HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2004-4-22 43rd St. House Lot 3801 NEDCO ,... Map #17-02-32-34 r 43rd. St., Springfield, OR ..--- SQUARE FOOTAGE ~!i- ,30 ~ ~J .. .DS'" 3600107.0' (N) FOOTPRINT (House) (N) GARAGE (Attached) 1155 SQ. FT. 315 SQ. FT. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ,.. .- .. ~ - t ... III .. :q. .. 0 ~ . 0 :r. L .... t- ~ ., LLl -- l.LJ - 0: ... t<- .. U) " <A 10'50' 3700 /05.0' Single-story 3-bedroom model home. CODES & CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS An work shall comply with all applicable current State and local codes. Before construction commences, the BUIlding Contractor shall review all construction documents for accuracy, completeness, correctness, and code compliance and wIll thus accept full responsibility for these documents and the subsequent structure once construction has begun. Compl~ance with these codes and local standards of bUll ding practice shall be the sole responsibility of the BUIlding Contractor. 4000 " . . ~ " '" , ~ SHEET INDEX VICINITY, SITE, NOTES PLAN, DETAILS FOUNDATION ROOF FRAMING, SCHEDULES ELECTRICAL PLAN SECTION "A" ELEVATIONS A-O A-I A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 /"1." , )' J\ i o d . \ :>1 ~ . lOt. _ ~!'c. ._ a...' ~ ."Y -- ~.1 30' '> .J NEDCO 43rd Street Single-Story ] ATTENTlUN.Uregon raw requires you to fo/l?w rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Noltflcalton Center. Those rules are set forth In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001 0090 You may obtain copies of the rules b) calling the center (Note. the telephone number forthe Oregon Utility Notlflcalton Center IS 1-800-332-2344). @ 2000 RAINBOW VALLEY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Flont yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -SIde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Real yald to Bouse or Garage 10 feet P U.E. MAY CHANGE SETBACKS NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD \'7 \ ,'7 oJ.. 0....'::. ~~L. j--:.o'" '\ ;yo6' W >.,J' ~~~\ .,f>,p ,-.:;'C t.., 'O{) .} ~ () ~~~l'~~~ ~ .s . :oc . ' , ~ .). -- ; INITIALt.~t :~POINT -:~. : w-e.'i'"-44w:tJ. ~l....'If,#,..at".".l1 .... I~ : , ' 8~ "';1/" ~~'IS' ~ 4:01 ~~... u :-II ~_~ ~ ~ -9'~ \ ~ /t:I~w/ I ~ , , . " .$"h~7Y ---"..' 4001 ,I !~;" ~~ 4306 - -:~: ~ ~ Initial ::: III ., '/Point ~ A -., 7~. .. ...., ( . _-I: .s:; ~ - - - - --:1';/ /( /t:lf'.'7'?' N./ 6 ~ ..... 4100 "'<fS[,(....,'\.\"'\\\'\\"""",,, ~ : g ~; 4321 ~ ~r (J) 10'3.0' ~ ,- r::: ( 0 t ,\ D '50.0' ... 55' ~ ::::-J l-t:"; 4200 ~ I09.'N' \~I I~~ ,~ 4322 S D ~ ' r , , it ~ Initial r /p . t ~~ all' , B it' //0.0 _J, DAISY j.~ "..,....., -~ ~ 7.. STREETTREESARE ARE REQUIRED Please refer to attached Development Code SectlOn regardmg the placement and types of allowable street trees ~ 4305 r;: D \J'r A ~ ~~ ~ ~ J /~i? '7'7 ' 5 "'E rf ~ tJ ll.J ~ I- cS) o ~ r<) "t , ~ 5.::1 ---- VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1" = 60' i 00 '" '" '" - '" - .... M 0 00 &; N rt ... N M - 0 e: '" ... N '" ~ M M '" 0 - ... ~ ... M .. ffi '" - en ... ~ " ~ ~ 5 ~ ::> :I: 0 N ~ Po. ~ Po. ?)~ -' - -' ... U ~ ~ III t- 1/1 Z 0 U a z 0( Z IS I I I I L-- I I I I I APPROVED ONLY FOR RESIDENTIAL U~'t IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 16 Of THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CQf.I PAT!,;RECEIVEot.1/~C'\4 JOB No (()/l'~f()'I-(Oll'5q j;ONE . OCCUPANCY GROUP~"5 0:4 \JI!oUT1..l ..- O<;C~f'iV"\O.Y LQAD . lSTORIES \ T~~ONST"UC"ON5 N gGAL DEStJRIP,J"l" \ -r ~:!'~l.fr'b~01 A.DDRES'" '!ih 7 ~. Ll. ~ "-i .lllwro",.. N. e. \', LO !'H.E CONTENTS HERE ON HAVI< 8Eli:N l'1E:VIEWI;:O WITH b L'rEFl".t10N!; 11;[)IGA1"t:O ON COlOR!':D F'''NCIL CHANGES l'> R ALT!,;~AtION$ MADE TO THE APi"l'10V"'D ORAWINGS OR ...RO~Et::T AFTER 1f'o'" OAtil: IBI!;L.OW SHAL.L as: AF'Pl'1OV"'D BY ,HE BUILDING OFf"'::IAL ~I"'Y OF $PRINQF"IELO, OREGON W.~~MmI!Y "p D DATE 5/;fo<{ . tOIJ~-~> 3800 I I I I I I -- -1 LOT I - 3801 I~ U) Is Ig o I~ I __ -l I I CD ~ en en ~ o I rNEW ~_ _ --=DEWA~ .? ~~024' W_I 05.0~ : ~I (~ t ~ . .-{..-, I /i I I ~_ .I, _~ cP r N 8-s"24'E J 05.0'- en ~ en ~ , ~ e; t-.i ~ UJ kt g I Z I do"l,! tf01_- I I (g) o o 00 ('(') ;-> o ~ . ;-> r:/). "E ('(') ~ o u Q ~ Z Map #17-02-32-34 N --() A-O SHEET "'" o o N ~ ~ o d N '- 0. <( en (l) o z fir - ~ ...."1:1 o (l) - .... ~ 0 . z g. en ~< ,O~ .... ~ .S < ~ u >rJ1