HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice APPLICANT 12/20/2006 ~ , ill pel>On 0 eleCl10llic 0 me,led 0 G , ,Date Received 12/~l> /ot/ i::Planner MM ' ( E 1 DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment - "" T P' >>, THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY DLCD AT LEAST 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE FIRST RVIDENTIARY HE~RThG PER ORS 197610, OAR CHI>,PTER 660 DIVISION 18 M P for DL( D U:>t Onh JUrisdiction City of Spnngfield Local file number Date First EVidentiary hearing 2/20/2007 Date of Final Hearing 3/5/2007 Is thiS a reVISion to a previously submitted proposal? DYes ~No Date submitted D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment ~ Land Use Regulation Amendment D Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Other Briefly Summarize Proposal Do not use technical terms Do not Write "See Attached" (limit of 500 characters) The amendment estabhshes Home Improvement Center as a specIfic use and IdentIfies where such a use IS allowed Amends the Sprmgfield Development Code' ArtIcle 2-- DefinItIOns to mclude "Home Improvement Center." Amends ArtIcle 18- CommercIal Zonmg Dlstncts and ArtIcle 20-- Industnal Zonmg Dlstncts to hst "Home Improvement Center" as an allowed use m certam commercIal and mdustnal zones Has suffiCient information been Included to adVise DLCD of the effect of proposal? Yes Plan map changed from To Zone map changed from To Location of property (do not use Tax Lot) PrevIous density New density Acres Involved Applicable statewide planning goals 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~DDDDDDD~DDDDDDDDDD Is an exception to a statewide planning goal proposed? D YES ~ NO Goals Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special districts (It IS JUrisdiction's responsibility to notify these agencies DLCD only reports thiS Information) Local Contact Mark Metzger, Planner Address CIty of Sprmgfield City 225 FIfth Street Zip 97477- mrmetzger@ci.sprmgfield.or.us Phone (541) 726-3775 ExtenSion Fax Number 541-726-3689 E-mail Address OLeo file No. ~ SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This form must be receIved bv DLCD at least 45 days onor to the first eVldentIan hearIDl': , per ORS 197 610 and OAR Chapter 660, DIVISIOn 18 ThIs form must be submItted by local JunsdlctlOns only (not by an applIcant) 2 When submlttmg, please pnnt thIS form on lIght green paper 3 Send thIs Form and TWO COPIES of the proposed amendment to ATTENTION' PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAl\D CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 4 ElectronIc Submittals' At least one hard copy must be sent by mall or m person, but you may also submIt an electroruc copy, by eIther emall or FTP You may connect to thIs address to FTP proposals and adoptIOns webserver.lcd.state.or.us To obtam our Username and password for FTP, call Mara Ulloa at 503-373-0050 e>..tenslOn 238, or by emallmg mara.ulloa@state.or us 5 Unless e>..empt by ORS 197610(2), proposed amendments must be receIved at the DLCD's Salem office at least 45 days before the first eVldentJary heanng on the proposal (The clock begms on the day DLCD receIves your proposal) The first eVIdentiary heanng IS usually the first pubhc heanng held by the JunsdlctlOn's plannmg commission on the proposal 6 SubmIttal of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehenSIve plan or land use regulatIOn must mclude the text of the amendment and anv other mformatlOn the locall!overnment belIeves. IS necessarY to advIse DLCD of the effect of the nrooosal "Text" means the speCIfic language bemg added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulatIOns A general descnptlon of the proposal IS not adequate 7 Submittal of a proposed map amendment must also mclude a map of the affected area showmg eXlstmg and proposed plan and zone deSIgnations The map should be legIble and on 8Y2 x II mch paper Please provIde the speCIfic locatIOn of property, such as an address and/or tax lot number Include text rel!ardml! backl!found and/or the lUstlficatJon for the chanl!e. such as the applIcatIOn accepted by the local government 8 SubmIttal of proposed amendments that mvolve a goal exceptIOn must mclude the proposed language of the exceptIOn 9 Do not subInIt this form WIthout supporting documentatIOn. 10 Need More CopIes? You can now access these forms onlme at http'//wwwlcd.state.or.us/ Please pnnt on ll-l/hll ~Ieen 03Jler nnly You may also call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050, or Fax your request to (503) 378-5518, or Emall yourrequesttomaraulloa@stateor.us - ATTENTION PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST