HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM APPLICANT 2/14/2008 Date Recer '-:I: (IN r 1J-v (.~~ D_ City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 FEB 1 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal flX Development Issues Meeting (DIM) I I I Required Project Information (ApPlicant: complete this section) I I Prospective ? / I Applicant Name: f'-O 1'\ ~A- C~ Icompany: CA-I ce.-R..Av-. Gn" <; b L '/-;.;,--., Ln (. IAddress: l-7-tpLf :nr-d sf SffL1/\,:,;,fe-ld I Prospective Applicant's ReD.: Icompany: IAddress: I I Property Owner: {L,y" <J t<.~ G..A-l~ I Company: ---- IAddress: ) ~ I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: /~-tn-o V-N I Property Address: 1(5::;'), ,57 H- I Size of Property: I ."11 Jt7./P-t.~ I I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this application Proposal: J1y>^Jv J 7/ /t71V( tt"nd r:.6"n.P i /ef )-/A/'r/:v,"'-0:> ({;.'L d.<.f,c:b""I.'A/ I Existing Use: 5 ,"AQ (p +:-1""wlI' ') kom I /, J.., '" ' I # of Lots/Parcels: "l !Avg. Lot/par~el Si~e: 5 -1000 sf I Density: du/acre I r24/1i _ sr~atu~~ ~, <.?f\ r;~/~ pf'int Phone: :)"LO -~0 l() Fax: Phone: /' Fax: Phone: )~ Fax: ITAX LOT NOeS): 1_/)0 Sk.t Acres 0 Square Feet 0 Prospective Applicant: Date: l.-/L/-OR' , ,:..;. Case No.: ? 2-csz\~ _ 00b/1 Date: J-.-/Ji-i!DCO Reviewed by: -l,-c---<'"-- IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $0 I Postage Fee: $0 ITOTAL FEES: $ .g.e--w<v..VcJ ~~,e ~ PROJECT NUMBER: ft:<J 'Z6Dl- C00~'L ~ ~ Ifh- DIM, ~...) p~<\ It-n~"\-..' ,\.A USD 1- - (3or-- 2&01 _ (fl) 2'0-) , (=> 7{ ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan / i L-R 26"D - OOD2 z... 1 of 3 Date Recejl/ed:~ 0 Planner: AL Development Issues Meeting Process , The purpose of a Development Issues Meeting IS to give an applicant the opportunity to discuss his/her development proposal with the develop;"ent review staff of the City The diScussion can be general or specific, depending on the details provided with the application A Development Issues Meeting provides information to an applicant related to the current development conditions and standards of the City The Development Issues Meeting IS not a land use decIsion and does not confer any development nghts, establish any conditIOns, or bind the applicant or the City to any course of action The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints The status may change over time as development conditions or standards change 1. Applicant Submits a Development Issues Meeting Application . The application must conform to the Development Issues Meetmg Submittal ReqUirements ChecklIst on page 3 of this applicatIOn packet . Development Issues meetings are conducted every Thursday, from 1 30pm - 3 30pm . We stnve to conduct the development Issues meetings within two to four weeks of receiving the application . The applicant's proposal IS circulated to the relevant staff In preparation for the meeting 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Development Issues Meeting . The applicant and any design team should attend the development Issues meeting . The meeting IS scheduled for one to two hours . Staff attending the meeting Will be prepared to discuss the Issues raised In the submittal by the applicant Other Issues raised dunng the meeting may also be discussed . The meeting IS Informal and the City will Issue no staff report Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 3 SITE CONTEXT MAP DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PROPOSED 9-LOT SUBDIVISION 855 SOUTH 57th STREET MAP 18-02-04-14, TAX LOT 200 CASE ZON2008-00011 Date Received: t N FEB 14 2008 Original Submittal a It? .- / ib ~ ;Z CeLlA 'Z. 7, t:L"'_1 ' A-r7 VLe.x t-Ih eM V <"a.. -:ih& ~ .... / -' - &rJ2C9-v<9-\^ / f1..-eed -h, s:n)\o m ~ t- n.a.u..J VY7 );:CR,,-v<- Vlj 8t1 (G~,&(,h r'~ ~ ~ ey..-,.<;"",", D d ~Y.:\e..~".J::L<''h_f, L~ - L Rf' 2&:{J~ ~. 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