HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting ENC 5/22/2008 MEMORANDUM Cltv of Sonn{!field DATE May 21,2008 Date Received Planner MM ,7 / Z--2/ ! fI; Iff'V TO Mark Metzger, Urban Planner FROM Ene Walter, CIvll Engmeer SUBJECT ZON2008-000020, Centennial Shopping Center Development Issues Meetmg (DIM) PublIc Works Engineenng Comments The subject applicatIOn mvolves tax lots 5805 and 5807 and proposes to construct a two-story 25,000 sq ft mixed use retaIl! office development m the NE comer of shoppmg center parkmg lot ApplIcant's Questions: 1. ParkIng: I am told by the owners that the corner portIon OfthIS site IS not a separate tax lot. And is part of the entire shoppmg center. The reason this is Important to the dIscussIOn, IS that the Center has excess parkmg for the current zoning requirements, We mtend to develop the corner portIOn WIthout addttional parkmg and use the current parkIng excess parking for the new development. If bemg a separate tax lot becomes a problem the owners will make sure It is one development. The Planrung Department TransportatIOn DIVISIOn WIll respond to tills questIOn 2. Tree Removal: The sIte has some large conifer trees on the corner, It is our mtent to remove some but retam the maJonty ofthe existing mature trees. Comfers do not make great street trees, Would thIS become a problem for the City and how many and how large can be removed? It will be important for the constructIOn, the sidewalk, sigh times at the corner and VISIbIlIty to the Center for some removal. The Planrung Department WIll respond to tills questIOn 3. Reconstruction of the parkIng at northern portIon of the current parkIng lot. The current pavmg has detenorated and wIll need adJustmg re-gradmg, markIng and resurfacing Smce this parkmg area was developed many years before the current drainage and storm water prOVISIOns, what deSign standard wIll apply? The Planrung Department and TransportatIOn DlvlSIon WIll reVIew the parkmg and velucular on- sIte cuculatlOn related Issues Any new or redeveloped areas WIll need to conform to the "Spnngfield Development Code" as well as the "CIty of Spnngfield Engmeenng DeSIgn Standards and Procedures Manual" Some of the development consideratIOns that WIll need to be met are WIth regards to storm water qUalIty standards, speCifically for parkmg lots as tills would reqUITe treatmg one-half of the parkmg lot area pnor to dIschargmg to the public storm water system A storm water analYSIS WIll need to be subD11tted showmg that storm water deSign standards WIll be met for water quality and capacity standards Also, all new pavement areas that WIll need to support fire truck due to emergency access as requued by the Fue Department would need to be constructed to support an 80,000 Ib fire truck loadmg Structural calculatIOns WIll be reqUITed for tills proposed pavement sectIOn needmg to support a fire truck loadmg unless a Dllrumum 4" ac over 12" rock base IS proposed for those areas 4. Access: Currently the access to the site tS a de-acceleratIon lane and rn only access. To eXIt and to understand how to eXIt this site IS very difficult and unpacts the neighbors especially those on the steep portIon of Prescott It is very confusrng and clearly hampers the character and the use of the site. When the property was developed, Centenmal must have been thought to be a limited access street. One-half block to the east, It is residentIal with many pornts of access. We are requestIng to move the pornt of nght "m access" and request a pomt of nght "out access". Is this possible and what rnformatIon will have to be gathered and/or the process for thIS approval? The Plannmg Department TransportatIOn DIvIsIOn WIll respond to thIs questIOn 5. What other matters and Issues Will be a tnpping pornt for the first development of this proJect? Recommend reVieWIng City Codes and standards as all new or redeveloped areas WIll need to conform to the "Spnngfield Development Code" as well as the "City of Spnngfield Engmeenng DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual" Date Received Planner MM 0/1-1-/70 , Z- ~1/ \ Date ReceIved -5' / 2-2.- I C7. Development Issues Meeting Planner MM ~ I'-I!..!:::: Centenmal Shopping Center Addition May 22, 2008 Response to Questions Parking: The Assessor's map shows that the subject sIte IS a separate tax lot lithe subject lot IS a legally separate lot of record, there are provISIons WlIhm the Code to allow Jomt use parkIng by an agreement that IS recorded WIth the County If the subject lot tS not a separate lot of record, but IS a separate tax lot, the Jomt use agreement shouldn't be needed smce tax lots are a taxmg convernence and are not the true parcel boundary It should be venfied that the proposed use would not exceed the eXlstmg capacIty when construcuon IS complete Tree Removal FIve trees greater than 5 mches dbh may be removed WIthOut permIts (See SectIOn 5 19- Il000Appltcablltty) A tree fellmg permIt appltcatlOn must be subnntted for addItIOnal trees A tree-fellmg appltcatlOn IS attached Reconstruction: Access: , What other matters will be a tripping pOint? The subject sIte IS outSIde of the 20-yr tIme of travel zone that would tngger a Dnnkmg Water protectIOn PermIt No permIt IS requITed ' The eXlstmg commercIal zonmg allows a mIx of re1:aJ.I and offices Rezonmg to Mlxed- Use CommercIal would be requITed to allow a nnx of resIdentIal and commercIal uses Existing limited in only access Shopping center; 72,262 SQ, Ft Required parking; 1/300sq.ft. or 240 cars Existing parking; 407 cars , EXISTING CONDITIONS: NTS 6.12.07 Date Received: Planner: MM 1t/V/16 Views to Value Village obscured from East N Proposed building pad C) Large Trees Parking this area seldom used- This is how it currently exists with 190 parked cars in (ront of the W store with gradual slope of approx 6 h. to Centennial I I POTICHA ARCHITECTS