HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Planning Commission PLANNER 8/6/2007 crrYoF SPRINGFIELD - DE'ff ""PMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE Augusfs, 2007 TO Current Planning Staft G Kalil. J Donovan, liz Miller, M Metzger, Krtb Gale, L Pauly, Tara Jones! Andy lImb",j, Dave Reesor, Steve Hopkins *Matt Stouder, Englneimng-=-Publlc Wlll1<s Department *Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EnglneenngJPubllc Worl<s *Chuck Gollfned, Environmental SeMces Bnan Bamell, Traffic EnglneerlPE, Public Worl<s Department (agenda only 2/02) *Gary McKenney, Transporlatlon Planning Engineer, Public Worl<s Department *Gllbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Fire & life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire Agenda only *Ed Black, Maintenance Manager, Public Wlll1<s Dept *Pat French, Planner, Wlllamalane Parl< and Reaeabon Dlstnet *Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Ublrty Board (Electnc) *Bart McKee, Spnngfield Utllrty Board (Water) Jack Foster, Spnngfield Ublrty Board (Energy Conservallon) Amy Chlnrtz, Spnngfield Ublrty Board (Dnnklng Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communlcabons 911 (SUbdIVISIOns, Street name changes) Dave Whrte, U S P S (Growth Mgml Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for PartrtJonslSubdlVlslons) *Cella Barry, Lane County Transportabon . Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Ublrty Dlstnet (EPUD) Jim Mann, Lane County Land Management [Urban TransrtJon Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sanllanan [Urban TransrtJon Zone] (of applicable) TIm Hanely, Rainbow Water Dlstncl(* only If In the North Spfld area) (of applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional AIr Pollutlon Authonty (of applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operabons Chief, McKellZle Fire DlStncl (of applicable) Joe Chavez, Corncast CabllMslon (of applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electnc) (* If In Glenwood) Dick Helgeson/Mel Damewood, EWEB (water) (*If In Glenwood) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water Dlstnet (*If in Glenwood) Bill Gnle - Development SeMces Dn"8clor (agenda) John Tamulonls, EconomiC & Communrty Development Manager (agenda) Cindie Molt, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) *Dave Puent, Building OffiCIal (agenda) lIsa Hopper, Building SeMces RepresentatJve (agenda) * Greg Ferschweller, Kerth Moyata, Bnan Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept (agenda) *Cralg Frtzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept Deanna Buckem, Englneenng AsSistant, Public Worl<s Dept (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smrth, Police Department (agenda) *John Pearson, BUilding Plans ReView Engineer *WIll Mueller, LTD Nonn Palmer, Quest Corporabon (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway DMslon (agenda) Steve Barrett, Ass! Supenn of Operations, Spnngfield School Dlstnet (agenda) William LewiS, FinanCIal SeNlces, Spnngfield School Dlstncl ( agenda) Jack Moran, Reporter Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Spnngfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Ernst, Crty SUNeyor Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTHlJUSTlCE CENTERlFIRE STATION ITEMS A request for land use aellon, as descnbed on the attached agenda, has been receiVed by the Development SeMces Office Speafic concerns of your diVIsIOn/department/agency should be addressed If you have comments or requirements of thiS proposal, please send them In wnbng to the assigned planner @ Development SeNlces Department, 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 If your wntten comments are not receIVed by Fnday, August 17, 2007 speCIfic concerns of your diVISion/department/agency Will not be addressed unless you attend the meeting on August 21, 2007 The Development ReVIew Commrttee holds staff reVIew meebngs on Tuesday @ 800 -10 00 a m You should also plan to attend the staff meebng on Tuesday of you have speafic _. ,~" ,s so that the Planning represenlabve can diSCUSS them pnor to meeting wrth the applicant If the Planner feels rt IS necessary for you to parbClpale In the public meebngs he/she Will let you know on Tuesday * Will receive a full packet Date Received ~/;'ol? 7 Planner AL AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 615 Staff Review: August 21, 2007 @ 8.00 - 10'00 a m 1 PARTITION TENTATIVE #SUB2007-00039 CRSINORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS 800 a m Assessor's Map 17-02-31-42 TL 900 Address 135 & 137 38'" Street EXisting Use Resldentlal Applicant submitted plans to partition one lot Into two parcels Planner Andy L.mb.rd 2 MINOR VARIANCE #DRC2007-00053 CRSINORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS 800 a m Assessor's Map 17-02-31-42 TL 900 Address 135 & 137 38'" Street EXisting Use Residential Applicant submitted plans for a minor vanance to reduce frontage required for a 2-lot partition by 18%, concurrent Partition Tentative SUB2007-00039 Planner Andy Llmb.rd 1 Date Received J';~//;,.f}7 Planner AL Y ~ City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 971177 Land Division Application, Type II SubdIVISIon TentatIve. PartItIon TentatIve SPRINGFIELD ~ Company: IcRS ,::;:", Fax: I I Address: 11670 West 11th Ave , SUite D I Applicant's Rep.: Ijames A Branch. P E , P S L Iphone: 746-0637 ] Company: IBranch Enqlneennq. Inc !Fax: 746-0389 I Address: 1310 Rfth Street, Sprinqfield, OR 97477 I 1 Prop.,.rh'{ O,.,-or- I . ......... .. i ~....... I Company: 1 Northvlew Investments. lnc Address: 133855 Van Duvn Road Iphone: lFax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31--42 TAX LOT NO{S): 900 Property Address: 137 & 135 - 38th Street, Spnnqfield, OR Size of Property: 0 26 Acres [gJ Square Feet 0 Proposed Name of Subdivision: Description of DIvide Tax Lot 900 Into two parcels Proposal: Existing Use: Residential # of Lots/Parcels: 2 Avg, Lot/Parcel Size: 5695 sf Density: 7 69 du/acre ~~I Applicable Refinement plan: Pian Designation: I LocatIon: City Limits 0 Urban Growth Boundary 0 Associated ADplkations: S L) t2>1CYl1-CYY146 PiA DR.G2DD1-COO53 \lWlUth I Pre-Submittal nt: -!YY\){n Case No.: rdJWl ~R~ J I Case No.: SJJ({M7 ~. ~/.J-I 07- Application Fee: $J.t12.C1 Technical Fee: $ 2.3(, 't5 TOTAL FEE'S $ 5, I ~ 'fS Reviewed by: Reviewed by' Postage Fee: . , 11 n(~1 $ 155 J , P!L '5 )(07 -axil S Date Received l/t//~P7 Planner AL / I WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR CRS 38TH STREET PARTITION TIns proposal IS to divide the subject site mto two parcels The site IS located at 137 & 135 - 38111 Street, Spnngfield, Oregon (TM 17-02-31-42, TL 900) The residential structure addressed 135 - 38th Street has approxunately 490 square feet of area Both of the structures are to remam The proposed partition WIll essentially split the property so that each structure Wlll be on ItS own parcel A rmnor vanance for frontage and a property lme adjustment application IS submItted concurrently With tlus partition Each structure currently IS connected to all the necessary utilities Both structures have separate metered water and power services, and separate SanItary service The reSidential structure on 137 - 38th Street duects ItS roof runoff to the 38111 Street curb Via a weephole The structure on 135 - 38111 Street drams ItS roof runoff to a splashpad on-site and overland flows to 38th Street No Improvements and/or addItIOnal unpervlOus area are proposed The storm water will contmue to flow III ItS current flow pattern Date Received Planner AL J>/t~7 / / -' .. . R.2W.W.M. MAP 17 02 31 13 81~.~'1O I~A ,,' 900 I~" 14; II"tO. 000 II"~ 100 /10 !II; /'/"f'l8" 200 II~.~JJ' I/~/'" 100 1/4 II' /l1J1 '()1 .1-'\(' 115tl ~..+~t.O ... 1'17 ~02 11611' 8.......:1 ZO-W 2403 nrm- 12 - '~~ = ~"".-9-1'. /:107/' IIQ,I' ~ 1800 ~ IIO.8!1 ~I ,.5 ,~ 1700 ~ ./~.$ .,.". 110;; ~ ' 1600 1111""" 1500 I, I~ :~ - (1IIle:) - :, ~ ; 1300 ~eq."I1 ~o... l":t>!c~ III .of(. " .' 1203 "'S015AC I P ~If 5(. o 1202 3,j 015 AC ~/1 G~ 'i1'ZJ"r 1'T'1TT'J' I ,S- ~7 ~.,.^,.,. ~...-= CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 17-02-31-42 TL 900 4C I ,~. 5 lIP'U'.. ,,,,,,.1~ ~,.,....., J4.. 122 ~ ---I 400 . : U1O(J . ' 121 n 1100 1000.112 300 ~ 1 . h ~ ~ .., . .'<0.. ,,' ,Oilfll'", ~ ~ . 'I' lI\ , k 1= ., H.......01'!la"J.:it t .2.lI~ I 48: '1" '" 1lJ ~"Q ('" ~ ,Y L.- al.. JIll ..I /11"-1-+10' SC1OO7"'/JUS /' FICDI1.ro",1'1f LI'fI p-..c,Na.II HIGHWAY _-f 'L -: r- ~CJ) . ~J -i' ~ . .j ~ . J:. q ,.... ~ #"", !..UJ ~r<') o . I~D~ tIDe.., 500 IIO&Z. 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""! ~ ~ t ~ ...:.at "1' '7 Ii"--U W , . 777fT71 .,..,..,..,..,. "01' TTTTTT ""'f77' r.;rrr 21'M__ _..~~ 1~ "" I , ' ~:;.~}::!: ;1:-\ ,1.; :f.::.: . . . , N"~ - 17 02 31 SPRINGFIE , ; t NAD 83/91 I . ~ ; Q j ~ CANCELLE[ 2400 2404 5603 7900 5017 6600 . . . ~ . ~ '<I- ~ 1'1 C\I o " ~ OatEl Received ~ll;Inner AL t\\,\~ ~ w w (/) ~ I STM MH FL fO k,TAX MAP 17-02-3/-"12 TAX LOT 900 I ~ ~ . CRS, NW TENTATNE PARTITION MAP FOR 38TH STREET PARTITION 1/4, S E 1/4 SEC 31. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, JULY 27, 2007 SCALE 1"=20' < ~ ~ IU.HTCNANtXA~ACCE"SS I , rE:ASE;/EJflTOSfNE:fTr~AIIca v' 14To60<0.W~lNr(n...:! '\ TOIlOlAW I \ <;p'q.U'OO~ l"bl'l ',I I~:l--t~ SA;XISTr~ i pu, /~~~~~I ICJl~Tw(;G>al 5243 SF OJ! "; ~T<>RF;_ \\1 ~ /' I 5 ~ \! ~ I .--~~ :J~ltf , FLI 4nf/: t :: (+1'"" ftJ~ I I II \... -EX STM CB i I I r FL.476.29 ,1, I I 1"1 II I J; I ." 'rl,.,~\ I ~it . I '~ ; : t I I~ ~ \1 I :.. ; j It'l! I ?4 I to' I', fol J- 1~I5'o:v.l: I l-OHP I '" -\lI.t ~ - ~ ~ ';: ::;:::." I~I III ~ ::;~~. 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OREGON WM UlGEN!) ~~, f'ROf'OIi(J)/'fIf;fUmLH: ~LP7 i'R1J'OOal,AS(.lEJjTS ____ D:1S1HGtu'Ill =~~ - -fK"'- - D:S7HG "A~ ---nG--- OIS7HG6.lSl.K - -f~ S4'<- - 0;>il1Nl !WI1ARt Iifll'EII - -F' W,",- - !)I'l1Nl STOIW ...o.WI -~- ~TmO'mlf<.4CI1'(l1l(ll 417 ------ EnllJl6 611Ava 10000THGC(fCIIE1<II".lU( I'fIOI'OIn!PAloEDllRfI'fl.o.l 91TEU'YAIlJMS no...aRIlOl' +- "~ " DJ!HHG9'V1a.rv.o.n:w . m O.lSlMil'O'l'E1lPa.f EnlT""I'H811E;TVl OlSTkiliM1ETUl ~ , i' 'v DllSIIo/GSIOIWlWHJl.I: 0IS7Io/GSTMlIC.TDlB~ lAX ~Dr n ~~ ( ~-,- 1 P!l.OFESSlOtlAL LAJID/URV[YOR A-I(~ l _~n J JAWESA.fl/\ANQi !l[CEMllEll"-ZOQ1 DRAINA.GE ne DRAINAGE OF T;C PROPERTY Wl.L CONTIMJE AS IT DOES CURRENTL r TI-E STRUCTURE ON 1.'11 3BT!-I STREET CURRENTL r Wrrp!-IOI..ES ROOF RUNOFF TO THE CURB. THE STRUCH-RE ON 135 .'IBT!-I STREET 1490 SO FTJ WILL CONTrIVE TO DRAIN ON SITE VIA SPLA$!-I PJlDS, JlMI' ROOF RUNOFF F"RDM POSSeLE F"UTURE DEVELOPMENT OF" T!-liS PROPOSED PARCEL MAl' BE DIRECTED TO T!-IE NEAREST CURB HO_ I A PROPERTY LI'€ AD.IJ$TMENT SETWEEN THE SUBJECT SITE ANOTA)( LOTS 1100 AND 1000 JS SUBMITTED CONCURRENTLY WlT!-I THIS TENTATIVE PARTITION 2 AREAS AND OIMf;NSlONS ARE CALCULATED NOT INCLWING THE RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION AREA AND THE AREA TO BE Tf/ANSFERREO TO TL 1/00 4 1000 THROUGH TI-IE CONCURRENT PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT 3 A VARIANCE TO OEVTATE 18f FROM THE 60 REOURED FRONT AGE IS APPLIED FOR CONCuRRENTL I' WITH THIS TENTATIVE PARTITION ) . 'p GRAPHIC SCALE o 10 2p ...... ,...~=. @ ~~a~~ ~~fmeerm~ Ine 5pnqlkld __ n~77 ~~~;"'~~~J.~~:"~_ cnu su........... .......7\DI I PROJECT NO 06 261 SHEET 2 OF 2 .. ~ ~ ~ .:::s>' I~, 16 >....1 -<e ~ (I).. fil:::(I) a>2 +Jm m_ oo.. '0 I