HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Backflow Test 2003-9-9 If ',L ~ ~ "" -,: ~ - - D BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION OIOO-GENERAL 0101 CODES: All construction methods, materials and workmanship sholl comply with the 2003 EDITION OREGON DWELLING SPECIALTY CODE FOR ONE AND TWO F AMIL Y DWELLINGS comprised of the 2000 Edition of ICC International Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings with Oregon Amendments doted April I, 2003, Construction sholl also comply with 011 City, County and Federal codes, ordinances and regulations as applicable. 0102 PERMITS: The owner will provide and pay for 011 permits and fees except where other proviSion Is mode by contract. 0103 UTILITIES, Owner to provide, 0104 SUBSTITUTIONS: Certain processes, types of equipment or kinds 01 materials are specified by manufacturer's name, brand or catalog number fo esfabllsh 0 basis of quality or desirability for the purpose Intended, Exclusions of producfs of equal quality or desirability to those specified is not Infended, Sub-Contractors to secure approval of substitutions from owner. Submit sufficient Information on specific producl or products for evaluation, Samples may be required, OIOS CHECKING: Contraclor sholl verify and coordinate 011 dimensions cnd conditions on all drawings and at construction site before proceeding, Discrepancies ore to be brought to the attention of Ihe owner, the designer, and/or the engineer os opproprlofe, and fully resolved before construction Is commenced. 0107 CLEANING OF SURF ACES: All surfaces musl be clean and In good condition at job completion. 0106 COOPERATION: Controcfor and subcontractors sholl fully cooperate in carrying out the work, Controcfor fa do or be directly responsible for 011 construction bracing, temporary shoring, furring and building in, and providing 011 openings, chases, etc., required by various subcontractors. Where work of one subcontractor is Insfalled over surfaces applied by other trades, the commencemenl of work by the flrsl mentioned subcontractor constitutes acceptance of the surfaces, and cannot be used for on excuse should subsequent failures occur. DIVISION 0200 - SITE WORK 0201 EARTHWORK: A, Excavations or fills sholl be so constructed or protected that they do nol endanger life or property, B. Remove trash, rubbish and other obstructions from site prior to sfortlng earthwork, C. Do excavation work for structure and other work shown on the drawings, carefully trimmed to lines and elevations r.qulred for the work. Permanent cuts and fills shall not be steeper than 2 horizontal to I vertical unless approved by the building official, D. Stockpile excavated material for backfill purposes at approved locations. Only clean, granular material Is acceptable for re-use. E, The building official may r.quire 0 soli t.st to determine the soills characteristics. F, Lot sholl be provided with adequate droinoge and shail be graded so as to drain surface wafer away from foundation walls. Said grade sholl fall 0 minimum of six Inches within the tirst t.n feet, except os restricted by lot lines, slopes, walls, elc, where drains, swales or other approved means shall be provided 10 ensure drainage away from structure, G, A foundation perimeter drain sholl be Ins toiled which will drain roof discharge to 0 point at least five feet from the foundation walls or to on approved system, 0202 BACKFILLING, A, Backfill adjacent to concrete walls shoil not be placed until the wall has sufficient strength or has been sufficiently braced to prev.nt damage by the backfill, B, Before placing backfill, remove 011 screeds, screed stak.s, other wood, debris and material subject to rot. corrosion or subterranean termite attock, C, Backfill material sholl be clean and granular, placed in G-Inch IIffs, and compacted, D, Dispose of 011 unsuitable and excess material off site, Conform to local lows and ordinances relating to waste disposal on property of others, DIVISION 0300 - CONCRETE 0301 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, A. Concrete design, components. storage, mixture, placement and reinforcement sholl conform to Chopfer 4, B. Protect all concrete from damage and use special care on all exposed concrete to prevent staining or discoloration. C, Damaged concrete sholl be repaired, or removed and r.placed with new concrete at the discretion of the owner. D, Form 011 concrete surfaces, exc.pl bottom of footings and top of slobs, E, Footings sholl be ploc.d on undi,turbed soil or c',mpocfed fill, All fill materials sholl be f'.e of vegelation and foreign material. A soils investigation report and a report of salisfo"tory piocement 01 fill ,hall be submitted to the buildin!l official det.cdbing fillll greoter than 4" thick which wHl b~' used to support the foundotlons of any building or sjr~ciure. Except ,where approved, fill depths uncer slabs shall not exceed 24" for clean sand or gravel and 811 for earth. F. Stepped footings are required where the ground surface slopes more thon one foot in ten feet. G, Remove 011 foreign moiler and wel down soil before placement of concrete. H, Isola lion joints sholl be provided between 011 slobs and foundollon walls, using (2) thicknesses of 30# builder's felt or 3/6' asphalt Impregnated sheeting, 0302 FORMWORK, A, Forms sholl be substantial. sufficiently tighl and properly braced to prevent leakage and maintain position and shope, B, Forms and shoring sholl nal be removed until the structure has sufficient strength to support safely Ifs weighl and 011 ioads placed thereon, 0303 REINFORCEMENT: A. Use only new. cleon stock, free from rust. scale, grease and other coatings, Refer fa ACI 316-77, B, Reinforcemenl sholl conform to ASTM A-GIS with deformations to ASTM A-30S, Grode 40, . C. Reinforcement sizes and locations sholl be as shown on plans or as noted below: SPLICE LAP LENGTH Bar Size Concrete # 3 11_611 # 4 2'-0' 'I 5 21_611 Masonry 2'_011 21_611 31-0" CONCRETE COVER 3" Concrete deposited against earth 2" Formed concrete against earth 3/4" To top of slob on grade D, A grounding electrode system sholl be Installed os noted In E3S07 and E3S06 and must be coordinated with the electrical contractor. 0304 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE: A. Basement walls and foundations not exposed to weather and basement slobs and interior slabs on grade, except garage floor slobs, sholl be 2S00 psi compressive strength concrefe at 26 days, B, Porches, carport slobs and steps exposed to the weather, basement walls. foundation walls, exterior walls, and other vertical concrete work exposed to the weather and garage floor slobs sholl be 3000 psi compressive strength concrete 01 26 days, C, 3000 psi concrete and other concrefe which may be subject to freezing and thawing during construction sholl be air entrained, Total air content (percenl by volume of concrete) sholl be not less than five per cent or more than seven per cent. D. The minimum cement content of concrete mixtures for exterior porches. carport slobs and st.ps that will be exposed to fr.ezlng and thawing in the presence of deicing chemicals sholl be os specified in ACI 316, E, The fop surface of 011 footings sholl be level. The bollom surface of foollngs may hove 0 slope nol exceeding I in 10, Fooflngs sholl be stepped where it Is necessary to change the elevation of the fop surface of the foollngs or where the slope of the bollom surface of the fooling will exceed Iln 10, F, Finishing (verfical surfoc.s): Correcl 011 aggregate pockets and other defects, Grind off fins and projections and remove staIns. Exterior surfaces of foundation walls enclosing living space or storage below finished grade sholl be dampproofed using I'Thoroseal Foundation Coatlngll or equal. G, Finishing (slobs): Surface lInishes sholl be on plans, Areas noted "Brush Finish" sholl hove V6" high attenuations, with pattern and style os approved by the owner, 030S EMBEDMENT. A, Anchor bolts attaching mud sills to concrete foundallons, sholl be one-half Inch diameter spaced at six f.et maximum on center. and extend at least seven inches into the concrete. There must be on anchor bolt within twelve inch.s of each corner and each piece of sill sholl hove at least fwo bolts, B, Post bases, hold-downs, vents, door openings and conduits sholl be located accurately os shown on plans. DIVISION 0400 - MASONRY 0401 GENERAL: The malerlols, d.sign, construction and quality control of masonry construction sholl be In accordance with Sections RGOG through RGIO, 0402 FIREPLACE: Masonry fireplace, chimney and hearth sholl be constructed, anchored, supported and reinforced as required by Chapter 10, 0403 COMBUSTION AIR: All flr.ploc.s sholl be .qulpped with a closable source of oufslde air for combustion In accordance with Section RIOOS, Ducl sholl be constructed of non-combustible material, In oddillon. fireploc.s must be equipped with 0 . ,_,_ ~,__'m ._.~_..", _"'_"_"'~" __.,~,.,_ Ul_'~',~"'_"_.__,~""~,~~__'~_4~_~,~ tight-fitting flue damper and gloss or melal doors, 0404 VENEER, Anchored masonry and stone wall v.n.er sholl conform to Section R703,7, DIVISiON 0600 - CARPENTRY OGOI GENERAL, A, All structural dimension lumber sholl be grod.d and marked os noted in Section RS02 and R602, B, Approved end-jointed lumber may be us.d Inlerchangeobly wilh solid-sawn members of the same species end ~'l'ade. C, All structural lumber sizes hove been desiyn."d using WWPA grading rules. If these members bear the stomp of a different grading agency, adjustments to sizes may /latHl to be mode. OG02 POSTS: Posts and columns sholl be Douglcls fir/Lorch, Grode Select Structural F.O,H.C, Posls sholl be pr.s"u.e treated If so nofed on pions, OG03 BEAMS, HEADERS AND STRINGERS: All members 2" to 4' thick and S" or more wide shall be Douglas fir ILarch, Beami! and Stringers Closs, Grode #1, All G" thick members sholl t e Dougias fir/Lorch, Beams and Stringers Cioss, Groce S"iecl Structural, All door and window headers sholl be 4x6 minimum unless noted otherwise, Gloed-Iomlnated limbers sholl be ;!4F-V4, Df! grade of simple spans and 24F-V6, Df/ grade at cardilevers or multiple supports unless noted otherwise. OG04 STUDS: Studs sholl be Douglas fir/Lorch, Grode #2 at 011 load bearing walls with size and spacing os shown 'In plans. Utility grade lumber may be used if spaced per Table RG02.3(S), Cripples under headers sholl be continuous fa soie pia ie, Top plates In load-bearing walls sholl be doubled with joints "llset 46" minimum, Block 011 stud walls where requlr.d for sheathing, Align load-bearing studs os not.d in Section IlG02,3.3, Interior nonbearlng partitions may be copped with 0 single top piate, Foundation cripple walls shall be constructed as noted in Section RG02.9, All wood members in contuel with concrete sholl be pressure treated. OGOS JOISTS: Floor and c.lling joists sholl be D"'Jglos fir/Lorch, Grode #2, All rim joists and end joists sholl b. caulked In place during framing, Double 011 end joists and. 011 joists under parallel bearing partitions, Lop joists 6" minimum 01 interior bearing supports where possible, other:.lise provide 1_1/211 minimum bearing on wood or metal SUPIW;.ts and 311 on masonry or use approved joist hangers Floor openings shall be framed os noted In Section RS02.10, 060G RAFTERS: Rafters sholl be Douglas fir/La,.,h, Grode #2 with size and spacing os shown on plans, All rafters si,oll be notched to provide full bearing at supports, 0607 TRUSSES: Manufacturer of wood floor or !(lof trusses sholl supply copies of truss design drawings and ,,,Ieulotions to the building offlciol and owner. Trusses sholl be dl~sigllod per section R502,Ii.l by 0 r.g.stered prof.sslonal. Deslg'", drawings sholl include 011 Information noted in sections RS02,1I.4 "nd "602.10.1, Trusses sholl be Instolied with 011 fasteners,ll'ngers and bracing os required by the manufacturer. Truss mern~'3rs sholl not be drilled, cut, notched or altered in any manner unles!l -iO designed. *** NOTE *** BUILDER IS STRONGLY CAUTIONi:Ci TO VERIFY ALL TRUSS DIMENSIONS INCLUDING EXACT SLOPE, REQUIRED HEEL HEIGHT, OVERHANG CONDITION AND SPECiAL LOADING, TRUSS DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO BE APPROXIMATE lJNL.Y, OG06 SHEA THING: Roof and wall sh.athing sh(111 "e 7 /IG" Oriented Strand Boord (OSB) or 1/2" CDX Piywood with face groin perpendicular to supports and staggered joinh. Floor sheathing sholl be os shown on plans, All structural Bhedhlng sholl be graded and marked os noted In Secllon RS03",.I, RS03,3.1, RG04 or RGOS, If required, diaphragms and shear, oils sholl be constructed as required by the englneor or as silown on plans. OG09 STRESSED SKIN PANELS sholl be shlppod, ,tor.d handled and Insfalled per the manufacturer's instrucllon" OGIO SOLE PLATES: Sole plot.s in contact wllh concrete .hall be pressure treated douglas fir/Lorch, OGII NAILING, All nailing sholl be os noted in Tf'blcs RG02,3(1) and R602,3(2), Metal connectors sholl be instolie'J with 011 nolis, bolts or other fasteners os required by mor.t:. Jcturer. OGI2 6RACING: Wall and cripple wall bracing sholl ue provid.d os per Section RG02,9 and RG02.10, OGi3 METAL CONNECTORS: Simpson strong tlo, " approved equal. OGi4 BLOCKING: Full depth solid biocking of "lIl1t V g'"~e lumber Is required at 011 bearing walls and at the be,,:dnfj polnfs of 011 joists and rafters. Cross bridging beh'ean 2d4 and largElr rafters and 2xl2 and larger joists Is requjri'~ ii 101-O~ D.C. maximum. Bracing between roof or floor trUI'. ,to; s;holl be Installed os required by manufacturer. 061S NOTCHING, Not,hlng, cutting ond <I"lIing of ,tuds, plates, joists or raffers shall conform to SactlO'IlG Rt.iOj"~,5, R602.6, and R602.7, . 0616 DRAFTS,OPPING: D,ol!stopplng and Fire o',"klng tholl ~e constructed and inro1alied as requIred by Sc.cliC'n R502..I2 and R602,6, 0617 FINISH CARPENTRY: A. Stairways sholl be constructed os shown C;~ p:cns and as noted in Section R314. B. Handrails and guardrails shall be constrt.Jcl0d os shown on plans and os noted In Sections R31S and RolK C, Wood or hardboard paneling shall confon" " Section R702,S, OGI8 INTERIOR WALL COVERING: A, Alllnlerior structural components sholl '.'.l",ply with the Deportm.nl of Housing and Urban Develop"',.! (HUD) formaldehyde emission sfandords (#24 CFR port 3260) of ,2 ppm (ports per million) for plywood and ,3 ppm for porllcle rnord, Plywood or particle board stomped" meets HUD requirnnoenls" or 'HUD approved' etc, sholl be acceptable, Interior g ode plywood, wafer boord, particle boord, and oriented I> 1f1ll1d board made with phenol-based r.sins and stomped "Exposur, I" ,hall be acceptable. Exterior grade components made with phenol-based resins and stamped IIExterior.' shall be acc~ptqrle. B, All gypsum board joints and imperfection. ,no.lI be tilled and toped, C, All surfaces sholl be sanded for point or .clipoper or textured as specified by owner. O. All exposed interior gypsum board corners ;";holl be reinforced with mefal edge trim, E, Gypsum board sholl nol be installed until ,<<,ther prol.ctlon is provided, F, Gypsum boord, supporl spacing and the si", ,nd spacing of fasteners sholl comply with S.ctlon R702,3, G. Garages shall be completely separated 1r::~rf; residence and its attic with 1/2" gypsum board applied to ths ')''''ge side, All structure supporting a floor-ceiling separation ,shJII be covered with I/Z' gypsum board, 0619 EXTERIOR WALL COVERING: Siding sholl ue as shown on plans and conform to Section R703 with all.dllnent per Tobie R703.4 unless noted otherwise, Panel type sl,ling sholl hove shiplapped vertical joints over framing member s and flashed or lopped horizontal Joints, OG20 ATTIC ACCESS: A readily occ.sslbie f"ille. attic access holch of not less Ihon 22 Inch.s by 30 Inches sholl ue ,Jrovided 10 any attic area having 0 clear helghl of over 30 Inthes, DIVISION 0700 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 0701 GENERAL: A, The conditioned spoc.s of these pions Ole inlended 10 comply with Prescripllve Compliance Path I of Toblc r,i104.1(1) unless noted otherwise. B, Alllnsuiatlng moleriols to comply with Secli',"s R320 and NII04, C. All Insulation shall be applied uniformly end in a menner to prevent compression. Insulation sholl be sl~lit ,)venly around pipes, wires. ducts or other obstructions and cut in around outlet boxes. D. Exterior joints around windows and door frol]~es, between wall cavities and window and door frames. betwean wall and foundation. between wall and roof, between '1l'oi1 panels, at penetrations or utility services through wan(!.. '\'loors and roofs and 011 other openings in the exterior envelope~ shall be caulked, goskeled. weather-stripped or otherwl,s sealed, 0702 FLOOR INSULA TION: A, 2' thick (R-IS minimum) exlruded polystfens foam insulation (opprov.d for under slob use) sholl be Instaiiud around enllre perimeter of monolithic floor slob In 011 healed oreas, The Insulation sholl extend downward from the tr,? "t the siob to the bottom of the thickened edge, The insulatl,n [,hall be prot.cted as shown on plans to 0 minimum of 611 belo,lrI grade. The complete area under siob sholl be covered with G-m. po;ysthylene or approved equal. B. 2" thick (R-15 minimum) extruded polys1jren~ foam insulation (approved for under slob use) sholl be Inst~lI.d around .nllre perimeter of floating floor slob In 011 heotelt 01 eos, The insulation sholl extend downward from the top "f the slob for 0 minimum distance of 2411, or downward to t!',e tJottom of the slab, then horizontally beneath the slab for a minimum f01al distance of 24", The complele area under slob ond '1lIller Insulol1on sholl be covered with G-mll polyethylene or oppro,v.,j equal, C, R-25 flbergioss boll Insulation, supporte~ ~i loth or corrosion-proof wire, sholl be installed flush uTlder floors over all crawlspaces. Support system (wood lothJ Cf)ffosion-resistant wire, or rot-resistant twine) is required to nr,lrllnsulation in place withouf compr.sslng it, Use baffles II ...,~uir.d to maintain cl.aronce around crowl space ventl' '..stoll I perm maximum kraft paper vapor retarder betw81'ln ::~l( decking and underlaymenl. Separafe vapor retardor is Wf required In lIoors construct.d with plywood or OSB sheathingj, Ground cover of G-mll block ~olyethylene with joints iopp.d '?" minimum and turned up 12 at edges Is required at all crcl,.,1 ~;paces. 0703 WALL INSULA TION'I A, (R-21) Kroft faced (I-perm dry cup moxill,,""') high de..sity flberglossbott Insulation sholl be face sf(jpl,'~ lo Inside '" ...._u__. (worm) surface of sluds in 011 walls separating heated from unheated spaces. B, (R-21) Fire-rated foil-faced high densily fiberglass batt Insulation sholl be installed inside below grade concrele walls enclosing heated spaces. Insulation shall be face sfapled 10 2x4 framed Inlerlor finish wall held In from concrete wall so that Insulation does not contact concrete, Insulollon must exlend from the bottom of the above-grade sublloor to the top of the below-grade finished floor, The rim joist area must be insulated. 0704 CEILING INSULATION: A, (R-3B) Fiberglass boll or loose fill fiberglass, cellulose or rock wool Insulation sholl be Installed on lIal ceilings, Loose fill Insulation may be used only where roof siope is 4/12 or greater and headroom at ridge is at least 44 inches. Loose till Insulation must be Installed per lobellndlcollons of pounds required per square fool or bogs per 1000 square feel. B, (R-30) Foil faced Jibergloss batt Insulallon sholl be installed on sloped ceilings constructed with single rafters. C, (R-30) Kroft faced liberglo.s boll insuiation sholl be instoll.d on ceilings with 0 slope of greater than 2/12 and on attic space above. D, (R-30) Loose fill flbergiass, cellulose or rock wool insuiallon may be used on sloped ceilings provided slope is 2/12 or I.ss and headroom at ridge Is at least 44 Inches, Loose fill insulation must be installed per label indications of pounds required per square foot or bogs per 1000 square feet, E, (R-21) Fall faced fiberglass boll insulation may be installed In parllally vaulted ceilings and ceilings totaling nol more than 150 square feet in area for dormers, bay windows. etc. Space musl be filled (except for required ventllallon space) and o O.S perm (dry cup) vapor retarder install.d on worm (in winter) side, F, All ceilings withoul on atllc space above sholl hove 0 vapor barrier with a maximum 0.5 perm rating. G, All attic access.s and skylight wells sholl be Insuioted to the some R-value os the surrounding ceiling, Attic access hatches sholl be weather-stripped, H, Rigid, weather-resist ani baffles sholl be Installed to deflect soffll ventiiatlon air above Insuiotlon and to keep insulation clear from attic hatches, Non-combusllble baffles sholl be Installed to provide 3' cl.aronce around flues, metal chimneys. gas vents or fixtures fhat require clearances or v.ntllollon for fire safety, 070G ROOFING, A, Roofing materials and application 10 comply with Chapter 9, B. Roofing sholl be applied with all flashing and accessories recommended by monufaclurer or os required for 0 watertight assembly. Finish roofing materials shall be approved by o\t(ner. C, Gutters sholl be Insfalled 01 lower edge of 011 roof siopes, Downspouts from gutters to discharge into slormwater drain. Owner to approve style and color, 0707 VENTILATION, A. Screened soffit, eave, ridge or roof jack vents sholl be supplied as shown on plans with a minimum ratio of net vent opening to ventilated area of I to ISO, Ratio may be reduced fo I to 300 If vents ore arranged os noled in Section R60G, Screen sholl hove 1/6" minimum 10 1/4" maxlmim square openings of corrosion resistant wire. B, Crowl space sholl be ventlloled by means of screened openings through foundation stem walls as shown on plans. Total net opening and arrangement of vents shall be os noted In Section R40B,I, Screen sholl hove I/B" square openings of corrosion-resistant wire or another material os noted in Section R406,2, 070B MUD SILL: Both top and bottom of mud sill shoii be caulked or goskeled, 0709 THERMAL BREAK: Concrete slobs on grade In conditioned spaces sholl be thermoiiy broken from slobs in adjacent unconditioned spaces, DIVISION 0800 - DOORS. WINDOWS AND GLASS 0601 DOORS: A, Door sizes sholl be os noted on plans. with type, finishes and hardware os selected by owner, All egr.ss doors sholl be readily openoble from the side from which egress Is to be mode wlthoul the use of 0 I,ey or special knowledge or efforl, B, Exterior doors (except main entry door) 10 hove 0 maximum 0,20 U-Value, One door (26 square feel maximum) fa hove a maximum 0.54 U-Value. All exterior doors to hove on oir leako{;9 rating of 0.37 ctm maximum per square foot of door area. All exterior doors shall be I 3/4. thick minimum and be weather-stripped (do not use sticky bock fa om), C, Doors with glozing of 2,S square feel or larger and sliding gloss doors sholl be tested and certified os noted in Secllon RGI3, D, Openings between garage and residence sholl be equipped with solid wood or honeycomb core steel doors not less than I 3/811 thick or 20-minute fire-rated doors. flre-rat.d doors, E. Hinged shower doors shall open outward. 0802 WINDOWS: A. Window brand and style shall be as directed by owner. Sizes sholl be as noted on plans, NOTE: Siz.s of windows shown on plans are nominal only. Verify rough opening required before framing, B, All windows sholl be double glozed with a maximum 0.40 U-Value and sholl meet the fenestrallon requirements of Section NII04,6, All windows sholl be te$ted and certified as noted In Section RGI3, All windows musl be labeled with U-Value or U-Value closs excepl os noted In Section N1I04.4,1. D, Sle.ping rooms sholl hove 01 least one openable egress window or door as shown on pions and os required by Section R310. NOTE: Sizes of windows shown on plans ore nominal only, Verify CLEAR OPENING dimensions for egress windows os required by code, E, Windows sholl be sel onto 0 bead of caulking, F, Skyiights sholl be constructed of double glozing, with inner pcme tempered, In a metal frame or os noted in Section R30B,G with 0 maximum O,SO U-Value, Skylighl oreo sholl be nol more than 2 per cenl of heof.d floor area, G. Gloss doors and enclosures for showers. hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms and bathtubs, fixed. swinging or sliding glozing in doors and storm doors. and 011 glozing and mirrors within 24" of doors or within 1811 of floors, and all glozing in railings andglazlng used in barriers around swimming pools and spas sholl be tempered and permanently marked per Section R306.1, Exceptions ore noled in Section R306,1, R30B.I,I AND 306.4, DIVISION 0900 - FINISHES 0901 GENERAL: A, All Interior finishes and materials to conform to Sections R3i9 and R702, Wall and ceiling flnish.s sholl hove 0 flame-spread closslflcotlon of nol greater than 200 except os noted in Section R319,I and 0 smoke d.nslty nol greater than 4S0, B. All exterior ,finishes and materials shall conform to Section R703 and Table R703,4, 0902 INTERIOR PAINT: Latex point with colors sholl be approved by owner. 0903 EXTERIOR PAINT: Latex or stain with color to be approved by owner. 0904 OTHER WALL FINISHES, Contractor to coordinate with owner wh.re wall poper, paneling. or wainscotting are desired. 0905 FLOOR FINiSHES, A, Carpet sholl be prof.ssionolly Inslollsd with pod, tack strip and metal trim os requlr.d, Carpet and pod sholl be approved by owner. B, Cushion vinyl type sholl be approved by owner, DIVISION 1000 - SPECIAL TIES '1001 Cabinets, closet organizers, shelves and other built-ins shall be os shown on plans and os arranged by owner. 1002 PREFABRICATED FIREPLACES: A. Prefabricated fireplaces and chimneys may be constructed using listed and labled zero-clearance prefabricated metal type with trlpie wall stainless steel chlmn.y pipe enclosed In wood stud wall and chose, Instoliatlon sholl be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions and Section RI004. B, All fireploc.s and sfoves shall be equipped with a closable source of outside air for combustion in accordance with Section RIOOS, Ducl sholl be construcfed of non-combustible material, In addition, tlr.ploces must be equipped wilh 0 tight-fitting flue damper and gloss or metal doors, 1003 site address: copy R325,I, DIVISION 1500 - MECHANICAL ISOI GENERAL: All heating, ventilating, cooling and plumbing components and Installollon sholl comply Chapters II through 32 and Appendix A, B, C and D and 011 other applicable reguiations therein referenced. IS02 HV AC SYSTEM: A, HVAC syst.m sholl be os shown on plans, All equipm.nt sholl be approved by the building official or sholl bear the label of on approved festlng agency and sholl be permanently labeled os noted in Section MI303, B, System sholl be designed and Insfalled by 0 qualified controclor, Contractor sholl supply HVAC ducf diagrams or drawings and/or heat loss or energy use calculations, and equipmenl specifications. if required by the building official, C, The temperature of each HV AC zone sholl be controlled by 0 thermostal. All thermostats must be numerically marl,.d and capable of being set between 55 and 75 degrees for heating-only thermostats: between 70 and 6S degrees for cooling-only thermos lots: and between 55 and 6S degrees for thermostats that control both heating and cooling. The system control must hove o swlfch or other means of selling bock or shutting off heating and cooling during periods of reduced need. D. Adjustable regisfers or space h.oters sholl be installed In all rooms except baths and utilitY,orea. E. Ducts, plenums, returns and enclosures installed in unconditioned space shall be insulated to R-8. Ouch sholl be sealed at 011 joinfs and corners (Including prefobricat.d -, joints), 01 junctions between outlellegisters and Interior surfaces, and at 011 places where the ducts penetrate the building envelope. No ducts shall be run in exterior walls. F, Ducts penetrating the wall or ceiling separating the dwelling from the garage shall be construc1ed and installed as noted in Section R309,I.I, G, Non-combustibie fire-stopping sh.,1I be provided at 011 gaps around mechanical lines at ceilings and floor levels. H, Bathrooms sholl be heated and ventilat.d with combination heater/light/fan with model fo be approved by own.r, Bathroom exhousl fans to hove 0 capacity of at least 50 CFM, musl exhausl directly to the exterior. and must Include back draft dampers. I, Kitchen sholl be equipped with on "xhoust fan with 0 capacity