HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 7/2/2007 ! , / AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON } }ss. County of Lane } I, Brenda Jones, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Secretary for the Planning DIVIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Spnngfleld, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as Secretary, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies of Notice of proposed amendment to DLeD - ZON2007. 00038 - James McAlexander (See attachment "A") on July 2,2007 addressed to (see Attachment "B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~JA _rM:; Brtln-da Jones () . Planning Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ~;:}." , 2007 Personally appeared the above named Brenda Jones, ~trftr, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before 'li- -------oFFiciA~w.L----l j. SANDRA MARX ' j , ' NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON j j COMMISSION NO 385725 j ,I, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12, 2008 ~ .~----_.__._----------- ~ t /1/0../2. 006 , . My Commission Expires 1.." yt'l~un 0 dednHlh. 0 Ildlled 0 ' , 5 -1 DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment ? , !:: " ~ , THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVEQ BY DLCD '" T LEAST 45 DAYS PRJon T() TH~ I1TH5T EVIDEI'<TIARY HEARING PER ORS 197610, OAR CH"'PTER 660, DIVISION 18 &, ,~?h -, I" fur DLCD lh~ 0111\ ~ JUriSdiction Spnngfield Local file number ZON2007-00038 Date First EVldenttary hearing 9/18/2007 Date of Final Hearing 9/18/2007 Is this a reVISion to a previously submitted proposal? DYes [SJNo Date submitted D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment [SJ Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Other Briefly Summarize Proposal Do not use technical terms Do not write "See Attached" (limit of 500 characters) Spnngfield Zonmg Map Amendment to change zomng of 054 acre of land wlthm the Spnngfield CIty LlIruts from MedIUm DensIty ResIdentIal (MDR) to Low DenSity ResIdentIal (LDR) The proposed zone change WIll make the zonmg map conSIStent With the Eugene-Sprmgfield Metro Area General Plan DIagram Low DenSity ResidentIal deSIgnatIon and IS not expected to be controversIal Has SuffiCient Information been Included to adVise DLCD of the effect of proposal? Yes Plan map changed from To Zone map changed from MDR To LDR Locallon of property (do not use Tax Lot) 1398 Rambow Dnve, Sprmgfield, OR PrevIous denSity 11-20 du/acre New denSity <10 dulacre Acres Involved 0 Applicable stateWide planning goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ]6 17 18 19 ~~DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Is an exception to a stateWide planning goal proposed? DYES [SJ NO Goals Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special districts (It IS JUrisdiction's responsibility to notify these agencies DLCD only reports thiS InformatJon ) Local Contact Lmda Pauly Address 225 Fifth Street DSD City Spnngfield Zip 97477- Phone (541) 726-4608 ExtenSion Fax Number 541-726-3689 E-mail Address Ipauly@cI sprmgfield or us OLeo file No Plan Amendment Specialist Department of Land Conservation and Development 635 Capitol Street NE, SUite 150 Salem, OR 97301-2540 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 (541) 726 3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCI spnngflefd or us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT June 29, 2007 The City of Springfield Planning CommiSSion Will conduct a public hearing on September 18, 2007 to conSider a zone change request for 0 54 acre of land Within the Springfield City Limits The applicant requests to change the zoning from Medium Density ReSidential to Low DenSIty ReSidential The proposed zone change will make the zOning map consistent With the Eugene- Springfield Metro Area General Plan Diagram Low Density ReSidential designation and IS not expected to be cortroverslal This application IS a CI1:y-sponsored zoning map amendment The City sponsors such amendments for properties where the eXisting zoning IS inconsistent With the Eugene-Spnngfield Metro Plan deSignation The attached documents Include the zone change application and maps indicating the eXisting and proposed zoning of the subject property The staff report will be sent to DLCD With the Notice of Adoption Please contact Linda Pauly at the Urban Planning D,v,s,on, at (541) 726-4608 If you need any additional information Cordially. ~~~~~ Planner 3 City of Springfield Development Services. Urban Planning City of Spnngfield Development SeI'V1ces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Zone/Overlay District Change Application, Type III ApplIcant Name -:S~\'-!\\~'5 1:k::. f'.,U:::V ~06 Cr~ Phone 5'11- 11 I 5" -' ~ '-J?- "'1 Address ? D \3,., '>- \'1 D l Co"", 1"-.0'" b- OCvJ C OVl- q I L( cAr Property Owner Name :; ""I-lIt:: 5 Address 1"0 bD\;. [io\ c /-A, '--Ie, IF--V A,-,.')0- CC" ~0'" (,,{\.c!J f G"- q 1. 't2..4- Phone -r:;'-fl- Cf (,- - '1'-17...1 Property Address \ ;,CfP '\<./A./I-f(!t)'.,", OR Assessor's Map No \ 1. c 2, - 2-1 - 1 '-1- '2-- J, 1) 5.:') SIze ofproperty 21),' " Zq Lj fJ c' Tax Lot No {,ou Square Feet or d.1,--S8-S "E: if Acres ExlStmg Use of Property 'R8\o6A\ l"'- \......- Specific DescnptlOn of Proposal LUM.t=- c....o f'-t\\f'.. ,'C'-d ({-: IC'CL> U G-, \~ AoS A L ~",.o p,V,),Ju ?u"SIt~lf- A'i'-lE,,- C'-""",,^,or , ~ c..~ Lr CII'--r '7 nt) '-' j 6t,2~ i ?Or...jf IN. J'>>.('\ I Jt:::.,~;\(-="'.JJI1('-,(SA_\ n V The undenlgned acknowle<ij;es th8?2:tbC mahOD ,m thiS apphcatlon m correct aDd accurate. / \ ApplIcant Signature (~Jt:\< ,-- ,Date 6/11 I () 1 If the apph.aat" other tOu, the owoer hereby gr.nt< perm""on for the appheant to act in b,s/her bebalf Owner SIgnature ' Date - -/\1"1 ) N .f>>r Office Use Only Journal No ,--t-{ IdV.J/~TrYl-< '{ ReceIved By MapNo 11-03-;:L1-34-' Tax Lot No Date Accepted as Complete ~ - 1r~1iA ~ \ 70d EXISTING ZONING MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL o 54 acre McAlexander Property at 1398 Rambow Drive, Sprmgfield OR Assessor's Map 17-03-27-34 TL 1700 ZON2007-00038 I lJ-liTtW Ir- II fl I I L~II i I I I ~N. -N -S-I- = -0:::- l.IlI_N -s:C ~ 11111 ~ I ALlJ II - ---l, .J !'I--W-M1~L_ 8B8B~* 'I " (-' I .- II ~ ~ ' ~T.IV"r J \,; :::> I I j r 1\ IT PROPOSED ZONING LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 054 acre McAlexander Property at 1398 Rambow Dnve. Sprmgfield OR Assessor's Map 17-03-27-34 TL 1700 ZON2007 -00038 f--T-IVIIfIL.; '::i r 1 ~JI-T II,/F.I IT L~I, I -1/; N -S~L = -{)::_ l j[LN -S.L I" '" " w. Is- ---- _ C en , . ._ -l=-~' I 8B8~B-B\i-- * f' r..wOI I 9~ ICWLL~i. =:3- I_ill- I~ -M.3I_~ \ / I