HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 5/9/2008 r; \ cm OF SPRlNGFIElu DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING - DISTRIBUTION DATE: May 9, 2007 TO: Current Planmng Staff G Karp, J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, K Gale, M Metzger, L Miller, A lImblrd, D Reesor, S Hopkins Pam Meyer, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department Matt Stouder, Public Works, Engineering Les Benoy, SuperviSing CIvil Engineer, Public Works Steve Barnes, Public Works, Engineering KnstJ Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer Gary McKenney, Transportation Planmng Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Rre Marshall, Fire & life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & life Safety Department Ed Black, Maintenance Manager, Public Works Department Pat French, Planner, Wlllamalane Parl< and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (ElectriC) Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chlmtz, Springfield Utility Board Mike Wilbur, ODOT Dave Puent, BUilding OffiCial Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest Commumcatlons Tom Boyatt, Public Works Denms Ernst, City Surveyor Jon Driscoll, Surveyor Celia Barry, lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Curt Kendall, TCI Cablevlslon Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, ESD Len GoodWin, Public Works Steve Barrett, Springfield School District 19, Supenntendent Joe Leahy, City Attorney _ George Walker, Stormwater FaCilities Planner, ESD _ S\\\'-\ C~ J A Development Issues Meeting Will take place on Thursday, July 12, 2007 @ 1'30.., 2 30 p.m. In the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Spnngfield City Hall Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss thiS application With the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact Marl< Metzger @ (541) 726-3775 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: July 12, 2007@ 1:30 - 2:30 p.rn. 1 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2007-00030 WILLAMALANE PARKS Assessor's Map 18-03-01-00 TL 1100, 3100, 3101 Assessor's Map 18-03-11-00 TL 500 Assessor's Map 18-03-02-00 TL 600,802 Assessor's Map 18-03-12-00 TL 1800 Address DOrriS Ranch - 4 miles east to Clearwater Park EXisting Use Park and Recreation, Open Space, Quarry and Mine Operations Applicant submitted plans to diSCUSS feaSibility analYSIS for a 4-mlle long multi-use path transportation enhancement project The Middle Fork Wlllamette River Loop Path IS Included as a priority project In the 2004 Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan adopted by Wlllamalane, the City of Springfield and Lane County Planner r,'ark Metzger a D B 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCI spnngfleJd 01 us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT May 9, 2007 ColIn McArthur Cameron, McCarthy, Gilbert ScheIbe Arcilltects 160 E Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 RE ZON2007-00030 (18-03-01-00 TL 1100,3100,3101 18-03-11-00 TL 500 18030200 L T 600,802 18-03-12-00 TL 1800) Development Issues Meetrng - ApplIcant subrrutted plans to discuss feasIbilIty analysIs for a 4-mlle long multI-use paili transportatIOn enhancement proJect The MIddle Fork WIllamette RIver Loop Path Dear Mr McArthur Thank you for your Development Issues Meetmg subrruttal The folloWIng meetmg has been scheduled TYPE' DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATErrIME. Thursday, July 12, 2007 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Mark Metzger If you have any quesTIons, please call me at 541-726-3775 Smcerely, Mark Metzger CPR Planrnng Supervisor CC Greg Hyde WIllamalane Park and RecreatIon Dlstnct 250 S 32nd Street Spnngfield, OR 97478-6302 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Firth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fn (541) 726-3689 SPRINOFlr- D Development Issues Meetmg Prospective Applicant's Name W~llamalane Park and Recreatlon Dlstrlct Address 250 S 32nd St, Spnngfleld OR 97478-6302 ~"J ~ ~~ - '1gS-73J5 ~1'7l1.'~)_.<:rt..bfa.A:tI,..J~ (/,O e: oYOa.A..>'M 0 e"#",, OL 97'/01 Property Owner Name Wlllamalane Park and Recreatlon Address 250 S 32nd St, Spnngfleld OR 97478..6302 Phone ISH) 736..4055 Dlstrlct - ~ ~ i; Q Phone ISH) 736..4055 Ploperty Address Multlple - See Attached Statement Assessor's Map No Multlple - See Attached Tax Lot No Multiple - See Attached Size of Property Square Feet or See Attached Statement ACles EXlstmg Use of Property Park and RecreatlOTI, Open Space, Quarry and Mlne Operatlons DescnptlOn of Proposal Wlllamalane ("the appllcantll) 15 conductlng prellffilnary feaSlblllty analYS1S for a multl-use transportatlon enhancement proJect to occur between Dorrls Rancn Llvlng Hlstory Farm and Clearwater Park The 4 m1le long multl-use path lS proposed to be constructed along the north bank of the M1ddle Fork Wlllamette R1ver The M1ddle Fork. Wlllamette R1ver Loop Path ~s lncluded as a prlorlty proJect In the 2004 Park and Recreatlon ComprehenSlve Plan adopted by Wlllamalane, the Clty of Sprlngfleld, and Lane County Wlthln Clty of Sprlngfleld Jurlsdlctlon portlons the path are proposed on property zoned PubllC Lana and Open Space (PLO) and Quarry and Mlne Operatlons (QMO) The appllcant seeks to ldentlfy all neceS~YJlan~:s: apProvalS Applicant Signature "-fJo:::r d'-"'"""'V'-~ the proJect wlll need to obtalD Date S-/7/07 I For Office Use Only Journal No -:;-'''1''1,200'='\ -CZb:x.:, Received By +Y'-- J le~O~.OI-oo"11- Il00L~loClJ 5101 \~-03~ll-00 TL- ':"00 Asse,sol s IVIap No 16-03-oZ-Oon.. 1100; 20'2. Tax Lot No iB-03 11:0011- IS=> Date Accepted as Complete 8/20/03 I-Me ~ CAMERON McCARTHY G I LB ER T SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP (I "r..t ~.. 160 I aSl BrlladwdY I ub\..n~OrCj,{1!l97401 It..! 'i414H'i71115 ] a>. 'i414h)TIH9 www l m b S lorn ~ E M 0 RAN DUM TO City of Springfield Development Services Department 22S Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 FROM Colin McArthur cc Fred WIlier Pat French Rebecca Gershow Greg Hyde DATE May 7, 2007 REGARDING Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path, Springfield DIM Statement INTRODUCTION This statement contains location information and specific land use questIOns associated With the proposed Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path project LOCATION The follOWing table Identifies assessbr's map number, tax lot, zone, Size, and Site address for parcels associated With the proposed project '" '~," I I ,. It. :.I'.tlp*."'~~~~.l~ (~'J:...~tlb~'I'I(l.J~.~~i.I~'~'1'J71~l:-~~-1i "'J,1.1:J.~~W~ 500 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS 3 17 1800 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE 75071 I 600 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS 42051 I 802 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE 177 811780 DORRIS ST I 1100 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS 301281795 S 28TH ST I 3100 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE 2581 I 3101 IPL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE 46731 , 18031200 118031100 I 18030200 . l 18030200 r 18030100 I 18030100 I 18030100 SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING (DIM) QUESTIONS 1) The proposed alignment crosses three tax lots (18-03-01-00-01100, 18-03-02'00-00600, 18-03- 12-00500) zoned QMO - Quarry and Mine Operations by the Springfield Development Code and deSignated Sand and Gravel (SG) by the Metro Plan Low Impact publiC facilities are permitted In the QMO zone under SDC 24 030(8) Similar uses may be permitted at the discretion of the Director A "low Impact" faCility IS defined In sDC Article 2 as "any public or semi-public facility that has mllllmal olfactory, VISual, or auditory Impacts" The preface to the schedule of use categories In 24030 states that permitted uses are subject to the prOVISions of a Reclamation Permit ISsued by ODGMI Does thIS apply to the proposed path' If so, does thIS refer to a ReclamatIon PermIt already Issued to the property owner' Does the proposed path project meet the definitIon of a low Impact public faCility and/or SimIlar use and WIll It be permItted In the QMO zone WIthout necessitating a zone change/plan amendment and/or ReclamatIOn PermIt' 2) The proposed alignment crosses tax lots zoned PLO - Public Land and Open Space by the Springfield Development Code and deSignated Parks and Open Space by the Metro Plan SDC 23 020(3)(a) permits publiC and private park and recreation faCilities In the PLO zone as a Middle Fork Wdlamette River Loop Path Spnngfleld DIM Statement 2 permitted use or a special use 5DC 23 020(4)(h) permits low Impact public facdltles as a permitted use All uses are subject to Site Plan Review unless speCifically exempted elsewhere In the 5DC Is the proposed pathway and tradhead speCifically exempted elsewhere' How wIll the project be evaluated under the schedule of uses (23 020), and what procedure will It be processed under' 3) Adjacent to the Middle Fork of the Wdlamette River the TlpaTlan area boundary IS 75 feet upland from the top of bank (5DC 31 240(1 )(a) Pedestrian paths and bikeways are Permitted Uses In RlpaTlan Areas under 5DC 31 240(1) and (g) Within this area paths and bikeways "shall be located along the outer edge of the requITed TlpaTlan area away from the watercourse" Portions of the path are proposed to be within the TlpaTlan setback Because of steep slopes, natural breaks In TlpaTlan vegetation, englneeTlng conditions etc, the proposed path cannot always be located on "the outer edge of the TlpaTlan area" Are there any ISsues wIth the proposed path alignment as shown and wIll any addItIonal cntena apply If the path IS not exactly located on the outer edge of the npanan area' 4) WIll a Floodplam Development PermIt be required for portIons of the path proposed wlthm the Floodplam and WIll a Greenway Development PermIt be required for portIons of the path wIthIn the Greenway' Are there any key ISsues not already dIScussed that we wIll need to address to obtam these approvals' 5) OutSIde of SIte Plan ReVIew, Floodplam, and Greenway requirements are there any addItIonal approvals the project wIll need to obtam' Are there other standards the project wIll need to address (I e engmeermg and storm water standards) or other ISsues our applications wIll need to address' What are the fees for these applicatIons, what IS the tlmeframe for revIew/approval, and can the applicatIons be processed concurrently' How should we coord mate these applicatIons wIth Corps/DSL applicatIons' May 7 2007 CMGS Streets Springfield Streets - Tooltrp IS Street Name Tax Lots - Tooltlp IS Maplot Major Water Features by Type - Tooltlp IS Featu . I-I Snrlngfield City Limits - - !....~_IsPR [J [J ~llllene City Limits L.JEUG L ~ 1-' -- 1-' Springfield UGB N SCALE 1 21,643 - - .- . J, 1000 0 1,000 2000 3000 FEET http IIsplntranetlmg_mwf/spr_maln_tIde_83 mwf Tuesday, May 08, 2007 1 42 PM