HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 4/3/2008
Date ReceIved _~ /3/ OC
Planner MM '
\VATER SERVICE CE' J ER 202 South 18th Street Springfield OR 97477-5240 Tel 5417262396 Fax 541 7477348 www subutd com
Apnl 3, 2008
Mark Metzger
CIty of Spnngfield
225 N 5th Street
Sprmgfield, OR 97477
Dear Mark
Tax Map 17-03-26-21, Tax Lot 3300, 367 Hayden Bndge Way
LIsted below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal
The Spnngfield UtIhty Board Water DIVIsIOn Engmeenng Department has no objectIOn to the
proposed partItIOn
2 The proposed development IS currently wlthm the servIce terrItory of the Rambow Water DIstrIct
and WIll be served by RWD untIl the first day of the July followmg annexatIOn to the CIty of
Spnngfield, at whIch tIme SUB WIll become the water servIce prOVIder
3 Spnngfield has several wellhead protectIOn areas Nmety percent of Spnngfield's dnnkmg water
comes from wells In every Instance, care shall be taken to prevent groundwater contammatlOn
Contractors/developers/owners shall be responSIble for the safe handhng and storage of
chemIcals, petroleum products, fertIhzers, and the preventIon of groundwater and storm water
runoff contammatIon
SpeCIal reqUIrements may be necessary for groundwater protectIOn at thIS development Contact
Amy Chmltz at Spnngfield UtIlIty Board Water DIVISIOn for detaIls at 726-2396
Rebecca Templm, P E
Water Engmeenng SupervIsor - Water DIVISIOn
, ',\
1 , ,
cc Jeff & MIchelle ThIelke, 1175 Ash Grove Loop, Creswell, Oregon 97426
Jeanne Hunley, 367 Hayden Bndge Way, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477
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S ISITEPLAN\367 Hayden Bridge Way development Issues 4-3-08 docx
Date Received
Planner MM
Cltv of Snnmdield
Apnl 3, 2008
Mark Metzger, Urban Planner
Enc Walter, CIvIl EngIneer
ZON2008-000015, Thielke-Hunley Development Issues Meetmg (DIM)
Pubhc Works Engmeering Comments
The subject applIcatIOn Involves tax lot 3300 The applIcant has submItted plans to dISCUSS
partItIOnIng one lot In the UF area mto two parcels
Apphcant's QuestIOns:
1 Hammer Head adjommg Lara Lee parcel strIp
TIus questIOn IS not clear Appears TransportatIOn DIVISIOn WIll need to respond
2. How much dram field needed to satisfy septic?
Tills IS a questIOn pnmanly to the Lane County Samtanan
3. Power hook-up pole to south
Tills questIOn IS not clear (pnmanly a SUB Issue)
4. Water hook-up Lara Lee
ThIS questIOn IS not clear (pnmanly a SUB Issue)
5. How soon can we submit prelimInary partItIon?
Planrung Department WIll respond t~ thIs questIOn
AddItIOnal heads-up Items
o A 7' PUE WIll be reqUIred on Hayden Bndge street frontage
o Storm water WIll need to be addressed for plpmg roof storm water and ImpervIOUS areas