtoIT CO lAX 10l J900 II: 4101 l&AP 17-OJ-~-J4 .. SttTlOH 25. 117s., JQIIlI ..... SPRINCFIEl.D lAHt COUNTY 0RtG0M I SS,W9nc.-Eng!nfttr.S I SU.vaYORS f "L....HHaIt5 ----- --- -- .IOIIHD-DS-..W It_,.-I!S LANE,OR Document CCR 2005 93359 Page 3 00 111---,/6) Planmrrta!~~a.oo6' 10 01 31 ~ ..... , Q' , Branch DSE,User FA II TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Statton Id CUlM ~ rf) \.../ ~ II' r r Dlvl.lon .., Chi.' Deputy Clerk ~~'ift Wno County Iloo_ ..... R......... 'W~ 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIImllll~ID"llm 1111 $41.00 1I1887e..l.~ ~""1..,~.:~-3480848148 11/30/2005 11 :29:40 All RPR-ASN ent..l St....s CASHIER 04 S20 00 '10.00 .11 00 , tvar 50 IJtlf7t1Jr After a.c.ordblc Retum to \/ESTERN TITLE AND ESCROTl cnrq>ANY 497 OAKWAY ROAD ~Tli" 'bL- ~n~~v ~~1 umnadwJ&eil _,,'_"'"' aUtu . ,."." oIWI be _ ladle t'aIIowlDtl- CUDDEBACK INVESTllENTS, INC. t'\J IK)A '1"'1 EUGENE. OR 97405 ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES FROM: McKay Jnvestment C.---.-~, , I.LC an Oregon bmrted liability .......-Y (AssIgnor) TO: Cuddeback JDvestmCllts, Jnc , an Oregon .........1"......_00 (AssIgnee) DATE: November ~ 2005 ~ALS A. On tlns date, AssIgnor has conveyed to AssIgnee the real r'~r-;J described on .ttoolwl Exhibit A 0 --r-;J) B. The pmpose of this asstgmnent IS to assign to AssIgnee all eXJSlmg Jeases w\uch affect the Property t'CUDmNT 1. Asst""mont. AsSIgnor hereby ....ps to AssIgnee all of AssIgnor's nght, trt1e and mt=st m and to an CXJStmg leases w\uch affect the I.. r _;" lIlOR parl1cularly described on attached Exhibit B (J'Y'sln1g Leases), :z. ,......OlllptlOJ!. M of the date of tlns llSSIgmnent, AssIgnee assumes all of AssIgnor's obhgahons as Lessor under the Ex1stmg Leases. AssIgnor McKay Investment Company, u.c Assignee Cuddeback L ....:.....__, Ine B~ 't!~ YlIdl JindaMcKa~ BV~~~ Trtle ' }/i?dui-i!P7- AsstgomentofLeases -1 ~~YC=-"'~' P:~frd~iL LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page lof4 Pnnted on 9129120061001 35 AM 0, Branch DSE,User FA 11 T1Ue Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Staoon Id CUlM County 01 _ Lo..oV BE IT REMEMBERED. Tha' on tIuo _ __e2l.q 'dt day 01 jl~~y ____ _. i/20{J8 &cloro miE~;~vm In and lor tha Stata ;!. O~. ~]{ .-rr>eared tha ...tl11n nomad (;lS_~ -'-"f-L'_~ -- =_-=-___~~~__- ~flt: __ __ ~'::._:-"!:=_-_::=______ __ ________ known to me to be the tdenbffl !nd.vMlual_ dfllatbed In and who uocuted tho WltJun mstrumont and eclcnowladled to me that __ J>.1U' ) exoaded the _e/reely and voIun'anly I IN TESTIMONY WHE~E?F, I hare hereunto H' my hand and ai/aed my I CI seal the dayanJ .s above wntten .... -..- ,.. ,.. 1.Irw1'uW"''''lICa. H1. ~OIf72Ot 01992 STATE OF OREGON. QFf1cw. s..... _SHANNON M. BURGESS NOTARY PUBUc-oREGOH CQMWSSION NO 360823 ....COIIM1SS:c..XPIRESAlJGll$T30 21106 . on ezpaa M STATEOPORBGON. ~~-a..:Md.o.~~M'Nl , ..... ._A'\ U. ~0I97204 01992 County 01 _ UJ..lJ'fd__ BElT REMEMBERED, Tha.on'I11'~ _11.Ii!!:_dayol ~.JYl~______;l;tt.p5 be/ore me, the ~otfti fifA~h,ar;!J!!rA~: S!t!Jy~ ~~'F--"".l'i!! appoarod the wrtmn nomad _ -- -- a. - ~-~tn JS ~ - --..Q-t----- ___ ____ ___ ~___l!1!1 _ 1Jl1L nc ___________ -- ---- -- .. --- --- --.. .. - ------ -- - - --- - -- - ~- -- --- .O_1l<!Al. SHANNON M BURGESS NOTARY PUBlJC.OREOON COMMISSION NO. 360823 MYCOMMfSS1OH EXPIRES AUGUST 30. 2006 My, PO/ate Recelvea anner MM 3(q )~ , I -_ LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page 2 of4 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 01 35 AM '-, Branch DSE,User FA 11 Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stanon Id CUlM .( ~A.a.uu,... A Legal L~-r~- BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK IDGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NOR'IH 89"44'15" WFST, !l008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK. FlRST ADDmON, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT R.l!CORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NOR'IH 29"13'07" EAST, 195.33 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN soum 89"48'27" HAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WFST MARGIN OF 181H STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN soum 0'11'34" WEST, 27300 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 89"48'26" WFST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE soum 58"49'12" WEST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE NORm 89"53'24" WFST, 152-99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 74"28'08" WEST, 62-15 FEET, THENCE soum 70"06'00" WEST, 30.02 FEET; THENCE NOR'IH 89"46'30" WFST, 141 99 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, nu,...... ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0'13'30" EAST, 109.54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST Cv......=.OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NOR'IH 89'44'15" WEST, ALONG THE NOR'IH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6. !l008 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. ~late ReceIved _ ~/Z:!./J7 anner MM LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page 3 of4 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 36 AM Branch DSE,User FA II Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUlM r , LAD.u>IT B J:....-...r:"on of Leases I Lease WIth Redundant Outndge, Inc., dal=I Apnl22, 2003, as amended. 2 Lease with JtmI1fer WiIhams, dba Sbabryls, dal=I July 10, 2002 3 Lease W1th Jams West, dba Z-Coil, dal=I May 18, 2005. 4. Lease WIth BI-Mart c................ dal=I December 9, 1964, as ~_...:..J. 5 Lease with SlIInIey T. MerrcI1 and Comne J MeaeJI, dal=I July 6, 1988, IISSlgned to Sprmgfield Taco, a partnmslnp Date ReceIved :7,/1-7,/57 Planner MM-- LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page 4 of4 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 1001 36 AM SCALE ,. . 100' ~.__.~--_. .....- j SEE IU.P 17 03 ~ 31 ':"::-.";c:'':''::--::- :1 THIS MAP IS PROVIDED AS A COURTESY , .1...~: .L 4200 '!m' II~_-r- i 100 J,';;2 :iP'f .,;.;~-::-. . BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE ~ ~ f - f ~ ',.' . 700 000 COMPANY OF OREGON TO ASSIST IN " - ,/' __'h ~ I 200 ~ """ d S eoo LOCATING SAID PREMlSES AND TIlE ~ .,,,.'" ~....... ~' I \ ~ 601 ~ 2L II ~\ ~ f ~~' ~l>>' -,~--.\C)\l I 4101 JOO ",'P, l! eoo' ".~\ ! ITS ACCURACY OR FOR MATfERSTHAT ~ PI I '" "" ~ T , ~ MAYBEDISCtDSEDBYASURVEY If., '. __,_ "'\:' I l' I ~ : - \~lC~'-"':"'i:\"-:;:'- -"'~D - 1/ - II :'7 , ~T'''l ,.. ,.. ,iio ,- f~ ,- . -- j 1700 i: If I ._~- \ . ........ ..........~...:- J / ..............n_ ~""""- ~ ---..- ,.. , ... . ~ I h .... r------- --- "","""'. -- "\ I 1800 , 2000 .... .---= I ~ .. ; ... r' ~ TAX LOTTED ON t.tA~ 17-03.25-4.' / Ii:?,,.;; ~ I 1900 i J, i-- l.. ~....._~ /, ~ ~ :a i-t&t. . --.0:'1 I ...11.___.......r' ...I.O..___~t2....__. ~ ,_ I /~"'~ p~- __._ - . ~, 2400--" 2":: . - - ;2,0,-' -::--- ~ I " ..., II:: ' I' I / .......,.,. :t tJ::';\ I~ 1 Ul 2!lOO ....~I ~ " /1 , 1 .e..i~ .,. /: If ....-- m'9-00--r:.~-.: ,;;.,"" - L""";:l; = .... I ~ / , 1-' _ _ ~_":-..:;: _............-"-_ ?:..~~ " " I --.---- - ---,'; , ~ ;.o.1'=. ~;.~:=:. ..;) / i " ~ 3700.-- I r- -- ,..:..J:. .:.. . ""-. L -------- _____ 4 . 1 ~l~ ~ ~ JRs T -. -~.'.....,'__ . I - i~-?_"""-I.I. upe - ~Wn"" , "Ql# \~ 24 " , ,.~ ' ~-....--~ ..~_-v_..~. !, .. !ti .....,..... ~ni'i7- c" i! _. ---- liC~T.ENNIAL 8LVO ur-- -.. __ -:: &.,.a.~~..._...~ ......... ............._... i. 13800 "___ __ ___ ' E4,,,.nn LOt A-'" ,.---- '~. - -~_'_~"..' 1 - a... -~.....-"""~-r--...,........ . -- __ -- ..~ .. t 4ae8 4!502 I s9ge I ~ " -;/, 6200 - l e:JOO ~. ..I .: 9t.",- ' '.~ . .~ c =;7;' ~ ~A(".-'tIW7rI1@J:;:'- ~ I' J I -,.... ~ 1 .~, -" I '!.It. III I , Il'j: 450' t ~ :"'--"'-_-1 ~I 1fi ~ L l' 0400 ~ 72;" .__! I ',M. e;;... h b t~ Lilt" 9.8 15500 ~ ~ .,.." .:.' L_!-\I~U I!-\^!-\IIUI~ LANE COUNlY ,-, ONLY ~._.._...._- ~.- ,~,~ .- -,~ '- I tJ ::! !3 8 ::: S~ING IELD 'hAb...83 91 ~ ~ "'0 ~~ Qj~ o CNoIC(LLlD o 02100 cr ci!~~l (l) C~400 m~~ Oct :g "" .... .... .... ."" .... ,toO .... """ """ ,... """ 0000 """ ~ !3 8 ::: ~ iii Exhibit 3 PERMISSION TO ACCESS PROPERTY I, Steven J Korth, Director of Real Estate and Development for Mckay Investment Company, LLC, hereby authorize the Springfield City Manager or his! her deslgnee(s), including but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evalu ate and appraise the property at 1650 Centennial Bou levard, Springfield, Oregon, commonly known as Mohawk Shopping Center, for purposes of determining whether or not regulatlOn(s) have had the effect of reducing the fair market val ue of the property 41~J Date March~, 2007 ;~ ::~I':y;; jteven J Ko~h, Dliector of Real (Estate and development Date Received Planner MM 5/ l.7 k I I