HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/20/2007 ~'. .~ '. Clly of Spllllgfield Developmenl SCI VICC~ Dep<H tment 225 fifth Slrcet Spl1ngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726.3759 fa, ()41) 726.3689 SPRlD INlGFD ELI!) Propel ty LlIle Adjustment Apphc.ltlOlI. Type I C<>o'1tacl- JefF e;el/e 1 f1t'r1-tbe...- ApphcdntNmne5C 5pr, t1j F,etd LLC---5 Phone (7"1~J e;-;-lf7/'f Addless 5L/-L./O LouIe L anP-j 4FI02" RezJO, tVv' goqr:;(I-lf3L/"5 SpeclficDe,cllptlonoIPlopo'al Ac!,'u.e;,f tilt', e){:~f,..,,, fax. lnt., /I1fo t:t 1f'lovt.f',:r:''''''''-;:oV\ v..1f1,~t./ PrOJ:'e-rfy Z- Cal~ Pr"_ r:oV1Je..-LPpfi I J PI opel tv 2 Adehe," Zo?C:; '"$1 sf- 5+ :5pr;,.,a A.e./d, 012 .J ' AssessOi ,Map 17-03-2'7-1-1 AssessOI sMap 17-02- 30 Tn' Lot II '27.00 Ta, Lot II 1600 Owner (pllnO 51! sPrI.-1;fie Id L L C- Ownel (prl11\) S c::: SF'" -'jF:.../d LL L Slgnnlllle. 11(722: ncllll()\\lctlge< Ih ,'lh ""OI""IIO'::~'~'~I~:::Ph' '~2l ",11 m;r;ff Addle" 7.:;-/;/d~jJ~yL"'7r7~, .If: (02. Addless 75'1 ~LJ.kl '-LClVU". 1+ fOZ- Re-r1~ tJV 13'1011 K~nrJ A.1V ~q'5l1 Phone, (77'7) B?? - ""7/'-1 I'h0l1c(777') 8 '5'2, -4 7/0/ Addlcss Propert\ I iJ", rI~Vl&lted aJjre~s Pic I"C II! Ich llll IlUllC-, Idtlle".., phone numhel lIId '1lgll.JIIlIC of 111\ Iddl(IOllll PIOPll(\ O\\IlCIl'> For Office U,e Only JOLHnal No 6\JB2007- CXX)3, Received Byok'll hn.. Jt? ~ 11-0;)..-3,0-00 -,-~/~ M<,p No _~~ <:. - \ I fa, I 01 No d- ~f\"'\ Ddte Acccptt..d <is Complt.te 8/20/03 , THE APPLICATION PACKET COMPLETE APPLICATION REQUIRED There 15 an Intake screenmg process and a detailed completeness check I An Intake screening process will be conducted at the front counter at the time of submittal Plannmg DIVISIOn staff will determme whether all required Items listed In the Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted An applicatIOn for submittal not havmg all of the reqUired Items will not be accepted 2 A detaIled completeness check WIll be conducted wlthm 30 days of submittal In thIS case, the aSSIgned Planner will notify the applicant In wntmg concernmg the completeness of the applicatIOn An applicatIOn will not be deemed technically complete until all mformatlOn necessary to evaluate the proposed development, Its Impacts and Its compliance with the provISIons of the Spnngfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided Incomplete applicatIOns wIll delay the apphcatlOn review process and may result In demal Submittal ReqUirements Checkhst IF YOU FEEL AN ITEM DOES NOT APPLY, PLEASE STATE THE REASON WHY AND ATTACH THE EXPLANATION TO THIS FORM APPLICATIONS NOT HAVING ALL BOXES CHECKED AND/OR AN EXPLANATION FOR ITEMS NOT APPLYING WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT AND WILL THEREFORE DELAY THE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS DetaIled written explanation of the proposal to mclude reason for the proposed Property Lme Adjustment 2 ApphcatlOn fee Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee A copy of the fee schedule IS avaIlable at the Development ServIces Department 3 Copy of the deed and a prehmmary title report Issued Within the past 30 days document 109 ownership and IIstmg all encumbrances If the applIcant IS not the property owner, wntten permission from the property owner IS reqUIred 4 Draft of the reqUIred Property Lme Adjustment deeds Property Lme Adjustment deeds shall comply WIth ORS 92 010 and 92 190(4) and shall be recorded 10 the Lane County Deeds and Records 5 Three copies of a Prehmmary Survey .! The Prehmmary Survey ,hall be drawn 10 comphance With ORS 92 The lIlIe must state "Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey" ~ The scale of the Preliminary Survey shall be appropnate to the area Involved and the amount of detail and data, normally I"::::: 20', I" = 50" or I"::::: 100' ~ A north arrow and date the Preliminary Survey was prepared g' The name and address of the owners and the applicant Ifdtfferent ~ A draWing of the boundanes of the lots or parcels Involved to mclude dnnenslOns and square footage calculatIOns .,- The eXlStmg property hne and proposed property Ime clearly differentiated by Ime type r2f The locatIOn and outlme to scale of all eXisting structures to Include their reqUIred setbacks from the property boundanes and those from the proposed property Ime V The location, Width and names of all eXisting streets, alleys, or other nghts-of-way wlthm or adjacent to the lots or parcels and the location and Width of dflveways rr/ The locatIon of all public and private easements and utility hnes wlthm or crossmg the lots or parcels For properties outSide the city limits but wlthm the urban services area, the septic facilIty and dram fields must be shown . ~ Reference to the recorded SubdivIsion or Partition by name or reference number and blocks, lots and parcel numbers, where applicable Note 'When, as part of the approval procesli, the application has been conditIOned ~o that the recordatIOn of.l document IS required, the applicant shall be responsible for paymg the county recordmg fee for any such required document Documents requiring recordatIOn mclude, but are not limited to Development Agreements, Improvement Agreements, Deed RestrictIOns, Future Development Plan~, Easements, Jomt Use AccessfMamtenance Agreements, and Dedication ofRlght~of-Way