HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 5/3/2007 05/01/2007 12 18 FAX 5418832877 ........ , ; Dl~J.lon a' Chi.' D~u'Y Cl.~ l.ano eo...\. D_ ..... I_MI. S. iD' )\' M-012U1 UUUIIJ!J~ll~'I!!~~/~~Q:II7s': .,._ Cnl.l S\oo:S CllSHIBl 01 III 00 Ul 00 taD.OO WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM sEIAIIN DOlllIICUU OJlJlONI!S. WHO ACQUIRED Tlti.i AS JOSE 30BB OD3lBZ, ta'anUlr. on4 YD.ft'a4U tl.t1 an Onlou Corporation: l'IUR'%1IV1:BW' n......_......,S DCI, C&UI."e, ()LU the fDllow1Dg dell:d.b.d :t'Ml ~t]". f%'ee. ot! MlcumDl'IDCe. ucept .. IIpaatt1cally let tcrdl b8:1'81a. to w1tl BegJ.lUlittg"'..t . po:LQt ltJ! 0 teeC South O. 01' 'Rut trCllllo & po1n't. on tile &O\\t.h 1111.. of ehe LI1euulll comqy". Dcmadcm t..aA4 Cl.1IK afg. 81, 'I'~~ 17 aoue.. ~g. 2 .en of t.hll Will,am.tt.. ICUld:1aa., W1ch 1a.t aen.ticned. po1Dt b 25 968 l:1I&La.. Noeth U. SO I ....t. :f~ t.be 50\1~ camer of nicl ol&ifIl, frO!ll. IIIlilid. bc9'~g pout. ruB Soutb D. 0' I WaR 102 t'oct, Moftll U' '4' WUI: 131 10 f..t 'toO 1Jla ~81t.. cf .opl." 11%1.., tl\~e IiClreb O. H.' Ku't. &loa; catU 11M of l'oplU nd.... loa 'Clot, UeD.C:. Sou.tb IJ' U' But. lU.t.II foot t;O t.b8 po1rn:. of bllJliaaJ.Gv, Us La:A. eo.aa~, cn-c9011 ~ ACCOQAt JOI.J. 01221.. Ma~/Tax Lot MOfgl. 17 O~ 31'200'00 fil,1. prepare}" 11 t':reo from cta.eulDbrILftCle.. UC'IPTI AU t;bClee it_It vC #.Cl~d. Ie allY,. ao of the elate oJ f.l.:Iio 0Iu.4, ~1'Ud:l... aRoT :cea1 ".....~_~.)f 'CllXe. cSu... 1;711.1:. a.ot y.t payula The t.t\.le Clcmdda:adon far t.b1. cOD"eyur.ce 10 n6~,'" 00 , 8Erou: SIGtfnfQ OJ. ~CCBIlTIl!itO nIlS Dbu.u_..., TIm PDBOR 'IP.>>m~ ... TITLE SBOOLtI IBQ\7XU AIIOa': '1'IDIl JZlRSON'S a:rGHTS, IJlI Jdn', UJa)1Ol ~as 191.352 mtS ........___..... 1)(1&8 J1tT'1' ALtDW V8B OP nu: no.llIl"n" DzSCltDlIfD Dt 'l'HtS Z:bM~~._..;,..._ Dr v:rounOH 01' &Pn.XQBLB LAmJ vas LAWS >>It ~non. .DOH .l:tGHDlQ oa ACC!PTINll tHrs llllltallKllN'l'. tIJIl 0=011 ACl/1JDU1Itl ... :rn'LII '10 'nil PRO..R'I"l SllDmD coOt wrra TIiII U'Il'IlOPlUAf'I ern' OR. t'ODN'fY 'lolRNlNO DBPU'DIlWT TO VD:r:rr AVPRCrVIP "'saG, fiO .........,., ~_""L .ANY LDlITS 011 UJIIsV%'I'I ACAurB'Z' ,AJUmfG OR POUST PF,ACn"CIlIS AS ...... _... n:I ORB JO.910 ~ TO -'-..;,-'-' ABOUT 'I'D' JUQllTS or HBYGKBORDIG PROPDTV' QWZID.S, xr Am' GHDI.. OU 197 352.. Dated will ~"Y DC' OatollU', 2GOf. _/ ~!~?;/ ?];(. y.. ~on v~llSy ~. ~ ~.__ __ _ n ,._. _' "" ~_ ~~,." ~...... ~~-z.. ~e:S. (.> ;lld.-y _1<0 r~a~~' ~ bty c~~..iGll ozpu." tor OrolClIl) G~~,~~~~~~:a~ ~ ~t'a 0,. OUQON, C:OaH'1'Y OJ' LARI Af~.~ ~.co~dt~g ~etVEn to, _S1~ 'tI'ft.I " 1'0.0_ ~~ 0' ~ COtmn' .,7 OAPAY IlOAI:l, :mrrII 340 I'l;tcPIm:. OR .7<101 Oo.tll .. c=bIU1ge 11 r.q\l..t.ac.4 -.lot tp .u'C.u.antll sball be 8BD~ ",0 ~ fo1.1QW1ni' .~4:r.1III1 R01I.'lBVIBW DrlBB'DID1rS me. HBS5 VAN DOYN aD BUCBNB on 97408 Date Received Planner AL WIS Sb- CJ.3'2,..IS-O~ 1i!I001/003 s /;/ )c07 I I