HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/20/2008 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING DIVISION ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISION TRANSPORTATION DIVISION TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 WWWCI springfield or us/deptpw hfm WWWCI springfield or us TO All partIes Interested In JustIce Center Tree Fellmg PermIt FROM JIm Polston, AssIstant ProJect Manager CIty ofSpnngfield Public Works Department SUBJECT JustIce Center Tree FellIng PermIt - Case Number DRC2008-00028 DATE May 19th, 2008 On Apnl 15, 2008 the CIty of Spnngfield filed a Tree Felling PermIt ApplicatIOn wIth the CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department for the felltng of trees for the SprIngfield JustIce Center ProJect On May 2, 2008 we receIved a petItIOn wIth approxImately 135 sIgnatures opposmg the Tree Felltng PermIt Because of thIs hIgh level of Interest In the proJect, the CIty of Sprmgfield held a NeIghborhood meetmg on Thursday May 15, 2008 10 CIty Hall to dISCUSS neIghbors' concerns At that meetmg JustICe Center neIghbors expressed concerns over the loss of the tree canopy that currently eXIsts at the sIte Staff and proJect ArchItects explamed the hIstory of the proJect and the Issues causmg the removal and replacement of eXlstmg trees, mcludIng proJect sIze restramts, utIlity conflIcts, storm water filtratIon reqUIrements and PolIce Department needs WhIle the ongInal plans called for plantmg almost 3 trees for each of the removed trees, dISCUSSIons amongst the meetIng partIcIpants resulted 10 requests that the CIty of Sprmgfield do more to mItIgate the tree losses As a result of your Input the CIty of Spnngfield has mstructed our Landscape ArchItect to re-Iook at the landscape plan wIth the follOWIng mstructlOns Re-establIsh the green buffer zone, between the JustIce Center and surroundIng neIghborhoods, more qUIckly To accomplIsh thIS, Landscape ArchItects WIll upgrade some trees from the mInImum 2" (12'-15') sIze wIth more mature specImens They WIll also Increase the sIze of some shrubbery around the secure parkmg lot to create a more mterestmg and vaned buffer, not only 10 the long term but also ImmedIately at plantIng time 2 The CIty ofSpnngfield WIll look mto ways of salvagIng or reUSIng some of the plant matenal that IS of appropnate transplantIng sIze ThIS could Include movmg It to parks or other public spaces or perhaps makIng It avaIlable to other agencIes that can make arrangement to transplant It for theIr needs 3 Landscape ArchItects WIll use thetr best professIOnal Judgment to msure the plant matenal Installed on the proJect balances the neIghborhood's request for fast growmg plant matenal WIth CIty ofSprmgfield's landscapmg standards Your mterest In and comments about thIS proJect are greatly apprecIated and we are convmced that these changes WIll make a pOSitIve and slgmficant dIfference 10 re-establtshIng the green buffer zone between the JustIce Center and surroundIng neIghborhoods Date f{ecelved ,/.;D/.JaJQ Planner AL ADMINISTRATION I TECHNICAL SERVICES I ENGINEERING (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 736-1021 MAINTENANCE (541) 726-3761 . FAX (541) 726-3621 TRANSPORTATION (541) 726-3753 . FAX (541) 726-3781 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (541) 726-3694 . FAX (541) 726-2309