HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/14/2006 ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF BALLOT MEASURE 37 APPLICATION COMPLETENESS REVIEW Date Received ~/D,", Planner MM THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON YOUR BALLOT MEASURE (BM) 37 APPLICATION Date December 14, 2006 Property Owner Property Owner Representative Name Marlin Schultz First Baptist Church of Eugene Address 3550 Fox Meadow Road Eugene, OR 97408 Bill Kloos Law Office of Bill Kloos PC 375 W 4th Street, SUite 204 Eugene, Or 97401 Re Ballot Measure 37 Demand Application # LRP2006-00034 Dear Mr Schultz, Thank you for submitting your BM 37 Demand Application on December 1, 2006 The Spnngfleld MUnicipal Code (SMC), Seclions 2 900 through 2 995, contains the City's regulations governing the application submittal and processing of BM 37 Demand Applications SpeCifically, Section 2 930 discusses the application submittal process and Section 2 935 discusses the application completeness process These sections must be addressed before application processing can occur The SMC states that the property owner filing a BM 37 Demand IS responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the application and supporting data Therefore, unless speCifically waived by the City Manager after a Pre-Demand Conference, the following Informalion must be submitted 1 Application Form A completed application form (the front page of thiS packet must be filled out) to Include a) The name, mailing address, telephone number and authonzatlon signatures for all the property Owners or contract Owners, b)The deSignated Owner or agent who IS the Owner's deSignated representative regarding the processing of the application, and c) Every Lessee and Lessor of the property and their mailing address and telephone number Please use additional sheets If all the Information cannot fit on the front page 2 Property Descnptlon A legal descnptlon and tax lot number of the property as well as a street address for the property (If any) _ 3 Title Report A title report Issued Within 30 calendar days of the application's submittal, Including a) TItle hiStOry, b) A statement of the date the Owner acqUired Ownership of the property, c) The ownership Interests of all Owners of the property, d) Every person or entity holding a lien against or secunty Interest In the property, and (e) Every person or entity holding a future, contingent, or other Interest of any kind In the property 4 Copy of Regulations Applicable to the Demand A statement speCifically IdenlifYlng all the sections of the Spnngfield MUniCipal Code, Spnngfleld Development Code, or other current land use regulation that allegedly restnct(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction In the fair market value of the property 5 Demand Statement A statement speCifYing a) The proposed use of the property, b) The amount of the Demand and the fair market value of the property before and after 'r Date Received lz-/'i /n,t. Planner MM application of the Identified land use regulation, c) To whom any compensation determined must be paid and why the Owner IS entitled to compensation under the reqUIrements of the provIsions added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 6 below) 6 Demand Criteria A statement addreSSing all of the follOWing cntena a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulation that restncts the use of pnvate real property or any Interest therein, b) The restnctlon on use has the effect of redUCing the fair market value of the subject property or any Interest therein, c) The Identified land use regulation was enacted, enforced or applied after the current Owner of the property became the Owner, and d) The Identified regulation IS not an exempt regulation as defined In SMC Section 2 920(4) 7. Appraisal An appraisal by an appraiser licensed by the Appraiser Certlficalion and Licensure Board of the State of Oregon supporting the amount of the Demand that addresses the follOWing Issues a) The appraisal must expressly note all eXisting Infrastructure limitations and value the property Without an assumption that the Infrastructure Will be Improved at governmental expense or through discretionary governmental action, b) The appraisal must expressly address and indicate the amount of the alleged reduction In the fair market value of the property at the time a complete Demand IS submitted to the City by shOWing the difference In the fair market value of the property resulting from enactment or enforcement of each of the Identified regulalions IndiVidually Identified In the Demand and after the appllcalion of all of the Identified regulations cumulatively, and c) The appraisal must expressly conSider the effect of the aforesaid Ballot Measure 37 on the availability of other real property including the ex1ent to which the supply of such other real property IS or Will be Increased due to the non- enforcement, discontinuance, repeal or waiver of regulations follOWing the passage of Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 11 below) 8. Additional Documentation. Copies of any leases or Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlons ("CCR's) applicable to the real property, If any, that Impose restnctlons on the use of the property 9. Access to Property Wntten permiSSion for access to the property by the City Manager or his/her deSignee Including but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluate and appraise the property and the Demand for purposes of determln'ng whether or not regulatlon(s) have had the effect of redUCing the fair market value of the property 10 Fee A Demand shall Include a fee established by CounCil resolution to at least partially cover the City's cost of processing the Demand If a Demand IS determined to be a Valid Demand the City shall reimburse the Owner for any fee paid 11. Statement Regarding Exempt Land Use Regulations A statement by the Owner making the Demand of why the follOWing exemptions to the requirement for compensation do not apply a) Restncts and prohibits commonly and hlstoncally recognized public nUisances under common law, Including but not limited to SMC Chapter 5 as amended from time to time and the cnmlnallaws of the State of Oregon and the City of Spnngfield, b) Restncts or prohibits actiVities for the protection of public health and safety, such as fire and bUilding codes, health and sanitation regulations, and pollution control regulations, c) Is reqUired to comply With federal law, d) Restncts or prohibits the use of property for the purpose of selling pornography or performing nude danCing, or e) Was enacted pnor to the date of the acquIsItion of the property by the Owner, or pnor to acqUlsllion by a family member of the Owner who owned the subject property pnor to the acquIsition or Inhentance by the Owner, whichever came first [If "family member" status IS claimed, It must also be addressed In the title report reqUired by Item 3 above] Your BM 37 Demand application has been reViewed for completeness In accordance With SMC Section 2 935 The City Manager has determined that 2 r LJdte ReceIved Planner MM /1/)i.b~ [] Your application IS complete for review and the 180 day review penod began on [Xl Your application IS Incomplete because It did not address the follOWing Items above, therefore, you must submit 7 An appraisal by a licensed Appraiser to Justify the Claim Because your Demand application was found to be Incomplete Within 10 calendar days of the date on this notice (December 26, 2006), you may submit a wntten statement Indicating either an Intent to submit the missing Information or a refusal to submit the missing Information 1 If you Indicate In wntlng that you Intend to submit the missing Information, this Will constitute a waiver of the 180 calendar day time line for as long as It takes to supply the missing Informalion The 180 calendar day tIme line WI" then begin on the date the missing information IS submitted 2 If you Indicate In wntlng you do not Intend to submit the missing Information, the 180 calendar day time line Will begin on the date the Demand was submitted to the City (December 1, 2006) 3 If you do not respond In wntlng Within 20 days of the date of thiS notice (January 2, 2007), the 180 calendar day time line Will begin on the date the Demand was submitted to the City (December 1, 2006) If you have any questions concerning thiS notice, please call 541 726 3775 Jr~zD1 Mark MetZger~ Planning Supervisor cc GinO Gnmaldl, City Manager Bill Gnle Development Services Director Greg Mott, Community Planning and ReVitalization Supervisor Sarah Summers, Planning Supervisor 3 , , , Date ReceIved .11::1.1:1/ of:, Planner MM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF BALLOT MEASURE 37 APPLICATION COMPLETENESS REVIEW THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON YOUR BALLOT MEASURE (BM) 37 APPLICATION Date December 14, 2006 Property Owner Property Owner Representative Name Marlin Schul12 First Baptist Church of Eugene Address 3550 Fox Meadow Road Eugene, OR 97408 Bill Kloos Law Office of Bill Kloos PC 375 W 4th Street, SUite 204 Eugene, Or 97401 Re Ballot Measure 37 Demand Application # LRP2006-00034 Dear Mr Schultz, Thank you for submitting your BM 37 Demand Application on December 1, 2006 The Springfield Municipal Code (SMC), Seclions 2 900 through 2 995, contains the City's regulations governing the application submittal and processing of BM 37 Demand Applications Specifically, Section 2 930 discusses the application submittal process and Section 2 935 discusses the application completeness process These sections must be addressed before application processing can occur The SMC states that the property owner filing a BM 37 Demand IS responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the appllcalion and supporting data Therefore, unless specifically waived by the City Manager after a Pre-Demand Conference, the follOWing Information must be submitted (1) A completed application form (2) a) the name, mailing address, telephone number and authorlzalion signatures for all the property owners or contract owners, and the designated owner or agent who IS the owner's designated representative regarding the processing of the application, and b) every lessee and lessor of the property and their mailing address and telephone number (3) A legal description and tax lot number of the property as well as a street address for the property (If any) (4) A title report Issued Within 30 calendar days of the application's submittal, including a) title history, b) a statement of the date the owner acqUired ownership, c) the ownership Interests of all property owners, d) every person or entity holding a lien against or security Interest In the property, and e) every person or entity holding a future, contingent, or other Interest of any kind In the property (5) A statement speCifically IdentifYing all the sections of the SMC, Springfield Development Code, or other current land use regulation that allegedly restrlct(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction In the fair market value of the property (6) A statement speCifYing a) the proposed use of the property, b) the amount of the Demand and the fair market value of the property before and after application of the Idenlifled land use regulalion, and c) why the owner IS enl1lled to compensation under BM 37 . - - --- (13Vl- D!.-J-.., )1,l..;~ IV,I'll I'll -, , ,...-1, Date Rb"el\led Planner MM lib /1'1 I Qj ~ , (7) An appraisal by an appraiser licensed by the Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board of the State of Oregon supporting the amount of the Demand that addresses the following Issues a) the appraisal must expressly note all eXisting Infrastructure Irmltatlons and value the property Without an assumption that the Infrastructure will be Improved at governmental expense or through discretionary governmental aclion, b) the appraisal must expressly address and indicate the amount of the alleged reduclion In the fair market value of the property at the time a complete Demand IS submitted to the City by showing the difference In the fair market value of the property resulting from enactment or enforcement of each of the Identified regulations IndiVidually Identified In the Demand and after the appllcalion of all of the Identified regulations cumulatively, and c) the appraisal must expressly conSider the effect of the aforesaid BM 37 on the avallabllrty of other real property Including the extent to which the supply of such other real property IS or Will be Increased due to the non-enforcement, discontinuance, repeal or waiver of regulations follOWing the passage of Ballot Measure 37 (8) Copies of any leases or Covenants, Conditions and Restrlclions ("CCR's) applrcable to the real property, If any, that Impose restrictions on the use of the property (9) Written permission for access to the property by the City Manager or other designated City staff including but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluate and appraise the property and the Demand for purposes of determining whether or not regulatlon(s) have had the effect of redUCing the fair market value of the property (10) A statement Indicating to whom any compensation determined must be paid (11) Fees and Blllrng a) A Demand shall Include payment of a $ 500 00 fee to partially cover the City's cost of processing the Demand Note The City Manager may waive the fee If the Owner IS unable to payor for other purpose necessary for the public health, safety and welfare after a Pre-Demand Conference, b) the City Manager shall maintain a record of the City's actual cost of processing the Demand, including the cost of obtaining any Informalion reqUired by SMC Section 2 930 which the Owner do'es not prOVide to the City, c) In the event that the fee IS not suffiCient to cover all of the City's costs or In the event the Owner fails to pay any fees not waived, then the Owner shall pay the fee or balance owed, If any, upon receipt of an appropriate blllrng statement from toe City, d) If the fee paid IS more than the amount of the City's actual costs In processing the Demand, then the excess shall be returned to the Owner, e) In the event that the fee IS not paid In full Within 30 calendar days after receipt of blllrng, the City may take any enforcement actions prOVided by law to collect such fee Including but not Irmlted to filrng a Iren on the property, and f) If a Demand IS determined to be a Valrd Demand the City shall reimburse the Owner for anyJee paid Your BM 37 Demand applrcalion has been reViewed for completeness In accordance With SMC Section 2 935 The City Manager has determined that [Xl Your applrcatlon IS complete for review and the 180 day review period began on December 1, 2006 [] Your applrcatlon IS incomplete because It did not address the follOWing Items above If you have any questions concerning thiS notice, please call 541 726 3775 . Date Received Planner MM Sincerely, Mark Metzger, Planning Supervisor cc Gino Gnmaldl, City Manager Bill Gnle Development Services Director Greg Molt, Community Planning and Revitalization Supervisor Sara Summers, Planning Supervisor {viti 16~ , Date Received $/p~. Planner MM FIRST BAPTIST NOTES Does Measure 37 ownership, lien and encumbrance report = a title report? 2 Does Competitive Market AnalysIs = an appraisal? 3 1-5 IS the offic181 boundary between Eugene and Spnngfield - the subject property IS entlrely m Eugene siLane County s areas of junSdlctlOn 4 How can the CouncIl Issue a statement !,,uaranteemg they wIll vote m favor of the any three junsdlctlOn deCISIOn on Metro Plan deSIgnatIOn amendments DLCD's nev> admmlstratlVe rules effectIve after 12/04 - the property owner must submIt an apphcatlOn requITIng CouncIl revlew/applOval and If that declslOn IS demed, the property owner can then file a BM 37 ClanTI ..n ,., Ul '" ~ r' ,." O"F""F"'I'"C' g'"A'i""'u"'S "iE ,., ~I$ I 6 Certified Fee I o Postmar1o; o RetumRecleptFee I (Endorsement Requlrecf) Here o Restrlcted Delivery Fee I o (Endorsemenl Required) Ul o Total Postage & Fees I $ m o ::;enrro D Marlln Schultz, Flrst Baptlst Church I'- 'lltroet,Ap;( u u - _u_ - uu u - - __u u__ orPOBoxt.NOo of Eugene '"city-StSlB,ZJP+435So-- Fox -Hoi-l-ow--Road m - - - Certified Provides . A maJllng l......dlpt . A unique identifier for your maJlplece . A record 01 delivery kept by the Postal Service for two years Important RemInders . Certified Mall may ONLY be combined with First.Class Mall8 or pnonty Mallall . Certified Mall Is not available for any crass of International mall . NO INSURANCE COVERAGE IS PROVIDED wIth CertIfied Man For valuables. please conSider Insured or Registered Mall . For an addItional feel a Return Recefptmay be requested to provide proof of delivery To obtain Rerum ReceIpt service. prease complete and attach a Rerum Receipt (PS Form 38111 to the article and add applicable postage to cover the fee Endorse mailplece Return Receipt Requested" To receIVe a fee wwver for a duplicate return receIpt, a USPSe postmark on your CertIfied Mall receIpt Is required . For an addItional feB. delivery may be restricted to the addressee or addressee's authorized agent Advise the clerk or mark the mallpJece with the endorsement -RestnctedDellvery- . If a postmark on the Certified Mall receIpt is deSIred please present the arti- cle at the post office for postmarking If a postmark on the Certified Mall receipt Is not needed detach and affix label with postage and mall IMPORTANT Save this recelpl and present It when making an inqUiry Internet access to delivery Information IS not available on mail addressed to APOs and FPOs (9SJ911St;jJ &Joe eunr J')08t WJO~ Sd L,ale Received Planner MM /1/!t-l (of AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } }ss. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield. Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of LRP2006-oo034 First Baptist Church of Eugene; Notice of BM 37 Application Completeness Review Letter See attachment "A") on December 14, 2006 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon hw.~ Brenda Jones 0 Planning Secretary ~STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~~) } 4; 2006 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, Secretary, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me 6E::~""-~~----'--- - --~~~oFFiciALSEAL' ._~ ..~ '. NANCY MACHADO , , , . NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON j I COMMISSiON NO 380103 I ,~______~~~~,::~~~~S.:!~~1~_~, j CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF BALLOT MEASURE 37 APPLICATION COMPLETENESS REVIEW Date Received Jk/Ji/O} Planner MM THIS IS NOT A DECISION ON YOUR BALLOT MEASURE (BM) 37 APPLICATION Date December 14, 2006 Property Owner Property Owner Representative Re Ballot Measure 37 Demand Application # Bill Kloos Law Office of Bill Kloos PC 375 W 4th Street, SUite 204 Eugene, Or 97401 LRP2006-00034 Name Marlin Schultz First Baptist Church of Eugene Address 3550 Fox Meadow Road Eugene, OR 97408 Dear Mr Schultz, Thank you for submltllng your BM 37 Demand Applicallon on December 1, 2006 The Spnngfleld MUnicipal Code (SMC), Sections 2 900 through 2 995, contains the City's regulallons governing the applicatIOn submittal and processing of BM 37 Demand Applications SpeCifically, Secllon 2 930 discusses the application submittal process and Section 2 935 discusses the application completeness process These sections must be addressed before application processing can occur The SMC states that the property owner filing a BM 37 Demand IS respon]?lble for the completeness and accuracy of the applicallon and supporting data Therefore, unless speCifically waived by the City Manager after a Pre-Demand Conference, the follOWing Informallon must be submitted 1 Application Form A completed application form (the front page of-this packet must be filled out) to Include a) The name, mailing address, telephone number and authonzatlon signatures for all the property Owners or contract Owners, b)The designated Owner or agent who IS the Owner's designated representative regarding the processing of the application, and c) Every Lessee and Lessor of the property and their mailing address and telephone number Please use addlllonal sheets If all the Information cannot fit on the front page 2 Property Descnptlon A legal descnptlon and tax lot number of the property as well as a street address for the property (If any) 3 Title Report A title report Issued Within 30 calendar days of the applicallon's submittal, including a) Title hiStOry, b) A statement of the date the Owner acqUired Ownership of the property, c) The ownership Interests of all Owners of the property, d) Every person or enllty holding a lien against or secunty Interest In the property, and (e) Every person or entity holding a future, conllngent, or other Interest of any kind In the property 4 Copy of Regulations Applicable to the Demand A statement speCifically IdentifYing all the sections of the Spnngfield MUniCipal Code, Spnngfleld Development Code, or other current land use regulation that allegedly restnct(s) the use of the real property and allegedly causes a reduction In the fair market value of the property 5 Demand Statement A statement speCifYing a) The proposed use of the property, b) The amount of the Demand and the fair market value of the property before and after I . Date Received ~jof Planner MM applicatIOn of the Identified land use regulallon, c) To whom any compensation determined must be paid and why the Owner IS entitled to compensallon under the reqUIrements of the provIsions added to ORS Chapter 197 by Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 6 below) 6 Demand Criteria A statement addreSSing all of the follOWing criteria a) The City has either enacted or enforced a land use regulallon that restncts the use of pnvate real property or any Interest therein, b) The restnctlon on use has the effect of redUCing the fair market value of the subject property or any Interest therein, c) The Idenllfled land use regulation was enacted, enforced or applied after the current Owner of the property became the Owner, and d) The Identified regulatIOn IS not an exempt regulation as defined In SMC Section 2 920(4) 7 Appraisal An appraisal by an appraiser licensed by the Appraiser Certification and Licensure Board of the State of Oregon supporting the amount of the Demand that addresses the follOWing Issues a) The appraisal must expressly note all eXisting Infrastructure limitations and value the property without an assumption that the Infrastructure Will be Improved at governmental expense or through discretionary governmental action, b) The appraisal must expressly address and indicate the amount of the alleged reduction In the fair market value of the property at the time a complete Demand IS submitted to the City by shOWing the difference In the fair market value of the property resulting from enactment or enforcement of each of the Idenlified regulations indiVidually Idenllfled In the Demand and after the appllcallon of all of the Identified regulations cumulallvely, and c) The appraisal must expressly conSider the effect of the aforesaid Ballot Measure 37 on the availability of other real property Including the extent to which the supply of such other real property IS or Will be Increased due to the non- enforcement, discontinuance, repeal or waiver of regulallons follOWing the passage of Ballot Measure 37 (see also Item 11 below) 8 Additional Documentation. Copies of any leases or Covenants, Conditions and Restnctlons ("CCR's) applicable to the real property, If any, that Impose restrictions on the use of the property 9 Access to Property Wntten permiSSion for access to the property by the City Manager or his/her designee Including but not limited to agents or appraisers necessary to evaluate and appraise the property and the Demand for purposes of determln'ng whether or not regulallon(s) have had the effect of redUCing the fair market value of the property 10 Fee A Demand shall Include a fee established by Council resolution to at least partially cover the City's cost of processing the Demand If a Demand IS determined to be a Valid Demand the City shall reimburse the Owner for any fee paid 11 Statement Regarding Exempt Land Use Regulations A statement by the Owner making the Demand of why the follOWing exemptions to the reqUirement for compensation do not apply a) Restncts and prohibits commonly and hlstoncally recogmzed public nUisances under common law, Including but not limited to SMC Chapter 5 as amended from time to time and the cnmlnallaws of the State of Oregon and the City of Springfield, b) Restncts or prohibits actiVities for the protection of public health and safety, such as fire and bUilding codes, health and samtallon regulallons, and pollution control regulallons, c) Is reqUired to comply With federal law, d) Restncts or prohibits the use of property for the purpose of selling pornography or performing nude dancing, or e) Was enacted pnor to the date of the acqulslllon of the property by the Owner, or pnor to acqUisition by a family member of the Owner who owned the subject property pnor to the acquIsition or Inhentance by the Owner, whichever came first [If "family member" status IS claimed, It must also be addressed In the title report reqUired by Item 3 above] Your BM 37 Demand application has been reViewed for completeness In accordance With SMC Section 2 935 The City Manager has determined that 2 , Date Received Planner MM (1/1 tyJllJ~ [] Your application IS complete for review and the 180 day review penod began on [X] Your application IS Incomplete because It did not address the follOWing Items above, therefore, you must submit 7 An appraisal by a licensed Appraiser to Justify the Claim Because your Demand application was found to be Incomplete Within 10 calendar days of the date on this notice (December 26, 2006), you may submit a wntten statement indicating either an Intent to submit the missing information or a refusal to submit the missing Information 1 If you Indicate In wntlng that you Intend to submit the missing Informalion, this Will constitute a waiver of the 180 calendar day time line for as long as It takes to supply the missing information The 180 calendar day lime line Will then begin on the date the missing Information IS submitted 2 If you Indicate In wntlng you do not Intend to submit the missing information, the 180 calendar day time line Will begin on the date the Demand was submitted to the City (December 1, 2006) 3 If you do not respond In wnling Within 20 days of the date of this notice (January 2, 2007), the 180 calendar day time line Will begin on the date the Demand was submitted to the City (December 1, 2006) If you have any questions concerning this notice,. please call 541 7263775 ~;1) Mark Metzg~ Planning Supervisor " - cc Gino Gnmaldl, City Manager Bill Gnle Development Services Director Greg Mott, Community Planning and ReVitalization Supervisor Sarah Summers, Planning Supervisor 3 SPRINOFIEI.D ;;:;:;::;~~~~'I~~~ ttD DEPARTMENT 3TREET LD OR 97477 SPRINCFIEI.D ;;:;:;:':;:~~~'''~f~ t(o' "_ DEPARTMENT ,TREET LD, OR 97477 Date Received Planner MM Marl~n Schultz F~rst Baptist Church of Eugene 3550 Fox Meadow Road Eugene, Oregon 97408 B~'J Kloos Law Off~ce of B~ll Kloos 375 W. 4th Street, Su~te 204 Eugene, Oregon 97401 ,JI'( IT>~ , . Certlned Fee I Return Reclept Fee (Endorsement Required) o CJ Restncted Delivery Fee D CJ (Endorsement RequIred) Ul Ul o 0 ..n ..n .-'I .-'I Ul Ul <0 <0 ~ ~ r,'r.'O"f';F"'i"c"i'"A''['' "li"'s"e-1 .-=I r-=I Postage I $ I Ul Ul o 0 o 0 o 0 , , - He.. Total Postage & Fees $ fTl fTl o 0 o 0 ['- ['- ~enr 10 Marlln Schultz, Flrst Baptlst Church 'Stieet Apt No. aT Eu"ge-rieh or PO Box No 'c,,,, Stale,ZlP+4:J~~o- FoX' tlollow' Road EUlene, Ore?on 97408 "..h~a'flt:r.:1 M~fwtt:.w.il'II;:~flit.~W;Q~,~'~~-1":.t.u.'I:rll~;"~~jQI:I'I~I.'IIIII..J1 r.I.."~ .' SE!'lPER: cO",!p.~ THis SECTlf1N "'~'i" '''''~ 'C;g~f~E[E.r!1~S SEC!'D.N,.pN. DE.iI.vE"Y~ ..; ~ ;, ~>:., ~; .' ,....... ',t '. ._ . Complete Items 1, 2, and 3 Also complete Item 4 11 Restncted Delivery IS desIred . Pnnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you . Attach thIs card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front If space pennlts 1 Article Addressed to A Signature x o Agent o Addressee I C Date of Delivery D Is delivery address drfferent from Item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below 0 No B Received by (Printed Name) Marlln Schultz Flrst Baptlst Church of Eugene 3550 Fox Meadow Road Eugene, Oregon 97408 3 Service Type o Certified Mall 0 Express Mall o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Mert:handlse o Insured Mall 0 COD 4 Resl1ioted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2 Article Number (Transfer from setvice label) PS Form 3811 , February 2004 7003 0500 0005 1258 8516 DomestIC Return Receipt 102595-02 M-1540 Date ReceIved Planner MM 1~/{1 (o}