HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Substandard Building 2008-7-21 SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (547) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726.3689 WWWCI sprmgfield or us July 21, 2008 CERIIl' IJ',U LEITER Anthony Kennedy 115 Ruslic Place Eugene, Oregon 97401 Re Notice and Order to Comply With The Spnngfield Buildmg Safety Code Adnumstratlve Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard BUlldmg At 833 21st Street, Spnngfield, Oregon Dear Mr Kennedy. As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Spnngfield Commumty Services DiVISIon, Bmldmg Safety, has determined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map #17033612, Tax Lot #07001, for reasons below, a substandard and unsafe building as descnbed m the Spnngfield Bmlding Safety Code Adnumstratlve Code Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this !'.u!'....~i Section 203 of the Spnngfield Buildmg Safety Code Admunstratlve Code classifies structures, which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe Section 1001 of the Housmg Code specifies comhtions constJtutmg a substandard bmlding The followmg conmtlons mclude but are not lumted to conmtlons eXisting at the structure Identrlied above, class1fymg it as a substandard and unsafe bmldmg I The property IS not currently served WIth electric service Where there IS electric power avmlable WIthin 300 feet of the building, such buildmg shall be connected to electncal power supply 2 Each dwelling shall be provided WIth a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower Although these fixtures may be mstalled m the dwelhng, the lack of water serVIce produces madequate and unsanItary plumbmg sewage facilities 3 The Spnngfield Housing Code reqUIreS that every dwellmg shall be proVided WIth electncallighting. Due to the electrical service bemg dIsconnected at this location, electrical hghting IS not avm1able at this tune. Section 204 (b) of the adm;m!ltratlve Code provides procedures where the Bmldmg OffiCIal may require vacation of the premlSes when CIted defiCIencies ."...."~,,~; an Substandard Bwldmg 833 2151 Street Page 2 =ed1ate hazard to hie, hmb, property or safety of the pubhc or Its occupants Nohce IS hereby served that the property will be posted to be vacated by 9 00 a.m. Fnday, July 25, 2008 due to the potenhal hazards to the occupants resultIng from the above-cited conmtions If you and/or your tenant do not vacate the preInlse Wltlun the !line frame specrlied, the City may seek comphance Wlth the Bwlding Safety Codes through legal recourse, winch may mclude MumClpal Court proceedings Once the property has been vacated, occupancy shall not take place until the above menhoned unsafe and substandard conmhons are corrected and """,u led by tlus office Any person havmg any record, htle or legal mterest in the bUllmng may appeal from tIns Nohce and Order to the Buildmg Board of Appeals, proVIded that he appeal IS made in wntmg and filed Wlth the Bwldmg Officw witlun two (2) days from the date of semce oftlus Notice and Order Fmlure to appeal will constItute a Wlllver of all right to an admmistrative heanng and detenmnahon oftlus matter. Your anhclpated courtesy and cooperation 15 appreclllted If you have any queshons, you may contact me at 726-3663 ~ Bryan R1chardson Electnca1 Inspector cc Dave Puent, Community Semces Manager Spnngfield Pohce Department Spnngfield Utility Board Brvan R~chardson ~ SENDER " in ~ '" a; > ~ ~ :; I also Wish to receive the follow- Ing services (for an extra fee) 15 I'll 10 Ie. !g I~ jffi I~ c .. z " " 0- w Ii I.!!J I o Complete Ilems 1 and/or 2 for addjtlOnal~s;;;lces Complete Ilems 3 4a and 4b ~ o Pnnt your name and address on the reverse of thiS form so thai we can return thIS card 10 you o Anach thiS form 10 the front of the mallplece or on the back If space does nol permit o Write Return Receipt Requested on the mallplsce below the article number o The Return Receipt WIll show to whom the article was delivered and the date delivered 3 Article Addressed to Anthony Kennedy 115 Rust~c Place Eugene, Oregon 97401 ~ u ~ ~ CJl li 0; 14a Article Number ~ 'lDDD D'520 00\5 '2-'Cl~~ 4b Service Type 'Q)' o Registered xlXCertlfled a:: o Express Mall 0 Insured ~ o Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 COD ~ 'KKI Addressee's Address 2 0 Restncted Delivery .2 5 Received By (Pnnt Name) ~<1"W' 1)"'h~A,. 6 S,gnaiuret (Ad~seJ or Agentj/ I'll I:: '/" }0// I PS Form 3811 , December 1 994 II '7 Date of DelIVery 07-d.3-ot 8 Addressee's Address (Only If requested and fee IS paid) I i ,I S \2..,l-Sif; ~ I P ~GU..-"'- :e:w-.,-^ L. 0 (L OCZl{ 0 l 10~95 99 B~223 Domestic Return Receipt , o >- .. ~ m '" 0- 833 21st Street RE: