HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/26/2008 I' yrVJJU}~ RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE JUN 262008 By:'l6l(j; ~ 1J:CJ~ STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Prograrn Techmclan for the Planning DIvIsion of the Developrnent Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In rny capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared .and caused t~ be -I- rnalled copies of Sv e,ZOO\?-oooZZ- Yllitut~ (\ D.o..f.~.UA.. - ~ UMU-- (See attachrnent nAn) on ~/P , 200S/(ddressed to (see '~ Attachrnent Bn), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S rnall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~UR~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane A 1Jv > ".')(;, , 2008 Personally appeared the above narned Karen LaFleur, ~grarn Techmclan, who acknowledged the foregOing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before rne OFFICIAL SEAL DEVETTE KELLY NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG 15. 2011 DaMti ~/ -(j (j ?/;~/I/ My Cornrnlsslon Expires , , I - ,City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 LAND DIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN Staff Report & Decision ProJect Narne Dwyer SubdivIsion ProJect Proposal Subdivide one lot (81 acre) to create five lots: Case Nurnber SUB2008-00022 I ProJect Location 5560 High Banks Road Map 17-02-28-00, TL 303 Zonmg Low Density Resldentral (LDR) Overlay Dlstrlct(s) Floodplain (FP) Apphcable Refinernent Plan. N/A Refinernent Plan Designation N/A Metro Plan Designation Low Density Resldentral (LDR) Pre-Subrnlttal Meetmg Date May 13, 2008 Application Subrnlttal Date May 20, 2008 DRC Meetmg Date June 10, 2008 DecIsion Issued Date June 26, 2008 Recommendation Approval with Conditions Appeal Deadhne Date July 11, 2008 Associated Applications DRC2008-00034 (Tree Felling), SHR2008-00004 (Floodplain), ZON2008-00012 (DIM), PRE2008-00027 (Pre) I DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE I POSITION I Planner II I Public Works EnQlneer In TralnlnQ I Public Works EnQlneer In TralnlnQ I Deputy Fire Marshal I EnQlneennQ TechniCian I Clvli EnQlneer ~ UGB & Crty Limits REVIEW OF Land Use PlannlnQ Transportation Utllitres, Sanitary & Storm Sewer Fire and Life Safety SUB Electnc Utllitres SUB Water Utilities NAME Molly Markanan Jon Dnscoll Jesse Jones I Gilbert Gordon Guenter Matyszak I Rebecca Templin ~ PHONE I 726-4611 I 726-3679 I 736-1036 I 726-2293 I 736-3296 I 726-2396 I APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner/Apphcant Bill Dwyer Eureka Development 5558 Thurston Road SpnnQfleld, OR 97478 Applicant's Representative Tom Poage Poage Englneenng & Survey 990 Oble Street EUQene, OR 97402 Case No SUB2008-00022 10117 , , " DECISION This staff report and decIsion grants approval with conditions to the subject application, as of the date of this decIsion The standards of the Spnngfleld Development Code (SDC) applicable to each cntenon of approval are listed herein and are satisfied by the submitted plans and notes (see Appendix A) unless specifically noted In this decIsion with findings and conditions necessary for compliance The plat, as well as the installation of public and private Improvements, must conform to the approved tentative plan or as conditioned herein This IS a limited land use decIsion made according to city code and state statutes Unless appealed, the decIsion IS final Please read this document In ItS entirety REVIEW PROCESS This application has been reviewed under the procedures listed In SDC 51-130, Type II Applications, and SDC 512-100, Land DIvIsions - Partitions and SubdivIsions This application was accepted as complete on May 20, 2008, and this decIsion IS Issued on the 35th day of the 120 days permitted per ORS 227 178 COMMENTS RECEIVED Applications for Type II limited land use decIsions require notification of property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the subject property and any applicable neighborhood association, allowing for a 14- day comment period on the application per SDC 5 1-130 The property owner, applicant, If different, and parties submitting written comments dUring the comment penod have appeal nghts and are mailed a copy of this decIsion for consideration In accordance with SDC 51-130, notice was mailed to the property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the subject property on May 22, 2008 The following wntten comments were received dUring the comment period Three letters were received from concerned neighbors living at 5500, 5520, and 5547 High Banks Road The complete transcnpts of the letters are made a part of this decIsion by reference and are available for review at the Development Services Department In summary, the letters focus on Issues relating to the sale of the subject property to the current property owner, the scale of the proposed development, ItS compatibility with the neighborhood, and ItS Impact on Infrastructure and schools A response to these concerns IS Included below, as well as by reference to other sections of the report In addition, the letters raise concerns regarding developing a subdivIsion In the floodplain and felling most of the eXisting filbert orchard on the property Since the applicant has concurrently submitted a Floodplain Overlay District Development application (SHR2008-00004) and a Tree Felling Permit application (DRC2008-00034) for the proposed subdivIsion, copies of the letters referenced above will be Included In those files In addition, the concerns raised In the letters with respect to the floodplain and tree felling will be addressed In the staff reports for those respective applications Sale of Subject Property One letter discussed objecting to the manner In which the sale of the subject property to the current land owner took place Proof of ownership for the subject property has been provided as part of this application However, private real estate transactions are a cIvil matter and thus do not fall within the purview of the Planning DIVISiOn In reviewing land use applications Neighborhood Compatlblllly All three letters discussed concerns that the proposed subdivIsion IS not compatible with the eXisting development pattern of the neighborhood Specifically, that the configuration of the newly created lots will result In new dwelling Units not being onented towards the street as are most of the homes In the neighborhood and that the deSign of future homes on the lots will not be In keeping with the style of other homes In the neighborhood The proposed development IS what IS known In the Planning world as 'Infill development,' or when vacant or underdeveloped lots within a city's limits or eXisting neighborhoods are developed or Case No SUB2008-00022 20117 , , redeveloped However, Infill developments often seem Incompatible with the eXisting neighborhood fabnc to residents who live nearby Therefore, many communities have worked with citizens to develop specific design standards or Inflll compatibility standards that ensure that Inflll development enhances rather than detracts from the character, quality, and livability of eXisting residential neighborhoods City staff recognizes that the compatibility of the proposed subdivIsion with the eXisting neighborhood fabnc may be a legitimate neighborhood concern However, the City's development code only regulates the design of mixed-use (reSidential and commercial together) developments and multi-family (three or more attached Units) developments Therefore, Planning does not have the authonty to mitigate the Impact of the proposed development on the neighborhood from a compatibility standpoint at this time Residents are welcome, however, to suggest that the Planning Commission conSider city- wide policies to address Inflll compatibility and to share their Ideas at the numerous opportunities for public Involvement that the Planning DIvIsion organizes each year In an effort to Involve citizens In planning Spnngfleld's future Scale of Development The pnmary concern of the neighbors who submitted letters IS the scale of the proposed development In relation to eXisting development In the area SpeCifically, neighbors lamented the loss of peace and qUiet In the area and diminished quality of life from the development of several homes on what once was a single dwelling on a nearly acre lot Other related concerns Include perceived problems resulting from developing land In the city In a dense, compact manner and the loss of open space and trees resulting from new development With respect to the number of lots proposed as part of this subdiVIsion, It should be noted that the subject property IS zoned Low Density ReSidential (LOR), the lowest density category In the city In LOR dlstncts, a minimum of one and a maximum of ten dwellings may be developed per acre as dictated by the Eugene-Spnngfleld Metropolitan Plan Thus, given the size of the subject property (approximately 81 acre), It technically could be developed with eight dwelling Units However, the applicant has only proposed creating five lots and thus the proposal falls well within the allowed number of Units per acre It IS understandable that neighbors might find the proposed development a shocking change to the development they are accustomed to In that area of the city given that properties on the north Side of High Banks Road abut both the City Limits and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), and this area of the city has been dominated by rural farmland for decades However, as the population In the Eugene- Spnngfleld area grows over time, It IS only conceivable that more dwelling Units Will be bUilt throughout the city to accommodate newcomers The city cannot prevent such growth, but It does have the obligation to manage It and endeavor to mitigate potential negative Impacts of growth One key way In which commUnities across Oregon are required to manage growth IS to only allow new development within a city's UGB so as to protect rural land from urban encroachment Therefore, as the market demands more housing, new development is required to locate within the city limits as IS the case with the proposed development Contrary to neighbors' assertions, It IS not the City's desire to bUild on every piece of vacant land available at Will However, when the market determines that additional housing stock IS needed to meet demand, the City does want such new development to occur within the city limits This policy of channeling new development Into the city IS what IS known as 'smart growth' as opposed to 'sprawl' It has been thoroughly documented that smart growth bestows a mynad of economiC, environmental, and SOCial benefits upon commUnities For example, dense, compact development within a city preserves the open space, farmland, and forests outSide of the City, such as the large tracts of farmland to the north of the proposed development In addition, when areas are developed densely, there are more 'eyes on the street,' enabling more neighborhood Vigilance than would otherwise occur Dense development also reduces the per capita cost to bUild and maintain infrastructure and also Increases Case No SUB2008-00022 3 of 17 ~ - ~ the viability of public tranSIt systems, thereby reducing congestion on roadways and Improving air quality Furthermore, the smaller lots and attached housing common In compact development IS more affordable for those who wish to live In the city and benefit from urban services Impact on Infrastructure and Schools The final category of concern expressed by neighbors IS the Impact the proposed development Will have on schools, parks, and Infrastructure Unlike some of the aforementioned concerns, the City already has a system In place to ensure that there IS sufficient Infrastructure capacity to meet the demand of new development In fact, Criteria 3, 5 and 6, outlined on Pages 5-9, 11-12, and 12-13, respeclively, discuss the Impact of the proposed development on Infrastructure systems at length As mentioned under Criteria 3, 5, and 6, all applicable City departments, including Public Works and Fire and Life Safety, as well as Wlllamalane Parks & Recrealion District and the Springfield Ulility Board (SUB) review proposed developments In relation to the facllilies they manage In the event that suffiCient capacity does not eXist to serve a particular development, the developer IS required to make system upgrades As stated under Criteria 3, 5, and 6, all Interested parties have Indicated that as conditioned In the staff report, the proposed development meets all Infrastructure reqUirements of the development code Addllionally, It IS Important to note that all new residential dwellings bUilt In the city are assessed system development charges to help cover the cost of constructing and maintaining the City's transportation, sanitary sewer, and stormwater systems, as well as Willamalane's parks Therefore, when new homes are bUilt on the newly created lots, they Will be assessed such charges to contribute to the long-term cost they Impose on city Infrastructure As to the Impact of the proposed development on the school system, the addition of four dwellings to the city's housing stock Will be negligible and thus the school district does not weigh In on development review However, the aggregate Impact of new development In the city as a whole over lime IS something that IS taken Into consideration by the school district In fact, It IS a policy of Springfield School District #19 to "gather and analyze appropriate data to evaluate the District's facilities needs on a long-range basIs" SITE INFORMATION The subject property IS a 81 acre (35,376 square feet), rectangular-shaped lot on the north Side of High Banks Road between 55th Street and 55th Place and IS located inSide the City limits The property IS relatively flat, and SOils are mapped as Chapman Urban Land Complex Currently, the property contains a residence In the southeast corner of the lot, facing and taking access from High Banks Road, which IS proposed to remain The remainder of the site contains an un-productive filbert orchard that IS proposed to be removed The property IS zoned and designated Low Density Resldenlial, and land Immediately surrounding the property on all Sides IS zoned Low Density Residential LAND DIVISIONS - PARTITIONS AND SUBDIVISIONS - TENTATIVE PLAN CRITERIA SDC 512-125 states that an applicalion shall be approved or approved With conditions upon determination that the criteria listed In SDC 512-125 A through J have been satisfied and that If conditions cannot be attached to salisfy the approval criteria, the application shall be denied Crrterron 1 /SDC 5 12-125 A \ The request conforms to the proViSions of thIS Code pertammg to lot/parcel sIze and dimensions Fmdmg: SDC 32-215 states that on standard lots on east-west streets In all reSidential zOning diStriCtS, the minimum area shall be 4,500 sq ft, and the minimum street frontage shall be 45 ft Fmding SDC 3 2-215 states that on panhandle lots In all residential zOning diStriCtS, the minimum area In the pan portion shall be 4,500 sq ft, and the minimum street frontage shall be 20 ft for Single panhandles or 26 ft for mulliple panhandles With IndiVidual frontage based on the number of panhandles Case No 5UB2008-00022 4 of 17 - --- The applicant proposes to create five lots as follows Fmdmg. I Lot I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 Lot Type Standard Panhandle Panhandle Panhandle Standard Area 4,812 SQ ft 6,000 SQ ft 6,568 SQ ft 6,494 SQ ft 8,732 SQ ft Street Frontaqe 77ft 26 ft 26 ft 26 ft 72ft Street Name HIQh Banks Road HIQh Banks Road HIQh Banks Road HIQh Banks Road HIQh Banks Road Street Type East-West East-West East-West East-West East-West Fmdmg. This application meets the reqUirements of SDC 3 2-215 Conclusion. This application satisfies Criterion 1 (SDC 512-125 A) Criterion 2/SDC 5 12-125 B \ The zomng IS consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refmement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan Fmdmg' The subject property IS located within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and the City limits, the boundaries of which abut the property to the north Fmdmg The subject property IS zoned Low Density Residential and IS designated Low Density Residential by the Metro Plan diagram, and there IS no applicable refinement plan There are no applicable Plan District maps or Conceptual Development Plans for thiS property, and no change to the zoning designation or boundaries IS proposed Conclusion' ThiS application satisfies Criterion 2 (SDC 512-125 B) Criterion 3/SDC 5 12-125 C \ Capacity reqUirements of publiC and private facilities, mcludmg but not limited to water and electriCity, samtary sewer and storm water management facilities, and streets and traffiC safety controls shall not be exceeded and the publiC Improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise proVided for by thiS Code and other applicable regulatIOns The PubliC Works Director or a utility proVider shall determme capacity Issues Fmding The Development Review Committee (DRC), including representatives from the City's Development Services Department, Public Works Department, and Fire and Life Safety Department, as well as the Springfield Utility Board (SUB), Wlllamalane, and Lane Transit District (L TD) reViewed the application, and their comments have been Incorporated Into the findings and conditions below Fmdmg Criterion 3 contains two categories of development standards With sub-sections The application as submitted complies With any applicable sub-sections of the development standards unless otherwise noted With specific findings and conditions The development standards relating to Criterion 3 Include but are not limited to the Infrastructure standards discussed In SDC 4 1-100, 4 2- 100, and 4 3-100 42-100 Infrastructure Standards- Transportation 42-105 Public Streets 4 2-110 Private Streets 4 2-115 Block Length 42-120 Site Access and Driveways 4 2-125 Intersections 42-130 VIsion Clearance 42-135 Sidewalks Case No SUB2008-00022 43-100 Infrastructure Standards- Utilities 4 3-105 Sanitary Sewers 4 3-110 Stormwater Management 4 3-115 Water Quality Protection 4 3-120 Utility ProVider Coordination 43-125 Underground Placement of Utilities 43-130 Water Service and Fire Protection 43-135 Malor Electrical Power Transmission Lines 50117 e , 42-140 Street Trees 42-145 Street Lighting 42-150 Bikeways 4 2-155 Pedestnan Trails 42-160 Accessways 43-140 Public Easements 43-145 Wireless Telecommunications Systems FaCIlities PublIC Streets Finding Abutting the subject property to the south IS High Banks Road, a 44-foot asphalt-paved three- lane minor artenal street Within a 60-foot nght-of-way The street IS Improved to urban standards With curb, gutter, Sidewalk, and low sodium street lighting Average dally traffic along thiS section of High Banks Road IS estimated to be fewer than 6,900 vehicle tnps per day Fmdmg. Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Land Use Code 210 (Single Family Detached), full development of Lots 1-4 With Single family detached dwellings would generate 40 weekday vehicle tnps and 4 afternoon peak-hour vehicle tnps onto the surrounding street system In addition, assumed development may generate pedestnan and bicycle tnps According to the LCOG household survey from 1994, 126% of household tnps are made by bicycle or walking and 1 8% are made via public transit These tnps may have their onglns o'r destinations at a vanety of land uses, Including the subject property Pedestnan and bicycle tnps create the need for Sidewalks, pedestnan crossing Signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking, and bicycle lanes Fmdmg' The Public Works Department has determined that the proposed land diVISion Will not have Significant traffic Impacts on the abutting street system Street Trees Fmding' Street trees are a required public Improvement, and as such, must be completed pnor to development approval as per SDC 512-145 C Fmdmg' SDC 4 2-140 A states that new street trees shall be at least two Inches In caliper and shall be selected from the City Street Tree List and Installed as speCified In the City's Englneenng DeSign Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM) Fmding' The applicant has proposed installing SIX street trees In the High Banks nght-of-way fronting Lots 1 and 5, approximately two feet behind the eXisting Sidewalk However, EDSPM 6 02 2 states that street trees are not recommended In planter stnps less than four feet Wide because when street trees are planted closer to Sidewalks, Significant Sidewalk damage IS likely to occur The EDSPM states that when planter stnps are less than four feet Wide, trees shall be planted behind the Sidewalks In adjacent yards Specifically, where curbSide Sidewalks eXist, street trees shall be planted at least five feet behind the Sidewalk but not more than ten feet behind the Sidewalk Fmdmg The applicant has not proposed the type of street tree to be planted but has stated that the trees Will be selected from the List of Acceptable Street Trees for planter stnps With overhead power lines as speCified In the EDSPM The applicant has proposed selecting the speCifiC type of street trees dunng the bUilding permit process However, given that Lot 5 IS already developed, the street trees along the frontage of Lot 5 must be Installed pnor to Plat approval In addition, given the extensive site work to Install the utilities, panhandle dnveway, and rain garden to serve Lots 1 through 4 that must take place pnor to plat approval, It makes more sense to Install the street trees along the frontage of Lot 1 pnor to plat approval, as well CondItIon 1. Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall plant SIX street trees of at least two Inches In caliper along the High Banks frontage of Lots 1 and 5 The street trees shall be selected from the List of Acceptable Street Trees for planter stnps With overhead power lines as listed In the EDSPM, and the new street trees shall be Installed as speCified In the EDSPM SpeCifically, street trees shall be planted at least five feet behind the curbSide Sidewalk but not more than ten feet behind the Sidewalk as Case No SUB200B-00022 60117 , speCified In EDSPM 6 02 2 All tree nursery tags IdentifYing the type of street tree shall remain on the street trees unlll plat approval Fmdmg. As conditioned above, this application meeets the requirements fo SDC 4 2-140 San/tarv Sewers Fmding SDC 4 3-105 A states that sanitary sewers shall be Installed to serve each new development within the city limits and to connect developments to eXisting mains Fmdmg' The applicallon Indicates that the eXlsllng residence on the subject property IS currently served by a sewer lateral from the 12-lnch sanitary sewer main In the public utility easement (PUE) along the High Banks frontage of the property, and the applicant has proposed continUing to serve Lot 5 via this sewer lateral The applicant has proposed serving Lots 1 through 4 with individual sanitary sewer laterals from the above-mentioned sanitary sewer main as depicted on the Tentative Plan Findmg The Public Works Department has detennlned that the public sanitary sewer system has adequate capacity to accept the anticipated flow from the proposed development ConditIOn 2. Prior to plat approval, Lots 1 through 4 shall be serviced with private sanitary sewer laterals from the 12-lnch sanitary sewer main In the PUE along the High Banks frontage of the subject property as depicted on the Tentative Plan NOTE Plumbing permits are required to Install these private sanitary sewer laterals Fmdmg. EXisting facllilles, the above condition, and Condition 15 below, are adequate to meet the reqUirements of SDC 4 3-105 A Storm water Manaaement Findmg' SDC 43-110 B states that development approval shall only be granted where the Public Works Director has determined that adequate public andlor private stormwater management systems provIsions, consistent with the EDSPM, have been made Fmdmg SDC 43-110 D states that run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge Findmg' SDC 4 3-110 E states that new developments are required to employ drainage management practices that minimize the amount and rate of surface run-off Into receiving streams and that promote water quality Fmdmg. The application Indicates that the eXlsllng residence on the subject property currently discharges roof run-off to the street system south of the property via weepholes, and the applicant has proposed conllnUlng to serve Lot 5 In this manner The applicant has proposed discharging roof run-off from Lots 1 through 4 on-site via splash blocks However, splash blocks are not an approved storm water management system for new construction Condition 3 Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan set for the proposed land divIsion to reflect an approved stormwater management system for roof run-off for Lots 1 through 4 In addition, future development on Lots 1-4 shall direct the rooftop run-off to an approved discharge location on-site, such as a rain garden or flow-through planter Findmg The applicant has proposed managing stormwater run-off from the new driveway via a conveyance swale to a rain garden In the PUE along the frontage of Lot 1 with overflow conveyed to the public stormwater system In the right-of-way south of the subject property Condition 4' Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall Install the rain garden as proposed on the Tentative Plan Case No SUB2008-00022 70117 , Finding. The vegetation proposed for use In the rain gardens will serve as the pnmary pollutant removal mechanism for the stormwater run-off from the subject property and Will remove suspended solids and pollutants through the processes of sedimentation and filtration Satisfactory pollutant removal Will occur only when vegetation has been fully established CondItIon 5. Pnor to plat approval, the proposed rain gardens shall be fully vegetated With all plant species established to ensure a fully functioning water quality system Alternatively, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional Intenm erosion control I water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that Will suffice until such time as the rain gardens become fully established Finding The applicant has proposed locating a pnvate catch basin With a two-foot sump and a hydrocarbon separator In the PUE as an overflow device for the proposed rain garden However, no permanent structures are allowed In PUEs CondItIon 6: Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan set for the proposed land diVISion to show the proposed catch basin outside of the PUE Alternatively, the applicant may obtain approval from the affected utilities for the placement of the pnvate catch basin Within the PUE Finding. All stormwater run-off from Impervious surfaces on the subject property Will be managed on- site and will re-charge the aqUifer In the VICInity of the site Any overflow from on-site management systems Will be directed to the public stormwater system, which the Public Works Department has determined has adequate capacity to handle Finding. EXisting faCIlities, the above conditions, and Condition 15 below are adequate to meet the reqUirements of SDC 4 3-110 UtllltV ProVIder Coordination & Underaround Placement of UtIlIties Finding. SDC 43-120 states that all utility providers shall be responsible for coordinating utility Installations With the City and the developer through the Development Review Committee or by separate wntten correspondence and that the developer shall be responsible for the design, installation, and cost of utility lines and faCIlities to the satisfaction of the utility provider Finding. SDC 4 3-125 states that wherever possible, all utility lines shall be placed underground Finding' The application Indicates that the eXisting reSidence on the subject property IS currently served by SUB Electnc via overhead lines from Pole # 90055, as well as other utilities via overhead service lines from the overhead transmission lines In the nght-of-way south of the property The applicant has proposed relocating Pole #90055, as well as the overhead power service from that pole, because It conflicts With the proposed dnveway In addition, the applicant has proposed maintaining the other overhead utility lines serving the property However, all utility lines to serve the site must be placed underground In conformance With SDC 4 3-125 Finding The applicant's narrative states that Lots 1 through 4 Will be served With underground utilities However, the utility plan submitted With the application does not show the location of such utility service lines In addition, the trench detail for the utility plan only shows utility lines to serve one lot Finding. SUB Electnc adVises that Pole #90055 IS a dlstnbutlon pole With a high-voltage pnmary overhead line and an underground tap that feeds a transformer on 55th Place south of the subject property The overhead pnmary line serves hundreds of SUB customers, and thus the pole would have to be moved 'hot', or energized, which IS very costly and dangerous In addition, the underground feed and nser on the pole would also need to be moved The underground feed may be burned directly and not In a condUit, which would result In needing to cut High Banks road, something the City has already stated that the applicant may not do for any work associated With the proposed land diVISion Case No SUB2008-00022 80117 - - Condition 7 Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall coordinate the provIsion of power service to the subdivIsion with SUB and the City In addition, prior to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan on file for this development to show the actual proposed location for all utility service lines to the site Finally, prior to plat approval, the applicant shall provide, at a minimUm, power service to Lots 1 through 4, and all utility lines to serve the site shall be underground, including service lines to the eXisting dwelling Unit Fmdmg' As conditioned above, thiS appllcallon meets the requirements of SDC 4 3-120 and 4 3-125 Water Service and Fire Protection Finding SDC 4 3-130 states that each development area shall be provided with a water system haVing suffiCiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish an adequate water supply to the development and that fire hydrants and mains shall be Installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshall and the utility provider Fmdmg The appllcallon Indicates that the eXisting residence on the subject property currently receives SUB Water service via a lateral from the 12-lnch water main located In the right-of-way south of the subject property, and the applicant proposes continuing to serve Lot 5 via thiS lateral The applicant has proposed serving Lots 1 through 4 with IndiVidual water laterals from the above- mentioned water main However, the utility plan submitted with thiS application does not indicate where such laterals Will connect to the water main Fmdmg SUB Water adVises that the applicant has already applied for an encroachment permit to cut High Banks Road to connect to SUB's water system However, the City has denied thiS permit, and thus the applicant must propose an alternallve for providing water service to the site SUB has indicated that the water main IS located outside of the right-of-way approximately 175 feet west of the subject property Condition 8. Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall coordinate the provIsion of water service to the subdivISion with SUB and the City In addition, prior to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan on file for thiS development to show the actual proposed location for water lines to the site Finally, prior to plat approval, Lots 1 through 4 shall be served with private water laterals and water meters located as per SUB Water standards NOTE Plumbing permits are required to Install these private water laterals Findmg EXisting facIlities, as well as the above condition, are adequate to meet the requirements of SDC 4 3-130 Conclusion' ThiS application satisfies Criterion 3 (SDC 512-125 C) as conditioned herein Criterion 41SDC 5 12-125 D \ The proposed land diVIsIon shall comply wIth all applicable public and pnvate deSIgn and constructIon standards contamed m thIS Code and other applicable regulations Fmding Criterion 4 contains four categories of development standards and reqUirements As such, the application must comply with the development standards of SDC Chapter 4 not addressed by Criterion 3, as well as the development standards for the applicable zOning district not addressed by Criterion 1 In addlllon, the application must comply with the reqUirements of any applicable overlay district and/or refinement plan The application as submitted complies with the applicable development standards and requirements unless otherwise noted with speCific findings and conditions The development standards and requirements relating to Criterion 4 Include but are not limited to the follOWing Case No SUB2008-00022 90117 - Chapter 4 - Development Standards 44-100 Landscaping, Screening, & Fence Standards 45-100 On-Site Lighting Standards 46-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading, & Bicycle Parking Standards 47-100 Specific Development Standards for Certain Uses 48-100 Temporary Uses Applicable Overlay Dlstnct 3 3-400 Floodplain LandscaDma. Screenma & Fence Standards - 3 2-200 Residential Zonmg Dlstncts 32-215 Base Zone Development Standards 3 2-220 Additional Panhandle Lot/Parcel Development Standards 3 2-225 Base Solar Development Standards 3 2-230 Cluster SubdivIsions 3 2-235 Residential Manufactured Dwellings 3 2-240 Multi-Unit Design Standards Applicable Refmement Plan No refinement plans apply to the subject property Fmdmg' SDC 512-130 states that to mitigate Identified negative Impacts to surrounding properties, the Director shall Impose approval conditions that shall be satisfied pnor to plat approval As such, 5 12-130 B states that a condition of approval may require the Installation of a slght-obscunng fence andlor vegetative screen wherever a party of record or the Director Identifies a land use conflict In addition, 512-130 N states that where there IS a land divIsion with a panhandle parcel, If a noticed party requests screening, a solid screen shall be provided along the property line of the abutting property and the proposed panhandle dnveway Fmdmg' A six-foot sight obscunng wood fence running north/south currently eXists on the nelghbonng property to the east and thus additional screening of the proposed development IS not reqUired along the east property line Findmg' The letter discussed above under Comments Received (Page 2 of thiS decIsion) Identifies negative Impacts to the property owner to the west of the subject property from the proposed development, and so the follOWing condition has been Imposed In conformance with SDC 5 12-130 B and 5 12-130 N CondItIon 9. Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall Install a slght-obscunng vegetative screen or wood fence along the west property line Such a vegetative screen or wood fe~ce shall conform to the development standards outlined In SDC 4 4-110 and 4 4-115 Fmdmg While not Identified on the plan set, the applicant has verbally stated that he IS planning on fencing the property lines of Lot 5, and so the follOWing condition has been Imposed to ensure compliance of any fence Installation associated with thiS development with the SDC CondItIon 10. All fences Installed In association with thiS development shall comply with the development standards of SDC 4 4-110 and 4 4-115 Fmding' EXisting conditions, as well as the above conditions are adequate to meet the reqUirements of SDC 4 4-100 VehIcle Parkina. Loadina. & Blcvcle Parkma Standards Fmdmg' SDC 4 6-125 states that a minimum of two off-street parking spaces are reqUired for slngle- family dwellings Fmdmg The application Indicates that the eXisting reSidence on the subject property IS currently served by an attached garage andlor concrete dnveway and that these faCIlities Will continue to serve Lot 5 The applicant has not proposed any vehicle parking to serve Lots 1 through 4 Case No SUB2008-00022 100117 , ~ Condition 11 Pnor to occupancy of any new dwelling unrts on Lots 1 through 4, vehicle parking shall be provided In accordance With SDC 4 6-125 Finding EXisting facilities, as well as the above condition, are adequate to meet the requirements of SDC 4 6-125 Base Solar DeveloDment Standards Finding' SDC 3 2-225 states that all bUildings In the LDR zOning dlstnct shall protect the solar access of nelghbonng resldentlallotslparcels Finding. Planning staff have determined that, given the proposed configuration of the lots and depending on the onentatlon of future dwelling Units on those lots, solar setback reqUirements may prevent the construction of two-story homes on Lots 1 and 2 l Condition 12. Future development on Lots 1 through 4 shall abide by the base solar development standards as per SDC 3 2-225 Finding. As conditioned above, thiS application meets the reqUirements of SDC 3 2-225 Conclusion' ThiS application satisfies Cntenon 4 (SDC 512-125 D) as conditioned herein Criterion 51SDC 512-125 E \ PhYSical features, mcludmg, but not limited to steep slopes with unstable SOil or geologiC conditions, areas With susceptibility of floodmg, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and thew associated npanan areas, wetlands, rock outcroppmgs, open spaces, and areas of h/stonc and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified m SectIOn 33-900 or ORS 97 740- 760, 358 905-955 and 390 235-240, shall be protected as speCIfied m thiS Code or m State or Federal law Finding The Metro Plan and any applicable refinement plans, Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map, State Designated Wetlands Map, Hydnc SOils Map, Natural Resources Map, Wellhead Protection Zone Map, FEMA Maps, Wlllamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, and the list of Hlstonc Landmark sites have been consulted, and there are no features needing to be protected or preserved on the subject property Finding If any hlstonc or archaeological artifacts are discovered dunng construction, ORS 97740- 760, 358 905-955, and ORS 390 235-240 may apply If any human remains are discovered dunng construction, It IS a Class C felony to proceed under ORS 97 745 Conclusion' ThiS application satisfies Cntenon 5 (SDC 512-125 E) Criterion 6 ISDC 5 12-125 F \ Parkmg areas and mgress-egress pomts have been designed to facilitate vehicular traffiC, bicycle and pedestnan safety to avoid congestIOn, proVide connectivity wlthm the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commelC/al, mdustnal and public areas, minimiZe dnveways on arlenal and collector streets as specified m thiS Code or other applicable regulations and comply With the ODOT access management standards for State highways Finding' The DRC, Including representatives from the City's Public Works Department, reviewed the application, and their comments have been Incorporated Into the findings and conditions below Finding Installation of dnveways on a street Increases the number of traffic conflict pOints The greater number of conflict pOints Increases the probability of traffic crashes Therefore, SDC 4 2-120 A 1 states that all developed parcels shall have an approved access to a publiC street or alley along the frontage of the property, a pnvate street that connects to the public street system, or a public street by an Irrevocable JOint uselaccess easement serving the subject property Case No SUB2008-00022 11 of 17 , Fmdmg' SOC 4 2-120 C states that dnveways shall be designed to allow safe and effiCient vehicular Ingress and egress as specified In Tables 4 2-2 through 4 2-5, the City's EOSPM, and the Public Works Standard Construction Specifications SOC 3 2-220 A 5 states that the paving standards for multiple panhandle dnveways IS 18 feet wide from the front property line to the pan of the last parcel and that this standard takes precedence over the dnveway width standards In SOC Table 4 2-2 Fmdmg. Spnngfield Fire Code (SFC) 503 2 1 states that fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobsructed width of not less than 20 feet and vertical clearance of not less than thirteen feet, SIX Inches Fmdmg. SFC 5033 and 01036 state that the fire code official may require permanent "No Parking- Fire Lane" signs complYing with SFC standards on fire apparatus access roads to Identify such roads or prohibit the obstruction thereof Fmdmg SFC 503 2 3 and SFC 0102 1 state that fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the Imposed loads of fire apparatus weighing at least 80,000 Ibs and shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or other approved surface to provide all-weather dnvlng capability Fmdmg. The application Indicates that access to the eXisting dwelling unrt on the subject property is via a 17-foot Wide concrete dnveway onto High Banks Road near the east property line, and the applicant has proposed keeping this access for Lot 5 Fmdmg. The application Indicates that there IS also an eXisting 18-foot Wide curb cut to the subject property near the west property line The narrative and three of the four sheets of the plan set submitted with this application Indicate that this curb cut IS proposed to remain to serve Lot 1 However, the stormwater plan sheet suggests that this curb cut Will be decomlssloned to enable Installation of a rain garden along the frontage of Lot 1 A phone conversation with the applicant's representative on May 23, 2008 confirmed that the applicant Indeed proposes removing the eXisting western curb cut to the property Condition 13 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall remove the eXisting western curb cut to the subject property, as well as restonng the curb and Sidewalk along that portion of the property's High Banks frontage Fmdmg The applicant has proposed a 20-foot Wide, pervious-paved dnveway within a 26-foot Wide easement to serve Lots 1 through 4 Condition 14 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall Install a dnveway to serve Lots 1 through 4 This dnveway shall provide 20 feet of clear Width and thirteen feet, SIX Inches of clear height The dnveway shall be paved with pervious pavement 18 feet Wide from the edge of pavement of High Banks Road to the pan of Lot 3 as depicted on the Tentative Plan The dnveway shall be designed and Installed to support an 80,000 Ib load and shall have "No Parking-Fire Lane" slgnage In compliance with the standards of SFC 503 3 and 0103 6 Pnor to construction, the applicant shall submit a public and pnvate utility plan showing all utilities and easements Findmg. The applicant has proposed a 26-foot Wide easement In the center of the subject property, which Will cover the proposed dnveway and utilities to serve Lots 1 through 4 Condition 15. Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document on the Plat a 26-foot Wide Irrevocable JOint use, access, utility, and maintenance easement to benefit Lots 1 through 4 Fmdmg. EXisting facilities and the above conditions are suffiCient to meet the requirements of SOC 42-120 A 1 ,SOC 4 2-120 C , and SOC 3 2-220 Fmdmg. SOC 4 2-130 A states that all lots shall maintain a vIsion clearance area at each access to a public street Case No SUB2008-00022 120117 ~ - Fmdmg SDC 4 2-130 B states that no screen or other physical obstruction IS permitted between two and a half feet and eight feet above the established height of the curb In the triangular area SDC 4 2- 130 C states that the triangular area for driveways IS ten feet along each property line Condition 16' VIsion clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC 4 2-130 Fmdmg. As conditioned above, this application meets the requirements of SDC 4 2-130 Conclusion' This application satisfies Criterion 6 (SDC 512-125 F) as conditioned herein Criterion 7 ISDC 512-125 G \ Development of any remamder of the property under the same ownershIp can be accomplIshed as speCIfied m this Code Fmdmg. No property under the same ownership remains Therefore, Criterion 7 IS not applicable Conclusion' This application satisfies Criterion 7 (SDC 5 12-125 G) Criterion 8 ISDC 5 12-125 H \ Adjacent land can be developed or IS provIded access that will allow ItS development as specified m this Code Fmdmg Adjacent land IS currently developed with resldenllal dwellings and has access 10 public streets by way of direct frontage Conclusion. This application satisfies Criterion 8 (SDC 512-125 H) Criterion 9 ISDC 5 12-1251 \ Where the Partition of property that IS outsIde of the city limits but wlthm the City's urbamzable area and no concurrent annexation application IS submItted, the standards specified m SDC 512-1251 1 and 2 shall also apply Fmdmg The subject property IS located Inside the city limits Therefore, Criterion 9 IS not applicable Conclusion. This applicallon satisfies Criterion 9 (SDC 5 12-1251 ) Criterion 10 ISDC 5 12-125 J \ Where the SubdivIsion of a manufactured dwellmg park or mobile home park IS proposed, the approval cntena m SDC 512-125 J 1 through 7 apply Fmding' The application does not propose the subdivISion of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park Therefore, Criterion 10 IS not applicable Conclusion This application satisfies Criterion 10 (SDC 512-125 J) SUMMARY OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL NOTE ThIs summary of the conditIOns of approval IS provIded as a courtesy to the applicant The applIcant should, however, carefully read the decIsion m ItS entirety to understand the basIs for each conditIOn In additIOn, as stated earlier, the applicant must comply With the entire decIsion, and the plat, as well as the mstallatlon of publiC and pnvate Improvements, must conform to the approved tentatIVe plan or as condItioned herem 1 Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall plant SIX street trees of at least two Inches In caliper along the High Banks frontage of Lots 1 and 5 The street trees shall be selected from the List Case No SUB2008-00022 13 of 17 ~ , of Acceptable Street Trees for planter stnps with overhead power lines as listed In the EDSPM, and the new street trees shall be Installed as specified In the EDSPM Specifically, street trees shall be planted at least five feet behind the curbside sidewalk but not more than ten feet behind the sidewalk as specified In EDSPM 6 02 2 All tree nursery tags IdentifYing the type of street tree shall remain on the street trees until plat approval 2 Pnor to plat approval, Lots 1 through 4 shall be serviced with pnvate sanitary sewer laterals from the 12-lnch sanitary sewer main In the PUE along the High Banks frontage of the subject property as depicted on the Tentative Plan NOTE Plumbing permits are required to Install these pnvate sanitary sewer laterals 3 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan set for the proposed land divIsion to reflect an approved stormwater management system for roof run-off for Lots 1 through 4 In addition, future development on Lots 1-4 shall direct the rooftop run-off to an approved discharge locallon on-site, such as a rain garden or flow-through planter 4 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall Install the rain garden as proposed on the Tentative Plan 5 Pnor to plat approval, the proposed rain gardens shall be fully vegetated with all plant species established to ensure a fully functioning water quality system Alternatively, the applicant shall provide and maintain addlllonal Intenrn erosion control I water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the rain gardens become fully established 6 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan set for the proposed land divIsion to show the proposed catch basin outside of the PUE Alternatively, the applicant may obtain approval from the affected ulllitles for the placement of the pnvate catch basin within the PUE 7 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall coordinate the provIsion of power service to the subdivIsion with SUB and the City In addition, pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall update the ulllity plan on file for this development to show the actual proposed location for all utility service lines to the site Finally, pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall provide, at a minimUm, power s~rvlce to Lots 1 through 4, and all utility lines to serve the site shall be underground, including service lines to the eXisting dwelling Unit 8 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall coordinate the provIsion of water service to the subdivIsion with SUB and the City In addition, pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall update the utility plan on file for this development to show the actual proposed locallon for water lines to the site Finally, pnor to plat approval, Lots 1 through 4 shall be served with pnvate water laterals and water meters located as per SUB Water standards NOTE Plumbing permits are required to Install these pnvate water laterals 9 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall Install a slght-obscunng vegetative screen or wood fence along the west property line Such a vegetative screen or wood fence shall conform to the development standards outlined In SDC 4 4-110 and 4 4-115 10 All fences Installed In association with this development shall comply with the development standards of SDC 4 4-110 and 4 4-115 11 Pnor to occupancy of any new dwelling Units on Lots 1 through 4, vehicle parking shall be provided In accordance with SDC 4 6-125 Case No SUB200B-00022 140117 - '-- 12 Future development on Lots 1 through 4 shall abide by the base solar development standards as per SDC 3 2-225 13 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall remove the eXisting western curb cut to the subject property, as well as restonng the curb and sidewalk along that portion of the property's High Banks frontage 14 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall Install a dnveway to serve Lots 1 through 4 ThiS dnveway shall prOVide 20 feet of clear width and thirteen feet, SIX Inches of clear height The dnveway shall be paved With pervious pavement 18 feet wide from the edge of pavement of High Banks Road to the pan of Lot 3 as depicted on the Tentative Plan The dnveway shall be designed and Installed to support an 80,000 Ib load and shall have "No Parking-Fire Lane" slgnage In compliance With the standards of SFC 503 3 and D103 6 Pnor to construction, the applicant shall submit a public and pnvate utility plan shOWing all utilities and easements 15 Pnor to plat approval, the applicant shall record and document on the Plat a 26-foot wide Irrevocable JOint use, access, utility, and maintenance easement to benefit Lots 1 through 4 16 VIsion clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC 42- 130 CONCLUSION The application, as submitted and conditioned herein, complies With the ten cntena listed In SDC 5 12- 125 A through J The tentative plan approved as submitted and conditioned herein may not be substantively changed dunng the platting process Without an approved modlflcalion application In accordance With SDC 5 12-145 WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? SDC 5 12-140 A states that for subdivIsions, a plat pre-submittal meeting shall be held Within two years of the tentative plan approval Therefore, the applicant has up to two years from the date of thiS decIsion to meet SDC standards and the conditions of approval contained herein and to submit a plat applicalion for pre-submittal SDC 512-140 A also states that the applicant shall submit the mylars and application fee Within 180 days of the pre-submittal meeting If, however, the applicant has not submitted the plat application Within these tlmeframes, the tentative plan approval shall become null and VOId and re-submlttal IS required Please refer to the plat application packet available at the Development Services Department, as well as 512-135 through 512-150, for more detailed Information on the platting process Please note that the plat, as well as the installation of publiC and private Improvements, must conform to the approved tentatIVe plan or as conditioned herein In addition, please note that no indiVidual parcels may be transferred and no bUilding permits will be Issued unl1l the plat has been recorded at Lane County and the applicant has submitted five (5) recorded, rolled paper copies of the plat and three (3) copies of reqUired documents to the Development Services Department ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The application, all documents, and supporting eVidence are available for free Inspection (copies are available for a fee) at the Development Services Department APPEAL ThiS deCISion IS conSidered a Director's Type II deCISion and as such, may be appealed to the Planning Commission SDC 5 3-115 states that only the property owner, applicant, If different, and those persons who submitted wntten comments Within the 14-day comment penod have standing to appeal thiS deCISion SDC 53-115 also states that an appeal applicalion In accordance With 53-100 Case No 5UB200B-00022 150117 e - shall be filed with the Development Services Department within 15 calendar days of the Director's decIsion (the date of this decIsion) In accordance with this policy and the Oregon Rules of CIvil Procedures, Rule 10(c), the appeal penod for this decIsion expires at 5 OOpm on July 11,2008 QUESTIONS Please call Molly Markanan In the Development Services Department Planning DIvIsion at 726-4611 or emali her at mmarkanan@cl spnngfleld or us If you have any questions PREPARED BY Molly Markanan Planner II Urban Planning Section Case No SUB200B-00022 160117 APPENDIX A I :?- Q ~ ltft~ 0" ,. 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Phyliss & Gene Hlghflll 5520 Hlghbanks Road Springf~eld, OR 97478 .~..""" ~ ~ ,~R ___._ Pamela Hartman 5547 Highbanks Road Springfield, OR 97478 , '. L.. ~..~, ,.L CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ar~ I I I I j I . ... ~. ..... ,SJ ..., . ...-_ U _II.. .............." .........._1.."'_-..-..,".........,....-. ,.....l.._ Bill WElch 5500 Highbanks Road Springfield, OR 97478 ,.. . ". " . ............................. _"',i......"....""-...,............._.,...,...."'...,-...I.__...~ , , I ,J ; ] .. .- -I.. I.. .."......"..;.'...IJ_'....,'"" J ~"-'''_. . .. .L. .... ...." .'.. . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Bill Dwyer Eureka Development 5558 Thurston Road Springfield, OR 97478 -......- ".., ,"'L,-"~"""'..."",,,,,,~" _""" ..........,i'"......-IlI.."".,_.. '...,1. "J ~I;o.l'. ...... ...:.."" ,.,., ~ J CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 " .....~.._."......... . . ...-... -....-. ...~.... Tom Poage Poage Engineering & Surveying 990 Obie Street Eugene, OR 97402