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Planner MM ( 11-
Proposed Property LlDe Adjustment- Lane Countyf Steven Reaves
Case No. SOO2008-00025
Staff Report and NotIce of DecIsIon
Michael Jackson
Lane County Surveyor's Office
125 E 8th Street
Eugene, OR 97401
SnbJect PropertIes (Map No and
Tax Lot)
18-03-02-32 Tax Lots 500,
700, 701
Low Density Residential
I. ExecutIve Summary
F ~ure 1.
ApplIcant's RepresentatIve
Jeff Turk
Lane County Property Management
125 E 8th Street
Eugene, OR 97401
Parcel SIZe Before and After Adjustment
Current TL 500= 7419 I sq ft After 10,518 sq ft
TL 700= 1161 9 sq ft After 0
TL 701= 37,037 sq ft After 35,100 sq ft
Date Received 6f3f2008
Date Accepted as Complete 6f312008
Date of the Director's DeCISIOn 6/17/2008
Tax Lot 500
/' "
~ Tax Lot 701
Lane County/ Steven Reaves Property Lme Adjustment
Case No SUB2008-00025
June 17, 2008
Date Received
Planner MM
, t,~1
Figure I above Identifies the subject lots affected by tlus property Ime adjustment
applicant proposes to use the property lme adjustment process to
I) Elimmate the property lme between TL 500 and TL 700, thereby addmg the area
wltlun TL 700 to TL 500
2) Adjust the property lme between TL 701 and the new enlarged TL 500, addmg a small
amount of acreage to 500
Whtle unusual, usmg the lot Ime adjustment procedure to elimmate a property lme, and m
effect, merge two lots IS Witlun accepted professIOnal survey practice and IS specifically
allowed under ORS 92 010 (12) ThiS was confirmed by the City Surveyor m a
conversatIOn and bye-mail on June 10, 2008
Based on a review of the proposed property Ime adjustment usmg the approval cntena for
found m SectIOn 516-125 of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC), staff finds that
the proposal IS m compliance With applicable standards The application IS approved.
II. Procedural Requirements
Property lme adjustments are a "Type I (Mmlstenal)" process SectIOn 5 1-125 of the
SDC states that Type I declSlons may be made by the Director "Without public notice and
Without public heanng" Type I applicatIOns are to be reviewed for completeness and for
conformance With the applicable cntena for approval of the proposal stated m the
Development Code Based on the Director's reView, a decIsIOn IS Issued, wluch IS the
final decIsIOn of the City
Staff has reviewed the applicant's submittal for completeness requrrements found m
SectIOn 5 16-120 of the SDC Staff found the applicant's submiSSIOn complete on June
III. CnterIa for Approval
SectIOn 5 16-125 of the SDC lists the cntena to be used for approvmg a property lme
adjustment The code sectIOn states that property lme adjustment shall not
A Create a new lot/parcel,
B Create a landlocked lot/parcel,
C Reduce an eXlstmg lot/parcel below the mmlmum size standard or reduce setbacks
below the mmnnum established by the applicable zorung dlstncts m tlus Code,
D VIOlate any prevIOus conditIOns the Approval Authonty may have Imposed on the
lots/parcels mvolved m the applicatIOn
E Detnmentally alter the availability of eXlstmg public and/or pnvate utilities to each
lot/parcel III the applicatIOn or to abuttmg lotsfparcels, or
F Increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel, or structure that IS non-
conformmg at the time of applicatIOn
Lane County/ Steven Reaves Property Lme A<iJustment
Case No SUB2008-00025
June 17, 2008
Date ReceIved ~I of
Planner' MM 3 f) J,
The sectIOn below evaluates the proposed property Ime adjustment agamst the approval 1> '
CrIterIa hsted above
Shall not...
A. Create a new lot/parcel;
Fmdmg 1 The proposal does not create a new parcel Tax Lot 500 IS enlarged and by
ehmmatmg the eXlstmg property hne between Tax Lot 500 and Tax Lot 700, addmg the
land Wlthm Tax Lot 700 to Tax Lot 500 The property hne between Tax Lot 500 and Tax
Lot 701 IS adjusted 0 add a small amount of acreage to Tax Lot 500
B. Create a landlocked lot/parcel;
Fmding 2 The proposed hne adjustment does not change the eXlstmg access that Tax
Lot 500 and Tax Lot 701 have to Harbor DrIve The proposal does not create a
landlocked parcel
C. Reduce an exlStmg lot/parcel below the mlmmum sIze standard or reduce setbacks
below the mimmum established by the appbcable zonmg dlStrtcts in thIS Code;
Fmdmg 3 The SprIngfield Zorung Map shows that the zomng for the subject lots IS Low
Density ResldentJal (LDR)
Fmdmg 4 SectIOn 3 2-420 of the SDC shows the mlmmum lot Size on a north/south
orIented street IS 5,000 square feet
Fmdmg 5 The property hne adjustment will result m Tax Lot 500 bemg 10,518 square
feet m size Tax Lot 701 Will be 35,100 square feet m size
'Fmdmg 6 Both Tax Lots 500 and 701 Will be larger than the 5,000 sq ft mlmmum lot
Size, under the proposed property hne adjustment The lot Ime adjustment does not create
a substandard lot, nor does It reduce nearby setbacks
D. Violate any prevIOus condItions the Approval Authortty may have Imposed on the
lotslparcels involved m the applIcation;
Fmding 7 A review of a current tJtle report Issued by Evergreen Land and Title
Company on the subject parcels shows that no known condltJons have been Imposed by
the City of SprIngfield, Lane County, or any other authorIty
E Detrtmentally alter the aVallabllity pi exlStmg pubbc and/or prtvate utIlitIes to each
lot/parcel m the applIcatIOn or to abuttmg lots/parcels; or
Fmdmg 8 The property lme adjustment does not affect the prOVISIOn of services to the
eXlstmg lots and does not prevent the extensIOn of services to other parcels
Lane County/ Steven Reaves Property Lme Acljustment
Case No SUB2008-00025
June 17, 2008
Date Received -d.. L 7 / tJ'{;
Planner MM r ~ 1
F. Increase the degree of non-conformlty of each lot, parcel, or structure that IS non-
conformmg at the tIme of applicatIOn.
Findmg 9 Both Tax Lot 500 and Tax Lot 701 conform WIth eXlstmg zorung standards
for the LDR zone, and WIll contmue to do so Ifthe property hne adjustment IS approved
Conclusion and DeCision of the Director
The findmgs of fact WIth respect to the stated cntena for approval found m SectIOn 5 16-
125 ofthe SDC, demonstrate that the proposed property lme adjustment IS consIstent WIth
those cntena The proposed property hne adjustment is approved.
III. Next Steps
Please return three copies ofthe recorded map to Mark Metzger, Development ServIces
Lane County/ Steven Reaves Property Lme A4Justment
Case No SUB2008-00025
June 17, 2008