HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/2/2007 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Application, Type II SubdIVISion TentatIve. Partition Tentative SPRINGFIELD ,A.IlOJ,J1~1 ,..L" Company: IcRS oX"" IFax: I Address: 11670 West 11th Ave, SUite D I Applicant's Rep.: bames A Branch, P.E , P 5 L Iphone: 1746-0637 I Company: Branch Enqlneerlnq, Inc IFax: 1746-0389 I Address: 310 Fifth Street. Spnnqfield, OR 97477 I I I I I Property Owner: I Company: I Northvlew Investments, Inc Address: 133855 Van Duyn Road Iphone: I IFax: I ASSESSOR'S MAP-NO: 17-02-31--42 TAX LOT NO(S): Property Address: 137 & 135 - 38th Street. 5onnqfield. OR Size of Property: 0 26 Acres IZJ Proposed Name of Subdivision: 900 Square Feet 0 Description of DIvide Tax Lot 900 mto two parcels. Proposal: Existing Use: Residential # of Lots/Parcels: 2 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 569S sf Density: 7 69 du/acre , Applicable Refinement Pian: Pian Designation: Location: City Limits D Urban Growth Boundary D Associated Applications: S \) ~?"CY'l1-1YY'l4{\ PLA D~C.2.1X>1-0005~ ViJJn'~h I Pre-Submittal nl'A 1M7 ArM{n Case No.: F' tJ-W U(Pf~~% Case No.: ~M1J~l Application Fee: $ltl2.Q Technical Fee: $ TOTAL FEE'S $ 5, I ~,'f5 J I ~/J-I ()r 2 '3'=> If 5 Reviewed by: Reviewed by: PostaQe Fee: ri'n~ $ 155 P!LS )(j)7 -axJI S Date Received Planner Al R/2./~7 I / Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application IS mandatory Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submla:ai review Pre-submittal meetings will De conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10 00 am and noon We will stnve to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of receIVing the application 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and desIgn team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting Will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (BUilding), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division The meeting Will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes The Planner Will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items reqUired to make the applicatJon complete-if It Isn't already complete You Will then have t80 days to make the applicatIon complete for submittal and acceptance by the City 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application - When you have addressed all of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 COpies of the complete application to the City A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar reView period Will begin When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review At the applicant's request-;-the planner Will schedule a meeting to review the draft with - appropnate staff if certain Issues need resolution before the final land use decIsion IS Issued Owner's Signature This appllcatJon Will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete applicatIon submittal. Owner's signatures are reqUired at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned wledges that the Information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of } prefub~1 ~Jetln.v' Owner (~_ /./ ~ -- - Date :?~/'7"07 Signature / - /' lJv.v I tV- ~fAf{'~/)k Prlni 'RPt.llCM 11 J')Of')C't()h RTPnrl'.l Tnnpc Date Received Planner AL d)../~01 , / I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on thIs applicatIOn at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS provided herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained wIthin the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the informatIOn as submitted This statement serves as~r~ "u' Ice pursuant to the r ulrements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application ~_ ) / Owner \ ~d Date. Signature Print 'QPV1CM 11 /')()I'J()()" "RTPnn',) Trmp<: Date Received Planner AL 6' 1r/:u;tJ 7 / / Land Division Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS avaIlable at the Development Services Department The applicat,on fee and current postage fee IS collected at the time of complete application submittal 2. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances If the applicant IS not the property owner, written permiSSion from the property owner IS required 3. One additional copy of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8'I2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neIghboring property notification packet 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be prOVided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department Of_Transportation (ODOT) facility 5. Stormwater Management System Study-four COpies of the study with the completed Storm water Seoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent With the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. 6. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engmeer m accordance WIth SDC Section 32 020(1)(c) Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic Impacts and mltlgation.of a development on the City's transportatJon system. lIT general; a TlA must explam how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system m terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobIlity, and Immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, If needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportatIon poliCies and objectives 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copIes of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the followmg plans must mclude the scale (appropriate to the area mvolved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation All plan sets must be folded to 8V2n by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions rg] Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engmeer IZi VICinity Map [8J The name, location and dimenSions of all eXisting site features mcludmg bUildings, curb cuts, trees and ImpervIOUS surface areas, clearly mdlcatmg what IS remammg and what IS bemg removed [8J ReqUired setbacks to the proposed new property lines for eXlstl'lg structures to remam on site D The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and reqUired riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file In the Development Services Department \,\I~ 'D""ncM 11 /")O/'Jfl(lE. RTPnn'.1 Jnnpc 'i 12) 2tXf7 Date Received ~~F-'- -- Planner AL ~ The 100-year floodplain and flood way boundaries on the site, as specified In the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map RevIsion ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as speCified In Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department ~ Pl1yslcal features If"lcludlng, but not hlTlIted to trees 5" 'n diameter or greater when measured 4 112 feet above the ground, Significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcropplngs [gJ SOIl types and water table information as mapped and speCifIed In the SOils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engmeer must be submitted conClUrrently If the Soils Survey mdlcates the proposed development area has unstable Salls and/or a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan [gJ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor In accordance With ORS 92 E1!:I Location of all eXisting and proposed easements rgJ DImenSions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimenSions of each bUilding site Indlcatmg the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale N/A 0 Location and type of eXisting and proposed street lighting ~ Location, WIdths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedicatIons or other right-of-ways WIthin or adjacent to the proposed land diVISion ~ Location of existing and reqUired traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and l:amilar public facihbes ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed Sidewalks, SIdewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails ~ /V#. 0 Location, sIze and type of plantlngs and street trees In any reqUired planter stl'ljJ o LocatIon and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site includmg sanitary sewer mams, storm water management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection pOints Phased Development Plan reqUired if redlvision IS proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redMsion. Any redMslon must progress m a sequence promobng street connectMty between the various phases of the development and accommodating other reqUired public Improvements c. Grading and Paving Plan [gJ Prepared by an Oregon Licensed CIVil Engineer M'/I D Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system 81 Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations 81 Pervious and imperviOus area drainage patterns N/4 ] The size and location of storm water management systems components, mcludlng but not limited to dram Imes, catch baSinS, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storm water quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retamed [gJ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for ,b land With a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot Intervals) M,~ D Amount of proposed cut and fill Qp.,ncpif 11 f'){)/'JP(\f;. RTP-nrlQ T/"\npC! Date Received Planner AL i /z-/~b1 / / , , 8. Additional materials that may be required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS! APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTiUZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUIES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: IV4 0 Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement N;A 0 AdditIOnal plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster SubdivIsIon proposal as I specified m SDC Section 16 100(3) ~,,4- 0 RIparian Area ProtectIon Report For properties located wlthm 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any dIrect tributaries of WQLW NI4 0 A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently If there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present NM 0 Where the development area IS wIthin an overlay district applicable, address the A'1i additIonal standards of the overlay district IV. It 0 If five or more ~, c= are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Perm It as specified In N Iff SDC Article 38 II 0 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon DiVision of State Lands must be / submitted conClUrrently where there IS a wetland on the property N /4 0 Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or eVidence the permit application has been submitted for review N IA 0 Where any gradmg, filling or excavating is proposed With the development, a Land and Dramage Alteration permit must be submitted WIth the land use application I{ 1ft 0 Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of PrOVISions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 ~ ~ _ - "Q,e."....::::AA 11 /')(If')f1rv:; 'Rrpnn'.::l Ti'lnp~ Date Received ~/2.- /)007 Planner AL / ~ R.2W.W.M. MAP 17 02 31 13 .,,-.44'!; I.J~ ~,~ 900 I~,l "4~ IIQg... 000 jJ"2,.Coo 100 /IG ,.' 1/., 16' 200 --1L".~~ ' '1/11'" \00 114 Jf' Ill-II '()1 IV\. 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HIGHWAY 40' oS 8S1'.j..j'~ I~"'I ~ r=-- '; 400 "tJ'-S" tlOr.., 500 1I0&Z.' ~ 701 " Iloa"Z. ~ 700 --';tS ~ , 801 lM e 1",,6 /.dlk..;r n"I' ~"~zg,"W _. &>~~~ J ~ 1201 .os ~ 050AC 'AC ~r Pl ! r- . ~~ ~~ J 2 t'R\~~ ~\" -w. ...11>- '"""V'1J'0 ~ vi! -,0. :'T'~. ; :'6)@~ 1"jI:t I,' . \) ,IQ<:.-ol -oJ,~! 4~ '\. ~ ,."" ---.:.. ;,., IOZO ., '/ ~ L~ --- l"!o ...... fy a-, 41 ~.... .".".,.", TrTTr'r ("'IT' TT?"TT7" 'mf777 r 211",,^^ ~:~~ 1~ ~ I 802 ",,-p 860' III 4'9 900 SITE 'I' .0' 1100 . '. ~" 17 02 31 SPRINGFIE l i "0. , ~.,~ 7</-. '':ff' .s~ iQ-. 122 , . 101 ~ t NAD 83/91 ~ . . I..,,,." 38 11 IDlh3 121 " L- . 102 . ~ . ~ . '=0 39 10 101 ~.t' . ' ~ ' n ~, , w ,,120 "U' 1 03 " ~ ~ '<:( ~ j I /000 40 --1 : 10";" i " 119 q a.. ; ~4 : ~i~ ,aaO 4~ \\~~ \) ,=-1 ; 118 ~~~; 105 ~ 01 ~ 4i t 7 ,om' I~ ~ I ~. 106 b >! "117,, = ~ ::t"I ~ oJ:: \I ,': ~ Mao 4~ c;o .~~ ~~' 116 ~ 1'0 ~'" ~! ,~... 44 ~;l 1. 115 CANCELLE( 2400 2404 5603 7900 5017 6600 . ;, ~ ~i~ ~ ~i~ ~ . ~t.. 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I'l ~ :.~ l:ll-'I:~~ 118.~_~ ,...# '>[1, J 0 .~'" ""1_ . ..,-\ ~ I I' [;~ II : ~ r:::mr I :~ UT I .1 I . ..11 . <aT 140 IRIw ~ I It :i JJj ./;'" .J -. 'I' ~ i\ ~ f -?fo;;, ___ J ~I .~ I ... I j"~1 I"" I'~ ~ 1,~y~O PARCEL~ I :~ - "C lJl P.o\IEV11r (AREA-... III P ~ It 19C~~ / ~.z43SFl[XSAI/I~I~ I II I .5 -L.""i ~ MAIIImw.r:c ~ 1,.1 L . ITT ACln9r.osanrl V 'I' I, ,1l1/li' I lj/ ~ L +-~,o>. ~k;".~~T~~':::-::..._=~ I ~ :::;-~ .......JWk . . 1'.I'/f-~c.:'1Lroro:lHlOtJGH , '^ )< f'lftlII'(lItTrU\E AD.uIn€7t7 'II B I ~ I I I:rr .~- ~ ~ I I I I:~,.,,,, \,cP ~j;T(l~'-:' {sF :1 ~ I!" II C;.'I>....", <.." ~ ~'\ I J~ Q< J..<'- I h II '" 'T/fII>CII'UHJ TOIlE {I t i, '9 ~..O:;':'':;..,~ F'I?E HYDRANT APPROX,",A TEl Y 47/1 /40 FROM SOUTHWEST COR~R ~ I I-L OF"'. ______ =- 1 I I I I ~ ~ r~o~~AllCELJ v' f.T060U0P.'lH(FE:~ '" TO_ II '<;R!l44.l)f'J"~ 111.ti1l I 'I lOT ' II --4XS.6N-~ " /' cXISTIlfG, . pur , /' PARCEL I Jr-l" " AREA- I en ~TNS 96> 5243 SF 0;\ "; ~TO_ ~~~ 1 it:J6l { ~~ .. 'v ,~ 'v IJrGJrND =......, ~llIU'VInl.lE ~lOT ~fAEOIE/ffl/ =-~ ~~ -[....-- flllmIIG"ATmMf ---0(6--- fmfN;~ - -rK SA"- - fmfN; ~.<RT 6E1I(Jl - -~, ~r...- - DlSfN; 9TCfllI I'A7flI -~- fm1ao:IO'o{JJOD~ ~~~ fJaSlMCCWOlETfl'4tJ( on I'R(P(lS[l>PA\'ElI~U mr aEVATD5 .~- ..- rL'1<,5fi fJaSTNSfil'QTELEVA7Oo' m m fJaSIWGF'OI'fIIf'ClE Da!11NiI'Arl1IlEl[II flllS1lIG GAS IIlrr1l ~ . ""' ,v fm'....Sl(l1l1f-.:J.C ~B1l1lllCA1CH_ rUlQT n ~...... J_c~~~ V l JA~8~:WANCH J DECENeEIl3l2007 DIWNAG. THE DRAI>/AGE OF TiE PROPERTY WLL CONTIMlf AS IT DOES C~REN1L Y Tr-E STRlXTlRE ClNIH j8TH STREET CURRENTLY WEEPHOLES ROOF RIJIOFI'" TO TI-E CURB. THE: STRlXTURE ON /35 38TH STREET /490 SO FT I Wl.L CONTME TO DRAIN ON SITE VIA SPLASH PADS ANY ROOF RUNOFF FROM POSseLE FUTURE DEVELDPMENT OF THIS PROf'OStD PARCel MAY BE DfRECTED TO THE NEAREST CUlB NO'IW8 / A PROPERTY US: AD.AJSTMENT BETWEEN THE sw.ccr SITE ANDTAX LOTS 1100 AM) 1000 ts SL6MfTTED CONCURRENTLY WITH ThIS TENTATIVE PARTITION. 2 AREAS AND DNENS/ONS ARE CALCtA..A TED NOT NCLl.X>>JG THe RJGHT-oF WAY DE!>>CAT/ON AREA AND THE: AREA TO BE TRANSFERRED TO tL lIoo &. 1000 T~OUGH TI-E CONCURRENT PROPERTY UNE ADJUSTMENT 3 A VARIANCE TO PEVlA TE 1& FROM T'"E 60 REOI.J6tCD FRONTAGE IS APPLEP FOR CONCURRE:NTL r II'fTH THS TENTATIVE PARTITION. ) . ,~ GRAJ'l.ICSCALE '! 19 2? !"""w- - ,..'u;,. ~ Branch En~meenn." loc ~'~IG~_ ~ Gnpa ,-un lNll7~,.alwll7__ ~~- --- .0 I t'-- ~ -.....:. "'.... -.....:. 0.,' a1 ~<i! ~ <DL: D:::0l alC _C as.!!! Co. I PRO,€CT NO 06 261 I SHEET 2 OF 2 '" ~ .." " , WRITTEN STATEMENT FOR CRS 38m STREET PARTITION ThIs proposal IS to dIvIde the subject site mto two parcels The sIte IS located at 137 & 135 - 38th Street, Spnngfield, Oregon (TM 17-02-31-42, TL 900) The residentIal structure addressed 135 - 38th Street has al'l'w"lmately 490 square feet of area Both of the structures are to remam The proposed partitIon will essentIally splIt the property so that each structure Will be on Its own parcel A mmor vanance for frontage and a property Ime adjustment applIcatIon IS submitted concurrently With thIS partitIon Each structure currently IS connected to all the necessary utIlItIes Both structures have separate metered water and power services, and separate sarutary servIce The reSIdentIal structure on 137 - 38th Street dIreCts ItS roof runoff to the 38th Street curb VIa a weephole The structure on 135 - 38th Street drams ItS roof runoff to a splashpad on-site and overland flows to 38th Street No Improvements and/or addltIonallmpervtous area are I'wl'vsed The stormwater Will contInue to flow m ItS current flow pattern Date ReceIved Ji',{ /20PL- Planner AL --lLf7 ' ( \.. " @ PRINCIPALS James A Branch, P E Rene Fabricant, S E P E Michael Lane Branch. P E 310 5th Stl"Elet Springfield, Dragon 97477 [541J 746.0637\, Fax (541) 746-03B9 '\ Branch Engineering, Inc. August I , 2007 Andy Llmblrd City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR RE CRS Inc I Northvlew Investments Ltd PartitIOn (pRE2007-00026) Mr Llmblrd, The followmg IS a response to the pre-submittal meetmg winch took place May II, 2007 A property lme adjustment between the subject site and Tax Lot 1100 & 1000 IS submitted concurrently WIth this completeness submittal PLANNING Notes I An access and mamtenance easement agaInst Tax Lot 800 IS reqUired for the zero lot lme configuration of the house on Parcell The owner of Tax Lot 800 must provide a concurrence for the easement WIth the tentative partition submittal Please see the enclmed letter from Duane and Susan Kmght, the owner~ of Tax Lot 800, for their concurrence with the proposed project and willingness to proVide the requested easement 2 At least one street tree IS required for each proposed parcel Selected trees shall be species sUitable for plantmg beneath power hnes The plans have been revised to show one new street tree on each propmed parcel The proposed street trees will be 2 Inch cal1per trees and the species will be selected from the "List of Acceptable Street Trees" In the Springfield DeSign Manual, Chapter 6 02 2A, under "Any Planter Strip With Overhead Power Lines" AdditIOnal comments not related to the completeness to the apphcatlOn · The commercIal bUlldmg encroachmg wlthm proposed Parcel 2 must be removed pnor to Fmal Plat Alternatively, a property Ime adjustment to create an appropnate bUlldmg setback (10' rear yard) for Tax Lot 1000 shall be completed CIVIL / STRUCTURAL TRANSPORTATION SURVEYING d'/:t-/Jar! / / ' Date Received Planner AL A s discussed In the pre-applicatlOn meeting, we are proposing a property line a4Justment to be processed concurrently with this parhtlOn applicatIOn The property line a4Justment will Involve both Tax Lots 1100 and 1000 and will result In 4 - 5 feet of longitudinal distance for these lots . A 5' street nght-of-way dedIcatIOn along the property frontage may be reqUIred WIth the partition plan The plans have been a4Justed to show a 5 foot right-of-way dedlcahon to 38'h Street . It IS strongly recommended that the eXlstmg cham bnk fence IS relocated to be on the south property Ime The concurrent property line a4Justment Will result In the saldfence being south of the new property line . The portIOn of Jomt access dnveway servmg Parcel 2 shall be paved m accordance With the Development Code The plans have been revised to show that a portIOn of the eXisting gravel driveway Will be paved up to 18feetfrom the 38'h Street right-of-way (qfterdedlcahon) . At least 2 developed off-street parkIng spaces are reqUIred to serve Parcel 2 Two parlang spaces Will be prOVided on the said Improvements to the eXisting gravel driveway . A mmor vanance for lot Width (18 3%) must be granted for Parcell . A second mmor varIance for lot Width (11 7%) must be granted for Parcel 2 One minor variance request IS submitted concurrently With thiS parhhonfor lot Width of 183% · Show the locatIon and footpnnt of eXlstmg bUlldmgs on adjacent properties (Tax Lots 800, 1000 and 1100) on the tentatIve plan The plans have been revised to show the eXisting bUildings on the a4Jacent properhes · Show the locatIOn of all eXlstmg sIte trees on the tentatlve plan There are no eXisting street trees on the site · Show the extensIOn of sanItary sewer laterals to the eXIsting dwellings Confirm that the bUIlding on proposed Parcel 2 has a working sanItary sewer connectIOn The plal1.\ hm'e beell/ eVlsed to .\holl' the ex/sll/lg sewe/ laterals extelldl/ll' to the eXisting reMdentlal stnJcture · Separate utIlIty connectIOns (water, electnclty, etc ) are reqUIred for each parcel The eXisting uttlity connectIOns are separate The applicant does not Intend to create any new JOint utility connechons Date Received Planner AL i'ik7 / / TRANSPORTATION Notes 1 Show eXlstmg street hghts The plans have been revised to show an eXlstmg street light on the west side of 38'h Street PUBLIC WORKS Notes 1 A dedicatIon of 5 feet nght-of-way (ROW) from the western edge of the property will be reqUired The 7-foot Wide PUE Will be located belund the ROW The plans have been revised to shaw a 5 foot right-of-way dedicatIOn to 38'h Street 2 Show reqUired setbacks to the new property hnes for eXlstmg structure to remam on sIte The plans have been revised to show all setbacks from the eXlstmg structures to remam 3 ProVIde the locatlon, sIZe and type of eXlstmg plantmgs and street trees m the planter stnp area There are no eXlstmg street trees on the site Please contact me If you have any further questlons, comments, or need further mformatlon Smcerely, !~ 1JJ ~ Jeannette M Applauso, E I Date Received Planner AL ?/2-~o7 / / Northview Investments, Inc. 3385 Van Duyn Rd. Eugene, OR 97478 July 18, 2007 The intention of the document IS to create a Service Access Easement between Duane and Susan Knights and Northvlew Investments, Inc between their respective properties 143 S 38th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (17-02-31-42 Tax Lot 800) and 137 S 38th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (17-02-31-42 Tax Lot 900), which IS currently being partitioned. All parties agree and make part of thiS Service Access Easement the attached map With the tentative partition Northvlew Investments, Inc Will move the current fence line four feet back to the actual surveyed property line, an turn Duane and Susan Knights Will grant a Service Access Easem or the purpose of Northvlew Investments, fnc maintaining the dwell In \f ~ (( -<3'i-;r Date 1- / ,f-O/) Date ~~ .~~.&,/ Susan Knights 0 1- /?~-'} Date Data Received ~~~7 Planner. AL (; I Drainage Study for: eRS - 38th Street Partition II Drainaae Study . 5/2/2007 project Area Peak Flow Rate o 26 Acres 013 CFS (2-YearStorm) Santa Sarbra Post-DeveloDment Flow Calculations, Pervious Area 0 13 Acres Impervious Area 0 13 Acres Time of Concentral1on 10 mtn I I Narrative The dramage of the property will contmue as It does currently The structure on 13 7 38th street currently weepholes roof runoff to the curb The structure on 13 5 38th street (490 sq ft) will contmue to dram onslte Via splashpads L BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC 310 5th Sileet Spnngfield OR 97477 Phone (541) 746-0637 FAX (541) 746-0389 II Date Received Planner AL f Iz-/JdJ7 I / Known Pervious r- ~ Area = 013 acres CN = 74 Storage = 351 cu ft o 2S = 070 cu ft ~' Imoervlous ~, % Imperv = 5000 Area = 013 acres CN= 98 Storage = 020 cu ft o 2S = 004 cu ft u 11 "'....l w<=( Site Q '1l "- Area = 026 acres Total Ram = 33 m Time Incr = 10 mm T = 10 mln ;::Ql c _ e: we: -co w= o 3333 '0_ _J a. Answer Maximum Design Flowrate = 013 cIs T = mm p 05/03/2007 08 55 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW MAY-02-2007 WED 12:54 PM 9RANCH ENGINEERING 54174f '9 ~002 P. 02 1IP,.. .," 'I .', ~ ., . . r < . ,I,..' . . . _' ~ Fax (541) 736-1021 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineenng DIVISIon STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - ~r..a b6kn.. thi.lmejiTled OIIr fly AppUPflllr) - (Please rdIIrn 10 Matt St~tl7'@ Ci1)> ofSpringfidd PRbU,' Works Ellgineerillg; F..., # 736-1021, Pltone # 7J6-103$.) Project Name: ClS 38'" Street ParttlIoD . Applieant: Marie Losco Alsll$So.,s Parcel #' 17-02-31-42.900 Date: 05-02-07 Llmd Ose(s): LDR PbODe f#: 746-0637 Jeamwtte ApIJlauBo@ Branch Prlljed Size (Acres): 0 26 Fax #: 746-0389 Approx. Impervious Area: <50% EIDRil: leaonettefcl,bl'allCbentWieeriwu:Qm Project DesC!l'IptioD (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Then: an: two ~ ,e<:1t1en"1l1 strudllres on-QW l1us partrIlon WIll dIVlde tIw ...~.._. .j' mto two parccIs lllld allow ew;h reS\derJtlal slllIc:lqrll 10 be ona OWlllot DraiDagc F... J ...:.1 (Publlo c:........~;.tm(s), cbscbalge 1......;._;5). Cfl:. AllIIch ~ sheet(s) if.neoessary: The <haina8e will not chaIlge with tins r...........l The residentW stnJeture on 137 - 38"' Street will CODl1nUc In t:ham 10 38'" Street through the CllIstlllg weepbolels The residential ~dure on 135 - 3gdJ Stn:et will contmu= to dram Oll-$l\!;l V'.a e. splash Jilad. No I11lpl'Overncnts and/or unpe1V1OUS area IS r.wrw.;d WIth tIllS parIIllOll Proposed Sto ...,., ".lel' Ik:st Management Pnlctiees: __ (ArlM f1!,/r>,., tI,u [In'" fill"" duJ.bv ",,, CiI:y tOld R4tumed '" ./r" tftmhcuntl- ~4ra mlnmllll1l. 01/ bow,! cl,ecked by II,,! C'lry olllhefront (11Id blld,;ofrh.s 9heer ..ball b. .1IbmlTtod for IlIllll'pl,callOlT'IO be pompleN f(Jr .1Ibmmol, llltJlCUgh ather reqlIII'fJmtJIIQ may bu IJecat&al'Y,) p....ina~e Stndv TmefEDSI'M Sedioo 4.03.2): {Not... UH mav be ~D .".:., ,'elf for Rational Metbod\ Ifil Small SIte Study - (..... RaliorW Method for cah:ulolbons) o Mid-Level DeveJopmen\. Study - (use Umt Hydrogmph Method for calC1lladollll) D Full Drll1nage Development Study - (lI/iI: Unit HydrDgraph Melbod for calculafions) Environmental Con: J.~ .,~Dn.:, yJ,.. fIl Wellhead ZOtlC. L ~ ___,Z> ~(" -t'r Ii l:hllSlde Devek.,.........;.' 8ii WetlandlR1parian .J \ I.... Ij\ FloodwaylFloodplsin Ii Soil Type I 0 I - t)o(.l ~"1 l.H'/........ ~ . Other Jurisdlctions - Do......trMm AnalvRs:. J v.....(\ ~ IIJ NI A o Flow liIIe for starting water $Ulf'a.ce elevation D DestgD. HGL to use for startiDg water surtlice e1eYatlon o ManholelJunct1on to taIre analysis to .w... Return to Matt Stollder (ii) Cln< of SI>nrumeJd, emOll: mstoudel'(61eLsPlm'!field.or.lIs. FAX: 1541\736-1021 'ROVIcM 11 hnhrvw::. 'A'rPMQ l~ Date Received Planner AL J>'/:;'/:M07 / / 05/0312007 08 55 FU 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW tlAY-02-2001 \.lED 12'SS Ptl lRANCH EHClNEERiNG 54174f '9 IilI 003 p, 03 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I ForOlllomttr",OoIy M-AS '" 8_4 upon the lIlformdnon pNlV"Jed on the.frcmt of ibis meet, the fallaw/Ill: "'1""'re1lts a mlnllll"'" o/what I$llevriBd.fi1r an app(u:allon It> be oompleU /o~ submlttaJ with ..sped to d,,,,nage; htJWI!4'eJ', rhls list should not be used In JiIlU ofrJre Spnfllfield Dev./opme1d Code (SDC) o~ the CIOI's EngmeerllllI De1!:/g71 MtmrlQ( ComphQ1lCl! With the.<e 1'fIquj~l9>U!"ts dDes "ot constllllte olle approval, Addlt'OIIal jilt ~peoljia mft>""tltlo" may be revu,,.d. Note: UPO" &Coping $heet &rIlmuttal, _'" t:amp(eted/o"" has bee" signed In tht sptJU! proYlded belt7W ktmm DealF Standal'dsl'Water QualIty (lDSPM: ChA\Ifer 3) 13'd NI.4. U I!Q AU nou-buildmg rooftop (NBR) lmpeMOUS surfacos sl1aIl be p... ._.....:11 (,.,So 1lWll1 ..:....J1LIed ~basln ,../00 lilll1lllon media) illr stoJIl1Wlllle: qPlIlily AddIboDally, a III'., :'.." "., ofSO*/. of lbc NBR ..........:ws 5UJfuce sball be lMItcd by vegetated JbCtht-I~ o fj WbcIe n:qnued. v~",........,e S\(lrIJI1\'3lCt clesIgn sbaU be collslsl.Clll WIlli lnlcrim dmgn .......:... ':"lBPSPM SectIon 3 02). j;et forIh by the Buteau ofEnvllonme1ltal Sernccs (BES) or Clean Wa1ef SeMc:ell (CWS) o {iii. For new NBR impcmoI&s uca less Ihlw 15,000 oq=e lecl. a snnpllficd lkslgll............'I may be 1llIIowcd as spccdied by the BES fur vegelal1ve CrealmetIt o I!i.If a ~...." ,~r:""';'....J. swah: iii ,.. '.. ," d. submit <alculalJoDslspecific:atanos for SlZiDg. 'IelocI1Y. flow, SJde slopes. bottom slope, 8Dd seed mix CODSlsteDl wl\ll ct\Ilcr BES Of CWS JeqUln:menls- o & WaterQnalityc:alwlalIonsa.~mSedion3 031 oftheEDSPM o fit All bwJdlllg lWItop mouoted ~ 01 otllet :fluJd Mnhllnlllg equipmc:lll: located outsKII= of the boddmg. shAll be proVIded 'Mth secondary contiUUDlenl or weather roslSlAlll cnelosure Gellecal ~ KequiremeaU (EDSl'M Sediun4.0') e. 0 Dtll1lIQ,llstlldy .....-.....JbyaPlal'=lonal CrvllEngweerhcemedinthestall:ol'~ o I A ,..=..;....llmiDage stndy, as leq1Iired m EDSPM Sa:twn 4 03 J. mclUdl1lg a hydtoIogtca1lm1dT map B Ca""II~~OIIS shomng system ""Jll1Cl1Y tilt a 2-year SIlllllllMl1t asul OVClflow e:fIi:l;ts of a 25~ storm_t. 'X'hl: tune (If .__._;.__~ (Tc) Bhall be deleIllllDed using alO lD1II1lIc sblrt time for developed basin. Jle>iewofl. '",. "'" lSYfleID (EllSPMSectiOll4.03.4.C) o fIl A d_......:........m dImnage a~ as .r.....iLJd m EDSPM ,,~~, 4 03.4 C On-5ItC drau1ago sbaIl be governed by the OtegooPl_;,,,c Spe<>olty Code (OPSC). o fjl EIcval:Il1IIS of \be HGL and IIow lines lbr both city alld J1lIVllle .J..;...., wh= applicable ~ d SUlm SysIeIN (EDSPM Section 4.04) iii 0 FloW \lJles. slopes. rim e1evatKms. pipe type and SIi.oo cIeady "m.",,''''' on the plan oot. o il lufln.mnm ~ cover sball be 18 meIIes tot rclnforted. plJlC lIIld 36 mcbcs lOr pIlIllI CODCI$ and plasPo pipe 1DlI!mal.. Or prop<< llilllll1l!C11l1g calcu1alJWI/l sball be pro'Ilded when less. The CU'/t:I s!laIl be lOIIfiCUlllt to >'... ..: an 80,000 lb load W1\Iwdt fidJme of the pipe- o (5 Monnmg's "11" values foI" pipes shall be COI''llS'enI wrth Table 4.1 of the EDSP. AU stonn pIpeS shaU be des\goed to achieve a lWll1D1= vo:Aocuyafthree (3) 1loel pet IleCOnd ill 0 S pIpe full !wf:d on Table4-! as well Ollletf.Mise ii 0 llxisllng and,,,..~.: 0lIlIl0un. Iocaloxlllt ODI: 1ilot wtmvaI. Jndude spotdeValloas and SIte cmdu showing haw dW dmins tj 0 Pnvate s;.,.._..u~_ easement. shaD be clearly deplwd on plans when pnvale >:"....,,~... flows ftom one ....r ....i to .".,,1.... o IjJ, Dl}'WCUs sballlIOl .". J "_ nmofi'fwm &lIY SUWlee w/o bemg tn:aIed by 0I1ll or more BMJli, with the .........;....'- of relAdcmlaI1>uUdmg roalil (EDSP Secbon 3.03.4 A) Additunlal prcmsions apply to tbls as reqwred by the DEQ ~ 10 tlleu-cbslle' \V,,~, .dM .1:1.... nr,u.I"'a/~"../u""'ome hClllW _IlL:.....,.,..... o 8l DeleIl110n poIlds shall be dedgoed to.wn.! tIIoofi"to pre-doveJopment rotes:tOr the 2 lhrough 2S-yeat storm events 6'I1dsf_sfWl""l/tdIuI.tltlll$tIIf~-I!IIt,Wi4et1ujHRtetJ'eJ'. qftluutG .. ",,. !tuO<V . /MPORIANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN' As the engmeer or!1!:OOrd, lllcrcOy celll!Y ~ above requucd uems lite CXlIIlpIele &Ild IIlClIIded with the .",:. ..:.:"J IiWIttlll'ater :::~.p:;~~~../ 4~~~Dalb' ~4k7 Rcv15Cll12l412OO6 fl~ 1cJlcs Date ReceIVed Planner AL f! !v~7 I / e Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Wlllamette, SUite 500 . Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 683~5422. FAX 15411 344~4534 PRELIMINARY REPORT ORDER NO 00.713148.46 TITLE OFFICER Landa Minyard TO Branch Engineering, Inc A TTN Jeannette 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 OWNER/SELLER Duane Kmghts & Susan Knights et al BUYER/BORROWER PROPERTY ADDRESS 170231 42,800,1000 & 1100 EFFECTIVE DATE July 18,2007.0800 AM 1 The polley and endorsements to be Issued and the related charges are AMOUNT PREMIUM 2 THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS A Fee 3 TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN, PARCEL I Duane Knoghts and Susan Knoghts, as tenants by the entIrety PARCEL II Juan Shedrick and Joy Backer, not as tenants In common, but WIth rights of survivorship PARCEL III Lenord E Hays 4 THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF Lane, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF LM\LM 07/23/2007 Date Received f.!./2-~ Planner AL I ~ e FideU,y National Title Company of Oregon PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the application for a policy of title msurance referenced herem, Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon reports that It IS prepared to Issue, or cause to be Issued, as of the specifIed date, a Policy or PolIcIes of TItle Insurance descnbmg the land and the estate or Interest descnbed, msunng against loss whIch may be sustamed by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an ExceptIOn below or not - excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Condltlorls and StIpulatIons of the Policy forms The printed ExceptIOns and ExclUSIOns from the coverage of saId Policy or PolICIes are set forth m ExhIbIt A attached CopIes of the PolICY forms should be read They are avaIlable from the offIce whIch Issued thIS report ThIS report (and any supplements or amendments) IS Issued solely for the purpose of fac1lltatmg the Issuance of a policy of title msurance and no liabll1ty IS assumed The Policy(s) of title msurance to be Issued hereunder w1l1 be policy(s) of Fldel1ty NatIonal Tlt(e Insurance Company, a Cal1forma corporatIOn Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptIons and exclusions set forth In ExhIbit A of thIs. report carefully The exceptions and exclusIons are meant to provide you wIth notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the tItle insurance policy and should be carefully consIdered It is Important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representatIon as to the conditIOn of title and may not lIst all I1ens, defects and encumbrances affecting title to the land ThIS report IS for the exclUSIVe use of the parties to the contemplated transaction, and the company does not have any I1ab1llty to any third parties nor any liabll1ty until the full premIUm IS paId and a policy IS Issued Until all necessary documents are placed of record, the company reserves the nght to amend or supplement thiS prellmmary report ~~ m~L/a<:Jd Counterslgned/ Date Received ~~. 1A:J~ , Planner AL Order No 00-713148-46 EXHIBIT "ONE" PARCEL I Begmnlng at a pOint 1712 57 feet North 890 50' East and 1380 50 feet South 00 07' West of the Southwest corner of the L Comegy's Donation Land Claim No 81, m Section 31, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, run thence North 89044' West 10801 feet, thence South 0015' 46" West 52 50 feet, thence South 890 44' East 108 14 feet, thence North 00 07' East 52 50 feet to the POint of Beginning, m Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II Beginning at a pOint 1535 feet South 00 07' West from a pomt on the South line of the LUCinda Comegy's Donations Land Claim No 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, which last mentioned pOint IS 25 948 chainS North 890 50' East from the Southwest corner of said claim, from said beginning pOint run South 0007' West 150 feet to the North right of way Ime of the McKenZie Highway, thence North 89044' West along said right of way line 50 feet, thence North 0007' East 150 feet, thence South 890 44, East 50 feet to the Place of Begmnlng, In Lane County, Oregon PARCEL III Beginning at a pomt on the North right of way line of the McKenZie Highway, which pomt IS 1685 0 feet South 00 07' West and 50 feet North 890 44' West from a pOint on the South line of the Lucmda Comegy's Donation Land Claim No 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Meridian, which last mentioned POint IS 25 948 chams North 89050' East from the Southwest corner of said claml, from said Begmnlng Pomt, run thence North 890 44' West 82 feet along the North Ime of said Highway to the center line of Poplar Drive, thence North 00 14' East along the center line of Poplar Drive 150 feet, thence South 89044' East 81 7 feet, thence South 0007' West 150 feet to the Pomt of Begmnmg, In Lane County, Oregon EXCEPTING THEREFROM All the part Iymg Within the boundanes of 38th Street ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM Beginning at the mtersectJon of the East line of 38th Street With the North line of the McKenZie Highway, thence East, along said North line 25 feet, thence Northwesterly m a straight line to a pomt on the East line of 28th Street, 25 feet North of the POint of Begmnlng, thence South along said line 25 feet to the Pomt of Beginning, In Lane County, Oregon Date Received .P h ~o7 Planner AL ~ ~,F - 2 Order No 00-713148-46 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting liens by the records of any taxing authonty that levies taxes or assessments on Feal property or by the pubhc records, proceedings by a pubhc agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records 2 Any facts, nghts, Interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inqUiry of persons In possession 3 Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptions In patents or In acts authonzlng the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claims or title to water 4 Discrepancies, conflicts In boundary lines, shortage In area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose 5 Any statutory hens for labor or matenal, including liens for contnbutlons due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worker's compensation, which have now gained or may gain pnonty over the hen of the Insured deed of trust, which hens do not now appear of record SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 6 Property taxes, which are a lien not yet due and payable, Including any assessments collected With taxes to be leVied for the fiscal year 2007 -2008 7 Property taxes. and any assessments collected With taxes, for the fiscal year 2006-2007 Amount UnpaId Balance Account No Map No Levy Code Affects $1,22505 $837 38 plus Interest, If any 0122869 1702314201100 19-00 PARCEL III 8 CIty liens In favor of the City of Spnngfleld, If any There are no liens as of July 18, 2007 9 RIghts of the public and governmental agencIes In and to any portion of said land lYing WIthin the boundanes of streets. roads and highways Date Received i \ 'Z- \ '2COl Planner AL 3 Order No 00-71 3148-46 10 Easementls) for the purposels) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted In a document Granted to Purpose Recorded Affects Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware Corp Utilities November 2, 1940, Recorder's No 89443 Blanket easement 11 Matters contained In that certain document entitled "Highway Construction Permit", dated May 1 0, 1966, by and between Clinton E Comstock, Jean M Comstock and the Oregon State Highway CommissIOn and the City of Springfield, recorded June 6, 1966, Recorder's No 49795, which document, among other things, contains or provides for "Tax Lot 1000 - PARCEL II" Reference IS made to said document for full particulars 12 Matters contained In that certain document entitled "Highway Construction Permit", dated August 1 0, 1966, by and between Clarence J Edwards, Pauline Ruth Edwards and the Oregon State Highway Commission and the City of Springfield, recorded August 26, 1966, Recorder's No 58920, which document, among other things, contains or provides for "Tax Lot 1100 - PARCEL III" Reference IS made to'sald document for full particulars 13 Matters contained In that certain document entitled 'City of Springfield Set Back Agreement", dated October 17, 1969, by and between Clinton E Comstock, Jean M Comstock and the City of Springfield, recorded November 26, 1969, Recorder's No 88817, which document, among other things, contains or provides for "Tax Lot 1000 . PARCEL II" Reference IS made to said document for full particulars 14 Matters contained In that certain document entitled "Improvement Agreement", dated March 28, 1977, by and between George R Harlow, Artie Mae Harlow, Robert M Harlow, DenniS C Harlow and the City of Springfield, recorded April 18, 1977, Recorder's No 7722465, which document, among other things, contains or provides for 'Tax Lot 800 . PARCEL I' Reference IS made to said document for full particulars and re-recorded May 5,1977, Recorder's No 77266341/2 15 A deed of trust to secure an Indebtedness In the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee BenefiCiary Recorded Affects $225,000 00 July 20, 2005 Lenord E Hays Chester Wagers Chester Wagers and Susan L Wagers July 21, 2006, Recorder's No 2006-055969 Tax Lot 800 . PARCEL III Date Received - Planner AL ~/~7 4 Order No 00-713148-46 16 A deed of trust to secure an Indebtedness In the amount shown below, and any other obligatIons secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee Beneficiary Recorded Affects $139,50000 February 27, 2006 Juan Shednck PacIfic Northwest Title Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc, as nominee for Lender, Forst Honzon Home Loan CorporatIOn March 2,2006, Recorder's No 2006-014084 Tax Lot 1000 - PARCEL II 17 Right, title and Interest of Pamela Hams as dIsclosed by Bargain and Sale Deed recorded May 10, 2006, Reception No 2006-032091, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon ThiS Company wIll reqUire a deed out the the vestees of Tax Lot 1000, PARCEL II 18 Line of cred,t Deed of Trust, to secure an Indebtedness as shown below and any other obligation secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee Beneficiary Recorded A flects $137,60000 Apn120, 2007 Duane Knights and Susan Knights Group 9, Inc Washington Mutual Bank May 3, 2007, Recorder's No 2007-029925 Tax Lot 800 - PARCEL I 19 ThiS Company IS In the process of investigating a CorCUlt court case file and will amend thiS report as soon as the informatIOn IS received 20 ThiS report IS being created for survey,ng purposes only No title Insurance will be Issued NOTES END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS YOU WILL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLlGA TlONS YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT Note A Note Any documents being executed In conjunction With thiS transaction must be signed In the presence of an authOrIZed employee of an agent, an authonzed employee of the Insured lender, or by uSing Bancserv or other approved thord-party service If the above requorements cannot be met, please call the company at the number prOVided .n thiS report Date Received. ~ \ ~ )2<>0'1 Planner AL 5 Note B Note C Note D Note E l ~ ~- Order No 00-713148-46 Property taxes for the fiscal year 2006-2007, Paid m full Amount Account No Map No Levy Code Affects $1,21240 0122828 170231 4200800 19-00 PARCEL I Property taxes for the fiscal year 2006-2007, Paid m full Amount Account No Map No Levy Code Affects $1,38764 0122851 1702314201000 19~00 PARCEL 11 There are no Judgments of record agamst Duane Knights, Susan Knights, Lenord E Hays or Pamela Harns There are no tax hens of record agamst Duane Knights, Susan Knights, Juan Shednck, Joy Backer, Lenord E Hays or Pamela Harns Date N~celved ~/~7 Planner AL 6 EXHIBIT A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LOAN POLICY (10~17~92) and AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD LOAN POLICY (10~17 921 SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE Th. fotloIMJl9 matt'''$" ere expreuly excluded from the coverag.. of th~ porK;y and the Company will not ~y loss or dam.."" CQ$'t5 <lttomey s f,,"Ii of IIxpal'>S"S whICh .to$. by 'euon of 1 lal AA'(!.W "'d....f\C. or QOV.lf\ll\..nt~ ItQUtl.tlO1\ \lnCludlnQ but not imltad 10 bu'dl!'>Q andzonlOQ laws ol1hn.~$ orregulalloll$)r_tnc;I'1lg p",hlbftwl\lor...lat,ngto(.Itheoccuparn;y lAeoranJOymer>tof l.h. land (1I) the che,act..- d'lTlan:slON> or Joeanon of any Improvement now or n......fter .ractad On t:n. land In) .. uparallOn In owr"Hsh,p Of " I:hanga Irl the d""anslOrn;- or a,.. of Ih" br'lCl or .oy pare.t of wilIeh the land Ii or Will' a I'"" or Itvl anVl/'Onmanul protacbon or the "ffact of Iny IIlOlabon of thes.. ...",. ordlNMas or govammantal ragulltlllllli" uc"pt to the axtant t1ut " notiCe O'f the IHlforc"ment thereof or" nollCe of.. daleet han or ancu.mbra......a 1'lJ$u1tll'Q from" VlOlaoon or alellad VIOlatIOn .f'tectlllgtnelindhub""nrtcorddlOt!lopubllcr&cords.tOawofP"l>cy tb) AAygoverrvn.ntll polic. power not .~cluded by (.) .bov. eJlc.ptto th.ext.nlt....t.notlC..afth. ""'1'''. \l)fo,.otota nob;. 01 a d.l..cl fI.n or.ncumbranc. r..sultlng from . VIOlation or.n.g.d VlOIaUOfl affe<;bng tn. land hiS b..n rec".ded n the publoc rec:ords .tOlte ofPorlCY 2 Roohts of ..mlfl.nt dom..,.. ","Ian notlC" "f th. .x.rclS. th..reof t\.es- blln r.corded 1Il the publIC r.cords .to.t.oIPoooy butnat.xclud.ng from cov.reg. any takmg whocht\.es occurredptl"r to Oata of PolICY \'lfhIch wovld b. b.ndIl'IQ on the nghts af. purchaser for vllue Wlthout knowl..dge 3 Defect> MM: ..ncumbt.r.ces- Idvers.cloltms oroth.rmltt..n;- (II C''''led $uff'w...d luum~ o. Igreed to by the Insured clalm.nl (b) not known to the Comp.ny nol rlCord&d In the. publIC ,.co,ds- at O.te of Policy but koown to thell1su'ld cl.+rT\ant and not dls-cloud 1Il WfltlllQ to tn. Company by the l"-S~ cl&llM.<'.t p''''' to t\)o datIJ!hell1sured claimant blt';llme an IIlSI.lI'Id undlrtNs pOlICY Iclr.sulbngtnnolossordlmaglltoth.lN;uredell!,l/llmt ldia~hongofcr...tadsubsequenltoD""ofPoIoey 0' I.) rHult.ng In Iou or damage wfl.och would not havI be.n s.....lalr>ed If 1I>to Insured cll~T\anl had paid value lorthe.slat.orlnter.stornur.d by thIS pallCY 4 Un.nlorcublhty ofl.". r...n 01 the Insur.d mortQag. becll,lS. of the In.biMY orfailur. oithe In:rur&d at Oil.. of porlCY or 111. II'IIbllflV 0' falh.lre of .ny subseq....nl owner of the n:I.bt~ness to c"mply With appllCotlle dOlrv.l bwan..ss lavos of the st.te m whteh Ill.. land IIsotual..d 5 lnvabdltyorullInforc..blltty glthelionolthamsu.edmartgage orclal'" '....teof whtch aros-es out of the trans-actlonevt<:lencad by the Il)su..d mortgage aod III basad lJpon usury or anyconsumlf c...d'l protaetlOn or t.v!hlrllendlng low 6 Any ;tatutory ~.n lor SfIrvlC'" labor 01 ma\enals (01 the clam of pr",nty of any statutory hen lOf sarvlcU labor o. mat....1:& over the ij.n 01 the lI'ls!lt.d mortgagel IflSng from an ,mpro"omenl or work. related to the lar>d whoch IS contl'1lcled lor and comm..nc.d sub$t'C!uant to Date 01 PolICY and IS not hnanc..cf In whole or In part. by p'ocllcb; 01 the ~btad,,"s slCwad b,/ tM ~U1ad monOalle wl-llCn at O.ta 01 Polocy ttr"G'IS\lred hes .dvanc..do.IS ",Vllll.ted,o advanc.. 7 Any cia.... whICh atlSn 0'" elf Ih. trannCtIOn c.....lIng the nt..n\ 01 the mortgag... rnsur.d by InlS policy by r.asollof th. op.ratlonal Ild.r.1 ban~ruptcy .lat..rroSolv.nc:y Orli"lmll.o, credItors flghls lows t""I,. bas-..d on II) thatranSlctlOncrnhngth.ant..'lsloftheIIlSUf..d mortg.ge.belngd..mod..lraud"lentconv.yanc. orlreud"lenlt.arurf.ror III) lhas\.lbo.dlnlltlOnofthelnte...stofthllmsu,.d m<>rtg.o...u..ft$uft 01 l.....appl"".tIO nollhe dC>etfln.of.qUltllblewbordlnlltlOn or Im\ '''''' tT~aetlOn cl...t,no trn. Interest of the lr\Sur.cl martgagee 'b.1rIQ d.emed e pr.feranIY,transl.r .xC..pl whero the preferential v.rn:lerres"f1s iTom thefallur. la)totlIT\fllyrecordthernstrlrO.nloltr.nsle.o' lb) of ;uchro""rditlOnta unpart notlCfl to e pu.ch.serfor v.1<.<o or a l"doemont or h.ncr.dllol AMERICAN lAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER S POLICY 110~17 921 ANO AMERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLO OWNER'S POLICY (10 17-921 SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The follawmg matter!; "e expr.ss-Iy ."clud.d from the cov..age of thlli polleY and the Company Will not p,y Iou Or d.ma~ costs .ttamey S fus or .xp.ns.~ whICh an!;. by reason of I (al Any law ordtnllnce or gov.rnm.nt.' 'eQulaool\ tw;::.lud~ but. oot ~ml\ed to b\l\\d~ er.cl'lOlOlOQ 1lIw.. OfillruHlCfIS orregula-tlons) r..ttr~bng protwblllnQ orrllatlnQ toll)theoecupency un or enJOyment of th.leM (II) Ilia cllar.ctllr dlmallSlOnt O.IoC"tlCIll of ....y Improvement now or n.r....f1er .'ected an th. land (1111 alepere"onlnowner:;hlpora.:;har'lQalnth.dlrTlellslOns arereaollhelal'ldor.n ypercelof whICh the larod ~ or was.. p"rt or (.v) .nvlfonm."ul p4"ot.CtlO" or the .ffect of .ny vIOlatIOn of th"sl Ilws ordl.....l'"IC.s or governmenl., rlgullOOtlS ."c.pt to the .xt.nt th.t e notlCa of the a...forcement tt'll,.ofo.. notIC" of. dafoet ban or.ocumbr..l'IC" tHuhlng ',om e IAOt.tlOnor allaged Vlolatlon efflctrng thllland IVI b.en recorded III thapublic llCOlds.t Oat.. of PolICY (bl Any government.ll polICe power 001 .I(cfud..d by lal .bave .xc.pt to the ext.nt that. notoce of tn. ..::U'I'<:\&.. ther..ot <;;r. rrob::l of I detect IIII' or .r.cumbr;ooce resultlr>g' from. v",I"I",n or alleg.d "",labon ettactlf'IQ m. land hes be.n racordad In the publIC ..cords.t Oat. of Polley 2 RllIhtsofam.....nt <lOma.., unless oobc.ofthe.xarc",. th-raofhasb..n..cordad", I.... public r.cordli" at Dat.. "f Pol""y but OM .l<clucl....g flom cov.rag. any taking which has occ.......d pnor to Dete 1;>1 Policy whlchwould bablndlnll onth. roghts: of. purcha"... lor velUl W',!houtkooW'IadO. 3 Defects h.m encumbr.l"ICei .dv.noe CllllmS or other m.tt.1'$ relereated "'..Iff.red enum..doragr..adlabythe,nsu'edcl"lIT\ant. ib) not known to the Company nOI r.cord~ In the pubh::: recordl at Ollte 01 PolICY bulll.nowr'I to the Insur.d clalm.nt .nd not dlScloud ", wmlng to the Compar'lY by the ,"tur..d e!lumanl poor to th.. date th.ms"'." clalman1b.cameanlosu'ed und.,th... policy II') ruultlt'IQ m 1'10 loss or d.m"'ll.to tha Insured ~1a1tTl'nt. ld)etta;hll,g orcroet.d subs..quenl to Dalll of Pall;y 0'1 leI rnuttll'"lg ., Iou Of damaQIl whICh \'VouH not hav.. b.en sU5t.lned If the I""u...d c1amanl ~s p.id v.l....foflh.NUteorlnoouredbylh'" poliCy 4 Any clalfT\ whICh ans.S out of the tl"an::actlon V.stlng on the Insured the osuta or mlar.st Insured by thiS PO~cy by r....on of the opo'"oon 01 f.d.ral bankruptcy "I.te Insolv..ncy o' Slml"'r cro>dltors 'llIhtsleV'lSthallSbandon hl th. IransactlOn claatl",", tll' estate or mlllr...! lflISufed by thIS policy b.ng d.lmad a f,a\>dullnl corw"yenc.offl.udu"mtt,~flrar (l)th.tranucboncleatlngtt>e.Slllteorlnt......stl(lSur.dbythlSpollCybelngd.em..dapr..f..,..nllal tr~nsfer ..~c.pt w..... the pt.f..,.ntllll transf.r rnullli nom the f,ulu... (l)tatlm.lyr.Coldthel~tnJmenlortransfer or Ib)ofsuch'.corc!atlo...tollYlpartnotlC.toapurch"s..rlo.v..I.....",.,...dll.m..ntorltenc..d,to, n....bove ALTA porley fo.ms may b. lSs....d to affo,d IIlh.r Slendard Co"er.~. 0' EKI.ndad CoveraQe In .ddluon to the .bove Exclusoor\S fmm Cov.rlg. the Exc.ptlOr>$lrom Cov..raga Ifl. Stendard Cov.rage polICY Will also Includ.. th.. folloWing G."",.I Exc.ptlOns SCHEOULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE Thl~ pohcy does not .",ur. against loss 01 damag.. land the Comp.ny w,~ not ~y costs .ttorJ1flYS I.el or .KO.ns..sl wluch ann by reuon of TalC,"" 01 UUlTiITl.,t:> wlolch ... nt/t $.nowfI.$ ..JllStmg hens DY the records of eny IIIxlOO a"",,orlTy lhat I.vlll; uXlsorassusmenl$onraalprcp.rtyorbythapubllc reco,ds proc.edinOs by. public ageney whICh may r.suit In tax.s 01 assessments or nOIICe.!: 01 IUch proceedIngs wh.ther or not shown by the rocorclli"oflucheg.ncyorbythapub!ler.co,ds Any lacl~ rlohts Inter.st:; or claims which .re oot shown by the pub~c !.cords but whICh could be aSCflrtaroed by.n>tl$POctlOn ofnldl.nd orbymabng.nqulrY "fpall;or'OSlnpon.StlOn PART 1 3 Eu.ments o.cllllrnsof..asarn.nt>orll>Cumb'.nc.... notli"howl1bYlhapubllC records .....N.lIOMS or.xceptlons Inp..tlnts ormacts-authomll'l>ll.....lssuance tho,.of water'lghls claims orfttle to w.ler 4 Oos-cr8p"nc~s conflicts m boundary lines shomg. In a.ea ""c",.chm."ts o. eny othar f.cls which ICOlTflctsUfV.ywoulddlsclos. AnI "lalUtory IlInos fO( labor or mal..".1 IncludlOQ hans for contributION; due to the State oi Or.gon for unomploymonl compl'os"tla" and fur worke. s comp.nsaloOn whICh hOIlla now gem.d or mlY g.ln p..o..ty Ollll"th. lien of the I/l$ur.d d..ed of trust wtwch ll.ns do 001 now .PP","rofr."ord Date Received _~ j.,,\-Utfl Planner AL o \ '" ~ ...... '" <> .. " 'lI -- '11\ "", -'" ... ~ , 2)& , - fiiize~) 1300 ."eq.41 ~o'.. .... .,.. III "'f<,. ; ,#1 0" 1203 j ~ 015 AC P;'I( S(. o 1202 S ~ 015 AC P2 (If ~" . a . ' , " 1201 o 50 AC PI j; ~~ ~~i@ ~CGl ~ ":""s'- ~.. /.. ~,~ 1'9 ~ ~ ""' /oz.o "',..; -" /'0 8~.41 !>O W "T'f"I7 /~6~r ~ ~ ; . ~ . - ...i "'l o . " I . :I: .' o 1~ ~) I'W'\ t..UJ .1'0 . I'l l 11\ o II> III ;#(; "'y ..., ~ 1; ... I r- 13.4Ao' sn""'''''!Io.e .. f ~ . ~ Q~~ ~ ~ 113 hfl ri N ~~. ... 47h~:\ 'srr....'E 1'/_1'30 "16' ..q~ ;7.", ~ UJ > I".r~ . '" .. '" . ! i ~ l i ~ Q ~ 116 ~ ~~ "'. lll~ - ~ . 8 No4J5o.013O"~ ~ -2.1 .'" \ . ~ 60' ~ r Lila.. iIJ/l ~' " ..t.. +- 6 ,~ ., ~ ~ a ~ 1000' , ~ 801 43 ;00 ~~rr> 44"~~ ~ta .. 300 !' ~ ' ~~ 8~ ..., ~ ~ "",. /96:lt' ,..."" "1'" '.11" ~ .. ....,.--. /0;2. ii' <> 3 5 107 , ~ .INi.~~" 10:z.40' ~ 9~ 100M' ~ " ~ ~ . " do 741w J. \ 802 "'1 . . 115 108 <> " " \) \ ... '\ " 80~~~ .. 10837' <H 1'6' I f;l III 49' " '" .. 114 109 U1 .. ~ . ~" - - T 1 It ~s ~ "" oJl il.;~ 110 "'- . f:i':' .. .. " .. ~ ~ t; , 2 71,"' '!l SN-""'3(Jz' ~ 111 .. .. ~ ;; ~ 900 l.ltO' 1 000 ,,112 ~ ... , I ~ <> .' ~ b ~"'f}.'~ A ,~ - " ~'\y. ~.~ ..~~ '~ ,.. ~ l' - o 6?"'~ 1100 48' ~.~ ~9 0 /'" NNgH' W S ()O(}7w 1665' / FMM SouTH ufNI P.L Co Hd. VI HIGHWAY A ..JII." .,'61 lIN"44'W , j wi. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY Th" sketch above IS made solely for the purpose of dsslstmg m locatmg said premISes and the company assumes no lIablhty for vanatlOns, If any, m dimenSIOns and locanon ascertamed by actual survey Map# 170231420080000011QCO-l- IICO Date tt6Cewed Planner: AL f);3,;p7 Fldelltv NatIonal FInancial Grouo of COm08n1eS' Prlvacv Statement July 1 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectatIons of to day's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal and state pnvacy laws W6 beheve that making you aware of how W6 use your non public personal mformatlon ("Personal Information"), and to whom It IS dIsclosed, will form the baSIS for e relationship of trust between us and the pubhc that we serve This Privacy Statement provides that explanatIon We reserve the right to change thiS Privacy Statement from tlmB to tIme conSIstent with applicable privacy laws In the course of our business, we may collect PersonallnformatJon about you from the following sources From applications or other forms we receIve from you or your authorized representative, From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by us, our affiliates, or others, From our Internet web sttes, From the publtc records mamtalned by governmental entities that we either obtalfl directly from those entities, or from our affilIates or others, and From consumer or other reportIng agencies Our POIICIlUl Regarding the Protection of the ConfIdentiality end Security of Your Personallnformatton We maintaIn phYSIcal, electrOnic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthOrized access or IntrUSion We limit access to the Personal InformatIOn only to those employees who need such access Ifl connection With prOViding products or services to you or for other legitimate buSiness purposes Our PoliCies and Practices Regarding the Shanng of Your Personallnformatlon We may share your Personal Information With our affiliates, such as Insurance compaOles, agents, and other real estate settlement service prOVIders We also may disclose your Personal Information to agents, brok.ers or representatives to prOVide you WIth services you have requested, to thIrd party contractors or servICe prOViders who prOVide servIces or perform marketing or other functIons on our behalf, and to others wrth whom we enter Into JOint marketing agreements for products or services that we beheve you may find of Interest In addition, we wdl dIsclose your Personal Information when you dl1ect or gIve us permISSion, when we are reqUired by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or cnmlnal actIVities We also may dIsclose your Personal InformatIon when otherWise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure IS needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationshIp WIth you One of the Important responSibilities of some of our affIliated companIes IS to record documents In the public domain Such documents may contain your Personal Information - Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors or Request Changes or DeletIon CertaIn states aHord you the right to access your Personal Information and under certain Circumstances, to fmd out to whom your Personellnformatlon has been disclosed Also, certain states afford you the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information We reserve the fight, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs Incurred In responding to such requests All requests must be made In writing to the follOWing address Privacy Comphance Officer FIdelity National FInanCial, Inc 4050 Calle Real, Sune 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or Services If we prOVIde you With more than one finanCial product or serVice, you may receive more than one privacy notIce from us We apologize for any II1conveOlence thiS may cause you DatE/ Planner {oCelveu AL "D \ " \ 'to'il'\ Ulli~/~UU{ uo ~~ rfia u~~UOu~OII -.::...>--- --- ~-~ '. G Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 3007 North Delta Highway. Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 345.3660. FAX 1541) 345-3678 PRELIMINARY REPORT ESCROW OFFICER, Brenda Betz TITLE OFFICER: Casey Wheeler ORDER NO 03-402028-46 TO RE/MAX Integnty ATTN Simon Smith 4710 Village Plaza Loop, SUite 200 Eugene, OR 97401 ~DO Uf OWNER/SELLER Northview Investments Inc BUYER/BORROWER Bnan Grossnlcklaus & Julie Grossnlcklaus PROPERTY ADDRESS- 137 38th Street, Spnngfleld, OR 97478 EFFECTIVE DATE July 5, 2007,08:00 AM, 1 The policy and endorsements to be Issued and the related charges are Owner's Standard lender's Extended Goveroment Service Charge 209, 59 and 208 1 End AMOUNT 185,000 00 184,500 00 PREMIUM 663 00 69600 Short Term 1500 10000 2, THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS A Fee 3 TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN Northview Investments. Ine , an Oregon Corporation 4 THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF CW\ 07/11/2007 1 Date Received _ ,f/~.~ Planner AL 17~ U7/1~/~UUI U~ ~~ ~AA ~qlOa~~a{{ ~......-.:,.......... Order No 03-402028-46 EXHIBIT "ONE" Beginning at a pOint 1433 0 feet South 00 07' West from a pOint on the South line of the Lucinda Comegy's Donation Land ClaIm No 81, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WllJamette Meridian, which last mentIOned pOint IS 25948 chains North 890 50' East from the Southwest corner of said claim, from said beginning pOint run South 00 07' West 102 feet, North 890 44' West 131 70feet to the center of Poplar Drive, thence North 00 14' East along center line of Poplar Drive 102 feet, thence South 89044' East 131 49 feet to the pOint of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon Date Received Planner AL 2 ~ 81-z, 7001 I U/I.l~/~UU/ ua oJI;, r~ oJ"t.LVUoJ_VI, Order No 03-402028-46 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS' 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting hens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceedings by a pubhc agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the pubhc records 2 Any facts, rights, Interests or claIms which are not shown by the pubhc records but which could be ascertained by an inspectIOn of said land or by making inquIry of persons In possession 3 Easements, or claims of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the pubhc records, reservations or exceptions In patents or In acts authOriZing the Issuance thereof, water rights, claims or title to water 4. Discrepancies, confhcts In boundary hnes, shortage In area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose 5 Any statutory hens for labor or material, including hens for contnbutlOns due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensation and for worker's compensatIOn, which have now gained or may gain PriOrity over the lien of the Insured deed of trust, which hens do not now appear of record SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 6 Property taxes, which are a hen not yet due and payable, tncludtng any assessments collected With taxes to be leVied for the fiscal year 2007-2008 7 City hens In favor of the City of Springfield, If any There are no hens as of July 5, 2007 8 RIghts of the pubhc and governmental agencIes In and to any portion of said land Iytng WithIn the boundaries of streets, roads and highways 9 Matters contained In that certain document entitled "Trailer Permit Comphance Agreement and Restrictions", by and between Mattie Winningham and the City of Springfield, recorded November 15, 1974, Recorder's No 74-48900, which document, among other things, contains or prOVides for "Reference IS made to said document for full partIculars" Reference IS made to said document for full particulars 'n Date r<ecelved 0/k7 Planner AL 3 UIIL~/~UUI UO ~~ ~hA ~~~OO~~Otl "'l:-l--- ~~~ 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 17 Order No 03.402028-46 Easement(s) for the purpose(s} shown below and rlghts incidental thereto as granted In a document Granted to Purpose Recorded Affects the City of Sprongfleld Pubhc utlhtles June 6, 1977, Recorder's No 77-33894 Reference IS made to said document for full particulars Our examination of the title to the subject property discloses no open trust deeds or mortgages The accuracy of this conclusion should be confirmed In wrotlng proor to closing of the proposed transactIon This Company will require the following documents for review proor to the Issuance of any title assurance predicated upon a conveyance or encumbrance by the corporatIon named below Corporation Northvlew Investments Inc , an Oregon CorporatIOn la) A copy of the corporation By-Laws and ArtIcles of Incorporation (b) A copy of the resolution authorIZIng the transactIOn contemplated herein (cl If the Articles and/or By-Laws requIre approval by a "parent" organization, a copy of the Articles and By-Laws of the parent The rlght IS reserved to add reqUirements or additional Items after completion of such review Leases and/or tenanCies, If any No search has been made for financIng statements flied 10 the office of the Secretary of State, or 10 any county other than the county 10 which the herein described land IS located No hablllty IS assumed for any finanCing statement filed In the office of the County Clerk (Recorder) coverong timber, crops, fIxtures or contracts affectlOg saId land If saId land IS not descrobed by metes and bounds, recorded lot and block or under the rectangular survey system Personal property taxes, If any The followlOg matters pertalO to Extended coverage only Any facts, nghts, IOterests. or claims which are not shown by the pubhc records but which could be ascertalOed by an InspectIon of said land or by maklOg IOqUlry of persons In possessIOn To remove thiS .tem, we will reqUire an affidavit and indemnity on a form supplied by the company. Any statutory hens for labor or materoal, Including hens for controbutlons due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensatIon and for worker's compensatIOn, which have now galOed or may gain prooroty over the hen of the Insured deed of trust, which hens do not now appear of record Date Received Planner AL Z!Z.!UiO\ I I 4 U(/~~/~UUI U~ ~~ ~AA o~lDO~~Olf '-", NOTES Note A Note B Note C Note D Note E "el......, ........ " I Order No 03-402028-46 To remove this .tem, we will reqUire an affidavit and Indemmty on a form supplied by the company END OF ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS YOU WilL BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING LEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOLLOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUM ENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU MAY CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTION OR ABOUT THE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT Note Any documents being executed In conjunctIon With thiS transaction must be signed In the presence of an authOrized employee of an agent, an authOrized employee of the Insured lender, or by usmg Bancserv or other approved third-party service If the above requirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number prOVided In thiS repo rt. Property taxes for the fiscal year 2006-2007, Paid In full Amount Account No Map No Levy Code_ $1,38471 0122844 170231 4200900 19-00 There are no Judgments of record against Northvlew Investments, Inc, an Oregon CorporatIon, Bnan Grossmcklaus and Julie Grossmcklaus There are no tax liens of record against Northvlew Investments. Inc, an Oregon CorporatIon, Bnan Grossmcklaus and Julie Grossmcklaus The follOWing deeds have been recorded In the last 24 months WARRANTY DEED Recorded 10/06/2006, ReceptIOn No 2006-072887, between Jose Serafin Dominguez Ordones (grantor) and Northvlew Investments, Inc , an Oregon Corporation (grantee) .. No other deeds have been recorded In the past 24 months.. ,. ~:~~=:c~~ed #7_ 5 , , , ~ " " ., " c .... '" " '" '" ."r'. e- c' o ~.!:. ";'>- ....U 6::iw ....~t!J - < >-2Oa: u<(W :i96 :?au 20-':2 <(00 <(OJ: a: ...J~u. !::2O~~ 1:02-10 -1-20; J::'>O::> xgFd Wtn~>< ",uw <au. w"'O -,'" !:::<~ 1-"'::> 0-'0 zcw <<I-J: ...lOu 20'" ~:s u -20 ffi<< :2!,! <ca: w :2 <c ;l ... " " X> ::> .... ::> ::> " "- " '"' "- .... ::> ;i ~~ ~~~i ~~ i ~ ~ 3~ ~~ i~~i ~~ ~ ~ S a ~~ =~ WD~e ~~ ~ C ~.. _E ~~ ~e~~c~! S! - ~: 82 i t~f -il i .H. ~ Iii ~8 ~~DE U i i. ~ ;= l~. elL...;. ~ ~ - ~ : ~ 5" go ~ ll~ :0 .. :! ~o 't;511.e ~~ ~ -5 ~ ~ g-" !i~ EB. ED ... II E .. . 1:>:l 2:' 8ii .. J:!. II '" ~~ !i!1 E~ > 5 tr ~ :0 -3 1 "'~lsc lDE~ -i .; I ~ . g !. ~ !!U .1; - .' . -i~'iil'i o.rii~i.~.5 : ~ ~ !~.i ....I~. ! . . ., '0 a ~ .II r:.1O .. -," DUO. > l! ~ 'g @.tI II ~1I11 S Ie:: t" ~ ~ .e '.~q' ~'1~~~ l! 9 .. U5~E! ~E"li~a D ~ E~ : jlr "0. D"1IEAV'J:! E ....~ ~ hHj~ :iP~H! ; ! i!~it ,.., l! . 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'.1'" '..1"1 It W 1'-... 1 ,{.<>' I FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY .lu~" 7161' ~_ ,,"o44'W ThIs sketch above IS made solely for the purpose of assistIng 1D locatIng saId prelIUses and the company asswnes no habllity for vanal1ons, If any, 1D dunenslOns and locatIOn ascertamcd by actual survey Map # 17 02 3142 00900 000 Date Received R:~~P7 Planner AL '1/ - U 1I.l'::'/'::'UU t va ;),) r/1.4. ..Pi.1.00,),,"O I I -~ ~"''''oJ'''''''''''' \ Fldehtv National FinanCial Grouo of ComoamBs' Prlvacv Statemen~ July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirements of applicable federaJ snd state prIvacy Jaws We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-public personalrnformatJon '''PersonallnformatlonH), and to whom It IS disclosed, will form the basIs for 8 relationship of trust between us and the public that we serve ThiS Pnvacy Statement prOVides that explanation We reserve the nght to change thiS Prrvacy Statement from time to time consistent with Bppllcable privacy laws In the course of our business, We may collect Per&onallnfonnshon about you from the following sources From apphcatlons or other forms we receNe frOrT! you or your authorized representative, From your transactions wIth. or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others, From our Internet web Sites, From the public records maintaIned by governmental entities that we eIther obtain drrBctly from those entIties, or from our affiliates or others, and From consumer or other reporting agencies Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Seeuhty of Your Personallnformatlon We maIntaIn phYSical, electronIc and procedurel safeguards to protect your PersonellnformatlOn from unauthOrized access or IntrUSion We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access In connection with provldmg products or servIces to you or for other legitimate bus lOess purposes Our Policies end Practices Regarding the Shanllg of Your Penonallnformation We may share your Personal InformatIon with our affiliates, such as Insurance companies. agents, and other real estate settlement serVice prOViders We also may disclose your Personal Information to agents, brokers or representatives to prOVide you With serVices you have requested, to thIrd-party contractors or service provtders who provlda services or perform marketrng or othar functions on our behalf, and to others WIth whom we enter IOto 10lOt marketing agreements for products or servIces that VIle behevo you may find of Interest. III addition, we will dISclose your Personallnformetron when you dlroct or gIve us permiSSion, when we are requited by lew to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or CrimInal actIVities We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherWise permitted by appllcabla privacy laws such as, for example, when dIsclosure IS needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relatIonship With you ~ -One of the Important responSibilities of some of our affiliated companles IS to record documents In the pubhc domain Such documents may contain your Personal InformatIOn Righi to Acces8 Your PersonallnformalJon and Ability to Correct Error:!' or Request Changes or Deletion CertaIn states afford you the fight to access your Personal Information and, under certain Circumstances, to find out to whom your Personal Information has been dIsclosed Also, certain states afford you the fight to request correction, amendment or deletIon of your Personal Information We reServe the nght, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs IOcurred In responding to such requests All requests must bo made I" writing to the follOWing address Privacy Compliance Officer FIdelity NatIonal Financial, Inc 4050 Calle Real. SUite 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Multiple Products or SerWlcea It we prOVide you With more than one finanCial product or serVice, you may receIve more than one prrvacy notice from us We apologize for any Inconvenience (hIS may cause you D~te ReceIved ~"200l Planner AL