HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/21/2008 . I t~lill:I~li 11~1I1m~~;11111 o ,112296200;0J41121003J038 07/15/200811:26:24 AM RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=15 CASHIER 06 $15 00 $11 00 $10 00 lM~.o~ml $36.00 After recordmg, return to/taxes to Steven S Reaves 1495 Harbor Dr Spnngfield, OR 97477 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT/QUITCLAIM DEED LANE COUNTY, a pohllcal subdivIsIon of the State of Oregon, pursuant to Order No 07-10-31-3 of the Board of County CommissIoners of Lane County, releases and qUItclaIms to Steven S. Reaves all ItS nght, lltle and mterest m that reall"vl'~';f Situated In Lane Cou~ty, State of Oregon, descnbed as See Attached Exhibit "A" BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300, 195301 AND 195305 TO 195336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA nONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON A,CQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LA WFULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92010 OR 215010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300, 195301 AND 195305 TO 195336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007 " The true and actual consideration for thIS transfer IS $4,50000 ThiS conveyance IS for the purpose of adJustmg the property hne between property owned by Lane County pursuant to deeds recorded on Reel 125], ReceptIOn No 8322798 and Reel 1432, ReceptIOn No 8648674, Lane County Deed Records and further Identified as Assessor's Map No ] 8-03-02-32, tax lots 700 and 70 I and Property owned by Steven S Reaves pursuant to a deed recorded on Reel 2248, ReceptIOn No 9685155 and further IdentIfied as Assessor's Map No 18-03-02-32 tax lot 500 FollOWing thIS property hne adjustment, the new adjusted I"VI'~,'j line between Tax Lots 701 and 500 IS the underhned portIOn of the new legal descnptlons attached as Exhibits A and B See Attached Exhibit "B" for Adjusted Tax Lot DescriptIOns Lot Lme AdJustmenl Lane County/Reaves Date ReceIved' ~/1d Planner MM I / I SIgnature Page, Lane County to Steven S. Reaves , ! GRANTOR STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) , LANEhOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ---n ~1- J;t;J COUNTY OF LANE ~ I ~/1 ./ , ~ /7'---- On JV 1) . 2008 personally appeared ~f; '~I~m'--/ ~A".J'A1.Y 9- &LL J)w<;~_ . County COlmmsslonen; for Lane County, and acknowledged the foregomg mstrument 10 be thelT voluntary act Before me ., OFl'1CIALSEAL MELISSA A ZIMMER NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO 404527 IS'( COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 8, 2010 GRANTEE S::tE=S ~.~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) COUNTY OF LANE n\JllA~" e.2/ Notafy PublIc for Oregon ' ( '\ My COlmmsslOn Exprres -.CJW ~iD / I APPROVED AS TO FORM D.'.L 7-o.tf tonoeounty, ~~~ OfFICE Of LEGAL COUNSEL'- On :5"" ( " I . 2008 the above named Steven S Reaves pen;onally appeared before me and acknowledged the foregomg mstrument to be hIS voluntary act Before me I. OFFICIAL SEAL' DALLAS SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON J COMMISSION NO 410032 \ IGI COMMISSION EX1'IRES SEPT 18.2010 " Lot Lme Adjustment Lane CountylReaves $L/~ Notary PublIc for Oregon MYConllmSSlOnExP~s S"~pr IR,. PolO 1}V1! Z-i-T()(. , I Date Received ~' , Planner MM . I I EXHIBIT "A" A portion of Lot 5, Block 2, Filbert Grove, as platted and recorded In Book 49, Page 15, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly descnbed as follows Beginning at the Initial POint of said Plat being a found 2 Inch Iron Pipe, thence running South 00' 29' 15" West, 451 95 feet along the east boundary of said Plat, thence North 67' 46' 10" West, 67 00 feet to the True POint of Beginning for this descnptlon being a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe.. thence North 79' 11' 09" West. 11625 feet to the east boundarv of Harbor Dnve. thence along said boundary North 9' 00' 00" East, 5334 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence leaving said boundary South 54' 51' 31" East, 12943 feet to the True POint of Beginning EXHIBIT "B" ADJUSTED TAX LOT 701 A portion of Lot 5, Block 2, Filbert Grove, as platted and recorded In Book 49, Page 15, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly descnbed as follows Beginning at the Inllial POint of said Plat being a found 2 Inch Iron Pipe, thence running South 00' 29' 15" West, 451 95 feet along the east boundary of said Plat, to the True POint of Beginning for thiS descnptlon, thence North 67' 46' 10" West, 67 00 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence North 79' 11' 09" West. 116 25 feet to the east boundarv of Harbor Dnve. thence along said boundary South 09' 00' 00" West, 3466 feet to a pOint, thence along a honzontal curve left having a radiUS of 167 57 feet and a chord of South 04' 13' 30" East, 7667 feet, for a distance of 77 36 feet, thence leaVing said boundary South 33' 51' 11" East, 264 97 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence North 05' 42' 46" East, 285 00 feet along the east line of Lot 5, Block 2, Filbert Grove to the True POint of Beginning ADJUSTED TAX LOT 500 All of Lot 4 and a portion of Lot 5, Block 2, Filbert Grove, as platted and recorded In Book 49, Page 15, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon, more particularly descnbed as follows Beginning at the Initial POint of said Plat being a found 2 Inch Iron Pipe, thence running South 00' 29' 15" West, 451 95 feet along the east boundary of said Plat, thence North 67' 46' 10" West, 67 00 feet to the True POint of Beginning for thiS descnptlon being a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence North 79' 11' 09" West. 116 25 feet to the east boundarv of Harbor Dnve. thence along said boundary North 09' 00' 00" East, 53 34 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence North 09' 00' 53" East, 73 02 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence along a honzontal curve nght haVing a radiUS of 15 91 feet and a chord of North 53' 13' 09" East, 22 19 feet, for a distance of 24 56 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence along a honzontal curve left haVing a radiUS of 45 00 feet and a chord of North 87' 46' 09" East, 14 54 feet, for a distance of 14 60 feet to a found 1 Inch Iron Pipe, thence leaVing said boundary South 21' 09' 14" East, 17207 feet to the True POint of Beginning NOTE It IS the Intent of thiS action that tax lot 700 IS to be eliminated Date Received Planner MM 7 ('V( /2r<SDf