HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlat, Subdivision SUR 3/4/2008 .--./ '----' Fidelity National Title Insurance Company 800 Willamette Street, SUite 500, Eugene, OR 97401 (541)683-5422 FAX (541)344-4534 PRELIMINARY REPORT TITLE OFFICER Rainie Sanden ORDER NO 4608002588-FTEUG25 added tax lot 3600/amended legal TO ReMax Integrrty Altn Simon Smith OWNER/SELLER Northvlew Investments, Inc BUYERlBORROWER To Come PROPERTY ADDRESS 5177 and 5185 B street Springfield, Oregon 97478 EFFECTIVE DATE February 5, 2008, 08 00 AM 1 THE POLICY AND ENDORSEMENTS TO BE ISSUED AND THE RELATED CHARGES ARE P.MOUNT PREMIUM Owner's Standard Governmental Service Fee $ 15 00 2 THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS A Fee 3 TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN NorthVlew Investments, Inc 4 THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATIACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Date Received FOOR0212 r:jw MAR - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal '----' --./ Order No 4608002588-FTEUG25 EXHIBIT "ONE" Srtualed In the City of Springfield, Lane County, state of Oregon In the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the VVillamette Meridian and descnbed as follows Beginning at a pOint on the East line ofthe A W Hammitt Donation Land Claim No 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 Wesl W M that IS South 00' 34' 45" West, 764 09 feet from the Northeast corner of said Claim, thence South 88' 57' 15" East, 172 00 feet to a pOint, thence parallel 10 said Easl claim Ime North 00' 34' 45" East, 221 34 feet to the South margin of B Street, being offset 20 00 feet, by perpendicular measurement, Southerly of the centerline of said Street as dedicated In that QUitclaim Deed recorded on June 4, 1964 on Reel 224D as Instrument 57912 m the Lane County, Oregon OffiCIal Records, thence along said South margin North 89' 44' 00" West, 172 00 feet to the aforementIoned East Clarm line, thence along said East Claim line South 00' 34' 45" West, 219 00 feet, returnIng to the pOint of begInning Date Received MAR - 4 2008 FDOR0213 rdw Onglnal Submittal --/ "-j Order No 4608002588-FTEUG25 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDIllON TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS GENERAL EXCEPTIONS. 1 Taxes or assessments whICh are not shown as eXisting hens by the records of any taxing authorrty that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records, proceedings by a public agency which may resu~ In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Pubhc Records 2 Facts, nghts, Interests or claims which are not shown by the Pubhc Records but which could be ascertained by an InspectIOn of the Land or by making Inquiry of persons In possession thereof 3 Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Pubhc Records, reservatIons or exceptions In patents or In Acts authonzlng the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claims or trtle (a water 4 Any encroachment, encumbrance, Violation, vanatlOn, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be dIsclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land The term "encroachment" Includes encroachments of eXlsllng Improvements located on the Land onto adjOining land, and encroachments onto the Land of eXISting Improvements located on adjOining land 5 Any hen for services, labor or matenal heretofore or hereafter fumlshed, or for contnbutlo~s due to 'he State of Oregon for unemployment compensation or worKer's compensation, Imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 6 City liens In favor of the City ofSpnngfield, If any There are no hens as of February 5, 2008 7 Rights of the pubhc and governmental agencies In and to any portion of said land Iymg-wlthln the boundanes of streets, roads and highways 8 Water Contract, including the terms and provIsions thereof, Recorded January 25,1940, Reception No 79196 For lITIgation purposes With annual maintenance agreement 9 HIghway Construction Permit, including the terms and proVIsions thereof, Recorded August 17, 1966, Reception No 57910 10 A hen for personal property taxes filed by the tax collector of the county shown, for the amount set forth, and any other amounts due Co......"rNOM ".................... Lane Riverside Mortgage & Property Management Inc (pnor vestee) 93959/1180606-7 $81641 December 7, 2006 R~ceplloo No 2006-087842 County Taxpayer County Identification Number Amount Date Received FDOR0390 rdw MAR - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal Order No 4608002588-FTEUG25 11 Our exammatlOn of the tllle to the subject property discloses no open trust deeds or mortgages The accuracy of this conclusion should be confirmed m writing prior to c10smg of the proposed transacllon 12 ThiS Company will reqUire the followmg documents for review prior to the Issuance of any trtle assurance predicated upon a conveyance or encumbrance by the corporallon named below Corporation NorthVlew Investments, Inc (a) A copy ofthe corporation By-Laws and Articles of Incorporallon (b) A copy of the resolullon authorizing the transaction contemplated herem (c) If the Articles andlor By-Laws reqUire approval by a "parent" organization, a copy of the Articles and By-Laws of the parent The right IS reserved to add requirements or additional Items after completion of such review END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS A YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU MAY CONSULT AN A TTORNE'r ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT Note Any documents bemg executed In conjunction wrth thiS transacllon must be Signed In the presence of an authonzed employee of an agent, an authorized employee of the msured lender, or by usmg Bancserv or other approved third-party service If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number prOVided m thiS report B Property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008, paid m full Amount Account No Map No Levy Code $1,47843 0134799 17-02-33-31-03700 19-00 C Property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008, paid In full . Amount Account No Map No Levy Code $1,269 50 0134781 17-02-33-31-03600 19-00 D There are no Judgments of record against Northvlew Investments, Inc E There are no tax hens of record against Northvlew Investments, Inc Date Received f DOR0390 rdw MAR - 4 2008 Onglnal Submittal ..J'i:1VV -- ---- Q - .JVVV '-',vv .:;. , . ~ . , ~ , "l . , z - " 0'" 1'1 It) , ~ ,",f;j .'l ;; ~ l': <1l o ~ "N r- ~ ~ ~ 8- C\I N - , 10 .. J. ' .' tOO .v'M~"&.J :;.s,..' T- -- 1\' la' '7:;1' B ie ~koj'f" ffS' ..L 4- " .... r 100' " jiI"" , ev.' eo t., IS7' .~ '- 43' 3200 3700 3600 3500 ~ . -: If ~ - ... ~ ~b~4r . 0. ,.. '" ()~ l/I 40 ~~ ,- 2 t,j , .... -1<>0 ~t-J<") N J<") l:\ ~ SSW COR. H.JOHSON D.L.C. 62 , II'" ~ (, S t-~"~.Ir 'W NW COR. P. GORDON D.LC. 46 4404 ~ ~ 8~' 4 .,r4() :II 8'i''''.H'1V;135' " ...\0 "\0 4402 o .. ~ , ~ ... 141 dJ- 3300 '2 ~<t. " ...J + - 3400 . 1 " , " ~ " , 1+7' " .,.~..... .. ;:;- 4801 -& , .~I ~ 0 ~ ~l r- # # . .~ . <- . .f:I~ . .. ft. &I\-l)oE. I:; , ... - . qo .. , .. 4802 , 1- , ~~ ~ ... ... I .. :;i - I , '0 . q. .. 0 """'1.Ir~~W .. -I - .., fOS' 4700 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE CaMP ANY Tills sketch above IS made solely for the purpose of aSSlstmg m locatmg sa,d prem,ses and the company assumes no hablbty for vanatwns, If an} m dlmensJODs and locatlon ascertamed by actual survey Map # 1702333103700000 Date Received MAR - 4 2008 OngInal Submltts,1 Fmal Plat RevIew SUB2008-0001S-Alex Acres Staff Report and N obce of DecIsion Apn117,2008 fLAT $/(:51 Ne-i) 'Ipq/Of Y{} - . Apphcant Derek Hamson- Northwest Investments 33855 Van Duyn Rd Eugene, OR 97408 554-1881 Apphcant's Represeotahve Renee Clough, PE, PLS Branch Engmeenng 310 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 746-0637 Site Address and Mapffax Lot 5177 and 5178 B Street 17-02-33-31 TL 03600, 3700 Descnphon of the SubdlVlSIOD 6-lot mfill subdIVISIOn from 2 eXlstmg parent lots The zonmg IS Low DenSity ResIdential The estImated denSity IS 7 umts per acre I. Site InformatIOn & Background The subject development site IS located Immediately south of "B" Street, and west of Chapman Lane The Assessor's descnptlOn IS Map 17-02-33-31 TL3600 and 3700 The proposed subdIVISIOn compnses a total of 85 acres of land that IS deSIgnated Low DenSIty Resldent131 on the Metro Plan and zoned LOR by Spnngfield The subject property currently has two eXlstmg smgle famIly dwelhngs on site - one located on tax lot 3600 and the other on tax lot 3700, With the remamder of the property bemg undeveloped land Adjacent properties to the north, east and west are zoned LOR The lot located to the south of the subject property IS zoned MDR The proposed subdiVISIOn wIll create 6 LOR parcels Access to the subject lots I and 6 Will be from the eXlstmg "B" Street Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 Will take access from a newly proposed Jomt access easement n. Pnor ReVIew The proposed subdIVISIOn was first reVIewed at a pre-submittal meetmg held on July 7, 2006 The subdIVISIOn apphcatlOn was submItted on July 27, 2006 A TentatIve Plan approval (With conditIons) for the subdiVISion was Issued on September 13,2006 m. Plat ReVIew and SubmIttal ReqUIrements SDC Section 512-135 mdlcates that Plat ReVIew IS Type I procedure SectIOn 5 1-125 ofthe SDC states that Type I deCISIons may be made by the Director "WIthout pubhc notice and WIthout pubhc heanng" Type I apphcatlOns are to be reVIewed for completeness and for conformance With the apphcable cntena for approval of the proposal stated m the Development Code Based on the Director's reVIeW, a deCISion IS Issued, whICh IS the final deCISion of the City SectIon 5 12-140 of the Sprmgfield Development Code (SDC) states that for subdiVISIOns, a pre- plat submittal meetmg shall be held wlthm 2 years ofthe date of the tentatIve subdIVISIOn A pre- submIttal meetmg for the Fmal Plat was held on January I], 2008, wlthm the 2-year reqUIrement set by the code At the pre-submittal meetmg, a pre-submISSIOn checkhst was prepared by staff With the mput of other CIty departments and partner agencies At that meetmg, staff found that the condItIOns of Fmal Pial R(!V/ew SUB2008-00015-Alex Acres Apn118,2008 the TentatIve Plan were met WIth the exceptIOn of the InstallatIOn of electrIcal servIce to the subdIvIsIOn On Apnl 17, 2008, a representatIve from the Spnngfield Utlhty Board (SUB) contacted staff to confirm that electncal servIce to the subdIvIsIOn had been Installed No addItional condItIOns were left to be met Therefore this report has been prepared to document the completIOn of Plat ReVIew and the satisfactIOn of the condItIOns of approval Issued for the TentatIve Plan IV. Plat Approval CrItena Section 512-145 of the SDC hsts the follOWIng cntena for approvIng the FInal Plat The DIrector, In consultatIOn With the CIty Surveyor and the CIty EngIneer, shall approve or deny the Plat Approval IS based on comphance WIth the follOWIng cntena "A. The City Surveyor has approved the Plat for comphance WIth apphcable plattIng reqUIrements m accordance With State law, Lane County OrdInances and any other apphcable regulations B. Streets, bIcycle paths, accessways, and alleys for pubhc use have been dedicated WIthout any reservatIOn or restnctlOn other than reversIOnary nghts upon vacatIOn C. Pubhc Improvements, as requIred by thIS Code or as a condItion of TentatIve Plan approval, are completed, or 1. A petItIon for pubhc Improvements and for the assessment of the real property for the Improvements has been SIgned by the property owner seekmg the land dIVISIOn and the petItIon has been accepted by the CIty Engmeer, or 2 A performance bond or SUItable substitute as agreed upon by the CIty EngIneer and the apphcant has been filed WIth the CIty In an amount suffiCIent to assure the completIOn of all reqUIred pubhc Improvements D. Pubhc assessments, hens, and fees With respect to the land dIVISIOn have been p31d, or 1. A segregatIOn of assessments and hens has been apphed for and granted by the CIty, or 2. An adequate guarantee In a form acceptable to the CIty has been proVIded assunng the hens, assessments and fees WIll be paId pnor to recordIng the Plat E. All conditions of TentatIve Plan approval have been met and the Plat substantIally conforms to the provIsions of the approved TentatIve Plan " V Staff AnalysIS and Fmdmgs "The Cay Surveyor has approved the Plat for complzance With applzcable plattmg reqUIrements m accordance With State law, Lane County Ordmances and any other applzcable regulatIOns" Final Plat Review SUB2008-000J 5-Alex Acres April J 8, 2008 2 Fmdmg: 1 The City Surveyor has revIewed the Plat and has determmed that It complIes wIth all state and local ordmances and regulal10ns The CIty Surveyor sIgned an "Improvement Agreement Includmg Notice of Potential LIens on February 29, 2008, documentmg the Surveyor's approval of the Fmal Plat ThIs CrItenon has been met. B "Streets, bIcycle paths, accessways, and alleys for public use have been dedIcated wllhout any reservatIOn or restrIctIOn other than reversIOnary rIghts upon vacatIOn " Fmdmg 2 The proposed subdIvIsIOn IS an mfill development The majorIty of the requIred mfrastructure IS m eXistence All new easements and new publIc facIlIties have been dedIcated as part of the Plat This CrIterIon has been met These facllIl1es and easements were verIfied by PublIc Works staff at the tIme of TentatIve Plan revIew and through the pre-submIttal review ofthe Plat ThIS cntenon has been met C "Public Improvements, as reqUIred by thIS Code or as a condItIOn of Tent alive Plan approval, are completed, or 1. A pell/lOn for public Improvements and for the assessment of the real property for the Improvements has been sIgned by the property owner seeking the land dIVISIOn and the petItIOn has been accepted by the CIty Engineer, or 2 A performance bond or sUItable substItute as agreed upon by the CIty Engineer and the applicant has been filed wIth the CIty In an amount suffiCIent to assure the completIOn of all reqUIred public Improvements " Fmdmg' 3 At the pre-submIttal meetmg for revIew of the Fmal Plat held on January 11,2008, It was noted that all mfrastructure and publIc Improvements for the proposed subdIVISIOn had been satIsfactorIly completed WIth the exceptIOn ofthe mstallatlon of electrIcal servIce On AprIl 17, 2008 A representatIve of SUB contacted CIty staff to md,cate that the electrIcal service to the development had been mstalled and mspected by theIr staff ThiS cntenon has been met D "Public assessments, liens, and fees wIth rejpect to the land d/VlslOn have been pOld, or 1 A segregatIOn of assessments and liens has been applied for and granted by the CIty, or 2. An adequate guarantee In a form acceptable to the CIty has been proVIded assuring the liens, assessments andfees wIll be pOld prIOr to recording the Plat" Fmal Pial RevIew SUB2008-000 I5-Alex Acres ApT/I 18, 2008 3 Fmdmg' . 4 Staff has venfied that all public assessments, hens and fees have been paId WIth respect to the land dIvIsIon ThIS CrIterIOn has been met. E "All conditIOns of Tentative Plan approval have been met and the Plat substantially conforms to the prOVISIOns of the approved Tentative Plan" Fmdmg: 5 At the pre-submIttal revIew of the Fmal Plat on January 11,2008, It was found that the condItIOns of the TentatIve Plan had been met WIth the exceptIOn of the mstallalton of electncal servIce ThIS omISSIon was corrected on Apnl 17, 2008 as confirmed by SUB staff ThIS CrItenon has been met. VI. Staff Conclnslon and DecIsIOn Based on the Plat Approval Cntena listed m SectIOn 5 12-145, staff finds that the proposed subdIVISIOn Plat (SUB2008-00015) has met the cntena found m the sectIOn and IS thereby approved VB ReqUIred ActIon by the ApplIcant to Complete the SubdIVISIon Process SectIOn 5 12-150 of the SDC states "A. After the Plat has been SIgned by the CIty, the applicant's surveyor or other desIgnated person shall deliver the Plat to the Lane County Surveyor for recordmg B. The applicant shall deliver a reprodUCIble copy of the recorded Plat to the CIty Engmeer Once the CIty has proofthat the Plat has been recorded, the parcels may be sold and the CIty may Issue a BUlldmg PermIt" Fmal Plat RevIew SUB2008-000 15-Alex Acres Aprz118, 2008 4