HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlat, Subdivision APPLICANT 5/19/2008 (2) P LA T Date Received 5' /ft/Jr Planner MM DOCUMENT # D,v,s,on of ChIef Deputy Clerk ~nno.n~~A~9 Lane County Deeds and Records &UUU U'U'U 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $106,00 00995889200800264690011016 41 00 PM 05/12/2008 01: : RPR-SUBD Cnt=l Stn=6 CRSHIER 07 $5 00 $80 00 $10 00 $11 00 - - - - - ~ - -- This document is a SUBDIVISION ALEX ACRES Owner. Northvlew Investments. Inc. Dedicatee: City of Snrimdield Twn. 17S Rng. 2W Sec..J] LANE COUNTY DEEDS & RECORDS 6 -Lots -L - StIckers ---.l..- - Res Numbers AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO Lane County Surveyor's Office . DIvIsion of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane County Deeds i Reco~ds t~~~.~tDm \ 111\111\\1\1\'1\ Ilnl."lI\\I'I\\\\II\\\\ \\1\\ $31.00 ! 1995891201/l:002.4 l0021027 05/1212008 01 :41 :00 PM Recorded at the request of and after recordlng return to Branch Englneerlng, Inc RPR-ESMT Cnt=l Stn=6 CASHIER 07 310 Flfth Street $10 00 $10 00 $11 00 Sprlngfle1d, OR 97477 D ~~cl.~ ate ReceIved v/ltl II'( DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE AcdsB~er. MM PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS The true and actual consideratIOn for tlus declaratIOn IS other than monetary RECITALS: I) NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC, Grantor, IS the owner of the lands that are descnbed m that Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded March 7, 2007 at Recorder's Number 2007-015353 m the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon 2) The owner IS dlvldmg said real property mto SIX lots as shown on the plat of Alex Acres as platted and recorded m Lane County Oregon Plat Records 3) The owner deSires to create easements and define mamtenance responSibility on certam areas and facilities for the benefit of future owners of the lots as descnbed below DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS: A) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" on said plat as said easement lies 10 Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 for pnvate access purposes B) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" on Said plat as Said easement lies m Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 for pnvate utility purposes C) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lot 5 over that certam area deSignated as "5 00' PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on Said plat as Said easement lies m Lot 4 for pnvate storm dramage purposes D) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 over that certam area deSignated as "VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on said plat as Said easement lies m Lot 3 for pnvate storm dramage purposes E) ExclUSIOn ofPUEs Notwlthstandmg any other language herem, these easements do not allow the placement of pnvate utilities wlthm any Public Utility Easement except for crossmgs F) Use of the Burdened Pronertv The owners or occupiers of the lots affected by these easements shall have the nght to use their property, mcludmg the areas descnbed as the easements, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not mterfere With the use of the easements as granted by tlus IDstrument No velucle parkmg or storage of velucles shall be allowed by any party wlthm the easement area, mcludmg the agents, employees, tenants, and IDvltees of Said owners G) Mamtenance and Renalrs The cost of any mamtenance or repau of the dnveway and storm drainage Improvements Wltlun the easement areas shall be split equally between the owners of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 The cost of any mamtenance or repair of pnvate utilities lymg wlthm the easement areas Will be the responSibility of the owner of the respective faCility H) Successors m Interest The proVISIOns of thiS mstrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Said plat, and are mtended to be covenants and restnctlOns runlllng With the land All provlSlons of thiS mstrument, mcludmg the benefits and burdens, are bmdmg and mure to the heirS, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all owners of any of the aforementIOned lots DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Page I of2 ; -. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed t1us DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS on tills_ L"'1 day of "F€"B12lAPrRy ,2008 NORT 7lEJ""';ENT~. ~L/J ,/ ____ De-;:-ek ~Harnson,"fresld~ Date Received oj, /trr Planner MM STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) On SE'B E?LAA R \( ~, 2008 personally appeared the above named Derek Hamson who IS the PresIdent of North view Investments Inc and who IS known to me to be the IdentIcal mdlvldual who executed the foregomg mstrument and who does hereby acknowledge saId mstrument to be ills voluntary act and deed and that SaId mstrument was sIgned on behalf of SaId corporatIOn 1 :.:::"-<"'----............- I) ----~~~ '-"-'-:>-:--:-=>' I OFFICIAL SEAL Y. I, ' GAIL A WAISANEN t , ,NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON I ') COMMISSION NO 4195Bl , L....-.-._M~G~~~S~~g~.~i ~aa/ ~ Notary PublIc for Oregon ) DECLARATION OF PRIV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIV ATE UTILITY AND PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Page 2 of2 Recorded at the request of and after recordlng return to D.v.s.on of Ch.ef ~puly Clerk ~nno.~~D~I~ Lane Counly Deeds i Records LUUU 1\ 11\1 \lIll In 1\ \1\\1\1\ 1\\\\\111\1\\ \ 11\\ $31. 00 00995891HH~ 126470\l0"..<l27 05/1212008 01 :41 :00 PM RPR-ESMT Cnl=l Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $10 00 $10 00 $11 00 Date ReceIved a It 1 /~"F Planner MM DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS - . Branch Englneerlng, Inc 310 Flfth Street Sprlngfle1d, OR 97477 The true and actual consideratIOn for tlus declaratIOn IS other than monetary RECITALS' I) NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC, Grantor, IS the owner of the lands that are descnbed 10 that Statutory Warranty Deed that was recorded March 7, 2007 at Recorder's Number 2007-01535310 the OffiCial Records of Lane County, State of Oregon 2) The owner IS dlvldmg saId real property mto SIX lots as shown on the plat of Alex Acres as platted and recorded 10 Lane County Oregon Plat Records 3) The owner deSires to create easements and define mamtenance responslblhty on certam areas and faclhtles for the benefit of future owners of the lots as descnbed below DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS: A) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" on Said plat as Said easement hes m Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 for pnvate access purposes B) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 over that certam area deSignated as "PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT" on Said plat as Said easement hes m Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 for pnvate ul1hty purposes C) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lot 5 over that certam area deSignated as "5 00' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on said plat as Said easement hes 10 Lot 4 for pnvate storm dramage purposes D) Easement Created NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC hereby creates a perpetual easement for the benefit of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 over that certam area deSignated as "VARIABLE WIDTH PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT" on Said plat as said easement hes m Lot 3 for pnvate storm dramage purposes E) ExclUSIOn ofPUEs NotWlthstandmg any other language herem, these easements do not allow the placement of pnvate utIhl1es wltlun any Pubhc Ul1hty Easement except for crossmgs F) Use of the Burdened Pronertv The owners or occupiers of the lots affected by these easements shall have the nght to use their property, mcludmg the areas descnbed as the easements, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not mterfere With the use of the easements as granted by thiS mstrument No velucle parkmg or storage of velucles shall be allowed by any party wlthm the easement area, mcludmg the agents, employees, tenants, and mVltees of Said owners G) Mamtenance and Renarrs The cost of any maintenance or repair of the driveway and storm dramage Improvements wlthm the easement areas shall be spht equally between the owners of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 The cost of any maintenance or repair of pnvate ul1htles Iymg wlthm the easement areas Will be the responslblhty of the owner of the respecl1ve faclhty H) Successors 10 Interest The prOVlSlons of tlus mstrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Said plat, and are mtended to be covenants and restnctlOns runrung With the land All provlSlons of tlus mstrument, mcludmg the benefits and burdens, are bmdmg and mure to the heirS, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal represental1ves of all owners of any of the aforementIoned lots DECLARATION OF PRIV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIVATE UTILITY AND PRIV ATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Page I of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed tills DECLARATION OF PRIVATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRIV ATE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS on this _ L Cj day of 'F€""B-elA PrR Y . 2008 Date Received Planner MM s/li/()'{'" STATE OF OREGON ) )ss County of Lane ) On "Fe13l2lAAKY ~, 2008 personally appeared the above named Derek Hamson who IS the President of North view Investments Inc and who IS known to me to be the IdentJcalmdlvldual who executed the foregomg mstrument and who does hereby acknowledge said mstrument to be ills voluntary act and deed and that said mstrument was signed on behalf of said corporatIOn ~=.:,.~""-'''-._'''- .'~---- - . I --~_... ... ~. ~~...~~_ j- I OFFICIAL SEAL , I ,GAIL A WAISANEN I ~. NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON 1 COMMISSION NO 419581 : - - - _M~ c~~"!,g~..!.O~E~P~R::, ~~.~. ~~:2 J ~. .f/V a/ ~ Notary Public for Oregon DECLARATION OF PRIV ATE JOINT USE ACCESS, PRN A TE UTILITY AND PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Page 2 of2