HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/22/2008 cr~ RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE MAY 2 22008 By: ~o~~~~ STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning DIVISIon of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of~7J)Q8-ooco.& l1t1-tuft ~ 1\0-'" A Nev. -.J~ Je. tJ.{'4 -~ (See attachment nAn) on.9/2~ ' 2008 addressed to (see ~ Attachment Bn), by causing saId letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~~R cJfcLJ~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~n-, ,2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technrclan, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me 'r---.-'-'--~':'O~;CI;L~L : I BRENDA J0I1ES c' I NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON : COMMISSION NO 379218 , I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27, 2008 t t_ __':p.:".. _, .-. ~..::-=.:::--S"_ '..;...--"- .:..;,~-~ ~Slkd My Commission Expires ~ !T1/ d-OO S' ~ TYPE II TREE FELLING PERMIT STAFF REPORT & DECISION Case Number. DRC2008-00028 PrOject Name: JustIce Center Tree Felhng Penmt Nature of AppllcatIou The appltcant submItted a tree felhng appltcatIon necessary for removmg 35 street and sIte landscapmg trees from a CIty parkmg lot and planter StrIpS along 4th Street, A Street, and P,oneer Parkway East PrOject LocatIon. 320 - 332 B Street (Assessor's Map 17-03-35-24, TL 13800, 13900, 14000, 14100, 14300, Map 17-03-35-31, TL 1500 - 2400) Zonmg: Pubhc Land and Open Space (PLO) Metro Plan DesignatIon' CommercIal ApphcatlOn Date: Apnl 15, 2008 DeCISIon Date: May 22, 2008 Appeal Deadhne' June 6, 2008 Associated ApplicatIons' LRP2005-00026, LRP2005-00027, LRP2005-00031, LRP2006-000 19, lON2006-00007, DRC2006-00013, DRC2006-00033, DRC2006-00090, LRP2007-000 19 ~-' .;.1 I II i::1 "'...~ [-CStre~t. ., -0.. c;'>'1 1_ rr. ~~ , t ~._.l1.." ltil'J.rJN: . ':t.t;D.:;~'<n--X~.-.il~~.I.,/" ;,:;f'. '~nf--I.fl..I-:~j " !a.))" J.. V.: /., '11~ ,r, 'A-i.. 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BrIan McCarthy Cameron McCarthy GIlbert & ScheIbe Landscape ArchItects 160 East Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION I Prolect Manager I TransportatIon Plannmg Engmeer I Pubhc Works C,vIl Engmeer I Pubhc Works C,VIl Engmeer I Deputy FIre Marshal I Commumty ServIces Manager REVIEW OF Planmng TransportatIOn Utlhtles Samtal)' & Storm Sewer I Fore and L,fe Safety I BUlldmg I NAME I Andy Llmblrd I Gary McKenney I Matt Stouder I Matt Stouder GIlbert Gordon I Dave Puent I PHONE 726-3784 I 726-4585 1736-1035 736-1035 1726.2293 726-3668 Date ReceIved Planner' AL $"/.;J.:J. /J-DtJ! I I SIte InformatIon' The apphcant has receIved tentatIve approval for a sIte plan modIficatIOn to construct a secure parkmg lot and anCIllary bUlldmg servmg the Spnngfield JustIce Center (DRC2008-00024) The approved sIte plan proVIdes for reconfiguratlOn of the parkmg lot, mstallatlOn of vegetatIve storm water management swales, sIte and parkmg lot landscapmg, mstallatIon of underground utIlItIes and parkmg lot hghtmg, and closure of dnveway accesses onto the mId-block alley south of C Street The pen meter of the secure parkmg lot IS to be fenced WIth a decoratIve wrought-tron style secunty fence The tentatIve sIte plan proposes to remove 35 street and parkmg lot trees from the proJect area, mcludmg 29 parkmg lot and street trees from the area ImmedIately south of the mid-block alley S'x trees are to be removed from the front ofthe eXlstmg polIce and courts bUlldmg on A Street The applIcant's sIte plan proVides for a total of 90 replacement trees wlthm the proJect area, mcludmg 30 street trees and 60 sIte landscapmg trees DECISION. APPROVED ThIS decIsIOn constitutes an approved Tree Felling PermIt to remove the 3S trees Identllied by the applicant m thIS applicatIon The standards of the Sprmgfield Development Code applicable to each crIterion of Tree Felling Approval are listed herem and are satIsfied by the submItted plans unless specllically noted with findmgs and condItIons necessary for compliance. ThIS IS a limIted land use decIsIon made accordmg to CIty code and state statntes. Unless appealed, the decIsIOn IS final. Please read thiS document carefully. OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION: None Future development wIll be m accordance wIth the prOVISIOns of the Spnngfield Development Code for SIte Plan RevJew and all apphcable local, state and federal regulatIOns REVIEW PROCESS: ThIs apphcatlOn IS reVIewed under Type IT procedures hsted m Spnngfield Development Code SectIon 5 ] -130 and Tree Felhng standards of SDC 5 19-100 Procedural Fmdmg Staff reVIewed the plans detallmg the proposed tree felhng (2 Sheets - Map showmg locatIon and specIes of trees to be removed prepared by the JustIce Center proJect team, and Tree and SOIl PreparatIOn Plan by Cameron McCarthy GIlbert and ScheIbe Landscape ArchItects, Sheet L4 0 I, dated 02/01/2007) and supportmg mfonnatlOn CIty staff's revIew comments have been reduced to findmgs and condItIons only as necessaIY for comphance wIth the Tree Felhng Cntena of SDC 5 19-125 Procedural Fmdmg ApphcatIons for LImIted Land Use DecIsIOns reqUIre the notIficatIOn of property owners/occupants wlthm 300 feet of the subJect property allowmg for a 14 day comment penod on the apphcatlon (SDC SectIons 5 1-130 and 5 2-] 15) The apphcant and partIes submlttmg wntten comments durmg the notIce penod have appeal nghts and are maIled a copy of thIS deCISIon for conSIderatIon (see Wntten Comments below and Aooeals at the end ofthls decIsIOn) Wntten Comments LImIted Land Use DecIsIons reqUIre the notificatIOn of property owners/occupants wlthm 300 feet of the proposed development, allowmg for a 14-day comment penod pnor to the staff deCISIon NotIficatIon was sent to adJacent property owners/occupants on Apnl 18, 2008 A petItIOn WIth J 35 SIgned names and one wntten letter from Gat! Stater, 546 F Street, were submItted by hand and are mcorporated herem by reference The petItIon and letter are permanently retamed m the apphcatlon file and are avaIlable for pubhc revIew dunng CIty busmess hours The petItIOn IdentIfied several obJectIOns to the proposed tree fellmg, mcludmg . QuestlOnmg whether the CIty'S cntena of tree fellmg approval should apply to the subJect SIte, . Concerns about removmg a mature green buffer between the JustIce Center sIte and the neIghborhood, · Concerns about the illlmmal sIze of replacement trees proposed to compensate for the trees Identified for removal, and Date Received, Planner. AL 5/;;}./~f I . Concerns about possIble adverse Impacts of tree felhng to the adjacent Washburne neIghborhood, whIch IS a regIstered Iltstonc DIstrIct Staff Response As a result of the neIghborhood mterest and concern wIth the proposed tree fellmg, a neighborhood meetmg was held on May 15, 2008 m Sprmgfield CIty CouncIl Chambers Plannmg staff presented the CrItena of tree fellmg approval and explamed the process for a decIsIOn to be Issued RepresentatIves of the JustIce Center Project Team, mcludmg the archItect, landscape archItect, ChIef of Pohce and proJect management staff dIscussed the sIte Improvements that necessItated tree removal The meetmg partIcIpants had a lengthy dIscussIOn about the posslblltty of keepmg or relocatmg trees mstead of removmg them, the need to re-grade the parkmg lot to address on-site storm water management reqUIrements, addressmg the mterface between the JustIce Center site and the neIghborhood, and the tree re-plantmg plan that had been prepared As a result of the neIghborhood meetmg, the Justoce Center ProJect Team detennmed that adJustments to the sIte landscapmg and tree plantmg plan were warranted to address some of the resIdents' key concerns A letter dlscussmg the outcome of the meetmg was prepared by the JustIce Center AssIstant ProJect Manager and IS mcorporated mto thIS decIsIOn as Attachment A The letter outhnes the strategy that wIll be utlhzed by the ProJect Team to alleVIate the neIghborhood concerns about the tree felhng, mcludmg . Increasmg the sIze of some trees and shrubs used on the northern edge of the sIte to provIde an ImmedIate vIsual buffer at plantmg time, . Re-establtshmg the green buffer zone between the Washburne neIghborhood and the JustIce Center sIte as qUIckly as practIcable, recogmzmg that fast-growmg trees and shrubs are not necessanly the most deSIrable m the long tenn, and . Exammmg opportumtIes for salvagmg eXlstmg sIte vegetatIOn (mcludmg shrubs and flowers) for replantmg elsewhere, where appropnate CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL Ref ArtIcle 5 19-125 of the Sprmgfield Development Code The Dorector, m consultatIon WIth the Pubhc Works Dorector and FIre ChIef shall approve, approve WIth condltoons or deny the request based on the followmg standards A Whether the condItIOns of the trees WIth respect to dIsease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, dauger of falllug, proXImity to eXlstmg structures or proposed construction, or mterference WIth utility services or pedestnau or vehIcular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling Apphcant SubmIttal "The sIte IS bounded by 4th Street, P,oneer Parkway East, A Street and the alley between Band C Streets Wlthm thIS area all trees fall m the path of constructIon of the new butldmgs, pedestnan or vehIcular pavmg and/or theIr aSSOCiated mfrastructure work" Staff Response Fmdmg A I There are a total of 35 trees proposed for removal from the proJect area Nme trees proposed for removal are conSIdered street trees and occupy a Imear StrIp on the west SIde of 4th Street south of the mId-block alley and portIons of A Street The remammg twenty-sIx trees are located wlthm the eXlstmg City parkmg lot north of former B Street, and outsIde the eXlstmg poltce and courts bUlldmg on A Street Fmdmg A 2 The regulated trees proposed for removal from the property melude 22 Maple specIes, one Elm, and 12 comferous trees (pme, fir and cedar) Most of the trees proposed for felltng are ornamental vanetIes thai were planted m the late 1970s when the parkmg lot was mltIally developed to serve a Date Received Planner. AL sjJ-~/)GDf shoppIng mall (now CIty Hall) All of the trees proposed for removal are greater than 5 mches diameter at breast heIght (SDC 5 9-110 A) The areas subJect to tree felhng Will be re-Iandscaped pursuant to the sIte plan modIficatIons for the Justice Center (DRC2008-00024) Fmdmg A 3 The apphcant's proJect narratIve states the proposed tree removal IS to faclhtate constructIon of JustIce Center secure parkmg lot, mstallatlon of new utlhtles and stormwater management features, re-gradmg of the sIte, and constructIOn of the ancIllary bUIld 109 Fmdmg A 4 The apphcant has receIved tentatIve site plan modIficatIOn approval to remove and replace landscapmg wlthm the secure parkmg lot and along the entIre sIte pen meter (DRC2008-00024) Fmdmg A 5 The approved development plan IS not condUCIve to retammg the trees, because the parkmg lot IS to be enttrely re-graded and reconfigured to accommodate underground utIlItIes, create vegetatIve stormwater management swales, reonent the dnvmg aIsles and park 109 stalls, accommodate the anCIllary bUlldmg, and expand the parkmg area out to the edge of the mId-block alley ConclUSIOn As proposed, the above find lOgs support the conclUSIon that the locatIons of the trees, WIth respect to proposed constructIon, warrant their removal B Whether the proposed felling IS consistent with State standards, Metro Plan poliCIes and City Ordmances and provIsIOns affectmg the envIronmental quahty of the area, mcludmg but not limited to, the protectIon of nearby trees and wmdbreaks; Wildlife, erOSIOn, SOIl retention and stabIlity, volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scemc quality, and geological sites. Apphcant SubmIttal "No trees outSIde of thIS site WIll be affected, and trees removed from thIS sIte WIll be replaced With approprIate species as shown on the constructIon documents at nearly a 3 for I replacement ratio The proJect actually reduces ImpervIOUS surface area wlthm the proJect sIte All landscaped areas WIll be covered WIth vegetation mcludmg trees, shrubs and ground covers Most of the paved sIte surfaces also dram mto CIty of Sprmgfield approved Blo-Swales for pretreatment pnor to mput IOta the CIty'S storm water system" Staff Response Fmdmg B I Forestry practIces 10 the State of Oregon are governed by the State Forest PractIces Act State forestry regulations are not applIcable 10 thIS case because I) the hmlted number of regulated trees removed, 2) the trees are be 109 removed for planned development not timber harvest purposes, and 3) suffiCIent re-plantmg can be accomphshed 10 accordance WIth the condItIons of thIS permIt and site plan revIew procedures Fmdmg B 2 The SprIngfield Development Code (SDC) IS the pnmary Implement 109 ordmance for envIronmental protectIOn polICies contamed 10 the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) SDC ArtIcle 5 19-100 - Tree Felhng Standards and SDC ArtIcle 5 17-100 - SIte Plan ReVIew generally Implement envIronmental protectIon pohcles of the Metro Plan dunng development review on the subJect site Fmdmg B 3 The trees proposed for removal from the subject site mclude 35 regulated trees of varymg speCIes, heIghts and ages (rangmg from 6 to 30 mches 10 dIameter) Fmdmg B 4 The trees eXlstmg on the subJect sIte are planted ornamental specIes wlthm a former commercial parkmg lot and adJacent to a CIty bUlldmg (polIce and courts) As such, the trees proposed for removal are not part of a natural or scemc area, nor do they compnse part of a larger contiguous stand of trees Oat", Received" Planner. AL 5/JJ/;d FIndIng B 5 The applIcant has receIved tentatIve approval to modIfy the sIte and parkmg lot landscapmg, and to make changes to the former B Street mtersectlons at 4th Street and PIOneer Parkway East In accordance with sIte plan revIew procedures and the approved tentatIve sIte plan, the applicant IS proposmg to re-plant 90 sIte landscapmg trees wlthm the project area, mcludIng more than 24 trees along the northern and eastern pert meter north of B Street - the area that IS adJacent to eXlstmg reSidentIal dwellings The applicant's sIte landscapmg plan also IdentIfies shrubs and ground cover plants for the vegetatIve buffer area between the secure parkmg lot and the adJacent neIghborhood As descnbed m the letter from the ProJect Team (see Attachment A), the sIze and placement of trees along the northern and eastern edge of the sIte wIll be mcreased to proVIde a greater vIsual buffer for the neIghborhood Fmdmg B 6 EroSIon and sedIment control measures WIll be reqUIred dunng tree removal, sIte gradmg and landscapmg mstallatlOn Fmdmg B 7 The areas north of the subject sIte IS zoned MedIUm DenSIty ReSIdential, and areas to the east, west and south are zoned MIxed Use CommercIal All of the trees proposed for removal are located on CIty-owned property Fmdmg B 8 Removal of the trees from the subJect sIte WIll have no apprecIable effect on the sUIToundmg phYSIcal and visual envIronment because a) Planted ornamental trees on the public streets near the SIte, and wlthm the sUIToundmg pnvate propertIes WIll be unaffected by the proposed tree fellmg, b) The deCIduous and conoferous trees that are to be removed are not part of a contIguous natural stand of trees, and c) PlantIng of replacement trees, shrubs and groundcover plants at higher denSItIes than the eXlstmg landscapmg IS proposed With the approved sIte landscapmg plans AdditIonally, the ProJect Team has commItted to enhancmg the sIte landscapmg plan to proVIde some larger trees and mcreased shrub cover to address the neIghborhood's concerns about mamtammg a vIsual buffer for the sIte ConclUSIon Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) Section 5 19-100 - Tree Felling Standards, and SectIon 517-100 - SIte Plan ReView, generally Implement envIronmental protectIOn polICIes of the Metro Plan and have been applIed herem and dunng development revIew As condItioned under thIS permIt and the assocIated applicatIons, the proposal IS consistent WIth applicable poliCIes and proVIsIons of State law, the Metro Plan and the Sprtngfield Development Code tor protectIon of envIronmental qualIty C. Whether It IS necessary to remove trees m order to construct proposed Improvements as specIfied m an approved development plan, gradmg permIts and construction drawmgs Applicant SubmIttal "The trees outlmed m the tree felling permIt must be removed to allow for the constructIon of the Sprmgfield Justice Center whIch encompasses one and a half CIty blocks m downtown Sprmgfield The sIte IS bounded by 4th Street, PIOneer Parkway East, A Street and the alley between B and C Streets All trees WIth the exceptIon of 3 m the NE corner fall m the path of constructIon of the new bUlldmgs, pedestrtan or vehIcular pavmg or theIr assocIated mfrastructure work ThIS proJect or applIcable portIOns have been approved on numerous levels, mcludmg CIty staff, Plannmg CommIssIon, CIty CouncIl and LUBA " Staff Response Fmdmg C I The applicant has already receIved tentatIve sIte plan approval for reconfigurdtion of the secure parkmg lot, constructIon of the anCIllary bUlldmg, and sIte landscapmg modIfications around the penmeter ofthe JustIce Center sIte (DRC2008-00024) Date Received . Sh.J./AlMff Planner AL / / Fmdmg C 2 The locatIOns of the trees are wlthm an eXlstmg parkmg lot and planter strIpS along 4th Street and A Street These areas are IdentIfied for parkmg lot reconfiguratlOn, mstallatlon of new drIveway accesses onto 4th Street and PIOneer Parkway East, and constructIon of the ancIllary butldmg Replacement street trees are proposed to be planted along the edge of 4th Street, A Street and PIOneer Parkway East, wlthm the reconfigured parkmg lot, and along the perImeter of the secure parkmg lot to ensure there IS no net loss of landscapmg or tree cover Fmdmg C 3 The landscapmg plan approved WIth the SIte Plan ModificatIon (DRC2008-00024) mcreases the quantItIes of plants, plantmg densItIes, and total area of landscapmg withIn the affected proJect area ConclUSIon As detaIled on revIewed sIte assessment and landscapIng plans, the trees are located In planter StripS along 4th Street and A Street, and WIthIn parkmg lot Islands and planter stripS proposed for reconfiguratIon Therefore, It IS necessary to remove the subJect trees In order to construct proposed Improvements The tentatIve sIte plan proposes to replant trees along the entIre site perImeter and at varIOUS locatIons wlthm the reconfigured parkIng lot to compensate for the trees to be removed With the applicant's submIttal D In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the CIty, felling of trees WIll be permitted on a limIted basIs consIstent WIth the preservatIon of the sIte's future development potentIal as prescnbed m the Metro Plan and CIty development regulattons, and consIstent With the followmg cntena 1 Wooded areas assocIated WIth natural dramageways and water areas shall be retamed to preserve npanan habItat and to mmlmlZe eroslOU, 2 Wooded areas that Will likely provIde attractIve on-sIte vIews to occupants of future developments shall be retamed, 3 Wooded areas along ndge lIues and hIlltops shall be retamed for theIr scemc aud wtldbfe value, 4 Wooded areas along property lines shall be retamed to serve as buffers from adJacent propertIes, 5. Trees shall be retamed m suffiCIently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure agamst wmdthrow, and 6 Large-scale clear-cuts of developahle areas shall be aVOIded to retam the wooded character of future bUlldmg sites, and so preserve housmg and desIgn optIOns for future CIty reSIdents. Applicant SubmIttal "N/A" Staff Response FIndIng D I The above standard appltes where no sIte plans have been approved As noted above, the applicant has receIved tentatIve sIte plan modIficatIon approval In accordance WIth PlannIng ActIOn DRC2008-00024 FmdIng D 2 The subJect property IS developed WIth a CIty parkIng lot, JustIce Center bUlldmg (under constructIOn) and poltce/courts butldmg and does not contaIn a natural, contIguous wooded area As Datel Received Planner AL $/Jd~f I / noted by the proJect landscape archItect, most of the parkmg lot trees were planted m the late 1970s when the downtown shoppmg center was developed (now Sprmgfield CIty Hall) ConclusIOn The above findmgs of fact demonstrate that CrIterIon of Approval D does not apply because the applicant has receIved tentatIve sIte plan approval, and no naturally-occurnng or contIguous wooded areas eXIst on the sIte E. Whether the applicant's proposed replantmg of new trees or vegetation IS an adequate substItute for the trees to be felled. Applicant SubmIttal "We will be plantmg 90 new trees (see landscape plan) m place of the 35 trees to be removed under th,s permIt ThIs IS an almost 3 to I ratIo for tree re-vegetatIon In addItIOn ofthe trees the sIte WIll be planted wIth addItIonal shrubs and ground cover and vegetated storm water bloswales " Staff Response Fmdmg E I Staff have determmed that a total of 35 regulated trees are proposed for removal and replacement wIth the subJect applicatIon The trees are planted ornamental trees of varymg speCIes, heIghts and mdetermmate ages All of the subJect trees range from approxImately 6 to 30 mches m dIameter Fmdmg E 2 The applicant has mcluded a landscape plan wIth the sIte revIew packet whIch shows 90 varIetIes of replacement trees, mcludmg maple specIes, European hornbeam, Eastern redbud, yellowwood, ash speCIes, ponderosa pme, Japanese zelkova, vme maple, wItch hazel and fragrant snowbell to be planted m associatIon WIth the sIte plan modIficatIOn As dIscussed at the neIghborhood meetmg and m the appllcant's supplementary letter (Attachment A), wherever practIcal proposed landscapmg trees WIll be replaced WIth dIfferent varIetIes to allow for mcreased tree sIzes and to account for limIted availability of certam tree specIes The landscapmg plan adJustments also reflect certam sIte constramts, mcludmg eXlstmg overhead power lines, future stormwater swales, WIdth of proposed planter strIPS, specIes avaIlable from the CIty's approved tree list, and other factors Fmdmg E 3 PrIor to Issuance of final occupancy for the bUlldmg, the landscape archItect shall provIde an annotated drawmg or as-bUIlt that depIcts the changes to the landscapmg plan as generally deSCrIbed above, and outlmed m the attached letter (Attachment A) Fmdmg E 4 The replacement trees WIll be mmlmum 2" caliper trees as deSCrIbed m the applicant's proJect narratIve, and consIstent WIth reqUIrements of SDC 44-105 and the CIty'S Engmeermg De',gn Standards and Procedures Manual The proposed trees are specIes that are sUItable for plantmg as street and parkmg lot trees, beneath overhead power lines, and m sIte landscapmg areas and were selected by a licensed landscape architect Fmdmg E 5 In addItIon to street and site landscapmg trees, the developer IS proposmg to plant ornamental shrubs and groundcover plants m the planter areas subJect to reconfiguratlOn The shrubs and groundcover plants are supplementary to the sIte landscapmg trees and are not proposed as substItutes for reqUIred tree plantmgs ConclusIOn The trees, shrubs and groundcover plants depIcted on the sIte plan revIew landscape plans (DRC2008-00024) are an adequate substItute for the trees to be felled because the number of trees provIded (a total of 90), type (as selected by a landscape archItect), and locatIOn (m mamtamed planted areas) over tIme WIll exceed the canopy cover and longeVIty expected of the 35 regulated trees subJect to removal WIth thIS appllcatlOn Date Received Planner AL s I>>buof' / / F. Whether slash left on the property poses slgmficant fire hazard or liabIlity to the CIty Appltcant SubmIttal "N/A because all felled trees and associated debrIS WIll be removed from the sIte usmg proper recycling, reuse or dIsposal techmques " Staff Response FIndmg F 1 Removal of slash reduces fire hazards and prevents the mlxmg of organIC materIals wIth engmeered fill and other materIals that WIll be placed on the sIte durmg constructIOn ConclUSion The applicant has proposed that the site constructIOn contractor WIll remove the trees and slash from the property durmg tree felling As proposed, thIS standard has been met G. Whether the felling IS consIstent wIth the gUIdelines speCIfied IU the FIeld GUIde to Oregon Forestry PractIces Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the uorthwest Oregon regIon Appltcant SubmIttal "Tree felltng Will be done m a safe manner usmg qualified personnel usmg approprIate eqUIpment and gear Every effort WIll be made to . ensure the safety of cuttIng crews, bystanders and other personnel workmg In the VICInIty of the cuttIng operatIOn, . mInImIze damage to reSIdual trees and seedlings, . mInImIze damage to SIte, . properly dIspose of trees at a compostIng faclltty" Staff Response FIndIng G I Forestry practIces In the State of Oregon are governed by the State Forest PractIces Act The FIeld GUIde to Oregon Forestry PractIces Rule prOVides safety and other gUIdelines for compliance With the State Forest PractIces Act dUrIng loggIng operatIOns The gUIdelInes are standards In the mdustry and are generally followed dUrIng all operatIons performed by licensed and bonded loggIng contractors FIndIng G 2 The proposed tree felling, removal and re-plantIng proposed as part of thIS penn It do not rIse to State forestry regulatIOns because 1) the limIted number of regulated trees to be removed, 2) the trees are beIng removed for planned development not tImber harvest purposes, and 3) suffiCIent re- plantIng can be accomplished In accordance WIth the conditIOns of thIS pennlt and sIte plan revIew procedures ConclUSIon The subJect sIte IS WIthIn SprIngfield's City limIts The proposed tree felling, removal and re-plantIng are regulated by the applIcable provlSlons of the Spnngfield Development Code State forestry gUIdelInes for safe operations WIll be followed as appltcable to the Itmlted fellIng of trees approved under thIS permIt H Whether transportatIon of eqUIpment to and eqUIpment and trees from the sIte can be accompltshed WIthout a maJor d.sturbauce to nearby reSIdents. Appltcant SubmIttal "The trees are located on a sIte that IS surrounded by public ROW [rIght-of-way] on all 4 SIdes On three SIdes It abuts commercIal bUSInesses On the north SIde of the property, across the alley, IS an area of medIum denSIty reSIdentIal UnIts Trees WIll be cut down and cut Into transportable sIzes WIth a chamsaw The pieces WIll be hauled to approprIate wood recycling/reuse facllttIes In Eugene/SprIngfield USIng CIty streets All work Will take place durIng nonnal dayltght bUSIness hours thus causIng little or no dIsturbance to nearby resIdents" Date Received Planner. AL s/JJ./~f / / Staff Response Fmdmg H 1 Tree fellIng traffic will use the adJacent public streets to access the sIte dunng regular busmess hours Fmdmg H 2 The areas proposed for tree fellmg are part of the Spnngfield JustIce Center complex, whIch currently expenences hIgh volumes of constructIOn traffic throughout the day The hours of construcl1on operatIOns result m dally vehIcle and equIpment traffic from early mornmg hours through to the evenmg (seven days per week) AddItIOnally, the sIte IS adJacent to a high-volume mmor artenal road (PIOneer Parkway East) that expenences regular truck traffic on a dally basIs ConclUSIon The traffic generated by the tree felling actIvIty wIll be no more mtruslve than other heavy vehIcle traffic normally aSSOCIated WIth eXlstmg commercIal development, therefore, the proposed work wIll not constItute a major dIsturbance CONCLUSION AND DECISION: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. The above findmgs and conclusions demonstrate that the proposal meets the standards of SDC 5 19-125 for Tree Felling Penmt Approval This wntten decIsIon and the approved Fmal SIte Plan ansmg from PlannIng ActIOn DRC2008-00024 (mcludmg the revIsed Landscapmg Plans) constItute the Tree Felling Penmt As descnbed m the ProJect Team's letter (Attachment A), the landscapmg plans WIll be revIsed to proVIde an enhanced vegetatIve buffer between the sIte and the adjacent neIghborhood The followmg general constructIOn practices apply when tree felling IS mltlated on sIte . NotIficatIOn shall be prOVIded to the CIty at least 5 days prtor to commencement of the tree felling operation Please contact Andy Llmblrd at 726-3784 or allmblrdrmcl sorm!!field or us . All fellmg actIVItIes, tncludtng tngress and egress for the loggtng operatIons, shall tnelude erOSIOn control measures m confonnance WIth the CIty'S Engmeermg Design Standards and Practices Manual . All felling and removal activIties shall be perfonned m a manner whIch aVOIds sIte SOIl compactIon m areas of eXlstmg or future landscape plantmg . Any SOlI and debns tracked mto the street by vehIcles and eqUIpment leavmg the site shall be cleaned up WIth shovels ill a tImely manner and not washed mto the stonn draID system [SDC 519-125] ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The appltcatIon and documents relted upon by the applicant, and the applicable cntena of approval are avaIlable for a free IDspectIon at the Development Services Department, 225 F,fth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon CopIes of the documents WIll be made for $0 75 for the first page and $0 50 for each addItIOnal page APPEAL If you WIsh to appeal the deCISIon of approval, you must do so by 5.00 PM on Juue 6, 2008 Your appeal must be submItted tn accordance WIth the Spnngfield Development Code, Art,cle 15, APPEALS Note Appeals must be submItted on a City fonn and a fee of $25000 must be paId to the CIty at the time Date Received. VJ-~ll~f' Planner AL of submIttal The fee will be returned to the appellant If the PlanUlng CommIssIon approves the appeal apphcatlon If you have any questIOns regardmg these matters, please call (541) 726-3784 or send an emall to ahmblfdral.cl sorm!!field or us PREPARED BY ~,~~ ~liie~11l Attachment Letter from Jim Polston, Assistant Project Manager, dated May 19, 2008 Date R\3celved Planner AL S/J-"~ I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 WWWCI spnnglleld or us/depLpw him WWWCI spnngfleld or us TO All partIes mterested m JustIce Center Tree Fellmg PermIt FROM JIm Polston, AssIstant ProJect Manager CIty of Sprmgfield Public Works Department SUBJECT JustIce Center Tree Fellmg PermIt - Case Number DRC2008-00028 DATE May 19th, 2008 On Apnl 15,2008 the CIty of Spnngfield filed a Tree FellIng PermIt ApplIcatIOn wIth the CIty of Sprmgfield Development ServIces Department for the fellmg of trees for the Spnngfield JustIce Center ProJect On May 2,2008 we receIved a petItIon wIth approxunately 135 sIgnatures opposmg the Tree FellIng PermIt Because of thIs hIgh level of mterest m the proJect, the CIty of Spnngfield held a NeIghborhood meetmg on Thursday May 15, 2008 m CIty Hall to dIscuss neIghbors' concerns At that meetmg JustIce Center neIghbors ~~I',~osed concerns over the loss of the tree canopy that currently eXIsts at the sIte Staff and proJect ArchItects explamed the hIstory of the proJect and the Issues causmg the removal and replacement of eXlstmg trees, mcludmg proJect sIze restramts, utIlIty conflIcts, storm water filtratIOn reqUIrements and Police Department needs WhIle the ongmal plans called for plantmg almost 3 trees for each of the removed trees, dIscussIOns amongst the meetmg partIcIpants resulted m requests that the CIty of Sprmgfield do more to mItIgate the tree losses As a result of your mput the CIty of Spnngfield has mstructed our Landscape ArchItect to re-look at the landscape plan with the followmg mstructlOns Re-establIsh the green buffer zone, between the JustIce Center and surroundmg neIghborhoods, more qUIckly To accomplIsh thIS, Landscape ArchItects WIll upgrade some trees from the mmunum 2" (12' -15 ') SIze wIth more mature specImens They WIll also mcrease the SIze of some shrubbery around the secure parkmg lot to create a more mterestmg and vaned buffer, not only m the long term but also ImmedIately at plantmg tIme 2 The CIty ofSpnngfield WIll look mto ways ofsalvagmg orreusmg some of the plant materIal that IS of approprIate transplantmg sIze ThIS could mclude movmg It to parks or other publIc spaces or perhaps makmg It avaIlable to other agencIes that can make arrangement to transplant It for therr needs 3 Landscape ArchItects WIll use therr best profeSSIonal Judgment to msure the plant materIal mstalled on the project balances the neIghborhood's request for fast growmg plant matenal With CIty of Spnngfield's landscapmg standards Your mterest m and comments about thIS proJect are greatly apprecIated and we are convmced that these changes WIll make a posItIve and sIgnIficant dIfference m re-establlshmg the green buffer zone between the JustIce Center and surroundmg neIghborhoods ~}-l;u;&r ...-,1-, /"~a r:/--u A I I ACHMENT A Dale Hecelved _ _ _ ~_uu_ __ Planner AL ADMINISTRATION / TECHNICAL SERVICES / ENGINEERING (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 736-1021 MAINTENANCE (541) 726-3761 . FAX (541) 726-3621 TRANSPORTATION (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 726-3781 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (541) 726-3694 . FAXJ541) 726-2309 1~03353204900,~,51"" "... 'SMEED RALPH TE <l ~ [,,14 176WCST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1703353205000 .=:' lillST 176 T GFIELD, OR 97477 LUU Ie 1703353205100 SMEED F UST 176 T GFIELD, OR 97477 1703353205100 ~EnMARYL 176W GFIELD, OR 97477 1703353208400 CflY OF GFIELD 255 5 ST GFIELD, OR 97477 CouncIlor HIllary WylIe 339 South E Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 ~ ~~;<-'l1bhCL. ClIlc.T i~~~~~\tlf.~ Sp-\'Id.) ofl... ~"1~T7 ~ 1Il\~h\""",,"- ~~ ~'OeOd AvUt. ~'?>1..fi ~""""ll ~S''/O E"r' ool. 'l'NOI 5cDtt 01500"\ l\~'1 "B~::n- ~l"i+IOJ oll.. ~1477 :!\......... fl.. \'"S'b.r. C,+4 DT- S9f'1"'f'~lJ Z2.$ !5"~ ~ ~fr~~ld, Z>~~1oV1' C!aROl..E \<.r-Ja PE.-L ~ a Y"\ fIA (CQY~ (a.w\-UrOYl Mcw.)->l-Q'1J litO IZ ~J.w"-'1 ) 6~j o~91'fOI f /):J-/;,oot Date. ReceIVed -; / Planner AL A+kdL~ /'~;. t;;-tal: d Dmo Allbaugh 540 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 David W Hams 404 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Roger Hall 404 "C" St, #2 Spnngfield, OR 97477 RIcky W Jackson 433 4th St, Apt B Spnngfie1d, OR 97477 Sean Bishop 1621 DotJe Dnve Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jeffrey B Tobey 404 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Chelsea McGIlvery 3743 Kathryn Avenue Spnngfield, OR 97477 Rebecca Barnes 814 "B" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 -P Laura Robmson 433 4th, Apt C Spnngfield, OR 97477 David Fox 433 4th St, Apt B Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mary Cabrera 426 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Deborah S Barbour 404 "C" Street, Apt 1 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Dato r{ecel'led 2/!?-/JPIJ~,__ Plannel Al 100tal . \t>( I ?- ""- - ~ L- Gail Stater 546 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Amara FIelds 346 4th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Cesar Gorman 346 4th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Roger Fields 346 4th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lon Prentice 319 "C" S1, Apt 2 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Laurel Macy 319 "C" S1, Apt 3 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lora Grabill 319 "C" St, Apt I Spnngfield, OR 97477 Roberto Roldero 712 4th S1, Apt 8 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mark MIner 406 "C" S1, Apt 9 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Oscar Hernandez 406 "C" St, Apt II Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mana Manllo 406 4th St, Apt 12 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Cbns Wosnwn 320 "C" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mark Sanders 306 "C" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 KlIle Holman 315 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Krystle Haaby 405 PIOneer Parkway West #B Spnngfield, OR 97477 Bobble Adams 1306 "N" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Sharon List 1709 Rambow Loop Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ila Forrest 307 Y. Mam St, Apt 12 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mary Downs 729 "G" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Shem Berg 448 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Shelby Banks 535 Centenmal Blvd Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kelsey Parsons 408 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Joey McCleary 408 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lowse Ledbetter 407 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Sharon SIIed 407 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Marvma Mayhugh 5633 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 Samuel Moreland 411 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jessica Moreland 411 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Karen DeBraal 935 "B" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Inez Bashford 1046 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 SP)~! , I f Date Received, Planner AL Kelhe Chambers 933 Qumalt Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jamce Titus 442 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ashley Goodeve 1251 "R" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jesse Young 724 Montvlew Way Spnngfield, OR 97477 Pam Pans 2850 Wayside Lane Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jack Johnson 416 "T" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ann Keele 326 Mam Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Derose Kendall 326 MaIn Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ryan Snuth 321 Mam Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kathy Noes 8428 Thurston Road Spnngfield, OR 97478 James Johnson 6835 Aster Street Spnngfield, OR 97478 Edane Mueller 3255 Gateway St, # 130 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Raychel Clemma 421 "C" St, Apt I Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jun Westmoreland 421 "C" St, Apt 2 Spnngfield, OR 97477 David Bahlmg 406 4th St, #2 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lance Mangrum 406 4th St, #2 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Manel Yuhas 335 "C" St, #5 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Me! Barnes 1433 "C" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mike Estagm 687 60th St Spnngfield, OR 97478 Mike Lantz 448 Mam St Spnngfield, OR 97477 John Hazelton 429 "C" St, #3 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kim Hazleton 426 "C" St, #3 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kimane Lamb 338 6th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Cody Stark 1257 6th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Sandra DaVIS 335 6th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Knstm Brown 626 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Anme Brown 626 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 GaIlm Olsen 411 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ann Krutsmger 1308 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Robert W Moore 420 "D" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date, Received s/J.;).IJoo,y Planner AL '; f Scott CramblIt 537 4th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Gmny CramblIt 537 4th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 DaVId Lee 1914 5th, Apt 35 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Plul Parsons 537 4th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Michelle Stncklund 332 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Sue Rose 322 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Steven Tumpach 335 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Janell Tumpach 335 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Joshua Bugg 335 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kns Hakemck 335 "C" St, Apt 4 Spnngfield, OR 97477 RIchard Burse 335 "C" St, Apt #1 Spnngfield, OR 97477 Dons L Kollar 1852 Inland Way Spnngfield, OR 97477 Donna Blanc 686 9th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Tyler Arthurs 549 9th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Arlene Clme 904 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Trmothy O'Connell 906 "F" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Correna M Compton 850 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Hollie Imler 829 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Shrrle,r Walker-Comb 645 8 Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Thurman Jones 727 8th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 SylVIa Hauley 752 "F" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Manetta Srms 818 "F" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 ClIfford Hood 846 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Keith Brabham 644 4th St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Steven J Gard 520 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Heidi Spalding 908 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Melmda Chandler 381 9th St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Joyce McKinnon 939 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Robert Snnth 952 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lon MU5tam 659 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 f Date Received' S/J2.../~t Planner AL I I Susan Hemmer 751 8th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 KImberly Warner 711 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jane Russell 556 6th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 BIllIe Mann 551 6th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Sharon Damel 606 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 SatIn Macauley 443 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kreg Hulmgs 503 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Damon Josephy 521 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Starlyn Bray 521 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Richard BeSWIck 546 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Lisa Siegle 540 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jurne Fmsand 804 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Suzanne Box 804 "D" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Matthew Wambach 636 "G" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Beth CortevIlle 646 "B" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Sue E Eaton 430 "E" St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Greg Slater 438 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Ann Mane Slater 438 "E" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 ClIff Laforge 573 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Kat Mamvllle 733 "C" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Raye Boals 858 "A" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Matt Bezelz 720 "B" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Carol Rowland 637 7th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mark Plata 607 7th Street Spnngfield, OR (7477 Ruth Ballenger 346 Matn Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jessica French 425 5th Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Mana Pasado 347 Mam Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Jamce WIllIamson 4512 Datsy Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Alethalou T Harmon 145 PIOneer Parkway Spnngfield, OR 97477 Susan J Stater 546 "F" Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date Received. ~ k/,Jdptf Planner: AL p