HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting CMO 5/29/2008 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE ACTION REQUESTED, ISSUE STATEMENT ATTACHMENTS DlSCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT Date Received. S/2-'; 101 Meetmg Date PfaIillil&I5, MM (v- Meeting Type Regular Meetmg %' Department: Pubhc Works eU; Staff Contact Jeff Paschall ~fl1 tk Staff Phone No 726-1674 Estimated TIlDe' Consent Calendar DEDICATION OF CITY PROPERTY FOR STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY (P20347) Approval or disapproval of the followmg monon TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE DECLARA nON OF DEDICA nON OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF WAY For the completIOn of phase 1 of the 42"d Street reconstructIOn proJect, a 15 foot Wide strJp along the frontage of tax lot no 1400 on tax map no 18-02-05-22 was requITed This tax lot lS owned by the City and reqUires that a portIOn of the property along the frontage be dedicated to pubhc nght-of-way A Dec1aralJon of Dedlcanon Packet In finahzmg documents for acceptance of phase I of the South 42"d Street ReconstructIOn ProJect, a portIOn of the CIty owned property located at 850 S - 42"d Street (tax map and lot number 18-02-05-22-01400) necessary for the construclion of the project must be dedlcated as pubhc nght-of-way The attached packet (Attachment A) has a map wluch shows the 1 5 acre tax lot m questIOn and the reqUired 15 foot strJp dedlcatlOn along the frontage of South 42"d Street Tlus packet also mcludes the DeclaratIOn of DedlcatlOn and the legal descnptlOn for the 0 13 acre parcel to be dedIcated ThlS IS the same parcel that the Clty IS m the process of seIlmg to the Rehef Nursery Development SeTVlces staff lS aware of the need for the dedlcatlOn of nght of way and agree that the dedlcalJon needs occur pnor to the transfer of the ntle Staff recommends that Councll authonze the City Manager to Slgn the DeclaratJOn of DedlcatlOn transfemng the 0 13 acre parcel descnbed m exhlblt A of the attached packet from Clty ownershlp to pubhc nght-of-way EXHIBIT A Date ReceIved ~/ 0 t Planner MM 1--?J &/ ( LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land Iymg m the West one-half of the Northwest one-quarter (W \I, NW 1<) of SectiOn 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the WIllamette Mendlan, Lane County, Oregon, and bemg a portiOn of that tract of land conveyed to CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a Mumclpal CorporatiOn of the State of Oregon, by that certalll deed recorded March 14, 2003, Recorder's ReceptIOn Number 2003-022340, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, mcluded In a stnp of land 35 feet In Width lymg on the westerly Side of the centerhne of South 42,d Street, as surveyed by Lane County In 2005, the centerlme bemg descnbed as follows Begmmng at Engmeers' Centerhne Statton L 10+0000 POT, said statiOn bemg 2,68616 feet North and 86 95 feet East of the Brass Cap markmg the Southwest Comer of the A Arthur DonatIOn Land Claim Number 63 m Section 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendian, Lane County, Oregon, run thence North 1042' 16" East, 170000 feet to Engmeers' Centerhne StatiOn L 27+00 00 POT and there endmg, all In Lane County, Oregon The westerly hne of the above descnbed stnp of land crosses GRANTOR'S southerly and northerly property hnes OppOSite approXimate Engmeers' CenterlIne Stations L 15+58 POT and L 19+42 POT, respectively The parcel of land to which thiS descnptiOn apphes contams 5775 square feet, more or less The beanngs used herem are based on a beanng of South 00 44' 12" East between L C C M 1226 and L C C M 18-02-50 ELL, said beanng based on the Oregon CoordInate System, (NAD 83/91), South Zone Page I of 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Ll377-03BS South 42'd Street - rr/Jes - 10!l6/2006 18-02-05-22 1400 DECLARATION OF DEDICATION Tax Map & Lot Numbers 18-02-05-22-01400 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Spnngfleld, a mUnicipal corporation, In Lane County, Oregon, acting by and through Its City Manager authonzed by Its City Council, does hereby forever dedicate the following described parcel of larld to the publiC as a PUBLIC ROAD SEE EXHIBIT "Au ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE NOW THEREFORE, the City of Springfield declares that the above described parcel shall be dedicated to the publiC by the City of Springfield as a PUBLIC ROAD APPROVED this , day of , 2007 by the City Manager of the City of Springfield being duly authonzed by the City Council to represent the City of Springfield In the above matter GINO GRIMALDI-CITY MANAGER STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } SS BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day of , 2007 before me, the undersigned, a notary publiC In and for said County and State, personally appeared the Within named Gino Grimaldi whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of satisfactory eVidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he IS the City Manager of the Within named mUniCipal corporation and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said mUniCipal corporation, and that the seal affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that said Instrument was Signed and sealed In behalf of said mUniCipal corporation by authOrity of ItS City Council IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above written NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON MY COMMISSION EXPIRES (BAR CODE STICKER) RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 V \JcffiDecla'DlIon OrOedlcallOn doc REVISED January 2005 NW 1/4 SEe 5, T18S, R2W, WM ...:I , ~. ,., .~ -1-:;' __ Parcel 02 18-02-05-23 TL 100 Skfllem Investments Site Addr 4164 Jasper Rood A = 5775 Sq FI I Parcel No 03 I Total Ac 1 50 A 012 Remamder 7 37 18-02-05-22 TL 1400 City of Sprmgfield Site Addr 850 S 42nd Sf pj~ ;j ,'" o~ g~ ~~ ~ ~. C:l ~ ~~ c2 55 l'\j~, .... Q r-.lii. 'J'O ":'0 ~~ lr)";} 'b t) "\. ~ ~Qj "v.g - PUE -:. Reel 2524 RR #99-020274 Ma--:- 5 -;999- - - - - - - ~ ~ rtflJ: ,,: ~,,: ~ --~-------~~ I Fd 3" Bross Cap DaVid Evans & Assoc GPS STA Cupps 7627 1990 ~ i- l<) " ~ ... ~ ~ '" ~ South 42nd Street (Onglnally County Road No 287) - '" g N I 42 16' E - " , is - ", , is - <c g Fd 3/4N IP/pc Fd 1/2" IPlpe ~~~~~"~I~ C> ~ ~- ~ ~ A ~ 3048 Sq FI Parcel No ! 7 Total Ac 7 92 A 007 Remainder 7 85 18-02-05-24 n 5300 Loren A. rommel TE Lela M Himmel TE Sde Addr None A ~ 4500 Sq Ft J Parcel No ! 8 I Total Ac 18/ A 010 Remamder I 71 18-02-05-21 TL 8700 Ted A. &- Jeannme E. Crone Sfte Addr 885 S 4-2nd Sf A ~ 1650 Sq Ft Parcel No J 9 Total Ac 048 A 004 Remamder 0 44 18-02-05-21 TL 8501 Eugene &: JocqClekne Perot" Site Addr 845 54-2nd st A ~ 1050 Sq FI Parcel No 21 I Total Ac 046\ A 002 [?emomder 044-1 18-02-05-21 TL 8502 Church of God Sde Addr None Parcel 20 18-02-05-'::',- TL 8506 Eugene &- Jacquelme Perotti Sd~ Addr None A = Fee AcqUtslbon E = P~rmanent Easement TC = Temporory Construction Easement " GRAPHIC SC<LE " 1 PRINT SCHEDULE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMEN1" OF PUBLIC WORKS LECEND ( /n F~ef ) 2f - Jg(I.l92oo5 rWf Fe!> 15 2005 T'Wf l.lotd\162005.... SOUTH 42ND STREET MP 052 - MP 080 RIGHT OF WAY NO 1377 SONNY P A. CHICKERING OLIVER P SNOWDEN I;UUN I T t.NtiINUX Di'R1:.C; ,UK U~ r'<.J8UC WORKS COUNTY ROAD LEGAl NO N/A MAINTENANCE NO N/A SCAl..E... AS SHOWN PROJECT NO 79882-2 SHEET 2 OF 5 - - Date Received $/ z-7/ oY Planner MM , Date Received: Planner: MM S/Z-f,!l>( _ (1"7 Development Issues Meeting Relief-Nursery (South 42nd) ZON200B-00023 Question #1 "Are there any zoning, Metro Plan Designation, overlay district, or access issues that may complicate a simple lot-line adjustment between these two properties" Metro Plan: Commercial Zoning: Community Commercial Section 3.2-310 lists Child Care Facilities as a Special Use (4.7-125). This section also lists professional counseling and other uses that may be part of the larger function of the Relief Nursery. Conclusion: there are no Plan/Zone issues. I J~ '--- - --~ Overlay Districts: Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Springfield uses groundwater as its source for drinking water. "Time-of-travel zones" have been identified showing relative distances from established wellheads and the amount of time that pollutants introduced into the groundwater might reach a well site. The Relief Nursery site is outside the 20-year time of travel zone and within 99-yr zone of contribution. Section 3.3-210 and 3.3-220 list the time of travel zones for which the overlay district apply. The Drinking Water Protection Overlay District applies to sites within the 20-year time of travel. Conclusion: The Drinking Water Protection Overlay District does not apply. No other overlay districts apply to the subject site. Date Received Planner MM Tree Fellmg PermIt The Code allows for up to 5 trees that are 5" or more m diameter There may be a need for a Tree-Fellmg PermIt dependmg on the number of trees that must be removed 5/ufox I , 2-~5 Question #2 "Is a 40' wide access and utility easement, m the location shown in the site plan, sufficient to accommodate proposed Relief Nursery uses related to the potential development of the School District property?" Transportalion Question # 3 "Do the proposed curb cut location, access drive, parking lot and bus drop- off satisfy City requIrements?" TransportatIOn Question #4 "What is the required width of the easement for the walkmg path, and are there other requirements we should be aware of?" I could find no specIfic mformatIOn about an easement for the subject walkway Wlllamalane Parks Dlstnct owned the land at the lime that the elementary school was bUIlt Greg Hyde, Planner for WIllamalane, recalls that the school bUIlt the connectIOn across WIllamalane property and that some kmd of easement or other mstrument was reqUIred He IS checkmg Wlllamalane's records He hopes to have an answer by tomorrow afternoon TypIcally connectmg SIdewalks through long-block subdlv1S1ons are reqUIred to be at least 10' WIde Accessways, whIch are descnbed m the Development Code (SectIOn 4 2- 160), are 10-foot paved walkways WIth 5' feet ofnght-of-way on each SIde of the paved surface (20-foot total) Question #5 "What IS a possible permittmg timelme for a project lIke this? Will there be any permits from other Jurisdictions required from this project (i.e. DOOr, Lane County, or DEQ)?" Process Steps for SIte Plan RevIew ~ ~ Date Received Planner MM SIte Plan Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg to dIscuss completeness of the applIcatIOn (wlthm 5-7 days of submIssIOn) 1 2 Refine SIte Plan and re-submlt 3 Staff completeness revIew and processmg of the completed SIte Plan applIcatIon (up to 120 days by law, but most often Wlthm 50-75 days dependmg on complexity and workload) 4 Fmal SIte Plan RevIew 61'l-'({)~ 3ft:}