HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/21/2008 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Subject POLSTON Jim Wednesday, May 21, 2008 11 00 AM DONOVAN James, L1MBIRD Andrew, KNAPEL Carole Justice Center Tree Felling Jim, Andy has left his tree felling decIsion on your desk This tree felling permit and the associated petition have caused construction delays on the Justice Center Project It IS very Important that we get thiS out today Can you please help by qUickly reviewing It so that Karen (and our help If necessary) can get It In the mall pnor to 2 today? I looked at the decIsion and the only thmg of concern IS that the dates are wrong by mailing today and not tomorrow Call me on my cell phone If I can be of help or you have any problems Jim Polston 225-8840 5/21/2008 Date k~celved S-:/:J foP f Planner AL Page 1 of2 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject L1MBIRD Andrew Tuesday, May 20,2008510 PM POLSTON Jim DONOVAN James, KNAPEL Carole, LAFLEUR Karen RE Justice Center Tree Felling Jim The staff report and decIsion will be changed as necessary to Incorporate the statements made In the Project Team's letter Before the neighborhood meeting, there was no commitment on the part of the Project Team to change anything on the site landscaping plan, nor did Planning conSider this necessary One of the ways to ensure adjustments are made to the site landscaping plan IS to condition the deCISion, and this IS ultimately Planning's determination Since the letter arrived at the end of the day today and I didn't have time to review It before now, invoking a condition of approval remained an option (and without changing the tlmeline for the applicant to comply) As you pOint out, thiS may not be reqUired now that the letter has been prepared I hope to have the report finished tomorrow, but depending upon timing It may be Thursday before It hits the mall The offer of Linda's help IS appreciated and Karen may take you up on the offer when the mallout packets are being prepared Notwithstanding the letter that Will accompany the deCISions mailed out to all 135 petitioners, and the lengthy diSCUSSion With the lead petitioner last Thursday night, I would recommend waiting until the 15-day appeal penod IS over before Initiating any tree felling actiVity on the site Andy From: POLSTON Jim Sent. Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4 49 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew, KNAPEL Carole, DONOVAN James Subject: Justice Center Tree Felling Andy, We Just talked on the phone and I have a couple of concerns I was under the ImpreSSion, both from our meeting last Thursday and when you and I discussed thiS yesterday, that Planning was gOing to Issue the permit With no conditions of approval We, the project team, were then gOing to Include a letter that outlined how we were gOing to address the cItizen concerns that are In addition to the tree felling cntena When we met In Bill Gnlle's office a couple of weeks ago everyone thought the application met all cntena and we even conSidered ISSUing the permit Without the public meeting If I understood you a few minutes ago Planning may make landscape upgrades a condition of approval If we meet all of the cntena why would there be conditions on the permit We wanted the letter to the neighbors to address how "The City" IS planning to go beyond the cntena for the benefit of the neighborhood Please help the project by not delaYing the permit I can offer the help of Linda Kurtz to get It mailed out tomorrow Is thiS pOSSible? Thanks, 9tm p~ ASSistant Project Manager (541) 726-3652 phone (541) 736-1030 fax Date Received Planner AL .-!rJl/;d>t . I 5/21/2008 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From POLSTON Jim Sent Tuesday, May 20, 2008449 PM To L1MBIRD Andrew, KNAPEL Carole, DONOVAN James Subject Justice Center Tree Felling Andy, We Just talked on the phone and I have a couple of concerns I was under the Impression, both from our meeting last Thursday and when you and I discussed thiS yesterday, that Planning was gOing to Issue the permit with no conditions of approval We, the project team, were then gOing to Include a letter that outlined how we were gOing to address the citizen concerns that are In addition to the tree felling criteria When we met In Bill Grille's office a couple of weeks ago everyone thought the application met all criteria and we even considered Issuing the permit Without the public meeting If I understood you a few minutes ago Planning may make landscape upgrades a condition of approval If we meet all of the criteria why would there be conditions on the permit We wanted the letter to the neighbors to address how "The City" IS planning to go beyond the criteria for the benefit of the neighborhood Please help the project by not delaYing the permit I can offer the help of Linda Kurtz to get It mailed out tomorrow Is thiS possible? Thanks, 9tm 'P~ Assistant Project Manager (541) 726-3652 phone (541) 736-1030 fax (541) 225-8840 cell JPolston@cl sQrlngfield or us 5/20/2008 Udlt:l f(",Ct;/veo Planner: AL .j;,jkP! . I