HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 8/27/2007 filW~~1;/:ni.'lCJ:iI:fI1/iMi1fli(eJ8]I.'(A~1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 WWW CI spnnqfiefd or us PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NUMBER: ZON2007-00038 APPLICANT: McAlexander APPLICATION TYPE: Zomng Map Amendment NATURE OF THE APPLICATION. Zone Change from MedIUm DenSity Residential (MDR) to Low DenSity Residential (LDR) AUTHORIZED USES: Uses m the Low DenSity Residential dlstnct are regulated by Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) section 16 020, aVallable m City Hall or onlme at htto //www CI sonngfield or us/dsdlPlannmg/ APPLICABLE CRITERIA: SDC 12030 (3) (a) Consistency With applicable Metro Plan poliCies and the Metro Plan diagram, (b) Consistency With applicable Refmement Plans, Plan Dlstnct maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functIOnal plans, and (c) The property IS presently prOVided With adequate public faCilities, services and transportatIOn networks to support the use, or these faCilities, services and transportatIOn networks are planned to be prOVided concurrently With the development of the property (d) LegislatIVe Zomng Map amendments that mvolve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall 1. Meet the approval cntena speCified m Article 7 of tlus Code, and 2. Comply With Oregon Admlmstratlve Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: 1398 Rambow Dnve, Spnngfield, OR, Map 17-03-27-34, T L 1700 DATE, TIME, PLACE AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: September 18,2007, at 7 p m at 225 Fifth Street m Spnngfield City Hall CounCil Chambers ADDITIONAL INFORl\.1..ATIO]'ll. The apphcatmn, ~ll nOP1JmpT!ts Hn0 eVlde!lce submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the applicatIOn cntena are aVallable for mspectlOn at City Hall at no cost and Will be proVided at a reasonable cost Seven days pnor to the heanng a copy of the staff report Will be Similarly available CONTACT PERSON: Lmda Pauly at (541)726-4608 Send wntten testimony to the Planmng CorrumsslOn c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meetmg and state your views The heanng Will be conducted III accordance With SDC Article 14 FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: Fallure of an Issue to be raised m at the heanng, m person or by letter, or failure to proVide statements or eVIdence suffiCient to afford the deCISIon maker an opportumty to respond to the Issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that Issue Zone Chdnge f. W.M. , , 50' I '1"0 ,c" 603 1300 1200 1100 .1 ~ \ ~.. ~IL :' . . " . Il\ . lrt Q" 3 " ~ " Q , . 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ZONio07 00038 NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Zone Change from Medium Den slty ResidentIal (MDR) to low DeIlSIty ResidentIal (LOR) SUBJECT PROPERTY lOeA lION 1398 Rainbow Dnve Map' 17032734 Tl1700 DATE TIME, PLACE AND LO CATION OF THE HEARING lues day, September 18 2007 700 pm. at 225 Fifth Street In Spnngfield City HaJJ COllocll Chamber5 , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The apphcatlOn all docllments and eVidence Sllbmltted by or on behalf of the appeltant and the application crltena are available fora free inspectIon at the Devel opment Servrces Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97417 A copy of the staff report for thiS request will be available on 5eptember ll, 2007 Copies of aU documents may be purchased ata cost of $075 for the first page and $050 for each addl tlOnalpage CONTACT PERSON Lmda Paufy at (541) 7264608 You may send a written statement to the Planning CommliSlon before the meeting c/o the Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97471 or attend the meetmgs and state your VJl!WS GregMott PlannmgManager Publish date August 24 2007 No 9835106 August24 2007 August 24, 2007 Account # 1000218 INVOICE 9835106 Case 1398 Rambow Dnve Am! Due $97 51 I) OFFICIAL SEAL BABS FORD NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 407232 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 24 2010