HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/5/2007 06/05/07 TUE 12 17 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I4J 002 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServICes Department 225 Flfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 Zone/Overlay District Change Application, Type III SPRINGFIELD ApphcantName -:SP,,\'-i\E5 V cAU:3y ~ ~ Phone 'Sf! - q r 5 - ~ ~'-- \, Address ? () 'Sf) "-- \"1 0 I C-d"- ~G 0 b- '1rJLI E OVL q I L\ c..(f- Property Owner Name ;:) Jp,,17\[:;-5 E 1--11 c. A ( PI Aw,-YiZL- Address \-"0 ,\?:>o,\/ (10\ C.:5't\~0e G-{\,cJLif 0"'- cC1.\{-Z-4- Phone -r:, '-fl- C( I, - t('-I '- \ Property Address \ ;, q 51 'P-- /I>-. II-l n /J v , Assessor's Map No \ (- 0 ~ - 2.'1- ,4- '2-'3, 'SBt> SIZe of Property ~ t " 2 q t/ s t; D~ Tax Lot No II dO Square Feet or ~ . 5tf Acres EXlstmg Use of Property SpecIfic Descnpl10n of Proposal L-Q j..{ F- <:.0 \-"\f' \ 1"'-11 (r {(:CQ <,) G-J \\6 ,o",C; A ? 8, I) E:u-r l ~ \..-- LA",.;:, (.) IV\S IchA 'P,,505t(!,lr- A'I"\~ [:,.C~.L(r CP.>-./Av./or , c.. 1'\'--( I '7 rd uS IXI' A. 7,uMf Vv". """(' A- t--A <=\.1 1/1 {'-,I .~T The uuderlllgned acknUWI.ea~al1oU Iu this applieatiou Iu correct and accurate. Apphcant SIgnature ( ~.1-'- Date 6/11 / Of , I t If the appl1cantfs other an the ower, the owner hereby grants penmssloD for the appUcaut to act in hWber behalf Owner SIgnature Date , --; ^.... \ ^^ .1J1r Office Use Only. Journal No '-U Vi1J7--t:!v, '1- ReceIved By Map No 11-03 -;;1l-3 4 Tax Lot No Date Accepted as Complete 1-., 1v\1JA~ \,00 CD (;l Ll.-\ '--l33l :TURN 10 CASCADE TITLE C, /' '8i a:::: -()Lj" Ll r .' .... E " CASCADE ESCROW , Division of CI Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records . , 1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 006815792005012293 :0020025 04/01/2005 03:03:29 PM RPR-DEED Cnt~1 Stn~5 CASHIER 04 $10 00 $11 00 $10 00 ,~~o.~,,~J~ $31. 00 SETTLEMENT SERVICES TITLE NO 0244337 ESCROW NO EU05-0474 TAX ACCT NO 0233401 TAX ACCT NO 17032734 #1700 WARR<\NTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM JOHNA DAY, Grantor, conveys and warrants to JAMES E. MC ALEXANDER and MARILYN J MC ALEXANDER, Grantee, the followmg descnbed real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herem SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE APART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA nONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUiVIENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPE,RTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMIfS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930. Except the followmg encumbrances Covenants, CondItions, RestnctlOns and Easements of record The true conSIderatIOn for thIS conveyance IS $186,000 00 Dated thIS \ da; of ~ J... . Z-oor' \Jl~~ J(JA DAY (S State of Oregon County of LANE ThiS mstrument was acknowledged before me on Aft' I . OFFICIAL SEAL ,~ GAYLE BEARE , NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON " COMMISSION NO 346642 v MY COl~MISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 26 200S (No~ Pu IC 'r Oregon) ~ My comrm~on expues )('.2.(.. -0 ~ JOHNA DAY GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Unul a change 15 requested all tax statements shall be sent to the followmg address ***SAME AS GRANTEE*" JAMES E Me ALEXANDER l.O '?":> ~ U-.h'\t\ D" hl15:'~ Il'L "1"''-10'1 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS , After recordmg return to CASCADE TITLE CO 811 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 1 rOrder No Page 4 0244337 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beglnn~ng at a pOlnt on the West Ilne of a road 797 528 feet North 00 25' East of a pOlnt 1197 70 feet East of the Northerly re-entrant corner of the Robert E Campbell and wlfe Donatlon Land Clalm No 59, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Merldlan, thence North 00 25' East 80 152 feet along sald road to the Southeast corner of that tract conveyed to Robert G Wllllams and Donna M Wllllams, husband and wlfe, by lnstrument recorded September 28, 1972, Receptlon No 70B27 M, Lane County Oregon Records, thence west 294 85 feet to the Northeast corner of that tract conveyed to Arthur L Smlth and E Darlene Smlth, husband and wlfe, by Deed recorded December 22, 1977, Receptlon No 77-82056. Offlclal Records of Lane County, Oregon, thence South along the East llne of sald Smlth tract 00 25' West 80 152 feet, more or less, to a pOlnt West of the pOlnt of beglnnlng, thence East 294 85 feet to the pOlnt of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon