HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 2/28/2008 Case No. Date: ( I I II I I --; I I I --; I ~ I -1 I -; I I I -----; I ~ I CASE' NOTES FORM 2otJ::J. oo(?- 000 I { :2 - 2.- ~-o <6: II - J~ - AI _ j)/YJ/V ~ I ,_ - . ~L2-8I-()f? -t- If I~ _t~4k - T.,~k j ;- ,~~. 0 ~ I I AI 0 iJu,V- .2.~ ..IJ/?:-J11~ ftnol.s_- : j~l{~_.t >S(;k-1.- ~Hi:=j?-Y.'d.V;d<d fc, _ - = (l~.tV foL-lhfb_f-~r-<>_~-Cp,L~vU_- ; l>-tW- "'V!J1-ha-S-v.u.c4:1, ~ Itt/~"J_ - /J L II' - - - -- - .vnwf _lC-M~;C-:-f20ca,~. ,_ ~ t. NlL/'JV'e -~ml_hJ;Qf (2.o,oJ~-- IlJo '", n C hr fL.C, - r. <JZt< ,~ NUt) at!- ~Y-m,J_;_'-h jj,~ tfG:;_~-i{,._s~~ f" Jl-c.o_cLo/'/c. ~kyf:; , I I .iJJ;/~4-~_~,irv. i_~{'4-_1 . 'w{- _c:"M-/eg~d/e5 ~ .----- ) ,- L~~ J . _Jil I Workflow processesIPlannmg ronnsJCase NUiQ ~ ~ L- I , D~~t-'" ~, ~ ,,-;/)./ ~o: a e "'ecelve....._ 'j' P-lanner _AI / L--- ----- ..:.-~..:.-vo - Page 1 of I L1MBIRD Andrew From Sent To Cc Subject Attachments WALTER Enc Thursday, February 28,2008 11 59 AM L1MBIRD Andrew DONOVAN James, BENOY Leslie lON2008-00011 Galceran Annexation DIM lON2008-00011 Galceran Annexation DIM PW DOC Gentlemen, Please find attached the Public Works comments for our DIM thIs afternoon If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me Les Benoy Will be jOlrllng me for the DIM meetlrlg as he has been IrIvolved with the onglrlal LRP2007-00022 application and Annexation Agreement Thank you, Enc Eric A Walter, P E CIvil Englrleer City of Springfield Public Works Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Telephone (541) 736-1034 Facsimile (541) 736-1021 Emall ewalterlCUcl sonnqfield or us Web www CI sRrlrlgfield or us Date Received' Planner AL ;'/:JK'hoo( f / 3/3/2008 MEMORANDUM Cltv of SonnQ:field DATE February 28, 2008 TO Andy Llmblrd, Urban Planner FROM Enc Walter, CIvil Engmeer SUBJECT ZON2008-000II, Galceran AnnexatIon Pubhc Works Engineermg Comments The subJect Development Issues Meetmg mvolves Assessor's Map No 18-02-04-14, Tax Lot th 200, located at 855 South 57 Street The applicant has submitted plans to contmue diScussIon of earlier Development Issues Meetmg held m June 2007 regardmg a proposal for developmg I 75 acres mto a mne (9) lot smgle farrnly residentIal subdivISIOn The attached map below shows the eXlstmg street nghts-of-way, public sanItary and stormwater systems, and 2- foot contour lines Responses to the applicant's questIOns pertment to Public Works, and discussIOn of addltronallssues, will be referenced m thIS document ADDhcant's Ouestions: I Do I need to submit new matenals for my annexatIon? For PublIc Works Department, no further documentatIOn wIll need to be submitted beyond ongmal applIcatIOn LRP2007-00022 and AnnexatIOn Agreement dated 1/16/08 2. Can my e1lstmg annexatIon file LRP2007-00022 be used for my annexatIOn under thiS process? For PublIc Works, thIS WIll be acceptable but wIth any additIOnal reqUIrements of the new City annexatIOn process 3. Please go over the new annexatIon process With me See comments from Planmng Department 4. Any other issues I need to know about? See comments from Planmng Department Refer to the AnnexatIOn Agreement dated 1/16/08 and AnnexatIOn ApplzcatlOn reqUIrements of LRP2007-00022 f)-j!;, ;'lSC6Ived Planner AL :J.bo~(}! / / Page 1 of2 C \Documents and Settmgs\dono1697\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLKI\ZON2008.000l1 Galceran Annexation DIM PW DOC SIte SoIls As mdlcated m the Sods Survey of Lane County, the SOli type located on site IS 73 - Lmslaw loam This SOlI type has a clay content on the order of - 10-55% (dependmg on depth), and a permeabIlity rate on the order of 0 06 - 2 0 mches/hour The depth to groundwater IS 1 5 to 2 5 feet Note thIs mformatlOn IS from the Sods Survey of Lane County and does not necessarzly reflect the actual sOlI condItIOns on-slle SIte Man 1f::-~'~*'%?$' Jv' ~)>>Y&.~~~;w~'~ . ...:::;;.. ~-.-:t>..OS A \~*~~~=;, ~ ~----~:<&=- *' -------- N ~~ ~ .)]~')( ~ - \ I Note Contours shown on the above photo are at 2-foot mtervals Photo IS not to/car Date Received ~ ,ob Planner AL Page 2 of2 C \Document.;; and Settmgs\donol697\Local Settmgs\Temporary Internet Flles\OLKI\ZON2008-00011 Galceran AnnexatIOn DIM PW DOC