HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting ENC 5/28/2008 .. l"..,~ ~ I -'I;::;.~ \.'j 1,",,1UJ~11' Date Received Planner MM S/z/ (Ib-r (1Jz, (wu) MEMORANDUM Cltv of Snnngfield DATE May 28, 2008 TO Mark Metzger, Urban Planner FROM Enc Walter, CIvil Engmeer SUBJECT ZON2008-00023, RelIef Nursery PublIc Works Engmeenng Comments The subject applIcatIOn mvolves tax lots 1400 and 101, located at 870 S 42nd Street The applIcant has subrrutted plans to dISCUSS constructIOn ofa 14,000 sq ft RehefNursery facIlIty and possible property lme adjustment Apphcant's QuestIons' L Lot Lme Adjustment: Are there any Lonmg, metro plan desIgnatIOn, overlay dlstnct, or access Issues that may complIcate a sImple lot lIne adjustment between these two parcels? Planmng Department will respond to this questIOn 2, Access to the School Dlstnct property: To our knowledge the School Dtstnct does not have specIfic development plans for the property to the west of the Rehef Nursery sIte. The goal tS to retam flexlbIltty for a range of uses, mcludmg school, social-servIce, commercial or resIdentIal uses A 40 ft wIde access and utIlIty easement IS proposed that would allow future access between 42nd Street and posstble future development on the School Dtstnct's property. The proposed easement IS along the north edge of the RelIef Nursery site, adjacent to property zoned smgle famIly resIdentIal. The RelIef Nursery access dnveway IS also proposed m thIS locatIon, The dnveway and access easement would be shared m the future, and could be re-buIlt to support mcreased demand The access road wIll serve only the RelIef Nursery untIl any future development occurs, and IS proposed to be constructed to City of Spnngfield parkmg lot standards, In addItIOn to future vehicular and pedestnan access, the propo~ed easement would serve as a utIlIty easement to connect to utIhtIes at 42nd Street. Is a 40 ft, WIde access and utIlIty easement, m the locatIon shown m the sIte plan, suffiCIent to accommodate proposed RelIef Nursery uses, and future uses related to the potentIal development ofthe School Dlstnct property? Plannmg Department and TransportatIOn DIvIsIOn WIll respond to this questIOn 5/z-~/()( z. ~ l./ 3, RelIef Nursery Access and Parkmg: The City's parking reqUIrements wIll requIre mterpretation due to the mIX of uses m the facIlIty. If the entIre bUlldmg use IS constdered chIld care, 60 spaces would be reqUIred, If the uses are dIvIded between office and child care 53 spaces would be reqUIred, The proposed sIte plan sbows 60 spaces for cars, and 4 spaces for the facIlItIes mml-buses The proposed layout IS conceptual, but the configuratIOn and overall dImensIOns are crItIcal to determme an approprIate property line adjustment, Does the proposed curb cut locatIon, access drIve, parking lot and bus drop-off layout satIsfy CIty requtrements? Planrung Department and TransportatIOn DIVIsIOn WIll respond to tlus questIOn J9\llr ') } I 1_, b~ .., Ir '.If {1'dtlsJ Date Received, Planner MM ~ 4, Walkmg Path. The walking patb on the soutb edge of the property, connectIng 42nd 8t and the school, IS not recorded as an easement m the property deed. The understandmg IS that the CIty wIll reqUIre an easement for thIS eXlStmg feature. What IS the reqUIred wtdth of the easement for the walkIng path, and are there other reqUIrements we should be aware of! Planrung Department and TransportatIOn DIVIsIOn wIll respond to tlllS questIon 5, Permittmg: What IS a possIble permlttmg tImehne for a project lIke thIS? WIll there be any permIts from other JUrIsdIctIOns reqUIred wIth thIS project (Ie, ODOT, County, DEQ)? Planrung Department WIll respond to thIS questIOn Heads-Up Items ~ Storm water scoplng sheet wIll need to be submItted revIewing the eXIsting and proposed storm water sy;temfor the new site As reqUIred by code, the new parlang lot wIll need to be treatedfor Y2 of the parlang lot area by vegetatIve means such as a blO-swale ~ All eXIsting and proposed easements wIll need to be shown on plans including a 7 ft pubhc utIlIty easement (PUE) fronting along 42nd Street ~ In add,tIOn to a proposed Site Plan shOWing new development, a wmplete SIte Assessment plan wIll need to be submItted and shOWing only eXIsting condlflons with the Pre-submIttal applIcatIOn plan set All eXIsting sIte conditIOns wIll need to be summar/zed on that sheet including but not lImited to FEMA Flood plain informatIOn, SOIl type summary, well head ProtectIOn, etc