HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/29/2008 ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE .(D) it@itDl!J111 ill! AP~ 2 9 2008 I ~ -10 /.;KL By tc~~ P/tu1~ STATE OF OREGON} ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program TechniCian for the Planning DIvISion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program TechniCian, I prepared and caused to be Sed. mailed copies ofUU'2008-0000f'- ~o../o /.JAR. & ~ &-~M(..I'~ iJr:1f/4f" (See attachment UAU) on 1.f./2tj ,2008 addressed to (see ~~~~ Attachment BU), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box With postage fully prepaid thereon ) KA~~bfcLj~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane tljJ).,A j d..;(C} .2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, prd9ram TechniCian, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me ~~ 'on~ , ,-------------------~ a . OFFiCiAL SEAL ( ,: SANDRA MARX ( ':' NOTARYPUBlIC.OREGON ,; " COMMISSION NO 385725 " ,1 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12,2008 i '-------,---~-- - ------.,. My Commission Expires /1/)2 /Z DO '6 Date Received' 5'-/2,- "'6' Planner: DR / PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 r FAXt:.n;;d~rUS CASE NUMBER LRP2008-00008 l.lAY X 2 2008 . BY,fltOlfli_ NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Type II Metro Plan amendment Proposal to chabge me lIIap J deslgnallon on the MetroplItan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) dIagram from Low Density Resldenllal (LDR) to MedIUm DensIty ResIdential (MDR) for approxImately 8 79 acres The current Metro Plan DIagram designates propertIes m the subject area as Low Density Resldenllal (LDR), whIle the eXlstmg zonmg and much of the development of the area IS prunanly MedIUm Density Resldenllal (MDR) ThIs Plan/Zone conflict IS the result of the adopllon of the present Metro Plan diagram (c 2004) which designates these properties LDR even though all prevIOus actIOns by the CIty CouncIl establIshed MDR as the appropnate designatIOn for thiS area APPLICANT: City of Sprmgfield AUTHORIZED USES' Uses m the MDR DistrIct are regulated by Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) SectIon 3 2-200 APPLICABLE CRITERIA' The followmg cntena shall be applIed by the CIty CounCIl m approvmg or denymg a Metro Plan amendment applIcatIOn a) The amendment must be consistent WIth the relevant stateWIde plannmg goals adopted by the Land Conservallon and Development COImmsslOn, and b) AdoptIOn of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan mternally mconslstent SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: West of Rambow Dnve, north of Cent en mal Blvd, south of "M" Street, east of Cent en mal Elementary School, Map 17-03-27-34, Tax Lot(s) 1700, 1801-1826,2000, 2100,2300,2400,2401,2402,2602 (see attached map) DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF THE HEARINGS Plannmg Commission June 1711>, 2008 at the hour of7 00 pm, CIty CounCIl July 711>, at the hour of7 00 p m at 225 FIfth Street m Spnngfield City Hall CouncIl Chambers ADDmONAL INFORMATION: The applIcallon, all documents and eVidence submitted by or on behalf of the applIcant and the applIcallon cntena are avaIlable for mspecllon at CIty Hall at no cost and WIll be proVIded at a reasonable cost Seven days pnor to the heanng a copy ofthe staff report wIll be SImIlarly avaIlable CONTACT PERSON DaVid Reesor at (541) 726-3783 Send wntten testunony c/o DSD, 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meetmgs and state your views The hearmgs Will be conducted m accordance With SDC Section 5 2-100 FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: FaIlure of an Issue to be raIsed m at the heanng, m person or by letter, or failure to proVide statements or eVIdence suffiCIent to afford the deCISion maker an opportumty to respond to the Issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that Issue Date Received -5-1 Z. - 0'8' Planner. DR ,- DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Susan L _ Muir Eugene Plann~ng and Development D~rector 99 W 10th Avenue #120 Eugene, OR 97401-3015 . .. '. ' I . ... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Kent Howe Lane County Plann~ng D~rector 125 E 8th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 -) -(2- ~'?) Date Received- Planner DR ....... I I ) -- 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCI springfield or us '"' DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAIiTMENT Apnl 29, 2008 Kent Howe Lane County Plannmg Drrector Susan L Mwr Eugene Plannmg & Development Drrector Subject: Referral of Proposed Metro Plan Diagram Amendment LRP2008-00008 from Low DenSity ReSidential (LDR) to MedIUm Density ReSidential (MDR) The subject site IS approXImately 8 79 acres m Size The current Metro Plan Diagram deSignates properties m the subject area as LDR, wlule the eXlstmg zonmg and much of the development of the area IS pnmanly MDR Tlus Plan/Zone COnflict IS the result of the adoptIOn of the present Metro Plan diagram (c 2004) wluch deSignates these properties LDR even though all preVIous actions by the City Councll estabhshed MDR as the appropnate deSignatIOn for tlus area The City Counclllllitlated the plan diagram amendment on Apnl 21, 2008 The subject site IS located north ofCentenrnal Blvd, west of Rambow Dnve, east ofCentenrnal Elementary School and south of"M" Street (See attachments for specific locatIOn) "Notice of Proposed Amendment" was malled to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on Apnl24th, 2008, alertmg the agency of the City'S mtent to amend the Metro Plan diagram and Spnngfield Zonmg Map The notice was malled more than 45 days m advance of the frrst eVIdentiary heanng as requrred by ORS 197610 The lllitlal pubhc heanng on tlus proposal IS scheduled for June 17th, 2008, and IS to be conducted by the Spnngfield Plannmg COIDIDlsslOn The City Councllls scheduled to hear the matter on July 7th, 2008 If you have any questIOns regardmg these proposals or schedules, please contact me at your convemence Cordially, 9~ DaVId Reesor Planner III, City ofSpnngfield Date Received 5' ~Il-{/? Planner DR I '- -j I I' .1rt1rYL ,{( ..J I I 8, PR~INaPlELD, "'~ ~-- -.- :' .-. , . . , " . "-UJJIQj 1lI"" WLOUJ N I , , , , I I ~~----~m:LJ,U~~ lL~_~~ ======_ =---=-----L~_____ I~ 1=- -YiJ= fll_'_'_~ ~JUL~llJJJJk 'tH:J~ltJ[jL m- M',' -L_, .llJi=rrIJJI B~~ egBL I _'tl L _ WJ iu6j~ctl Ar,a - =:l Springfield Zoning Map I ! Legend I "\ UTaxLots . LB HIgh DenSIty Resldentlal , L . Medium DenSity Residential I , Low DenSity ReSldentlat I MIXed Use Residential I_CommunIty Commercial i ,-- ~ Nelghoorhood Commercial I I _ PublIc land & Open Space I -SubJect Area There are no warranties that accompany thiS product Users assume aU responsIbilIty for any loss or damage ariSing from a'tV error, ornlSSlOn or positional Inaccuracy of thIS product J"j" ffiB~ 3= I I I I I I ~ \ N \' Ny. A~~ '-0 ~ Gl"; ~Gl I: $1: Ill..\!! 00. o 100 200 300 Feel ~,t Eug~e-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram (The Ulterpretatlon and purpose of the Plan Dmgram and descnpnons of the land USe'i and s;ymbols shO\\n. arecontawed m Chapter IT-G) ,f.,.., Urban Growth Boundary 0 loN Density ReSldontlal 0 light Medium Induslnal IJ Agriculture #- # 0 ~ GJ " "",' Mt'1:m Phn Boundary Medium DenslLy Re51denllal Campu& Industrial Forest land /V Railroad, D D [] Rural Residential High Denshv Residential Unlversltv Research /'V' Rivers and Ponds III D ~ ("ommen"laI Govpmmf"nt and FdlJ(',i!tlon RUrilll C'ornmer..Ia1 Ovcriays ~ Mixed Use Areas 1m Major Retail Centers . Parks and Opcn Space ~ Rurallndustnal ~ ,"'" D ~ Nodal Development Area lb~f Heavy Industrial Natural Resource -'" Airport Reserve D WUlamette Greenwi!lV ~ Special Heavy IndUlitrJaI D Sand and Gravel ~ ? -- 2' l.J..J Cl 0: -< c:J .. II ,"'-....LIF , , C , 1 ~'.... HA YDE/II r ~BRIDGE RD CEN Subject Area West of Rambow Drive, Soutb of M Street - Appears as eXlstmg LDR _ DeSIgnatIOn - Proposed DIagram Amendment to MDR DeSIgnatIOn. - ~~ ~ ~:'J ~ ;; !A} I "" , , l8'1li ' ~1I~~~l . EstImated locatIon of Rambow Drive - ~ r-f. \\ if) ~:-- > o~ EST - Date Received: Planner DR ? -I? -o"i 05/12/08 MON 16 48 FAX 541726368q CITY OF SPRINGFIELD @001 ,~ ~! ~******~*******~***** *.* TX REPORT *** 1*****+*~******~***** TRANSIlISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECT I ON 10 ST TIllE USAGE T PGS SENT RESULT 0501 96876668 05/12 16 46 01'12 2 OK SPRINGFIELI ) Cits ot Springield Development 5erviGes Department ., \ \1 I facsimile Cover F age fax: (5+1) 726-3689 - To i'11f: 1Ywk!1AL.l fIY Vvlli Compan!j DUiv1~fffJ Cwll!->.A/ ... {; , U ~'l,J1J.LX ~ --'7w Q&(1) fax.. LeK1--loMfl.~ from Message. Dr}tUL ~lrtrjJv 1Po1l~ 'tJdt,u ~~l{p ~Ol?Q. . i !~ ifrUI h)./ Ij.. l!c--tL.J.w'ivwItM r+-I1.d. ~JJIJ d//l;{, W7/.I/Ptf1,L I bV ~A ~)(if!J ~~, pt/tlf12A ~~r/ ;J~ / . uate ,ecelVed, J ~I Z. -6Z' Plaor er DR . ." .. n"""""-