HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 7/31/2008 . - ZON2008-00028 Lively SWim Park ExpansIOn Development Issues Meetmg ~I .--/ July 31, 2008 R ved 1; I 6"1 Date ecel , ' Planner MM Planrung Comments 1. Project Phasmg Unless the site plan approved for the LIVely SWIm Park mcludes the elements proposed for this expanSIOn, or some srmIiar level of development mtenslty, this must be processed as a new site plan If there were specific references m the approved 1987-88 site plan to the Improvements proposed now, we may be able to process this as a Major Site Plan ModificatIOn SDC 5 17-145 Major Site Plan modificatIOns are a Type II process WIth the same notice and approval conditIOns as a regular site plan review The difference m cost compared to a regular site plan process IS less than $150 SDC 5 17-145 A full site plan revlCW with a phased development plan mcluded as part of the proposal would allow WIilamalane to complete ItS expansIOn work over a two year penod (3 years WIth an extensIOn) SDC 517-115 2. Water QualIty The distance of the proposed development (partIcularly the dog park) from Cedar Creek and from the eXlstmg dramage swale IS not likely to create water quahty Issues The dog park faCility, as descnbed WIll be eqUipped for pet waste recovery disposal A kIosk or other means of educatmg/mformmg users of the dog park of the Importance of pickIng up pet waste would be Important The site IS near the Thurston Middle School wellhead A dnnkmg water protectIOn' permit WIll be reqUired 4. Floodplam Enc Bloom of the Corps of Engmeers was contacted about the tnrung for completIOn of the new McKenZie floodplam mappmg and he mdlcated that the draft floodplam mappmg won't be aVailable untIl the end of this year