HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 5/25/2007 ,~v Demand for Real Property CompensatIOn CIty of Sprmgfield File Number LRP2006-00033 Staff Report Applicant McKay Investment Company, LLC 2350 Oakmont Way, #204 Eugene, OR 97401 485-4711, Fax 485-4714 Applicant's Representative James W Splckerman Gleaves, Swearmgen Potter & Scott LLP 975 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97440-1147 686-8833, Fax 345-2034 Current Plan Deslgnatlonj Zomng Metro Plan Mixed Use Zomng Mixed Use COmmefClal/ Nodal Development Overlay Cause of Claim Rezonmg to Mixed Use Commefclal pfevents the 10catJon of lafge-format fetall uses on the site and reqUITes design standards not feqUlred by the pnOf zomng Executive Summary Date of Appllcabon Decembef I, 2006 Subject Property- Former WareMart BUlldmg Site 1650 Centenmal Blvd Spnngfield, OR 97477 Man 17-03-25-34, Tax Lot 3900 Prior Plan Deslgnatlonl Zoning Metro Plan MaJof Retall Centef Zomng MaJof Retail Commefclal ClaImed Reduction of Value $2,523,000 McKay Investment Company has filed a demand for compensatIOn claim under proVIsions of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code, SectJons 2 900-2 995-Demands for Real Property CompensatJon The Mumclpal Code requITes the City Manager to review any demand for compensation and make a recommendatIOn to the City Council regardmg the ments of the claim Accordmg to SectJon 2 940 (I), an applicatIOn qualifies fOf compensation consldefatlon If the ownef has shown that all of the followmg cntena are met (a) The city has either enacted or enforced a land use regulatIOn that restricts the use of przvate real property or any mteresttherem, (b) The restrlcllOn on use has the effect of reducmg the fmr market value of the subject property or any mteresttherem, (c) The Identified land use regulatIOn was enacled, enforced or applied after the current owner of the property (the owner) became the owner, and (d) The Identified regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulatIOn as defined m sectIOn 2920(1)-(4) McKay Investment Company owns about II acres of property near the mtersectJon of Mohawk and Centenmal Boulevards McKay claims that the City'S action to rezone the subject pfoperty ffom MaJof Retail CommerCial to Mixed-Use Commercial m Novembef 2005, applied new Measure 37 Demandfor CompensatIOn McKay jnveslments LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 Date Received Planner MM $/.ut! rJ -,~ , "... restnctlOns to the use of the property which caused a loss m value estJmated to be $2,523,000 This loss IS based on festnctlOns found In Articles 40 and 41 of the Development Code that would prohibit large format retail uses (larger than 50,000 sq ft) and Impose deSign standards that would be mOfe expensive to build than other development undef the pfevlOus zonmg 100 0 100 200 Feel Mohawk Center 8M 37 Claim Subject Property - DocumentatJon provided by the apphcant In the form of letters from Richard Duncan (Duncan & Brown), and Alan Evans (Evans, Eldef and Brown), are credible statements of support fOf the apphcants claim The apphcant has an offef on the property from a lafge format retailer In the ~ Date Received 7' 't / I? 7 Measure 37 Demand for CompensatIOn McKay jnvestments LRP2006-00033 Planner MM May, 24, 2007 ", amount of $5,600,000 Duncan estimates the value ofthe property at the amount of the offef made to the apphcant on the site In his letter, Alan Evans descnbes complexIties m the sale of the property that would reduce the figure cIted by Duncan from $5,600,000 to $2,523,000 Evans states, "If the property IS sold as-IS, wIth MUC zonmg m place, we would have to capltahze the eXlstmg net operatmg mcome of approxImately $300,000 The capltahzatlOn rate would be heavily weighted by the phYSIcal and functIOnal obsolescence of the present Improvements, the short-term natufe of most of the leases, and the fact that the pfoperty IS contammated and subject to a DEQ clean-up A market rate cap WIthout these factofs would be approXImately 7 5% With these mltlgatmg factofs, I beheve that the appropnate cap rate would be between 9 5% and 10%, say 975% ThIS results m a value of $3,077,000 Thefefore the loss m value IS $2,523,000" [$5,600,000-$3,077,000] A feport pubhshed by the Gfegon TransportatIOn and Growth Management Program states that mixed use development IS consldefed nskler than traditIonal commefclal development and often reqUlfes SIgnIficant pubhc mvestment/subsldy The Mohawk Specific Area Plan adopted by the City m 1999, stated that a SignIficant pubhc mvestment In the subject sIte would be needed for a quahty mIxed-use development to be Viable Leland Consultmg estImated that a $2,000,000 pubhc mvestment would be needed for the Mohawk sIte No pubhc mvestment mechanIsm IS pfesently avaIlable fOf the Mohawk site The apphcant has demonstrated ownership ofthe subject property smce 1963, although a conveyance ofthe property changed the ownership fOf Measure 37 purposes on January 1,2000 Articles 40 and 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code and the standards that they apply are not fegulatlOns that are exempted from Measure 37 compensatIOn under state law or by the MUOlclpal Code ConclUSIOn and RecommendatIOn The mvestlgatlon and findmgs pfepafed by staff support the demand claim submItted by the apphcant Based on those findmgs, It IS the fecommendatlOn of the City Manager that the CIty CouncIl not apply the standards found m ArtIcles 40 and 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code which are the baSIS for the claim The staff report which follows prOVIdes additIOnal detatl concernmg the procedures and cntena for deCISIOn maklOg WIth regard to the demand claim It should be noted that even though elements of the mIxed-use standards Will not be apphed If the recommendatIOn IS accepted, Article 31 (Site Plan ReVIew) and all othef apphcable elements of the Development Code shall be apphed to any futufe development on the sIte These are not subject to waivers under Measure 37 PertalOmg to traffic ISSUeS, SectIons 31 070 and 32 020 2 ( e) of the Code reqUIres the Improvement of eXlstmg transportation faclhtles or the mstallalton of new faclhtles to mItigate the Impact of new development, when a need IS demonstrated by a transportation Impact analYSIS SImIlar proVISions WIll apply to the Impact of development on Othef mfrastructure Date Received Planner MM 5)1JIh Measure 37 Demand/or CompensallOn McKay jnvestmenls LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 3 ,II" I. Introduction Ballot meaSUfe 37 was approved by the votefs of the state ofOfegon on November 2, 2004 The measure amended ORS Chaptef 197 to feqUlre, under certam specific CIrcumstances, payment of compensatJon to present owner of feal pfOperty If government land use fegulatJons reduce fair market property value Ballot Measure 37 pfovldes that m order to receive compensatJon, the property ownef must make a wntten "demand fOf compensatJon" to the government entIty enactmg or enforcmg a land use regulatIon that allegedly festncts the use of their property and has had the effect of feducmg the falf market value of the property The meaSUfe allowed the government entJty 180 calendar days to act on the demand claim before the property owner IS allowed to file an actJon m CIfCUlt court for Just compensatIOn, and obtam attorney's fees On May 10,2007, the Governor SIgned HE 3546 mto law HE 3546 extends by an additIonal 360 days the tJme for state and local governments to make final declSIons on clauns filed under Ballot Measure 37 (ORS 197352) on or aftef November 1,2006 Ballot Measure 37 reqUIres payment of Just compensatJon fOf any feductlOn m falf market value of the real property fesultmg from enactment Of enfofcement ofthe land use regulation as of the date the owner makes wntten demand for Just compensatIOn The meaSUfe also proVides that m lieu of payment of Just compensation a CIty may deCide to modIfy, remove or not apply the land use regulatIOn causmg the alleged reductIOn m falf market value mstead of payment On Decembef 2, 2004, the CounCIl adopted a process fOf consIdenng demands for compensatJon The procedufe reqUIres a mInimUm amount of factual and analytIcal mformatlOn be mcluded With the demand for compensatJon at the tIme the City accepts any wntten demand for compensatJon These proVIsIOns establish a prompt, open, thorough and consIstent process that gIves pfoperty owners an opportUnity to present thelf demands to the City, mforms the pubhc of the demands made and their resolutIon The process IS mtended to preserve and protect hmlted pubhc funds and to establish a recofd of the CIty'S deCISion capable of ClfCUlt court review The femamdef of this report descnbes the procedures followed and the analYSIS conducted by staff, as prescnbed m SectIOns 2 900-2 995 of the Spnngfield MUniCipal Code Unless otherwIse noted, sectIOn citatIons refer to the Spnngfield MUniCipal Code II. Procedures for Processmg Demand Claims OptIOnal Pre-Demand Conference (SectIOn 2 925) Before submIttmg a demand, the owner may request and attend a pre-demand confefence With the CIty Manager to diSCUSS the demand The purpose of the pre-demand conference IS to encourage the owner to proVIde a summary of hIS /her demand to the City Manager and to enable the City Manager to prOVide mformatJon to the owner about procedures and regulatJons that may affect the demand Fmdmg #1 On November 7 and agam on Novembef 27, 2005, staff met With the applicant to dISCUSS the nature of thelf pendmg claim to determme If any action could be taken that WO~ld,," ' / f1 Date ReceIved </ 't I v { Measure 37 Demandfor CompensatIOn PI MM McKay Investments LRP2006-00033 anner May, 24, 2007 ,", aVOid the claim It was determmed that only a change back to the pre-exlstmg Metro plan deslgnatlon and zomng would fesolve the basIs of the demand claim Demand ApplIcatIon (SectIOn 2 930) An owner seekmg to file a demand must be the present owner(s) of the property that IS the subject of the demand The owner IS fesponslble for the completeness and accuracy ofthe applicatlon and supportmg data Unless specIfically waived by the City Manager, the mformatlon listed m Section 2 930 of the Mumclpal Code must be mcluded m the demand application Among other reqUIrements, the owner IS requested to specifically IdentIfy . All sectIOns of the Spnngfield MUniCipal Code, Spfmgfield Development Code, Of other curfent land use fegulatlOn that allegedly restnct(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction m the fair mafket value of the property . The proposed use of the property, the amount of the demand and the faIr market value of the property before and after applIcatIOn ofthe Identified land use fegulatlOn The demand applicatIOn must mclude an appraisal by an appraiser licensed by the Appralsef CertificatIOn and Llcensufe Boafd of the state of Oregon supportmg the amount of the demand Fmdmg #2. The applicant filed a demand claim on December 1, 2006 Staff fev\ewed the matenals mcluded With the claIm agamst the submISSIOn reqUIrements found m Section 2 930 and found the applicatIOn to be mcomplete Staff responded to the applicant WIth a letter on December 14,2006 descnbmg the reqUired mformatlon that was mlssmg ffom the applicatIOn The ongmal applicatIOn did not mclude a fom.~1 appraisal, however letters from Richard Duncan, MAI, SRA (Duncan & Brown, Real Estate Analysts), and Alan Evans (Evans, Elder and Bfown Inc ), were submItted by the applicant The lettefs wefe reViewed by the City Attorney and were accepted as adequate documentatIOn of by staff The lettefs were subsequently presented to the City Council m executive seSSIOn on May 14, 2007 and the Council agreed that the lettefs pfovlded suffiCient documentatIOn of the IITlpact of the fezomng On December 18, 2006, the applicant s fepresentatlve responded With a lettef mdlcatmg that additIOnal mformatlOn would be submitted and that they would suspend the l80-day tlme Ime until the supplemental mformatlon was submitted On March 23, 2007, the applicant submitted supplemental mformatlon to make the applicatlon more complete Staff proceeded to process the claim based on the new mformatlon Information Gathermg and Optional PublIc Meetmg (SectIOn 2 942) The CIty'S adopted procedure fOf processmg claims mcludes proVISIOns for a public meetmg concernmg the demand clalITl The process feqUlres that notice of the demand for compensation IS to be sent to the owner of the subject property and to the owners of property wlthm 300 feet of the property J I Date Received 5_ Z"'1 "'7 Planner MM 5 Measure 37 Demandfor CompensallOn McKay Investments LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 ,", The demand nollce IS mtended to mform neafby ownefs of the basIs of the demand and the amount of the compensallon sought The nollce solicIts publIc comment and provIdes for a public meetmg to be held, Ifreauested. by any of the owners who wefe notified The notIce sets a deadlme date for submlttmg wntten comments Fmdmg #3 On Apnl2, 2007, a nollce of the demand claim was sent to the applicant and to property owners wlthm 300-feet of the subject site An affidavIt of servIce concernmg the nollce IS on file With the Development ServIces Department The nollce explamed Ballot Measure 37 and summarIzed the demand claim filed by applicant The notice offered to convene a public meetmg fegafdmg the claim If anyone requested such a meetmg The close of the comment penod was Apn112, 2007 No fesponse to the nollce, either ofal or wntten, was receIved No public meetmg was requested CIty CouncIl PublIc Heanng WIth 300-foot NotIce (Secllon 2.945) SectIOn 2 945 feqmres the CIty Manager to schedule a publIc heanng With the CIty Council upon completIOn of the wntten fecommendatlOn for the demand The City Manager IS also feqmred to mall wntten nollce of the public heanng to the owner(s) of the subject property, owners of properties wlthm 300 feet, nelghbofhood groups, agencIes or other mterested parties The nollce must be sent not less than 20 calendaf days before the public heanng Fmdmg #4 Nollce of a public heanng on the demand claim was mailed to all property owners and fesldents wlthm 300 feet of the subject property on May 1,2007 An affidaVit of service IS on file With the Development Services Department .- III. Criteria for Review of Demand Claims (Section 2.940) The Measure 37 procedure reqUlfes the City Managef to review any demand for compensatIOn and make a recommendatIOn to the CIty CouncIl fegafdmg the ments of the claim Accordmg to Secllon 2 940 (I) of the Spnngfield MUnICipal Code, an applicatIOn qualifies fOf compensatIOn conslderallon If the owner has shown that all of the followmg cntena are met (a) The CIty has ellher enacted or enforced a land use regulatIOn that restrzcts the use of przvate real property or any mterest therem, (b) The restrzctlOn on use has the effect ofreducmg thefmr market value of the subject property or any mlerest therem, (c) The Idenlified land use regulatIOn was enacled, enforced or applzed after the current owner of the property (the owner) became the owner, and (d) The Identified regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulatIOn as defined m sectIOn 2920(j)-(4) Date Received ~b'l /oc_ Planner MM Measure 37 Demandfor CompensatIOn McKay jnvestmenls LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 6 ," RevIew CrIterIa Fmdmgs and ConclusIOns "(a) The CIty has either enacted or enforced a land use regulatIOn that restflcts the use of pflvate real property or any mteresttherem, " Fmdmg #5: On Novembef 7, 2005, the CIty Council approved a Metro Plan Diagram amendment and zone change (Ordmance 6145) on the subject property from Major Retail Commercial (MRC) to MIxed-Use Commefclal (MUC), and applymg the Nodal Development Overlay Arllcle 40 of the Spnngfield Development Code descnbes the development standards and allowed uses for the MUC zonmg dIstrIct Article 41 descnbes development standafds and uses that are specIfically pfohlblted wlthm the nodal overlay dlstnct MUC zonmg and the nodal overlay dlstnct prohIbit a number of commercial uses that are allowed m the MRC zone These mclude, but are not limIted to (a) Car washes (b) Auto Parts stores (c) RecreatIOnal velucle and heavy truck sales/rental/servIce (d) Motor velucle sales/rental/servIce (e) ServIce statIOns, mcludmg qUIck servlcmg (f) Tlfes, sales/service (g) TransIt park and nde, major or mmor, except under a shared parkmg arrangement WIth another pemlltted use (h) Agncultural maclunery rental/sales/servIce (I) Boats and watercraft sales and servIce (J) EqUIpment, heavy, rental/sales/servIce (k) Manufactured dwelImg sa1es/servIce/repmr Fmdmg #6: MUC zonmg prohIbits any smgle use to have a bulldmg footpnnt lafgef than 50,000 square feet (70,000 squafe feet for grocery stofes) MRC has no such size IImltallon on bUlldmg footpnnt Large format fetall uses often have a footpnnt of more than 100,000 square feet, thus festnctmg the vanety of commefclal/retall uses allowed on the applicant's site Article 40 and 41 apply deSign standards that are not reqUired for MRC developments These standards are aimed at makmg developments wlthm mIxed-use zones more "pedestnan fnendly' and more attracllve than mother commefclal zomng dlstncts These standards may cause some mcreased constructIOn costs fOf the developer ConclUSIOn The findmgs support the applicant's claIm that the CIty has enacted a land use regulallon that festncts the use of the subject property "(b) The restflctlOn on use has the effect of reducmg the fair market value of the subJect property or any mterest therem, " Fmdmg #7. Letters from RIchard Duncan, MAl, SRA (Duncan & Brown, Real Estate Analysts), and Alan Evans (Evans, Eldef and Brown Inc ), were submJtled by the applicant RIchard Measure 37 Demand for CompensallOn McKay j/TVestments LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 Date Received Planner MM 5 hz4tJ ", Duncan estlmates the value of the land (as vacant) at $5,600,000, based on an eXlstmg offef on the property Alan Evans states, "The Imposltlon of the MUC zonmg makes the property unusable for Its hIghest and best use, whIch IS for a major retml format anchor store This use IS consIstent wIth the owner's present offer of$5,600,000" Fmdmg #8. In his letter, Alan Evans descnbes compleXItIes m the sale of the property that would reduce the figure CIted by Duncan from $5,600,000 to $2,523,000 Evans states, "lfthe property IS sold as-IS, wIth MUC zonmg m place, we would have to capltahze the eXlstmg net operatmg mcome of approxImately $300,000 The capltahzatlOn rate would be heaVIly weighted by the phYSical and functional obsolescence of the present Improvements, the short-term nature of most of the leases, and the fact that the property IS contammated and subject to a DEQ clean-up A market fate cap WIthOut these factofs would be approxImately 7 5% WIth these mltlgatmg factofs, 1 beheve that the appropnate cap fate would be between 9 5% and 10%, say 9 75% ThiS results m a value of $3,077,000 Therefore the loss m value IS $2,523,000" [$5,600,000- $3,077,000] Fmdmg #9 Mixed-Use Commercial zOlllng allows mulh-famtly reSIdential development to be mtegrated mto commefclal developments, a pflVllege not allowed m the Major RetaIl Commercial However, the Oregon Tfansportatlon and Growth Management Progfam notes that mIxed-use projects are consldefed "fmanclally nsklef than tradItional developments and pubhc mcentlves often play an Important role m the success of such proJectsl " In Eugene, Broadway Place receIved about $11 84 mtlhon m City subSidies for the development on a 2 5-acfe parcel The subject sIte IS about 11 acres m sIze Fmdmg #10 "Any SignIficant project WIth quahty deSign standafds, landscapmg, lIghtmg, and othef amemtles wtll most assufedly need some form of pubhc assistance" ThiS was the findmg of ECONorthwest as expressed m a memorandum that IS mcluded m AppendiX C of the Mohawk Boulevard SpeCific Development Plan which was adopted by the CIty m 1999 The memorandum reiterated that "WIthout such mterventlOn, and public asSIstance, It IS unlikely that a 'clear and febUlld' solutIOn' Hlvolvmg butldmg standards and deSIgn quality, and pfOject aesthehcs IS possIble" , Dave Leland, of Leland Consultmg, was also hIred under an Oregon TransportatIOn and Growth Management progfam grant m 2005 to adVise McKay Investments on a fedevelopment strategy for the Mohawk Center sIte Leland was famtllaf WIth the Mohawk Site, havmg contnbuted to the economIc analYSIS compiled fOf the ECONorthwest memorandum HIS findmg agam stated that the sIte would reqUire a public mvestment of about $2,000,000 m order for a quahty mIxed-use development to be successful at the Mohawk locatIOn ConclUSIOn The findmgs support the apphcant's c1mm that the festnctlOn on use of the subject property due to the rezolllng to MUC has had the effect of reducmg the faIr mafket value of that property To be successfully developed, a slglllficant public mvestment m the sIte would be reqUlfed (L) The Identified land use regulatIOn was enacted, enforced or applIed after the current owner of the property (the owner) became the owner; I Smart Development Case StudIes Broadway Place, Oregon TransportatIOn and Growth Management -) I Program (http //www oregon gov/LCD/TGM/docs/CaseStudles/Broadway pdt) $' ~1 is? Measure 37 Demandfor CompensatIOn Date Recelved..s. McKay Investments LRP2006-00033 Planner MM May, 24, 2007 = ,"-, Fmdmg #11. The apphcant submItted a tItle feport, and warranty deeds showmg ongmal ownefshlp datmg to 1962 A conveyance of the property changed the ownership of the property fOf Measure 37 purposes on January I, 2000 The change m Metro Plan desIgnatIOn and zonmg that IS the basIs of thIS claIm occurred m November 200S ConclUSIOn The findmg supports the apphcant's claim that the fezomng to MUC was enacted, enforced or apphed aftef the apphcant became the ownef (d) The Identified regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulatIOn as defined In sectIOn 2920(1)-(4) Measure 37 exempts certam land use regulations from compensatIOn claims These exempt regulations are hsted m section 2 920 (1)-(4) of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code, and are shown below (1) Restricts or prohibits actlvltJe' commonly known and historically recogmzed as pubilc nUisances under common law, mcludmg but not limited to Sprmgfield Mumclpal Code chapter 5 as amendedfrom lime to time and the crlmmallaws of the state of Oregon and the City of Sprmgfield, (2) Reslrlcts or prohibits actIVities for the protectIOn of pubiLc health and safety such as fire and buildmg codes, health and samtatlOn regulatIOns, solid or hazardous wasle regulatIOns, drmlang waler protectIOn, and pollutIOn control regulallOns, (3) Is reqUired m order 10 comply with federal law, (4) RestrlGts or prohibits the use of property for the purpose of ,ellmg pornography or performmg nude danung, or ~ Fmdmg #12: ArtIcle 40 (MIxed Use Zonmg Dlstncts) and ArtIcle 41 (Nodal Development Overlay Dlstnct), were not Implemented to prohibit common nUIsances, address pubhc health or safety Issues, nor to comply WIth federal law The artIcles do not prohibit the sale of pornography or nude dancmg SectIons 40010 and 4] 010 of the Development Code descnbe the purpose and apphcablhty of the MIxed-Use Zomng and Nodal Development Overlay dlstncts Generally, the purposes stated m these articles focus on ITI1plementation of transportatIOn related land use pohCles found m the Eugene-Sprmgfield Area TransportatIOn Plan (TransPlan) and the Metro Plan Section 40 010(1), Mixed-Use Commercial Dlstnct, states that the "pnrnary objectives of the MUC dlstnct are to expand housmg opportumties, allow bus messes to locate m a vanety of settmgs, proVide optIOns for hvmg, workmg, and shoppmg enVironments, faclhtate more mtenslve use of land while mmlmlzmg potentially adverse Impacts, and to prOVIde optIOns fOf pedestrlan-onented hfestyles " ConclUSIOn The findmg shows the MIxed-Use Zonmg Dlstnct and Nodal Overlay DIstrIcts afe not exempted regulations undef Section 2 920(1)-(4) of the Mumclpa1 Code Measure 37 Demandfor CompensatIOn McKay jnveslmenlS LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 Date Received Planner. MM sJZ9f /61 t " IV. Recommendation of the City Manager (Section 2.942) It IS the opmlOn of staff that the pfocedural findmgs and the findmgs pertment to the cntena for evaluatmg compensatIOn claims show that due process under the MUniCipal Code Section 2 900- 2995 has been followed and that the apphcant's compensatIOn clarm IS vahd It IS the fecommendatlOn of the City Managef that the City Council find that the McKay Investment Company demand fOf feal property compensatIOn to be a vahd claim and that the Council authonze the City Managef to modify, remove, Of not apply the elements of Article 40 and Article 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code that are the baSIS for the demand claim, rather than paymg compensatJon to the property owner It IS furthef recommended that the Council's deCISIOn m thiS matter take effect upon the slgnmg of a development agreement negotJated by the City Manager or hIS deSignate, between the City of Spnngfield and McKay Investment Company, specifically defmmg those development standafds from Article 40 and Article 41 that will be retamed or modified, and those not to be enforced on the subject site V. City Council Consideration and Decision (Section 2.947) The MUniCipal Code states that the heanng before the City Council shall be based upon the recommendatIOn of the City Managef and all mformatJon and comments submitted to the City Manager and other matenals provided by the City Manager felevant to the apphcatJon and all other mfofmatlOn and comments provided to the City CounCil subsequent to the City Manager's recommendatIOn Upon conclusIOn of the pubhc heanng on a demand apphcatlOn and the City Managef's recommendatIOn the City Council shall take one or more of the followmg actJons on the demand . Deny the demand, Of . Declare the demand to be a vahd deman(J~and pay the amount of compensatJon, If any, due to the ownef of the pfoperty, or . Declare the demand to be a vahd demand and modify, remove Of choose not to apply the land use regulatJon(s) whICh afe the baSIS for the claim [fthe City Council removes, modifies, or does not apply the Idenlified land use regulatIOns, It may m ItS discretIOn put back mto effect With respect to the property, all of the land use regulatIOns m effect at the time the owner acqUIred the property It IS the recommendalion of the City Manager that the Council not apply those restnclive standards that were apphed under the new Mixed-Use Commercial zOning that are the baSIS for McKay Investment's claim The final deCISIon on a demand which IS the subject of a City Managef fecommendatlOn shall be made by the City Council aftef feVIeW under the cntena enumerated m sectIOns 2 940, 2 945 and 2947 of the Sprmgfield MUnICipal Code The Council's deCISIOn shall be based upon consideratIOn ofwhethef the pub he mtefest would betlef be served by grantmg compensatIOn, the amount of compensatIOn, If any, whether any exceptIOns to the fequlTement fOf compensalion apply Of whether the regulatIOn should be modified, removed or deemed not to apply to the property Measure 37 Demand/ar CompensatIOn McKay Jirvestments LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 Date Received ,{ I t. of ) t17 Planner MM I {o -, J -. , . Follow-up on the Conned DecIsIOn W Ithm seven calendar days after the City Council renders a decIsion on the demand, a copy of the City CouncIl decIsion shall be sent by maIl to the owner and to each IOdlVldual or entity that participated 10 the City Manager or City Council review process, provided a mallmg address was provided to the City as part of the review process Date Received .s,J '2.'('/"7 Planner MM Measure 37 Demand/or CompensatIOn 11 McKay jnvestments LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 r " Demand for Real Property CompensatIOn City of Spnngfie1d File Number LRP2006-00033 Staff Report Applicant ' Date of ApplicatIOn December 1, 2006 McKay Investment Company, LLC 2350 Oakmont Way, #204 Eugene, OR 97401 485-4711, Fax 485-4714 Applicant's Representabve Subject Property . Fonner WafeMart Bmldmg Site 1650 Centenmal Blvd Spnngfield, OR 97477 James W Splckennan Gleaves, Sweanngen Potter & Scott LLP 975 Oak Street Eugene, OR 97440-1147 686-8833, Fax 345-2034 Current Plan Deslgnatlonl Zomng Metro Plan Mixed Use Zonmg Mixed Use Commerc131/ Nodal Development Overlay Cause of Claim Rezomng to M\"\ed Use Commercial prevents the location of large- format retall uses on the site and requl1'es design standards not fequl1'ed by the onor zomng Map 17-03-25-34, Tax Lot 3900 Pnor Plan Designation! Zonmg Metro Plan Major Retall Center Zomng Major Retail Commerc13l Claimed Reduction of Value $2,523,000 Executive Summary McKay Investment Company has filed a demand fOf compensatIOn claim under proVISIOns of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code, SectIOns 2 900-2 995-Demands for Real Property CompensatIOn The Mumclpal Code reqmres the City Manager to review any demand for compensatIOn and make a recommendatIOn to the City Council regardmg the ments of the claim Accordmg to SectIOn 2 940 (1), an apphcallon quahfies for compensallon conSideratIOn If the owner has shown that all of the followmg cntena are met (a) The CIty has elthel enacted or enforced a land use regulatIOn that resmcts the use of pn>ate real propertv or any wterest therew, (b) The resmctlOn on use has the effect of reducmg the fair market value of the subject property or any mterest the rem, (c) The Identified land use regulatIOn Wi1.\ enacted, enforced 0/ applzed after the CUrl ent owner of the property (the owner) became the owner. and (d) The .dentlfied regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulatIOn as defined w sectIOn 2920(1)-(4) McKay Investment Company owns about 11 acres Ofpfoperty near the mtersec\1on of Mohawk and Centenmal Boulevards McKay C!aIIDS that the city's actIOn to rezone the subject property f /t1 /rJ7 Measllle 37 Demandfor CompensatIOn McKav Investments LRP2006-00033 Mav, 24, 2007 Date Received Planner MM ATTACHMENT 1-1 / festnctlOns to the use of the property which caused a loss m value estimated to be $2,523,000 ThiS loss IS based on festnctlons found m ArtIcles 40 and 41 of the Development Code that would prohibit large format retail uses (lafger than 50,000 sq ft) and Impose design standards that would be mOfe expensive to bUild than othef development undef the prevIOus zonmg Subject Property 100 0 100 200 Feet "----- DocumentatIOn proVided by the apphcant m the form oflettefs from Richard Duncan (Duncan & Brown), and Alan Evans (Evans, Elder and Brown), afe credible statements of support fOf the Measure 37 Demand Jar CompensallOn McKay Investments LRP2006-00033 May, 24, 2007 1-2 Date Received Planner MM t/'2'/1 #7 2 / , . apphcants claim The apphcant has an offer on the property from a large format retallef m the amount of $5,600,000 Duncan estimates the value of the property at the amount of the offer made to the apphcant on the site Evans prOVides addll10nal mformatlOn that reduces the esl1mated loss by $3,077 ,000 The total esl1mated loss IS $2,523,000 .' " A report pubhshed by the Ofegon TransportatIOn and Growth Management Program states that mixed use development IS consldefed nslaer than traml10nal commercial development and often reqUlfes slgruficant pubhc mvestment/subsldy The Mohawk SpeCific Area Plan adopted by the city m 1999, stated that a slgmficant pubhc mvestment m the subject site would be needed for a quahty mixed-use development to be Viable Leland Consultmg estimated that a $2,000,000 pubhc mvestment would be needed for the Mohawk site No pubhc mvestment mechanism IS presently aVal1able fOf the Mohawk site The apphcant has demonstrated ownership of the subject pfoperty smce 1963, although an mternal transactIOn techmcally changed the ownership for MeaSUfe 37 purposes on January 1, 2000 - Articles 40 and 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code and the standards that they apply are not regulatIOns that are exempted from Measure 37 compensatIOn under state law,or by the MUillclpal Code ConclUSIOn and Recommendation The mvesl1gatlOn and findmgs prepared by staff support the demand claIm submitted by the apphcant Based on those findmgs, it IS the recommendatIOn ofthe City Manager that the City Council not apply the standafds found m Articles 40 and 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code which are the basIs for the clalm The staff feport which follows proVides addll10nal detail concernmg the procedures and cntena fOf decIsIOn malang With fegafd to the demand clalm 1. Introduction , Ballot measure 37 was approved by the voters of the state of Oregon on November 2,2004 The measure amended ORS Chapter 197 to reqUIre, under certam speCific clfcumstances, payment of compensatIOn to present owner of real property If government land use regulatIOns reduce fall" market property value Ballot Measure 37 prOVides that m ofder to receive compensahon, the property owner must make a wntten "demand for compensatIOn" to the government enl1ty enactmg or enforcmg a land use regulatIOn that allegedly restncts the use of thell" property and has had the effect of reducmg the faIT market value of the property The measure allowed the government enhty 180 calendaf days to act on the demand claun before the property owner IS allowed to file an actIOn m CII"CUlt court for Just compensatIOn, and obtam attorney's fees On May 10,2007, the Governor Signed HE 3546 mto law HE 3546 extends by an additIOnal 360 days the tune for state and local governments to make fmal deCISions on clauns filed under Ballot Measure 37 (ORS 197352) on or after November 1,2006 Meas!lIe 37 DemandJor Compensatzon McKm Investments LRP2006-00033 Mav, 24, 2007 Date Received J J zf ! c>7 Planner MM 3 1-3 '. 'j , ' Ballot Measufe 37 reqUIres payment of Just compensatIOn for any reduction m fair market value of the feal property resultmg from enactment or enforcement of the land use regulatIOn as of the date the ownef makes wntten demand for Just compe,\satlOn The measure also pfovldes that m heu of payment of JUst compensatIOn a cIty may declde to modIfy, remove or not apply the land use regulatlon causmg the alleged reductIOn m fair market value mstead of payment On Decembef 2, 2004, the Councll adopted a process for consldenng demands fOf compensatIOn The procedufe reqUIres a mmlffium amount of factual and analytlcal mforma\1on be mcluded wlth the demand fOf compensatIOn at the \1me the clty accepts any wntten demand fOf compensa\1on These provISIons estabhsh a prompt, open, thorough and consIstent process that gIves pfoperty owners an opportumty to pfesent their demands to the CIty, mfonns the pubhc of the demands made and their reso1utlon The pfocess IS llltended to preserve and protect llffilted pubhc funds and to estabhsh a fecord of the Clty'S deCISIOn capable of CirCUIt court feVlew ~ ' The remamder of tlus feport descnbes the procedufes followed and the analYSIS conducted by staff, as prescnbed III Sec\1ons 2 900-2 995 of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code Unless othermse noted, sectIon CItatIOns refer to the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code ' II. Procedures for Processing Demand Claims OpTIonal Pre-Demand Conference (SecTIon 2.925) Before submlttmg a demand, the ownef may request and attend a pre-demand conference wlth the CIty Manager to dISCUSS the demand The purpose of the pre-demand conference IS to encourage the ownef to provIde a summary ofhlslhef demand to the CIty Manager and to enable the CIty .Manager to prOVIde nllonnatlOn to the owner about procedures and fegulatlOns that may affect the demand Fmdmg #1 On November 7 and agam on November 27, 2005, staff met WIth the applicant to dlSCUSS the nature of their pendIng clatm to determIne If any ac\1on could be taken that would avoId the clalm It was determIned that only a change back to the pre-exlstmg Metro plan deslgnatlon and zomng would resolve the baSIS of the demand claIm Demand ApplIcatIOn (SectIOn 2 930) An owner seekmg to file a demand must be the present owner(s) of the property that IS the subject of the demand The owner IS fesponslble for the completeness and accuracy of the appllcatJon and supportmg data Unless speclfically waived by the CIty Manager, the mformatlOn listed In SectIon 2 930 of the Mumclpa1 Code must be lllcluded III the demand applicatIOn Among other requirements, the ownef IS fequested to speCifically Identify All sectIons of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code, Spnngfield Development Code, or othef current land use regula\1on that allegedly restnct(s) the use of the feal property and allegedly causes a reductIOn m the fair market value of the property Measure 3 i Demand for CompensatIOn McKav Investments LRP2006-00033 Mav 24 20m Date Received ,} I z"f J, rr Planner MM ~ 1-4 '. . The proposed use of the property, the amount of the demand and the fair market value of the property before and after appl1catlOn of the IdentIfied land use regulatIOn The demand appl1cahon must mclude an 'appraIsal by an appraiser l1censed by the Appralsef Certlficahon and LIcensure Board of the state of Oregon supportmg the amount of the demand Fmdmg #2 The apphcant filed a demand claun on December 1, 2006 Staff revIewed the matenals mcluded with the claIm agamst the submISSIon reqUIrements found m SectIOn 2 930 and found the apphcahon to be mcomplete Staff responded to the appl1cant wIth a letter on December 14, 2006 descnbmg the feqUlred mfonnatlOn that was, mlssmg from the application , ' On December 18, 2006, the apphcant's repfesentahve responded WIth a lettef mdlcatmg that addItIOnal mfonnatlOn would be submItted and that they would suspend the ISO-day tIme hne unhl the supplemental mfonnatlOn was submItted On March 23, 2007, the apphcant submItted supplemental mfonnatlOn to make the appl1cahon more complete Staff proceeded to process the claim based on the new mfomlatlOn , _ InformatIOn Gathermg and OptIOnal Public Meetmg (SectIOn 2 942) The CIty'S adopted procedure fOf processmg claims mcludes prOVISIons for a pubhc meetmg concermng the demand clalll1 The process reqUIres that nohce of the demand for compensahon IS to be sent to the owner of the subject property and to the owners of property wlthm 300 feet of the property .~ , The demand notIce IS mtended to mfonn neafby owners of the baSIS of the demand and the amount of the compensahon sought The nohce soliCIts publ1c comment and prOVides for a public meetmg to be held, Ifreauested by any of the ownefS who were notIfied The notIce sets a deadlme date fOf submlttmg wntten comments Fmdmg #3 On Apnl2, 2007, a nohce of the demand claIm was sent to the apphcant and to property owners wnhm 300-feet of the subject s1le An affidaVIt of servIce concemmg the nohce [S on file With the Development ServIces Department The notIce explained Ballot Measure 37 and summanzed the demand claIm filed by applicant The nonce offered to convene a publ1c meetmg regardmg the claun If anyone requested such a meetmg The close of the comment penod was Apn112, 2007 No response to the nohce, eIther oral or wntten, was receIved No public meetmg was requested CIty Couned PublIc Hearmg WIth 300-foot Notlce (Sect:J.on 2 945) Secl10n 2 945 requIres the CIty Manager to schedule a public heanng With the CIty CounCIl upon completIOn of the wntten fecommendatlOn fOf the demand The City Manager IS also reqUITed to mall wntten notice of the pubhc heanng to the ownef(s) ofthe subject property, ownefS of - ' propertIes wltlun 300 feet, nelghbofhood groups, agencIes Of othef mterested parhes The nol1ce must be sent not less than 20 calendar days before the public heanng Measwe 37 Demand for CompensatIOn McKav Investments LRP2006-00033 Mal', 24, 2007 Date Received #'I'?f J '7 Planner MM ~ - 1-5 Fmdmg #4 Nohce of a pubhc heanng on the demand clallll was maIled to all pfoperty owners and fesldents wlthm 300 feet of the subject property on May 1,2007 An affidavIt of servIce IS on file WIth the Development ServIces Department III. Criteria for ReVIew of Demand Claims (SectIon 2.940) The Measure 37 procedure reqUlres the City Managef to feVlew any demand for compensatiOn and make a fecommendatiOn to the CIty CounCIl regardmg the ments of the claIm Accordmg to Secl10n 2 940 (1) of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code, an apphcatiOn quahfies for compensatiOn conSIderatiOn If the owner has shown that all of the followlllg cntena are met (a) The CIty has ezther enacted or enfol ced a land use regulatIOn that restrzcts the use of przvate real property 01 any mterest therem, (b) The restrzctlOn on use has Ihe effect ofleducmg thefall market value of the subject pI opel ty or any mterest therem, (c) The Identified land use reglllatlOn wa; enacted, enforced or apphed aftel the cun ent owner of the pi operty (the owner) became the owner, and (d) The zdentified I egullltzOn!S not an exempt I egulatlOn as defined m sectIOn 2920(1)-(4) ReVIew CrIterIa Fmdmgs and ConclUSIOns "(a) The City has ellher enacted or enforced a land use regulatIOn that re,trzcts the use of przvate real property or any mterest therem, " Fmdmg #5 On November 7, 2005, the Czty CounCIl appfoved a Metro Plan DIagram amendment and zone change (Ofdlllance 6145) on the subject property from Major Retail CommerCIal (MRC) to Mned-Use Commercml (MUC), and applymg the Nodal Development Overlay Arl1cle 40 of the Spnngfield Development Code descnbes the development standards and allowed uses for the MUC zomng dlstnct Article 41 descnbes development standards and uses that are specIfically prolublted Wlt!un the nodal overlay dlstnct MUC zonlllg and the nodal oveflay dlstnct prohIbIt a numbef of commercial uses that are allowed m the MRC zone These Illclude, but are not limIted to (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (t) (g) (h) (I) (j) (k) Car washes Auto Parts stores RecreatIOnal vehIcle and heavy truck sales/rental/service Motor velucle sales/rental/service Service statIOns, mcludmg qUIck servlcmg Tires, sales/service TranSIt park and nde, major or mmor, except under a shared parkmg arrangement WIth another penmtted use Agncultura1 maclunery rental/sales/service Boats and watercraft sales and servIce EqUIpment, heavy, rental/sales/service Manufactured dwelhng sales/servlce/rep31r Date ReceiVed ~/ 07 Planner MM ' Measwe 37 Demandfor Compensarzon McRav Investments LRP2006-00033 May 24, 2007 1-6 , . Fmdmg #6 MUC zonmg prohIbits any smgle use to have a bUlldmg footpnnt larger than 50,000 square feet (70,000 square feet fOf grocery stores) MRC has no such sIze lUUltatlon on bUlldmg footpnnt Large format retaIl uses often have a footpnnt of more than 100,000 square feet, thus restnctmg the vanety of commerClaVfetall uses allowed on the apphcant's sIte Ar\1cle 40 and 41 apply deSIgn standards that are not reqUIred for MRC developments These standards are aImed at makmg developments Wlthm mLxed-use zones more "pedestnan fnendly" and mOfe attractive than m other commercIal zomng dlstncts These standards may cause some mcreased constructIOn costs for the developer ConcluSlOn The fmdmgs support the apphcant's claun that the CIty has enacted a land use regulatIOn that restncts the use of the subject property "(b) The restflctwn on use has the effect of J educmg the fair market value of the subject pi operty or any mtel est therem, " Fmdmg #7 Letters from R1chard Duncan, MAl, SRA (Duncan & Brown, Real Estate Analysts), and Alan Evans (Evans, Elder and Brown lnc ), were submItted by the apphcant R1chard Duncan estmlates the value of the land (as vacant) at $5,600,000, based on an eXlstmg offef on the property Alan Evans states, "The ImpositIOn of the MUC zonmg makes the property unusable for Its lughest and best use, whIch IS for a majOf retall format anchor store ThIS use IS consistent WIth the owner's present offer of $5.600,000" Fmdmg #8 In hIS letter, Alan Evans descnbes complexltles m the sale of the property that would reduce the figure Cited by Duncan from $5,600,000 to $2,523,000 Evans states, "If the property IS sold as-IS, WIth MUC zomng m place, we would have to capltahze the eXlstmg net operatmg mcome of approxunately $300,000 The capitalIzatIOn rate would be heavlly welght~d by the phYSIcal and functIOnal obsolescence of the present unprovements, the short-ternl natufe of most of the leases, and the fact that the property IS contammated and subject to a DEQ clean-up A rnafket rate cap WIthout these factors would be approxunately 7 5% WIth these mltlgatmg factors, I beheve that the appropnate cap rate would be between 95% and 10%, say 9 75% ThIs results m a value of $3,077,000 Therefore the loss m value IS $2,523,000" [$5,600,000- $3,077 ,000] Fmdmg #9 MIxed-Use Commercial zornng allows multi-famIly fesldent131 development to be mtegrated mto commercIal developments, a pnvllege not allowed m the Major Retail Commerc131 However, the Oregon TransportatIOn and Growth Management Program notes that mIxed-use projects are considered "fmanclally nskler than tradltlonal developments and pubhc mcentlves often play an unportant fole m the success of such projectsl " In Eugene, Broadway Place receIved about $11 84 mllhon III cIty subSIdIes for the development on a 2 5-acre parcel The subject sIte IS about II acres III sIze Fmdmg #10 "Any slgrnficant project WIth quahty deSIgn standards, landscapmg, hghtmg, and other amemtles w1l1 most assuredly need some form of pubhc assistance" Th1s was the fllldmg of ECONorthwest as expressed III a memofandum that IS mcluded m AppendIX C of the Mohawk Boulevard SpecIfic Development Plan wmch was adopted by the cIty m 1999 The memorandum 1 Smart Development Case StudIes Broadway Place. Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Program (httpllwwworegongov/LCDITGM/docs/CaseStudleslBroadwaypdt) ""/...),-,, I h Measure 37 DemandfOl Compensatlon Date Received v.lt:-l_-I- McKav j/lveslmenls LRP2006-00033 Planner MM Mav, 24, 2007 1-7 reIterated that "without such mterventlOn, and pubhc assIstance, It IS unlikely that a 'clear and rebUIld' solutIOn mvolvlllg bUlldlllg standards and design quality, and project aesthel1cs IS posSIble" Dave Leland, of Leland Consultlllg, was also hlfed under an Oregon TransportatJon and Growth Management pfogram grant m 2005 to advIse McKay Investments on a redevelopment strategy fOf the Mohawk Centef site Leland was familiar WIth the Mohawk site, havmg contnbuted to the economIc analYSIS compIled for the ECONorthwest memorandum HIs findlllg agam stated that the site would requITe a public mvestment of about $2,000,000 m order for a quality mIxed-use development to be successful at the Mohawk locatIOn ConclUSIOn The fmdmgs support the apphcant's claim that the restnctlOn on use of the subject pfoperty due to the rezomng to MUC has had the effect ofreduclllg the fmf market value of that property To be successfully developed, a slgndicant public mvestment m the sIte would be feqUlred (c) The Idenllfied lalld use leglllallOll was ellacted, enforced or applied after the Cllf/ellt owner of the property (the OWller) became the owner, Fmdmg #11 The applicant submItted a l1tle report, and warranty deeds showmg onglllal ownerslup datlllg to 1962 An mtemal tfansactiOn wlthm the famlly busmess resulted m a techrucal change m ownershIp that dates to January 1, 2000 The change m Metfo Plan deSIgnatIOn and zomng that IS the baSIS oftlus claIm occurred m November 2005 ConclUSIOn The findmg supports the applicant's claim that the rezomng to MTJC was enacted, enforced or applied after the applicant became the ownef (d) The Identified reglllallOn IS not an exempt reglllatlOn as defined III sectIOn 2920(1)-(4) Measure 37 exempts certam land use regulatiOns from compensal1on clallllS These exempt regulatIons are listed m sectiOn 2 920 (1)-(4) of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code, and are shown below (3) (4) Restncts or prolublts actIvItIes commonly known and hlstOl Ically recognized as publzc nUIsances under common law, IIIcludlllg but not lzmlfed to SpringfIeld Mumclpal Code chapter 5 as amended from llme to llme and the crlmmal laws of Ihe state of Oregon and the CIty of Springfield, Restl ICtS or prohibIts actlvllles for the pI otectlOn of puMc health and safety such as fire and blllldlllg codes, health and samtatlOn I egulatlOns, solzd or ha=ardous waste regulatIOIJS, dlmklllg water protectIOn, and pollutIOn conll 01 regulatIOns, Is reqlI1red III order to comply WIth federal law, Restncts or prohIbits the lIse of pI operty for the purpose of selllllg pOI nography or pelf 01 mlllg nude danclllg, or Date Received ..s /Z~ Ia? Planner MM ' L (1) (2) Measure 37 Demand/or CompensatIOn McKav Investments LRP2006-00033 Mal', 24, 2007 1-8 " " Fmdmg #11 Article 40 (MIxed Use Zomng Dlstncts) and Article 41 (Nodal Development Overlay Dlstnct), were not Implemented to prolublt common nUIsances, address publ1c health or safety Issues, nor to comply with federal law The arl1cles do not prohibit the sale of pornography or nude dancmg , - Secl10ns 40 010 and 41 0 (0 of the Development Code descnbe the purpose and appl1cabJllty of the Mixed-Use Zomng and Nodal Development Overlay dlstncts Generally, the purposes stated m these artJcles focus on mlplementatlOn of transportatIOn related land use pol1cles found m the Eugene-Spnngfield Area TransportatIOn Plan (TransPlan) and the Metro Plan SectIOn 40 0 10(1), M1Xed-Us~ Commemal Dlstnct, states that the "pnmary objectives of the MUC dlstnct are to expand housmg opportuml1es, allow busmesses to locate m a vanety of settmgs, proVide optIOns for l1vmg, workmg, and shoppmg envlfonments, facll1tate mOfe mtenslve use of land wlule mmrnllzmg potentlally adverse Impacts, and to proVlde optIOns for pedestnan-onented I1festyles " " ConclUSIOn The findmg shows the Mixed-Use Zomng Dlstnct and Nodal Overlay Dlstncts are not exempted regulal10ns under SectJon 2 920(1)-(4) ofthe Mumclpal Code' IV. RecommendatIOn of the City Manager (Section 2.942) It IS the oplmon of staff that the procedural findmgs and the fmdmgs pertment to the cntena for evaluatmg compensatIOn clauns show that due process under the Mumclpal Code SectIOn 2 900- 2 995 has been followed and that the applrcant's compensatIOn claim IS vahd It IS the recommendatIOn of the City Ma_nager that the City Councll find that the McKay Investment Company demand for feal pfc "erty compensatIOn to be a val1d claun and that the CounCil authonze the City Managef to modify, remove, or not apply the elements of Article 40 and Article 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code that afe the baSIS for the demand claun, fathef than paymg compensatIOn to the property owner It IS further fecommended that the Council's declSlon m thiS matter take effect upon the Slgmng of a development agreement negotiated by the City Manager or hiS deSignate, between the City of Spnngfield and McKay Investment Company, specifically defmmg those development standards from Article 40 and Article 41 that Will be retamed or modified, and those not to be enfofced on the subject site V. City Council Consideration and DeCISIon (Section 2.947) The Mumclpal Code states that the heanng before the City CounCil shall be based upon the recommendatIOn of the City Manager and all mformatlOn and comments submitted to the City Manager and other matenals provided by the City Managef relevant to the applrcal10n and all other mformatlOn and comments provided to the City CounCil subsequent to the City Manager's recommendatIOn Upon conclUSIOn of the publ1c hearmg on a demand applicatIOn and the CIty Manager's recommendatIOn the City Councu shall take one or more of the followmg actIOns on the demand Deny the demand, or MeasUl e 37 Demand Jor CompensatIOn MGKav Investments LRP2006-00033 Mal', 24, 2007 Date ReceIVed ,JAtJ Jge? Planner MM l.{ 1-9 Declare the demand to be a valid demand and pay the amount of compensatlOn, If any, due to the owner of the property, or Declafe the demand to be a valid demand and modify, remove or choose not to apply the land use regu1atlOn(s) willch are the basIs for the claim If the CIty Council removes, modifies, or does not apply the IdentIfied land use regulations, It may m Its dlscretlOn put back mto effect With respect to the property, all of the land use regulatlOns m effect at the tIme the owner acqUIred the pfoperty It IS the recommendation of the City Manager that the Council not apply those restnctIve standafds that were applied under the new Mixed-Use CommerCial zomng that are the baSIS for McKay Investment's clalffi The final declSlon on a demand which IS the subject of a City Managef recommendatlOn shall be made by the City Council after review under the cntena enumerated m sectIons 2 940, 2 945 and 2947 of the Spnngfield Mumclpal Code The CounCil's declSlOn shall be based upon conslderatlOn of whether the publIc mterest would bettef be served by grantmg compensatlOn, the amount of compensatlOn, If any, whether any exceptlOns to the fequrrement for compensatIOn apply or whether the fegulatlOn should be modified, removed or deemed not to apply to the property Follow-up on the CounCil DeCISIon W Ithm seven calendar days after the City CounCil fenders a declslOn on the demand, a copy of the City CounCil deCISion shall be sent by mall to the ownef and to each mdlVldual or entIty that participated m the City Manager or CIty CounCil review pfocess, proVided a mailmg address was prOVided to the city as part of the revIew process Date Received Planner MM )' /lrl.a- 10 Measure J 7 Demand for Compensatzon McKav Investments LRP2006-000JJ Mav, 24, 2007 HO '. , ' Resolution No.: A Resolution Concerning McKay Investment Company's Demand For Real Property Compensation WHEREAS on November 2,2004, the voters of the state of Oregon approved Ballot Measure 37 and thereby amended ORS Chapter 197 to requITe, under certam specific cITcumstances, payment of compensatIOn to the present owner of real property If government land use regulatIOns reduce fmr market property value, and WHEREAS Ballot Measure 37 authonzes the city to adopt and apply procedures for processIng demands for Just compensation, and WHEREAS, the City CounCil adopted Ordmance No 6102 [effective Decembef 2, 2004] addmg Sections 2 900 through 2 995 to the Spnngfie1d Muruclpal Code prescnbIng how to process demands for compensatIOn under Ballot Measure 37, and WHEREAS Section 2930 of the Spnngfield MUlliclpal Code requues that In order to receive compensatIOn, a present owner ofreal property must make a wntten "demand for compensatIOn," provldmg the City With pertment InformatIOn needed to determme the valIdity of the claim and the alleged reductIOn m fmr market value that IS attnbutable to a land use regulatIOn applied by the City WHEREAS, McKay 1nvestme,lt Company LLC, filed a Ballot Measure 37 demand for compensatIOn undef the prOVISIOns of Mumclpal Code Section 2 900 on December 1,2006, allegmg that the actIOn to desIgnate and rezone theIr property at the mtersectlOn of Mohawk and Centenmal Boulevafds ffom Major RetaIl Commercial to Nodal Development Area-Mlxed-Use CommerCial, has reduced the farr mafket value of the pfoperty, and WHEREAS the City Manager has mvestlgated the validIty ofthe demand c1aun and has made findmgs With fespect to the procedures and cntena fOf decldmg the valIdity of a c1aun, and WHEREAS notice of the McKay 1nvestment Company demand c1aun was mailed to all property owners reSidents wlthm 300 feet of the subject property and receIved no comment dunng the deSignated comment penod, and WHEREAS, the City Manager has pfepared and submitted a fecommendatlOn concernmg the McKay 1nvestment Company to the CIty CounCil, and WHEREAS, the City CounCil held a public heanng on the McKay 1nvestment Company demand claIm on May 21, 2007 and has consldered the testimony fecelved at that heanng c: L" Date Received ~) #? Planner MM ' ATTACHMENT 2-1 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City CouncIl hereby finds and determmes that the McKay Investment Company demand for real property compensatlOn to be a valId claim and authonzes the City Manager to modIfy, remove, or not apply the elements of ArtIcle 40 and ArtIcle 41 of the Spnngfield Development Code that are the basIs for the demand claim, rather than payrng compensatIOn to the property owner, McKay Investments Company BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that thIS Resolullon shall take effect upon the slgnmg of a development agreement negollated by the CIty Manager Of hIs designate, between the CIty of Sprmgfield and McKay Investment Company, LLC specifically defmmg those development standards from ArtIcle 40 and Article 41 that Will be retamed or modified, and those not to be enforced on the subject site Adopted by the Common Council ofthe CIty of Spnngfield, Oregon, by a vote of_for and_agamst, thIS 21st day of May, 2007 Mayof ATTEST City Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM DATE OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Date ReceIved Planner MM 5)z,/> )0 I 2-2 1 \ .. . c.ty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Springfield, OR 97477 5417263753 DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION UNDER BALLOT MEASURE 37 PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (Please type or print) McKav Investment COffinanv. LLC Name of Property Owner Name of Firm James W Smckellnan Name of Representative (If Any) Gleaves Sweatmgen Potter & Scott LLP Name of Firm EUQene. OR 97401 City, Statej Zip 97'i Q~k Street. SLllte 800 Street Address EUQene OR 97440-1147 City, State, Zip 23"50 Oalmlont Wav. #204 Street Address 485-4711 Phone 485-4714 Fax 686-8833 Phone 345-2034 Fax PublIC Meeting Does Owner request a publiC meeting? Yes No .K Private Real Property Description A Demand shall be for a sIngle property or separate contiguous properties under the same ownershIp Owner's Interest In the Real property 17-03-25-34. tax lot 3900 1650 Centenrual Bou1evmd. Spllngfield OR Fee Tltle Map and Tax Lot # SIte Address REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (SEE REVERSE OF THIS FORM) AND COMPLETENESS ThiS Demand and aU attachments required on the reverse Side of thiS form must be prOVided before acceptance b\ the City Manager Only after acceptance Will the 180 day processmg period commence as speCified under Ballot Measure 37 (Spnngfield MUniCipal Code See 2 900 et see) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES I, J Douglas McKay, Member m McKav Investmen depose and say that I/we am/are the owner( i) of the pn te r ?r2O:;fl:De&;nd the sa:e ~~s 1/ _ 'IY ;'''"''''" . '~'"...o"_ Owner Signature SubSCribed to me thIS ~O')' day of V1 OV ~ .20J1Jl. Notary Signature Notar{ Stamp 'f I) OFFICIAL SEAL . TRACY A STRODE ; NOTARY P\JBLIC. ORE'GON , COMMISSION NO A388292 ~ MY C~!llOtl ~Xf1REll.JA!'tl.lARY 6 2009 _I::1'O-z,-'- .U ... ...:,. DISCLAIMER NonCE ApprovalofcompensatlOnormodlficatlon removal ornon-appllcatlon of land use regulll.tlOn does not warrant or otherwIse guamntee that the present property owner or any successors Interest can legally use the subject property for the purpose, or In the manner approved by the City as such use or purpose may Impact third parties IOcludmg nght.'l est<.bllshed by Covenants Condltlons and RestnctlOns (CC&Rs), other pnvate restnctlons or other regulatlOm restnctlons or contracts ~. File# ' Fee Paid <rn, !)() -. _ -0- STAFF COMPLETES Tr,IS SECTION Date Demand Submitted 1'1 ! I{ n /Q . Rece,ved by Date Demand Accepted for Processing ~ -1[1~ Date ReceIved Planner MM /~.b j.t. ffc, f!z.-f /,( ATTACHMENT 3-1 " CHECKLIST & REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY PROPERTY OWNER DEMAND FOR COMPENSATION - BALLOT MEASURE 37 Reference Sprmgfield MUnicIpal Code SectIons 2 920(4), 2 930 and 2 940 1 Application Form A completed applICation form (the front page of this packet must be filled out) to Include a) The name, marllng address, telephone number and authorization signatures for all the property Owners or contract Owners, b)The designated Owner or agent who IS the Owner's desIgnated representative regarding the processing of the application, and c) Every Lessee and Lessor of the property and their mailing address and telephone number Please use addItional sheets If all the InformatIon cannot fit on the front page 2 Property Description A legal descnptlon and tax lot number of the property as well as a street address for the property (If any) 3 Title Report A l:itfe report Issued Within 30 calendar days of the apphcabon's submittal, Includmg a) Title histOry, b) A statement of the date the Owner acqUired Ownership of the property, c} The ownership Interests of all Owners of the property, d) Every person or entity holding a hen against or secunty Interest In the property, and (e) Every person or entity holding a future, contingent, or other mterest of any kind In the property 4 Copy of Regulations Applicable to the Demand A statement speCIfically Idenbfylng all the sections of the Spnngfield MUnicIpal Code, Spnngfield Development Code, or other current land use regulatIon that allegedly restnct(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction In the faIr market value of the property 5 Demand Statement A statement speClfymg a) The proposed use of the property, b) The amount of the Demand and the faIr market value of the property before and after application of the IdentIfied land use regulation, c) To whom any compensation determined must be paid and why the Owner IS entItled to compensatJon under the reqUirements of the provISions added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 6 below) 6 Demand Criteria A statement addreSSing g!! of the following cntena a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulatIon that restncts the use of private real property or any Interest therein, b) The restnctlon on use has the effect of reducmg the fair market value of the subject property or any Interest theretO, c) The IdentIfied land use regulatJon was enacted, enforced or applied after the current Owner of the property (the Owner) became the Owner, and d) The Identified regulation IS not an exempt regulatIon as defined In SMC SectIon 2920(4) 7 Appraisal An appraIsal by an appraiser licensed by the AppraIser Certrficabon and licensure Board of the State of Oregon supporting the amount of the Demand that addresses the follOWing Issues a) The appraIsal must expressly note all eXIsting mfrastructure limItations and value the property Without an assumption that the Infrastructure Will be Improved at governmental expense or through discretionary governmental action, b) The appraisal must expressly address and IndIcate the amount of the alleged reductIon In the fair market value of the property at the time a complete Demand IS submItted to the City by shOWing the dIfference In the fair market value of the property resultmg from en(~ctment or enforcement of each of the IdentIfied regulatIons indiVIdually ldentlfica In the Demand and after the applicatIon of all of the Identified regulatIons cumulatJvely, and c) The appraisal must expressfy conSider the effect of the aforesaid Ballot Measure 37 on the avaIlability of other real property Including the extent to which the supply of such other real property IS or Will be Increased due to the non-enforcement, discontinuance, repeal or waIver of regulatJons follOWing the passage of Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 11 below) 8 Additional Documentation Copies of any leases or Covenants, ConditIOns and Restnctlons (nCCR's) applicable to the real property, If any, that Impose restnctlons on the use of the property 9 Access to Property Wntten permission for access to the property by the City Manager or hIs/her deSIgnee including but not limIted to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluate and appraIse the property and the Demand for purposes of determining whether or not regulatlon(s) have had the effect of redUCing the fair market value of the property _ 10 Fee A Demand shall Include a fee established by CounCIl resolution to at least partially cover the City's cost of processmg the Demand If a Demand IS deterrmned to be a Valid Demand the City shall reImburse the Owner for any fee paId _ 11 Statement Regardmg Exempt Land Use Regulations A statement by the Owner making the Demand of why the follOWing exemptIOns to the requirement for compensation do not apply a) Restncts and prohIbits commonly and histOrically recognIzed publIC nUl5anCeS under common law, Including but not limIted to SMC Chapter 5 as amended from time to tIme and the criminal laws of the State of Oregon and the City of Spnngfield, b) Restncts or prohIbits actIVitIes for the protection of publiC health and safety, such as fire and bUlldmg codes, health and samtatlon regulatIons, and pollutJon control regulatJons, c) Is reqUIred to comply With federal law, d) Restncts or prohibits the use of property for the purpose of selling pornography or pefiormmg nude danCing, or e) Was enacted pnor to the date of the acqUisItIon of the property by the Owner, or pnor to acqUlslbon by a famIly member of the Owner who owned the subject property prior to the acquIsitIOn or mhentance by the Owner, whIchever came first (If "famIly member" status IS claimed, It must also be addressed In the tItle report reqUired by Item 3 above] Date Received .!..bit? Planner MM . 3-2 o . , " . \ . ,- December 1, 2006 Hand Deltvered Attn: Greg Mott or Gary Karp . , , CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfle1d, OR 97477 Re Demand for Compensauon Under Ballot Measure 37 Dear Development ServIces Department ThIS firm represents McKay Investment Company, LLC m ItS demand pursuant to Ballot Measure 37 for Waiver or compensation pertammg to land use regulatlOns for property located at 1650 Centenmal Boulevard, Spnngfie1d, Oregon, map no 17-03-25-34, tax lot 3900 Attached as ExhIbIt A IS the status of btle report confirmmg our chent's ownershIp of ,the subject property McKay Investment Company, LLC mtends to construct a major commerCIal development on the subject SIte More speClflc mformatlOn concernmg the proposed development may become avaIlable dunng the processmg of thIS claim As you know, Ballot Measure 37, ORS 197352(1), prOVIdes that If any land use regu1atlOn placed on propertIes has the effect of "reducmg the fcur market value of the property, or any mterest therem ," the owner of the property must be pcud compensatlOn for the loss of value or the land use regulatlOns wcuved The subject property was conveyed to McKay Investment Company by Warranty Deed on August 1, 1962 A copy of that deed IS attached as ExhIbIt B That company, a co- partnershIp, mcluded as partners J Douglas McKay and Lmda Lee McKay whIch IS reflected m ExhIbIt B Phone (541) 6868833 Fax (54L) 3452034 975 Oak Street Suite 800 Eugene, Oregon 974013156 Malhng Address POBox 1147 Eugene, Oregon 974401147 Emall lnfo@orbus\awcom WebSILe wwworhuslawcom Sean M Bannon FrederickA Batson Jon V Buerstatte Joshua A Clark A J GluSllna Thomas P E Herrmann' Dan Webb Howard Stephen 0 Lane Wilham H Martin' LJUfJ T Z Montgomery' Tanya C O'Ned Standlee C Potter Ian T Ridmdson Martha] Rodman Douglas R Schultz Malcolm H Scott James W Splckerman Kate A Thomp50n JaneM Yates On January 1, 2000, the subject property was conveyed by McKay Investment Company, aka McKay Investment Co , a partnershIp, to 'AI,oadmltted McKay Investment Company, LLC by Warranty Deed A copy of that "W"h"gton Date Received ~7 Planner MM 3-3 CIty of Spnngfie1d Development ServIces Department December 1, 2006 Page 2 deed IS attached as ExhIbIt C McKay Investment Company, LLC mcluded as members J Douglas McKay and Lmda McKay Korth, members of the ongmal partnershIp A copy of the first page of the January 1, 2000 Operatmg Agreement conflrmmg the contmued ownershIp IS attached as ExhIbIt D WhIle It may not be the case that some transfers between one entIty and another entIty constItutes a change m ownershIp, here J Douglas McKay and Lmda McKay Korth have retamed ownershIp of the property "or an mterest therem" from the date of the 1962 conveyance Our clIent seeks compensatIon for the effect on the value of the property for all land use regulatIOns applIed to the subject property smce that 1962 date or a waIver of those regulatIOns Adequate compensatIOn for the burden of regulatIOns adopted smce 1962 would exceed that mdlcated m the appraIsal referenced below I am aware that some local governments have claImed some transfers to lImIted lIabIlIty compames constItute a change m ownershIp As mdlcated above, partIcularly m thIs mstance, we do not belIeve that IS the case For purposes of thIs claIm, should there be a final deCISIOn on that Issue at the Oregon Supreme Court or the Oregon Court of Appeals determmmg such a transfer IS a change m ownershIp, we demand compensatIOn or WaIver of all nonexempt regulatIOns applIed to the property smce January 1, 2000 RegulaTIons c.,:>plIed to the property smce that 2000 date for whIch WaIver or compensatIOn IS sought mclude, but are not lImIted to, applIcatIOn of the Nodal Development Overlay deSIgnatIon to the property, the MlXed-Use CommercIal deSIgnatIOn, all provIsIOns of the Spnngfield Development Code m ArtIcle 31, Mmlmum Development Standards and SIte Plan ReVIew Standards, and ArtIcle 32, Publlc and Pnvate Improvements Attached as ExhIbIt E IS a letter from RIchard J Duncan, MAl, SRA, Duncan & Brown, establIshmg the effects of the MlXed-Use CommerCIal zone on the value of the subject property Attached as ExhIbIt F IS a supplemental letter provIded by Alan Evans pertaInmg to the effect on value of these regulatIOns and, m partIcular, the effect of sIte revIew reqUIrements on the value of the property Mr Evans has been a commerCIal real estate broker WIth a pnmary focus on retaIl real estate for more than 20 years The mtent IS to mclude m thIS claIm all necessary mformatlOn for the CIty to process the Measure 37 claIm WhIle there may be mdlvldual Date Received f') ~'f /01 f r Planner MM 3-4 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department December 1,2006 Page 3 reqUIrements of the City ordmance for such a claim which may not be addressed here, ORS 197 352 does not con tam such reqUIrements but only the reqUIrement of a demand on the government body If there IS additIOnal mformatlon that would be of assistance m processmg thiS clalm, please adVise me Very ,truly w- James W Spl e an sOlckermaniWorbusla com ~ Attachments FIlmg Fee $500 Exhibit A Title Report Exhibit B Warranty Deed (1962) Exhibit C Warranty Deed (2000) Exhibit D Operatmg Agreement (lfl/OO, 1" page) Exhibit E Duncan & Brown Report (9/19/06) Exhibit F Alan Evans supplement letter (11/28/06) Jca cc McKay Investment Company, LLC (w/o att) Joseph J Leahy (wiatt) Date Received Planner MM 3-5 5/z'{/ry . , , . Exhibit A ..' .. V"!I, C" ~,. ~ ~,:): ~- /ltif ---'fI~- First American First Amencan Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 FOR ALL QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT Ronald Denton, Title Officer Phone (541)484-2900 - Fax (541)484-7321 - Emall radenton@firstam com Alan Evans 101 E Broadway #101 Eugene, OR 97401-3114 Order No 7199-912425 November 16, 2006 Attn Phone No (541)345-4860 - Fax No Emall alan@eebcre com (541)345-9649 Re 1st Supplemental Preliminary Title Report AlTA Owners Standard Coverage l.labllity $ Premium $ ALTA Owners Extended Coverage lIab\ltty $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage liability $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Extended Coverage l1ablllty $ Premium $ Endorsement Premium $ Govt ServIce Charge Cost $ Other Preliminary Title Report Cost $ 000 We are prepared to Issue Title Insurance PoliCY or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, Insuring title to the follOWing deSCribed land The land referred to In this report IS deSCribed In Exhibit A attached hereto and as of November 09, 2006 at 8 00 am, title vested In McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, as to Parcel I, Cuddeback Investments, Inc , an Oregon corporation, as to Parcel II and Wells Fargo Bank, successor In Interest to the First National Bank of Oregon, a natIOnal banking assoclatLon, as to Parcel III Subject to the exceptions, exclUSions, and stlpulatLons which are ordlnanly part of such PoliCY form and the follOWing This report IS for the exclusIVe use of the parties herein shown and IS preliminary to the Issuance of a ~ ) t.,.J II!f1 title Insurance policy and shall becQl1'le VOid unless a policy IS Issued, and the full 6ate Received J ~ I L.-+ Planner MM 3-6 \' Prehmlnary Report " .' Order No 7199.912425 Page 20f9 , " 1 Taxes for the current fiscal year are reduced by reason of Religious Exemption If the exempt status IS terminated under the statute pnor to July 1, said property will be taxed at 100% of the assessed value . (Parcel I) 2 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No " Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No (Parcel III) Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Unpaid Balance $ Taxes for the year 2004-2005 Unpaid Balance $ Taxes for the year 2003-2004 Unpaid Balance $ Taxes for the year 2002-2003 UnpaLd Balance $ Taxes for the year 2001-2002-_~ Unpaid Balance $ Taxes for the year 2000-2001 Unpaid Balance $ Taxes for the year 1999-2000 Unpaid Balance $ Taxes for the year 1998-1999 , Unpaid Balance $ 3 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance 1 Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No (Parcel I) 7,77108 7,77108, plus Interest and penalties, If any $ $ 01900 1703253404402 0212124 7,599 88, plus mterest 7,454 14, plus mterest 7,240 17, plus mterest 6,614 82, plus Interest 6,489 17, plus Interest 6,332 38, plus Interest 6,401 64, plus Interest 6,223 13, plus Interest 68,793 79 68,793 79, plus mterest and penalties, If any $ $ 01900 1703253403900 0212033 First American Title Date Rece,ved.M1 Planner MM 3-7 '. ,. " > ~ . , ~ Prehmlnary Report Order No 71994912425 Page 3 0(9 " " , 4 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount. $ 4,085 54 Unpaid Balance $ 4,085 54, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5007784 (Personal Property assessed to BI-Mart Corp #603) 5 , Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount , $ Unpaid Balance $ Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5120082 (Personal Property assessed to Abby's Pizza Inn) 414 69 41469, plus Interest and penalties, Ifany 6 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 , Tax Amount $ 1,158 18 Unpaid Balance $ 1,158 18, plus Interest and penaltLes, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5361058, (Personal Property assessed to Wendy's Old FashLoned Hamburgers) 7 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 187 65 Unpaid Balance $ 187 65, plus Lnterest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5503279 (Personal Property assessed to Dollar 5tore #901) 8 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount UnpaLd Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No (Parcel II) $ $ 01900 1703253404101 0212074 22,34448 22,344 48, plus Interest and penalties, Lf any 9 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No $ $ 01900 1703253404101 5084841 850 11 850 11, plus Interest and penalties, If any Arst Amencan Title Date Received Planner MM 3-8 , siN /t7! , , . '. , , J Prehmlnary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 4 of9 (Personal Property assessed to Taco Bell #372) .' 10 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amoun! $ Unpaid Balance $ Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253404402 Property ID No 5347172 (Personal Property assessed to Wells Fargo Bank #92471 Inc) 2,643 62 2,643 62, 'plus Interest and penalties, If any 11. The nghts of the public In and to that portion of the premises herein described lYing within the Ilmlts of streets, roads and highways ' 12 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information September 19, 1961, Reception No 44347 In Favor of Northwest Natural Gas Company, a corporation For Utilities (Parcel I) 13 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein RecordLng Informalion February 05, 1963, Reception No 98548 In Favor of The First National Bank of Oregon, Portland For Customer parking (Parcel I) 14 Easement, including terms and provISions contained therein Recording Information June 11, 1963, Receplion No In Favor of City of Springfield For Public utilities (Parcel I) ~~ - 13832 15 The terms and provIsions set forth In that certain easement from The First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, a national banking association, to McKay Investment Co , a partnership, recorded June 25, 1963, Receplion No 15462, being an easement for pipelines and Ingress & egress (Parcels I and III) 16 ReservatIOn of utllitles In vacated street area and the right to maintain the same as set forth In Ordinance No 1808, a copy of which was Recorded November 22, 1963, Reception No 34155 And re-recorded May 01, 1972, Reception No 97020 17 The terms and provISions contained In that certain easement from Hazel P Peterson to McKay Investment Company, a partnership, recorded January 04, 1968, Reception No 9941, being an easement for sewer line or other underground utility (Parcel I) First American Title Date Received .5 / v./h- Planner MM 3-9 '. , - r 1 ,,> :~ ,0 > Order No 7199.912425 ~~ PageSof9 Prehmmary Report 18 ' Lease and the terms and COndiTIOnS thereof Lessor McKay Investment Company, a partnership Lessee Taco Bell, a Callforma corporatIOn Recorded November 14, 1968 Recordcng Information 45029 (Affects Parcel II) 19 Easement, Including terms and prOVIsions contained therein Recordcng InformatIOn November 06, 1973, Reception No 73-50317 In Favor of City of Springfield (Parcel I) 20 Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information January 17,1977, Receplion No 77-02804 In Favor of City of Springfield, acting by and through Its Springfield Utility Board For Water transmission or distribution line (Parcel I) 21 Easement, including terms and prOVIsions contained therein Recording Informatcon January 17, 1977, Receptcon No 77-02805 In Favor of City of Springfield, acting by and through ItS Springfield Utility Board For Water transmiSSion or diStribution line (Parcels I and II) 22 Easement, including terms and provlscons contained therein \,ecordlng Information September 14, 1998, Reception No 98-73229 'In Favor of City of Springfield, acting by and through Its Springfield Utility Board For Public water utcllty (Parcel I) 23 Rcght, t<tle and Interest of PMD Restaurants, LLC, by reason of Its execulion of FinanCing Statement recorded May 13, 1999, Receptcon No 99-43178 The present ownership and other matters affecting said Interest are not shown herein (Parcels'I and II) And by FinanCing Statement recorded February 16, 2005, Reception No 2005-011519 24 Declaralion of Cross Easements, including terms and prOVIsions thereof Recorded November 22, 2005, Reception No 2005-093358 Affects Parcels I and II first American Title Date Recelved.f;/Z<I / ~ Planner MM' I 3-10 ", ." , ,1,..-", Preliminary Report '- Order No 7199.912425 Page 6 of 9 25 Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, but deleting any covenant, condition or " , restnctlon indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnmlnatlon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, conditions or restnctlons , violate Title 42, Section 3604( c), of the United States Codes Recording Information November 22, 2005, Reception No 2005-093359 Affects Parcel I 26 Lease With Redundant Cartridge, Inc , dated Apnl 22, 2003, as amended Lease With Jennifer Williams, dba, Shabryls, dated July 10, 2002 Lease With Janis West, dba Z,Coll, dated May 18, 2005 Lease With BI-Mart Corporation, dated December 09, 1964, as amended 'Lease With Stanley T Merrell and Connie J Merrell, dated July 06,1988, aSSigned to Spnngfield Taco, a partnership, as disclosed by AssLgnment of Leases recorded November 30, 2005, ReceptIOn No 2005,095349, OffiCial Records of Lane county, Oregon , (Parcel II) 27 Unrecorded leases or penodlc tenancies, Lf any - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2006-2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount 403 06 Map No 1703253403900 Property ID 5487960 Tax Code No 01900 (Personal Property assessed to Steplna's Famous Pizza) -~ NOTE Taxes for the year 2006,2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $409 90 Map No 1703253403900 Property ID 5515083 Tax Code No 05229 (Personal Property assessed to Schwan's Home Service Inc ) Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll 1600,1650,1705,1710,1780, 1782 and 1792 Centennial Blvd, 1489,1449,1453,1455,1457,1459, 1461, 1469, 1471, 1475, 1479, 1483, 1485, 1487, 1491, 1493, 1499, 1505, 1507, 1509, 1511, 1519 and 1521 Mohawk Blvd, and 1250, 1480, 1484, 1486 and 1488 18th Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc cc McKay Investment Co LLC cc Alan Evans, Evans Elder & Brown Inc 101 E Broadway #101, Eugene, OR 97401-3114 Date Received 0,/2 'f I 'V? Planner MM First Amencan Tide 3-11 '. Prehmlnart Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 7 of 9 ~,."''''''''. .....,,'" dfifC ~.....~~- First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (10/17 /92) The followIng matters are expressly exduded from the ClJIIer<lge of this polICY and the Company will rlOt pay loss or damage, costS attorneys' fees or expenses whICh anse by reason of 1 (a) Any taw orr:hnance or governmental regulation (mCludlng but not limited to bUilding and zonmg laws ordinances or regulations) restnctmg regulabng prohlbmng or relaong to (I) the occupancy use, or enjoyment of the land (~) the character dimenSions or locatIOn of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the land (III) a separation In ownership or a Change In the dlmenslOIls or area of the land or any parcel of whk:h the land IS or was a part, or (IV) erwlronmental protection or the effect of any ViOlation of these laws ordinances or governmental regulatlons except to the extent that a notkeofthe enforcementthereoforanotICeofa defect, hen or er'IOlmbrallCe resu~ng from a v!Olatlon or alleged Violation affecting the land has been recorded m the publIC records at Date of Pohcy, (b) Any governmental pollce power not exduded by (a) above except to the extent that a notICe of the exercl~ thereof or a notICe of a defect lien or encumbrance resulting from a vIOlation or alleged VIOlation affectmg the land has been recorded In the publiC records at Date of PoliCY 2 RIghts of eminent domain unless notice of tM exerose thereof has been recorded In the public records at Date of Polley but not exdudlng from coverage any talong which has occurred poor to Date of PoIlC'f which would be binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without knowledge. 3 Defects hens, er'IOlmbrances adverse claims, or other matters (a) created suffered,assumed or agreed to by the Insured dalmant (b) not known to the Company not recorded In the publiC records at Date of PolICY but mown to the Insured damant and not disclosed In wntlng to the Company by the Insured claimant pnor to the date the Insured dalmant became an Insured under thiS polICY, (c) resulting In no loss or damage to the Insured OOlmant, (d) attaching or created subseQUel1t to Date ofPoIlC'((exceptto the extel1t that thiS policy Insure.s thepflorlty of the llen of the Insured mortgage over any statutory hen for servICes labor or material or the extent Insurance IS afforded herem as to assessments for street mprovements under constructIOn or completed at date of pollC'f) or (e) resulMg In loss or damage whICh would not have been sustained If the Insured ctatmant had paId value for the Insured mortgage 4 Unenforceablllty of the l!en of the Insured mortgage because of the mabtltty or failure of the Insured at Date of PoIlC'f or the lfIablhty or failure of any subsequent owner of the IfIdebtedness to comply with the applicable dOing bUSiness laws of the state IfI which the land IS srtuated InvalidIty or unenforceablllty of the hen of the Insured mortgage or dam thereof which anses out of the transaction evldenced by the msured mortgage and IS based uponusuryoranyconSl.lmeraedltprotectlonortruthlnlendmglaw 6 Any statutory (Ien for servICes labor or matenals (or the claim of pl'1Ol1tY of any statutol'/ hen for sel'VlCe5 labor or matenals over the l!en of the Insured mortgage} arlsmg from an Improvement or work related to the land which IS contracted for anD commeflCed subsequent to Date of Policy and IS not financed In whole or III part Oy proceeds of the IIldebtedness secured by the Insured mortgage whICh at Date of PoliCY the Insured has advanced or fS oO/lqated lDadvance 7 Any claim whIch arises out of tile transaction creatlng me Interest of me mortgagee Insured by thIS pollC'f by reason of the operatIOn of federal bankruptcy state Insolvency orslmdarcredltors nghtslaws that IS based on (I) the transaction creatmg the Interest of tlle msured mortgagee belflg deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer or {ij} the subordlnanon of the Interest of the Insured mortgagee as a result of the appl IcanOflofthedoctnneOfeqUltab\esubordmatlOn or (rll) the transaction creating the Interest of tlle IfIsured mortgagee bemg deemed a preferentla! transfer except where the preferenbal transfer results from the failure (a) to timely recoo:l the Instrument of transfer or (b)ofSlJch retordatlon to Impart nol:lce to a purmase-for value or a Judgment or lien cred Itor ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (10/17/92) The folloWing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of tillS pollCf and the Company will not pay loss or damage costs attorneys fees or expenses whICh anse by reason of 1 (a) Any law ordinance or governmental regulatIOn (Including but not limited to bUilding and zoning laws ordmanCes or regulatlons) restl1ct1ng regulatlng prohlbltlng or relating to (I) the OCOJpanCf use or enjoyment of the land (11) the character dimenSIOns or kx:atlon of any Improvement now or hereafter erected on the laJ'ld (III) a separation In ownership or a change In the dimenSIOns or area of the land or any parcel of whICh the land IS or was a part or (IV) environmental protection or the effect of any VIolation of these laws ordmance5 or governmental regulattons except to tile extent that a nobce of the enforcemerlt thereof or a nobce of a defect hen or encumbrance resultlng from a Violation c ~lleged VIolation affecting the land has been recorded In the publIC records at Date of PoliCY (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above except to the extent that a notice of the exercise thereof or a notICe of a defect hen or enOlmbrance resultmg from a vlolatlon or alleged VIOlation affecting the land has been recorded m the pubhc records at Date of Policy 2. Rights of eminent domalfl unless notICe of the E!Xerose thereof has been recorded In the publiC records at Date of Policy but not excluding from coverage any taking which has occurred pnor to Date of PolICY whIch would be binding on tlle nghts of a purchaser for value witllout knowledge. 3 Defects, liens encumbrances adverse claims or other matters (a) created suffered assumed or agreed tobythelflsured dalmant (b) not known to tlle Company, not recorded m the publIC records at Date of Policy but known to the 1f15ured clalmal1t and not dISClosed m wntmg to the COmpany by the IIlsured claimant pnor to the date the IfIsured dalmant became an Insured under thiS polICY (cl resulting In no loss or damage to the msureddalll1ant (d) att;lchmg or created subsequent to Date of POlICy or (e) resultlng Iflloss or damage which would not have been sustained If the Insured claimant had paid value for the estate or Interest Insured by thiS policy 4 Any dalm wh,ch arises out of the transactJoo vestmg IfI the Insured the estate or Interest Insured by thiS polICY by reason of the operabon of federal bankruptcy, state lflSONency or S1l1lllar creditors' nghts laws, that IS based on (I) the transaction creating the es'"..ate or Interest Insured by thiS pojlcy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer Of (II) the transactlon creabng the estate or mterest Insured by thiS polICY bemg deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure (a) to timely record thelflstrumentoftransfer or (b) ofSIJdl recordatJon to Impart notICe to a purchaser for value or a Judgment or hen cr editor SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS TIle AL TA standard polley form will COl1talfl In Schedule B the followlflg standard exCeptiOns to coverage 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing hens tly the records of any taXing authority that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by me publIC records proceedmg by a publIC agency whICh may result In taxes or assessments or nObce of such proceedmgs whether or not shown by the records of such agency Of by the pubhc records 2 Any facts rights, InterestS or claims whICh are not shown by tile publiC records but which coold be ascertained by an Inspectlon of said land or by makmg InQUIry of personsnpossesSlonthereof Easements claims of easement or encumbrances whICh are not shOVIll by the pubhc records unpatented mlnmg dalms reservations or exceptlO!1s m patents or In Acts authorlzmg 1:I1eiSsuancethereof waternghts dalms or title to water 4 Any lien or nght toa lien forservlCes labor or materlal theretofore or hereafterfurlllshed Imposed by law and notshol'ln by the publIC records 5 DiscrepanCIes conlllcts In boundary lines shortage In area encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose NOTE A SPECIMEN COPY OF THE POLlCY FORM (OR FORMS) WILL BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST Tl149Rev 599 First Amencan Title Date Received ..:f/.ti./ b] Planner MM 3-12 Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 8 of 9 ExhIbIt "A" Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows PARCEL I BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 89041' S3" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST, 104 16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 22' 19" WEST, 133 23 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29013' 07" EAST, 19469 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 600 47' 00" EAST, 90 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 150 47' 00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 600 47' 00" EAST,S 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 80 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 600 47' 00" WEST,S 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 740 13' 00" WEST, 14 14 FEET, THENCE NORTH 600 47' 00" WEST, 8500 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29013' 07" EAST, 18370 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 890 44' 15" EAST, 165 65 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE RUN SOUTH 890 46' 30" EAST, 141 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 06' 00" EAST, 30 02 FEET, SOUTH 740 28' 08" EAST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 890 53' 24" EAST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 580 49' 12" EAST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 890 48' 26" EAST, 3465 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 00 11' 34" WEST, 69206 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES 1) NORTH 890 49' 36" WEST, 252 70 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 170848 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORDS OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 860 19' 36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 860 19' 36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEfT, THENCE 4) NORTH 890 49' 36" WEST,S 42 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN RUN NORTH 00 10' 24" EAST, 14 34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL II BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 890 44' 15" WEST, 11008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG 5AID MARGIN, NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 19533 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 890 48' 27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 00 11' 34" WEST, 273 00 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 89048' 26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 58049' 12" WEST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE NORTH 890 53' 24" WEST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 740 28' 08" WEST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 700 06' 00" WEST, 30 02 FEET, THENCE NORTH 890 46' 30" WEST, 141 99 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST, 109 54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTH 890 44' 15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 110 08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL III Arst Amencan Title Date Received .fh.1,/'7 Planner MM 3-13 , . Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 9 of9 BEGINNING AT THE STONE MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE A M POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, THENCE, NORTH 890 48' 27" WEST 1449 97 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69 TO A POINT, THENCE, NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST 99 15 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE MARKING THE INmAL POINT OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15, PAGE 23 OF PLATS OF THE RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THENCE, NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 30864 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE, NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 200 00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF BLOCK 6 OF SAID PLAT TO AN IRON PIPE SET ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE, NORTH 29013' 07" EAST 165 00 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY TO A POINT, THENCE, SOUTH 700 22' 19" EAST 135 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE, SOUTH 40 24' 51" WEST 100 00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 308 64 FEET AND NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST 100 00 FEET FROM THE INmAL POINT OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, BEING IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, RUN THENCE NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST 4 15 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 22' 19" WEST 133 24 FEET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 290 13' 07" WEST 4 06 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 700 22' 19" EAST 135 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Tax Parcel Number 0212033 and 0212074 and 0212124 Arst Amencan Titie Date Received' Planner MM f /2-<1 ) 7J] ( { 3-14 '. ?Q:J1,-) INSTRUMENT No (lIlDI!:!l NO 76609 W b.~\.RANTY DEED For Value Reeened HARLAN E ~~RTER and HELEN V CARTER, husband and wife, (the said Harlan E Carter being the same person as H. E. Carter) the grantors I do hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Me KAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, a co-partnership, composed of Miles E,_ McKay, Eleanor P. McKay, J. Douglas McKay and Linda Lee McKay, fh~ ~~te:O; rheafo~o~rni1derc~~9 ~~e~llip~efoe~~ LOTS 1 and 4, BLOCK 16, ORIGINAL PLAT OF EUGENE CITY, Lane County. oregon, as platted and recorded 1n Volume "Au of Judgment Docket, page 2, records of Lane County, Oregon; EXCEPTING therefrom, the West 40.0 feet TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premiSes wrth thell appurtenances unto the said Grantees 1 ts succe s so r 5 Junnc. and asSignS forever And the saId Grantor s do hereby covenant to d With the said Grantee . that t hey are the Owner S In fee SImple of saId premises that the ~~e free from all mcumbrances r except the lien of taxes for the year 1962-63, Y and that they will warrant and defend the same from all other lawful c1alms whatl50ever Dated August 1, 1962 I<''''_I\.L) ~ /'/' -'r" arIA J;" I (.pr_g~~",.z:-:- 1- ,iLI,_ ['(I_ c~ (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) '- , , ,-[ STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Ll..'fE sS \ On thIS .f nf day ttt AugU~t 1962 ~.!~ p~rsonally came before m~ a Notary Publlc"n and for said 1:1 county thewlthmnamed Harlan E. \carter l~~;; and H';,;~ffn V carter, husband and -5... ....>oIl." n" \ <" s_ ~ ""1.+'=ro.. Tt '/'" ..::I t~ ~ ,Re'fI-~>n6-,.vn to be th~ IdentiC:>'! p~hon S d~ \ U ~:: f Jl1;1.t.tdkln and W1t<.(~:ncutcd the wltllln lIIstruritent and \ I lo.~.t'.. fa2't~ow ~ii/,'i. mT-<J\;~t 'they ~"ccut~d th aflme' L ~ Z''i:;2 :freHY! JLlf.e!Kl.l,'l'br f~ the Uses and purpose. \herem ~8 ~ ~~ ~~~ttlPUBl\C ? * - \... g~~ ~ ;.~~w!ttil!'y:A..n'8:...nd.:'l.althl"'d,.yandy.ar!lIt")la"e Ie"''':!! ~n)"~"I.''''J~f't: .....~~ \:; t;:;~.. " -f;> ~-"~r" t \.' "". 'I"",t' OF " "r--;T \ g: ~ Ba~ """."_."'''_,, , //A?//. 0 ,,~~i Notary Public tor Oregon. . : ~ 083 BE - g~ ~ ~<<C c/,/, , -.c ~..' ".,.. omm,~..on.C"plru T/~/I.J~ ~. w_ o . ~ ,j -- 'i ~ :i ~"'L~ ..~~~~e~!,I""NV ~U"'ENE O"(GON ~ :; \0 _ :- o ..... Q q r d j' :< ~~m ",Ii, ~~ ~ij {\~ ~ f~" 8 ;5"-\. '; 1----'--..; - =.j , 3-15 ," \ ., '--, Date Received Planner MM Exhibit B "/11 )07 , . AUG-24-2006 16 36 l"'- 'ee Devereaux Exhibit ( 541 485 0307 P 23 '. D%VlS10H OF CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK LANE COUNTY DEEDS RND RECORDS 1111I~1111"1II11111111111111111111111 I')ljlj094012ilOO0132700! 2000091327 2:50:57 P" 01/10/2000 RPR DEED 1 - e CASIUEll 1lI~ 2a AA 11 ~ 10 AA 46.00 Alllir RecordIng RI:tom to UIll1I a change IS ~ all tax sIllle1I1ents shall be sent to the following address: John C WatJanson Wat1anson Laud Rubenstein Lashway & llaldwm, P C. IOJ Ea.;tBroadway, Suire 101 Engone, OR 97401-3114 NO CHANGE - ~ll L WARRANTY lJu,u - STATUTORY FORM McKay Investmelrt Company, aka McKay Investment Co , a partnerslup, Grantor, conveys and warrants to McKay Investment Company, U.C, an Oregon hnuted liability, Grantee, the follOWIng descnbed real }'. v}'...y free of encumbrances except as specUically set forth herem Legal descnptIon on attached ExJubit A Subject to Reservations, rights-of-way, easements, conditions and restnctlons of record, leasehold mt~.rests, and monetary encumbrances suffered or created by Grantor TInS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE Of nm PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN nus INSTRUMENl'1N VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS "ervd SIGNING OR At,-"" I u-lO TIllS INSlRtJMENT, nre PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TIT1.E TO TIlE PROPERTY SHOUlD Q!ECK WITH '!liE APPROPRIATE CITY ORCOUNTY PLANNINO DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA wsurrs AOAlNSTF AllMINGORPORESTPRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 The llablltty and obligations of Grnntor to Grantee and Gnmtee's successors and assigns under the warranties and covenants contamed herem Of pfoVlded by law shall be 1l1lllted to the amount, nature and terms of any right of indemnification available to Grantor under any utle Ulsurance pOliCY, and Grantor shall have no liabilIty or obhgal1on except to the extent that reunbursement for such liability or obllgabon is available to Grantor under any such title Insurance poltey The hnutal10ns contalOed herem expressly do not relieve Grantor of any liablhty or obligatIons under this mstrumenl, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such liability or obhga110nS . The true conSIderation for thts conveyance IS other than money Warranty Deed . 1 f I Date Received ...} /2'/ IPJ I I PI2IMefl..MMs"""",,'l.Cl' """-wpd ::: ~ I liu U'ill Ii IIII hlll.lMlllI lalllll I rl- II .11 III hi ,I, 3-16 AUG-24-2006 16 36 ee DQvereaux 641 485 0307 P 24 TIns conveyance 1$ effective January I, 2000 JS~~~~( ~ ~ Yh o/i, ~d; Lin& McKay Kort~ I STATE OF OREGON ) )ss COWlty of Lane ) 'flus instrument was acknowledged before me tlus ~day ofJanulll)', 2000 by J Douglas McKay and Linda McKay Korth as authonzed partners ;JM;;Kay Investment Company u.i.'" ., . ~WL "J-' ! 'lIl~y A.I(l;I.l.OCG ; 1I)T.4IlYP\lB1IC-OAfllo.l ! COIDIlSOO" 110 0613<1 , ; Do......'.,~ ~,'I~~ ~~ES ~II~ ~~~~~QlJ 1rdJL1 t( tJl/JJ~/ Notary Public lor Oregon ;,- My CommissIon Expires I 13/ (J/) Warranty Deed. 2 uare Kecelveo Planner MM ~/!~ J /)7 ~~?' ~. .I::l... _I. '- - 3-17 . 'AUG-24-2006 16 36 1313 Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 25 J!,AtUDU A PARCEL I Bt'gmnlOg at a point on the South line of the A. M Powers DonatIon Land Claim No 69 TownshIp 17Soutb, Range 3 West of the WillametteMendlan, 1450 7 feet North 89' 57' West of the Southeast corner thereat: then North O' 03' East 287 16 feel, thence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South O' 03' West 287 16 feet; thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feel to the place ofbegummg, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portIon desCrIbed m deed to the CIty ofSpringlle1d recorded July 25,1957, Reception No 18049, Deed Records ofLllne County, Oregoll ALSO EXCEPT that portion descn'bed m deed 10 the Cny of Springfield, recorded November I, 1971, Reception No 70906, Offietai Records of Lane County) Oregon TOGETHER wrrn that portion of vacated Centenrual Boulevard wluch would inure to S8ld parcel In accordance 10 law, as vacated by Vacal10n Ordinance No. 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, ReceptIon No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portion descnoed in deed to Ihe CIty ofSprmglield recorded June II, 1963, ReceptJon No. 13833, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II. Begmning at a point wluch is North 0' 03' East 433 89 feet from a pomt On the South lme of the A1banson M Powers Donation Land Claim No 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West oflhe WllIamc:lte Mendian, winch last mentioned pomt is 1450 7 feet North 89' 57' West from the Southeasl corner of said claun, from S31d beginnmg pomt run North 0' 03' East 586 93 feet; Ihence Soulh 89" 57' East 465 3 feel, thence South 0" 03' West 586 93 feel, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feel to the place ofbeginrung, m Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT Begmnmg al a pomt on the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said pomt bemg North 89. 44' 15" West 11008 feel and North 29' 13' 7" East 145.31 feel from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION as platted and recorded m Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the said Easterly margin North 29" 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaving said Easterly margin South 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet) thence parallel Wlth saJd Easterly margm South 29" 13' 7" West 50 feet, Ihence North 89' 48' 27" West ]00 feel to the poinl of begmning, ill SecI100 25, Townsiup 17 SoUIh, Range 3 West ofthe WUlamette Mendian 111 Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT that portIon descnbed m deed to the City of Springfield recorded Februlll)' 20, 1959, ReceptIOn No, 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT A Page I of Jpages Ie. Date Received ~ -z...'f. f!1 Planner MJ\tL _ _~" __ __ j 1 PARCEL ill Beginning al a pomt North 89' 57' We$ 1450 7 feet and North O' 03' East 850 00 feet from the Southeast corner of the A M Powers DonatIon Land Claim No 69 m Townslnp 17 Soutb, Range J ~ I 111111"" .1111&, ~'I.I 1'~llli .ililllllllill...';;'..il I I ~,l. ,. I~ 111..i. I... ~ 1 .. 3-18 'AUG-24-2006 16 36 "leQ Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 26 3 West, fWl then~ North 0' 03' East 170 4 feel, thence North 89" 57' West 1475 feet to Ihe Southeaslerly line of the County Road, then~ along said line of County Road South 29" 09' West 194 97 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 109 6 feel to Ihe point ofbeginmng, in Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT. Beginnmg at a point on the Easterly rnargm of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 89' 44' ]5" West ]]0,08 feet and North 29' 13' 7" East 145.31 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the said Easterly margin North 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leavrng said Easterly margin South 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence parallel wrth said Easterly margm South 29' 13' 7" West 50 feet, thence North 89' 48' 27" West 100 feet to the point of begmrung, III Section 25, Township ]7 South, Range J West oflhe Willamelte Mend1an lJl Lane County, Oregon PARCEL IV Begmmng at a pomt North 0' 03' East 287 16 feel and 14507 feet North 89' 57' Wesl of the Southeast comer of the A M. Powers DonatIon Land Clwm No 69, Townslup ] 7 South, Range 3 West of the Willamelte Meridian; thence North 0.03' East 14673 feel, Ihence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' West 14673 feet, thence North 89' ST West 465 3 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Or;:gon EXCEPT that portion described m deed to the CIty ofSpnngfield, recorded July 20, 1959, Recepllon No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Or;:gon PARCEL V All of Block 6 lJl the MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Spnngfield, Oregon ALSO thai portIon of vacated Centennial Boulevard which would lllUTe to S8ld parcel In accordance to law, as vacated by Vacation Ordinance No 1808, recorded November 2:!, 1963, ReceptIon No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM' BegmniDg at the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Spnngfield, as platted and recorded in Lane County Plat Records, run thence North 89' 45' 30" West 93 feel, thence South 29' 13' West 150 feet parallel WIth and along the Mohawk Highway; thence South 89" 45' 30" Easllo a point which is South O. 13' 30" West below the poml ofbegmmng, Ihence North 0' 13' 30" East to the place ofbegmning, in Lane County. Oregon ALSO EXEPT Begmnmg at the stone marking the Southeast comer of the A M Powers DonatIon Land Claim No 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West ofthe Willamette Mendlan, thence North 89' 48' 27" West 1449,97 feet along the South line of said Donation Land Claim No 69 to a point, thence Nonh 0' 13' 30" East 99 ]S feet to an iron pIpe marlang the lnillal Point of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION accordmg to Ihe plat therecfrecorded In Volume IS, Page 23 of plats of the Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence North 89' 41' 53" West 308 64 feet 10 the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, thence North 89' 4]' 53" West 200 00 feet along the South !me ofBlock 6 of sll1d plat to an Iron pIpe set 011 the Easterly margm of Mohawk I:IJghway; thence North 29' 13' 07" East 165 00 feet along the Easlerly margin ofMohllWk Highway to a pomt, thence South 70' 22' 19" East . 1 . I EXHII3lT A Page 2 of 3 pages /111. J "., Date Received =-",~ Planner MM . ~...I....u, ......,IlJ;;IJ.;IL...IJ..~.'...w.il;~ILoL. ,;.w,...iiIiL.L;;j,~.'11 111._ hll I~"ll . ,.,1. I .1111 I'''' Il. Uil. , "" I I J 3-19 AUG-24-2006 16 36 lI"'oee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 27 .1 , 13500 feel to a pOlllt; thence South 4' 24' 51" West 100,00 feel to the true pOlllt ofbegmrung in Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginrung at a poinl bemg North 89' 41' 53" West 30864 feet and North 4' 24' 51" East 10000 feet from Ihe Initial Pomt of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded III Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, bemg in Townslup 17 Soulh, Range 3 West of the WillametleMendlan; run thence North 4' 24' 51" East 4 15 feet, thence North 70' 22' 19" West 133 24 feet to the E3sterly line of Mohawk Highway, thence along S8ld Easterly line South 29' 13' 07' West 4 06 feet, thence leaving said Easterly line South 70" 22' 19" Easl 13500 feet to the POUlt ofBegillIllllg, m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT' Beginnmg al a point IO feet South 29' 13' West of the point ofmtersecaon of the Easterly right-of.way line of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongation of the Northerly nghl-of-way Ime of"M" Street, said point ofbeginnmg bemg Soulh 29' 13' West 3337 feel from the Northwest corner of Block 6, MORA WK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded III Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, ihence South 60" 47' East 85 0 feet, thence North 74' 13' East 14.14 feet, thence Soutb 60' 47' East 5 0 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 80 0 feet, thence'North 60' 47' West 5 0 feet, thence North 15' 47' West 14 14 feet, Ihence North 60' 47' West 85 0 feet, thence North 29' 13' East 60 0 feet to the poml ofbegmning III Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Begmrung at a pornt 10 feet North 29' 13' East of the pornt of intersectIOn of the Easterly nght of way lrne of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongation ofthe Southerly nght of way lIne of"M" Slreet, said point ofbeglnrung bemg South 29' 13' West 393 7 feel from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MORA. WK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County OregonPlal Records, thence South 60" 47'East60 0 feet, thence South 29" 13' West 1000 feet, thence North 60' 47' West 60 feel, thence North 29' 13' East 100 feet to the poml of begmrung, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT Begmrung at a point bemg South 29' 13' West 393 7 feet and South 60' 47' East 6000 feet from the Northwest corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, as platted and recorded rn Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Pial Records, thence South 60' 47' East 25 feet, Ihence South IS' 47' East 7 07 feet, thence South 29" 13' West 95 00 feet, Ihence North 50' 47' West 30 00 feet, thence North 29" 13' East 100 00 feet to the POIllI ofBeg1nrung, m Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL VI: Begmrullg at a poml on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, SlUd pOint betl1ll North 89' 44' 15" West 11008 feet and North 29' 13' ," East 14531 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the said Easterly margm North 29" 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVIng s81d Easterly margin South 89" 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence para1lel with s8ld Easterly margm South 29' 13' T' West 50 feet, thence North 89" 48' 27" West 100 feet to Ihe poml ofbegInrung, III Section 25, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the WUlamette Mendlan in Lane County, Oregon Date Received .:ifz4/o7 Planner MM EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 3 pages LCF ~ . . , . . .,,- ';:;l.~"'.."" , ':;"....r ~ 'l'~'n -;\~ \~',,,, 'f . \~ ,,,t.: ... " ~. ~ .t . 3-20 TOTAL P 27 . . Exhibit D OPERATING AGREEMENT of McKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, LLC, an Oregon LImIted LIabIlIty Company INITIAL MEMBERS J Douglas McKay, Lrnda McKay Korth, TraCIe A McKay ShoJal, Kelly Korth Thakkar, Amy L McKay Romero, K.1mberly Korth WIllIams and Steven James Korth (Sometlffies referred to herem mdlvldually as a "member" or collectIvely as "members") EFFECTIVE DATE. January 1,2000 REeIT AL A The partIes are currently conductmg operatIOns as a partnershIp, under a partnershIp agreement dated October 25, 1997 (Partnersh]p) The PartnershIp IS engaged m the busmess of acqUlTlng and managmg real property for mvestment purposes under the name McKay Investment Company, an Oregon general partnershIp The partIes now WIsh to convert theIr partnershIp to a hmlted habIlIty company under the Oregon LImIted L]ab]hty Company Act (Act) B. The members mtend that thIS converSIOn shall be treated as a tax-free exchanfe under S72l of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (Code), that ]s not consIdered a ta'i:able sale or exchange under Code 9708 and wIll not result m a ternunatlOn of the PartnershIp for federalmcome tax purposes C To convert the PartnershIp mto a lImIted hab]lIty company, each of the members wIll contnbute hIs or her respectIve mterest m the Partnerslup to the Company on the Effect]ve Date m exchange for an mterest as a member of the Company After thIS converSIOn, each member's mterest m the profits and losses and capItal of the Company w]ll be the same as the member's pnor mterest m the profits and losses and capItal of the PartnershIp, and the busmess of the PartnershIp w]ll contmue to be carned on by the Company D The PartnershIp was formed and the Company WIll contmue to be operated for the purposes of (]) owmng andmanagmg the property descnbed on attached Exlublt A (property), (u) aggregatmg the assets of the members for effi clent mvestment, (11l) facllI tatmg the admmlstratlOn of the Property, (IV) provldmg an efficIent method oftransferrmg mterests m the Property, (v) protectmg the busmess of the Company and the Property from bemg dIsturbed by the members and thm credItors, except McKay Investment Company, LLC, Operatmg Agreement - I Date R~celved fZ.zk- s \~~Q.!,lflE LMMsmess\OPJ AGR wpd 3-21 ," .' '. -, , ' Exhibit E " , , " ,- , , DUNCAN & BROWN, Inc. REAL ESTATE ANAlYSTS ~ ~ ~ _}'i~ ,~J RICHARD j DUNCAN, MAl, SRA AS\'OOATFS THOMAS S MORGAN ALAN CLARK DAVID L CELLERS LEAH CARTER CUNT BECRAFT COREY S DINGMAN JASEN D HAi'lSEN September 19, 2006 OF r.nrlNr;;F/. JOHN H BROWN, MAl McKay Investment Company, LLC 2350 Oakmont Way, Smte 204 Eugene, OR 97401 RE Mohawk Property Spnngfield, OR , Dear Ms Korth- , Tills letter IS m response to our recent conversation regardmg the approxImate 9 acres as referred to above that IS located adjacent to the BI-Mart property on Mohawk Blvd m Spnngfield You were mteresled m my mput concernmg any potential loss of value due to the change m zomng from Major Retml Center to MIxed-Use CommercIal , As a basIS for dlscussmg loss, the $5,600,000 offer you have on the property would seem to be a good startmg pomt as a baSIS of the value of your property "as vacant" under ItS pnor zomng of MRC, wIlIch I tmderstand would have to be the zomng for thIS buyer The rezone of propertIes to MIxed-Use Commercial under the Spnngfield code IS somewhat SImIlar to that m the Eugene code Although MIxed Use zomng has occurred, bolh commuml1es are havmg dIfficulty attractmg redevelopment mto these mIxed-use areas The mmn problem IS the hIgh cost that IS mcurred III tills type of development MIxed use developments have not been shown to be finanCIally feaSIble III eIther commumty MIxed use commerCial development may be successful at some pomt m the future, but to date mIxed use projects are generally untested I have had dISCUSSIOns WIth several developers who have tned to develop projects that fit Wltilln these mIxed-use areas To date all have saId thai WIthout major SubSIdIes the projects SImply do not "penCIl out" The maw reason IS because of the hIgh mcrease m development costs that do not return a slgmficant amount of mcome to cover the cost The bmldmg and site cost components for development are the most dlfficull to control, because there are so many dIfferent bUlldmg elements that are brought logether In most SItuatIOns where these projects have been "successful", eIther land IS acqmred at a very low cost and/or there are government subSIdIes or abatements that allow for an mcreased cash flow, or reduced cost, usually occumng when land IS gIven or sold cheaply A great example of that currently IS the old Sears sIte m Eugene, m willch the CIty IS lookmg to offer the property at a nommal pnce SImply to attract a mIxed-use project After revlewmg the Spnngfield development che / ' Date ReceIved ~ t-~ ~7 Planner MM 1260 CHARNELTON STREET, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (54!) 687-1938/683-3400 FAX (541) 683-0932 mfo@duncanbrown com ROSEBURG, O~'1 (541) 673-3300 . . " and other proposed projects, It would seem that a large reductIOn m the value of the land would be reqUired before a project might be successful After revlewmg the mformal1on on mixed-use proJects, It's eVident that hkely the lughest and best use of the property IS as It currently eXists, because the return to value based on current mcome exceeds the value of Ihe "mixed use zoned" land "If vacant" If a new project IS reqUired to be a mixed-use development (as discussed above) Truly, If someone IS to buy today Wlder the current zomng, that buyer would look to the eXlstmg property and ItS current mcome stream as the baSIS of value I do not beheve a buyer today would add value With the hope that at some unknown future date the property could be redeveloped I would venture to say that, at thiS pomt, the Mohawk area of Spnngfield IS one of the less deslfable locatIons for a mixed-use project The economics and demographics of some of the other mixed-use areas m Eugene-Spnngfield would hkely better afford an opportumty for a more successful project Smce the conclude Highest and Best Use of the property currently IS as It eXists, a simple mcome approach wIll offer a general value range for the property A typical buyer would expect a property of tlus cahber to be purchased for an overall rate m the 075 to 080 range Based on a review of the property's 2005 and year-to-date 2006 mcome and expense mformatlOn, the expected net operatmg mcome (N0l) would be about $275,000 to $300,000 Based on the above discussed overall rates and expected NOl, the current value of Ihe property based on ItS mcome/expense data IS well below the currenl offer of $5,600,000 Hopefully thiS mformatlOn Will help m your declSlon as to how to best work With that property Respectfully Submitted, '/J/h Richard J Duncan, MAl, SRA Duncan & Brown Date Received. -;/ ztl oJ Planner MM 3-23 " ~ . . .' ' ; Exhibit F. - , , , , . CUM'V\El\CIAL REA.L ESTAH. " November 28, 2006 Mr James Splckerman Gleaves, Sweanngen, Potter & Scott, LLP 975 Oak Street, SUite 800 Eugene, OR 97401 . Re M 37 Claim! Mohawk Shoppmg Center Dear Jim I have reviewed the letter Ihat Rick Duncan has wntten and wish to offer some supporting eVidence of loss of value The Imposition of the MUC zone makes the property unusable for ItS highest and best use, which IS for a major retail format anchor slore This use IS consistent with the owner's present offer of $5,600,000 If this property IS sold as-IS, with the MUC zarling In place, we would have to capitalize the eXisting net operating Income of approximately $300,000 The capitalization rate would be heavily weighted by the physical and functional obsolescence of the present Improvements, the short-term nature of most of the leases, and the fact that the property is contaminated and subject to a DEQ clean up A market rale cap without these factors would be approximately 7 5% With these mitigating factors, I believe that the appropnate cap rate would be between 9 5% and 10%, say 9 75% This results In a value of $3,077,000 Therefore the loSS In value IS $2,523,000 " You have asked me for an opinion about the loss In value associated with Site ReView This IS a more difficult task as there IS a great deal of subjectiVity Involved but I Will attempt to quantify for you as best I can For a major format retailer to prepare the submittals necessary for site reView, an applicant can expect to pay at least $300,000 In professional and City fees associated with a complete submittal, and expect that It Will add at least SIX to ten months to the project between the time getting to completeness ana the one hunored ana twenty day penod In wnlch the ellf nas to respond If we assume an ImpliCit cost of funds of 9% and split the range In time and say eight months, then the loss of value associated With the time this adds to the project IS $378,000 If I can be of further aSSistance, please do not heSitate to ask Sincerely, cu---- ElF;;' Alan Evans 101 East Bro.1dw.1Y Suite 101 Eugene OR 97401 TEL (5-11) 3-15-4860 FAX (541) 3-15-9649 D~te Received 5/ t118J PJapner MM 3-24 !2S-Flftb Street 5pr.ngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone .... AINO~~ _h -- r v of Spnngfield Official ReceIpt J.,.oc pment ServIces Department Pubhc Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200600000000000602 Date 12/01/2006 1 42 20PM Job/Journal Number DescriptIOn Amount Due LRP2006-00033 . Ballot Measure 37 50000 Item Total 5500 00 Payments Check Number Authorl'lahon Type of Payment Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIved Amount Paid Check OAK LEAF PROPERTY MGMT enun 8744 In Person $500 00 Payment Total $500 00 Date Received Planner MM 3/"1/37 3-26 12/1/2006 cRecemtJ Page 1 of I , , " " HAND DELIVERED March 23, 2007 Mark Metzger Planner Supervisor Development Services City of Spnngfield 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re Ballot Measure 37 Demand ApplicatIOn No LRP 2006-00033 Claimant J Douglas McKay/Lmda McKay Korth/McKay Investment Company, LLC Dear Mr Metzger ThiS Will address the ApplicatIOn Completeness Review wherem It was mdlcated additional Items were necessary for a complete Measure 37 applicatIOn Whtle notmg that many of the reqUirements of Spnngfield's ordmance are not reqUirements of Ballot Measure 37, therefore, not necessary for a valid claim, those Items Will be addressed herem Paragraph 3, A title history as part of the title report As mdlcated m the submittal of December 1, 2006, the subject property was conveyed by McKay Investment Company, aka McKay Investment Co , a Partnership, to McKay Investment Company, LLC, by warranty deed on January 1,2000 While the claimant believes the "date of ownership" for purposes of a Measure 37 claim would commence m 1962, when the partnership first came mto ownership of the property, thiS claim only seeks waiver of land use regulations Imposed smce the January 1,2000 date Phone (54116868833 Fa> (541) 3452034 975 Oak Street SUite 800 Eugene Oregon 97401 3156 MalhngAddress POBox 1147 Eugene Oregon 974401147 Emad Info@gleaveslawcom Web Site w'Ww gleaveslaw com FredenckA Batson Jon V Buerstatte loshua A Clark Damel P Elflson A J Glustlril Thomas P E Herrmann~ Dan Webb Howard Stephen 0 Lane Wilham H Martm* WalterW"'ldler Laura T Z Montgomery' Tanya C O''\Ied Standlee G Potter Martha J Rodman Roben S Russell Douglas R Schultz ~\alcolm H Scon James W Splckerman Kate A Thompson Jane."1 Yates The title report clearly shows McKay Investment Company, LLC remains m title to the property Attached hereto as Exhibit liS a listmg kit from Cascade Title Co which sets forth the last date of transfer on the fourth page of that listmg klt and contains, as part of the kit, the last deed of record, the deed conveymg the property. from ..511i:~J.ked the partnership to the LLC ~ ,~.E'ata~lved ;(f,;h,t"oo__ R~'..-C -. Planner~lMM ~n\Y Z ii LUU: A TT ACHME NT 4-1 BY. Mark Metzger Plannmg SupervIsor March 23, 2007 Page 2 Paragraph 4. All of the specific code sections that are believed to be relevant to the claim. ) In ArtIcle 40 of the Spnngfield Development Code, Spnngfield MIXed- Use Zonmg Dlstncts, all sectlOns pertammg to the MUC MIXed-Use Commercial Dlstnct Article 41 Nodal Development Overlay Dlstnct (INDO) Paragraph 6. A statement addressing the Demand Cnteria The demand cntena are addressed as follows (a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulatlOn that restncts the use of pnvate real property or any mterest therem On November 7,2005, the City of Spnngfield adopted Ordmance 6145, which applted the MIXed-Use CommerCial zonmg deslgnatlOn and the Nodal Development Overlay dIstnct to the subject property These zomng dlstncts Imposed restnctlOns requmng mIXed use, pedestnan onented development which are mconslstent with the demographics of the area and result m high cost of development MIXed-use development would not be fmanCially feasible at this site The ECONorthwest report, AppendIX C of the Mohawk Boulevard Specific Development Plan, bears out the fact that the economic profile of thiS area ltmlts the potential of market forces to generate the substantial redevelopment contemplated by the MUC and nodal deslgnatlOns (b) The restnctlOn on use has the effect of reducmg the faIr market value of the subject property or any mterest therem For the reasons above and as stated m the appraisals submItted as Exhibits E and F of the claim, the restnctlOns do have the effect of reducmg the fair market value of the subject property (c) The Identified land use regulatlOn was enacted, enforced or applted after the current Owner of the property became the Owner The regulatlOns sought to be waived were Imposed on November 7, 2005, a date subsequent to the commencement of ownership Date Received Planner MM 4-2 c<) ) ~( 0( , Mark Metzger Plannmg Supervisor March 23, 2007 Page 3 (d) The Identified regulatlOn IS not an exempt regulatlOn as defined m SMC SectlOn 2 920(4) a The regulatlOns do not prohibit activIties commonly known and hlstoncally recognizes pubhc nUisances under common law, Spnngfield MUnicipal Code or the cnmmallaws of the State of Oregon and the City of Sprmgfield The regulatlOns are land use regulations mtended to guide the type of development on the site b The regulatlOns do not restnct or prohIbit actIvitIes for the protectlOn of pubhc health and safety c The regulatlOns are not reqUired m order to comply with federal law d The regulatlOns to be waJved do not restnct or prohibit the use of the property for the purpose of sellmg pornography or performmg nude dancmg e The regulatlOns sought to be waived were not apphed to the subJect property pnor to acqUlsltlOn of the property by the Owner Paragraph 7 An appralsal to Justify the Claim AppraJsals to Justify the Claim were attached to the ongmal demand for compensatlOn under Ballot Measure 37 as Exhibits E and F The appraisals were submItted to comply m full WIth the reqUirements of Ballot Measure 37 With regard to the ordmance requirement that the appraisals expressly consider the effect of Ballot Measure 37 on the avallablhty of other real property, such a conslderatlOn IS Irrelevant to the conslderatlOns here The sltuatlOn IS unique m that It mvolves a large, partially vacant, underutIhzed tract of property prevlOusly deSignated MRC Major Retail Commercial dlstnct that has been restncted by the ImposltlOn of the MUC dlstnct and INDO, Nodal Development Overlay To our knowledge, few Measure 37 claims have been filed m the City of Sprmgfield and none of those filed would make available a large tract of commercially zoned property, such as thIs sIte Date Received Planner MM 4-3 S/vt(or . , Mark Metzger Planmng Supervisor March 23, 2007 Page 4 Paragraph 8. Any additional documentation apphcable to the property, Attached as Exhibit 2 IS the title report with copies of documents referenced m the title report As IS apparent, none of the encumbrances affects the present value of the land with the 2006 land use regulatIOns m place, as compared to the prevIous value, pnor to ImpositIOn of new land use regulatIOns The same encumbrances eXisted before and after ImposItion of the land use regulatIOns, therefore, the encumbrances are of no effect for purposes of evaluatmg this claim Paragraph 9, Written permIssion for staff to access the property, Attached as Exhibit 3 IS wntten permisSIOn for staff to access the property which, m any event, has unrestncted access Paragraph 11. A statement regardlng exempt land use regulations, This statement has been set forth above at paragraph 6(d} On behalf of the client, we ask that the applicatIOn be deemed complete and the tlmelme resumed Please advise ve~ tr ou have any questIOns ) --,ffi Attachments ExhIbits 1-3 Jca cc Steve Korth (wi 0 attachments) J Douglas McKay (wi 0 attachments) Lmda McKay Korth (wi 0 attachments) Joseph J Leahy (wi attachments) Date ReceIved ..5/Zi.rf try Planner MM 4-4 LANE COUNTY REGIONAL LAND INFORMATION DATABASE Site Address 1650 CENTENNIAL BLVD Map & Tax Lot # 17-03-25-34-03900 A & T Account # 0212033 r Convert to PDF Document , 'kUG-24-2006 16 35 Vlclmty Map I -" , , I --i ---=---' X-Coord 4263959 Site Address Information House Suffix Predlr 1650 Mallmg Cily SPRINGFIELD Create Date 1984-02-10 Land Use Land Use Code and Descnptlon Use Code and Descnpbon Zonmg Zonmg Junsdlctlon Parent Zone 1 Boundary Information General Incorporated City Limits Urban Growth Boundary Fire protecbon Providers Plan Designation Node 2000 Censu. Tract 2000 Block Group Vear Annexed Annexatton # 2004 Transportation AnalysIs Exhibit 1 541 485 0307 P 01 SOACI~llnterest Cone i Tax Map _ i I Detail Map ~ I I View Tax Map , ...--'-"'- Site Address State Plane Coordinates Y -Coord 880994 Street Name CENTENNIAL State PostDlr Street Type BLVD Zi p+4 3362 Unit Type Unit Carner Route Zip Code 97477 Updale Date C013 OR Land USB Information na5 no( been field venfied Code 5410 R Descnp!lon GROCERY STORES, WITH OR WITHOUT FRESH ME RETAIL Plaase vli'nfy zonmg InforrT'ldtlon with local jurlsdh..tlon Lane County ovenOlY zones. ArE:' not currently shown 111 RUD Code SPR MUc DeSCription SPRINGFIELD MIXED USE COMMERCIAL PI~<U.9 Y9tlfy boundary Information wllh loc"IJurlsdlell0n SPR SPR SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD B Y 3400 ~ 194$ NODAL DEVELOPMENT MOHAWK NO 44 Date Recelved..f" /1-1 ( 1)( Planner MM 4-5 Emerald People's Utility Dlslnct So1l Water Conservallon Dlslnct Soli Water conservation Dlslnct 0 Zone Political Districts Election Precinct County Commissioner Dlstnct County Commissioner State Representative Dlslnct Slate Represenwllve Name City Council Ward City Councilor Name Stale Senate Dlstnct. Slate Senator LCC Board Zones EWEB CommiSSioner Dlslnct Lane County Assessor's Office I Accounl Number Property owner Owner1 Name MCKAY INVESTMENT CO LLc Owner Address 2350 OAKMONT WAY STE 204 " , ' 'AUG-24-2006 16 35 Zone ApprOXimate Acreage ApprOXimate Square Footage EnVironmental Fmdings Metro Flood Hazards Metro Wetlands FEMA Flood Hazard Zones FIRM Map Number 41 039C11 61 F Code X S~,lIS SOIl Map Unrt Number 32 6 119 Schools Olslnct Elementary School Middle School High School Service Dlstncts L TD Service Area L TO Ride Source Ambulance Dlstnct ~-"Qe Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 02 1385 603,306 P1cHISI!I verify anwt')nmentallnrormatJon With local,urrsdlClJOn Note Some :::lSrCe15 may extend onto adjacent FIRM map5 Rt'915Uatlon between p,m:el oounrJanp$ and ftoad ndZard lOM; 1$ appro:tlmate Community numMrs ~ta based 01'1 lne current City lhl1lt1:t and Il'1Oly not reflect boundaries at the date of milp pubhca~Cln Consult FIRM macs or apprOpfldtl! aulhunly Community Number Post. FIRM Date Panel Pnnted? (Y/N) 415592 1985-09-21 Y Descnptton Areas delennmed to be outside of 500-year flood SOil Type Descnpbon COBURG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX AWBRIG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX SALEM-URBAN LAND COMPLEX Percentage ofT ax Lot 54 31 15 Code 19 255 584 664 Name SPRlNGFIELD MAPLE SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD YES YES EC Area EAST/CENTRAL p ov der SPRINGFIELD DEPT OF FIRE IS. r I LIFE SAFETY EAST LANE 102304 2 BILL DWYER 12 E. TERRY BEYER SP3 ANNE BALLEW 6 WILLIAM MORRISETTE 3 SPRINGFIELD 02120331 Map & Tax Lol' 17-03-25-34-03900 Date ReceiVed -S ( -H: ( "l Planner' MM 4-6 : AUG-24-2006 16 35 State OREGON Annes Devereaux Country UNITED STATES City EUGENE Taxpayer Taxoav"r Name MCKAY INVESTMENT CO LLC Taxpayer Address 2350 OAKMONT WAY STE 204 City State EUGENE OREGON Property Legal Descnptlon Township 17 Range 03 SubdivIsion Type SubdivIsion Name LotlTractlUnlt Number TL 03900 SubdivIsion Number Recording Number Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real MJl[ket 175,139 142,390 148,318 145,410 145,410 2,384,300 2,003,840 1,926,580 1,870,470 1,781,400 1,681 ,230 3,856,457 Taxable Value 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Country UNITED STATES Sechon 25 Improvement Value Real Market 5,202,580 4,229,740 4,405,980 4,319,590 4,319,590 4,229,790 3,584,570 3,820,780 3,515,320 3,030,450 2,748,100 667,390 ExemptIOn Amount Regular (EAR) TaX Year 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 541 485 0307 P 03 Zip Code 97401 Zip Code 97401 Quarter 34 D,VISion/Phase Total Value Real Mar~et 8?sessed 5,377,719 4,523,847 4,372,130 4,372,130 4,554,298 4,554,298 4,485,000 4,465,000 4,465,000 4,465,000 6,594,090 4,356,044 5,588,210 4,229,169 5,547,360 4,105,989 5,385,790 3,986,397 4,811,850 4,811,850 4,429,330 4,429,330 o Frozen Assessed Value (FZNPU) Tax (See Explanation of Tax) 63,410.57 60,10991 61,995 90 80,492 20 63,204 52 69,184.87 69,541 57 67,991 07 67,73725 75,01675 69,52499 Current Exemptions TaX Year 2005 ExplanatIon of Tax The tax shown IS the amount certified In October, unless a value change has been processed on the property Value changes lyplcally occur as a resull of appeals, clencal errors and omitted property The owner either Inlbates the change as In the C<lse of appeals, or Is nobfied by the department, In the case of clerical errors and omitted property The amount shown IS the fUll amount of tax for the year IOdlcated and does not Include any discounts offered, payments made, Interest oWing, or prevIous years oWing Amount 667,390 4-7 DeSCription ReligIous Date Received Planner MM j ( u-l(0'! . hUG-24-2006 16 35 Annes Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 04 Account Status @ Acllve lor the 2005 Tax Year o New Account Scheduled 10 be Active for the 2006 Tax Year @ Locally Assessed o Pendmo Sea/Merae () Pending Value Change o Delinquency o Delayed Foreclosure o Bankruptcy o Code Split Indicator Remarks ~"ec..1 Assessm~(am (.f apphcable) Code GenerallnformalJon Property Class StatJstlcal Class Neighborhood Code Property Use Type Account Type Category Mortgage Company Name Total Acreage for thiS Account 13.91 Fire Acres Tax Code Area (Levy Code) 01900 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANE COUNTY LANE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT Descnpbon 201 453 81904 COMMERCIAL, IMPROVED SHOPPING CENTER RP LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS Lane County Assc.ss11l~nt and T:lx<ltlcn 2DO'; 2005 61lhnQ R;)te~ Sales Informabon Sales Sales Date Pnce 01-04- 2000 Manufactured Structures Grantor Grantee Instrument # 2000- 001327 AnalYSIS Code !l Mull Acet? MCKAY INVESTMENT MCKAY INVESTMENT CO CO LLC Y ~.arrl1 RF!~'lltR INpow Pm"","" ~...~rr'"t I8ppJjC::II,ons Manu Date Recelved.~1 q Planner MfVI . 4-8 .' AUG-24-2006 16 36 ...- Annee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 23 . DIVISION OF CHIEF DEPUTY CL~K UlNE COUNTY DEeDS AN!) RECORDS 111I1II1111111111I111II1l~111111111111 45,00 0000S40121000132100! 2000081321 2:50:51 PM 01/10(2000 RPR DEED 1 - e CllSHIER 03 2!5~RI1MtRM After Record1ng Rcl1lrn to 101m C Watkmson Watlanson Laud Rnbenstein Lashway &; Baldww. P C 101 l!asI Broadway, Suitt 101 Eur,<:ne, OR 97401-3114 UDlI1 a change 1$ teq1Iesu:d all tax Sla1ements sbal1 be senI to the foIlow1ng address NO CHANGE ~. ~ r WARRANTY J}l!J!,l} - STATUTORY FORM .-.~ .~- McKay lnvestmelll Company, aka McKay Investment Co, a partnerslup, Granlor, conveys and warrants to McKay lnvestmenl Company, LLC, an Oregon lumted liability, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of encumbrances excepl as specrlically set forth herem Legal descnplJon on attached Exlublt A Subject to ReservatIOns, rights-of-way, easements, conditions and restnctJonS of record, leasehold interests, and monetary encumbrances ruffered or created by Grantor TInS INSTRUMENT WilL NOT MLOW USE Of nm PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS lNSlRUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUlRlNG FEE TITLE TO TIll! PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WTl'H TIll! APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNINO DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE !\NY LIMITS ON LA wsurrs AGAINSTF AFMING QRFORESTPRACTlCES AS DEFINED lNORS ~O 930 The liablhty and obligalJoI15 of Grantor to Grantee and Gnmtee's SUccessors and assigns under the warranties and covenants contamed herein or proVlded by law shall be lmuted to the amount, nature and terms of any nght of mdemmfication avaIlable to Grantor under any tItle msuran~ polley, and Grantor shall have no llabllity or oblIgatIon exe>;:pt to the extenl that reunbursement for such hablllly or obltgal1on IS avaIlable to Grantor under any such title msurance polIcy The hnutatlons contamed herein expressly do not relieve Grantor of any liabIlity or obligatIons under tlus Instrument, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such liability or obligatIons The true conSideration for t1us conveyance IS other than money ~ Warranty Deed - I Dat~~eGs-CF""'-"" Planner MM 3/ 'V-/lrn .......I"IIIIII~ 1.11~.IIlI~.' I Ill.. I ,., .,.:\..- .II -J,,:.>Jtolbih!..,. ..;;; .. Iii. .1 4-9 , . , 'AOG-24-2006 1636 j\-"ee Devereaux 54! 485 0307 P 24 Tlus conveyance IS effective January 1,2000 ]~~~~( ~~0~~d; Linda McKay Korih- I' STATE OF OREGON ) )ss COWlty of Lane ) 'flus lIlstrument was acknowledged before me llus ~ day of Januwy, 2000 by J Douglas McKay and Linda McKay Korth as authonzed partners ;JM;;Kay Investment Company :.' . . =~~OGG"-'I c IlOIMflP\J8lI;-OAfllO.1 ;, ClJlIMISSIONIIO 0513<1 : l/l'COII_EXl'!Rf3l/OV Ill'''' 'Ii Il1o.........1..1.. ,. I' I .. I .. ,. ......, ~ I , 1r~ t( WfN~ Notary Public for OregOll My CommissIon Expires 1 13/(1) Warranty Deed - 2 Date Received 5 l-i't( D7 Planner MM 1IWiI1&'.tl~li'~bJiu";"'u..Ji.l.ar.Lll1oll'~I;II'.uIJ 11.\kil.L~I.lm iilj.1 III h,l" 'I~ ,- llil ~ '101:' 011 , .. I ", I,. . ..", . I j 4-10 . , AUG-24-2006 16 36 Al1nee DevereaUl>( 541 485 0307 P 25 l!<AcllDH A PARCEL I Begmning at a point on the South \me of the A. M Powers DonatIon Land Chum No 69 TownshIp 17South, Range 3 West of the WillametteMendian, 1450 7feet North 89' 57' West of the Southeast comer thereat: then North 0' 03' East 287 16 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet; thence South 0' 03' West 287 16 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feel to the place ofbegmrung. in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that pOrllon described In deed to the City ofSpringlle1d recorded July 25, 1957, ReceplJon No 18049, Deed Records ofWne County, Oregoll ALSO EXCEPT that portion descn'bed m deed to the City of Springfield, recorded November I, 1971, Recepl10n No 70906, OffiCIal Records of Lane County, Oregon TOGETIIER wrrn that portion of vacated Centenmal Boulevard which would inure 10 S8ld parcel III accordance 10 law, as vacated by VacalJon Ordinance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, ReceptIon No 34155, Del;d Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portion descn'bed in deed to the CIty ofSpnngfield recorded June II, 1963, Recepl10n No 13833, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II Begmning ala point winch is North 0' 03' East 433 89 feet from a pomt On the South Ime of the Albanson M Powers D0ll811on Land Claim No 69, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of Ihe Willaroette MendlaD, winch last menlJoned poml is 14507 feet North 89' 57' West from the Southeast comer of said chum, from S81d begimung poUlt run North o' 03' East 586 93 feet; thence South 89' 57' East 4653 feel, thence South 0' 03' West 58693 feel, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feet 10 th~ place ofbeginrung, III Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT Beguuung al a poml on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, said pomt heUlg North 89' 44' IS" West 11008 feet and North 29' 13' 7" East 145 31 feel from Ihe Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHA WKFlRST ADDITION as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the said Easterly margm North 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaving said Easterly margm Soulh 89' 48' 27" East 100 feel; thence parallel WIth s8Id Easterly margm South 29' 13' 7" West 50 feet; thence North 89' 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pOUlt of begrnning, m SeetJOn 25, Townsh.p 17 South, Range 3 Wesl of the Willamette Mendian m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT thai portion descnbed Ul deed to the City of Springfield recorded February 20, 1959, Receptlon No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCELm Begmnins al a pomt North 89' 57' West 1450 7 feet and North 0' 03' East 850 00 feel from the Southeast comer of the A M Powers Donatlon Land Clann No 69 In Townsl:up 17 SOUIb, Range ilil~iI~lil,lliii.a I~~ 1,IIl .lli.l,lll"j\,r.Ii"~I~.i.",liil.1I1 .,i. I II ''''01 I.; I. j.' ~ I I " . , EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 3 pages LCF I Date ReceIved. .5/ v{- q , , rlal iHer mlV, 4-11 , . . 'AUG-24-2006 16 36 Jl-'1ee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 26 / 3 WeSI, run thence North 0' 03' East 1704 feet; thence North 89' 57' West 1475 feet to Ihe Southeasterly Ime of the County Road, thence along said line of County Road Soutb29' 09' West 194 97 feet; thence South 89' 57' East 109 6 feet to the poinl ofbegmmng, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT, BegIIUl1llg at a point on tbe Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, satd point bemg North 89' 44' IS" West 110,08 feel and North 29' 13' 7' East 145,31 feet from Ihe Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records) thence along tbe said Easterly margin North Z9' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVIng said Easlerly margin South ,89' 48' 27' East 100 feet, Ihence parallel WIth S81d Easterly margin South 29' 13' 7' West 50 feet, thence North 89' 48' 27" West 100 feet 10 the point of begmrung, in Section 25, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the WlIlamette Mendlan 1D Lane County, On:gon PARCEL IV Begmmng at a p01n1 North 0' 03' East 287 16 feet and 14507 feet North 89' 57' West of the Southeast comer of the A. M POWenl DonatIOn Land Claim No 69, Townsl1Jp ] 7 South, Range 3 West of the WiUamette Meridian, thence North O' 03' East 14673 feet, lhence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feel, thence South 0' 03' West 14673 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feet to the place ofbegmning, rn Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portion described rn deed to the CIty ofSpnngfield, recorded July 20, ] 959, ReceptIOn No 6056], Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL V All of Block 6 In the MOHAWK FIRST AuvluON to Spnngfield, Oregon ALSO thai portion ofvacated Centennial Boulevard wluch would mure 10 S81d parcel In accordance to law, as vacated by Vacation Ordl!lance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, Recepllon No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM Begmning at the Northeast comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Spnngfield, as platted and recorded In Lane County Plat Records, run thence North 89' 45' 30" West 93 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 150 feet parallel Wlth and along the Mohawk Highway; thence South 89' 45' 30" East to a point wlllch is South 0' 13' 30" West below the poml ofbegmmng, Ihence North 0' 13' 30" East to the place ofbegnmmg, m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXEPT BeguuWlg at the Slone marking the Southeast comer of the A M Powers DonatIon Land Chum No 69, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West ofthe W'illametle Mendlan; thence North 89' 48' 27" West 1449,97 feet along the South line of said DonallonLand Chum No 69 to a pomt, thence North 0' 13' 30" East 99]5 feet to an Iron pIpe marlang the Imllal Point of MOHAWK FIRST ADOmON accordmg to the plat thereof recorded In Volume] 5, Page 23 of plats of the Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence North 89' 41' 53" West 30864 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 89' 41' 53' West 200 00 feel along the South lme of Block 6 of said plat to an !fOn pIpe set on tbe Easterly margm of Mohawk HIghway, thence North 29' 13' 07' East 165 00 feel along the Easterly margin of Mohawk Highway to a pornt, thence South 70' 2Z' 19" East EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 3 pages LCf $/t-11 ~ LJ~lt:: rU:;:~lv~ ~ Planner MM .. 4-12 AUG-24-2006 16 36 Annee Devereaux 541 485 0307 P 27 I 135 00 ~I to a pomt, thence South 4' 24' 51" West 100.00 feet to the true pomt ofbegmmng 10 Spnng.'ield, Lane County, ~on ALSO EXCEPT Beginmng at a poinl bemg Nonh 89' 41' 53" West 30864 feet and North 4' 24' 51" East 100 00 feet from the Irulla! Pomt of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book] 5, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Rel:ord.'l, being 10 Townsrup 17 South, Range 3 West of the W'lllamette Meridian; run thence North 4' 24' 51" East 4 15 feet, thence North 70' 22' 19" West 133 24 feet to the Easterly line ofMobawk Highway, thence along S81d Easterly line South 29' 13' 07" West 4 06 feet, thence leaving said Easterly line South 70' 22' 19" East 135 00 feet to the POUlt ofBegmmng, 10 Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginnmg al a point 10 feet South 29' 13' West of the point ofintersecllon of the Easterly nght-of-way line of Mohawk Boulevard and Ihe prolongation of the Northerly nght-of-way bne of"M" Street, said pomt ofbegmmng bemg South 29' 13' West 333 7 feet from the Northwest comer ofSlock 6, MOIiAWK FIRST ADDffiON, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Pial Records, thence South 60" 47'East 85 0 feet, thence North 74' 13' Easl 1414 feet, Ihence South 60' 47' East 5 0 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 800 feet, thence North 60' 47' West 5 0 feet, thence North] 5' 47' West ]4 14 feet, Ihence North 60' 47' West 8S 0 ~t. thence North 29' 13' East 60 0 feet to the poinl ofbegmmng m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Begtlll11llg at a pomt J 0 feet Nonh 29' 13' East ofthe pomt of mtersection of the Easterly nght of way bne of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongatIon of the Southerly nght of way line of"M' Street, S81d point ofbeglnrung belOg South 29' 13' West 393 7 feet from the Nonhwest corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as plaited and recorded 10 Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence South 60' 47'East 600 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 1000 feet, thence North 60' 47' West 60 feet, thence North 29' 13' East 100 feet to the pomt of begmmng, in Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginrung at a point bemg Sr:.,th 29' 13' West 393 7 feet and SQuth 60' 47' East 60 00 feet from the Nonhwest comer ofBlock 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, as plaited and recorded 10 Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon PIal Records, thence South 60' 47' Easl25 feet, thence South 15' 47' East 7 07 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 9s 00 feet, Ihence North 600 47' West 30 00 feet, thence North 29" 13' East 100 00 feet to the Poml ofBegmrung, m Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL VI, Begmrung at a poml on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, S81d pomt bemg North 89' 44' IS' West llO 08 feet and Nonh 29' 13' 7" East 145 31 ~t from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MORA WKFIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded UI Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the Said Easterly margmNorth 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVUlg Said Easterly margin South 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence parallel with sald Easterly margm South 29' 13' 7" West 50 feet, thence North 89' 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pomt ofbegmrung, m Section 25, Townsfup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wtllamette Mend18n In Lane County, Oregon Date Rece~.sl..z.-f&L PlannefalMMJ Pllges LClI ..,d.....oI . 'II.:i".il:.. ~......" ...-..Jit....&...:.':I.~II,~Ii.,111 ii.il!.li.. I'lL ";'1 LIII d .Lii. ,Iliil.il i;w..~1 il,; UI ~11o~1 i~l 111'~",~ll ill,"'~, ...diil 1011.11. . .,il~.l m...... I L .I ... ".._.,.,... TOTAL P 27 4-13 Exhibit 2 'l.ur., ~'" 0., ~ '/~ --,., ......d;..- .-.- First American 'Amencan Title Insurance Company aFOregan l;Iuv Country Oub Road Eugene, OR 517401 Phn. (541)464-2900 Fax. (541)464-7321 FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT, PLEASE CONTACT Ronald Denton, Title Officer Phone (541)484-2900 - Fax (541)484-7321 - Emall radenton@firstam com Alan Evans 101 E Broadway #101 Eugene, OR 97401-3114 Order No 7199-912425 November 16, 2006 Attn Phone No (541)345-4860 - Fax No Emall alan@eebcre com (541)345-9649 Re 1st Supplemental Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage LJabllrty $ PremIum $ AL T A Owners Extended Coverage LJablllty $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage LJabllrty $ Premium $ ALTA Lenders Extended CClVerage LJabllrty $ Prermum $ Endorsement PremIum $ Go\lt $ervlI:e Charge Cost $ ~- Other Preliminary Title Report Cost $ 000 We are prepared to Issue Title Insurance Policy or PoliCies In the form and amount shown above, Insunng btle to the followmg descnbed land The land referred to In thiS report IS descrrbed In Exhibit A attached hereto and as of November 09, 2006 at 8 00 am, title vested m McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, as to Parcel I, Cuddeback Investments, Inc, an Oregon corporabon, as to Parcel Il and Wells Fargo 8ank, successor In Interest to the First National Bank of Oregon, a national banking association, as to Parcel III Subject to the exceptions, exclUSIOns, and stlpulabons which are ordmanly part of such Policy form and the followl ng Date Received Planner MM ThIs report IS for the exdu5Ne use of the partJes herein shown and IS preliminary to the Issuance of a trt:le Insurance policy and shall become VOid unless a polICY /5 ISSued, and the fuJJ premJum paid 6'/vt/or 4-14 - , . Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 2 of 9 1 Taxes for the current fiscal year are reduced by reason of Religious Exemption If the exempt status IS terminated under the statute pnor to July 1, said property will be taxed at 100% of the assessed value (Parcel I) 2 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 7,771 08 Unpaid Balance $ 7,77108, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253404402 Property ID No 0212124 (Parcel III) Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Unpaid Balance $ 7,599 88, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2004-2005 Unpaid Balance $ 7,454 14, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2003-2004 Unpaid Balance $ 7,240 17, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2002-2003 Unpaid Balance $ 6,614 82, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2001-2002 Unpaid Balance $ 6,489 17, plus Interest Taxes for the year 2000.2001 Unpaid Balance $ 6,332 38, plus Interest Taxes for the year 1999-2000 Unpaid Balance $ 6,401 64, plus Interest Taxes for the year 1998-1999 Unpaid Balance $ 6,223 13, plus Interest 3 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property lD No (Parcel I) 68,793 79 68,793 79, plus Interest and penalties, If any $ $ 01900 1703253403900 0212033 First Amencan Tltie Date Received 51 'Z-f 167 Planner MM 4-15 . , . Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page3of9 4 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 4,085 54 Unpaid Balance $ 4,OB5 54, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5007784 (Personal Property assessed to BI-Mart Corp #603) 5 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 41469 Unpaid Balance $ 414 69, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5120082 (Personal Property assessed to Abby's Pizza Inn) 6 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 1,158 18 Unpaid Balance $ 1,15818, plus Interest and penaltIes, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5361058 (Personal Property assessed to Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers) 7 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 187 65 Unpo j Balance $ 18765, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253403900 Property ID No 5503279 (Personal Property assessed to Dollar 5tore #901) B Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax Lot No Property ID No (Pa rcel II) 9 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance Code No Map & Tax lot No Property ID No 22,344 48 22,34448, plus Interest and penalties, If any $ $ 01900 1703253404101 0212074 850 11 850 11, plus Interest and penalties, If any $ $ 01900 1703253404101 5084841 Date Received J' ( z-.t ( 57 Planner MM Arst Amencan Tltfe 4-16 . . Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 4 of9 (Personal Property assessed to Taco Bell #372) 10 Taxes for the year 2006-2007 Tax Amount $ 2,643 62 Unpaid Balance $ 2,643 62, plus Interest and penalties, If any Code No 01900 Map & Tax Lot No 1703253404402 Property ID No 5347172 (Personal Property assessed to Wells Fargo Bank #92471 Inc) 11 The nghts of the public m and to that portion of the premises herem desCrIbed lYing wlthm the limits of streets, roads and highways 12 Easement, mcludlng terms and provIsions contained therem Recording Information September 19, 1961, Recepbon No 44347 In Favor of Northwest Natural Gas Company, a corporabon For Ublibes (Parcel I) 13 Easement, including terms and provIsions contained therem Recordmg Informabon February 05, 1963, Recepbon No 98548 In Favor of The Rrst Nabonal Bank of Oregon, Portland For Customer parking (Parcel I) 14 Easement, Including terms and provIsions contained therein Recording Information June 11, 1963, Recepbon No 13832 In Favor of City of Spnngfield For Public ublibes (Parcel I) 15 The terms and provIsions set forth In that certain easement from The Rrst Nabonal Bank of Oregon, Portland, a nabOnal banking assoClabOn, to McKay Investment Co , a partnership, recorded June 25, 1963, RecepbOn No 15462, being an easement for pipelines and Ingress & egress (Parcels I and III) 16 Reservabon of ublitJes m vacated street area and the nght to malntam the same as set forth In Ordinance No 1808, a copy of which was Recorded November 22, 1963, Recepuon No 34155 And re-recorded May 01, 1972, ReceptJon No 97020 17 The terms and provIsions contained In that certain easement from Hazel P Peterson to McKay Investment Company, a partnership, recorded January 04, 1968, Reception No 9941, being an easement for sewer line or other underground ublity (Parcel I) First Amencan Tlfie Date ReceIved of. /"-'1 / 07 Planner MM {...3. ~ 4-17 , Pre!lmlnary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 5 of9 18 Lease and the terms and condltJons thereof Lessor McKay Investment Company, a partnership Lessee Taco Bell, a Califomla corporatJon Recorded November 14, 1968 Recording InformatJon 45029 (Affects Parcel II) 19 Easement, Indudlng terms and provIsions contained therein Recording InformatJon November 06,1973, ReceptJon No 73-50317 In Favor of City of Spnngfield (Parcel I) 20 Easement, Including terms and provISions contained therein Recording InformatJon January 17, 1977, Reception No 77-02804 In Favor of City of Spnngfield, actJng by and through Its Spnngfield UtJlity Board For Water transmiSSion or dlstnbutJon line (Parcel I) 21 Easement, Indudlng terms and prOVIsions contained therein Recording InformatJon January 17, 1977, ReceptJon No 77-02805 In Favor of City of Spnngfield, actJng by and through Its Spnngfield UtJlity Board For Water transmiSSion or dlstnbubon line (Parcels I and II) 2L Easement, Indudlng terms and provISions contained therein Recording Informabon September 14, 1998, Reception No 98-73229 In Favor of Cit;' of Spnngfield, acting by and through Its Spnngfield Utility Board For PubliC water utility (Parcel f) 23 Right, title and Interest of PMD Restaurants, LLC, by reason of Its execution of finanCing Statement recorded May 13, 1999, Reception No 99-43178 The present ownership and other matters affectJng said Interest are not shown herein (Parcels I and II) And by finanCing Statement recorded February 16, 2005, ReceptJon No 2005-011519 24 Declaration of Cross Easements, Including terms and proVIsions thereof Recorded November 22, 2005, ReceptJon No 2005-093358 Affects Parcels I and II Rrst Amencan rrtJe Date Received Planner MM j / 2-d tr? 4-18 '. Preliminary Report Order No 7199--912425 Page 6 of 9 25 Covenants, conditions, restnctlons and/or easements, but deleting any covenant, condition or restnctJon indicating a preference, limitation or dlscnmlnatlOn based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national ongln to the extent such covenants, condlOons or restnctJons Violate 1itle 42, 5ectJon 3604(C), of the United States Codes Recording Informabon November 22, 2005, ReceptJon No 2005-093359 Affects Parcel I 26 Lease With Redundant Cartridge, Inc , dated April 22, 2003, as amended Lease With Jennifer Williams, dba, Shabryls, dated July 10, 2002 Lease With Janis West, dba Z-COII, dated May 18, 2005 Lease With BI-Mart CorporatJon, dated December 09, 1964, as amended Lease With Stanley T Merrell and Connie J Merrell, dated July 06, 1988, assigned to Springfield Taco, a partnership, as disclosed by ASSignment of Leases recorded November 30, 2005, Reception No 2005-095349, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon (Parcel II) 27 Unrecorded leases or penodlc tenanCies, If any - END OF EXCEPTIONS - NOTE Taxes for the year 2006-2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount 403 06 Map No 1703253403900 Property 10 5487960 Tax Code No 01900 (Personal Property assessed to Steptna's Famous Pizza) NOTE Taxes for the year 2006-2007 PAID IN FULL Tax Amount $409 90 Map No 1703253403900 Property 10 5515083 Tax Code No ' 05229 (Personal Property assessed to Schwan's Home Service Inc) Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll 1600,1650,1705,1710,1780,1782 and 1792 Centennial 81vd , 1489, 1449, 1453, 1455,1457,1459, 1461,1469,1471,1475,1479,1483,1485,1487, 1491, 1493, 1499, 1505, 1507, 1509, 1511, 1519 and 1521 Mohawk Blvd, and 1250, 1480, 1484, 1486 and 1488 18th Street, Spnngfleld, OR 97477 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc cc McKay Investment Co UC cc Alan Evans, Evans Elder &. 8rown Inc 101 E Broadway #101, Eugene, OR 97401-3114 First Amencan Tftfe Date Received .5 / <t.'f 1<1 Planner MM 4-19 Preliminary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 7 of 9 .'" 1: ~.." ~ (t ~ ~~~ ~ First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (10/17/92) The followmg matters are e>:pressiy exduded from the coverage of thIS poley and the company wlU not pay loss 01' d<ll11age, cost>, attorneys' fees at expenses who ansa by reason or 1. (a) MY law ordmance CD" governmental regulation (lnduding but net bmlted to bufldmg and ZDfIlng laws ordmances, or regulatlons) re.stn:tlrtg, regulabng, prohlblllng Of relatlng to (I) th~ oa:upaney, use, or enJoyml!flt of the land, (iI) the character, drnenslOns or location of any Improvement now or hereafttl erected on the land, (iii) a separatton In ownershIp Of a chanile In the dlmenslOlls Of area of the land or any pan::e1 01 wtllch the land Is Dr was a part; or (IV) envlrOOmentaI pmtedon or the effect of any vlOlaoon 0( these laws, orolllafICe5 Of pemmental regulations, except to the extent that a notice of the enfDl'Cement tilereof or a notICe of a defe::t, f1en or !rIOJmbrance resulting from a VIOlation cr aReged VIOlation affectmll the: land has been recorded 111 the pubrc re::on:/s at Date of Po9cy, (b) MY govemment3l poke power not exduded by (a) aboVe, except to the extent that a nObCe r::J. the exerose thereof or a nobCe of a defect, lien or encumbrance resultmg from a vIOlatIon or aUeged vlolaoon affecting the land has been recorded ll\ the pubUc records at Date of PolICY 2. RIghts r::J. eminent domain unless notlce of the exerose thereof has been recorded m the pubic records at Date of PolICy, but not exdudmg fn::m coverage any tilking whtch has occurred pnor to Date of Poley wh~ WOI.lk! be blndmg on the nghts of a purchaser for value wrt:hout knowledge. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse daims Of otheJ matters (a)aeated, suffered 2I.!;sumed or agreed to by the Insured damant, (b) not blown to the Company net recorded in the pubflC recon:Is at Date of Poley, but blown to the Insured clamant and net dISClosed In writing to the. c.ompany by the msurl!d damant poor !II the date the Insured daln1allt became an \I'1$ured under tillS policy, (c) rl!:5lJltmg m no loss: a damage to the Insured daarnant, (d) attaehlng Q( created subsequent to Date of PoflC'f (except to the extent that thIS poley Insures the pnortty of the Il!ll of the Ilsurecl mottgage over any ~tutory Den for sevlCeS, laba 0' material a the extent Insurance IS afforded herem as to assessments for street Improvements under construdlon Of c:ornpleted at date of perey), or {e} resu1llngln loss or damage which WDuld not haw beo'..n sustallled lfthelnsured dalOlanthad paId value for the Insured mortgilge. "l Unenforceablllty of the lien of the msured mcrtgilQe because of the mablll'j' or faIlure r:l the Insured at Date or Polley or the mablnty or faIlure of any subsequent owner r:I tile Indebtedness to amply wrth the appflCi!ble dOIng business" lawS of the state m whIch the land IS sItUated 5 Invalidity or unenforceabluty of the f1en of the Insured mortgage. or dam thereof which artses oUl: of tile tTansactlon evdenced by the umrl'8i l'1'IOrt9age /Inti IS based upon usury or any CDlsumer credit proter:lJOn Dr truth In lending law MY statulDry Hen for s.!!N1:es, labor or matenals (or the clam of pnClllly of any stlt\JtOry lien for ~es, labor or matenals over the lien of the Ilsured mcrtgage) ansmg from an Iffi?fDVement or wort related to the land whICh IS contracted for and ccmmenced subsequent to Date of Poky and Is not financeclln whole Of In part by proceecls of the llldebtednl$S seaJred by the mSllred mortgage who at Date of PoIicV the liSt/red has advanced or IS obligated to advance. 7 Arly clam which ames out of the transaction creaong the 1Iltere;t r:J the mortgagee msured by ttns polICY, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, st<Ite insolvency or smBarO"er:htors'nghtslaws that 1$ based on (I) the transadlon creatmg the Intere>l: of the Insured mortgagee being deemed il fraudulent conveyan~ or fraudulent transfer, or (II) the subordlflatlon of the IntereSt of the msured mortgagee as a result of the application r:l the doctnne of el;lurtable suborrlmatlon or (iiI) the transac:lxln creating the mterest: of the IOsurecl mortgagee being deemed a preferential transfer except where the preferential transfer results from the failure. (a) to trnely reccrd the lIlslrument of transfer, or (b) of sud! rerordatJon to Impart nooce to a j1lrd1aser for value or a Judgment or rlefl oedllDr ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (10/17/92) The follOWing matters an: expressly excluded from the coverage of thIS polICY and the Company wm not pay loss cr damage, CDsts attorneys' fees a expenses when anse by reason of L (a) Any law, ordmance cr goyemmental regulatKm (lncludmg but net Ilmrted to building and ZOOlnglaws on:finances or regulatUJflS) restnc:tJng regulating prohibltlng or relating to {I} the OCOJpaney use. or enjoyment of the land (H) the character, dimensIOns or IccatJon of any Improvement now or hereafter erecte!l on the land (Iii) a separatIOn III ownership or a change In the drnenslDlls or area of the land or any parcel of whICh the land IS or was a part; or (IV) envlrOflmental prutedlon or the effect of any VIOlation of these laws ordlllilnces Of goyemmen~ regulations except: to the extent that a notce of the enfoc'm'nent thereof or ~ notICe of a defe::t. lien CX" enQJmbranc:e resultJng from a VIOlation or alleged roatlon affectIng the land has been recorded m the public recoros at Date of Poltey (b) Any governmental paSce power !lOt exduded by (a) abo<te except to tne extenl that a notice of the exercISe thereof or a nobee of a defect, lien or e'lcumbrance l'E5lJ!t\ng fromilvlOlatIonoraJlegedVlOIabon affedmg the land has beel'lreCDrded m the pubflCrecorc!s at Date of?olq 2. RIghts of eminent domain unles:s notx:e of the exerose thereof has been recorded In the publIC records at Date of r JFo..Y, but net exdudlng from coverage any takmg whIch has OCQlrred pnar to Date of Poley whldl would be blndmg on the rights of a purchaser for value WIthout knowledge. 3 Defects, f!enS encumbrances adv~ clasms or other matters (a) create:! suffered, assumed or agreed to by the msured damant (b) not known to the CoI'1llany, not recorded In the pubnc l'l!Cords at Date 0( Poley, but known to the msured cla!n'lant and net dIsclosed In wrftIng to the Company by the lllSUred clamant poor to the date the insured daarnant became an I!lSLIred under thIS poley, (cl resultlng In no loss or damag! to the Insured dalmant" (d) attactung or created subsequent to Date of ~JCy; or (e) resultmglrlloss or damage which would not have been sustamed If the IIlsured clamant had pa1d value for the estate Of mterest JIlSured by thtS pobcy Any dam whch anses out cltile transactJon vl':SlJng In the msured the estate or Interest Insured by thIS polser, by reason of the operation of Federal bankruptcy state Insolvency, or smllar aedllDrs' nghts laws, that IS based on (I) the transaclJoo o-eatmg the estate or Interest Insured Or thiS poley bemg deemed a fraudulent conveyaoce or fraudulent transfer; or (ii) the transactIOn c:reatmg the !!StiIte or Interest Insured by thiS polICY beng deemed a preferential transfer except where the pteferentlal transfer results from the faIlure. (a) to timely rec:on:l the mstnlment of transfer; or (b) of sud1 recordation to IrTlpalt 1lOtJ:e to a purd'laser For value or a judgment or lien oedrtor SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS The AlTA standard poley form wnl contain In Schedule B the foDowmg !;tandard e;a;eptlons to coverage L Taxes or assessments whch afe not shoWl'l as ex~g nens DY the records r1 any taXIng authorlty that levIes taxes or assessmen1:5 on real property or by the pubhc records proceedmg by a pubic ageney who may result m taxes or assessments or nooce of such proceedlRgs whether or not shown by !:tie records r:I such agency or tlythepubbcremrds.. 2. ArT'( facts, nghts, lflterestS or clams whICh are not shown by the publlC recortts but which could be ascertamed by an mspe:bon of said lard or by malting InqUiry r::J personslnposSe5S101'1thereof Easements dams of easement or encumbrances wluch are not shown by the puDhc records unpatented mining dalffiS reservabons or excepbons Q'l patents or m Acts aul:horwng the !SSUance thereof, water nghl;!; dauns or title to water ~ Any lien or nght to a lien, for semces, labor or lTh3ter1al theret:Ofcre or hereafter furnished Imposed by law and not shown by the publIC records. 5 Dlscrepanoes coofhc:l:s IfI boundary lmes shortage In area encroachments, or any other fads whldl a correct SUrYet' would dlSdDre. NOTE A S?EOMEN COPY OF THE ?OUCY FORM (OR FOR1'1S) WIll BE FURNISHED UPON REQUEST T11~9 Ref 5-99 First Amencan rlf:1e Date Received .5/ 2--'f / cJ? Planner MM - \ 4-20 " . . Pre!tmmary Report Order No 7199-912425 Page 8 of 9 Exhibit" An Real property In the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows PARCEL I BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 89041' S3" WEST, 308 S6 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST, 104,16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 22' 19" WEST, 13323 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 19469 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 600 47' 00" EAST, 90 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 150 47' 00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 600 4T 00" EAST, 5 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 290 13' aT' EAST, 8000 FEET, THENCE NORTH 600 4T 00" WEST,S 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 740 13' 00" WEST, 1414 FEET, THENCE NORTH 600 4T 00" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 18370 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 890 44' 15" EAST, 165 65 FEET TO THE EAST UNE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST UNE NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST UNE RUN SOUTH 89046' 30" EAST, 141 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 06' 00" EAST, 30 02 FEET, SOUTH 740 28' 08" EAST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 890 53' 24" EAST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 580 49' 12" EAST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 890 48' 26" EAST, 34 65 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 00 11' 34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES 1) NORTH 890 49' 36" WEST, 252 70 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 170848 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORDS OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 860 19' 36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFf, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 860 19' 36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 890 49' 36" WFST, 542 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN RUN NORTH 00 10' 24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO ~iT1E POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL II BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 890 44' 15" WEST, 110 08 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAlD MARGIN, NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST, 195 33 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89048' 27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAlD WEST MARGIN SOUTH 00 11' 34" WEST, 273 00 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 890 48' 26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 580 49' 12" WEST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE NORTH 890 53' 24" WEST, 152 99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 740 28' 08" WEST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 700 06' 00" WEST, 30 02 FEET, THENCE NORTH 890 46' 30" WEST, 14199 FEET TO THE EAST UNE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST UNE NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST, 109 54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTH 890 44' 15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 110 08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNT(, OREGON PARCEL !II Arst AmenclJn rJtfe Date ReceiVed Planner MM ~I ~ 1t51 t 4-21 , , Preliminary Report OrOer No 7199-912425 Page 9 of 9 BEGINNING AT THE STONE MARKING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE'A M POWERS DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, THENCE, NORTH 890 48' 27" WEST 1449 97 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID DONATION LAND ClAIM NO 69 TO A POINT, THENCE, NORTH 00 13' 30" EAST 9915 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE MARKING THE INITIAL POINT OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 15, PAGE 23 OF PLATS OF THE RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THENCE, NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 308 64 FEET TO THE mUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE, NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 200 00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF BLOCK 6 OF SAID PLAT TO AN IRON PIPE SET ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE, NORTH 290 13' 07" EAST 165 00 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY TO A POINT, THENCE, SOUTH 700 22' 19" EAST 135 00 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE, SOUTH 40 24' 51" WEST 100 00 FEET TO THE mUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 890 41' 53" WEST 308 64 FEET AND NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST 10000 FEET FROM THE INITIAL POINT OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, BEING IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, RUN THENCE NORTH 40 24' 51" EAST 4 15 FEET, THENCE NORTH 700 22' 19" WEST 133 24 FEET TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY UNE SOUTH 290 13' 07" WEST 4 06 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY UNE SOUTH 700 22' 19" EAST 135 00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Tax Parcel Number 0212033 and 0212074 and 0212124 .,.,. Arst Amencan rroe Date Recelvea .3"( t4' ( ~ 7 Planner MM 4-22 ". .-.---.....-- .." ..", '. .cLlL..LIlOau.kl...... .....'_oM.'. ... '-- r DIVISION OF CHIEF DEPUTY CLERK LANE COUNTY DEEDS AND RECORDS If 1II111111111111111111 1/1111111/111 46,00 10'0940121000132701~ 2000001327 2:50:57 PM 01/10/2000 RPR DEED I - 6 CASHIER 0~ 2~ ~~ I' ~~ 1~ ~~ Aller Recordmg Return \0 UnUI a change IS requested all tax statements shall be senllO !he foUoWlDg address John C Watlonson Watkmson Lalrd Rubenstem Lashway & Baldwm. P C 101 East Broadway, Swte 101 Eugene, OR 97401-3114 NO CHANGE II WARRANTY DEED. STATUfORY FORM ~ I McKay Investmenl Company, aka McKay lnveslmenl Co, a partnerslup, Grantor, conveys and warrants to McKay Investmenl Company, LLC, an Oregon Imllted habllIty, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herem Legal descnptlon on altached Exlub1t A Subject to Reservations, nghts-of-way, easements, conditIOns and restnctIons of record, leasehold mterests, and monelary encumbrances suffered or created by Grantor TIllS INSTRUMENT wn..L NOI AllOW USE OF TIlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN nus INS"ffiUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TillS INSTRUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUIRlNG FEE TI11.E TO TIlE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH TIlE APPROPRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ONLA WSUlTS AGAINST fARMING OR FOREST PRACf1CES AS DEflNED IN ORS 30 930 The lIabilIty and obligatIOns of Granlor to Grantee and Grantee's successors and asSignS under the warrantIes and covenants contamed herem or prOVIded by law shall be Imllted 10 the amount, nature and terms of any nght ofmdemruficatlon available to Grantor under any title msurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liabIlIty or obllgatlon except to the extent that reimbursement for such Itablhty or oblIgation IS available 10 Grantor under any such tltle msurance polley The IImltatlons contamed herem expressly do nOI relIeve Grantor of any Itabdlty or obhgatlons under tlus mstrument, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such !labIlity or oblIgatIOns Warranty Deed - I .j ? Uate Received v[::"t b') RlaI:laerlCcMM~\!.CF """ " I j 1 ! ! ~ ~ , , ~ The true conSideration for tlus conveyance IS other than money - ....lilll~iliJ~...'"llll11llili ".~lll. I Ii",.. Il IIII , . II' ..1 I . . .". II 4-23 .,..,_-."....,.........-,. ._.,~." '.h., ,...",-J This conveyance IS effeCllve Janulll)' 1, 2000 Q ( Q.~,,~i!, 1r0<( J DcfgJas ~c~JJ r->. I ~~VJ~,~d' Lmda McKay {o~~ 7 STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS County of Lane ) This mstrumenl was acknowledged before me this ~ day ofJanuary, 2000 by J Douglas McKay and Lmda McKay Korth as authonzed partners dMzKay Investment Company TJ'" "." . ,.. I 'oFf1:lAt.'SEAl .. -'-.. J. TllACY A. KELLOCG I ) NOT~RYPU6LC-OAEGll:i , COlIYISSIOH NO 0593<6 \'.--...=..,. ,~~~~~~IfW~~~~~~.:J~,. 'TrlU1 t( WiG} Notary Public for Oregon Q My COmmission Expires II ( 13/ (Jl.J . Warranty Deed - 2 All-'I( 01 Date Received J( \ - Planner MM .......... a.~b.- ". Ii OIl ~ 4-24 _ . ",....,,""". '":'"'",'.. :....;/,.iI..I EXHIBIT A PARCELl Begmnmg at a poml on the South hne ofthe A M Powers Donaton Land Chum No 69 Townslup 17South, Range 3 West of the WlllametteMendJan, 14507 feet North 89' 57' West of the Southeasl corner thereof, then North O' 03' East 287 16 feel, Ihence South 89' 57' Easl 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' Wesl287 16 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feet to the place ofbegmrung, m Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portIon descnbed m deed to the CIty ofSpnngJield recorded July 25,1957, RcceplJon No 18049, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Ihal portion descnoed m deed 10 Ihe City of SpnngJield, recorded November I, 1971, ReceplJon No 70906, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon TOGETHER WITH that portion of vacated Centenrual Boulevard winch would mure to said parcel m accordance to law, as vacaled by Vacatton Ordmance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, Reception No 34155, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portlOn descnbed m deed to the CIty ofSpnngfield recorded June 11, 1963, Reception No 13833, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II Beglnrung at a pomt wluch IS North 0' 03' East 433 89 feet from a pomt on the Soulh Ime of the AJban~on M Powers DonatIOn Land Chum No 69, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamelte Mendlan, winch last mentioned pomt IS 14507 feet North 89' 57' West from the Southeast corner of Said claim, from said begmrung poml run North 0' 03' East 586 93 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' West 586 93 feet, thence North 89' 57' West 465 3 feet 10 the place of be81nrung, m Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT Be811U11ng at a pomt on the Easterly margm of Mohawk HIghway, Said pomt bemg North 19' 44' 15" West 110 08 feet and North 29' 13' 7" East 14531 feet from the Northeast corner of ,lock 6, MOHAWK FlRST ADDITION as platted and recorded m Book 15, Page 23, Lane County )regon Plat Records, thence along the s81d Easterly margIn North 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence ,avmg saJd Easterly margin South 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence parallel Wlth saJd Easterly largm South 29' 13' 7" West 50 feet, Ihence North 89' 48' 27" West 100 feet to the pOint of egmnlng, m SectlOn 25, Townsinp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willametle Mendlan m Lane ounty, Oregon LSO EXCEPT that portion descnbed m deed to the CltyofSpnngfield recorded February 20, 1959, ,ceptlon No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon . ~ \RCEL III gmrung al a pomt North 89' 57' Wesl 14507 feet and North 0' 03' East 850 00 feet from the utheast comer of the A M Powers Donation Land CI81m No 69 In Townslnp 17 South, Range . ~ J '- II..., J EXHIBIT A Page I of.P pag'i' Date Received 3i'l.4Lr d7 Plann~r MM_. { J .. -I._h.J!II.~~_...." '1-1"1 1I"".ilWI~I.. .iii11~""lilll..1 ~. ~i'll~ ~ .1.11iI1~~." II .. II. .... . .' 4-25 - --.~'<: ,~~ 'U."'l."7'O'___""""" .. 3 West, run thence North O. 03' East 1704 feet, thence North 89. 57' West 1475 feet to the Southeasterly line oflhe County Road, thence along S8ld Ime of County Road South 29' 09' West 194 97 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 109 6 feet to Ihe poml ofbeglnrung, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT Begmmng at a pomt on Ihe Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway, saJd pOint being North 89. 44' IS" West 11008 feet and North 29. 13' 7' East ]4531 feel from the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platled and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Ihence along the saJd Easterly margin North 29' 13' 7' East 50 feet, thence leaVIng s3ld Easterly margm South ~9' 48' 27' East 100 feet, thence parallel WIth S8ld Easlerly margm South 29' 13' 7" West 50 feel, thence North 89' 48' 27' West 100 feet 10 the pomt of beglnrung, m Section 25, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West oflhe Wlllamette Mendlan m Lane County, Oregon PARCELlV Beglllmng at a pomt North O. 03' East 287 16 feet and 14507 feel North 89. 57' West of the Southeast corner of the A M Powers Doratlon Land CI3Im No 69, Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Mendlan, thence North 0' 03' Easl146 73 feet, thence South 89' 57' East 465 3 feet, thence South 0' 03' West 146 73 feel, Ihence North 89. 57' West 465 3 feet to the place ofbegmmng, m Lane County, Oregon EXCEPT that portion descnbed In deed to the City ofSpnngfield, recorded July 20, 1959, Reception No 60561, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon PARCEL V AU of Block 6 In the MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Spnngfield, Oregon ALSO that portion ofvacaled CenteMlal Boulevard wluch would Inure to swd parcel m accordance to law, as vacaled by Vacation Ordl/lance No 1808, recorded November 22, 1963, Recepl10n No 341 )0, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING TIIEREFROM BeglMlng at the Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION to Spnngfield, as platted and recorded In Lane County Plat Records, run thence North 89' 45' 30" West 93 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 150 feel parallel WIth and along the Mohawk I-Lghway, thence Soulh 89. 45' 30" East to a pOlOt which IS South 0' 13' 30" West below the pomt ofbegmrung, thence North O. 13' 30" East to the place ofbeglMlng, 10 Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXEPT BeglMlng at the stone marlong the Southeast corner of the A M Powers Donal1on Land ClwIn No 69, TownsJup 17 South, Range 3 West oflhe Willamette Mendlan, thence North 89. 48' 27" West 1449 97 feet along the Soulh hne ofSlUd Donal1on Land Clwm No 6910 a pOlOt, thence North 0' 13' 30" East 99 IS feet to an Iron pipe markmg the Irul1al POlOt of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION accordmg to the plat thereof recorded 10 Volume IS, Page 23 of plats of the Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence North 89. 41' 53' West 30864 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINN1NG, thence North 89. 41' 53" West 20000 feetaJong the South hne of Block 6 of saId plat to an Iron pipe set on the Easterly margm of Mohawk Hlghway; thence North 29. 13' 07" East 165 00 feet along the Easterly margm of Mohawk Highway to a pOlOt, thence Soulh 70' 22' 19" East i.." EXHIBIT A Page 2 of 3 pages I.Cl' Date Received .J!:1..'!_t / q , , ' r1ClIlIlt:l1 mm ~ ..,t-........iIWo'J_i'iull...i.....iduil 1 hl"".11 .11 I. I I.. .....11111 '.j 4-26 ,. I." ,-r.-:-~.~u;..-'-. .....M....~ '... .~.~...". ~'..W ,..,..'''"''',...,......~...:....J " 135 00 feet to a pomt, Ihenee South 4' 24' 51" West 100 00 feet to the true pomt ofbegmrung m Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT BegInnmg at a pomt bemg North 89' 41' 53" West 308 64 feet and North 4' 24' 51" East 10000 feet from the Irullal Poml of MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, bemg m Townslup 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willarnetle Mend1an, run thence North 4' 24' 51" East 4 15 feet, thence North 70' 22' 19" West 133 24 feet to the Easterly line of Mohawk HIghway,lhence along said Easterly Ime South 29' 13' 07" West 4 06 feet, thence leaVlng said Easlerly Ime South 70' 22' 19" East 135 00 feet to the Pomt ofBegInnmg, m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginrung al a pomtlO feet Soulh 29' \3' West ofthe poml ofmtersecllon of the Easlerly nght-of-way Ime of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongatlon oflhe Northerly nght-of-way hne of"M" Street, Said pomt ofbegmrung bemg Soulh 29' 13' West 333 7 feet from Ihe Northwest corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Pial Records, ihence South 60' 47' Easl85 0 feet, thence North 74' 13' East 1414 feet, thence South 60' 47' Easl 5 0 feet,lhence South 29' 13' West 80 0 feet, Ihence North 60' 47' West 50 feet, thence North 15' 47' Wesl 14 14 feel, Ihence North 60' 47' Wesl85 0 feel, thence North 29' 13' East 60 0 feet to the pomt ofbegInrung m Lane County, Oregon ALSO EXCEPT Beginning at a pomtlO feet North 29' 13' East of the pomt ofmlersectlOn of the Easterly nght of way Ime of Mohawk Boulevard and the prolongatIOn of the Southerly nght of way Ime of"M" Street, Said pomt ofbeglnrung bemg South 29' 13' Wesl 393 7 feet from the Northwest comer of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platled and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Pial Records, thence South 60' 47' East 60 0 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 1000 feet, thence North 60' 47' Wesl60 feel, thence North 29' 13' EasllOO feet to the pomt of begmnmg, m Lane County, Oregon -'< ALSO EXCEPT BegInrung at a pomt bemg South 29' 13' West 3937 feet and Soulh 60' 47' Easl 6000 feet from the Northwest corner of Block 6, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as plaited and recorded m Book IS, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records,lhence South 60' 47' East 25 feet, thence South 15' 47' East 707 feet, thence South 29' 13' West 95 00 feet, thence North 60' 47' West 30 00 feet, thence North 29' 13' East 10000 feel to the Pomt ofBeglnrung, In Lane Counly, Oregon PARCEL VI Beglnrung at a pomt on the Easterly margIn of Mohawk Highway, SaId pomt being North 89' 44' 15" West 11008 reel and North 29' 13' 7" East 14531 feet from Ihe Northeast corner of Block 6, MOHA WK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book] 5, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, thence along the s8Jd Easterly margm North 29' 13' 7" East 50 feet, thence leaVlng s8Jd Easterly margm Soulh 89' 48' 27" East 100 feet, thence parallel WIth Said Easterly margIn Soulh 29' 13' 7" West 50 feel, Ihence North 89' 48' 27" WesllOO feet to the pomt ofbeglnrung, In Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wdlametle Mend1an In Lane County, Oregon Date Received 0'.) z4'! 157 Planner MM EXHIBIT A Page 3 of3 pages Lel' ~,"-'-l1W.i.I,I,.Ia. ''''::'illll.~Jllliti.UI~I;llill:.uil~.IIIIIIII, IlU....11l Illl...i.lliil.ii ~Il: I. .,11 '. .'llii, ,d. .. ." . ..,. .1 4-27 ... 4 4- CJ ":-- ./ A... E.,r- ~.-' ~_--:- I J 7 - '3 - ...e..~- '1_~~J!J2""'- ...' '.-. ~._...- ....L._ - 51K? Mo r. o.uJK. -, , t_ i .JAJ'PIS...;ll DC":! ,/ ::2-~ 'CJO'" ^ll. ~l ~!. -tESE tl'OE$=~.. Uklt' Uc.<.rr !..~'t:"'e."'t r.o... a oo:dI"tnef"oo I I I sm.?" ~'ter ealle~ -c-e "'rantot". l.n co:nsJ.c<-...racCtl. c; 7e::l. ""ol..1A-~ (SlO.OO) and oC'Jer .,aludble COI'lSlCe:tita'lS to .It ?=U-G ~ ~ "'U"S't 'ta.o.cna..l 3anJc: of ~6Ol'.. Cla:"t.lard.. a. na:o.a'dl ~~ assoo.a:c.OO, '"lereU"ll3ft'et' ealleC ~ ""ra."'\'tee, d~ ltereb'J' grsrt. ~. sell ar.d ~, untO 'W.l<l r:Nntee, lts successors and as~;lgns, the fo].lc:w1r\g deS~~ed. real ~~_......-..J 1Jl t.a."\e Com:t"/, ')reEcn, t~_'t: 3eg:uu'UJ1v, at ~.a s'tc:re '1lCrl"..l....~ t!ll!': -scx.l't:.'"ea5:t' ~ of 'tne ". ". -... =00 t.and Clal.':l 10. 69, ,"'''''."':.,lL' ~ Dange; 3 :oles~ of oe hUar"arte "'end:.a.""l... Cle.e t ",' If gga 148' 27" Ii I1t49.97 feet alert'>: C'\e south lJ.ne: of saJ.u ~na'l Land ClaJJIl 'lo. 69 to a pam!, 'C'1er1Ce, ~. .' '-".... '" I ~~ ~~~11 ~. ~.<~ ~/~'~ { ..' ~ ,I ~'1 b~~ ~.::.:.~ -l;~J68fJ ~~rz ~: 1--' -~- r/:_ ''''''" ~....:.- ~~~ N sg<J _11 53" 'II 3a8..6~ feet to the T='ti'E D"lI:rr or 3~<1'n:: ':- 1:he:nce, N 890 _I' 53" Ii 200.00 feet along ~e south ~ of 31~ G 0: sa2d iUat -:0 an 1I"tX\ ::n-;:e se--= en ~ east'erlH 'tl<!.I""';1.l of Ycha:'k "'\l.tT...;ay:a..- ~. N oa 13' 30" E: 99.15 fee't to an .1.I"al -:nye ~]: t:t>e Inlo.al. Pol.nt: of'~ r],..""5t .&ddJ.'tlon ao:~ to ~ ?lat Oe~ ~rded ..n V~ lS~ ~ 23 of ?la'tS of 'Oe ~__..~~ of Lane Com:r;, OregGl, tl1<nCO , M ~ 131 07" r: 165..00 feet almg the easterl'l ~ of ~ ~ 'to a poutt. 1;herlC'e, S 7QO 221 19" E: 135..00 feet to a ;:oUIt.:, t:he;nc:e:, S ..0 2-1 511'1 II 100.00 fed 1:0 tPe true ;:OJ.%\t ol :::eguuu..,g In S"rmg- f1.e1d, Lane Ccunt"/, ')regal- Also. .mt ~'t' ap~t thereto far t:le -. ....._luslve use for CU!5~ ~, subJect to and U?X'1 the tet"'l'lS a.rd oxmo.ons hereJ.n sta:ted, of e.. foJ..l,a.n..ng ~ ;arc:el" t\erewaIter called the -':'aro..."'1; ~". ilog1J1n1t18 '"" the rt::ne narlang the SOJtheas~ c:on-;!r or the ~. ~. ~ ~ ncn Land Cl.u.'1Io ~:o. 69, !o.msnJ.'O 17 So.fth, ".anbe 3 kst at ~ ..~ >.cer:.dJ,.an; e..ence ~ aq4 ..9' 2?" 1~9.91 feet: ola1g the scuth llne of sald Ccnancn t.and CL3u "0. 69 to a ""-.,<. 1hen~, ~ QO U' 30" E: 99.15 feet to an U"Q"I. p;1.;:e ~ the Iru.nal Pcnnt of ~ f'1.rst' ..&O:b.tl.al a~ to t:1".e 9"Lat ~f .__..~_i In Vol\ll'<: U, Page 23 of ;>La'" of t:!le roo:=ls of l&le CoJn't'f, 0rega1 ard ~ tt\.lI: POcrt Of BErI?J.ILr.. 'C"enee, r 890 "1' 53". 283.~ fee't' alera: thf= ~ l.l.ne of 31od<: 6 of '5aJ.C ..,tat ./ C' ::71'3 '" . pcnnt ...r<e<l by an u= ;>In, ~, tl 0' la' 07" ~ 92.77--;;---- I J7 fort to a pom't' lJIitt'lI::ed bv an l.I'l;11 put, thence, ~J Soo 1l.6' 53'" " 152..09 tee't to a lead ,~ 5e't 01 thl;.-easterl'.! ~ of ~ H1\t02'f; ~ Ir 29" 13' or !: 1OO"f..~ ala>g "'" oasterlv - c4 ~~, ~ S 600 -.6' 53" r: 'to the east 1.lne of IlI<x:k 6 of s.ud pia~; thenCI! 5 alalg t:!le ....,;t llne of 3lee!< 6 cā‚¬ sa><! plat to the nu: "OIlIT OF 3=:rr:1G. n. oor\Q.tlg...... ",-ll dso ;><<nice == ;ooriun8 far ~'" In 'the 1Icrth c.tllt ... ~ Shopp1.ng Ccn't'e%' 1 SJ. t:.krte to ~ :d"Cl ard east of the ~ arM. I~ 1.S r~ a~' ~ -1- Date ReceIved .5'h.'f/~ Planner MM I I I 4-ia r.~1"'J.a~ '5, lQoC.) aeel '0. I - -\ ... . 1 . "1 "II 3h ~6L J -- -- - 1. ~;>or<cng 0:-..4 Coo:: r.or a!l-.." ~;x:n e,. ;:.oro,l 'Ic~"J """'--'oC. ~. ~""""er o:>Ye'...-~ fO<' LCel!, <c SU=SO'" and ""<'l:'S roOt to ot-l= ~... -'S. o! ~... ;.uio..~; ...... by t.". ==cn of !lulldl.~ cr =........... ~= t..,. ""'"_~ ..... er ""'" tile Lands 1yu,g I:e"""" e>e ~ = an:! "'. l.1ncs "...~:,/ calV"J<:d. Z. ~ ~an_ Cces not asstll'"e ""'.I a.t'/ to """~n or L"?ro-/. the ;>or!c.ng ...... cr to <:an:r1bu1:e to 1:1e COS1: o! ""-"t.".:,.". It =enanc ror LceU, !c "'--.....-. and asS1_, 'lO1: to do or COlJSe to be ea.. ....rt1uJ'lll w't.c, 1nterreres "'-~ the ""'-=lunve USe of 1:1e ;>ar'a.nl; ...... fer ost,,-, i"OO-.. ~, 1:1e :...nter, ~ts "=I~crs an:I o!SSJ.5nS and theu- tenant:5 .tn ~ 5hc;1PL"li cert'er 3. ~ -'S~ _.l ~ granted shall ~n to e-... _._.~ _.' h~ """""l"'<l SO la1g as ....1 ~ hOJSe ocnstnJeted !lv e-... Crant... en SOJ.d ;>t'O!lert'.1 1>oreby COlYe-}l!d shaU stand. to rlAY!: A:/D to dOUl the abclYoe <Ioscnbed and lll'mted ;>r!Olses _ Pt"l-v:tleg.. wrto the 5ald -::na,t.eo, lts ~---"a:s and. a5S1.gns. - t!lOl ::nontor dces ~ to an:! "'-th the Grantee, '''' SUCt:esso", and asugns. that the ~tor l.S l.uf..uy ""'-=:I In fee slJlQle or the above or.:tted Ift=ises and e-... ;>uiung ....... here2na!lcY. des~, that tile abo.e granted ..-..u.. ""' free ftal all =-rances and the ~ area .l.S free !ran all , - ---.~- ~ · ""rtiUn IlCr'ti\'lSO to the :qw.table W. "SSUrerx:e SOc:J.ety 0( t!lOl u"ted Slates ~ en lIovertoer Z3, 196Z 1J'I tile office of the C<u,t'.1 Cleti< at Lone O1Inty, Ilregc." as L__" '''' '90805, P.eel 21~ ~ of t!lOl ~ of /- /. r <.:. -5-4 '12.//6'-> ~ at said C<urt'.Iand State and t!l..t the 'lrant<r "'-ll and >1:5 su=sor,; and asugno shall :.._~,. and f<:X'eVer Caten:! the above ;:;anted ;>re:!uses and ~ area an:! """""I p..t"t and :>an:el ~ ._ the lawful claJ.", and ~ o( all :~...-.... whcm3oever, ~ as afor-esaid... III ./l'l:'E;s ~I', the ~- has =ed llus deed to be ~ed en its behalf b\7 all at its -.""'-H fl fs;JS ~;-:"'';/h~A C- L .zJ- &"oJ. ... ,/ /77<'7'd.., :~t~~ ~ OF (Il!:;Qf , ,.. ClUIry OF 1M!: , 80 i1: , .. - - -, d ~ at tlu.o .:). _ P-day of t lJ' . 1963, bet""" ... - <nloru_. ~ notiIry I'Jbhc in - fer ~.{;. _ Stat!., ~lly -2. - Date ReceIVed Planner MM - - ~.bru.'7" 1"'51\l<Gi '.0._ - , J , i ~I J . '1 ~il , II J ~1 1 , ~. i. - j I ... , '1-14-1'i ;s , e/ /iC~ Rc<:!.~" bJ 11,,'"."1''' Ill" _1. 4 c;-{) .I ~ ~...J-':" \ ~ '"h~''''''--''''''''''' 'J First National Bank or ore~on /r3- fl,'13S.l. ',1'\ _.~ - - .J.f.f"1 .... C".. -<- '-.... - ~J'l1( 4ff d I - . ~ ! i a ! .. ~ L ,,~ . - .~ ... ~ . ~ ! ~ . "" , \ P, O. _ Jl)l Port lord, Ores,n 9'7208 ,......1: ...DOtl'SS. Zl~ ., """'I.~,,,,"-"'M _'''1''.'''''-''10 _JlrS~ Na~10"u Bank or ares"" P. o. _ )131 . po;:tland, Ore&"" 9720.8_ _"L~OO'c.s."t"" ~ t J - sn.C1AL W MlllANfY DEED __ _.Y-<!A!_!h'VISTl!ENT CO'L ! p~ne~lL--- _ _ __ _ -- - - - - - - G"n'O< .,."y,.noI>l"aoJlyw'=OI"O-~ MTlONAl. \ll.llI\Jlf lllf.GO~,-' nat1"".l "."Jdn~ "'QO~twa_ ----- -- ---- .---- ------ - --- --- - - ._- --; G/Onl" Ihe lol\o~'o, dc<<nbed p'opcrty lree 01 .n<omb...... ","'led 0' "'llc~c-d by ll.. II/Oolor coCCl'I '" . spcafaCloUY s.ct forth lIcre"lft BcPJU11r-b at a point being llorth 8'1' U' 53" West. )08.64 reet and Ilorth 1.0 2J.' 51" !:a.t lCC.oo re" rroo the Initial Point or Mcha~k Fl.",t !ddition, .. platted and reeorded in Book 15, Pa&< "'_, _...'...,.'. . ""," Plat Record., bein' ill T"""'hiP 17 sooth, Ran.e 3 West. ,r tho WillJuOOtCO Meridian; run th,noe North I.' 21.' 51" Ea:lt 1..15 rcetl lhenoe North 7r:f' 22' 19" West. 133.24 reet " thc Easterly 1=e or ",h.~k ll\.ttnoO)"; thence elon& and Easterly line scnth 2'f' 13' ar' West 1..06 r....; thence le"W said Easterly line Sooth 7r:f' 22' 19" taat 135.00 re" to thc p,!JIt or BeginnW, in Lane Ccunt7. Qre&aIM . \ \ , t~ ", " (. . '" ~ 1111 11'0~ 0;' \ .... .NW..,.C.(....f ~I; COf'II"..ue: ~...,"10I't 01't ...OOITtl3"..... ~QI:I 11" ~,J ~,,"",.) "I"",, Ir.." ,11 ,ocumh/On""'...... ;..,diUo"'", ro_trioli.ona, and ea.eean~' or ,...,or<!, plua ",rt&~ roe,rdod 1\a115. 19'72, lLocoption 110. '1'/196. HUC' \.fln'h.h.l.lll..m fur ,hi" cO'l'C'Yiln\.C' I'" 'So Z.1QJJlQO D.,ed. AUC'.t 14, 19 78 - - Ilol<Al IJl'/ESn<EIlf CO. B:r!~cJ; }:' ~ ~;. / . partnor_ - ~ !l1,:~n ,. .'1 r J;J ii, partner' _ _-;'Yf"'~..JL----../;:;'L-- -- .. ..-- , -<./ rl,r-oruUy :!op("('afC'd the .boTe' named ST,\'lj;"tQKll.o~ coun'y of un< ... ',,~'. ' ._ '" J. Douglu Iloltal and!lilae Ilo IloXq ,,"01'A'~ v ."d ..........',5'.-d lhe [0".'''0' ,",lrumeOI to b< theJ.l: ._.ol~nl"Y ", a..d d<<d B<lor. mc " /'1' \ tl.>1~eJ,.\~ Jl.. AD 1978 ./-'" c.,, - /1__./1. '-" (~=. '..'I;"''''''''''':\.l,''';''' 6/12/78 ....."rubl~r"'o._ '\ I1r t".~ CASCADE TITLE CO,",P ANY f"",.Mo ,,. I 075 Oak S,,"' . ,. .' f Date Received' Planner MM 5/"L't! ry , . L : .' ,. : . , . 4 4 . :- .' ~ . \ .-:..~A._ J l I .~ ;' ~~;:;:~ ~:d.r;:-'J.t:i!?::5J;ti'!.J-.:-;':"t'..~''-:;, r~'..,'.:-J, ~..L:--r-," !;:':-~'" ',<.~ .-.. " _ .. ....=--'..ao-..~.". ~,.....~':";.I;-"4"''''',o(~~~:'"~~ ,,;z.'<Jl.-,~~ , 4-30 1., ,~ ..' ..- ... " { -1" t:;;'!"o ------ --~-~-- -:--0.. _ ; "--" " ----.. -..- .-- --.- --- GRANT OF lCASI!:liENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND )L.\!Nn:NANCE OF WAn:R MAIN KNOW ALL WEN 1ST THESE: PllESENTS That (or and. in. con..id.era.tioa. 01 the lam. at TOil DoU.azt ($10 00) aa.d other yaluble coa.lld.or.tiOD. to it in h&lldpaid. THE nRST NAnONAL. RANK OF OREGON, POll.TlJoND, ~ aatioD4l barUdnl a..oc:u.noD., GraD-tor, do,u b4rBby an.D.t. b&rialn. tell iLa.d coa.ve1 lIQto w.:cKAY INVESTMENT CO... a part'l1erlhip. the tale and Duty partaerl 11lwbich aI's Wile. E W,eK.aT. Eteaa.or P McKay, J Doagla.. Wc:1t&r &rad Lind.a Lee Mc:Ka.,., the Onntee hereia.. ltl luceeuart aa.d a.uij;lU. the nlht to axc:avate (or. ia.atall. rep~ce (aC tho butn,l or 1.111 other IUO). m_t..bt.. aa.d uae aD. lIb.derarollud m.aUl or plpeliae Cor the glO of C:CUWOy-lDg w:ater. &ad aha a rilht of way therefor, tOlctber 'Wlth the rliht oC 1.ag:re.' t , therato aad .Ve.. thereCrom. La. on. and acra'. tho l::u:re1D.alter cietc:rLbed .trip of la.D.d ,Ulla:f;e ia. La.a.e County. Oneon. Ic:h.ematic:a.lty Iho'W11 on &s1Ubk It., a.ttacb.d. hereto and. expre..Ly made a part b.e.'I'eof by referencc u tboalll [till, let forth. horoil1. and m,ore partica.1.arty d.e.cnbed a5 loLla...... It. .trip oClalld. 6 leet 111 wiclth Lflue adjaeellt to and sad of the ...tort, UII8 of the CoLlo'W'\D.1l daecn.becl tract olland Uld ex" tIIlldia.& cram the .outherly ha.e to the aortherly linc thcreol / )~ V \~~6'Z. B.l(iDD1a.C at the .to1Ul m.a.rkil1l the .outbaa..t corner of the A. W. power. DoaarloQ La.a.d Cl..&im No 69. ~ownah1p 17 Sooth, 1lAn&" 3- West of the WllLamette Wendia.D.. thence:, N. 8'. 43'- Z1"'" 1+l9 91 feet a.loo.a: the .oath tiae of .aJ,d Daaat10a Laad ClalD1 No 69 to a pola:t. thence, N. 0 - 13' 30" J- .".15 foet b) an iroll pipe markml the lm&l Poult at (' Woha..rir. Flrst addition a.e:cDrdio.l tD the plat thereat recorded W 'tV... ....;,. ,........ ...:.-oLplat. of the recorda of Lane County. On loa. tballlCe. N. 89- "I' 53" W _308 6-l feCIt to the TllUE pOI!'n' 07 BECiINNING thc:a.ca, N. 89- 41' 53" W Z.OO 00 [est aLGae U. IOQdll1llO of. alack ~of ..,i4 pla.t to &a. lroa. pIpe .at oa. tM ...tarlr =arIa at Mab.a.wk Hichway. tb.aae"'. N Z'9- 1,. 01" 1:. 165 00 f.ot aloo.l the e.a..terl, CD&rgia. a{ Mohawk Sllllway to.. pola:t: thea.c8, s. TO- 22' 19" E 135 00 {eet to & palGt: tMllee.S. 4- Z4' 51"'" 100.00 feet to the true po:Lui of bolpaaia& la Sprloafleld. woe CoQOty. OreaDo. Date Received Planner MM --5' ( "2-<t( Dr I 1 I \ 1. , , ..- ."..-' ---_..- -- -- ,-- .r~ 2S. 1963 1lae1 .- :- ~ , I i t i I , I I I v / I J'epla.caneuta .. expechtiou.alr a. pouible and to cOQrmn.a.te to the taU...t astaat praC'b.cabt. with Cirantor'l u,1Ie: oC the prem~.a. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the nghu al'1d pn:nLeie. a.lol'Il'&ld IUItO the l&ldGraa.t.e.. lU 11ICce..orl and Uaiil18 IN .,u..~ W'HEltEOJ', the Cnato:t baa ea.u..~d the.. preaea.Ui \ I to 1M executed. by ita corporae. officera tbrltl1a.to duly aqthorl:ed a.nd ita corporate ..a1 tD be hara'llAtO a!fb.ed tla. 24th day oC JWle. 1963. (Corporate Seal} THE i'lllS'l'NAnONAL BANK OF OREGON. PORTLAND. a a.a.tional ~akia.& ,unciJJoa. lIy ~/a-d-" 1~~'i~ent 12~_.,-lnuL -LJ u.. u.i.tant 11t.JUid.ent By STAn OF OREGON } ) ..~ coUNTY OF MULTNOMAH } Oa. tb:b the 24th da, or J'lltlO. 1963. before me appea.red C It c.artrell _ad R II Lenltfield both CO me pe,rloaally knOW'tl, 'beia.g dli1ly sworn did .a.y that he. the. a&1d C. H.. c.rtraU i. the Vice PruLd~nt aad bo, the laui I.. W. Lan&field u the Assistant Vicll: P"resf- dee.t . of the W'1t.1:ua. naxned corporatlQu, al1d that the: seal- alflsad to .a.ici ~~trtlC1e1lt ,. the corpora.te soa.1 oC sa1d corporation &ad that saJ,d. ,a.sumnont wa. sl.&oed and sea.led 1.1% be~l! oC sa.ul corpora. tioa. by authonty oltta boa.rd oI directorl.. a..ud that C 14. Gartrell &ad L V. Laa.gfie1d ack.Do..n.eqed s.ud UJ.stru:a1aJU: tD be the fro. ,J.D.d ....-olua.Qry act: &Dd. de.d ';C u.1d corporatlaa.. IN TES'I'Dd.ONT WHEREOF.. I h2.v~ he:rcJa.tl) sct tny haa.d aa.d a..Ubodm,1 .eal tlu.- day aDd. filar first Ul Ua.... mr cert1.fic:aUi.. wn.ttea.. GI. A . l.::::rh --k )7 l"",--(,",,,-- lfotaZ'1 Public for Ora IDa. . Mr Ccamuuioa. E%pir.. hdV ~ '-/~' ~ I I , I 15462 Date Received -sf '2'{ ! ~ Planner MM 3. - 1 I --=-'1' ----- .- ----- -.- _..._.......,.....-~ ~----- 4-~ 3_ 2$. 1963 iool ~ ". Branch DSE, U ser FA 11 Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stallon ld CUllvI After Recordmg Return to McKay Investment Comoany 23,0 Oakmont Wav, SUlte 204 Euoene. OR 9740i Untd further notice, ,end tax statements to: No change Dlvl.'." .r Chle' Depu~y Clerk 'lMU\M~~7 Lancl Count.y De.d. and R.cora 'W"-V~ijvy 1IIIIInlIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $66,00 IIlll ~ ~~0ll933~700 ~7 11122/2005 02: 3UO p~ RPR-oEEIl Cnl=1 Sln=6 CllSHIER Q7 S4S DO .11 DO S1Q,QO DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND DEED McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon limited habulty company (McKay), IS the owner of two adjOlllmg traCts of property refened to berelll as Tract I and Tract 2 McKay IS maklOg th.s declaratIOn to set an adjusted bowlllary hne between Tract I and Tract 2 to comply With City of Spnngfield land use regulal10ns and the provISIOns of ORS 92 190(4) The legal descnpllon of TI3Cl 1 pnor to tlns adjustment IS descnbed on the attached Exhibit A. The legal descnptlon of TI3Cl 2 pnor to tlns adjustment IS descnbed on the attached Exhibit B FollOWing tlus lotlme adjustment, the descnpl10n of Tract I IS descnbed on the alUlched Exh.hlt C Follow'ng tins lot hne adjustment, the descnptlOn of Tract 2 IS descnbed on the alUlched ExhIbit D ~- The parnon of the legal descnphon which depicts the new adjusted hne between T met I and Tract 2 IS Wlderlmed on the attacbed Exh.b,lS C and D, respecuvcly McKay conveys to McKay the property descn"bed on Exlnblt C and McKay conveys to McKay the ".v,,_' ,/ descnbed on Exlnb.t D The true and actual cons1<leratJon for tins deed IS none TIllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlBED IN TIllS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE roLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlATE CITY OR coUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMTNE ANY LlMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 Declaranon ofr.~r'~) Lllle AdJusunent and Deed - I F VOBS\62OO's\6264\WORD\Declaratl.--..~ -.J Lme A.dJu.str.rIe:otAlldDeedl1210j doc Date Received Planner MM .f / z.<(/ or I LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page I of9 Prmted on 9/29/2006 10 01 3 \ AM 4-33 ;.. Branch DSE,User FAI J TltJe Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUlM Dated llns 22nd day of November, 2005 McKay Investment Company, LLC B~~~M~ STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) Nt. TIns mstrument was acknowledged before me t1us 12. day of November, 2005, by Linda McKay Korth, a Manager of McKay Investment Company, LLC. _......_.~~~~~ . OFFICIAL SEAL GAIL M usa j NOTARY PUBUC-OREc;ON COMMISSION NO 354792 ~~.~.,,""- -------~~ -~ -~~ ~~ Nk Pubhc for Oregon .J My comnusslOn expues .;:l/'f o? . ~ Declaral10n on '.r.'~' Lme Adjustment and Deed - 2 F 1lO1IS\6200'SI62641WOIlD\lJ ..;......J'l1lpertYLme Adlusun",tAn&Jee<l112l0S doe l'" J ~i (",.., Date ReceIved J /... - I Planner MM LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 , " Page 2 of9 . ".. " .1 I PrInted on 9/2912006 10 01 32 AM 4-34 .. Branch DSE,User FA II TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stallon Id CUllvl EXHIBIT U A ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION BI-MART !TACO BELL PARCEL (TRACT 1) PRlOR TO ADJUSTMENT PARCEL 11 BEGINNING AT A POINT WHICH IS NORTII 0'03' EAST 43389 FEET FROM A POINT ON THE SOunl LINE OF THE ALBAN SON M POWERS DONA nON LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, WHICH LAST MENTIONED POINT IS 14507 FEET NORTII 89'57' WEST FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID CLAIM, FROM SAID BEGINNING POINT RUN NORTH 0003' EAST 586 93 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89'57' EAST 4653 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 0'03' WEST 586 93 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89' 57' WEST 4653 FEET TO THE PLACE BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89'44' W WEST 110 08 FEET AND NORTH 29'13' 07" EAST 145 31 FEET FROM THE NOR1HEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE coUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29'13'07" EAST 50 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAlD EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 89"48'27" EAST 100 FEET, THENCE PARALLEL WITH SAlD EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 29'13'07" WEST 50 FEET, THENCE NORm 89'48'27" WEST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: iN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WlLLAMETTE MERlDIAN, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRlBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED FEBRUARY 20,1959, RECEPTION NO 60561, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL \II BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTH 89'57' WEST 14507 FEET AND NORm 0'03' EAST 85000 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE A M POWERS DONATION LAND CLAlM NO 69 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERJDlAN, RUN THENCE NORTH 0"03' EAST 1704 FEET, THENCE NORm 89057' WEST J4 75 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE COUNTY ROAD, THENCE ALONG SAlD LINE OF COUNTY ROAD SOUTH 29009' WEST 194 97 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89'57' EAST 1096 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date Received .7 ~ <( I tr( Planner MM . LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 3 of9 ,I Pnnled on 9/29/20061001 32 Ml 4-35 !' " Branch DSE,User FAIl TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment . StatIOn Id CUlM PARCEL III CONTINUED EXCEPT BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOliA WI( HlGHW A Y, SAID POINT BEING NORTIl 89'44'15" WEST 11008 FEET AND NORTIl 29013'07" EAST 145 31 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6, MOliA WI( FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERL Y MARGIN NORTH 290\3'07" EAST 50 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 89'48'27" EAST 100 FEET, THENCE PARALLEL WITIl SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 290\3'07" WEST 50 FEET, THENCE NORm 89048'2T' WEST 100 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF TIlE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL VI BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TIlE EASTERL Y MARGIN OF MORA WI( HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORm 89'44'15" WEST 110 08 FEET AND NORm 29'\3'07" EAST 14531 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6, MOliA WI( FIRST ADDITION, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, THENCE ALONG THE SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29'13'07" EAST 50 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 89'48'2T' EAST 100 FEET, THENCE PARALLEL wrrn SAID EASTERLY MARGIN SOUTH 29'13'07" WEST 50 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89'48'2T' WEST 100 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SECTION 25, TOWNSHlP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAL'l, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date ReceIved 51,fz-'-t In Planner MM (J LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 4 of9 , " Prmted on 9/29/2006100132 AM 4-36 " Branch DSE,Uscr FA 11 Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment. Slatlon Id CUL\oI EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION MCKAY MOHA WK PARCELS PRIOR TO ADJUSTMENT (TRACT 2) PARCELl BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE soum LINE OF THE A.M POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTIi, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, 14507 FEET NORTH 89"57' WEST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF, THENCE NORTIl 0'03' EAST28716 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89057' EAST 4653 FEET, THENCE soum 0003' WEST 287 16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89'57' WEST 4653 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED JULY 25, 1957,RECEPTION NO 18049, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ALSO EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, RECORDED NOVEMBER I, 1971, RECEPTION NO 70906, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANECOUNTY,OREGON TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF VACATED CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD WIDCH WOULD INURE TO SAID PARCEL IN ACCORDANCE TO LAW, AS VACATED BY VACATION ORDINANCE NO 1808, RECORDED NOVEMBER 22, 1963, RECEPTION NO 34155, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECORDED JUNE II, 1963, RECEPTION NO 13833, DEED RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON PARCEL IV BEGINNING AT A POINT NORTH 0003' EAST 287 16 FEET AND 1450 7 FEET NORTH 89057' WEST OF THE SOunIEAST CORNER OF THE A M POWERS DONATION LAND CLAIM NO 69, TOWNSHIl' 17 soum, RANGE 3 WEST OF THE WILLAMETIE MERIDIAN, THENCE NORTH 0"03'EAST 146 T3 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89'57' WEST 465 3 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date Received -.5/ --z..'1 /0- Planner MM"-"1 1,4- LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 5 of9 " I Pnnted on 912912006100133 AM LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 . " Page 6 of9 . .' . I Pnnted on 912912006 10 01 33 AM 4-37 Branch DSE,User FAil Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stanon Id CUlM " EXHIBIT "C~ LEGAL DESCRlPTION BI-MART I TACO BELL PARCEL (TRACT 1) AFTER ADJUSTMENT BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTIIEASTERL Y MARGIN OF MORA WK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89'44'15~ WEST, 110 08 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTH 29'13'07" EAST, 195 33 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89'48'27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO TIlE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH O'l]'34" WEST, 273 00 FEET, IHENCE.1fu\ VlNG SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 89'48'26~ WfST, 34 65 F1;.ET THENCE SOUT1-l 58"4Y'12~ WEST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE. NORTH 89'53. '24~ WESL 1)"1. 99 FEET, Tj-lfiliCE NORTH 74'28'08~ WEST_ 62 15 FEET" THENCE SQUlJ:! 70'06'00" WEST, ~.Qjl2 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89'46'30" WEST. 141 9'!. FEF.T TO THE EAST LINJ;: OF SAID \lLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0'13'30" EAST, 109.54 FuriO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTIl 89'44'15" WEST, ALONG THE NORm LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, I 10 08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE CoUNTY, OREGON CONTAJNJNG 3 09 ACRES Date ReceIved Planner MM S/Z>flo( , I LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 ,. ' Page 80f9 , I Pnnted on 9/2912006 10 01 34 AM 4-38 . . ,~ Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatJon Id CUlM EXHlBIT "0" LEGAL DESCRIPTION SOumERL Y PORTION OF MOHAWK SHOPPING CENTER (TRACT 2) AFTER ADJUSTMENT BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTII 89"41'53" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM TIlE SOUTIlEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLA TIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING TIJENCE NORTIl4'24'51" EAST, 104 16 FEET, TIJENCE NORTIl70'22'19" WEST, 133 23 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, TIlENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTIl 29"13'07" EAST, 194 69 FEET, TIIENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN soum 60'47'00" EAST, 90 00 FEET, THENCE NORm 29"13'07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, TIIENCE SOUTH 15'47'00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, TIJENCE soum 60'47'00" EAST, 5 00 FEET, TIIENCE NORTIl29'13'07" EAST, 80 00 FEET, TIlENCE NORTIl 60'47'00" WEST, 5 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTIl74'13'00" WEST, 14 14 FEET, TIJENCE NOtl.TII 60047'00" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MORA WK HIGHWAY, TIIENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTIl 29"13'07" EAST, 183 70 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTIl89'44'15" EAST, 16565 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, TIIENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTII 0'13'30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, THENCE LEA VINO SAID EAST LINE RUN soum 89'46'30" FAST. 141.99 FEET. 'f'HmJCE NOll.TH 70'06'00" EA~T 3002 FEET, SOI)J1U1~8'08" EAST, 62 15 FEET, THENCB SOUTII 89"53'24" EAST, 15299 FEET, THhNCh NORTH 58"49'12" EAST, 25,85 FEET,1Jii<NCE SOI)TH 89'48'26" EAST 3465 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF ' 18TH STREET.TIIENCEALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0'11'34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO TIlE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, TIIENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNlAL BOULEV ARD TIlE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES I) NORTH 89"49'36" WEST, 25270 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 170848 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RJGHT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86'19'36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LErr, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86'19'36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 89"49'36" WEST, 5 42 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTII MARGIN RUN NORTH 0'10'24" EAST, 14 34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 1099 ACRES Date Received .5( "l...<-f ler Planner MM LANE,OR Document BLA 2005 93357 Page 9 0(9 . . I PrInted on 9/29/2006 10 0 I 34 AM 4-39 ,''- Branch DSE,User .FAIl Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Statton Id CUlM .' " . G ).0 ' 10' ,\ .. _...~ ,.. ,,,,. ;'. -., .... .. 4 ~~ mlll~ 11\\ 1lI11\ ml\\l\ mllmml III ~I $31.00 'il76117ll8~2IIe:z!l11/30/2005 11:29:40 All r Dlvlslon or Chl.f o....ty Clark ~ eo...ty o.odo and Rocorda bJTE tiJ. aff7MJr AJI.er RoconflD( lUtarn '0' WESTERN nTU AND ESCROW COMPANY 4~1 OAKWAY ROAD, STE 34U ' EUCENE, OR 97401 1tPR-DEEll Cnt=l Slrl=!! CRSllIER 04 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 Until, chanCe Is. -s"'-'"'-": aD taxstitemellts shaD. be leot to tbt following address CUDDEBACK INVESTMENTS, INC, PO BOX 57b9 EUGENE. OR 97405 wARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM McKay Investment Company. LLC, an Oregon Inmtcd habihty company, GTantor, conveys and warrants to Cuddebaclc Investments, Inc., an Oregon COIJlOIllllon, Grantee, the rea1 ~.v~_.1 dc!cnDed on attached ExhibIt A. Subject to easements, covenants, conwnons and rostnctlons nf =n!; nghts of the publIc In and to that portion of the ".vy_" lymg WIth In lbe Inmts of roads and lnghways, e:xlStlllg leases, Declarallon of Property Lme Adjustment and Deed, easements, setbacks and wood fence as shawn on Pre!mnnary 1)._._',; Lme Adjustment Survey, Job No. 05-6264 dated October 5. 2005, by SS&W Inc E ."...___, and Oregon Wen Qwnc:rship lnfonnal1on fonn recorded at Document No 2()()O.l)13-993, OffiCIal Records of Lane County, If apphcablc. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AllOW USE OF tlIE PRv< ""., DESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR A'-'-"-" 1 JJ'lG THIS INSTRUMENT. tlIE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TII1.E TO TIiE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlATE CI1Y OR COUNIY pLANNJNG DE1'AATMENf TO VERIFY APPROirm USES AND TO LJ.cl~ ANY LIMITS ON LA WSl!ITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACIlCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 The true COIlS1deral1on for tins conveyance IS money and othcrvaluable CDIlSIdcrallon. which is being paid by a 2j1Iified intermediary as part of an IRC 1031 exchange Dated tlus..n-! day of L{mJ~ ,2005 McKay Invcstm<:Ill Company, u.c OFAClAl.. SEAL .SHANNON M BURGESS NOTAA'r' PUBUC-OOEGON COMMISSION NO J60823 0\11' CDMWfSSWN EXPIflES AUGUSTJO 2006 , BY~~~ Lnida McKay anagcr STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss Tlus mstrum<:Ill was acknowledged before me on tJflVi.1Illiw aq. 2005. by Lmda McKay Korth. Manager of McKay Investment Co C Warnmty Deed - I SoIM'MOCA '{lC.U..C\Sw1J1~'OIi6cb&ck\Wa:mfttyDocd112S0S dcc LANE,OR Document DED WAR 2005 95348 Page 1 of2 Date Received <5/1- 1-/01 Planner MM ' Prulled on 9/2912006 10 01 34 AM 4-40 " Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIon Id CU!lvI ~.....I~I."..IP"," ",.....jul"~... ,,,;IIl,"'~."" I'.' I,j, .IW....,_.....I' ;~. "'(I..,, 'u..."... ...., , ~ "".' ..,... ...', I . J:!,.A...a..1DJ.~A Legal Descnpllon BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE solJTl:IEAS11!RLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK mGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89"44'15" WEST, 11008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLATIED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNtY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 19533 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89"48'27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF ISTIl STREET, TIiENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH O'tl'J4" WEST, 27300 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORm 89"48'26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, TIiENCE SOUTH 58"49'12" WEST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89'53'24" WEST, 15299 FEET. TIiENCE NORm 74"28'08" WEST, 62.15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 70"06'00" WEST, 30 02 FEET, U=.,-"" NORTH 89"46'30" WEST, 141 99 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0"13'30" EAST, 109.54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6; THENCE NORm 89"44'15" WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 110 08 FEET TO THE pOINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON Date ReceIVed 6'/.<-I/r7 Planner MM ~ LANE,OR Document OED WAR 200595348 Page 2 of2 Pnnted on 9f29f2006 10 01 35 AM 4-41 " ~ I ~J854H WAPlWIT'i nEED }(]KJtl J'J..t. HEN Bl' 'IHESE l""~r..I.U~ r 'that I't:!<'a.v l'1.ve5-orent "'0., a CO':4rtne......... f sh1.p, here~ter calle.d the Grant01", lJ1 o::msJ.deraucn et' "'c 1 ""o1l..'!.M ($10.00) a nc! other valuable eorlSJ.deru:t1.CTlS to It pald bv The flI'St t.Jun"t.11 3.ank of Cregm, Pc;r4lanrl. a nanmal bank1.~ associatlal, here1Mfter callec1 t'1e 'rii1")tee, does 'lereb-, ~t, ~,aJJlt sell arrl cc:n~ unto 5aJ.d ~teet l.t.-S ...tJcce<;.s~ and as"l.~~, the folla.llnp desCI'\.bed real propert'1 111 Lane Count-", l'1reeoo, tQ-Wlt ::3eglnnln~ at r,e stme markln~ the sc:utheast corner of "the ~. '" Po.Jero; f'onat,on Land Clal-m No. 69, T",msJuP 17 Soun, lWlge 3 ""est of the h.ll.aJrette "'er:ldlan, t!1en~J H 89u 48' 27" ~ 14~9.97 feet alon& the south llne of ~d ionatlon Land C'Lnrn "lo. bQ to" polnt, thence, tI 0' 13' 30" C 99.15 feet to an 21m pip. rDOIiunp. the IlUtw Polnt of "'ohawk 't"lI'St ^.ddJ. tl.cn a~ to the ;>lat thereof 1. ....-..... .:'O"J In V olUl1'e IS, ?age: 23 of ?lats of the ...:;.0.....0....:... of Lane rwn't"/, '1Te~cn. thence . N' 890 "'1' 53" W 308.64 feet to the TPUE P1Irrr or 3s.'"'r iN!,r "to tenCe r N' 890 'n I 53" II 200.00 feet almg the 5alth lIne or Bleck 6 of 5ald ;>la"t to an lI'al ?l;::e set on the easterl" lJ\aI":"ln 0(' 'ci')a< 1K l.lg!THdV 1 thence . ~f 290 131 07" E 165.00 feet alcng the easterll ~n of '''ohawt<, H:1.ghway to a polnt, thence t S 700 221 19" E 135.00 feet to a ?Clot, t;e~, s 'fo 2~' 51" Ii 100.00 feet to 'the nue ;:X:lln"t of Jei:.1rnu..,1l. 10 Spr;.ng- fle1dt Lane Camt'lt f)re&al' Also t an easement appurtenant theret:o for 'Me non-e:<<:lUS1V'! use for custc:rrer ~npt sub)ect to and uf.Xm t:.~e terns and cmdJtlan5 "'>ereln st:at~~ of t.~ follo.n.ng descr1bed ;a,rce1, heremafter called the "~arlunl; I\rea". i3eV-lnro.ng at: the stene maIia.n~ the sootheast corner of me &. "". ?cweI"$ D:::na tlcn t.and ClaJ.'l\ t1o. 69, ':'o.msh1p 17 SoJt.;, r>..,"lflfe 3 ,-k!st of 'Cle .j'l.llarnette ~rldl.all, t:\ence T 890 148' 27" .j' 1449)7 feet: ~ the sooth l1.ne of sald ~.atlc:f'l Land t"'la_"l . o. 6Q to.:l ;x:nnt1 17'C"ce, \0 :)0 13' 30" l 99.15 feet to a.'1 ,l.I"crl ;U;e: rrenu..~ t.~ I 01. nal Polnt of "'bhawk Fl;:"S't: .Add1 t"lal acc::crdJ.ng to 1:ne ;liat thereot ___~,J ln Vo1une 15, Page 23 of plats of the records of I.ane Camty, f"lt'egc::.n and the TP.UL 'POnt! or 9E.f''PJU'{'" thence,' 8go ~1' 53" \i 283.6~ feet alall' the sooth !lne of glock 6 of ..td ,lat 'to a poUlt IMrlced by an lTa'l ,JUl, thence, t 00 18' 07'l 1. 92 77 feet to a palont JMI"fced by an ll"Ol'l pUl, thence, 'I GOo 146' 53" .., 152.09 feet: to a l~ad pluJ:: set at the easterlv lMI'1'...lfl of Mohawk I{J.FtJ.lc3V, 'thenc::e t' 290 13' 07" !: 100 feet aloog the east:erlv rns.t"Q.n of "'bh~Jk ltJ.ghw.ay, thence S 600 1l.61 S3": 'to the east l.1ne of l:Ucc.1.:: 6 of ScUd plat, the:nce: S al~ t~e east l.J,ne of ~loc:k 6 of saJ.d plat to the TPlJE COM C'r BITL:U lG. The ?al'ic1oll2 l:rea W'lll also ;lCOVl.:le custL:J]Er ;:.a.rlu.ng for mercharrt!i lJl t,e ~lot"t' I".a.t:e _ !'1c'<av ShlJ.'Plnj;t "enter, Sl tuclte to t'1e nort"1 .mj east of "the :>arl<:ing area. It 15 furt'>.,. ap,reed' J l ..J -1- Date ReceIVed $/2.C-t. ( "7 Planner MM - I ! ' 4-42 . , , . ! 1 \ .' ( 1 ~ . -~~,,;',rJl>"'",r''' .~ 1!\.:..,.lJl.l..~..., ~_ ,~ ~ .. ~ . '. 1. Tho ~ ~4.t>es nJ~~ th. pa:r=l horeby a:nYe'Je<l. Tho Gz"&ntor ~ts for l.tself" tts SlJQCeSSOr3 and a.~Slgns n~ to obstruct the use of tho ~g.rea by tho =tnlction of hulldJ.nl!S ar othennse upcn tho ~ ...... C<' Upal the lanCS 1l1I"i be-.en tho pax>:l1'& ar<>a a:x1 the lands hereby ccnveyed. 2. The GI'an1:ee does not 4SSum! arrj duty to ~ntaJ...n or' ~e the parking a:rea cr to cartrJ.buta to ti:le CCErt of l"lli!Untenmce. !t c....,.................. for itself, )ts successcrs and asSJ..gnS, .not to do or cause to be dcn.e: an{thlng whlch lnterferes W1th the non-e.xclUSl.'Ie use of the ~ area. e'er c:ustO"'eI' ~ UI the Cral1:tOt", J. ts Sll<.........>>""...~... and asalgflS an:! theJ..r tenants In sale shC?Ol.ng center 3. The <as""",,1: hereby grentod shall appe.'"t ._n to the ..-,-.J hereby conveyed so Img "" = banlang hwse c;x:InS1:zUc:ted by the Grantee '" saId property hereby cmve'led shall st.1nd. TO lAVE A'IlI TO HOLD the above descrIbed and granted """,,"ses and prlVJ.leges unto the saJ.d '"'r'antee, lts successors an:! a5Sl.gns And the ~rantor dces covenant to am with the Grantee, lots succ::essors and .a9S1gns, that: the ~tcr 1.9 lawfully 5eJ.zed U\ fee sunple of 'the a.bove granted P""JlIlSe9 and the parl<J.ng area. here:u1<lhcYe de5cnbed. that the aboJe grerrted ~.. are free fran all enctm>bmnces and the ;>arlung area IS free frail all en"-':'_~_~ e>ccept a certaJJ1 nDrtll'll" to the ll:!tUtable !.lfe Assurance SCCJ.ety of 1:i1e Uru ted States . ___ ":~J 00 UOIember 23, 1962 l.n the off1.ce of the Cwnt'J Clerl< of Lane Ccunty, Oregon t as Ins'tI\IJteflt 190805, P.eel 2114 I of the R.ecords of 'icrt~s of scw:1 County and State and "that' the ';ranter 111.11 and ~ to:; succeso;ors and assigns sr.all warrant ard far'E!Ver dflferrl the above ~ted pre'TI.'\..o;~ .mj parlung area an:1 every part: and parcel thereof agaJ-n:3t t,c lawful cJ.a.J.ns an:1 de!ran:ls of all persons wh::;ITSoever, except as cUaresalO. ! _ In .,./ITNESS I'l'rlEREOF. the Cra."'Jtor ~ cauc;ed tin s deed to be executed en > ts behalf by all of 1 ts ~. "cY.IIY ~1!;S'NDlI' CO. / / ~ %.~~~_//I/J?-'~ "'~~, I,~ ))J",c::..., :~t;~y- A S'rATE Of 0= ) ) ss CllNl"i OF lANE ) /1 Be It rl!IlleIIi>ered tha~ en tlu5 ~ p.- day 0~1. .--.., 1963. bef"", ~ ~U' 1'fW!, the unders:J.gned. a notarY p..IblJ.c J.n and for saJ. t;y and. Stan, perscn!lllv ~ .z- l I \ . ~ J :J Ii . ................ .. , "", Date Received Planner MM 6/24 /47 , 4-43 " 9854H (~ () rI . ( /rl appeared 'the WJ.ti'.ln named 1!l.J.es E. I1c!(ay and _ (-f~ J:r' fIh/1~( 7- """. bowlg <illy swcrn. sa:l.d that tlle:y and J)ouglas '1cKay m:l< . were all of the .~..:._" of the ;>artner9rup l<ncwn as Md(ay Inves""en~ CO. and tlle:y, Ceulg dull I<nam ~o "". eek..,.,. . edged ~hot they e""""ted tlle~" ~~ en behalf of the sao.d ",rtner-;-u;> freely and ,.(1 , "" ~ hove hereun~o set "'I hand ancl ofhCJ.al seal to... ~ ~~s~~~i.res"t.~ 'L ~_,,__ _ ~~ ~ ss h.... =7 ,..-\ J4"'1.A."',.....t I before me, the under.ngned, a nat:arY p.lbl1c in and for o;.nd r.wnty and Sta~e. , - S'" Be >t _ ~._,,_"re<l1:hat en 1lus L- o.y of , 19&3, ?OI'Scnally appeared the w> tllln named ~las ''<::'41 -- who, beJ,.~ Julv sworn, saJ.d t"lat ~he:x and "'~les !:. . Linda Les McKay Hc1<ay and Eleanor P _ Me!(av and I ,were all of ~he ,,~.c." > of the ;:artner- sh.l.p knc:wn as ~ Investment Co. an:::! ~, bel.n~ dull kna.-'J1 to met acknowledged "that SheJt exeoJ'ted the sal.d mstI\llTent 00. l>P..haU of the sald ~'lup freel,! aM. volunt:aI'l.ly. IN .JITNtSS 1o'lEREQF I Mve her'euntc se~ llW hand and 01 f1Clal seal tlle':' , . ,,,_,.IIU,,,,, y\~ ?tN/V""',,'\! day and year :Las t ab<:Ne WI"]. tten. r1 t. !:; ~,,~/....--....;,.tP ...,~ , ~ ~ I &1 ".~ 1 ~-" ~~ A. ~f!Y..~~ <1,,0' "l'~' I I.,w..; -uhh6 ,or '".une .~ ,;..J,;"".;1, it <:. l '). , ",/ camu.sSilcrl e:Olf'e'). I )ot=~~,\;~', ~V..LON C)1 ,~t~ .......J-q-::...-J<:/~'t~ ..,-~ [' ".....4). 's a'"\~:\.~" ':0 J ~ ~"'''IIUIII,''l'''' t, ".IV .s.:r. Be it remelDbered that on this ~ day of Pebrusrv_.1 1963. befM'e ~ "" \lndardgned. .. Dotar)' public in and for add County and State. persoully .?,~ the within nQlI!d Linda Lee McKay who. beiag duly IWOrD, ..1d that she aDd Hil..! McKay. El..nor P Mclay. and J Dougl.. Heny were aU of the mecheri of the partnership known as Meltl)' tnvelt:meDt CQ and ,he. beiDa duly known to -, ack:novledged that: she exec\lted the ..1<1 inltnDllot on behalf of the did ,~_. ~-~ . . ~. ~-,_! partnership frac.lJ .ud yo1:m:atarlly tlf~~I~"~~~ 1}a:lre hereunto .et my hand and official sed tne day and year l&ifiI('~~ ~ .l'-~'~~"': 11;':'~:tt<t $~ ~- ~\ ' 4,,,, iII"'C>)~t ::0. ccl~ -l. i:::l oo:C ~ 16.o="'Illi 'l"\ \;;\=> "i"<'J~ s.fI\~. --s;,' ~i...... ~ ""_',,0,. ,"~/-';' 'It "Q'./. '....-.... '...,.. ...,..."'. "'It,~- _~... ._'l.{.J:.A<,fr i ) ) COUHTY 01' HUL'rNCIKAB ) = OF ORBt;01/ .. J , - . _3_ ~~.. ". -- .'.. ._~ .. ~ . .- y!.:-""l1< for Ilultn.-n It1 ..100 e.xp1ru: /Y',/Lf'" Date Received Planner MM 5(z-1-/;}"'1 4-44 '_....~.lIIu .. <i1i~;:,:\l~~'~..:r..."'~~jlj;:~..li.I~..~ , ,,,,,,,_,"," I , ,,,,,,,,,~,",~,,,,,,,,,';'.~l' , oJ,l>,'''!'l..'6.t""..r.ll.:ll- -...."..'" \ . .'''ili....Q<~~''';. " I . .. . \. I ~ I . , ...;;~- -~' ...-" ------= " . , ~ ....... Date Received P/<;tnner MM I~ 1 . . ~ ~~.; I' ~ . " 4-45 # ... ! . - ~~.f!l!:'":r I , ., " 7~~ " -. 4434'1 l!.tSJ.lt.~Jf! IlR>l ALL jjD 3I DlI/l~ l'I\iSWlt". '~t;,.~, l!. lkXa7 and n.....~ ~il!, h1>aban4.ad YUe, Dean lI. 1IcX&:J aDj.~J~ ~_ )oua_ and rite, ~.~. !lag &ad 1't2Dci~ _e~, _beQil.adi~,;~,!\t~ E. hlA7 &ad Mor_t hlo&7, h1>a_ ea4 rl!e, all or lihe ~~~.;.Jl~II;\ak .t onlO!', hore~ called Q__~__, ~ar """ 111 c_u.~<>1l~!lfi;,.q14l1le Dollar &ad -.. T&l.ublo ......iduUi"" to _ ]>IIid by lI~:";',4 Gu ~, · "'-W'-'-" Uon ot the S~W or OreSOl1, he..._r c~ l/l;lulte9. 1I1e receipt ot llhicd1 10 hereby oclalavledi!e4, ban gnnted, ""p~ ,*"w.,~ e~, and by - p:rdent. 40 &rant, barp1n, ..u. and. ~ t:C$O 11:1.....M14 .Qr&r:J&eeJ ::I.:t8 IUCC..a=a 004 ..01_, the r1gbt or '"'7 """ e__"t to loT_ ll'Il~k1.e ~--.,- en ~t. 111010 (8n) _ pipeUne .ad eppurte"""".. 111, .-lODs, _ aa4 . -trill cd lel\ol 10 teet 111 ridt:b, be1D& part ot Tax to1: 3900 1I11;11e ~t ~ ot - ....uh. v.... quarter ot Section 25, 't. 1.7 S., R. 3 v., w.X'J ~ Coun'tT,. OmC,lOll, ..1d .u1p or l.&a4 be1D& lIOn port10ular17 de.or1l>ed .. _ ..lit 10 t4et or - tollon1ll: dneribed r'" ~IU_ "'.0 tG-v1t. Beg1nn1D& .t . point on the .w1:h lil1e or't:be A. M. p"..,... D,L.C. Wo. 69 111 .aid tovIloldp &ad ___ Jll-5I).7 teet II. 89' '7 I w. ot the: lOUth...t ctorDlr tbereofJ tbnce I. o. G3 r :E. 287.16 r.et, _e S. 89' 51' E. i!65.3 f_. _e S. o' 03' w. 287.16 teet, t_e II. 89' 51' w. i!65.3 t..t to the plLaee of ~g1"'P1of"l, ueept .that portion at the 4eGer1bod r.-............... lJ"inI 'Within the r1gb:t of ny of 18th Street eat "1:" S"treet, ill .. .hovo. OIl draYilnc A9-2Ol2, attaehed 100 aDd by tb1a reference made a p&l1:. hereot. Togethar v1th 'the right to enter upca. ..1d pnAiMa, 'to la7, ~:t 4 " replace or t'eIIOft add p1pel:1.ne: &Dll appurtelaIlCeI. ' 'j" Said au p1pe11ne .ball. be la14 two t..t, lIOn or leu, 'belOW' the .ur.. faclt ot "the grtlU%ld in . sOOtl aD! ,...:. illke -.zmcr aD! the aurf'a.e. or the groand restored, .. near17 .. pn.ct1cabll, to 'the c;cm4J;'t1oa __ vu in prior to 10he la7il18 or .dd pipoUIle. In aona14eration at the prea1.l.., Gn.ntorD -.roo that no bu.1l.d..1D& or oth.... ._tore >rill ... ,Cllrlnu:ted ritllin ~ teet or .aid po pipelil1e, &ad t:b&t no operatiOllO vill be earrio4 on apoa .00d prai.e" t:b&t Y1ll Je~ it. ..t. cperat10D IJ' WI'1'JQ$8 WURIOl, the Orant.on ban executed ~ lutruMnt. 1:h..U ....ILt'6ay ot A"rll . 1961. -...._~_....-- 'l-\t ~_"I/"', ,"" < \ \\~T^.?r .l .. ,-;.. . ':. "," ,ou~'\.\V g;] .. C:' "J' '" / ~ OF Q'" " sTA1'Jl f11 lEm<l1l ~/><_'N~ .J -:77'<'~ / ._~ / J L 't;;Plj ~ d " 'r"Jjl'.bd ), /1,;%/ E:b-.,.. ;? ~ ~ _..// ' "Jl (I .'"~;-: . '-:(;1;'v !. _~J</4_'.,.._\ -.t.kJ c& 1.u~CJ.<4 ~ c",r,~~ ..l,fl. 1(,1 y ~'"'u \ Coan't7 o't Lano ) On thU -llllL day or ..A!',.t l . 1961, penooall:r .pp0an4 tile ebo..-oemed MUee I. MoKay .04 nea_ lloEay oa4 acl;nov1edp1 tile tora&01D& Page one of 1;VO pap. d ,="l.! I " . , . I . , J l' ~ ";; Date RecelV~ .:;/ 'Vi in Planner MM, - t ----" 4-46 ~'1 i t' , ~l f i ,....J " -, 441347 1na~t tg,:be their TOJ.m1~'%17 ..et ~ 4eed.. :Beton JIle1 ~~ I I I I I tf("J~& ,,' ~ BO'tU)' Pub11e tar-<n::egoo )b- ea.ua1on exp1ze.s It, """"""""'" __.... Oct. 15. ISGl. ... 'I , .,... ""''''I, , R "1, ~\t... ../f,(~",,,,, '" :... t~ ~. .. '5~, ;- - 't\01JlI1I" Jii,"'=.. ; . :hMi3~~i& ) \1J'l-, i'uD~~~fjF~ ) 88. - ".,.): ~~~~! t;a"" ) . ~"OF.ln ,.., ~ """l.''':ttl\\''' On this 271;.tL day ot A:or11 , 1$'61, personally -'u __'u _1 the _J~,~;t:.:-_l Ba:rold"""C""1i&gg .nI 'P'ranal. Ame Rasa and &ckn(:Nledged the toresoina: 1Ilj(~;, to be their roluntary lid .nd dee4. Betoro...' ~I/" {l ~ YuoUc tor Ore:gon )Q' Ccala1aD1on expires My ---":-:...n ex;ac.l Oct. 15. 1961 I t l!!... 1<<- ,f' /h-U- BO'tary PIlbllc tor eregon M1 Cc.da8ion up1.re. 141 ; "":?D. upira Oct. 15. J9S1 B!.ml 01' cmlJ()JI ) ) ... Count:r ot Lane ) 011 tld. -11S1>da:r of An,.g . 1961, pen<mo.U:r appeue4 the a.bon1'"DUlt'l1 nO)"d. B. Kelaa,. and MLrpre't It.euay aD! aclmovled.g04 the foregoing ...<~.~;"'~_ be their T01untary oct and Ued, Bot~7 I .' ~~T~Rr " ,'\ ' Ilotary Publle :ror OreSOll = *. J ,,_ _ .* = M:r Coal1..10ll O1<p1r.. /}'J.1.,q_ J "I, /f,/4 ; PUB~\i..~' . 1" ' VI ~. '\. 1 ~ ~ ~~.)' .~$ "., .... . ~~ ~...:: -'- '.: Of 011- .... ""'I,,,,,",,'ll'~~ ( Pap tvo ot two page. I,"~ '.' I ,1 -, , , \ ~ ~ , I I ~ r1 Date Rece,Ved 5.4~ /~? Planner MM " - - ~ -- ----- ---.- 4-47 Sr 4-0;'" 0 Iv ,..;1' <7 1'1 /.J:,) I ,,! t-sy" t' :7 ~I~l !!:- f',. ail,'C i!'.I.i, 1; ,:. ~ ,Ii , " __,;;.""'~ -- J '1 I- "'lII9R-"H.Wl'!.lIT _TU""'!;. CiI"" QoM~1oiIi . tf,t.U ~T r PM.lI~~~!.>CC;' r/'9"~E"..-~"'/" h:,-"Il....'" IdE It:C?~1 "".. ...u rrA~ TL .;-'" :EX,.;;'/y):,,;'rc.V; '_..__~~" ..1_Tt7.:i.~7fS' ;F<IfU.,L4;YeC" eRtE. ...... .____ __ _.l.._ ___ __~ ___ t___EU,.-",,:;Jil tl I ... . 1-KAt:.. J" lOa ,. ~~;-"''':.A9~~ u 5 F "- . , 1, , '~ ," " -l, .:l;~ t V' l> , ~. "I Date ReceiVed 0;),;'1/ IJ. ~ Planner MM ' " , t!":, I 'I., . I . . I"' ~ , '"{ ,~r"' ~-J' . J .... . 4-48 , , " ~ r J! '- ."Ji " 1 I I I I I ! I , I ~ I ! ,I I 'Jf, I J ,. ..~ .:! - , z , Z II t9-6t-,m ~ Date ReceIVed <"./.... Jg..J J._ Planner MM - / /: '1f!-L- - ------ - - - ----. - I 4-49 " ,. " I ~ . \ l. ~ ~~~!.~!.!i! nus IHDElfTURE M.OE and entared Into 'thll 2nd day of 11.1"'\1",1 , 19-6] by Ind bet..-en_ Mc;~.A~ INV~STMENT co.. a pa.r1.oersti:J.P .. hereinafter r6'erred to as the Grantors, and the City of Sprlngfr.'d, a municIpal corporation, In lane County, Oregon, her.lnafter referr.d to as the Grant... UHf-HUt! That th. Grentors, for and In ~Idor.tlon of one dollar to 'them 1n hand paid, do Mreby grant, bargain, ,.11 and convey unto the (irantae, . perpetual "S8ll'lWlt 8 0 and l~stf..t In w5dth, together with the rIght to go upon said ..~t area nerelnafter deserlbed for tho purpo.. of constructing, reconstructIng, llalntalnlng and using any public utt1I~les whlch"y her..ftor be Install.d on the fol1...1 n9 described property, to-o't, Be 91nnlng at a point South OD 1)130" \lcst 25.72 feet of the South~st corner of Slock 6. Mohawk First Addition to Springfield. Lane County. Oregon thenc.e South~a~terly parallel to a.,d 8 0 feet North from the Harth edge of an eJlIstlng 5 0 foot ""de concrete walk along the arc of a 1700 48 feet radIUS c~rve left (the sub chord of which bears South 85- 521 19" East 188 93 feet) an arc dluance of '8898 feet. thence South 89D 57' East 25&.62 feet. keeping 8 0 feet North of the said walk to the Vest l,ne of 18th Street thence South O. 03' West ).50 feet to a pol~t which is 60 0 feet North O. 0)1 East of the South line: of CentennIal Blvd lK St ) thence Horth 89' 57' We$t )80 54 feet to a point on the Horth edge of the said walk, [Bence "ortnwcsterly along the edge of the said con. crete wal~ which makes the arc of a 1703 43 foot radiUS curve to the right (the sub-chord of which bears North 82. 07' 16" West 65.14 feet) an arc dl stance of 65 18 feet. theDce: Horth 0" 1) I )0" East 8 06 feet to the pOint of beginning All being a part of the A H Powers DLC #69. T 17S. R 3 \I, W K being north of and adjacent to the north line of that :!Itreet fight-of-way described by Inst 1'118049 of R 1.2.D of lllnl!! County Oreqon Deed Records .n lane County, Oregon TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abovo e.e~t to the sald GrlJntoe, Its hcln and assigns foreyer. ~N WITNESS WHERfOF, the Grantors above nemod heYe ftcreunto set their Nndl and seah thl s 2nd day ot A.nr~l , 19-!l.. MCiVtY INVEST~NT Co.. /: .,. ~ / ( ) Bve / .111.1... / '.J.!.t- SE.\L Partner / ,<stALl ,SEAL) ,lSEALl STATE OF OlIEGOM ) )u ) BE IT AEHVIlEllE/l, thet en thl. 2nd deyof Apnl 19....2l.. befor. ., tho undersigned. a Notary Public: In end for said County end State_ per~lly appeared tho 'fIlthln n..d M~le9 E. McKay. ~rtner of Mc~ay ~V~)lt Co. ,,"own to me to be tho IdontlC<lI lndlvld.ol <i,'" ~\ "',on. ,;~ executed tho wi thin In>trWHllt end ot~lodgod to me that - '\ '"l- hill ~cuted the lame fr.tly end volunurlly, _'\.IIQ'iI~~~EllEOF, 1 hove hor..nto .et "'f hond end efn..d "'f official ..e1 ~ t:.day....ll!tr lau .bove ....aun. -z::~ I, /' " '" i.tllJID~6~; /.' I' -.ld'l:'" --;('f /~' /<< ' ~1". n.~UJlon .e;xplres ,1 NOTAl\1 PUBLrC ~ OF o'~ " ,.> for ore90n ...... County of LM)8 Date ReceIVed Planner MM 4-50 f J. /t.<( /~7 I I _ , . \E \; , . , , '"-.1 d~ I . ~ - ~ p . P 9 {l} It ,"nr 'U 11l-; ~~11 Jhl j~ t ~'11i !~ H~I 'Ii ~~!, 1.! 'il", 4-51 11 I . , , . . !? 1~) N ~.J ~ .. ~l u '- ~ ul II: -" ;:::\ - ~. 0' ~ \~ l~ ~,.1 I \ P" ~ < . " -:l! ,Ii! " ! , PDate ReceIVed ~~ ~i / XI lanner MM ~ " 1 . ! ~~"~~~'-'~"l-",,,,::, :: 'H. ~*:lf? ~f - ..-- 4- ;'- '\" I - "I: 'J .J ~_ GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER MAIN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Tha.t {or and 10 con.aidera.t1.on oi the sum DC T...n Dolla.r. ($10 00) a.nd otber va.lua.ble c:oruldera.t 11 to It In hand p.,d, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON, PORTLAND, . national ba.nklng a..soClahon. Gra.ntot', does hereby grant. bargain, sell and conver unto McKA Y lNVESTMENT CO . a. partnershlp. the tole and only p&rtner. In wb.1c:h ar<. MILe. E McKay, Eleanor P McKa.y, J Dougla. McKay and Lmda Lee McKay. the Gra.ntee hereIn, it" "ucce1>sor~ aDd assign., the ngbt to excavate (or, in.ta.ll. replace (oC the lnltla.l or any other size). m.unuun a.nd uee an underground ma.in or pIpeline Cor the use of conveying water, and alao a nght oC way therefor. together Wlth the right DC ingreu thereto .and egress therefrom. in. on and across the hereina.!ter descrlbed strlp o{ b,nd 81tuatc In Lane County. Oregon. lIc:hematlcally .hown on ExhlbltA, a.tta.ched hereto a.nd exprenly ma.de a. part hereoC by reference as though fully set forth he relR, and more part1.cularly described 1.21 Collows A .trlP o{ l.a.nd 6 feet lR wldth lYlng adjacent to a.nd east of the we.terly hne oC the {ollowlng described tract DC la.nd and ex. tendlng from the southerly Llne to the northerly line thereor B~glnnlng a.t the stone marking the southeast corner of the A M. Pow., n Dona.tion l..&nd Clum No 69, Town.hlp 17 South. R.a.nge 3 Weat of the Wlllamette MericL.an. tbenclI!l, N.89- 48' Z7" W. 144:9 97 reet atong the south hnc oC said Dona.bon Land Claun NQ 69 to a poult, thence. No 0 - 13' 30" E 99 15 leet to an non plpe ma rklng the Imhal POlnt oC Mohawk First a.dd1t1on accordmg to the plat thereof recorded 1ft vol. 15. page Z3 ot plat. at the record. oC La.ne County, Oregon. thence, No 89- 41' 53" W 308 64 feet to the: TRUE POINT OF BECilNNlNG thence. N 89- 41' 5)10 W ZOO 00 fe:et along the: .outh lIne oC Block 6 oC sald plat to an lron plpe tlat on the caste rly marin of Mob.awk Highway. thence, N 2.9. J3' 07" E 165 00 feet alartg the ea..terly margIn of Mohawk Hlgbway to a pOUlt, thence, S 70- ZZ' 19" E 135 00 feet to a pOlo.t. thence. 5 4- Z4' 5111 W 100 00 feet to the true. pOUlt oC beglt1Rlng in Springfield, Lane Count,. Oregon 1 i r I . ~ , i , , , ~:tne ReceIVed '.5 :{.; /....., ner MM -r~ 4-52 -.\.... ::J';' 'l..J1.7-SC'!'" . ;ict.~ . I; ~ .~~,l\ l/"'Jl'. t. .Ll~_--:' 15~G:! :f The Gra.nto-.r, I>y the cJl!ecutlo.n of thu lnatrument, a.cknowledg.es that this ea.aernel1t 1S appiiX'~naD.t to land owned by the Gr.ntee Dorth DC the above deacrl.bed rea.l property and rurthe r acknowlcdge~ that pursuant to oral consent of the Gra.ntor heretoCore g1Ven to the Gra.ntee. ~ I that Grantee baa la.ld a.n Clgb.t lnch (BIl) wa.tet mala through the above descnbed Tlght of wa.y. a.nd that .ud wa.ter hae 18 la.ld \1\ a good work- manlike manner, :LA DC 8urfl.cu:::nt depth below the lIurface of tbe ground, and thl! surface of the ground hiLs been restored as nca-rly as practlcabte I to the cond1tIOCl saId .urlace wa.s 10. pnor to the laytng of Bald water milLe. Grantor covenants and agree. that nO bU1Ldlng or other slructure WIll be constructod over the a.[orela.1d WiLter ma.ln, provlded. however, that noth1ng shall be construed here'ln to prohlblt Gral'ttor from con- Itruct1ng or malDta.lning a.ny overha.ng or structural projection over the I, J , ~ a.foresald water maUl Grantor exprcluly reserves the nght to use Ba.ld atrlp o[ land Cor such purposes &5 1t deems necessary a.nd approprlate 10 long as 1t doell not lntedere With Grantee's lull enJoytnt'nt oC the rlghta berell1 granted Grantee. by the a.ccepta.nce and recorchng of thlS 1nstrument. hereby covenants a.nd a.grees W1th the CraDlor to hold a.nd save ha.rmlesl the Grantor {rom a.ny and all dam.a.ge arising Cram the Grantee1, uac of the nght. casement and .nght or way hereln granted and to repalt any danu.ge to the property or premuel through Grantee'. uae, occupatlon and po..e..ion of the rlghts berelt1 gTanted. said agreement to repur shall lnclude I but 1S not lunlted to. the replacement o( .hrubbery. Lawn a.nd paV'lng to a. sat1sCactOl''f a condlhon a.s 1t was found Grantee further covenanta a.nd &gre~. to ma.k.e ..ny and a.LllDaint~na.nce. ~x.cavations a.nd m z Date Received ---,,(J vi,l tn _ Planner. MM +- ;..+, 4-53 I ~ ," . n ; ., ''''I'..~'')o~~'"'''l)'tJ:r~'' ..~... I"',. I, .....;~!. 1f repl.cement.. a.a expemhou.ty illS p0.3s1ble a.nd to coordinate to the Cu.llcat extent prachca.ble wlth Grantor'. lue of tht! pr"mi.ea TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the righU a.nd privileges aCoresl.ld unto the sa.ld ura.ntee, its .uc:ce.lll!lors a.nd a.8slgnl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guntor has c3.uud these presents to be executed by ua c:orpora.te orhCG't'1I then unto duty authorized and ltJl corporate J1eal to be hert"unto ;.iElxed thUl 24th day of June, 1963. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON, PORTLAND, a national ba.nking association By UlW"'~- Itll.Jicc Pt..uident (), < (.. ,}d f ~ Itl! Assilltant tiC'L President By '. STATE OF OREGON .. COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH On thu the 24th day of June, 1963. beCore me appeared C M Cartr..ll a.od R P LLn~:r.rleld both to me penonally known, being duly sworn dld s01y that he I the said C M C.1rtrl,.11 11 the Vie... Pres ldent and he, the saId It W Ll!n~field 1& the Assistant Vice Pre.d~ dent . oC the WIthIn nazned corpora.tlon, anci th.a.t the seat affixed to ..ud Instrument 111 the corporate !leal oC .!laid corporanoo. and that u.ld instrument was s1gned iil.nd !lealed In behalf oC said corpora~ tlon by autbonty oC It. board oC duectot"!I. a.nd that C M Gartrell and R W l.engCield acknowl.edged sald lnstr.unent to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said ctJrporat'lon IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my yeal thu d.a.y and year hrat \n th18 I my ccrtlhcate, wrltten , i I ( -I, .", \ /-~ ,,(1\ I, I (!-' (....\ Notary Public:: for Oregon My Commiulon Expires "'( ( ~ I J 3. flt,~ hn Date Received Planner MM 4-54 f i< i l I I '. ~. '--- . '~- .- I ~ !\\1C~~~;;" 1.,.~...,..,;tJrlf "Po. . F 'I:) .~...t.(1' ~ ~ I ~ ....,(.. ~f . -, ~ , , ' I' ~. , / \" .~, , l :1/( r.-'\"3-4CT IVJ .:: ~~ 1 /,'';::; p ',- '!'? /- VI " . - ' I ,"" ....-/: ...J'....I - , -, , \ " . " :~ , I " - ,,.., ' -,1 ~.V F~I .. .;' r .1,- fl"''::.:!'?'/: ;:-".rr ""..t ,,~-/ ~ ~-..v?~ ~S r.......I <J.l:'" . ~....,.-"" \/4-'- '.':" ~-,/ _~ .. '" ~""Z-;./"t J---,.... -,'l _:1_ ~.,.. I -j("" C--r:::--L="- '- --l I T\ '-- C- I - , _\' ,- " '1 '. I ! ~ , i :1 ...-- ---) ...-.... ,:1' ,~r .:- ," 7/N ~I rhr:: ..J .). ~ - - - r - --~O '0 '\ , If} "_""_~/;-;" "-~. . .. -, - .,"''''-. .. y,----~ ,:.., n: _ "'.:J~f 'I -0_ ~-.: I . , _ AI'" ,..- ,," .-'~ """ (I ,- "':~": . .- _ I"J-9 .A.EdL;-IVL,..'" /r. .:;" _'" r;./'";/ ~., .)r.) -;;~ /:;,.-1 / 'it .!~- ~ ""_' ,1:"/ / -; ~----l!J /J 4A C F:~~ r- " / . - ..., ~,,,,,,,:: r;' ./-/, .-'~. ,. ,-j _",Ec.. .;..::J" II /.) -~J"/-t/U; 5,,:.-(J~e. I d..J' / V..?V /_~-'.:. . 'CJ. - -;-..Y .;::-~- ..... D.RlwN!fl J ~f. '1',- .JOB No;L/. '.rJ : , ~A i! 1 . , I I .'"'"' - D.ate ReceJVed~-= Planner MM ~ . - --'-"'""'--.-.- - 11, 19' . ~ ~ "" I" 1 , - t ~ ~~(. ~ t' '~, t!l ,'i ; 7 ,'t'" ,I~ :' " . < , , , t "~ "' .. 10' 1 , , , ... ~...., ~ ~ ... , .I, . . , 4-55 . .fuH5-ti~ 868 19 . , ,hr ... - .j , j W "~ " ~ :- ! .. c.l 11". ~ \t '" .~ 8~ji ~ . ;:;; , - ~ L'" .I..., - . I . 0J .., 0 . Fii 0 u .1 I;. ~ i: ~ ." 1 ~ ~ 0 0 I Illj! I - , Q 7 . l: ~ i . ~ . 1; '- ... ~ r .. \ ~ " z \ i! ~hJ j - Ii . "- ~ ":::::;- . . Date ReceIved q ~ (07 Planner MM . 4-56 '. . f -, }. r i , t . ( i ,., :l: , ~ i k > ., ". t ) " { f t 7"'.#-' ~ ~ , > t t . , ~ :\ }' ....'!~. -~ '4 $~~,~ ~ :tf,W ... ~"j. ":Hfr! t J.' ,~\o, ".:.'.Ff\.J'~ -,:~tn <!.. ,).?i7;~~ _ ~ ~~~~() -",~E NO, 1808 ; -';,'/r!P.1 . . nON OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD BE11/&EN ~N THE CITY OF SPIUNCFl~. U,HE EMERGENCY, ~1 adopted on tbe Uth day of 1<orch City of spr1ngf1eradid declare it. J Cantenatal aoulevard between :~hawk . City of Spring!1eLd .. hereinafter ~ \IllEREA~ aAi4. in canying.-ll"41ta and af the .~ts_ WllEiSA.'l . af .aid lIIlEREAS. lp llOt1ce:a J t;be ....~,..."., j~ day of ~-l- far ~ub1U.;~ place and no i L finda thero are no li.na unpaid or Lane County. against said r finds that said vacation will not ,~j1,tue af the property Ul ~be .rea cd. below of Centennial &lvd - t app.""iOlO t.ly 2L6 fee t ~ww Bl.!rA to the Wea t line tnen~enni~l lvd. was established 4- MoMwk rat Addition. and by '~Inst. 110. la049 of R 102 accord. The exp~es. intent :$ concrete curb and the 5.0 t which can troIs tha Location ing aLL tbat part lyi~ nortb measured at ri~ht angles to 8~reet centerline, being the .. j~ ;p tf,.~,~~ -, ~ Date ReceIved 5.,1 VI ,Ie J Planner MM .f.. 4-57 , , ." Ii; ," , . ~ 1 " , . ( r .~ r . , > < \ > I , ~ " ; ~ , ~ " ~ , Beginning at a point on the centerline of s:a.id Centennial Blvd, wh1ch 1. 3Ql,97 f~t KoTth a9' 57' We.t .nd 40 0 feet South O' 03' West of the 1nitial point of the Moh.wk First Addit~OD to 5pr~~ield, ~ County, Ore~on, as the same was f.led .t Ps~ 23 of BoOk 15, of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records in Lane County, oregon) the said centerline po.nt being 1.08 fDat B.C dist.nt easterly fro~ the point of curvature of a 2291.83 fbot radius curve to the right (the long cho.d of which bears south 86' 27' East 279,83 feet); thence .100g t~ .nc of tha doredeacribed cUrve to the right an arc distance of 248.93 Ieet to the point of reversal thereof. then~G aloDI the arc of a 1133.98 foot radiu3 cU%ve to the teft (the lans chord of which bears South 8G' 27' Ea.t 211.71 ~.t) ~ ~rc di.tance of 211 76 feee to the point of ta~~~ curve, thence South 890 S7' E.st 256,62 faet tn-" ~_'QO the centerline of Centennial Boulevard in~.ee~ing;~,~,t margin of 18th Street if projected South. a~ ~~~ tetm!nating at a poine 30 0 feee North 00 03r East~o ~ t an tbe SQuth line of the A. M. Powers OcQat1on Lan~ ~ 69) Township \7 South, Range 3 weat, wu l,di.u 1005.40 faet North a9" 57' West of the 5, ,or thereo!. PROVIDED HOWEVEIt llh....~-*"u.. .. a public utility e..emont the following 8.0 ~~~~ip: All of ~t ~;tL""""bad aboye lying between the aforement;\lou~d~~.~'r; margin and a line 8.0 feet North th"l'lOOf"<U1Jl'l~ be:Lng 33,5 {..et northerly from and mealfURn.at r~ to the centerline of Centenn.J.al Blvd ;,.. ' be,. and the same ts hel'eL.h- t.~-<.....':;t ~ Section 4~ -tt i~~<4$1ued that t.tle to eaid property shall, upon au.s ~jl.c~jjp::,~~d in tbe abutting property owners 1 a ccording to 1~ t ~..1 ct section-.d:- thJA. ~~'~ .....r...<....,~ .is hereby directed to file a certif).ed copy ox t1U.S .~~~ ~unty Clerk, one certifi.ed copy ~o 'the Lane Co~ Aaal$B ne certifipd copy to the Lane County sU:;:-qeyor, for~b. ""f' ~;. ~~...l . ..\.. .. - ,,-~ ~ ,..1. ;s~~- 911020 . ) Section 6, l'he and necessary i~r ~~ ordinance t.ke elle..6 ~ Mayor, and s:n eme:timcy th1~ ord~nanc. .~ll approval by the-~J'Or. , l t ~ ~ l Adopted by" ,!;he ~.. 19G3 ApFrovad ;bJ>- <l:bO; - ' , , ~ , ; ~l, hereby declares it is expedient R and rh. public intere. t tha t this on its passage and ap~rov41 by the ealared and adjudged to exist) and d1.tely upon ita pa,.~g. 4nd 22nd day of April April 1963 " ~ uate Received .5 ('l-o.J (Df Planner MM 4-58 . " - ~" __!.-r.............," ,~~,,;<I;' .'--~T-r :,'"!lo-f.~'~._~' -'- ., ~..t'r~i' .'j.~ .$ ~ ~J, ~~_~\ .. ~ T ?\."::,- . \;oj.... -. . f --- --- ./ \.- \\-~iH .fki , ~ 1)' "l- . ~i , "'- i i ~ li:~ I ~ t 0,,\ ~ ~ ~... His i~ ~ ~ ~,. "1 3 il~ " . '3 :of: ~ ... "- i!!H g -,'~ u . t. t: 1 r " - I :3 :i!~.J: . '~' " ,i \) ~\ H ~Hii r E 1 ~ ~ ,; ~ '::::. ? u:I : 1 . 0 { IOU !.s o! 3 o~ . :t ... JT _~_r:: ~ U , , " f '. i,of!' t: ~ '" . .,. r. 4~ ,,'to_ ~ ~ ~ -., ~ f cT 10)'&"" i -' m'020 '7r) , . '~~~if"~ nA'f'! () r SrAn ar _ ) _ or L\IIB ) ... em: '" ",...,...-.-...Il ) .' r i i ! ~ I ?w9 . \ l 1. JI1.Al1lI 1.... ~. .C-U.~ lac<<der af the City of SpriagUelcl. OrolOO. do hfr:alJf U~tl~ t~ ~~ .ttt.cbed doc""ll.t represents. true ..04 coneet copy of OJ:'~Qd'1.IA.;...~" em filA in ay offt,c.e ~t~ " / .LUJlI L. HU:tIII City bcorcler City gf spr1Qgf1eld. Or.,OG ~ ::: . . . :. :;~ , ..... Date R"'O;:91~ Planner. MM ~~ -" .~ '!"" r...jIl."'. 4-59 ,[ 5/1.l.{ 107 , l . , -'~ ',.- ,,'J. "" " '. I" I" 1t!r"4...'-=- .~ ~J'l4 t ~~!!~!!!! " . T~S INDENTURE made and entered into between HAZEL P ~~TERSO~. a singIe person, hQre~nafter referred to as the Grantor, and McKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY, a partnerah4p, here4nafter referred :---- to as the Gr~t.~ITNESSETH' The Grantor, in cons4derat4on ot Fifty Dollars ($50), rece4pt of wh~ch ~a hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant. bar9A~n,- - . sell and convey ~to the Grantee 4 perpetual ea$eme~t v1th the r1ght -to go upon sa~d easement area here4nafter deacr1bed for the purpose of constructing, reconstruct4ng. ma~ntainin9 and using a sewer line or other underground ut~11ty which may be hereafter installed under t- the following described property. to-wit: Beqlnn4ng at a po~ne belng South O. 13' 30. West 131.25 feet and North 891 441 1S. West 146.71 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6, Mohawk First Add1t1on, as platted and recorded 1n Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat ~ecords, thence North 141 41' East 66.03 feet to the Easterly right of way 11ne ot Mohawk Highway, thence along Bald right of way 11ne South 291 131 07. West 11 95 feet, thence leaving sa1d r1ght of way line South 14- 41' West 5S.2J feet; thence South 891 441 151 East 3.10 feet to the point of beginning, 1n Lane County, oregon The eAsement hereby granted shall at all times be conditioned upon the obliqat1on of the Grantee to restore the easement property to its original eond1t1on following the initial construct~on or any re- construction or maintenance to the sewer line or underground utility and also cond1tioned upon the Grantee.not obscuring the view from the Mohawk Hl.ghway of the present 81.gn, or a replace;lleftt: thel'eof-, now- on- . the Grantor's property Thia easement shall be appurtenant te, and 1ta benef1t. and burdens shall run with, the land owned by the Grantoe vhieh lie.' d1rectly to the South of the Grantor'. prop.rty, a diatanc. of 100 f.et. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parti.. have aff1xed their paqe 1 - Eaeemant Date R~celved ~ ~ i. Planoer MM ..,.~ . 1 ' ~ -- 11/29/2004 4-60 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE ~ .. .".'''''.'' ., ...." "J ,~,' ^q.' . ..,.... IJ'l41 Sl.qnatures th1.& -fit( day of January, 1968. . I. GRilNTOR 7f~ 'f ~ HazoL P. ~eterson GRANTEE . McKay Investment Company By ~-0j~L~P~1 . 'l"rtner / , , " ~..aT~ ,.aF OREGON, .. \~h 01' LANE. pua'.\c' ~~Pe4sonally appeared the above named HAZEL P PETERSON and acknqwledged the forego~ng ~nstrument to be her voluntary act and , dftlt~ .....$efore me" " . / / I- ,- Dated </~h-? t;? t? 1~~ Notary Pub ~c tpr Oregon My COna:1\l.88~On EXpirelJl~)' u: (f// /j /"- I , ,tl 'F. IT: ~ - Date Received Planner MM , 5!ZL//7 I { P.:J Page 2 - Ea6~nt 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE 4-61 ',. . " I I :J ,- , ., ' I"~ ;...r-..... , J ._ ~ - w. ) ~ o "\', ,~ "1 ''1\ ~ ~ Date Rerelved S (14 11>) · Planner Mfv1 J \l9"~"'" 11/29/2004 4-62 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE 1 . I i f 'w .. .I-~~~~~,""~ 'iIPf?~ ,~ A '\" ), ":-" ". ~ItS tJl~C.\''\1RK l\.\Illl ",,4 ,nco:O<I Inc. chi, T dny ,( d::::\, ~...... oy CAd bocwceR t1....y'C..,. """:-k</1..~', ~ (""'r Mcl:3.... InVes.~t ea;:&~nY bv oJ DotlMl" J..tr.'l~v t'\.l".t':}Co.,: .j h4rol"'A3it.4t 't..Het-r.cl " 4.IJ Coho Ct.iD~on, 4nu-11-I... r.",T{ 01 SI'lll~C:I'IhD. :. ~~1c1~41 oorpor~:i~nf Ln L.~ ~oua~t OrQiOn, bG~~1n~ftc~ r4forlGG to 4' tM Cr,""n.C:C04 ~ ''''''''"''--''''''- . ,( 0:(2-1 (~, - wt'1":\lUS.l'nh In cOf1d.Gat'~tion ot' tho 6C""PC41\C4 by CUMe<< And the Woe or. -' ~ld1ft; 01 &41d G440~Qn: lor p~.'.nc O~ l~tur. pu~ic ~.. hy Craht~.. '1 ,cUl1.t...:.I, Mrebt-a':'6l\t.. barc&!n. aa.ll 4I1G ':OAVo:I)' untO' ~h. Cran(.CIIl, A porpoc1Hl:'J 4~nc. s- !llI.t 4A vid;h. I::Gso;hu Witn t.h. d&hC: Coo 10 \SfJon U1J.4 At'lIl=ant &t.. h.~n'f~.r 4..,,~~.. "f ,~rpo.. ot OO~~A&1AI. r..o~crwG~' ...1. t~nil\S ...4 will., _' . . . wllkl\ ur ' Mru.tu:, o. w:allh OA ch. t:Dl1ov1~ 4.ac,;d.bel'i prop*rcy, ClMli.~1 .. '..J~ ~~~~ ., :;2' ~ /,( ~~-, '~ << " ~ at. & point. bdns SoU\h 2lr 13 I WOIllt. JJJ 7 .feet. :Cra. the .ort~IS\' t ~ CorM!" at Sloek 6, FIRST lDDITI014 TO KJHAWX" u 'pl.&t.tild and nconic in Boo..r: 1~;t ~ ; ~~ Pap ~, La.. COUIlt,. 0r0<<0A Plat lllcor<i., laid po1At al.o bUnl the 1<&...._ ..i{; Gt tbo ~....~ l>IU1:iJl ot Moho"'" BouJ,IVlLro nth tho IIorthorq ...rsin ot "lI" '.t, StrMt &8 dod1oat.od. in IDatruaeDt )10. 36708 recordod 'ebr\ar7 2.3 J l-m, ~ ~. ,t /.--: ... CoIult,. Or""", I)..d ""OrUa; tl...cI olone Kid llootlrq -&:in 1lartb 29. U' J!o.t; I: 18).7 t_, then,. Ilout.b 89.1+4' 15. Ji:lurt s.n t_1 ._ _l> 29., 11' %,iIR ;-'.jj"- 186.47 toO to tbo .....lot _&:ill at' o&id 'II" s.....ot. doofi....1llD1 - ~.;.. ' n1d /!ortborq.~ IIort.Il 6Q. 47' lion 5.00 toe!.'b tblPa1l3 at ~....,,, ":~. 1:a WJe CcA:la:t7, O~ . ~ ~;'fr/ !... l~ 1 -.. 1Jt .. ~ ~ -1' - ~~ C. "l,..-.n~ij;' ..- t"... ~ ~ . ~ 'to nAVE J.."iD TC }lOLl) the above e.ulICIl\t to the u,1d. CraAto... 11: .u.c.c:....or. 4&&i;n& tOT.ve~. IX ADDITIO:f TIIXRE'I'O. c:ha con do he:l'ooy ,1ve And ;raa.c un!: hoQ Chy e,r1ns!i~14, _ construe n .a5o~onc at leet in wi .lo~& and &hutt1a: the .ide and tOT r~. Iv lentch at the ~fora~n:1OGad da*cr1bad parpotual ca,.ment lor p~rpo.. of liv1aa . wo~k area rins the conatruct1on of a .tO~ dr.1 f.c111~ aQd/or .s..ani.t4 .~ vl1:hia. c:ho p.l'pu.ud 8.1....,\1:. , r .." ~TO ltAVI AI>> TO ~n ..14 con.t.ucc10n Qa'Gmcnt vnc:o tn. .a14 City o! Spr1nA- ~~'~j field and ;0 1~ .ucca'Aoe. an4 &&.1,n., dUTlng tho con'1:r~~tion of ~b. .CD~ l~ .~d/~ ~Ric.ry leva:. Upon the con&truG~1on af tho .cor. 4ra1~G. tac111~ ~.~, .a4/., ~lc4ry .ewer and its .Gc.~tAn'. lot u.e. the conlc~cc1o~ .A4~C .~~ 1\ef't;1A nOMd. &A4U b.co.. VQ14. . I ",. I ..' I \ "'\10 J "/~ -'I' U \"._~ 'WlO'.:l!01". u. Cl'~to':' HO'Y. GaIGd b.vc h.I'.'4n:~ ..; cho~~~.r.e.><. '"-I' .- _ ...". Uio ~ dOl' of act.b...... ,U.1L f"" ~' , ~ ~ :)n~l)o, \io"\ - -'- ,*. ~t .(/.J;(,S2).t>'",i~' "1-"1"\ ~.....~ ~"\,:'71t .l ~,,~,,) .)" h,......{&&'\tS "'~:J.. ,- . ~ ~..t:.... T"" .;\;....;::t- C". (stALl , -r- (::!J.... L'1t:, . ..::z:;;:: (StALl i' I n 01 IICOX, eo.n")'.f Lag, t'!.. _ ......d ..d acknOV1.dacd tl14 .ro~.I.C .!lGe A&d daM. lofou ~,.. . ". 7Qrsonally App.~rod t~~ 1na.ruu.. .. .. ..iz.kJ: v.l.nc..)" ,. .. IlA ,cd f'?r J. q ~.~ ~;V{. NOl.ari'1',,1.I114 lor VNCOI\ Date ReceIved Planner MM 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE 4-63 1. ~ '''f'' \,1), lIll -~ Xy COU.!.lu.1.on 1:.1',,' . L , . . 't ~ v ~ I.~tf -\ i,;l!-" 1'f;f'~ ~ii'; .... ~ f'.......~<. ....' I-J4.~ .. I!~ ~"I."'f"'" < \ ~--. ';. .,r.... " - -;,. , '-- II)' c:oali.a1on Exp.Uu ~ _"",.J.. Date Received Planner MM . -5/Uf(67 .., 1l/29/20~~64 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE , . .~-- . .,' . .. ~.~. "~ m . - ~~~,<;."" ~~" ~~JI...",4 ~.;. f (Vuto::.- :t~ ":f ;!lI~..",,:: I . Sj l "~...r"'r "'~Jl. i r ~ '1;;:\: t "c;a;eZ p... IT" .l ~ 'fl ~ ~1~b L"j'l- J H..I.lJ J:"~;' l~~'('" .rr: f!"'>r I,"" I ."g ':Jl ~1 . I ~~ '. .rf~ \ ,~( ':'-".:.i<"))r.., ~~......' >Jt"jl;9' ~t..,:,,,, , t,J It "'''JrYr~1 ~t '" ~ .. ~ ij:: ""lt~. "'tj,.,1. ..o!! .....'" , 'T,f);~ ~ .., . "'f':. \,~I,.:, .... '~'~,.~' :\ 10 \,.;t ., "'s.t~:!i c .t~~'<" . "It~r"J. .' ~ .I '~I':~' .' ~ '. ~.... ~ r' '" ~ "~4'l~~~~ i.-'tiP ... x. ,1"'1" ~ . ~i;<;"~"'~~' ~ .~' , .~. :-r~~. ~,,"g r=, ~,:" g . II ~ ~~, ; : ~ : .,. f 1 lo'il.a_ . ~f, , S Q.a , IL7 a';' T: /:'~ .. ~ ... ",...! 11'\ ~ ,~~ 8 ~; g '~...\.. OU;4'01'I_ ~ t"l r~ i ~ ... , . 8! Do...;; J : 1.~.3 2~-!:; t::' .. c 1'" J.ooo!.!.1:~ ,.o:....t"ll'...~ =l ~'f:!l r" lf~] I: I,! U Q S ~:: J) t \" .t ~ " ,I;": ..... . ..1.1:' .!..t.f{:':..,.....:'17',.. I' ".. .'t""1 .,,' V ~ ,', , Jlo'. ~ '" " _ ,...., -, '.11 " , ..n ! " , , J > .... ~ " 1 j ... ~ ~... ~ :.;i~ ' ~ , .~l ~~f(,~ _:1 , ... ..~ " "'r~., '-:", ~ ..j.)......., ,~ ~, '~~ -(;oIi.~"rl:._I~ , " , >~..l.. ,ll", :;t I ..;.".... $ a~ ,-, 1'1" .< I, , ~~,,'.._""""'~V'N) ~ ,. '~:/I~~~"'l.7'~----i ~ . l"~~ ~. -,\ i dji I 3!w & J ~ f. , : ~,:l h-' :< L ~ 0 eo. corn! o . '; ~ i .. 1 .3~~ :; ~ ~ "'<~. .. I >, r . , ...~-'r ~'1 ~ 'f<. "rj!- ~ "" . .... ~l,..~~ , .~. It-. ,,, , 'i""tt \/'11 .r ~~ :;, , , ~\ r. ",...... ~,.-... ..' .1 .II; I ... :- ;~. ~ I~':'" ~ f~ -c..~'" ,,7' /;: .z.... Date Re _1.?"'~ '"/ PIMner- M 11/29/2 0 04~65 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE .. _ : "'~" . <_ ~ ~~~~i;;, ,RI . :"^~~~ ~;"'.},fIWt::,~ - 11.-~ ~ ~ '+'___".---_..- . ~,...-' :t; J!'" , ,~~ '. f" -..'i#:'" .' ' ' 710~.s l,i"::"1- ~_lD! 1IlE$: "'_ ; ,."..' !;hat _ ..-s1gnod, ,_ --- ~_.~ 'it 7' ,. to/: . good ancI uJ,ua.b.. CCCO~.t1""..1-:.~ 1:l _'. .". .~."~!~ ~l~! _...~ _t unto _ $J.t:y-of'S~1 ,..,}@tl:,;.~_;;;';;'acUn9~'~ ~/.LU _"-j,,:~_~/' vmJ:~'~f ~_LI"'tO ., =-!ii65~.. . _ "':l.g!;l:'to'~_'_ - ........ ~ -- ,.~- ~ ~(it"t"~~~~!I~ otl~.~ro.,,,ancI'-" lJf:i..~t!,m'-' , "ilb)lur.'"-i,\A;j\li~'M"\ . "~." ,r...,-~ . ~, ';l"fJtJ, _ _ ~ olI&'t . p:dn:t WliO\ 1D IfC)QIOO3'S 433.," :t't. ~~ t!Mi p:l1Dt. OD the South: 1J,ne at -~:, ~.Il. __,,'m.<: 4169, :1'11:1, R3W of lI111_t8 Mridilll, llI11d> lut _t:i_ peWIt J.. ,'':: 50.10 ft. F57'V f1:Oll _:!IE o:=u of N1d cla1a fraa Mid po1DlI of """"~1"9, ');'1 WI> llOOOO3'Z"51l6.93 ft.1 th...,..SB!l"57'Z ~5.30 ft.1 _ SOOOO3'V 5Il6.9~~.1~~J; , 7'11 46.5~O ft. to the ftua Po1nt of ~, 1n LOM c:aunt:y, 0_. "'I'If{~ ...........,,0.z7 __ '" _ Cl.t:y of spdJ>ot'i.l<l fot: l:OI4 by DM<l 60361, a1211, 1959 .... \--?~ > .Q acn to ~ .101 pc: a415/<lS029 1n ~~ 1l>e1n9 ~ .1~w11:h, 5.93. ..",...lJ )f. f -!-<\' \ nJ,~.:yN/ "l~' :.. ( :: ~;t)~~ ~~;:~~~\f >l,~ { ~ ~ ....:r' 1I"Q' I ~ \ .... \ I ",w..:. a ...,.. ~ ~ts a 'lOt"watar ut:1lJ.ty....,.nt aloag' the kl-tcly r-.r-....' 111.- :f'~\.'5-;t,WJlr: d:ktarJ:8 of 58Ei.93' w.1th tho E".t:er.ly .....-ent 1.1.ne c::a:rDOD w1th tho v..t R/tf at ..~~.{ ~':t:.~u ~tI> st:roet. ~. .........t >t1l1l>e fc1: 1M .pecll'ic purpotMt of 1M~ - '~;-""', .,aa1nt;a1n1n<;l . __ :une. . ." . j-' 'j~'; t' 1~~ hKeby Fanta. 10' wat:ez:' utill'ty .u..,.l: v11:h ita eent.r11ne 4uc:r1.bed a&,( ':.;1!~ follows> ~.t. po1nt Cl\ th. Eut ,__r_~. 11M 2s.&.S5 ftltlt. S 00003' 11.'" ,'" f.<oa _ II. E.'corne<' <If _ _ doocril>ld~. tl>once IlIl9" 57' V for a ~ . ,!(' d1otmx:e, of 272.00', _ S 670 33' !' for: a d1ot:anco of m.17' '" tl1e "~t ~-~~.r:!..~ ,._.__. Une.'~,' .' ''l:" 4<"'.:(.". . ., il't"llr~. :-dE;;' - ~4 ,,. I ' '.... b ?,.... I .. 'if : ,'..... !'.~'<f ~ ... - - . ,.._~ ,or!'" ,"" ;j;-" L , · 11-1/ WI "in' ~ ;y ~ 4. ~ J~ \ "'~I~' . ,- And ea..place, c:onst:rUCt., operata, repair. -mt.D1n, relocate and. replace: therein a _tar"'UUlMiHion or diatr1butl.on :une"includin9 .!:her oecellA<Y'facillU.~'lID<1 cut and tz.1a tree., .IIu:'Ubbary and. r~ and replace Eene" aDd l.IIwna'-:~tan ""C".'.O;Y to __t:ru:t ODCI awdnta1n aa1d vatar line. ' ;,11. '1;.-IDa'!: ..._i' f}. 1'" .. ..~""- ~ .''''t ~, I ., ~ ....r.ignod CQ"fenanb that h<< ia tho owner of thII above desc:r1bed property ~ tb<<t ..:h prcpe.rty 1a free and clear of enc:w;tbranco. .-4. l1coa of lIIhaUoeTe.r' i\t (0..')--( character ~t.1 .1. k " ..:.<...: ~ t't~ IOf ,-, "'/ "" -!f DI llnIle:sS _JlIPF. the ,.,01"...19""" hlUl ..t hi. han<l and ..al thia --..J 4ay of ",-\c~ ~M'l:>*' "~M';.~. ~. P ,~, " . . ls.al) '.." I , . l <11, Oltl lSeo.l) ~.' .......... j~).. Ii-, ,-. ,:- '. " .1; ~p dr, ~_/~ tIOtarY pubuC .-- 0nf90n My c-iadon ~ & /.:t.,/'" Date Received Planner MM ~ "Iv( /07 { l " 11/29/20 04~66 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE - ., '. , of &i;;lf'Of~1fi~~n1i4<ij~~.~_., , !:"" :~'J':' \j. ''S~ . .~ '1 l r,>>,: ~ ':~i.. 't.;'.i'!." ,1. If .., I ~ ~.; - ~, , .......'\;', 1 J~~~ 'l1~1.. .:t~.es:~C' ;::1(' ,na,v'd.1."t r,j. ' n.U- , '- 1.J,.. J.'~~~ ,. ~C. t! ~I ., ~ .:1' .' ,~ :t.'"'j';J ..1 J. Lt r>f j". "')...~ .r .. :~I~,-:...P:.t-t~ .... . ~ ! ...1:z:-' I, J 1(tj,1 " \- rot r ,to..:, ~ ,~"'C,:) \ . 1L1, '. '~ \ ~'].. ,..."cr ... _ J . r I~" ~ ..."'l.., ;,- ~ ,~r- lr ......tli '.. ~ .v:, '1 ,_: ".. .~ , . . , , 'r " ~ '" " , , ~'.J :~7-~I~A~J,.,-".$~" I~' ~~ i . ~ I. ;~ I ~ . ~ it . ," . r 8 . ." ::1 o~ -;; 3 i "u ,'- -", i."'I~j~ ..~ .. .'i'~ (- ~ " J. , ';i r 8 ' .: ~~\i'~ g "oloo " ::I o :Q cJ ~ . j. 0 1 t:l( .. j ~ '.; is. u : ~ h'" "', -,<< .i": ~... r, .il"- j"y,)c. "f {-l'1.::if., \~ ,- ~I'..f ~ ...'1(. ~ "'J~~ ~i.~ j:~ ... %oti"..t<. ~" ;, ..." -r ~ "" r. 1- V"l~-";: f C#';' > Jt ~ - '- --:.;. "..!...~ ,~ Ii" ~'l'" "",1-- \.;~:- ..~~ r:S :.- B'f"f'i>j,~: >>~. , ,~ ...,~ tl; - ,~. 1.~ . ~''t I ~"1'...,~ IlL ,., /,..$ f '1,.'-" , r 1 .. .. . '~r~ ~.. ~ l .' '............" ~~ f'~'"'' . ~ L , r... .- ,~-' , ~ ~, ~ ~ ..~ .M"...;o ~ ~ " ... ~ . ,../..... ") "'1"'. \ i ..~ -...-; _.. .. 1:~ ({ 4. ~ i~"~V~I~ \ ~..~(.J 5 \.,'<;1. .~, I I ~.t ",~~, . ^";-/~ Date Receiitfir".:,<' Pla?lner MM I ."',... 11/29/2004 4-67 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE . . ~ 11> 9873223 I'UBLlC WATIlll tmUrY IlMl!MIlNT KNOW ALL WlllIlIY U!IlSll PIUlSllNTS.1Iml II'...,:, . '.,..., I ~ " ....: ~ . lr'I"'"II..h._ ..' ;.....,.. ..., tl>> ""'"'" wl..,tlIhorobr ,..... ' : .:... do(..)lloftil7,...i- lIlI Oy rA !r-~' ~ '''" ". ;", aodqJ b11lll1 dIrc:aP III SPlllIIGI'IIlLl tmLlTY BOARD. __.. ..... .. _.......Jl'IP"lIoI_IIcoa_lIlIripl..__lIlI _ rAlIlI ,..,,,,,..,11llll1lod Illllll Clly rAS\-o~ _ rA~ lIllll_., ,...... tloKzIlodM -.... .......... poO< _. NOll" ClI'B 181 16 It. _.. poO<"'''' _Iloo olJUC. ...... Dl.CM,n7l1.R3Wol~__Iaol.. ".,. ,,.....loClO'lQA.HW ~ llad"1llo SB """"ol Alll__Alllpolll rAbaJIooIoI. naNOO' lB'B 146 7311.: __ ~4611O ft. ......_lB'W 146.71... _N8!l' now 46.'1.30ft. DIba'l'na> _olBoJlm*>l, ..~~, ~ BXCBPI' D.Z7... II _ Cll7' ol!pdorcllold lor road 117 Doed lIO:l61, 1<l2S. I~ IlXCIlPT o.rn .....TLaIOI porllA~ "1~(lloIoaTL41oo_5 93-m/I) IIooaI>y _.10' _.ao,_......-tr_......_olU6.7.I. __-'7_I!aI.......,__WIlIJlWol_Ia"- !1I!ISa'.14'~ 5.00 !UlI!IEP .14'_ 10.00 ADd '" ... .. .'. """"'", ......... mll.pl... _ .... . ,,,..'.., II'Kllldoo lDcluilIoI CCIlIId 11"0..111 _pIpoIlIlet.lO _ url ropIaco bcaI.lmlo, __III tbo _,........ .. ClOIlIlID<t, ....... m1....- ald II.'..... facllIlIeo. No pari rA Ill)' buiJdIoI . 0;'1'" ..,..." t"'lIld,.... 111)',,_... ..... _wlIboplacodc""oprA_u-,_dlmll!lbalt, ,..'.. .,-.JiIoftIb. aoddrimray......._tIIo ..."" .._rAtIIo." ,.....' .:.1111111lJ1Ioord 1bo" ....,......, .. ...... IIlaCbolllbc_rAtIIo,.. ". ..:..:-"1 aDd1lml_-"1 II bomldoorcl ,..,...."..,.,..lIIdllclllrA ...,.. ...,..., IlIlCq>t ....... of_ ~= h~...;l... ,:'i.:.,.~I~::J..v .:i9~proporl1-"-- STA11!Ol'~llL ~~d:,'-' COtJNTY OF u.NJl ) I . ... r DD rr RllMEM8IlIUlllIbat... ...2ruLd1<f rA ,Q,p~.nUo<;,v ,19..1.t., bo6xo... tIIo ",,' "".,.' ,1, .HowyPobllc:In....tordloSoarAClIopio. ponoooDy~ tIIo__ ,r. ~ /11~~ .. .. *' ,e., _Ill...", bo_ deIcribodbCrem. ""'....""""""..-......,.....mlI."... ..~,......Ibat 11__ _lbc_ fl<oI7m1 ~ IN .,..._"""" WHBIUIOF. 1_ _ 0Cl1lf1 _ _ -- dlo d1<f 1Illl,.. lilt.... -ft._~~_' I M7.., upIr<I nuv ./3:x;mJ N~~~ . .. - ofo,.p. eo.Ir 01 t.-. -.. LIhlCallmJOIdc.'Iliendklr"'.-d c:a.nw.do~~IbI&"" ~........Iot~. '985D'14 PI ~e ReceIved ... 2463R Planner MM ,-c-.Ilf>lQAI.- ,-~CloIo &,. f]..p A ..-J.J.Y ,,-.- 5/z-.1/~ I ~","TO _,,;(,(1IL()1ft"-rT'( IlQIlll) .~ ~ I~ ~ 'I"'I~LD,ofI. q-,.f-n ...' ". . lIf 11/29/2004 WESTERN PIONEER TITLE 4-68 , . / t..., ,;$/lt?O, . /,7--.3 -C)~~~ . 1'. .~ Dlvls10n 0' Chi.' Dcp~tv Clerk .,. ~~&I.U","":""',.IIDJoj;,.!i!'!.'~'';,~jll L.n. CAUnt" D..ds .nd Records - . \ 1OO5~llm ISO ,00 ,. fj'J:~~""I~ILI!<,~o;J,.oJ.""".~A.o>:.ol;~I'.:lI'~Jl~ Illmll ~m~111111111~ Inllllllnllll~1 ee6.0902:2Z00$}01151S0090092 O2J1S/2!l:6 02'39,50 AI C:lSllIEll OS utC FINANCING ST A TE\lENT ~L~ lJoISTR\lC17ONSIl'......_IIX-ICAR~!'\JU..,. rl'W\lE. &. p,.QoleCF COHTU;T AT Al.ER l--I ..SEICl~To-~-~. RPR-lITll Cnl:l Sln=l ~4~ 00 lID 00 III 00 I DR! 8130 5W BeavertOD-BiDsdale HWV Portland, OR 97225 L -, 1 OEBTOR'SEX,ACTF\JU.LSGlL'fNolli: ___-..-11....111- la~TIOIC"SIVoMII ~ PKD Re:ll'Ca.urUu:., t.LC OIt[~~\oMi'_ ",,__Al;Ut~ THI~~AC:Il"IS~"'UNOO",elfuse.OIft.T 'l..........,"'Irllr.ffS (--=--:; 1;~.n4 11.l.~g.ClI:~IICIt 2117 Elkhorn Dr1ve IAg(1I,....:JRIi:I'..~~~-oQN .............. Of.SfCII ..' ,u.c %.JrOOrTDNAlDEaTORSEXJoCT~...u.LEOALNNo'l! _____r.a.~ --_._~...- za..~I'Ol''''''''; I OR i'MtI The Oalles LLC OR it.~"""3l.OoST""''''' 1-"- ....--....co~ I Ul7 i:llcbom. or ve ~eu ;!lL.....--.-..~""" -I.oua\.""O....IJ.."P'1<OI'OA...........rw;I'l ...~OI'ClOtGAl'fttA...... ............ 0UlC1II L.t.t.C 101. J.SECURE.OPARTY'SN.AMt"".......e"'mrAl~<II~:Io4'I----~..... ","~nDH:lI""""" Gi cap:l.t.al ~c.u.s.e F1.naDce co%,?orad.on .~sv.srMa"" -- I .x..........~ I~' Scottsdale l7Z07 M 'e=~~:cr Or I~'- I&T...iF.....U;U.. OR 197401 1,,,,QHGofl~..-.;>HoOI..JIl..'" 1'7930181 ,~.......'" ~;.~ J:;:;;~ ..C~~D.'_ ,'213SSBS '1ICDaC_ :'~ 1::1~~ ~ u;ll,JO'''' USA n..., ,~- """"" """ n-, ""- ~~ USA "'''''f~S1'ATDā‚¬NT_''''-'-': All reac.uracc equ~pmenc ..ch~nc~1 ~u~~~ra r~xtures replacemcnCs s~stttut_on. addl:1onl p.a~:I and ac:eeuones DlJ'f o\frcd ":loa to.rcll!,:er "C1:jUind by De.otor inc::!..udit:.g- ~l: not 11l1l1ced. to fryers gr~~ls ovens wa~er' r.!r.ge~&cors ~rce:er5 w"sce dlsposal unlCS dishwashers beverage dispcnse:s lC:' c:rea~ mA~e:S =ac:~ displl.Y c:aseS light !LXtures de:or councars callh req.ute:s .&.lad equ.1.p=-nc. tabld ._at:.ng .1gu aDd sJ.lll1lar prQoe~Y of Debcor uscd ill. ics ope~3Clon of t~c ~endy s restaurants 11sccd aD th_ attached ~~iblt A In addit_cn to :he aPQva_desc:rJ.bed coll.teral. ebe Sa~ed party's lec:ur.ty to ,,11 ocher praper':y at the .bOV_ locacion!.1 that the Debtor ~lIY cow own in vh~c:~ Debtor may ~~ve or ac:qulre righ:a lu!~lci.nt to supper: I. secur.cy co~sc at chi_ asrc~t. Leqal Praccrty Descriptioo sa: t.mAL DESCRIPTION .,\'I'""').C".d.EO ~ 1$ EXH1lLI':' ,. 1tllD Sf THIS RS.~a "UIt.CE i\ P.Nt'I' KD.ECY l.nceresc. or l...te:- ....nc!tresc iih.All eJtcend ac:quJ.J:'!!I or durlnq ehl 5 ....-m....nvEoexJN...I'OIT........-' lll!:s-sa::l.($SClI COfo<S'CHlZ,CDIO~ I~OOI ...~I~,..........:~;::,:~ \,,::,::,,-_i<II-"';-~_1 :-~~ ~::, L~A.EIlltliFEilEloC,cw<r" Lo&n '4t!i9110/F7/SMH OR-~e C:ounl:v ~ ?fj~ FftJHQ OFFICI!. COV'l' _ ucc F1MotoMC1HC STATt.MI."T (I"Ol'ltA UGet) lJt~ ~ 4-69 snLI':~"'1 f .~ ~,..,. ~~",'NG ~._l"Uj t....'~..:.:l fe-.l \_1 7JJ1. <1lDS" - '\ :-{Y,,? c.tpeI'.u...-....-~., T'\'c_........... "'..... .........,......1_ Date Received S /..'1/ O? Planner MM . z,..uUD.I.I .. /i." EX'"bll-A- III !hat certa>n Lan. C<>unty UCC-l F-.n.ncng Stlleme<lt between ~efOl Eednc Copotll BusIness A>sot Funding c....:,..:...1 as sec:J<Od P""Y and PMo ResClUrants. Ll.C and PMo The oaU.. LLC as co-Oellta> All restaurant eqwpmenl. rnacl1Ine<'/ furnIlure. _ ~~-,.._..- ~ addlbonS, paIlS and accessorles now 0Wl1<!<l and hereafter ac:IllI'e<I by 0eJl1Dr, Indtldmg but net Iim1llld III lrf= gnIIs. ovens, .' ,_ ~ ._'...~.;..1S. --. - disposal umts. dishwasll",", beverage dispensers, ICe cn:am makeB. rado display CISlIS, 1lghl /illtures. decor c:ount~ cash ~1n, saJad equ"""en~ _ seatmg. SI!lns and SIl11iIar prtlpetty of Oebtllr used III lIS -....-.. at Ihe WeNJy's restJutanlS lacated at 1025 Green />aSS Rd , Eug..... OR 97417 1499 Mohawk SIree~ Spnngtleld, OR 97417 2830 WiI1=et1e Slnlel. Eugene OR 97417 1895 Franidln BJvd. Eugen.. OR 2401 W 11" Slnlel. Eugen. OR 1965 RIver Road, Eugene, OR In addillan III the abovo-desc:ril>ed collateral, Ill. Sec;ur1ld party's sec:unty 'ntereol shall extand III all other property at the above k)c2tIon(s) lh3t the DebtOr may new own, or later acquire., or U'I whICh Qebtor may have or ~Ulf& nghtS sufftcent to support a 5ecunty lI'lterest dunng !tie course of ttU$ agreement Record Owner Legal Property oescnpllOn. SEE LEGA~ OESCRIPTlON AT1' ACHED HERETO ANO BY iHlS REFERENCE MADE APART HEREOF .~ -- Date ReceIved Planner MM 4-70 .fkll tS7 I " = 1 ,,~. J lOZ5 Green Acres Rd . Eugene, OR I ~t"1lr"orrA., i 11: LOI4. Pial of HOME DEPOT. as aacd and =raod Ul F,le 75, Slides 53, 59 and 60, t.= Coonty. Ore~oo Plat Reeords.!.an ~ oun~, Ongoa. EXCE.!'TTHE.'W'ROM ~ 11: BegllUllllg at the Northe.. ',com' of Lo. 4, nm HOME DEPOT, a duly lee:mted subdlVlSloa m !.ane Cou:jiY, C ~on, and bemg m tho Northeas, on~er of SectlOll 1&, ToWlWnp 17 "uth, aange 3 West of the Wi1l:m1e"" Menmm Ul s:ud County and State. r. " I " tbf:nce South 0211 SI' 28" V. ~ 6 ~ 0 fcctto an mglcpotntm the East lmc ofS4.ld Lot4 , ' tbellcc South Z7" IS' 36"1' <Sl 1 1712 feet a!o"ll SllId Easo l10e to the bcgumlllg of · 130.00 foot r3dtus curve to e Ie! ; thOllce oIo11g th, Ul: of s:u 'cut' ,: the chord of wlucb b=s Soulh IS' 03' 32" West 54.95 fee~ 55J7 fee~ ~ thence South 02. 51' 28" ,t3t 5 :~1 feet to I ?J1Dt 011 the Nonh l1nc of Or~"1 Acres Rood. ""d poUlI belllg 011 "" I fa 437 46 foo'r3dtus curve, tbellee Wemrly aloog the,= ofld CUlVe, the chord of win", beors North 80' ZTI5' Wes:3776fect,37 n f".~ ~ thOllC: North Ozo 51' 2S" E; r 28 5 fe<:~ i thcce South S7" OS' ;2" E; t 27 0 fe<:~ I the:1ce North 02" 51' 28" E 25 13 feet to the oegmnmg oia 140 00 foot ""hus curve to the ngbl; thence a!Ollg 'ilrC' fsald CUlVe, the chorO ofwluch bears North IS' 03' 32' East 59 l!fe:t, S9 6H l, tbellce North 27" 15' 36" ,J21~6 :eet; tbctloe "lorth 020 51' 28" .. 5 0 'feet to the North Jllle of ,,,,d LOl4, ~ : I - thellee South 87" 08' 32' !E:ls: 1000 feet alo"ll said North bne ,0 Be'"""''''''' In Lane County Dreg( a.. - - J ~ 1_ 4-71 thc POUl. of I' !' I, ." Date ReceiVed ~/z..fh Planner MM -~ . I " , ! . ; I , . I , i . I , . ! 1~9~Mob4vk St.. Springfield. OR 97477 !:XIlIBI1: I. Beq1~ng at ~~e In~t~al P01nt of Mohawk F1:St Add~t~on &$ platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, of Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said' po~t be~ng No.-.h 89" 48' 27" West 1449,97 feet and North 0" 13' 30" East 99.15 feet from the southeast corner of the A~ M Powers Donat~on Land Claim No 69 ~ Townsh~p 17 South. Range 3 West of the W111ametta Mer1d~an; run tuence Nor~ 89. 41' 53" West 308.64 feet along the souto l~e of Block 6 of said plat; thence North 4" 24' 51" East 100 00 feet, thence North 70" 22' 19" West 136 00 to the easterly ll.J1e or Mohawk Bl.qhway. thence North 29" 13' 07" East 542.61 feet along sa~d easterly 11ne. th~~ce South 89. 44' 15- Eas~ 155.65 feet to ~~e east l~e of $a~d Block 6, thence North 0" 13' 30" East 131 25 feet to the northeast corner of sa1.d Block 6, thence North 89- 44' 15" West 110.00 feet along the North lLee of sa1d Block 6 to t..~e easterly l.1.re of Mohawk B.1.ghway I thence North 29" 13' 07" East 195.31 feet &long sa~d easterly line, thence South a9" 48' 27" East 455.19 feet to a point on ~ie west line of ISth Street, thence South O. ll' 15ft West 733 66 teet alonq sal.d west line Q! 18th St:eet; thence ~outh 89- 48' 27ft East 5 00 feet; thence South 0" 12' IS" West 227.16 feet to the :.nte.~sec~J.on of the west lJ.I18 o! lSt.i. St=e~t W1th the no~~ line o~ -XR Street, thence North 89" 48' 27" West 449 13 feet ~on~ the north line of ~K. Street, thence North O. 13' 30~ East 39.15 feet to the pO.l.C.t of be9'l.nnJ.n~, J.n Lane Ccun-::y, Ore9'on. I , , ! Date Received <,1-z.J /'1 Planner MM -r-=-t-. , i 4-72 , 28:30 w1llaJllet't8 St~e. Eugene, OR 97405 Exhibit n A" Beginning at a pOint which IS 1453 4 feet north and 2432 6 feet east of the southwest comer of the Wilham Breedmg and wrfe DonatIon Land Claim No 49, Nollfication No 3264, In sectIon 6, Township 18 South Range 3 West, W M, Lane County, Oregon, said point-also being the southeast comer of Block 24 of the, Frasier and Hyland AdditIon to Eugene; thence south, 0' 181' east along the west line of County Road #113, known as Willamette Street. a distance of 230 0 feet, thence south 89' 42' west a distance of 172 0 feet, thence north O. 18' west a distance of 231 59 feet to _the south, line of the above descnbed addmon, thence north 89' 58' east along said south hne-a dIstance of 172 0 feel to the place of begmning, exceptmg therefrom the south 105 feet Date Received Planner MM 5/7-c(/~ I 4-73 " 1S95 Fcankha Blvd.. Eugone. OR 97403 ExhIbl' A il<gtnnmg 31th. Southeast oem... of Lor 17,.a Block I, wended pi.. ofF.",nont, as pi:ut:d and roconled In Book 2. Paae 12. Lan, j:ounty Oregon Plat ll<ooro.., an<! ruonong Northo=n:rly on VllIard S=. dlSClllco of \00 feet 10 'po'n!; lhencoln. Northwcsterlydll"'.dIon panJl.1 With Fr.mkIlo Boulevard. 147 feet 10 a pom~ the""e In a South. __:. d=on along F=khn Boulevard. a dlStU1ce of 147 fee,to the POint ofB'glnamg. 10 Lane County, Oregon. Also, Beglnnmg.ua point on the East 11M of Lot 17, Block. I of Amended Pbt ofFamnount. Lan~ County, 0"'1100. as platted and =llled.. page 12 ofvolum. 2, Une County Oregon PI.. RetMls.,..d point being 100 fee' North 15 dcuees 52" East from the Sooll1""" eomer ofLo, 17, lI1eneo North 15 dcuees 52" East 189 f.... more or less," a PO'" thlllS 75 feet South 15 d.grees 52" West from tbe North_ comerofLo, 17, thence North 81 degrees West 147 fee' panllel WilD the North 1.1.. of Lot 17, tbenca South 15 dcuees 52" West 172 f.... more or less, to J. point 100 feet North IS dqrcc::s 52" East from the Soum hnc of Lot 17, thence South 74 degrees Olr" East 146 feet par.dlol wrdl the South loa. ofLo' 1710 the placo ofbeg..a..g. In Lan. Count)'. Oregon 1 Date Received .5 /z.... ) 07 Planner MM ~, 4-74 2401 W Eleventh Stre~t. Eug~ne. OR 97402 EXHISIT A W:~AI rJFt::CRIPT1(}N Parcell Beginning at ttle East one Quarter comer of Section 35 Township 1 7 Soum Range 4 West af thq W.llaml!tte M~fldl"n thence North 50 63 feet to a pOInt on the North margm ot 1, th Avenue West (baing 60 00 hutt In wldthl as the same IS located and monumented bV the Office of ttll!l CitY Er-.gll'Wlsr thence North S911 10 15- West 569 09 feet aJong the Norm margm of 11th AVanu8 We~t to an Iron ,Oln set on the West margin at Mcl(lnley Street (bemg SO 00 feet m w,dmJ as the .same IS locatBd .Ind monumented by the Qffietl af chI! Cicy engIneer and mcvkmg the true pOint of begIMln!J. thence North 8go 10 1S. West 150 00 filet continuIng along till North margin 01 11 th Avenue West to a POint marked by an Iron pm thence North O. 34 45- East 15000 feet on a fine parallel With the c~nt8rhn. of McKu,ley Street to a pOint marked bV an 110M pin ttlenea South l!9. 10 15" cast 1 SO 00 feet to an Iron pin .set on thG West margin of Mc:Klnlay Straet thence South 0.34 45" West. 15000 teet to the true pOint of beginning In thllt City 01 Eugltne l.ana County Oregon together With tMe Interest of the Granter In all roads streets and ajley~ adjOIning said property EXCEPTING the follOWing That certain parcel of land In the Northe:arst quaner ~ Secnon 35 TOWnSrllP 17 South Range 4 West Wrllamette Meridian more parocularly descflbed as tallows B<<glnnrng ar the Easr anll-quarter cornaf oj s.:lId Secoon 35 thence North 50 63 feet to a pOInt on me North margIn of 11th Avenu. WItS! (being 60 00 tlet In wldthl as me same IS located and monlJlT\ented by ..he OffIce of thl!l C,ry Engmeer thence Nort" a901 10 15 ~ West 56909 teet along the North margin of 11th AVf!!nult We,t to an Iron pin see on the West mar~rn of Mc(l/'\ley Street lbltlng 60 CO feet In Width) as tt\w same: 105 located and mQnuml!nt~d by the Offics of me City Engineer and marxlng the true pOint of beg.u'1:t1lng memes North 89'" 10' 1 S~ West 150 00 leet conanulng along the NQrth margm at 11 th Avenue West to II point marked by an Iran p" thence North 0" 34 45". E'&.$t 1000 (eet on a (jnll paf<l/{ef With ttIe centerhne at McKlnlsy Street to a ~Olnt marlced by an Iron pm thence South a9" 1 0 t.5. East 150 00 feet to an Iton pin set on the W'$t margIn of Mcl(mlay Street thence South 00 34 45. West 1000 feet 310ng (he Wast margin ot MCKinley Suut (bemg SO feet In 'Nldth) to the true pOInt of begIMnmg In Lane County Oregon '-1- ALSO EXCEPTING .ha fo/JoWJfJg A parcsl of land lYing In SecOc" 35 Towf'I$hlQ 17 South Range 4. West at the Wtllamet"!J Ml!Indlan said carcel blltng a poroon af that Cartaln tract of land described on Reel No 1501 rllcor"ed February 16 19Sa RecaDtIon No 8.806746 OffiCial Records 0/ Lane CountY Oragon saId p'arcllf being more particularly descnbed as ~llows - Sf.. ,nlng at tho "OInt ot IntersectIon of the West rllJht of way hne of MeKlnley Street .....,th the No~h rIght of way hne of West 11th Avenullt said pOint 0e1f'1g' ZS 00 feet from ens ce(1{lI'rlin., of Mc1(tnley Street and 30 00 feet from milt centerhne of West 11 tl1 Avenue thence North 00; 34 45- East 2000 feet thence SOlJth 45" 42' 15~ West 28 22 feet to a DOlnr on the North rrght of way hne of West t 1tt'l Avenue ttlence South as" 10 T5~ East 2000 feet along said North nght of way hne to the COlnt 'jf bltgmnu19 111 Lane County Oreqon Parcel 2 BegloOlng at the IntersectIon of ~h~ Nann hM at 11 th Avenue Wast lbelng 60 0 I~et In wldtnl and the West hna of Mc'(mlev Street (biting 60 a Int In wldt"1! f1Jn them::e North 00 34' 0&.5. eaSt along the W!!ISt line of McKinley SU'ee' 1500 leet to the Non:heast comer of the tract 0' land conveyed to Mld ad Company by Dead recorded 08'Cumber 20 1976 Recaption No 7667210 OffiCial RecotCs at Lane County Oregon and baing the true OOlOt of beqmntnO of the fOftQWIMq de:l:cflbed Wier Nn (Mel'1C8 North as- 10 I S~ We.$! ISO 0 feet rhenc. Nortn 0" 34 4.S- East 600 feet [hence $o\Jlh 8901 10 15. Easl 1500 leet ,0 the West hne 0' MCKinley Street thence SQuth 001 J4 4S~ West 600 'ltet ro thf!! true pcznt of beginning In beIng In Sec::;on 35 To.....nshlp T 7 SO\Jth: Range ~ We:st 1M Lane County Oregon Date ReceIved Planner' MM 4-75 5 ~f/ lQ I . .. . 1965 River Rd. Eugen., OR 97404 Exhibit A Beguuung at the rmlroad spike marlGng the Southwest ~omer of the: L. Pomdwer Donation. Land CllIIm No 52. Tawnslllp 17 5<>uth,.Ilang. 4 W<s> ofth. Wlllamette Mendlan,l.m. Ccunty. Oregon, then.. South JJ4& 16 reet and East lJ42.69 r"", to an lllln pia marklOg the We palO' of boglnnlng; thence East 155.23 reet along a hn. portil,! wnll and JJO rn feet North &om tIl. South lIne of Cou.ty Survey No 686 to a palOt; 1l1cn= South 16 degrees 59' East along a 1m. paral1ei Wlth the l2Dtcrhne oflUver Road as _.____.. In.52 feet to a point; thence West 155.23 feet to. POlU' marl<ed by an IrOn pm whicl> boors West 041 feet and North \65 07 feet &om tile 50,_ comerofCauncy Survey No. 636, tIlcnceNorth 16 degrees 59' West, 172 52 feet along a line panJlel WIth and 50 0 feel: dlSW1t from, when measured aInght angles to. the centerline of R1vcr Road as coflStl'UCttd. to the trUe paIDt ofbeglOmng,. In Lane County, Oregan Owner reserves an easement over the Norm 2S 0 feet of the Soum 45 0 feet of the above descnbed prenttse:l: fol" the purpo!e of' mgres.s and 3ggres:s by each partY to tins agreement,. 10 Ie:s.sccs and the hccnscc:li and &nVI~ of eIther party Neither partY to tins agreement 5hall park vehIcles on or obstruCt the. easement prcm1ses. or allow 3IIY obsrrucuoa of the easement prcmUe3 by Its lessees or hcensees Further, owner shall provide tenant, Its licensees and Invitee:> reascnablc ac:c:ss to and !Tom Corhss Street over and across owner's t"..........) adjommg the Jeou.e premises on the East and Soutb Said access shall be a minimum of2S 0 feet In wldth -- Date Received Planner MM 5;:~/o? , 4-76 Branch DSE,User FAll TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Stanon Id CUIM After Retarding Return to McKay [nvestment Company Z35U Oakmpnt Way. SUlte ZU4 Euqene. OR 97401 Divlalon at Chl.'JO.puty Clerk LAn_ Count 'I D..cls .nd R.corcia ~~~llmlll~IIIIWIIIIUIII~III"rnlll 5882ee5009335&~~i~U/~ RPR.fSIlT Cnbl Stn..8 aJM~~ 02:34:10 PI! S3S 00 S10 00 $11 00 200S-0S3358 $56.00 DECLARATION OF CROSS EASEMENTS ThIs DeclarallPn of Cross Easements (DeclaratIOn) IS madc tlus 22nd day of November, 2005, by McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon lImited hablhty company (Declarant) RECTT ALS A. Declarant IS the Owner m fec slffiple of contIguous tracts of real property (each mdlvldually, a "Tract, n and collecuvely, the "Tracts''), commonly known as Mohawk Shoppmg Center, located m the CIty of Spnngfield, Lane County, Oregon, ldenufied and legally descnbed as "Tract I" and "Tract 2" on attached ExhIbit A and ExhlbltB, ..,,.___vely B, Declarant dcszres to create cross easements for access, parkmg and uuhues for the mutual benefit of the Tracts, as set forth m thIS Declarauon EASJE.ME"'lTS. COVENANTS AND RESTRIcnON~ 1. Defim/Jon. Tn addJuon to the temi, defined m the body of tlus Declarauon, as used herem, the followmg tenus have the followmg meamngs I I Common Area. All parts of the Tracts wluch are from Ume 10 bme devoted pnmanly to parklOg. approaches, eXlts, entrances, SIdewalks, menor landscapmg, mCldental and mtenor roadways, semce roads and other sundar areas as the same may eXIst from tune to tune on each of the Tracts. I 2 Occuoonts Declarant, and Declarant's successors and assl gus, mcludmg successors In lOterest to utlc to the Tracts, and all Persons who from tune to tune shall be enulled to use and occupy space located Wlthm the Tracts under any lease, sublease, hcense or concessIOn agreement, or other mstrument or arrangement WIder whIch such nghts are acqUIred or granted I 3 PerImnees All Occupants and all customers, employees., hcensees and other busmess mVltees of Occupants Doclarauon of Cross Easements - I F \JOBS\6200s\626.c\WORO\Dc:dzlr.ltlonCrossEasemcntsI1210~ doc " j Pnnted on 9129/2006 IJ 01 28 AM Date Received 5 / ~ I ~ Planner MM ' LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page lof7 4-77 Branch DSE,User FAil T,tle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIon Id CUlM 1 4 Benefitted Tract Each of the Tracts whIch are benelitted by the easements and nghts set forth ill t1us declaratlOn. 1 5 Ilurdened Tract Each of the Tracts whIch are burdened by the easements and obhganons set forth ill t1us DeclaratIon 1 6 Owner Each Person winch IS the record Owner of fee slIDple tltle 10 a Tract or an eqUItable owner of a Tract as a vendee under a land sale contract. I 7 Persnn An individual, partnerslnp, Imllted hablhty company, COrporatIon, or other entIty 2 Shared Access Easement Declarant hereby creates an easement 30 feet m WIdth, the center 1me of which 's the boundary between Tract I and Tract 2, such boundary bemg the "New Lme" shown on Exhibit C (Shared Access Easement) The pwpose of the Shared Access Easementls to prOVIde access to Tract I and Tract 2 from I Sib StreeL 3 Cross Easement for ParlunJ:. Declarant hereby creates a perpetual non-excluslVe easement, for the benefit of Tract I, to use CXlst10g and fu1ure parlong areas located on Tract 2, and a perpetual non-excluslve easement, for the benefit of Tract 2, to use eXlstlng and future parlung areas on Tract 1 (parkmg Easemeots) Subject to the restnCtIons and prolnbluons descnbed m paragraph 4, the Parlung Easements are for use by Qccupanls and Pemuttees 4. Restncuons!L.m,taUons on Use. The followmg restncl10ns and JumtatIons shall apply to the easements granted m t1us Declaration 4 I The parkmg, loadmg, or unloading of a veIucle or other deVIce 10 or on lbe Shared Access Easement IS prohIbited, olber than for emergeney purposes 42 NeIther Owner shall permIt lbe employees of that Owner or the employees of any Occupanl of that Owner's Tract to park on the other Tract. Each Owner shall mform lbe Occupants of that Owner's Tract oftlus restncl10n and lbe ngbt of the Owner oflbe other Tract to low lbe vehIcles of any employees who park on a Tract In VIolatIon of t1us restnctIon The Owners of lbe Tracts shall cooperate Wllb each olber 10 the enforcement of t1us restncl1On. 4 3 The Parkmg Easement shall not be used by the Owner of the Benefitted Tract to use lbe Benelitted Tract for a use wllb 1l11Illmum parkmg reqUIrements In excess of lbe parlong aVailable on the Benelined Tract only 4 4 The parkmg Easements shall ID no way huut the development or redevelopment orlbe Burdened TracL The Owner of the Burdened Tract shall have lbe ngilt to change, mcrease or decrease parloug spaces on the Burdened Tract as detennmed In the sole dIscretIon of the owner of the Burdened Tract, subject to governmental requIrements apphcable to the Burdened Tract only Declaration of Cross Easements .. 2 F VOBS\620a>l6264\WORDIO.<i....'nC=:---......_II2IOS do<: 4-78 . p....ted.o"'91291200~10 01 2S AM uare ~eCelVeu .. I Planner MM .5/H' (~ LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page20f7 " Branch DSE,User FAI I Tnle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Station Id CUL\-1 5 Mamtenance Each Owner shall mamtaIn the Common Area on that Owner's Tract In good condll1on and repaIr, mcludmg the portion of the Shared Access Easement located on the Owner's Tract The Owners of the Tracts shall make a good fmth effort to wv~".te With each other 1Il the mamtenance of the Shared Access Easement and m the coordmalJon of reparr and mamtenance actlVltles on the Tracts, mcludmg parlang lot sweepmg and stnpmg of parlang spaces so that the Tracts appear as an lIltegrated whole Notwtthstandmg the forego1Og, the Owner of each Tract shall be responsIble for repmr of damage (other than nonnal wear and tear) to any portlOn of the Common Area of the other Tract caused by the responsIble Owner or such Owner's employees, agents, contractors or tenants 6 Utllitv Easements Declarant hereby creates non-exclUSIve easements (UlIl1ty Easements) under, through and across that porllon of the Common Area of each of the Tracts for the mamtenance, removal and replacement of eXlstmg water hnes, telephone hnes, gas lines, sanItary sewer Imes, electncal hnes, stonn sewers and dramage !tnes, and olher uulity lmes or systems eXlslIng at the lime of thIS Declarallon, prOVIded, however, that all pIpes, wtreS, hnes, condUIts, mmns, sewers, systems and related eqUIpment (Uullty Faclllues) shall be mmntamed below the ground or surface levels of the Tracts, except where the particular uulity cannol feasibly be placed underground, such as transfonncrs, as long as any above ground mstallauons are enclosed and do not mterfere WIth the mtended use of any Common Area. All UUl1ty Faclhlles shall be operated and mmntamed m a manner wluch WIll not unreasonably mterfere WIth the use of the Tracts 6 I RelocallOn The Owner of a Tract shall have the nght to relocate a Utility Facility on that Tract w1uch benefits the other Tract, on the condItion that the Owner relocanng the Ublity FaCIlity bears the full cost of such relocation, and on the further cond.bon that utility ServIce to the Benefined Tract shall not be mterrupted m connceUon WIth the relocatIon 62 Work Standards Any Owner undertakmg any mamtenance or relocabon work With respect to a UtIlity FaCIlity pursuant to tlu. DeclaratIon shall cause aL .uch ",ork (mcludmg general cleanup and proper surface and/or subsurface restoralton) to be completed promptly and m a manner that muumlzes mterference WIth or unpedunentto the common area of the Burdened Tract 63 IndemnIty The Owner of a Benefined Tract shall mdemmty and hold hamlless the Owner of the Burdened Tract agalOst my md all clauos, losses and lIablllbes m connecUon With !he use, mamlenmce, removal md reparr of the Ubhty Faeility located on the Burdened Tract 7. Name Declaranl reserves to the Owner of Tract 2 the exclUSIve nght to use the name "Mohawk Shoppmg Cenler n 8. piSDute Re~oluhon Any dIspute mvolvmg the Ulterpretanon or enforcement of nghts or obhgalJons under t1us DcclaralJOn shall be resolved by arbltrabon condu<:ted tn accordance WIth the rules of the ArbltratJon ServIce of Portland, lnc or the Amencan ArbJlralton AssocIabon, whIchever agency IS selected by the party that IDltJales the arbltratJon DeclaralJon of Cross Easements - 3 F IlOBS\6200'.\6264\ WORD'Dccl...lIOnC=Eascm"",112105 doe 4-79 I Pnnted on 9/29/200610 ~1 Date Received. q Planner MM LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 3 of1 Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIon Id CUlM 9 Elfect The easemcnts and covenants created by thIS DeclaratIOn shall nm WIth the land and shall be bmdmg upon and mure to the benefit of Declarant and Declarant's successors and assIgns, mcludmg successors-m-mterest to OwnershIp of the Trncts Declarant McKay Investment Company, LLC By ~.., Cn.~&/;d ~'J" STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) ,..J.. ThIs rnstrument was acknowledged before me th.s Z2. day of November, 2005, by LI J'\M /'f\e.~ \Lortk as Manager of McKay Investment Company, LLC . OFFICIAL SEAL : GAlL M L1SS . NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON ' ..... COMMISSION NO 35"'792 : !IY COWMISSfDH EXPIRES FEB" ,006 l ,~__-,-.~-,-".,-,,-,,_,:,---,-_-,'~-.-.-.-.'-.::.f ~~ Notary Pubhc for Oregon My commISSIon expU"es ;1/J'if/O(, DeclaratIon of Cross Easements - 4 F IJ06S\6200',\6264\ wORD\Do<lar01l00Cr0ssE=onIsI12l0S doc LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 , " Page 4 of7 I Dat 1'1iIuted on 9/29/2006 10 01 29 AM e KeCelVea . Planner MM .5( pf (~ 4-80 Branch DSE,User FAIl Tille Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIOn Id CUlM EXHIBIT "A" Legal Descnpl10n Tract 1 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOtrrHEASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, SAID POINT BEING NORTH 89"44'15" WEST, 11008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNlNG THENCE ALONG SAID MARGIN, NORTIl29"13'07" EAST, 195 33 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89"48'27" EAST, 45508 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH S1REET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0"11'34" WEST, 27300 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN RUN NORTH 89'48'26" WEST, 3465 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 58'49'12" WEST, 2585 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89"53'24" WEST, 15299 FEET, THENCE NORTIl 74'28'08" WEST, 62 IS FEET, THENCE SOUTH 70"06'00" WEST, 3002 FEET, THENCE NORTH 89"46'30" WEST, 141 99 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, TIlENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0'13'30" EAST, 109 54 FEET TO THE NORTIlEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORTIl 89"44'15" WEST, ALONG TIlE NORTIl LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 11008 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAlNlNG 3 09 ACRES LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 , ".1 Page 5 of7 " ~~~100129AM Planner MM 5fz-f (6--, 4-81 . I ~, Branch DSE,User FAil Title Officer RD Order 912425 COllUOent Station Id CUTM EXHIBIT "B" Legal Descnpllon Tract 2 BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 89<41'53" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEEl) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 4'24'51" EAST, 10416 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70'22'19" WEST, 13323 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29<13'07" EAST, ]9469 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN soum 60047'00" EAST, 9000 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29'13'07" EAST, 95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 15'47'00" EAST, 707 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 60047'00" EAST, 500 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29013'07" EAST, 8000 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60'47'00" WEST, 500 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 74"13'00" WEST, 1414 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60'47'00" WEST, 8500 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHAWK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29'13'07" EAST, 18370 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89<44'15" EAST, 16565 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0']3'30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE RUN SOUTH 89'46'30" EAST, 14199 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70'06'00" EAST, 3002 FEET, SOUTH 74'28'08" EAST, 6215 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89053'24" EAST, 15299 FEET, THENCE NORTH 58'49'12" EAST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89'48'26" EAST, 34 65 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN soum 0'11'34" WEST, 69206 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RilliNING ALONG THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES 1) NORTH 89'49'36" WEST, 252 70 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG T:-[E ARC OF A 1708 48 FOOT RADIUS C.'URVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 208 73 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A 2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86019'36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 89<49'36" WEST, 542 FEET, TIlENCE LEAVING SAID NORTH MARGIN RUN NORTH 0'10'24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 10 99 ACRES Date Received Planner MM 5!z-<t (67 ( ..1,. I .l. III' Page 6 0f7 "I Pnnted on 9/2912006 10 01 30 AM LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 4-82 . , "I' Branch DSE,User FAll TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment SutlOn 1d CUL\1 EXHIBIT .C. -'V1r- DENOTES UNE NOT DRAWN TO SCAlE ~l li.- ~ 1 8 T H STREET l-: - - S ocrll'~- W, GJ;5.lo' SRm NEW ADJUSTED I PROPERlY UNE I~ I N ,""4.9'l~.;:.L. ""os I;\~I i=S; ,:1 " b'" ":<,, I: lOT -~~ TAX 3900 t;~~ fL~ N 74.28'08'" W I /:S; 15", 52.15- ) '.i5 ,,~i! G~~ / fL~ S 71706'00" W o:~ JOor ~~ .... -- S 00"11'34" W. -+- L 15 aa I: ..I I ~;I ~~~~JfENT-j~r 2171'0 r 109 54' ~ ---- N 00'13'30. ~ NORTH . 10 13125 It.I. i'l:- i;:ll ~! TAX LOT 4401~: S~'" ,~ ,60,,7 o JD so 120 c:<H1B/T UAP OF 30' SHARED ACCESS EASEMENT FOR. IdcKAY IN'/ESTllOO CO SPRINGFIElD, lJ,NE COIJNIY OREGON JOB 104-6264 NO'{ 16 2005 r REGJSTERED I PROfOSSIO>W.. l..AloIO SURVEYOR ~~~)~ OREGON JlA.T 11 2GOO YIOWl. R. DN<<ENS 60052 __ 12-31-_ )ate ReceIved 7/L I Planner MM ~L- SSfW 9nc.-engmeeJ'5 SURVEYORS f p~ANNeRS UIOo.--,._toS ,-~11"" (IoI'.~ : LANE,OR Document EAS 2005 93358 Page 7 of7 . ' , Pnnted on 9/2912006 10 01 30 AM 4-83 " Branch DSE,User FAll TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Commenr StatIOn Id CUIM RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS McKAY INVESTMENT COMPANY (P1eU38 Print) BEING THE RECORD OWNER(S) 01 aI 01 the toDowlng describltd property localed In the ay of Sprlngneld or It!: urbanl:tabJe area In the County of Lane Slale of Oregon S.. Attachment A _ Legal D..ctlptlon for Trac:t 2 SH Att.u;hment a - Map Sowing ExIsting Building. HEREBY DECLARES THE FOLLOWtHG RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 1 IN CON$lDERA nON FOR the ~ of a property \.XlII Adjustment (Case Number SUB20CJ5.00051) by !he City 01 Springfleld that conlam:s property a3 descnbed 1n Altachm8nt A with an existing non<enfc:nnlng buldlng as shown on Attad1mont B thai Is constructed over \tie east subd{y1skln boundary no. ol MCIhawtc Arst Addlllon Block 6 ood In ordM lo remove lha non-eonformng slatu3 of Ulb 8llJl!ljng building owner(s) do hereby makll the loi4owlng covenantJ lor the good and safely of the plIb11c,. In compllsnce will the Springliltk:l D.. " Code and the bulk1lng rcgulBtrons 0( the City of SprIngfield, encumbering the above deseriJed reaf ptopMy 2. IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE THE HON..cONFORMlNG SITUATION dOSCrlbed In Sedlon 1 above either a. The Pfoperty desaibed In Anachment A must hereafter be sold wUhout separulkm or lhe.lats or portton!l \hereof as II single unit of laM 80 long as lho building shown In Anactlment B !:I conslructed over the 'IIast SUbdlvlSlOCl boundary 11M Of Mohawk Firs!: AddItion Block 6, or b The east subdl\lIslon boundary DOlt Mohawk Fi~t Addition, Blode: 6 must vacated or relocated by process pemulted by law 3. LeGAL LOT OETERMINA TION REQUIRED No sale of an mdlVJdual budding Of gl"Ollp or buildmgs as shown on Attachment B shan occur , WIthout approval from the City, unles:llhe IndMdual buIdIng 0( group of bu'kllng, arll on II legal lot aa determined by tile City 01 Sprlngtleld or Lane I County as appropr1ate s.kt indudes the transfer by deed or conlract. .. THESE COVENANTS shall Nn with !hs \and IIl'1d .shall be binding upon and Inure Ie the benefit of all owner(s) par1Ses 8Ild persons including hClO Succe:5sor, and assigns <:14lirTllng under them., and for the bIInellt of and ImrlatIona on d future ownel1s)s of !he proporly described herein IN WITNESS WHEREOF \he underSlgnsd have caused ttus Instrument 10 be executed !his day of 20_ ~~~e~~~ Sf A TE OF OREGON} loa. County of loane ) ON THIS 2-2JUi- d., ,/ l-!ovf..M.bt.,.- ': Uru:iA.. {'f\.c.'U.u. lCor+k- foregOIng to be their voIun~;d. and deed. Manager 20~ personally,",ppeared be(OI"e me. a Notary Pubic, the wUtIln named ~ _ adtnowl&dged the WITNESS my hand .nd ... th.. day and re- last wrlltCln .00",.. ~?::;,~ ,,;t//'f!:/O;' , I My CommlS$lon Expires ________ ~ ~___.-....-_,.......::.~..=o.~.=-=..,_~~ 'fO- - OPFICIAt. SEAL : OAILMLlSlI , NOTMY PUBUC-OREaoN : COMMISSION Ilol0 3$4792 , MY COJol.,l,lISSI~ ~lRE~ ~E.B '1_:roOS _; " - ...............-"'" .....- -Di~!;101"! ., Chl.' Lane C~t.y D... Ullllllllllllllfi"RII~llI"II""" /lJlm 0lZI7!1B!8ZZ21B!B0Sl3:1............. ....4 _-REST Cn~l Un.. ~J'~~S 02 34'10 Pll .1~ 00 S10 CO 811 00 D.....ty CI';. - --;;,.,~~ M~~~~~ and --... ~.N~ $JliOO A copy of thl5 ,..eOf'thd docum_nf mllst IH rtiunMd :0 tit. City of SprlnQO.ld, o.v.'opm."t s.n..ic.. O_"..rlmwwt. 22$ Fifth StAId , Sprlnqf1eld OR 974n Date ReceIved Planner MM l #- LANE,OR Document CCR 2005 93359 Page I of3 PrInted on 9/29/2006 1001 30 AM 4-84 , " Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment. Stanon Id CUlM AITACHMENT "A" LEGAL DESCRlPTION SOUTHERLY PORTION OF MOHAWK SHOPPING CENTER (TRACT 2) AFTER ADJUSTMENT BEGINNING AT A POINT BEING NORTH 89'41 '53" WEST, 308 56 FEET (RECORD 308 64 FEET) FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK FlRST ADDITION, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 4'24'51" EAST, 104 16 FEET, THENCE NORTH 70'22'19" WEST, 133 23 FEET TO THE EASTERLY MARGIN 01' MOHAWK HlGHW A Y, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29'13'07" EAST, 19469 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN AND RUN SOUTH 60'47'00" EAST, 90 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29"13'07" EAST,95 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 15'47'00" EAST, 7 07 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 60"47'00" EAST, 5 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 29'13'07" EAST, 80 00 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60'47'00" WEST, 5 00 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 74'13'00" WEST, 14 14 FEET, THENCE NORTH 60'47'00" WEST, 85 00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY MARGIN OF MOHA WK HIGHWAY, THENCE ALONG SAID EASTERLY MARGIN NORTH 29"13'07" EAST, 183 70 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY MARGIN RUN SOUTH 89'44'15" EAST, 165 65 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE NORTH 0'13'30" EAST, 21 71 FEET, TIlENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE RUN SOUTH 89'46'30" EAST, 141 99 FEET_THENCE NORTH 70'06'00" EAST, 30 02 FEET, SOUTH 74'28'08" EAST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89'53'24" EAST, 152,99 FEET, THENCE NORTH 58'49'12" EAST, 25 85 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 89'48'26" EAST, 34 65 FEET TO THE WEST MARGIN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN SOUTH 0'11'34" WEST, 692 06 FEET TO THE NORTH MARGIN OF CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN AND RUNNING ALONG THE NORTII MARGIN OF CENTENNlAL BOULEV ARD THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES 1) NORTH 89'49'36" WEST, 25270 FEET, THENCE 2) ALONG THE ARC OF A 170848 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 86'19'36" WEST, 208 60 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 20873 FEET, THENCE 3) ALONG THE ARC OF A2317 33 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LErr, THE CHORD OF WIDCH BEARS NORTH 86'19'36" WEST, 282 94 FEET, A DISTANCE OF 283 12 FEET, THENCE 4) NORTH 89"49'36" WEST, 5 42 FEET, THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTII MARGIN RUN NORTH 0"10'24" EAST, 1434 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNlNG, IN SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON CONTAINING 10 99 ACRES Date ReceIved ...5 ! V-f /0( Planner MM I LANE,OR Document CCR 2005 93359 . ..- Page 2 00 , I Prmted on 9/2912006 10 01 31 AM 4-85 " -.. Branch DSE, U ,er FA 11 TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StalJon Id CUIM S.~El4fo._ LEGeND tr,..t..... .~'I.-<<t U(~ ..'", "''!1{_Il' ..-t .~ _'~f loC"'l'Q.t _.00l[......1I'\...-1 1:0......1 _t'lClC' "'l~ .....ot ",.6- ...t ...OM'" ,.. _lOll _._._CoOl..... e on " ;- ~ ~. , _0 l\ , ~~ _ _'0-0 "'111,00( II USllCWI . or.l.l"W t "1 J IU --/!~~7Hl- .. 1\ : ~ I( ,,:- T -~ta'_ -:%'IL.- ~-~L i &"'.; f'" ~'---.;:~W;; : ~ [;j ...... a J= 4J '. . 1111'" ~ '.- :If~ ~ I: ~ It - ill i=o= ~.- Ii II II ~ '.":' 'f __~. ~ i]Jr Jt '1:'-'=..' '- ~ --'~ - 111-- --r-- I T at I ... X. l_lU.,r ln8~ )." ~I.' k:: '.'la-. }\ I ..un.>>' :0'3 ;;'S'U ~ \ -, n- ~JI 1.',"j1j'".M ::=..~~... a~ II""" . ''''1:> ,.--.'1 I I . \...""""..... 01 JIll. " "PI..'" ... IN ....." . '.....'1 l.&;r U)I' 3900. ldIC - w.J0I\' ~1A1l, CC:U"UIl::1.4l, T.o.ll lOT HOI .. WI( - w.uQll 1l't'T""- ~!)O,lrooE:IIC,"", O\OOlCR- .."....., -cSlw(1fl CO ~~ rll'Olft M,oJI"''''O'$.lDC YM'Q- ...00It($5. JJ!IO o,ucuOld "'" IIlr,,:I'. . 10 rUT '0 SlIlDN:S SUT( 2'O<l _ S reEl 101',",,"'lHC 0lI'N(W41 ilOll.o.GC CUGCHC. 01 "'01 Q ___ CM;~>o("_' ____ftl,OOIIl _I - .-__ Il.I:l;IJIC 100( ,II.(. ......C.~IU."~ , 1 DLNlPIlIU~go"~'OItlJ1; -W- g['OIn ,.c.,.._ 105(.00,' N u ~-~ 1t.HL' _ut . ;~: I" CENTENNIAL 8oud:VARD "' , i ~ """" !tl~~$ I ..=~. I ..-cII'u.-.o. --~"'. I...=.::''F-I ro-uoC"" _ ,""",c."", ~ OCl;Ol'lll'te ...n:l'l'" .on.! _ t1CMoOo ,_ or......,: COI,OOI"l' ~- II{I'CM NO. ,.....m.'- OO'U OI:l~' . 2Q7.l ... ""....(..~...__._ __...._..........."'__.._ _1_.._........ -.......-.. """'..._.,,__.. .......__......,_4__'...._.-__ ..If ___..___ --....""...,,-..--- -.......-..........-......-.. ~.o(__....._-"'"""'-_...-_. .."...'00("'" ..rttI.........--- ..,........."'......--..-. ..... I .......,........__.""_.... --............--. --...- ----..... ......--....- _..._ llUC1_____.___.... _f'l......or ..-'-- -,......---....---......-..-..-....-......-............-.....-.. ..,..,-.. .....'___ ......_.......................".._r.__'..._.._._. -- ...,(>...-......-.. ...... ...-'"-----'''-''-''' -- -,......,-_...,~._..,..-'.. ."-'--" -......,..-... .......-.--.......--.......-,...,..-.......-....- ' -....."...,......-- .......,............""--....-..-.....- Of.' _......_..._____......__....._...-._. IOlI.__...___-'l...... ''- ,.....-...... -........-....".-..- .,.... .....---.-.-..............-....--..-..-..-.-...---...- --..... ..,........ ..--.........,.....""... ...-......-..-........-.... ........l.......""l1_...WO-'...._"'I__.....c...___.,....._...'lOII'.._I-...-...- -0.. ,.,.,...-- .....-. --....---..--..-........ ...,.. r_ _______ -.........----. -.-- ,- ---...--.. ..-------..-- "'..... ...__...____._I.........~II."I...._"--_...---_..- "'4' .--.......""......-....... ..~.'l_'=...-.l--==......."::.."'::--_.........-.....__... ..---.....--- ..........__4 ..,...cnor,_u-Q-t)-)o.....,,_...., onc....UJI_ PREUJ"IIN.'.R'f PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SURV('( F"OR McKAY INVESTMENT co lAX lO1' J900 4: 4101 wP 17-0.3-23-34 I'l stCllON 25.. 117S, RJw .... SPRIHCFtU.D lANE COUHN 0REG0tI I SSfW57nc..Eng/netV3' I SU.V~YQll:S f "''-'''H'''~~~ ----- -- .1M _ M-q.. "_11-<l.!l LANE,OR Document CCR 2005 93359 Page3 of 3 ~~~~r~~2f6 10 ~I1r Planner MM ,) ( ~ d7 4-86 ., . .", Branch DSE,User FAll Title Officer RD Order 912425 Comment StatIon Id CUlM ~ .r . rf) c../ ~ JI' ur.e 50 Daf7ldJS ...- R=nllnl::il.dDrJI1o \/ESTERN TInE AND ESCROII ~ANY u97 OA~A~ ROAn. ~T~ ,AO ~v nv a~' , Divi.ion 0' at1.' Deput.y Clerk W:_Nl~.I,n' Lane c:..unty 0... ....I Roc..... 'Wol"'JM~ mm llllllllllml~llmmlllm 1111 ~l.OO ll076117eS2Il0l!0lI9!!J4ge040ll~8 RPR-I1SN Cnt..1 Sln=!l CASJi~~~re 11:29:40 ~ $20 00 $10 00 $11 00 UJlll1. dwl&e 10 roq1lCltCd all"" Jta_u ohaII be _10 die fvDowbJ, oddres>L CUDDEBACK. INVE.:3,u&hS. INe r\J >>OA 'J/b'J ~UGEN~, OR 91405 ;\SSIGNMEN'l' OFLUSES McKay Investment Company, UC an Oregon lmutcd habihty ~.....-y TO: Cuddeback Investments, Jnc . FROM. (AssIgnor) (Assignee) an Oregon _.r~."":'on DATE: Nove:mbc:r li 2005 l!J'.c:TI ALS A. On tills date, Ass1gnor has conveyed to AssIgnee the real !"~e-;J described on attached Exhibit A (PropertY) B. The Jl1IIPOsc of tI11s aSSIgnment 15 to Il9Slgn to Ass1gnee an eDSlmg leases winch affect the r.or-;j I'GREEMEN\ 1. ~sl"'lment. Asstgnor hereby lISSIgDS to AssIgnee an of AssIFs nghl, btle and mteresl m and to an exJStmg leases w1ncl1 affect the 2 ,oro,;), moo: partlCOlarly descrihed on attached Exhibit B (E.....nng Leas..) 2. Assumptloll , A1; of the dale of this assignmClll, Ass1gnee lISSllIIles an of AssIgnor' & obhgallons as Lessor UIlder the ExJstmg Leases. Assignor Assignee Cuddeback iIr. ~_ts, 10e McKay 1oves1ment Company, LLC B~f~ By ~ c;4.kL TItle ' f/lZdJd e.v-1- AssIgnment of Leases - I S......CXAYJ:.=-~~ll="'" LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page 1 of 4 D~lf&e~rv~'ff06 1 O)} ; :t7 rJ7. Planner MM oj I - 4-87 . ~J Branch DSE, User FAIl T,tle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Statton ld CUlM . " STATE OF OREGON. } County 01 J~Q.(lP ) "- BE IT REMEMBERED, Thilt on tlu. _ __J.CJ 1lt aa,. ,/ J1Q!1'.n1PeY - --_19 2ep5 :~~ m , tho .:,,~1<',tf~&~dS lor the Stat. J!.~Bf~=a the :~ QY..e~;x1Jrr:..rJii0F'1.f2:i L~____ - . -- --- ---- - - ----- -- ----- -- ---------- - -- knawn to tne to be the .denbelll llJdl.,K1~- deKrrbed U1 and who uecuted the WIthIn rmtnunent and ae1cnowlttd~1Jd to me that _ ~np ) lXfKUted the aam;e fnely and voluntanly PalM'" ~INT $t_N:_ lDw ""Wl~""lI Co NL ~QndOl.'n"lG4 0\991 .... 0Ff\C1.'4- SEN- 8SliANNON M. BURGESS NOTAA'f PUBUCORfGON CQM>AISSlON NO 36lJ8Zl MY cototMISSlC'i EXPtflESAUG\JST 30 2006 IN TESTIMONY WHE 1 my M~on exprre5 -q- STA TE OF OREGON, County 0/ ___ Lo..ng) BErTREMEMBERED,Thiltontlu'- _~ aayo/ {}:;v1?fYl~______/;x;p5 belore me, the ~" o'fIr Ilt~'b ~1Idthe S:tJy1 ?r:1~~'ree~ appeerod the wrtlun ruuned _ ____ <1 _. ~ _aA-~t.Y1..t.wl. - - -..cJr- --- ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___l! \:' :n:1fY.:tlS-.nc. - ------ - - J'OtM.....~PI1' sr..--W- Urw MIl.... l;Q Nt. I'DlMnd,OI9T.204 el992 '... known to me to be the IdenbcaJ_UJ..d,,'nduti- dacrJbcd m llt'ld who exeeuted the wftrun Instrument and acknowledged to me that r ~ ft%ocut~d thtt.same freely and voluntanly ---- - - ------ ---- . OPRQ4L SeAL SHANNON M BURGESS NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO J6D823 Itl'toM1<<l'SSlOKElI'U\UAUG1ISl30 100.6 Date Received Planner MM IvI/ry LANE,OR Docllment ASR 2005 95349 Page 2 of 4 Pnnted on 912912006100135 AM 4-88 '; ....) TItle Officer RD Order 912425 Comment Branch DSE,User FAI \ . u." ,M"" .... ._". I . ..,d , 'M". II~" .. .. ... .... "..,. , " , EAJ:w,., A Legal D=poon BEGJNNING AT A POINT ON THE soUTHEASTERLY MARGlN OF MOHAWK mGHWAY, SAID pOINT BElNG NORm 89"44'15" WEST, 11008 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BLOCK 6 OF MOHAWK. FIRST ADDmON, AS PLAITED AND RECORDED IN BOOK IS, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS AND RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID MARGlN, NORm 29'13'07" EAST, 195 33 FEET: THENCE LEAVING SAID MARGlN RUN soum 89"48'27" EAST, 455 08 FEET TO THE WEST MARGlN OF 18TH STREET, THENCE ALONG SAID WEST MARGlN SOUTH 0"11'34' WEST, 27300 FEEt, THENCE LEAVING SAID WEST MARGlN RUN NORm 89"48'26" WEST, 34 65 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 58'49'12'" WEST, 2S 85 FEET, THENCE NOR'1'B 89"53'24" WESl, 15199 FEET, THENCE NORTH 74"28'08" WEST, 62 15 FEET, THENCE SOUI'H 70'06'00" WEST, 30 02 FEET, nmNCE NORm 89"46'30" WEST. 14199 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID BL~ 6, nmNCE ALONG SAID BASI' LINE _ NORTH 0"13'30" EAST, 109 54 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CO:R,'<ER OF SAID BLOCK 6, THENCE NORm 89"44'15" WEST, ALONG THE NORm LINE OF SAID BLOCK 6, 11008 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON. - Date Received Planner MM Stanon Id CUlM 5/1.-'1/"7 ( ( LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page 3 of4 Pnnted on 9/29/2006 10 01 36 AM ' 4-89 ~ " 4. . Branch DSE, U ser FA 11 Title Officer RD Order 9]2425 Comment Slatlon Id CUIM /: . ' r , l.AJ;UDIT B 'C....-....1"...on ofLc:ases ] Lease WIth Redundant Cartndge, !nc, dalJ:d Apn] 22, 2003, as :-_A.wj, 2 Lease with J=fer Wllhams, dba SbahryLs, dalJ:dJuly 10, 2002 3 Lease WIth Jams West, dbaZ-Co1l, dalJ:dMay 18, 2005 4 ' Lease wtth Bl-Mart ColpOIObOD, dalJ:d December 9, 1964, as amc:nd<:d. 5 Lease with SCmley T. Memoll and Comne J. Memill. dated July 6, 1988, asslgned to :::.......,field Taco, a partn=lnp Date Received .1l, / - Planner MM ~ LANE,OR Document ASR 2005 95349 Page4of4 Pnnted on 9129/2006 1001 36 AM 4-90 tl--r- t. 100 ~ .0, :~ I ~I "" . "-:-., '0 S /' · .f" . ~::2: . . ,.. 700 800 .00 Qj ::2: > I '00 i'"" . S 0 ~ ~ I, ~) 4 II "--\ CANClu.tD Q) .. ,'>.' ~~ "'..._... \()\'\1 2100 L..,. '('Iii" 0 600' ''''~; 210' 0:: Q) I ~ JOO ~y: ~__, ....0\ lE Ql2 l...F 3 ~ - h...\.-, 4.'0000 -= _1lI ~ ""L..--./\ ~ '00; ~~ r;,1 .. ~_ ,"\I ~ l 1 :~gg O.a.. ~ ~ ~OnT -- ,,-- \.,.. -.,~.- - ,ROAD ~(l' I if t6OO---1 1~OO 1400 1300 ~ 1100 1000 ~~ ~I \ 1,j ~~ ! -.........- II t700 , n~. '$'tOO ._-~~ --"'''"'~ l :1 l :m ---.....,,- >n<~II'" ____~~ ,.. I , "" ... ~ _ \ _ I 1.303 ,;rp'~ ~'----------:----- -~,,-"-- - -- ': :[ '"': ',2000 l: LOTTED ON "A~ :::O~-"-'~_S ~~ j Ii , 1-;.,.., C,";':;' ..... ___.." ~ ~~~:_~~"~---~~--'--=-"'~- ~ :'l ----------..~ ..~.. (0_"'/ &lee 1" -.I 1l' - , \i. ~ i..L.l 2400-.- \ 2JeKr - - i 230i J ~ i , ~;; I t>= JlIIS ... ..,~ ~ ' CJ) 2500 f__"_'" I ~; ~J~r_~~ j-~-- (Grit 9=C~O) ------, ,:" 1'800" -- '1~~~ -- 4800 ~- ----------------- - I '.... i ' ,~ i ~- -^l:""''''''''l ~l~_ ..,i..". - ...'r,.........". ~ {, J600 8'00 '1.. -- --t:':r:::"'~:l' ,..J.' '.- {:' .--;"lI,;;-~ '~~-,:...."';.,"';".;'-~~ t- "" I' , ..5. 70\01 1700 7501 j 7!Ol <400 ';';; , ~1 I I ~f , __,..l.:"-~' I Ii""" ; 7200 ...._;, . IlU N:. . Lor 4 9.8 tl 6000 ~:t~ ,.~ . 'j :.. ~ L_MI~U IJ-\^MIIUI~ ONLY J LANE COUNTY SCAlE 1- _ 100' L tJ SEE MAP 17 OJ 2~ JI THlSMAPISPROVIDEDASACDURTESY~' .>.. ~ ,["00 '_~C BY FIRST AMCRICAN TITLE INSURANCE "l' ,( ~ 'f COMPANY OF ORmON TO ASSIST IN ~ , ,- If "..~ LOCATING SAID PRJ:M1SCS AND THe ':....~ __', <<00 COMPANY A~SUMCS NO LIABILITY FOR r, -- -1- ';0-;-" ITS ACCURACY OR fOR MATIERS THAT .:t- ti 301 At MAY BE DISCLOSLD BY A SURVEY I i - ..... '..... I I I '- I- l1J l1J It: I- Ill. -./ , ..... , '>01 ! ~ I n r L' r . ~- '" ,_. -..- ..'" ----.--- ,..~ ~_... _.....- ........ ......_____.__n_ -- ."" ..-=. _._"- ~~,... ""","n._..'""~ , -. . -'--'.- ,,,,",,,,,, ,~ SPRINGF~ NAn 83/~ "')- :.._.._1 ~ 0' I ~' ...- "';... - '1~.'."'~lr~ 2900 : ~ 3100 j 3200 I 3300 ~! ~ /.. ,', STREET ~:~~:.'" ..1..\ 1~1~' i~~:~ -..-- ,..:- .' \ !.~~~... .>E'1t51P FJRST ~ ,3405 3-405 .D~l _~~~ r(2p - .... ... r__ __.__ ~ 11 :3 ~ ~ I:l ~ , . L --:;.... t 13sOo i 3600 , ~ J700"~" :~ Exh ibit 3 PERMISSION TO ACCESS PROPERTY I, Steven J Korth, Director of Real Estate and Development for Mckay Investment Company, LLC, hereby authorIZe the Springfield City Manager or hIs! her deslgnee(s), mcludlng but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluate and appraise the property at 1650 Centennial Boulevard, Sprmgfleld, Oregon, commonly known as Mohawk Shopping Center, for purposes of determIning whether or not regulatlon(s) have had the effect of reducing the fair market value of the property 41 ';.cJ Date March~, 2007 McKay Investment Company, LLC By teven J Kol)fh, Dlvector of Real Estate and development Date Received 5! vi' ( P? Planner MM 4-92 ./ ). '?f1 J ?f~ /f:JY-' ~~&(j~ clZ 97~77 ~ /2~ ;Loo7 .1\ /'>/1 _ ~^ _ Q --p_ n RECEIVED HAY 2 3 2lJll )) .JUVL.----- /rVL--, 0- - # . - 0' ,~/fucr / {(Jtl/~cj,~,\'Oj)~,,- '. ' ~cr-;&.J~~ -ttLk.- ~~- (}-l-~ {uX6L---; ~ ~ -uJY- &v n-e;jr /f/L () o/l, CL- ~ 'iJ~~ CG ~ ~~~[o, Q J1&:~ ~1-L~~~? A-~ Jt(; ~ ~ -rLU>, qn ~ ~ ~VU-~ 10 ~I 0 O~--qUL--- peOo~~0t~ I ~~ a~ ~ ~ rLtrt; I AJ2'i ~ ~ /YI (J 0 ~ ;;C; ..10 0 _ ~~ ;f;2, :J/YYl)' 00:571 J ~~-~(J1Z~&.-~~ ~~CL~~~~~~ UV~~ ~, LUY-Y1 C ()/.Q CL-- r1ll.0h~Ao.!O~0 tC- ~nLcC():L-~ a Jl aiA-~ :Lu 0 () 1A--/ 0--- ~ () ~CL~, (} J~~tzr (j crb~" -J-n~~~1 In; ~ I /l~ cer r'+' )1~ /~1-[;~(-~ ~ oT~t, ':'{J 'fU'~~ JFf:7; ~/c jJ~~/Pooj]a lM;~~ ))~ ~~ nw--~, A ~ / /1 ~ r; Date Received .1'/ z...t / ~ /~ I Planner MM I ~('_/1't..!L--- ~ n ~ _ ~'~: Susanna Keenan A EUGENE OR 974 284 18th St , Spnngfield, OR 97~?~ HA' 20'07 PH l L ".--- ....--"~.. ~;:: ~--::- . . ---.......----- --- "" -----, 71~, HV]' ;:hJy ;;;L3f/~ ~~-;I/~ () K 17-7 77 "'00 WID ::J- ::J(1) (1)::U "'(1) o s:!!1 s:! -~ -"- -.............. ~ -~ ~~+~~~.:-j3 _~~~ :J.... 1 __ o > .., lid d- if '-/ / '6~ ff OK \RECID~D Ir7~77 MAY ~ 1 LOO? BY; -j /7~:;L~ ;;L&-r:J 7 I f~ - }}~ ~~, I U~ ( / n aa ~~~ ~I~JC<?J<: ~~~~~ /~~ ;O/~.Q....,- · > (I /o~ j~~-U'(' ,-c?0 n;t~ C0~U-~_ CG~ A1au(). ~ YJ'k.., ~/ &" ~-%-/1"TV: :tr~~ d~~~xra'~~ ~~~, d o /YL- ~~ ..i~ AAJ02-- YL0 0)) CC-- I/(,~ ') ck ~~~~ ~ ~ / a iYcut(} ~<-~ c:U~~-"r2..> a. {c.a),(I q/lAA_I '~~--(j ci/r nn C h, A~ ~~~ ^ ~ ~V~O~ ( ~ >>z;t~~~a.r-~~7 hL;r A-ol1- ~ - ~ )y~ ~ ,~I W0r~~4a-7 '/ - , ~ ~~~ d ;( S- S--ZJC-4-f-; / CJf.Z. Y 7:/77 1I1s SUsIlIJIJa l(ee .;I' . 28418th St naIl EUGENE OR 9)'4 SPllIlgfjeld, OR. 97417 ~ MAt y 200)' PM 1. L , J~ II,}"J",}, ~ ",II"'U"JIII"/",}",IIJ,J"J,f"JI,,,J .