HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting CMO 7/7/2008 AGENDA ITEM SU~Y MeetlOg Date. MeetlOg Type Department: Staff Contact, Staff Phone No' Estimated TIme: July 7, 2008 Regular Development Servlce~ David Reesor "J7,(,Tr 726-3783 15 minutes SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE ACTION REQUESTED, ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS DISCUSSION: COUNCIL INITIATED AMENDMENT TO THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM, CASE NUMBER LRP 2008-00008 Conduct a public heanng and adopUnot adopt the follOWing ordinance AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 8 79 ACRES OF LAND FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR), TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR), AND DECLARlNG AN EMERGENCY The current Metro Plan Diagram deSignates properties In the subject area as LDR, while the eXisting zOning and much of the development of the area IS pnmanly MDR ThiS Plan/Zone conflict IS the result of the adoption of the present Metro Plan diagram (c 2004) which deSignates these properties LDR even though all prevIous actions by the Planning Commission and City Council established MDR as the appropnate deslqnatlon for thiS area Attachment 1 Ordinance Amending the Metro Plan Diagram Attachment 2 Staff Report Attachment 3 Plannln9 Commission Recommendation ThiS Plan/Zone conflict was Initially brought before the Planning Commission dunng a work session on ApnI1", 2008 and the City Council on Apnl 21s', 2008, after which the City Council Initiated a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment ThiS Issue came to the City'S attention when a property owner In the subject area inqUired about future development potential of hiS property The Planning Comm'sslon and Staff discussed the planning history of thiS area including prevIous acllons that resulted In upzoning property from LDR to MDR and the subsequent MDR development that followed Staff mentioned that these earlier zone changes were based on Plan diagram interpretations of an earlier version of the Plan diagram After the City Council initiated thiS Plan Amendment application, City Staff conducted a neighborhood meeting for properties In and around the affected area on May 29'h, 2008 Two property owners attended the meeting - one property owner Within the subject area, and the other property owner Just west of the subject area No concerns were raised June 17th, 2008, the Plannmg CommiSSion held a public heanng on the proposed Plan Diagram Amendment No public testimony was received and no concerns were raised The Planning CommiSSion deliberated and voted 6 In favor, 0 opposed, and 1 absent to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council The deslgnallon of thiS area became an Issue because the new Plan diagram IS deCidedly more precise m appearance and projects more locatlonal certamty than prevIous Plan diagrams In particular, It would be difficult to conclude that Rainbow Dnve IS not the east- west dlvldmg line between MDR and LDR deSignations even though past land use acllons, including MDR development west of Rainbow, contradict such a conclUSion The former Plan diagram was vague about the relationship between Rainbow and an MDRlLDR diViding line, but the Council at that time was persuaded that the diagram, the text and the circumstances present In that area supported an MDR determmatlon west of Rambow Dnve Given the history of past development and zone change approvals In the area and findmgs In the attached Staff Report which support the proposed Plan Amendment, Staff and the Planning CommiSSion recommend approval of thiS Council Initiated Amendment to the Plan Diagram Given the Circumstances, mcludlng (1) length of time to resolve the Issue, and, (2) upcoming summer recess for Council, Staff requests that the Council adopt thiS Ordinance by emergency Similar Plan/Zone conflicts eXist throughout Spnngfield As preViously menlloned to Council, Staff Will proVide the Planning Commission and Council With a number of options for reconCIling any Plan/Zone conflicts that may eXist as we update our land use data records <7 dunnq the HB 3337 mventory work ~..+'" ~ecelV~~_ 7 -? -61> Planner: DR -- ORDINANCE NO, (General) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN GEN- ERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 8 79 ACRES OF LAND FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR), TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR), AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT. WHEREAS, SectIOn 5 14-100 of the Spnngfield Development Code sets forth proce- dures for Metro Plan diagram amendments, and WHEREAS, Subsection 514 -120 (B)(I) states "The CIty CounCIl may Initiate a Type lor Type II Metro Plan amendment at anytime ConSIderatIOn of thIs type of amendment shall begm Immedzately thereafter ", and WHEREAS, On Apnl 21 ", 2008, the Spnngfield Common Council voted unarumously to mltlate a Metro Plan DIagram Amendment for the followmg Plan Diagram Amendment Amend Plan DeSIgnatIOn on the Metropohtan Area General Plan ("Metro Plan") Dia- gram from Low DenSIty Resldenl1al (LDR) to MedIUm DenSIty ResIdential (MDR) for "yyouMmately 8 79 acres Identified as Tax Lots 1700,1801-1826,1900,2000,2100, 2300,2400,2401,2402,2602 on Assessor's Map No 17-03-27-34, and WHEREAS, Trrnely and suffiCIent notice of the pubhc heanng, per Secl10n 5 2-115 (a)(I)-(14) of the Spnngfield Development Code, has been provIded, and WHEREAS, On May 29th, 2008, CIty Staff conducted a Neighborhood Meetmg Two property owners attended the meetmg - one property owner W1thm the subJect area, and the other property owner Just west of the subject area No concerns were ra.Jsed WHEREAS, On June 17th, 2008 the Plannmg CommIssIOn held a pubhc heanng on the Plan Diagram Amendment request The Development ServIces Deparhnent staff notes mcludmg cntena of approval, fmdmgs and recommendatIOns, together WIth the teslnnony and submIttals of the persons testlfymg at that hearmg were conSIdered and were part of the record of the proceed- mg The Plannmg Comtn1sslOn dehberated and voted 6 m favor, 0 opposed, and I absent to for- ward a recommendatIOn of approval to the Common CouncIl, and WHEREAS, On July 7th, 2008 the Spnngfield Common Council held a pubhc heanng to receive testrrnony and hear comments on t1us proposal The Common Council IS now ready to take aCl10n on thIS proposal based upon the above recommendatIOn and the eVIdence and testI- mony already m the record as well as the eVidence and testrrnony presented at thiS pubhc heanng held m the matter of adoptmg thiS Ordmance amendmg the Metro Plan Diagram NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS SectIon I The above fmdmgs are hereby adopted ORDINANCE NO PAGE I OF2 ATTACHMENT 1 - 1 Date Received 7 -7 -6"'6 Planner DR SectIon 4 The Metro Plan desIgnation of the subJect property, more particularly de- scnbed m Exlnblt A attached hereto and mcorporated herem by reference, IS hereby amended from Low DensIty ResIdential (LDR) to MedIum Density ResidentIal (MDR) SectIOn 3 If any sectIOn, subsectIOn, sentence, clause, phrase, or portIOn of thiS OrdI- nance IS for any reason held mvahd or unconstitutIonal by any court of competent Juns- dIctIon, that portIon shall be deemed a separate, dlstmct, and mdependent provIsIOn and that holdmg shall not affect the vahdlty of the remammg portIOn of thIS Ordmance SectIon 4 It IS hereby found and declared that matters pertammg to the Metro Plan dIa- gram amendment affect the pubhc health, safety and welfare of the CIty of Spnngfield and an Emergency IS therefore declared and tins Ordmance shall take effect lD1ffiedlately upon ItS passage by the Counctl and approval by the Mayor FURTHER, although not part of thIS Ordmance, the Spnngfield Common Council adopts findmgs herem above, and the fmdmgs set forth m the Staff Report which demonstrate conformance of thIS amendment to the Metro Plan, apphcable State statutes and apphcable State- wide Planmng Goals and AdmlmstratIve Rules, and IS attached as ExhIbit A ADOPTED by the Common Counctl of the City of Spnngfield thiS , 2008 by a vote of_for and _ agamst day of APPROVED by the Mayor of the CIty of Spnngfield this_day of .. 2008 Mayor ATTEST City Recorder ,- '"r,c,re, 0 'D~nm""" ri!... \...tJ.::"b; olli &-11-' ~)~HJ\1I!;;.U A'O TO fOOFiIA ~ <:))<"-./"~ ) \. <,,"flo. 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DIlTs ~(._J "'_."J I ""L 6~F'E'~ OF CIYI JlTTORNEY ORDINANCE NO PAGE20F2 ATTACHMENT 1 - 2 Date Received 7 - 7 -D'6 Planner' DR Type II Metro Plan Map Amendment Staff Report and Findings Hearing Date June 17'", 2008- Planmng Commission July 7th, 2007 - City Council Aoohcant Case Number LRP 2008-00008 Prooertv Owners Aoohcant's ReDresentatlve N/A City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 See appendix 'A' Date Submitted' April 24, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' The Springfield City Council voted unammously on April 21't, 2008 to Imtlate a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment for property In the subject area Staff first presented the Issue to the Planmng CommisSion on April 1st, 2008, who In turn recommended It be sent to Council for Imtlatlon of a Plan Amendment This City Counclllmtlated Plan Amendment IS based upon eVidence In the record which supports the need for the Diagram Amendment In the summer of 2007, the owner of property located at 1398 Rainbow Drive approached the City about further developing his property At that time, he was told that there was a Plan I Zone conflict on his property, and that he could apply for a City sponsored zone change to resolve the conflict on the property After applYing for the City sponsored zone change, further research from Planning Staff indicated that there were conflicting Issues related to the Plan I Zone conflict The applicant Withdrew the City sponsored zone change appllcallon unlll the City could resolve these Issues In recent years, Staff had Interpreted the LOR designation on the Plan Diagram to "match up" With the western boundary of the Community Commercial (CC) zomng south of Centenmal However, research conducted In the fall of 2007 found that the City of Springfield approved MDR zomng (which was considered "R-2" zomng at the time) west of Rainbow Drive In 1971 (Ord 3100) and again In 1978 (Ord 5121) From thiS research, It seemed doubtful to Staff that the Intent of the Plan makers was to consciously Invalidate approximately 8 acres of eXisting MDR zomng west of Rainbow Drive Staff's research also found that the rezomng of properties In the 1970s to MDR (R-2 at the time) resulted In the development of the Rainbow Village apartments In the early 1970s and the Blcentenmal Park Condos In the mld-1990s Journal files for both the Blcentenmal Park Condos and the Rainbow Village apartments stated the Plan deslgnallon as MDR Currently no refinement plan eXists for thiS area Two local decIsions have provided , r ' dlrecllon to property~owners In thiS area In the past That direction has been to confirm , w' l~, ATTACHMENT 2-1 7 ~7 -d'6 Date Received. Planner DR LRP100lUJOOOB that medium density levels are appropnate In this location west of Rainbow Dnve and consistent with the Plan Based upon the results of this research, the City Council Inlliated a Plan Diagram Amendment for the subject area REQUEST The applicant IS requesting approval to change the map designation on the Metropolitan Area General Plan ("Metro Plan") diagram from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR) for approximately 8 79 acres located near Rainbow Dnve A Metro Plan Amendment at this time (not dunng Penodlc Review) IS known as a Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendments (PAPA) SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site IS located on approximately 8 79 acres Identified as Tax Lots 1700, 1801-1826,1900,2000,2100,2300,2400,2401,2402,2602 on Assessor's Map No 17-03-27-34 The subject properties Include currently developed property east of Rainbow Dnve, south of M Street, east of Centennial Elementary School, and north of Centennial Blvd The site consists pnmanly of medium density development, with some eXisting single family homes within the subject area The properties have no junsdlctlonal wetlands or Inventoned Goal 5 natural or hlstonc resources The site IS within the Spnngfleld Urban Growth Boundary, and all the subject parcels were annexed Into the City of Spnngfield In the 1960s There IS no eXisting Refinement Plan for the subject area The abutting properties to the east are designated Medium Density Residential The areas Immediately west, north and south of the site are designated Low Density Residential 7/7/D1, Date Received Planner: DR J.RP~008,OOOQ8 . ,,is\.. ~h Uj( !\Gll ATTACHMENT 2 - 2 ,f~., Urban Growth Boundary ""...... "t . .. Metro PLm Boundary ~ /V RaDroilds pJvef6 and Ponds Overlays: ~ Mixed USe Areas G2I Nodal Development Area D W1Damlltte Greenway f CENT LRP200B-00008 Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Plan Diagram (The Dlterpretatlon and purpose of the Plan Otagram, and descr~lons of the land uses and s}'mbob ..OO\1,'Il. are contamed m Chapter -G) D low Density Rcddcnllal D Light Medium industrial g Agriculture D Medium Oensby Re,ldendal ~ Campus Industrial II Forest land ~ ....gh Densllv R84tentlal [] Unlversttv Research fI] Rural Residential . Comml"fclaI D Oovrmmont and Education ~ Rural Commercial If!) Mazor Retail Centers . Parks and Open Space ~ Rurc1llndU&trlal ~ Heavy industrial D Natural Resource ~ AIrport Re5erve ISll Special Heavy Industrial D Sand and Grawl 111- HAYDEN ~ I "BRIDGE RD . SubJect Area West of Rambow DrIve, South of M Street - Appears as eXlStmg LOR DeSIgnatIOn - Proposed DIagram Amendment to MDR DeSignation - ~G-~WH hWJ I- 'J) ... EST - ATTACHMENT 2 - 3 Date ReceIved "7 - 7 -615 Planner DR ~~ i . i cJJS i'fffijWitJ Springfield - --HI~ ~,~ W-,?R__ --1: --~-ill'i T ~Iln r T :~ ~ L. I Zoning Map .LLlJLI 1_ / I R ~TI/Ay,-ur- ~ !_V V",P'CSl __ J1ifullC-JO~JUl;=1 i~U.C""T- ~-~--=~-_.J----~JLr_lJb I-L~~,I ~ _ill r; 3JrI1~j~L U]JI1 [LUIlJ:3 , -iT:R llr__ -.- Jc l-JJ.)J U L.illlLU ~B~,\trl J~ ITII -10 I I - , TIrn . 1 Subject Area ~' 11'1-\ I - I u, Lc Legend .... .~T.nt.olli f\O:t~ .. '.II!1rOtf'lllyflftl~ :=JYeelt.mDIIJ1$.1',rRKl3!ru;;: ~::MIOtn6Ily~d!!'1l1J1 _ Camn.rllyCo:rme:tlJl ---:;NlllTbotnocdCc:rn"Mr>>! 1_?JtI'Cl..II1a&O\)frSp3Ol D W . D'~ Date Rr:, , Plann", -' . I/~ 1--: .'__ !RP200B-OOOOB ATTACHMENT 2 - 4 Existing Site Conditions: Bicentennial Condominiums - Stage 2 Approximately 17 Dwelling Units per/acre Located west of Rainbow Dnve Bicentennial Condominiums - Stage 1 Approximately 17 Dwelling Units per/acre - Located west of Rainbow Dnve --- ~ Centennial Apartments - Located east of Rainbow DriVe LRP2008-00008 Rainbow Village Apartments - Located west of Rainbow Dnve ~. ,- ~ ~ .- -... - "'" . '* ~ Oct Rainbow Village Apartments - Located west of Rainbow Dnve I "~\' I' , - 1"\\,1.' , ~ , * 1__--... .... , >-" " "' ~~"t \~.. - ~, .-' \ /\/ ~-------- Single family homes - Located east of Rainbow Dnve, adjacent to the Centennial Apartments 7 -7-4J ATTACHMENT 2 - 5 Date Received Planner DR REVIEW PROCESS The proposed Metro Plan Amendment IS a Type II Amendment because It IS located Inside the city limits and IS site specific The City Council initiated this Plan Amendment on April 21't, 2008 Notice was mailed to Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and to both Lane County and City of Eugene Planning Directors on April 24th, 2008 Notice of the public hearing date and notice of the was mailed out on May 14th, 2008 to property owners within 300 feet of the proposed zone change per Section 5 2-115 (a)(1)-(14) of the SDC Public notice of the hearing was published In the local newspaper (Register Guard) on May 26th, 2008, as reqUired In Section 5 2-115(8) of the SDC Since thiS application was Initiated by the City Council, Staff conducted a neighborhood meeting regarding the application on May 29th, 2008 Two property owners attended the meeting - one owned property Within the subject area, and the other owned property Just west of the subject area No concerns were raised However, the two attendees asked questions related to the application Staff answered questions and discussed the process In detail With the attendees No written comments from any Citizens receiving notice were submitted at the time of Issuing thiS report METRO PLAN DESIGNATION The subject property IS deSignated LDR as shown In the Metro Plan diagram The subject property IS not part of any approved Refinement Plan SpeCific Findings related to the Metro Plan are discussed In thiS report METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT ~CRITERIA OF APPROVAL - SDC 5.14-135 (C)(1) and (2) "The follOWing cntena shall be applied by the City Council In approving or denYing a Metro Plan amendment application 1 The amendment must be consistent With the relevant Statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission, and 2 Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan Internally inconsistent CRITERIA OF APPROVAL - SDC 5 14-135 (C)(1) 1 The amendment must be consistent With the relevant Statewide planning goals adopted by the Land ConservatIOn and Development Commission STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO GOAL 1 Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement To develop a cItIzen Involvement program that Insures the opportumty for Citizens to be Involved In all phases of the planmng process P...... ..,-, ->.~\. __J/1/ot> .... OF>+:.... r:: ~ rT:" \ .- ...\ LRP200B-OOOOB ____ _ .G31J10v')7 ' ,j,.;'" '-:('1, -')"'I.:;:-~r I 1'1... r'" ATTACHMENT 2 - 6 Finding 1- Goal 1 addresses the need to develop a citizen Involvement program to ensure cItizen Involvement In all phases of the land use planning process The Planning Commission and the City Council will hold public heanngs and accept testimony on the proposal Through the procedures established by the City, Citizens have received notice of heanngs In a generally published local paper (e g Register Guard) and have the opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed diagram amendment Notice of the public heanngs was also given In accordance With SDC requirements to property owners Within 300 feet of the proposed Plan Map Amendment Since the proposed amendment complies With the City's Citizen Involvement program and Citizens have opportunities to be Involved In the procedure, the proposed amendment IS consistent With Goal 1 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 2 Goal2 Land Use Plannmg To establIsh a land use plannmg process and polICY framework as a basIs for all deciSIOn and actIons related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decIsIons and actIons Finding 2 Goal 2 requires that local comprehensive plans be consistent With the Goals, that local comprehensive plans be Internally consistent, and that Implementing ordinances be consistent With acknowledged comprehensive plans Goal 2 also requires that land use deCISions be coordinated With affected Junsdlctlons and that they be supported by an adequate factual base As required In SDC Section 514-125, the City IS required to give referral notice of the proposed Type II Metro Plan diagram amendment to the City of Eugene and lane County so they may determine If there are grounds to participate as parties to the heanng The City also sends the statutonly required notice of the Initial public heanng 45 days In advance to the state Department of land Conservation and Development, ensunng that they are given opportunity for comment and review conformity to applicable statewide planning goals The Metro Plan and the SDC, as well as the Statewide Planning Goals and applicable statutes, provide poliCies and cntena for the evaluation of comprehensive plan amendments Compliance With these measures assures an adequate factual base for approval of the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment As discussed elsewhere In thiS document, the proposed map amendment IS consistent With the Metro Plan and the Goals By demonstrating such compliance, the amendments satisfy the consistency element of Goal 2 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 3' Goal 3 - Agncultural Land To preserve and mamtam agnculturallands Finding 3 ThiS goal IS Inapplicable because as proVided In OAR 660-15-000(3), Goal 3 applies only to rural agnculturallands The subject properties are located Within an acknowledged urban growth boundary, are InSide Spnngfleld's corporate limits, and are not been In agncultural use i tulG.)~ '} r ':...~11 .' :;K 1,v .1051'1 . !AP200B-00008 Date Received' 7 - 7 - of Planner DR ATTACHMENT 2 - 7 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 4: Goal 4 - Forest Land To conserve forest lands by mamtammg the forest land base and to protect the state's forest economy by makmg possIble economIcally effIcIent forest practIces that assure the contInuous growmg and harvestIng of forest tree specIes as the leadmg use on forest land consIstent wIth sound management of sOIl, aIr, water, and fIsh and wIldlife resources and to proVIde for recreatIonal opportumtIes and agnculture Finding 4 Goal 4 does not apply within urban growth boundaries, per OAR 660-06-0020, and the area affected by the proposed Plan amendment IS Inside Springfield's acknowledged UGB STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 5 Goal 5 - Open Spaces, Scemc and Hlstonc Area, and Natural Resources To conserve open space and protect natural and scemc resources Finding 5 Goal 5 requires local governments to protect a variety of open space, sceniC, hiStOriC, and natural resource values Goal 5 and Its Implementing rule, OAR Ch 660, DIvIsion 16, require planning JUrisdictions, at acknowledgment and as a part of periodiC reView, to (1) Identify such resources, (2) determine their quality, quantity, and location, (3) Identify conflicting uses, (4) examine the economiC, SOCial, environmental, and energy (ESEE) consequences that could result from allOWing, limiting, or prohibiting the conflicting uses, and (5) develop programs to resolve the conflicts The subJect properties are not on Springfield's acknowledged Metro Plan Goal 5 Inventory No threatened or endangered species have been Inventoried on the Site, and no archeological or Significant hlstoncallnventorled resources are located on the site The National Wetland Inventory and Springfield local Wetland Inventory maps have been consulted and there are no JUrisdictional wetlands located on the site Therefore, the proposed amendment does not alter the City'S compliance with Goal 5 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 6 Goal 6 - AIr, Water and Land Resources Quality To mamtam and Improve the qualIty of the aIr, water and land resources of the state Finding 6 The purpose of Goal 6 IS to maintain and Improve the quality of the air, water and land resources of the state Generally, Goal 6 requires that development comply with applicable state and federal air and water quality standards In the context of the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment, Goal 6 requires that the applicant demonstrate that It IS reasonable to expect that applicable state and federal environmental quality standards can be met ,.........., ~ i . ....., - 4..---- . !AP200B-00008 ' ., ..1\ ~ -v.f. lni'. Date Received. 7./ 7 - CfZ Planner DR ATTACHMENT 2 - 8 The proposed Plan Map Amendment does not modify any of the Goal 6 related policies of the Metro Plan, nor do they amend the Regional Transportation Plan, the Springfield Development Code, other applicable Goal 6 poliCies, or any regulations Implementing those poliCies The subJect property IS located outside the Zone of Contribution and outside any of the Time of Travel Zones, which are regulated by the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District The proposed amendment does not alter the City's compliance with Goal 6 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 7' Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural DIsasters and Hazards To protect life and property from natural dIsasters and hazards Finding 7. Goal 7 requires that development subject to damage from natural hazards and disasters be planned and/or constructed with appropriate safeguards and mitigation The goal also requires that plans be based on an Inventory of known areas of natural disaster and hazards, such as areas prone to landslides, flooding, etc Staff has reViewed the natural constraints map and the FEMA Floodplain Map In relation to the subject area The subJect area IS not Included In the City's Inventory of known areas of natural hazards The site IS flat and not subJect to landslide hazards, and IS located well outSide of any established FEMA flood hazard area Therefore, approval of the proposed Plan Amendment Will not alter the City'S acknowledged compliance With Goal 7 through ItS adopted plans, codes and procedures STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 8 Goal 8 - RecreatIon Needs To satIsfy the recreatIonal needs of the cItIzens of the state and VISItors and, where appropnate, to prOVIde for the sltmg of necessary recreatIonal faCIlitIes mcludmg destmatlon resorts Finding 8 Goal 8 requires local governments to plan and prOVide for the siting of necessary recreational faCilities to "satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and VISitors," and where appropriate, prOVide for the siting of recreational faCilities including destination resorts Staff has consulted the Wlllamalane 20-year Parks and Recreation ComprehenSIVe Plan In relation to Goal 8 compliance The Wlllamalane 20- year Parks and RecreatIon ComprehenSive Plan was adopted by the City of Springfield as part of the Metro Plan's compliance With Goal 8 None of the various studies, inventories, and faCilities plans regarding recreational facilities In the adopted Willamalane 20-year Parks and RecreatIon ComprehenSive Plan have designated the subJect site for parks and open space In an adopted Inventory, declared It a Significant resource, or slated It for acqUisition The proposed Plan Map Amendment does not alter the City's compliance With Goal 8 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 9 _- t , __ Goal 9 - EconomIc Development To proVIde adequate opportunitIes throughout the state for a vanety of economIC actIvItIes VItal to the health, welfare, and prospenty of Oregon's cItIzens _ ~ .~::"v':;'J.:~; ~ SJb'4 -jf .. '1/1f.nrl ~ !AP200B-00008 ATTACHMENT 2 - 9 Date Received' 7 - 7 -o;{ Planner. DK Finding 9 Goal 9 requires the city to provide adequate opportunities for a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of the citizens The proposed amendment to the Metro Plan diagram will not affect the City'S capacity for economic development, and does not alter the City'S compliance with Goal 9 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO GOAL 10 Goal 10 - Housing To provIde for the housing needs of cItIzens of the state Finding 10 lCDC's Housing goal requires cIties to maintain adequate supplies of bUildable lands for needed housing, based on an acknowledged Inventory of bUildable lands The 1999 Eugene-Spnngfield Metropol1tan Area ReSIdential Land and Housmg Study IS Springfield's most current adopted housing study related to Goal 10 The City of Springfield IS also currently undergOing a new ReSidential lands Study which analyzes housing Inventory and need for the next 20 years Preliminary findings of that study have shown that there IS a need for additional housing within the planning period Some of that need can be met through Increasing density of eXisting reSidential zones The proposed Plan Map Amendment would Increase allowable density levels within the subJect area, thus proViding more housing options for Springfield reSidents The subJect area IS primarily zoned MDR, and IS currently bUilt to mostly MDR density levels The follOWing table Illustrates the on-site density levels I IExlstmg Zonmg lOR MDR MOR I EXISTING CONDITIONS EXlstmg Development Type Single Family Multi-Family. Single Family TOTAL ACRES OF SITE Acres 092 714 073 8791 . Note - Basting bwld-out MDR development on site IS as follows BI-Centennlal Condos = 17 Units per/acre, Rambow VIllage Apartments = 156 Units per/acre I POTENTIAL ACREAGE ,FOR INCREASE IN DENSIT:V;. IEJustmg Zomng Existing Development Type Acres ILDR Smgle Family 092 MDR Single Famllv 073 POTENTIAL ACRES AVAILABLE FOR INCREASE ,IN DENSITY 1 65 As listed In the table above, the proposed Plan Map Amendment would have a marginal effect of Increased density on 1 65 acres, as most of the subJect area IS already zoned and bUilt to MDR density levels The very slight Increase In estimated density that would result from redevelopment of the 1 65 acres at Increased density would have no measurable effect on the overall Citywide housing Inventory Given thiS fact, the Date Receiver' '1 / 1 /6'6 Planner. DR !AP200B-00008 ATTACHMENT 2 -10 proposed Plan Map Amendment does not affect Spnngfield's continued compliance with Goal 10 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 11. Goal 11- PublIC FacIlItIes and ServIces To plan and develop a tImely, orderly and efficIent arrangement of publIc facilItIes and servIces as a framework for urban and rural development. OAR 660-011-0005(7)(a)-(d) DefinItIon of Public FacIlitIes (a) Water (b) Samtary Sewer (c) Storm sewer (d) TransportatIon Finding 11 This goal requires the prOVISion of a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services The subject area IS located Within the Spnngfield UGB and city limits, and IS already designated for urban levels of use The proposed amendment to the Plan map designations from lDR to MDR Will not affect the ability to provide needed services since all the required urban services are available to support eXisting or future commercial uses on the subJect site The Metro Plan and associated facility plans have been acknowledged to conform to Goal 11 ensuring that public faCilities and services are currently available to the subJect SIte The proposed Plan Map Amendment IS on "lnfill" property, which currently has city services available to the site As mentioned previously In thiS report, the maJonty of the subJect area IS already zoned MDR and bUilt out to MDR density levels Any Significant redevelopment In the area Will be subJect to an In depth review of public faCilities and services based upon a development proposal The Plan Map Amendment proposal does not affect the Metro Plan's compliance With Goal 11 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 12 Goal 12 - TransportatIon To prOVIde and encourage a safe, convement and economIc transportatIon system Fmdmg 12 Goal 12 reqUires local governments to proVide and encourage a safe, convenient and economical transportation system The proposed map amendment Involves approximately 8 79 acres of property, of which the maJonty IS zoned MDR and currently bUilt-out to medium density levels Institute of TransportatIOn Engineers (ITE) tnp generation rates for eXisting and potential uses are as follows 1 Use Single Family Housing ITE Code 210 Apartments ITE Code 220 I CondolTownhouse ITE Code 230 __ tr';IIIEhV)>1 HIl:;U l""i(l i'if'irrstr: PM Peak Hour Tnps/D U 1 01 Dally TrlPs/D U 957 062 672 052 586 ATTACHMENT 2 -11 Date ReceIVed. 7 - 7 - {} ([ Planner DR !AP200B-00008 A companson of trip generation from the 1 65 acres available for development at Increased density with 28 apartments (17 D U /acre) Instead of? single family residences (4 D U /acre) IS shown In the following table Use Apartments ITE Code 220 Single Family Housing ITE Code 210 1 Difference PM Peak Hour 28 X 0 62 = 17 Trips Dally 28 X 672 = 188 Trips 7 X 1 01 = 7 Trips 7 X 9 57 = 67 Trips 10 TriPs 121 Tnps Adopted mobility standards that apply to transportation facilities serving the subJect site are based on traffic operations dUring the PM Peak Hour per TransPlan TSI Roadway Pol1cy #2 Motor VehIcle Level of Service The very slight Increase In estimated PM Peak Hour trip generation (10 tnps) that would result from development of the 1 65 acres at Increased density would have no measurable effect on transportation facllltres Any Significant intensification of development Will be subJect to development review to assure eXlstrng transportation capacity IS not exceeded The proposed Plan Map Amendment IS consistent With Goal 12 and applicable local Implementing poliCies STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 13 Goal 13 - Energy ConservatIon To conserve energy Land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maxImIze the conservatIon of all forms of energy, based upon sound economIC prmclp/es Finding 13. The Energy goal IS a general planning goal and provides limited gUidance for site-specific map amendments The proposed amendment has no direct Impact on energy conservation, though It would In fact Will promote greater energy effiCiency by enabling future redevelopment at medium density levels Within the subJect area Therefore, the proposed amendment IS consistent With, and does not alter the City's continued compliance With Goal 13 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 14 Goal 14 - Urbamzatlon To prOVIde for an orderly and effiCIent transItIon from rural to urban land use Finding 14 Goal 14 requires local JUriSdictions to prOVide for an "orderly and effiCient transition from rural to urban land use" The subJect area IS Within the UGB and the city limits of Spnngfield, and Within an eXisting urbanized area of the community Therefore, Goal 14 IS not applicable to thiS application STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOAL 15 Goal 15 - Wlllamette RIver Greenway To protect, conserve, enhance and mamtam the natural, scemc, hIstorical, agncultural, economIc and recreatIonal qualItIes of lands along the Willamette RIver as the Willamette RIver Greenway Finding 15 Goal 15 does not apply to the subject Plan Map Amendment application because the subJect area IS not located Within the Wlllamette River Greenway Date Received' 7 ---1 ~6S Planner, DR - !AP200B-00008- '"it;'. ~i~-:- VI!.ll1r,,--){l: ATTACHMENT 2 -12 STAFF'S FINDINGS RELATED TO COMPLIANCE WITH GOALS 16-19 Goal 16 through 19 (Estuanne Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes, and Ocean Resources) Finding 16 The subJect site IS not located within any coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources related area Goals 16-19 do not apply to this Plan Map Amendment application CRITERIA OF APPROVAL - SDC 5 14-135 (C)(2) 2 AdoptIon of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan mternally inconsistent STAFFS FINDINGS RELATED TO 514-135 (C)(2) Finding 17 The application requests amendment of the Metro Plan diagram from lDR to MDR for approximately 8 79 acres ThiS section of the application narrative addresses the consistency of the amendment with the applicable poliCies of the Metro Plan, to demonstrate that adoption of the amendment Will not make the Metro Plan Internally Inconsistent (as required by the approval criteria In SDC 514-135 (C)(2) ThiS narrative only addresses those poliCies that apply to the proposal, and does not discuss those portions of the Metro Plan that (1) apply only to rural or other lands outSide of the urban growth boundary, (2) apply to land uses other than the current or proposed deSignations for the site and Will not be affected by the proposed Plan diagram amendment, or (3) clearly apply only to speCific development applications (e g , site plan review submittals or subdiVISions) In many Instances the goals, poliCies and Implementation measures apply to speCific development proposals that Will be addressed through compliance With applicable City regulations dUring site plan review of any given future redevelopment proposal The Metro Plan Introduction, Section D prOVides the follOWing definitions A goal as a broad statement of philosophy that deSCribes the hopes of the people of the community for the future of the community A goal may never be completely attainable, but IS used as a pOint to strive for An obJective IS an attainable target that the community attempts to reach In striving to meet a goal An obJective may also be conSidered as an Intermediate pOint that Will help fulfill the overall goal A policy IS a statement adopted as part of the Plan to prOVide a consistent course of action moving the community towards attainment of ItS goals Except for the Growth Management Goals, which are addressed below, each of the Metro Plan poliCies are addressed In the order In which they appear In the Plan Element section of the Metro Plan ~-__,t~\ih>..)c>: (.,h( 510 :mMI.lI'j !AP200B-00008 Date ReceIVed 7 -"7 -c,V Planner DR ATTACHMENT 2 -13 Finding 18 Metro Plan Element Growth Management Pollcv 1 The urban growth boundary and sequential development shall contmue to be Implemented as an essential means to achIeve compact urban growth ProvIsIon of all urban servIces shall be concentrated mSlde the urban growth boundary The proposed amendment satisfies thiS policy because the subJect property IS Inside the UGB and city limits and as such, encourages compact urban growth Also, urban services are available at suffiCient levels to accommodate eXisting development Any significant intensification of development within the subJect area Will be subJect to development review and Will address any need for Increased capacity The City's development review processes ensure that the appropriate level of services IS available to serve future development Finding 19 Metro Plan Element A Residential Land Use and Housmg Element Policv A 11 Generally locate hIgher densIty resldenl1al development near employment or commercial services, m proximity to major transportatIon systems or wlthm transportatIon-efficient nodes As previously noted In thiS report, the proposed Plan Map Amendment would have a marginal effect of Increased In density of 1 65 acres, as most of the subJect area IS already zoned and built to MDR density levels The very slight Increase In estimated density that would result from redevelopment of the 1 65 acres at Increased denSIty would have no measurable effect on the overall citYWide housing Inventory Given past approvals of medium density level development within the subJect area, and past zOning approvals, It IS clear that the subJect area IS appropriate for MDR Plan Designation Several acres located Just southeast of the SUbJect area are zoned and designated Community Commercial, as well an adJacent neighborhood commercial use currently located west of Rainbow Drive Given these facts, the proposed Plan Amendment IS consistent With Metro Plan Policy A 11 Pollcv A 22 Expand opportumtles for a miX of uses m newly developmg areas and eXlstmg neighborhoods through local zonmg and development regulatIons The proposed Map Amendment WIll allow eXisting medium density uses to continue to serve residents In the subJect area, and Will expand future medium density level redevelopment opportunities consistent With the above policy ,- - ~L;')\11~~J.~..." ~l'''',~ !AP200~~008 . , '.031 ' Date Received 7 - 7 - 56 Planner. DR ATTACHMENT 2 -14 Finding 20 C EnVIronmental Design Element Pollcv E 1 In order to promote the greatest possIble degree of diversIty, a broad vanety of commercIal, resIdentIal, and recreational land uses shall be encouraged when consistent with other plannmg policies Approval of the proposed map amendment will add 8 79 acres Into the City'S Inventory of MDR designated land, thereby allOWing for a variety of needed housing types to occur on within subJect area long-standing eXisting medium density uses (I e Rainbow Valley Apartments and Bicentennial Apartments) would be allowed to continue without being considered a Plan / Zone conflict Site, and future redevelopment of the subJect area Will serve the needs of Springfield's growing population, consistent with the above policy Finding 21 F Transportation Element land Use Pollcv F 3 Provide for transit-supportive land use patterns and development, mcludlng higher mtenslty, transit-oriented development along major transit comdors and near tranSIt stations, medlUm- and high-density residential development wllhm one-quarter mile of transIt statIOns, major transit comdors, employment centers, and downtown areas, and development and redevelopment m designated areas that are or could be well served by eXlstmg or planned tranSIt The proposed map amendment Will enable land use patterns and development consistent with the above policy Approval of the proposal Will allow for higher Intensity redevelopment near Centennial Blvd , a maJor transit cOrridor EXisting MDR development In the subJect area IS currently served by l TD services along Centennial Blvd Any redevelopment In the subJect area at medium density levels Will be serviced by the same public transit cOrridor The proposed Plan Diagram Amendment IS consistent with the above policy Finding 22 G PublIc FacilIties and ServIce Element Pollcv G 1 Extend the mmlmum level and full range of key urban faCIlities and services m an orderly and effiCient manner consIstent WIth the growth management poliCIes m Chapter I/-B, relevant poliCIes m thIS chapter and other Metro Plan poliCies The subJect property IS located In Springfield's City limits and the UGB All necessary Infrastructure and key urban faCIlities/services are present to serve eXisting development or are available to serve future redevelopment In the subJect area subJect to site plan review Therefore, the proposal IS consistent With the above policy -- ---- l" ,VIOO.;;r. t7t!-;l, 'y-,. /0 ~ I... rtirins 1 !AP200B-00008 Date Received "7 -7-0~ Planner DR ATTACHMENT 2 - 15 METRO PLAN MAP AMENDMENT CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff finds that the request meets the criteria of SDC 5 14-135 (C)(1) and (2) Upon review of the eVidence provided by staff research, site VISitS, eXisting structures/uses and review of the applicable cnterla of approval, staff finds that proposed Metro Plan Map Amendment IS appropriate for the SUbJect area <-. l...i~'Ji~J)~: Cj)t~-: LRPloos:oO'obB1'1 Date Received. Planner DR ;___7-66 ATTACHMENT 2 - 16 APPENDIX A SUBJECT PROPERTIES: Journal # LRP2008-00008 MAP TAX ACRES PROPERTY OWNER SITE ADDRESS LOT 17032734 1700 54 James McAlexander 1398 Rambow Dr 17032734 1801 02 LOUIS Kennedy / Pame Family Trust 968 W L St 17032734 1802 02 Adehne Katshen 970 W L St 17032734 1803 02 Ahce Mills 972 W L St 17032734 1804 02 VickI Mcvay 974 W L St 17032734 1805 02 Marc Sllvan 976 W L St 17032734 1806 02 Fern Verlore Dalby / Kathleen McCoy 978 W L St 17032734 1807 02 Sharon Medart / Ramah Sherrer 980 W L St 17032734 1808 02 Glona Knudsen 984 W L St 17032734 1809 02 Melba Sanders 986 W L St 17032734 1810 02 Mark McBee / D Kimberly 988 W L St 17032734 1811 42 Assoc of Owners of BI-Centennlal Park 17032734 1812 02 Karen Lissa Hillyard / Susan Case 990 W L St 17032734 1813 02 Gayle Hamlett / Leon & Gayle Hamlett Trust 992 W L St 17032734 1814 02 Jeanne Lovaasen 994 W L St 17032734 1815 02 Ruth Onsum 996 W L St 17032734 1816 02 Susan Gleason / Judith Ott 998 W L St 17032734 1817 02 Clara Force 1000 W L St 17032734 1818 02 Susan Enkson 1002 W L St 17032734 1819 02 Lola Gillespie 1004 WLSt 17032734 1820 02 Mary Howard 1006WLSt 17032734 1821 02 Lounetta B larr 1008WLSt 17032734 1822 02 Edward LUCier 1012WLSt 17032734 1823 02 Pamela Hlp;gms 1014 WLSt 17032734 1824 02 Janet Strobel 1016 WLSt 17032734 1825 02 Karen Snyder 1018WLSt 17032734 1826 54 Phllm & LoUIS Shelley 1010WLSt 17032734 1900 19 Cora Jones / Robert Cook 942 W L St 17032734 2000 22 Bertha Berkshrre 1392 Rambow Dr 17032734 2100 25 Lonne & Jill Morse 901 WLSt 17032734 2300 25 Vernon Haagenson 941 WLSt 17032734 2400 26 PhIlIp Dunn 957,959,971,973 W L St 17032734 2401 20 Patrick Mekech 945 G St 17032734 2402 33 PhilIp Dunn 1003,1005,1017,1019 W L St 17032734 2602 511 Rambow Village Inc 1250 Rambow Dr, Apts 1-80 TOTAL ACRES 8.79 Date ReceIved 7 - 7 -ox rla'1ner DR ATTACHMENT 2 - 17 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RECOMMENDATION FOR A METRO PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT CASE NO. LRP2008-00008 FlNDING, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS + + + RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL + NATURE OF THE APPUCATION The apphcant requests approval to change the map deSIgnatIon on the Metropohtan Area General Plan ("Metro Plan") DIagram from Low DenSIty ResIdentIal (LOR) to MedIum DenSIty Resldenttal (MDR) for apt" u....mately 8 79 acres located near Rambow Dnve The current Metro Plan DIagram deSIgnates properl1es In the subject area as LOR, wlule the eXIstIng zomng and much of the development of the area IS pnmanly MDR. ThIs Plan/Zone COnflIct IS the result of the adoptIon of the present Metro Plan dIagram (c 2004) wluch deSIgnates these properttes LOR even though all preVIOUS actions by the Planrnng COlIlIIllsslon and CIty Counctl estabhshed MDR as the appropnate deSIgnatIon for t1us area. GIven the lustory of past development and zone change approvals In the area, the Spnngfield CIty Counctl1llittated thIS Plan DIagram Amendment from LOR to MDR for the subject area The subject sIte IS located on approxunately 8 79 acres IdentIfied as Tax Lots 1700, 1801-1826, 1900,2000,2100,2300,2400,2401,2402,2602 on Assessor's Map No 17-03-27-34 1 The Spnngfield CIty Counctl voted unammously on Apnl 21", 2008 to 1llitlate a Metro Plan DIagram Amendment for p.up~.;'es In the subject area. 2 The apphcatton was InItIated In accordance WIth Sectton 5 14-120 of the Spnngfield Development Code Tunely and suffiCIent notice of the pubhc heanng, per SectIon 5 2-115 (a)(1)-(14) of the Spnngfield Development Code, has been provIded 3 On May 29",2008, CIty Staff conducted a NeIghborhood Meeting Two property owners attended the meetmg - one property owner Wlthm the subject area, and the other p.up~.~j owner Just west of the subject area. No concerns were I"3.Ised 4 On June 17", 2008 a pubhc heanng on the Plan DIagram Amendment request was held The Development ServIces Department staff notes mcludmg cntena of approval, findmgs and recommendatIons, together WIth the testunony and subrmttaIs of the persons testtfYmg at that heanng have been consIdered and are part of the record of t1us proceedmg CONCLUSION On the basIS of t1us record, the proposed amendment IS consIstent WIth the cntena of Section SDC 5 14- 135(CX1)-{2) of the Spnngfield Development Code ThIs general findmg IS supported by the specific findmgs of fact and conclUSIOns m the attached staff report and attached hereto RECOMMENDATION It IS RECOMMENDED by the Planrnng COlIlIIllsslon of Spnngfield that Case Number LRP2008-00008 be forwarded to the Spnngfield CIty CounCIl for APPROVAL ThIs RECOMMENDA nON was presented to and approved by the Planrnng COlIlIIllsslon on June 17, 2008 --1!/f jllinnllig COIDmlSSlOn Charrperson ATTEST: AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAIN {p X 1L Date Rerl"ived' 7 - 7-cJi( Planner. DK ATTACHMENT 3 - 1