HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2003-9-9 If -...- ..-...-...- .__."'_.....""~--"'-,...."'-"--_..._'"'._..-., _.._..~_~..e..cL_ -~~ ~ ~ / REVISIONS BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS tight-fitting flue damper and gloss or mEdol doors. 0404 VENEER: Anchored masonry and stone wall veneer sholl conform to Section R703,7, DIVISION 0600 - CARPENTRY 0601 GENERAL, A, All slructural dimension lumber sholl be graded and marked os noted In Section R502 and R802, B, Approved end-joinled lumber may be used interchangeably with solid-sown members of the same speci.s and grode, C, All struclurallumber sizes hove been designed using WWPA grading rules, If Ihese members bear the stomp of 0 dlfferenl grading agency, adJustmenls to sizes may need 10 be mode, 0602 POSTS: Posts and columns shall be Douglas fir/Lorch, Grode Select Slruclural F,O,H,C, Pests sholl be pressure treated if so noted on plans. 0603 BEAMS, HEADERS AND STRINGERS: All members 2' to 4" thick and 5" or more wide sholl be Douglas fir/Lorch, Beams and Stringers Closs, Grade #1, All G" thick members sholl be Douglas Ilr /Larch, Beams and Stringers Closs, Grode Select Structural, All door and window headers sholl be 4x6 minimum unless noted otherwise, Glued-Iamlnaled timbers sholl be 24F-V4, DII grade at simple spans and 24F-V8, DII grade at cantilevers or multiple supports unless noted otherwise. OG04 STUDS, Studs shall be Douglas fir/Larch, Grade #2 01 all load bearing walls with size and spacing os shown on plans, Ullllly grade lumber may be used If spaced per Table R602,3(5), Cripples under headers sholl be canflnuous 10 sole plute, Top plales In load-bearing walls shall be doubled with jcints offsel 48' minimum, Block all stud walls where requlrpd lor shealhlng, Align load-bearing sluds as noled In Seclion R602,3,3, Interior nonbearlng partlllons may be capped with 0 ,Ingle lop plate, Foundation cripple walls shall be construcl~d as noted in Secflon RG02,9, All wood members In cOlllocl wllh concrele sholl be pressure treated. OG05 JOISTS: Floor and ceiling joists shall b. Cauglas fir/Lorch, Grode #2, All rim Joists and end Jolsls sl,all be caulked In place during Iramlng, Double all end Joists and all joists under parallel bearing partitions, Lap Joists G" minimum 01 Interior bearing supports where possible, otherwise provide 1_1/2" minimum bearing on wood or metal ~~tlpports and 31 on masonry or use approved joist hangers Fin"r openings sholl be Iramed as noled In Secllon R502.10, 060G RAFTERS: Raffers shall be Douglas Ilr/Larch, Grade #2 with size and spacing os shown on plans, All raffe" ohall be nolched 10 provide full bearing 01 supporls, OG07 TRUSSES: Manufacturer of wood floor or roof Irusses sholl supply aopies of Iruss design drawings one talculallons to Ihe building official and owner, Trusses shall l'e designed per section R502,II.1 by 0 regeslered professional, Designs drawings shall Include all Informaflon noted in sections R502.11.4 and R802.10,1. Trusses shall be Installed with all fasteners,hangers and bracing as required by the manufacturer, Truss members shall nol be drilled, cut, notched or altered In any manner unless so designed. (warm) surface of sfuds In all walls separating healed from unheated spaces, B, (R-21) Fire-rated fall-faced high denslly fiberglass ball insulation sholl be Inslalled Inside below grade concrete walls enclosing heated spaces, Insulation shall be face slapled to 2x4 Iramed Interlar IInlsh wall held In from concrete wall so thai Insulation does nal conlacl concrele, Insulation must exfend from Ihe bol1am of the above-grade subfloar to the lop of the below-grade finished flaor, The rim jolsl area musl be Insulaled, 0704 CEILING INSULATION: A, (R-38) Fiberglass boll or loose fill fiberglass, cellulose or rock wool Insulation sholl be Ins,lalled on flat ceilings, Loose fill Insulation may be used only where roof slope Is 4/12 or grealer and headroom at ridge is 01 leasl 44 Inches, Loose fill Insulallon must be Ins lolled per label indlcallons of pounds required per square fool or bogs per 1000 square feel, B, (R-30) Fall laced fiberglass baff Insulation shall be Ins lolled on sloped ceilings conslrucled with single rollers, C, (R-30) Kroll faced fiberglass boll Insulallon sholl be installed on ceilings with 0 slope of greater Ihan 2/12 and an aHic space above. D, (R-30) Loase fill fiberglass, cellulase or rock wool Insulallon may be used on sloped ceilings provided slope Is 2/12 or less and headroom 01 ridge Is 01 least 44 inches, Loose fill Insulalion must be Inslalled per label indications of pounds required per square foot or bogs per 1000 square feel, E, (R-21) Fall laced fiberglass boll Insulation may be inslalled in partially vaulled ceilings and ceilings tofallng nol more than 150 square feet In area for dormers. bay windows, efc. Space must be filled (excepl for required ventilation space) and o 0,5 perm (dry cup) vapor relorder Installed on warm (In winter) side, F, All ceilings wlthoul on ollie space above sholl hove 0 vapor barrier wllh 0 ma.imum 0,5 perm rating, G, All altic accesses and skyllghl wells shall be Insulated 10 the same R-value as the surrounding cell1ng. AHic access hatches shall be weather-slrlpped, H, Rigid, wealher-resistanl bal1les shall be Inslalled to dellecl soffll ventilation air above Insulalion and 10 keep Insulallon clear from ollie halches, Non-combustible baffles sholl be Inslalled to provide 3" clearance around flues, mefal chimneys, gas vents or fixtures that require clearances or ventilation for fire safety, 0706 ROOFING: A, Roofing materials and appllcallan to comply with Chapter 9, B, Roofing shall be applied wllh all flashing and accessories recommended by manufatlurer or as required for a walertlghl assembly, Finish roofing materials shall be approved by owner, C, Gullers shall be Installed al lower edge of all roaf slopes, Downspouts from guffers to discharge Inta slormwaler drain, Owner 10 approve sfyle and color, 0707 VENTILATION: A, Screened soffit, eave, ridge or roof jack vents shall be supplied os shown on plans wl1h a minimum ratio of net vent opening to ventilated area of 110 150, Ratio may be reduced 10 I to 300 If vents are arranged as noted In Section R80G, Screen shall hove 1/8' minimum to 1/4' maximlm square openings of corrosion resistant wire. B, Crowl space shall be ventilated by means of screened apenlngs through foundation slem walls as shown on plans, Tolal nel opening and arrangement of vents shall be as noted in Section R408J, Screen shall have I/B" square openings of corrosion-resistant wire or another material as noted in Section R408.2, 0708 MUD SILL: Both top and bollom of mud sill shall be caulked or gaslleted, 0709 THERMAL BREAK: Concrete slabs on grade In conditioned spaces sholl be Ihermally broken from slabs in adjocenl unconditioned spaces. joints), 01 junctions between outlet registers and Interior surfoces, and at 011 ploces where the ducts penetrate the building envelope. No ducts shall be run In exterior walls. F, Ducts penetrating the wall or ceiling separating Ihe dwelling from the garage shall be constructud and installed as noted in Section R309,I.I, G, Non-combustible fire-slopping st,ull be provided 01 all gaps around mechanical lines at ceilings imd floor levels. H. Balhrooms sholl be heated and vlntllated with combination heater/ligh1/lan wilh model 10 be, "pproved by owner, Bathroom exhaust fans to hove a capaclly of 01 least 50 CFM, musl exhausl directly to the exterior, and must IlIclude backdrall dampers, I, Kitchen sholl be equipped with oln exhausl fan wllh 0 capacity of at leasl 100 CFM, must exhausl directly to the eXlerior, must include a backdraft damper and mlulif conform to the requirements 01 section MI502 or MI504, J, Clolhes dryer shall venl direatly 10 the exterlar of Ihe building envelope Ihrough 0 back-droll damper and musl conform to Ihe requirements of seatlon MI501. 1503 PLUMBING, A, Plumbing Installation shall be 1m ,ccordance with Chaplers 25 thru 32, B, Syslem shall be designed and IImtalled by 0 qualified contraclor, Contraalor sholl supp!ly delolled plans. calaulatlons and specifications 01 ell proposed equipment If required by Building Official, C, WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM, ABS or PVC plastic D, WATER PIPING: Capper tubing E. All appliance models, styles, co~ors, etc. sholl conform 10 Chapter 27 and be approved by owner, F, All follels sholl be I.G gallons per flush maximum, G, All showers shall have 900 sq, Inches minimum floor area and must be large enough to enclo,se a 3011 diameter circle. H, All shower heads shall be 2,5 golons per mlnule maximum. I. All Interior faucets sholl be 2,5 gollons per minute maximum, J, Non-combustible fire-stopping sl..,II be provided 01 011 gaps around plumbing lines 01 ceilings on; 1I00r levels, Seal 011 penelratlons Ihrough building envellol'e with caulking, K, All waler pipes shall be insulale,d In occordance wllh section NII06, DIVISION OIOO-GENERAL 0101 CODES: All construction methods. materials and workmanship sholl comply wllh Ihe 2003 EDITION OREGON DWELLING SPECIALTY CODE FOR ONE AND TWO F AMIL Y DWELLINGS comprised of the 2000 Edition of ICC Internalional Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings wllh Oregon Amendments doled April I, 2003, Conslructlon shall also camply with all City. Counly and Federal codes, ordinances and regulations as applicable. 0102 PERMITS: The owner will provide and pay for all permits and fees except where other provision is made by contract. 0103 UTILITIES: Owner to provide, 0104 SUBSTITUTIONS: Certain processes, types of equipmenl or kinds of malerlals ore speaifled by manufacturer's nome, brand or calalag number fa establish a basis of quality or desirability for the purpose intended, Exclusions of producls of equal quality or deslrablllly 10 Ihose specltled is not Intended, Sub-Contractors fa secure approval of substitutions from owner. Submil sufficient Information on specific producl or produals for evaluation, Samples may be required, 0105 CHECKING: Contractor shall verify and coordinate all dimensions and condlllons on all drawings and at construaHon site before proceeding, Discrepancies are 10 be brought fa Ihe allenllon of the owner, Ihe designer, and/or Ihe engineer as appropriate, and fully resolved before construction Is commenced. 0107 CLEANING OF SURF ACES: All surfaces must be clean and In good condition 01 job completion, 0108 COOPERATION: Contractor and subcontractors shall fully cooperate In carrying out the work. Confractor to do or be directly responsible for all conslrucllon bracing, temporary shoring, furring and building In, and providing 011 openings, chases. etc., required by various subcontractors. Where work of one subcontraclor Is ins lolled over surfaces applied by other trades, Ihe commencement of work by Ihe first menlioned subcontractor constitutes acceptance of the surfaces, and cannot be used for on excuse should subsequent failures occur. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE slT~1 / ... ./ ""\ THURSTON ROAD -- ~ ~~ tD ~ -l) G STREET I- <l) tD :t I- tD -~ ';Q I- <l) 2 N -l) F ST 1= STREET - ~ lfl I- -l) <l) ../ E STREET z o ~ U ::::J 0:::: 1- if) Z o u L - DIVISION 0200 - SITE WORK 0201 EARTHWORK, A, Excavations or fills shall be so constructed or protecled that they do not endanger life or properly, B, Remove trash, rubbish and olher obslrucllons from slle prior to starling earthwork, C. Do excavation work for structure and other work shown on the drawings, carefully Irlmmed la lines and elevations required for the work, Permanent cuts and fills shall not be steeper than 2 horizonlal to I verllcal unless approved by Ihe building official, D, Slockplle excavaled malerlal for backfill purposes 01 approved locations. Only clean, granular material is acceptable for re-use. E, The building official may require 0 soli tesl ta del ermine the sollls characteristics. F, Lot shall be provided wllh adequale drainage and shall be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundation walls. Soid grade sholl fall 0 minimum of six Inches wlfhln the Ilrsl ten feel, excepl as reslricled by iol lines, slopes, walls, eta, where drains. swales or other approved means sholl be provided 10 ensure drainage away from structure, G, A foundation perlme1er drain shall be Installed which will drain roaf discharge 10 0 poinl 01 leasl five feet from the foundation walls or to an approved system. 0202 BACKFILLING: A, Bockflll adjacent to concrele walls shall not be placed until the wall has sufficienl slrength or has been sufficiently braced to prevenl damage by the backfill, B, Before plaalng backfill, remove all screeds, screed slakes, other wood. debris and material subject to rot. corrosion or sublerranean lermile allack, C, Backfill material shall be clean and gronular, placed In G-inch IIfls, and compacled, D, Dispose of 011 unsuitable and excess malerial off site, ConI arm to local laws and ordinances relaling 10 wasle disposal on property of others, DIVISION 0300 - CONCRETE 0301 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Concrete design, components, storage, mixture, placement and reinforcemenl sholl conform 10 Chapler 4, B, Protecl 011 concrete from damage and use special care on all exposed concrete to prevent staining or discoloration. C. Damaged concrete shall be repaired, or removed and replaced with new concrete at the discretion 01 the owner. D. Form all concrats surfaces. except bottom of foolings and top of slabs, E. Footings shall be placed on undisturbed soil or compacted fill, All fill materials shall be free of vegetation and foreign material. A soils investigation report and a report of sallsfaclory plocemenl of fill shall be submllted to the building official describing fi!1s greot~i than 411 thick which will be used to support the 1oundation& of any ~uilding or struc fure. Except wllere approved, fill depths under slabs shoJI not exceed 2411 for clean sand or grovel and ell for earth. F. Stepped footings are required where the ground surfuce slopes more than one foot in ten ;eef. G. Remove 011 foreign matter and wet down soil before placement of concrete. H, Isolation joints shall be provided between all slabs and foundation walls, using (2) Ihicknesses of 30# builder's fell or 3/B" asphall impregnated sheeling, 0302 FORMWORK: A, Farms shall be subslanllal, sufficiently lighl and properly braced to prevent leakage and maintain position and shape. B, Forms and shoring sholl nol be removed unlil the structure has suffiaienl strength 10 supporl safely its weighl and all laads placed thereon, 0303 REINFORCEMENT: A. Use only new, clean stock, free from rust, scale, grease and olher coatings, Refer 10 ACI 318-77. B, Reinforcemenl sholl conform to ASTM A-GI5 with deformations to ASTM A-305, Grade 40, C, Reinforcemenl sizes and locatians shall be os shown on plans or as noted below: iSTREET JREES ARE ARE REQUlRED, Please refer to attached Deve]opIPent Code Section reg:;rding the placement and types of allowable street trees, DIVISION IGOO - ELECTRICAL , A, All work shall meet the requirements and Inspeclions of Chaplers 33 fhrough 42, Appendix L and the 2002 national electrical code, B, Electrical syslems shallbe desl~ned and Installed by a qualified conlratlor, Controclor sholl supply detailed plans, calculations and specifications of 011 proposed equipment If required by the building official, C, Wiring shall be done wllh 3-,'ire ,onmetalllc cabie with all outleis properly grounded,! All wlr". sholl be capper and none shall be less Ihan #14 gauge, Swll"hes and duplex oullets sholl be first grade, Switches ..hall be sllenl type, D, Suitable connecllans shqll be provided for all new electrical outlets and fixtures os shqwn on Ih. plans, E, Smoke deleclors shall be inslall!ed Inside and autslde af all sleeping rooms and on eac~ floor als noted In Section R317 and os shown on plans. F, Non-combustible fire-stopping sR101I be provided 01 all gaps around electrical lines at c~lIings allld floor levels. Seal all penelrations through Ihe building em,elope wilh caulking, G, Wiring shall be installed In 0 manil'er 10 allow for as much wall insulation as possible. H, Recessed lights inslalled in e,lellior vaulted ceilings (withoul an attic space abdve) shalll be raled 10 allow direcl contact wifh insulation. z o G W 0:::: o I- ~ Wo W--1 O::::w 1-- (f)LL G OZ ZO:::: NO- ({)(J) ~ - I C ~'TREET *** NOTE *** BUILDER IS STRONGLY CAUTIONED TO VERIFY ALL TRUSS DIMENSIONS INCLUDING EXACT SLOPE, REQUIRED HEEL HE'GHT, OVERHANG CONDITION AND SPECIAl. LOADING, TRUSS DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO BE APPROXIMATE ONLY, MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -F:ont yard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet P.U,E. HAY CHANGE SETBACKS 0:::: 2 w :::2: o I o OJ <( o 0608 SHEA THING, Roof and wall sheathing sh,,:: be 7/16" Orienled Strand Board (OSB) or 1/2" CDX Plywoad wilh face grain perpendicular to supports and stagg~red joinls. Floor sheathing shall be as shown on plans, All slructural sheathing shall be graded and marked as nated In Section R5ll3.2.1, R503.3.I, RG04 or R605, If required, diaphragms and shear walls shall be constructed 0$ required by the engineer or .~s shown on plans. 0609 STRESSED SKIN PANELS shall be shippei, stored handled and installed per the manufacturerls instruction:;. 0610 SOLE PLATES: Sole plates in contacl win, concrele shall be pressure Irealed douglas fir/Lorch, 0611 NAILING: All nailing sholl be as noted in Tn,Ies R602,3(1) and R602,3(2), Melal connectors shall be Insloil.d with all nalls, bolts or other fasteners os required by mal\lJfocturer. OGI2 BRACING: Wall and cripple wall bracing sholl be provided as per Seclion RG02,9 and RG02.10, 0613 METAL CONNECTORS: Simpson slrang II>, or approved equal. OGI4 BLOCKING: Full depth solid blocking of ulillty grade lumber is required at all bearing walls and at the beorlng points of all Joists and raffers, Cross bridging between ",11 and larger rafters and 2xl2 and larger joists is requir&~J at 101-011 C.C. maximum. Bracing between roof or flllor tn:~ses sh,,1l be . installed as required by manufacturer. " 0615 NOTCHING: Nolchlng, culling and drilling 0,. .Iuds, plales, joists or rofters sholl conform to Sections r:,02..8, R602.6. and R602,7, ._ 061G ORAFTsTOPPING, Drallsfopplng and F1c;.))loci,ing shall be constructed and instolled os required by ~hH" to.;n R502.12 and R602,6, OGI7 FINISH CARPENTRY: .' A. Sf airways shall be constructed as shcwn 011 plans and as noted in Section R314, B. Handrails and guardrails shall be construc~.\,; C$ shown on plans and as naled In Seclions R315 al;d R3h. C, Wood or hardboard paneling shall conI arm to Seclion R702,5, 0616 INTERIOR WALL COVERING: A, All interior struclural components shall c<mply wllh the Deparlment of Housing and Urban Develapm.nl (HUD) formaldehyde emission standards (11'24 CFR pari 32BO) of ,2 ppm (parls per million) for plywood and ,3 ppm for particle board, Plywoad or particle board stamped II meets HUD requiremenfsll or "HUD approved" etc, sholl be acceplable, Inlerior :I' '.Ide plywood, wafer boord, parlicle boord, and orienled sfrond board mode with phenol-based resins and stamped IlExposure III shall be acceptable, Exterior grade components mod.' with phenol-based resins and stamped I1Exteriorll shall be acceptuble. B, All gypsum board joinls and imperfealions sholl be filled and taped, C, All surfaces sholl be sanded for painl or wollpaper or textured os specified by owner. D, All exposed inferior gypsum board corners sholl be relnlorced with metal edge trim. E, Gypsum baard sholl nol be Installed until weal her protection is provided. F. Gypsum boord, support spacing and the sia and spacing of fasteners shall comply with Section R702.3, G. Garages shall be completely separated frOl;! residence and its attic wllh 1/2' gypsum board applied to Ihe g"oge side, All structure supporting 0 floor-ceiling separalian sholl be covered with 1/211 gypsum board. OGI9 EXTERIOR WALL COVERING: Siding shall be os shown an plans and conform to Section R703 with attoehment per Table R703.4 unless noted otherwise. Panel type siding shall hove shiplapped vertical joints over framing membs, s and flashed or lapped horizontal joinls, 0620 ATTIC ACCESS, A readily accessible fram'"d 01 tic access hatch of nol less than 22 inches by 30 inches sholl be provided to any attic area having a clear height of over 30 indl~s. 3: w z .., , DIVISION OBOO - DOORS. WINDOWS AND GLASS OBOI DOORS: A, Door sizes shall be as noled on plans, with Iype, finishes and hardware os selected by owner, All egress doors shall be readily openable from the side from which egress is to be mode wilhoul Ihe use of a key or special knowledge or efforl. B. Exterior doors rexcept main entry door) to have a maximum 0,20 U-Value, One daor (28 square feel maximum) 10 have o maximum 0,54 U-Value, All exlerior doors 10 have on air leakage rating of 0.37 cfm maximum per square foot of door area, All exterior doors shall be I 3/4' Ihick minimum and be weather-slrlpped (do not use sticky back foam), C, Doors with glazing 01 2,5 square feet or larger and sliding glass doors shall be tesled and certified os noled In Section R613, D, Openings between garage and residence shall be equipped with solid wood or honeycomb core steel doors not less than I 3/811 thick or 20-minute fire-rated doors. fire-rated doors, E. Hinged shower doors shall open outward. 0802 WINDOWS: A, Window brand and style shall be as directed by owner, Sizee shall be as noted on plans, NOTE: Slzee of windows shown on plans are nominal only. Verify rough opening required before framing. B, All windows shall be double glozed with a maximum 0.40 U-Value and shall meet the fenestration requirements of Section NII04,8, All windows shall be tesfed and certified as noled in See lion RGI3, All windows must be labeled wllh U-Value or U-Value class excepl as noted in Seation N1I04.4.1, D. Sleeping rooms shall have at least one openable egress window or door os shown on plans and as required by Section R310. NOTE: Sizes af windows shown on plans ore nominal only, Verify CLEAR OPENII>!G dimensions for egress windows as required by code, E, Windows sholl be set onto 0 bead of caulking, F, Skylights sholl be constructed of double glazing, wilh inner pane tempered, in a mefal frame or as nofed in Section R30S.6 with a maximum 0,50 U-Value, Skylighl area shall be not mare than 2 per cenl of healed floor area, G, Glass doors and enclasures for showers, hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms ond bathtubs, fixed, swinging or sliding glazing in doors and storm doors, and all glazing and mirrors within 2411 of doors or within IS" of floors, and all glazing in railings andglozing used in barriers around swimming pools and spas shall be lempered and permanently marked per Seation R308,1. Exceptions ore noled in Section R306,I, R30B,I.I AND 306.4, DIVISION 0900 - FINISHES 0901 GENERAL: A. All interior finishes and materials to conform to Sections R319 and R702, Wall and ceiling finishes sholl hove 0 flame-spread classification of not greater thon 200 except as noted in Section R319.1 and a smoke density not greater than 450. B, All e.terior finishes and materials sholl conform 10 Section R703 and Table R703.4, 0902 INTERIOR PAINT: Lalex point with colors shall be approved by owner. 0903 EXTERIOR PAINT: Lalex or stain with color 10 be approved by owner. 0904 OTHER WALL FINISHES, Contraclor fa coordinate wilh owner where wall poper. paneling, or wainscotting are desired. 0905 FLOOR FINISHES: A, Carpet shall be professionally installed with pad. lack strip and melal trim as required, Carpet and pad sholl be approved by owner. B, Cushion vinyllype shall be approved by owner, DIVISION 1000 - SPECIAL TIES TOOl Cabinets. closet organizers, shelves and other built-ins shall be as shown on pions and os arranged by owner. 1002 PREF ABRICA TED FIREPLACES: A. Prefabricoled fireplaces and chimneys may be constructed using listed and labled zero-cleorance prefabricaled metal type with triple wall stainless steel chimney pipe enclosed in wood stud wall and chose, Inslallation sholl be slrially in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and Section R1004. B, All fireplaces and stoves shall be equipped wllh 0 closable source of outside air for combustion in accordance with Section RIOOS. Duct sholl be constructed of non-combustible material. In addition, fireplaces must be equipped with 0 tighl-fllting flue damper and glass or metal daars, 1003 sile address: copy R325.1, ,S~9.?2'S""E 116,11' '-~- . \ \\ " \ '" \\ \>, \~ \~ \ \ \ \ \ PROFERTY 60UNDARY -..- -- -- co if) ~CLz 0<(0 -!2- ~ Z>-c <Ef--- --!ZLL CL-U Uw >CL if) @ I I , , '\ ii1 I Q lfl LOT a I I , , '" I I , , W I- if) -' I I -/~ WOOD I=ENCe 6~) IYJ -- I~ "lg , :2 I I SPLICE LAP LENGTH Bar Size Concrete " 3 I'-G" " 4 2'-0" I 5 21-611 .' Masonry 21-011 21-6- 31-011 , , , \ I/) 0 II) I/) J II) <t ~ II) ~ N 0 <t ~ " Ol II: 8 0 D~ . w Z w ~ Cl ::l W ~ ..: III ~ II: W D~ Cl z 0 ~ () I/) e). " " " / ,. , Dote 8-9-03 Scale 1"=10' PLOT Scale 1 = 1 20 Drown TR Job 3468 Sheet ~ Of 7 Sheets ... ..../ CONCRETE COVER 3" Concrete deposited againsl earth 211 Formed concrete against earth 3/4" To lap of slab an grade D. A grounding electrode system shall be installed as noted in E3507 and E3506 and must be coardinaled wllh the electrical contractor. 0304 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, A, Basemenl walle and foundolions nol e.posed to weather and basement slabs and interior slabs on grode, except garage floor slobs, sholl be 2500 psi compressive strength concrete 01 26 days, B. Porches. carport slabs and steps exposed to the weather, basement walls. foundation walls, exterior walls, and other vertical concrete work exposed to the weather and garage floor slabs shall be 3000 psi campressive strenglh concrete at 28 days, C, 3000 psi concrete and olher concrele which may be subjecl 10 freezing and thawing during construction shall be air entrained, Total air content (percenl by volume of concrele) sholl be not less fhan five per aenl or more than seven per cenl. D. The minimum cement content of concrete mixtures for exterior porches. carport slabs and steps that will be exposed fa freezing and thawing in Ihe presence of deicing chemicals shall be as specified in ACI 318, E, The lop surface of all loofings ehall be level, The boltom surface of footings may have a slope not exceeding I in 10. Footings sholl be stepped where it is necessary to cllange the elevafion of Ihe top surface of the foalings or where Ihe slope of the bottom surface of the footing will exceed I in 10. F. Finishing (vertical sur laces): Carr eel 011 aggregate pockets and other defects. Grind off fins and projections and remove stains. Exterior Burfaces of foundation walls enclosing living space or storage below finished grade shall be dampproofed using IIThoroseal Foundation Coatingll or equal. G, Finishing (slobS)' Surface finishes shall be on pions. Areas noled "Brush Finish" sholl have 1/6' high altenuations, with paltern and slyle as approved by the owner, 0305 EMBEDMENTS: A, Anchor bolts altachlng mud sills 10 concrele foundatlans, shall be one-half Inch diameter spaced at six feet maximum on center, and exfend at least seven Inches into the concrete. There must be an anchor bolt within twelve Inches of each corner ond each piece of sill shall have at least two bolts. B, Post bases, hold-downs, vents, door openings and conduits shall be located accurately as shown on plans. I I DIVISION 0700 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTeCTION 0701 GENERAL: A, The conditioned spaces of these plans are infended 10 comply with Presariptive Campllance Path I of Table 111104,1(1) unless noted otherwise. B, All Insulafing materials to comply with Sechns R320 and NII04, C. All insulation shall be applied uniformly and in 0 manner to prevenl aompression, Insulation sholl be split ,...nly around pipes, wires, ducts or other obstructions and c.t:i in around