HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/14/2008 L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc. SubJect GRILE Bill Wednesday, May 14, 20084 50 PM L1MBIRD Andrew, POLSTON Jim, KNAPEL Carole DONOVAN James RE Neighborhood Meellng Tomorrow Night I agree Thanks for taklng thlS extra step Blll -----Orlglnal Message----- From LIMBIRD Andrew <allmblrd@cl sprlngfleld or liS> Sent Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3 07 PM To POLSTON Jlm <JPolston@Cl sprlngfleld or us>, KNAPEL Carole <cknapel@cl sprlngfleld or liS> Cc DONOVAN James <Jdonovan@cl sprlngfleld or us>, GRILE Bl11 <bgrlle@cl sprlngfleld or us> SubJect Nelghborhood Meetlng Tomorrow Nlght Hl Jlffi Just so everyone has the same expectatlons, I would Ilke to clarlfy the role of Plannlng staff at the TI81ghborhood rneetlng tomorrow lllght It was my plan to provlde a brlef QVerV18W of the tree felllng crlterla of approval to the meetlng attendees and then hand the rneetlng over to the proJect team - speclflcally the proJect archltect and landscape archltect Although the wrltten petltlon questlons the tree felllng crlterla of approval (among other thlngs), telephone dlScusslons wlth some of the petltloners suggests they want to know why the trees need to be removed at all, and why some or all couldn't be retalned on the slte My explanatlons only reached one or two of the 135 people on the llSt, so the meetlng attendees should get an explanatlon from the proJect team I wlll be on hand for the entlre meetlng to answer questlons as well Please let me know lf you have any questlons Thanks Andy 1 Date I'(ecelved Planner: AL '-//J/;tl/ Page 1 ofl L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc SubJect L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3 06 PM POLSTON Jim, KNAPEL Carole DONOVAN James, GRILE Bill Neighborhood Meeting Tomorrow Night HI Jim Just so everyone has the same expectations, I would like to clarify the role of Planning staff at the neighborhood meeting tomorrow night It was my plan to provide a brief overview of the tree felling criteria of approval to the meeting attendees and then hand the meeting over to the project team - specifically the project architect and landscape architect Although the written petition questions the tree felling crltena of approval (among other things), telephone diScussions with some of the petitioners suggests they want to know why the trees need to be removed at all, and why some or all couldn't be retained on the site My explanations only reached one or two of the 135 people on the list, so the meeting attendees should get an explanation from the project team I will be on hand for the enlire meeting to answer questions as well Please let me know If you have any questions Thanks Andy 5/14/2008 Date Received s-j;.l~f Planner AL