HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-30 JUL-30-2008 12 11 MARSHALLS INC 541 741 0821 P 02 .~ ThIS home has been professionally Insulated with Owens Corning IINIl!.UIOilroIUIING" PROPINK@Unbonded Loosefilllnsulation (Red Bag) Uob s.to Adaro,,) K 4. <, r eM S /(),( L.d-U1Vl AdcJr.s< 'X ~~ 8 ,~I sr U' ~ 7- ~fL~,,^",C. u4 5toto BIZ.. ZIp '1W~ Owens CornIng PROPINK Un bonded Loosefilllnsulatlon (Red Bag) Nome Oty Owens COl'"nn''il Wln accept no responSibility when the product IS not lnstalt.ed In accor(!ance with the prCdUC' label Stated R value IS prOVIded b)' Innalllngtt'e required number ofbags at a 1hK:kness not less than the labeled minimum thrck'less Installation of the required number of bags may field more than the speolied mlnlmUm thIckness Failure by t~ mstaller to prOVIde both the rt'Qul~d bags and at reast the n'llnlmUm truckness will result In lower Insulation R value ~;,":/,;;p~\~l~l~'.;t~ r~~t .~._.. Ncm:nalnetwelghtof~ts3J-lhs. , lo!i::1i k SpeaflcatfOOforOpettOKNfAttJCs ~ , .. ~. r ,') :,,9rL..~t... 'd '1<",+,' I - Maxsmum 'Mlnlmumlrudlt i"t;l~",'~/ ''l't'~fSj' ,~t M~ \ ~' MInlmumBa,s CO'Vtrate.ptr M!nln'ItlmWtf&h~ t~l&d7bitk NewCOll$lruCbOt'T ~~( - R.Valu~ perIOOOsq.tt. BaglnSq.ft. 1n1~Jq.ft. 1l!",~mchesJ,1 ...R'etrc!rrt';:~~ ,: ..f' ToobtaJroan No Qf'batsper Cafl~oreadl WelJ/rtIJl!D per ltmall~diflsulatlon rnsl.llaVOrl tOOOsq ft ofl'et ba&shoutdnot sq ft mlruWled shoulan6tbtless ~Slstil!Ke(R)of irtashall"at~ cover more than ltlWIa!/oflsl'lould than:. leuthar1 f\QtbtJto~5-tl\an "Niinb'etolbags O!(d fstlroat<.Vi\....,llOol ~\RS1;llatlon I\rel,o(_.(~ft,) '~.......Iof ' I ,~ft'u"\~ ,k: '1\1\clalr<;ii"'_~' , ;l~d'~chl :;ilop1h-olll"'lD\l5' . fO$lJitlOO 1 'injmom'S.aIed ,J'hkkne:ss ~ .. Irxttesl < , , lPSti1Ic~tn$Ufatlon ~fIOtbe:toe:u """ , ~O' 5' ,rp I ~ fS'o 1- I C;2G, t Jlf,." I ,"IS"I ~ 13 ~6 1514 0218 500 5.00 19 94 rQ6j 0310 ,;SO 750 22 II. 1199 0367 6.50 &SO 26 112 i57 U4J6 10.00 1000 30 153 654 0504 IIS0 11.50 38 195 514 D.641 11.50 1450 44 230 416 0)5, I6..\() 1650 '9 258 38~ O~5O 1825 182> Ii! 32t 311 Ill60 2200 2200 -The: hlefJer the R value. the grtater the InsuJatllla: power Ask yOur leller for the (act y,eet on R valt..e, Loosefil .lUUIabClr\S v~ In therma! perfor'l'ilflCe due to factOI"5 wch as a&,'1I ~"l' te""perat,,'e ,etl ement convect or 'I'lO ~ure ,w'>Orpt on and onstall.rron vanatJOrl Corwectlon In &fau loo$er"ll~iton ,nsta~ed In open attics ca... redu~e Its one mal perfo"TTlal"ce ... ~><trtr'1e W<~ er te"'pec. \,.~, during the heltlng ~.ason Blanket InsulatIon Blanket and batt fiber i1ass InS\JtatJon when Inswled accordIng to he manufacturers re:corrmendattQ()s WItt provide the 5'" ated R Valve ~ '/,-' i-'r~ 1 ''''' t " ~ R-VALUE ~) ~." "'r'~ ,'\. ^ > \ 11,.38 R-38C 11,-30 R-lOC 11,-22 11,.21 11,-11 'TO<lbtalo altJgsulatlon resIstance (R) of 11,.25 11,-19 R-tS R-13 >". _ J '" '., , ~ '1'iIINIHUM THICKNESS ,,; fnS~a1led tnsulatton should be '2' 825 675" 625"1 35' '" 1025" 95" 80" 5 5" 35" '35" IR 18!/1 aSS cavity ,- THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED ABOVE: kraft unfaced fall F5-25 R-Value ThIckness No.pkgs. Coverage Area Ce~llnv o o 0' o o o o o o o CI o o o o o o o o CJ CI CJ o CJ CJ o o CJ o CJ Oot.]$ Cl o o o o o o o o o Flool'$ 'Walls Basement , Crawlspace Contractor (I ""~ Pt1zJYt<J 1"-- r -I. (~gno!tlre) Company ,1\1\., ,hA00, ("):"~ Addres< LJ...1'.0 DI:::~, S,- Phone ;::::;(//- N~ "f,t/U(- OWENS CORNING WORLD HEADOUARTERS ONE Ov'VENS CORNtNG PARKWAY TOLEDO OHtO 43659 1 8000GET,pINK IIlWT10M ro. U'fIR6~ www OWIlMComlng com Bwlder Dote r~'gMw'e) Company Address 'f1"~Ut!~\tL '1 "H Phone II. I:AIEV 'JUt. 3 0 2608 Pub No 45145 B f'nnted In USA March 2006 ~006 Owens COlnlno /rl>I1'<<WnY"'Tr*W'h'Yt'#'hWw-~'W'W'WWWWvvvvw~~-vvv.".v.'II,,,,"''''J\.-,,.J\~A~-''~"~''''''''~'~'~'~~.~..."., .", il'1fl'. TOTAL P 02