HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 5/22/2008 Date ReceiVed" 6/1-'1// IJ~ Planner: MM . Riverstone Clinic Expansion Zoning on Subject Lots: HDR (TL 9600), LDR (TL 8800, 8900) Commercial Overlay District(s): Hospital Overlay District Temporary Structure Standards? i I L_ Date Received Development Issues Meetmg Planner MM Riverstone Clime Expansion (Lane County) ZON2008-00022 May 22, 2008 5/1/1/) of 1'6"" Response to Questions: 1. What exactly will be required to be submitted for site revIew? The attached sIte plan revIew applIcatIOn has a specIfic lIst of applIcatIOn reqUIrements The bUlldmg must be treated as a permanent structure smce the lImItatIOns of the BUlldmg and Development Code lImit "temporary" uses to far less than the 2,3 years anticIpated for the clImc use of the modulars SpecIfic Issues . The BUlldmg Code as well as the Development Code Will reqUIre a permanent foundation smce the temporary use WIll be an extended penod of tIme . No partition WIll be reqUIred and the eXlstmg house can remam WIth a sIgned agreement ensurmg full removal of the modular and foundatIons when the clImc moves to new facIlItIes 2 What IS the tlmellne for approval of site review for thiS type of development once a complete applIcatIon IS received? By law, sIte plan revIew must be concluded wlthm 120 days, mcludmg proVISIon for appeals On average sIte plans are processed m less than 60 days 3 What IS the process to get site review fees waived for thiS public purpose proJect? SectIOn 2 1,135-Fee WaIvers speCIfies two dIfferent types of agencIes/groups I) Non- profit affordable housmg provIders, and 2) Low mcome cItizens ThIs project appears to fall outSIde of the fee waIver lIst 4 What speCial requirements Will the City likely Impose for thiS development, If any? ThIS project, as bnefly deSCribed m your applIcatIOn, should be a straIght forward sIte plan rev,ew project No speCIal processmg IS antICIpated The key to timely revIew IS a complete applIcatIOn 5 What other Issues will need to be addressed to get thiS project through the site review process? Most of the Issues that WIll need to be addressed are con tamed m the sIte plan revIew applIcatIOn ,.celved t"lanner MM o/t.--z/ ~r "2-15 ~ SpecIfic Issues . The site IS located wlthm the 5-10'yearllme of travel zone and as such a Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn Overlay Development PenUlt wIll be reqUired An exemptIOn may be requested based on the pohcles found 10 SectIOn 3 3,230 of the Code The exempli on IS hkely to be approved If there are no chemicals stored 10 the bUlldmg . The proposed use IS consIstent WIth the eXlstmg Hosp,tal Overlay Dlstnct as apphed to the base LOR zonmg No vanances or other speCIal process 109 appears to be necessary based on the mformatlOn presented . No trees will be felled, thus no tree,felhng permits will be reqUired . Smce the structure will reqUire a permanent foundal1on, a Land Alterallon and Dramage Permit (LDAP) wIll hkely be required DIsturbance of 50 cubIc yards or more triggers the need for the LDAP '- Vicinity and Zoning ~~j , i' r -T 11 ~ .'--+' ------~ -I Cl5 I_h__sL ----uffi_ls - .~- ~- -: lliiitfj ;f=iJ~j ~ Cl5- -i~o .. rn-=l, ~_bil ~,= -w . II'--j' ~ ~ ~ ----iT-h ~--++ . E -fOSI (f) '---J:i.SJ-=I~,----E.3I..m. ~ ~nL_h , I ,~. 1IIIJf -~ , --- ---___h__~ --Itrtt~ r-, ____, __ .....J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ --- r- . (/) J: !o ~- Hsr - ______ H sr ------r-------. _ _ _ ------. - I Iii J: !o ~ '- ~. GST