HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Planning Commission CMO 4/1/2008 .....,... '-~~'''''\;'':'''-"''';-;~\;.,if'-'~~:..j . .~~~~:."'; ~. :--{:~" :.' ,- .',' -. .'. '.~ ',"" ,J, ~ IS'I~ f1"";"jl,.. ;'.- .,.i"~ ....., ,- ' ." ,d'f~!spiuNGFIEl.D,pLAJNiNi:rC:OMN1iss'i6N'<:>.~:".' -::.;:~:'; . ,,>.': ~. t\.~..-~,""t "" '." ~,,:~_.--"_.,(fi'L:~' '....~.._ ,4". ~,-.- ~, -. '_,_"..:' . 'f. ,<tT~., ~.~., SPRINGFIEW CITY HALL . ]ESSE MAINE ROOM' 225 FIFTH STREET' 541 726-3753 Tuesday April 1, 2008 6:15 pm WORK SESSION 1. Plan I Zone ConDlct west of Rambow Dnve - The Plannmg CommissIOn IS asked to conduct a work sessIOn regardmg Plan I Zone COnfliCts west of Rambow Dnve The Metro Plan Diagram appears to conflIct With Spnngfield's Zonmg Map and past City mterpretatlOns of Plan deSIgnations north of Centenmal Dnve, and west of Rambow Dnve The eXlstmg zonmg of the property IS MedIUm DenSIty ResIdentIal (MDR) At Issue IS whether the Plan deSIgnation IS Low DenSIty Residential (LDR) or MedIUm DenSIty ResidentIal (MDR) Staff IS seekmg guIdance from the Plannmg CommIssIOn on this Issue and requests Planrnng CommIssIon guIdance as to whether a formal mterpretatlOn appltcatlOn IS appropnate pnor to any potential zone changes m the subject area Planner: DaVid Reesor 30 Minutes PIA. It,~.G COMMISSIONERS Frank Cross, ChaIr Johnny Kirschenmann, VIce ChaIr BIll Carpenter Lee Beyer Tern Leezer Enc Smith Shen Moore l( -I -~7 Date ReceIVed. Planner DR NOTE' Work SessIOns are mtended for the Plannmg CommissIOn and Staff to diSCUSS specific Issues that mayor may not appear on the Regular Agenda. There IS no formal opportunity for citizen partJclpatIon dunng Work Sessions. The meetmg /ocanon is whee/chalr-accesslble For the hearmg-Impazred, an Interpreter can be provIded With 48 hours nO/Ice prJOr to the meetmg For meetings m the Council Meetmg Room a "Personal PA RecelVer"for the hearmg-lmpalred is aVallable To arrange for these servIces phone 726-2700 BJones Page 1 Apnll,2008 MEMORANDUM DATE OF WORK SESSION. Apnl1st, 2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD \ , TO Spnngfield Planning Commission FROM DaVid Reesor, Planner III ~ tf'P SUBJECT Plan I Zone conflicts west of Rainbow Dnve PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM ISSUE The Planning Commission IS asked to conduct a work session regarding Plan I Zone conflicts west of Rainbow Dnve The Metro Plan Diagram appears to conflict with Spnngfield's ZOning Map and past City interpretations of Plan designations north of Centennial Dnve, and west of Rainbow Dnve The eXisting zOning of the property IS Medium Density ReSidential (MDR) At Issue IS whether the Plan designation IS Low Density ReSidential (LDR) or MDR Staff IS seeking gUidance from the Planning Commission on thiS Issue and requests Planning Commission gUidance as to whether a formal interpretation application IS appropnate pnor to any potential zone changes In the subject area DISCUSSION In the summer of 2007, the owner of property located at 1398 Rainbow Dnve approached the City about further developing his property At that time, he was told that there was a Plan I Zone conflict on his property, and that he could apply for a City sponsored zone change to resolve the conflict on the property After applYing for the City sponsored zone change, further research from Planning Staff Indicated that there was conflicting Issues related to the Plan I Zone conflict The applicant Withdrew the City sponsored zone change appllcallon until the City resolves these Issues In recent years, Staff has Interpreted the LDR designation on the Plan Diagram to "match up" With the western boundary of the Community Commercial (CC) zOning south of Centennial However, research conducted In the fall of 2007 found that the City of Spnngfield approved MDR zOning (which was conSidered "R-2" zOning at the lime) west of Rainbow Dnve In 1971 (Ord 3100) and again In 1978 (Ord 5121) From thiS research, It seems doubtful to Staff that the Intent of the Plan makers was to consciously invalidate approximately 10 acres of eXisting MDR zoning west of Rainbow Dnve Staffs research found that the rezoning of properties In the 1970s to MDR (R-2 at the time) resulted In the development of the Rainbow Village apartments In the early 1970s and the Bicentennial Park Condos In the mld-1990s Journal files for both the Bicentennial Park Condos and the Rainbow Village apartments stated the Plan designation as MDR Currently no refinement plan eXists for thts area Two local decIsions have prOVided dlrecllon to property owners In thiS area In the past That direction has been to confirm that medium density levels are appropnate In thiS location west of Rainbow Dnve and consistent With the Plan Based upon the results of thiS recent research, It appears that changing the eXisting MDR zOning to LDR would represent a change In dlrecllon In our local Interpretation and may lead to mcreased uncertainty for property owners There are multiple poliCies In the Metro Plan text that allow for Interpretation of thiS area as MDR designation Instead of LDR Use of the Plan In thiS case requires a balanCing of the Plan's vanous components and a selection of those goals, obJecl1ves and poliCies most pertinent to the Issue at hand The eXisting MDR zOning can be supported by the Plan text RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City begins a Type IV formal Interpretation process that Will prOVide gUidance to land owners In the effected neighborhood ACTION REQUESTED Staff requests that the Planning Commission prOVide gUidance to staff on whether a formal Interpretation process IS appropnate for the subject area pnor to any City sponsored zone changes west of Rainbow Dnve ATTACHMENTS Attachment1 Metro Plan Designation Attachment 2 ZOning Map Attachment 3 Site photos Date Received f( - I ~ o"'i Planner DR ,ftt,..' ",......,../" A/ /V ~ :> ~ 2 L.l.J Cl 0: <( c:J Urban Growth Boundary Metro Plan Boundary RaUroads Riven; and Ponds Overlay&: ~ Mlxod UliC Area6 ~ Nodal Development Area o WIUi!lmettl! Greenway CEN Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram (lbe mtelpfetal10n and purpose of the Plan o,agrmn, and descrlpt10DS of the land u<es and symbol< <howIl. are contamedm Chapter I1-G) D low DenSity Resldontlal D Ught Medium Industrial II Agriculture D Medium Dendty Resldenllal ~ Campuli IndulilrlaJ D Forelil Land 0 f1gh Density Residential D Unlversltv Research D Rural Reddentld II Commercial D GO\ll"mment and EduCcltkm ~ Rural Commercial 1m Major Retail Centcrs . Parks and Open Sp.llce ~ AUf allndu6trlal D Heavy Industrial D Natural Resource ~ Airport Re6erve ~ Spedal Hellvy Industrial D Sand and Gravel ~ HA YDEN r' I "BRIDGE RD , . l ~ - - - 0 G-SPR HW) I- 'J) --- \ ~ -= ::::I.D - Date Received L; - ( ~ 0 If Planner DR Zonina of Subiect Area - -------'I ~ - I I I - i ~L ~ j j I i . ~ OLYMPIC ST . 'if.. - f- () U) :J Z '" , f I I I I I I I I I \ Y I Ii Hk= 0: " ~ - ISLAND ST ~ _,(1//\\ '" j/I/I 11./ o:-~ 1/ I I I I I I I I Legend I D Tax lots II1II High Density Resldenbal ,. - Medium Density Resldenbal 1 I low Density Resldenbal _ Commumty CommerCIal Neighborhood CommerCIal I I I (\. _ Public land & Open Space ... NORTH There are no W3rrart\,. that lIICCompany IhIs procluct. Users '"lme II r.,ponsllllJtyftlr .ny loss or damage llIslng from Iny ermr omission or poslflonallnaccura:y ofttVsproduct. t( -/ - C/(J Date Received . Planner DR 200 100 0 200 Feel Site Photos 31centennlal Condommlums - Stage 2 Approximately 17 Dwelling Units per/acre Located west of Rambow Dnve d'.~ - ..~. - ''\. ~ - -.: > "I." " \tl'J A/ \ 'l I ,1 Bicentennial Condominiums - Stage 1 Approximately 17 Dwelling Units per/acre - Located west of Rambow Dnve ~ Centennial Apartments - Located east of Rambow Dnve ~-~::---;~~ - - -- Rambow Village Apartments - Located west of Rambow Dnve 'JJZI :"",-" ~~--~ , '11; -' :J; ." Rambow Village Apartments - Located west of Rambow Dnve -- "--/.... ./"'" .------------ Single family homes - Located east of Rainbow Dnve, adjacent to the Centennial Apartments Date Received: t/ - / - n{r Planner: DR