HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/25/2008 (2) .' ,. $>-" BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Tax Map & Lot Number 17-02-31-42, Tax Lot gOO (on the date of executIon) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS. that Northvlew Investments, Inc, an Oregon Corporation Grantor, In Consideration of the acceptance by the CIty of Spnngfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the use or holdIng of saId property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains. sells and conveys unto the saId Grantee, Its successors and assIgns. all the follOWing real property, wIth the tenements, heredItaments and appurtenances. situated 10 the County of Lane and Stale of Oregon, bounded and descnbed as follows SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above descnbed and granted premises unto the said Grantee. ItS successors and assigns forever THE CONSIDERATION for thiS conveyance IS other than monetary STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE } 88 BE IT REMEMBERED that on thiS I ("\ day of ~\ I 200 8 before me, the undersigned, a notary public In and for saId County and Slate. personally appeared the WlthlO named Derek Hamson whose Identity was proved to me on the baSIS of sallsfactory eVidence and who executed the WIthin Instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and vOluntanly on behalf of Norlhvlew Investments. Inc , an Oregon CorporatIon, as Its PresIdent IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above wntten a~ C~ Noiary PGblIC for Oregon 9-.26- 20 \I My CommiSSion Expires (9) AONFFlClAlSEAl "'~-; , aELA ERWIN , c~~~PUBlIC'OAfGON i "YCOM"ISSIONE~I~~!~O 421700 ,: ..~Il!lEry_~ ~'~~; THE CONVEYANCE set forth In thiS Instrument conveYing title or Interest to the CIty of Spnngfield, a MUniCipal Corporallon of the State of Oregon. IS hereby approved, and the bUe or Interest conveyed therein IS hereby accepted CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By L~ DenniS P Emst- CIty of Spnngfield Surveyor kllJL JBr2t:JOR Date r Division of Chlef--DeP.rl.y Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records ~OO~-025~ ~ $31.00 1111111111111 I IIIr1I :111111111111111 "9952336~~:~'~86~~'~'~26 05/08/2008 01: 16: 13 PrI RPR-DEED Cnt:l stn:4 CASHIER D2 $10.00 $11.00 $10 00 RETURN TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD OREGON 974n SEND TAX STATEMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD. OREGON !T74n Z \2OO6\06-2r.1 a.s JlnlST\SURVEYlPAllTITIONDOCUMENl'S'J)6.l618upll& SUe Dftd 110601 '* lEVISID ScpkIaba 20CM / ~rb,o';- I / Date t<ecelved Planner AL 111 .. ,." EXHIBIT "A" PORTION OF LANDS OF NORTHVIEW INVESTMENTS, INC. DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES (TAX MAP 17-02-31-42, PORTION OF TAX LOT 900 AT TIME OF RECORDATION OF THIS DOCUMENT) BEING aU of the westS 00 feet, by perpendicular measurement, of the foUowmg descnbed lands SITUATED 10 the City of Spnngfield, Lane County, State of Oregon, 10 the Southeast 1/4 of Section 31, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WIUamette Mendlan and descnbed as foUows BEING a portIOn of the lands that were conveyed to Northvlew Investments, Inc, an Oregon Corporation, by that certam Warranty Deed that was recorded October 6, 2006 at Recorder's Number 2006-072887 m the Ofiiclal Records of Lane County, State of Oregon, the pen meter of said lands bemg more particularly descnbed as follows BEGINNING at a pomt 143300 Feet South 000 08' 56" West (called 14330 Feet South 000 07' West m saId deed) from a pomt on the South Lme of the Lucmda Comegy's Donation Land ClaIm Number 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WIIlamelte Mendlan, which last mentioned pomt IS 1711 86 Feet North 890 50' 00" East (called 171256 Feet North 890 50' East m said deed), THENCE, leavmg SaId POINT OF BEGINNING and along the east Ime of said lands of Northvlew Investments, Inc, SOUTH 000 08' 56" WEST 97 20 FEET (called South 000 07' West m said deed) to a pomt on a hne that IS drawn from an uncapped 5/8" rebar lymg 1 0 feet below grade and distant North 890 56' 39" East 0 16 Feet from SaId pomt to a 3/4" Iron pIpe that IS distant South 890 56' 39" West 5000 Feet from S81d pomt, THENCE, westerly along SaId hne between the uncapped 5/8" rebar and 3/4" Iron pipe, South 890 56' 39" West 5000 Feet to a pomt that hes on the northerly prolongation of the west hne of saId lands of Shednck and Backer and IS marked by SaId 3/4" ICon pipe, THENCE, along the westerly extension of said hne, South 890 56' 39" West 61 87 Feet to a pomt on the east margm of 38th Street (a 4000-foot Wide nght-of-way); THENCE, along S81d east margm, NORTH 000 15' 46" EAST 9783 FEET to the northwest comer of said lands of Northvlew Investments, Inc , and THENCE, along the north hne of said lands of North vIew Investments, Inc, SOUTH 89044' 00" EAST 1 I 168 FEET RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and contaImng 10,900 Square Feet (0.25 Acres) more or less Date Ji{6celved f~ htJ,,1 Planner AL .