HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2003-2-5 ;-' ,i.' ',' . r .' > ,I . GENERAL NOTES . J 1. OrawiJl9& ar~. interlue<J to repf~sent desIred constructton ~^ result'. It is th$ resi)oflsil?lIity, of th$ confractot to maintaht. structural hltegrity 0' th~ building duJlng ~oosttucUOfl. . ~ 4 " > ~ t 2. It is th~ iesponsibiJity of the. contractor to obtairt r~q.uir<<t; germj(s from, the. regufatory jurl.sdlc.Uon($) prior to the start 9,1 l constructfon, T118. contractor shalJ 'assume full responsibility ~. for all changes reqvired by the jurisdiction s.houtd heblhe not: follow this procedur~, . k ~: ~, ot' ,.r,/ 3. Contractot shalf. v~rity aU dimensl9n, prior t~ sfartJl1{1.' r constrvcttofl, ~J1d b,I,ng any and all <tlscrepancles to tfit attention of th~ qes(ijoer prior to proceeding with Work In the i.. affected an~a. All drawings scaled at Vi' == 1t.()'. unless noted t oUlelWlse. . 4. Substitutlons by tbe contractor for specifIed materials shall bt . submitted to the designer and approved prlot to commencfl19 work at the affected area. Materials speciffed' as "(ot eq.) on I plans may be substituted without prior approvat of the deslUner I provided contractot. retain$ product speciffcattons showing ~ 'equality or superiority to the sJ)ecifted materia.. 5. Indicated dim~n$lo~$ are required measurements. No scalt f measurement$ shall be cQ.Jlsidered vaUd without approVjll (rom I the designer. 6. Contractor ($ respon.sible for the coordination 01 aU trade$, \ involved iO ,\hi$ coi\$lt\lcUon proIect. artd for a~suring requir~d I fnspecUons a,ra n~quested and performed In a timely manner.. 1 , 1. All eonstrucUOll shall comply with the current edition of the ~ QregOl1, One and Two Family Dwelling COde (also referred to as ti m~o~oo~ . .' . ....... I 3. Alii cOr1n~ctors speclfled shall b$ Simpsoll $tronG.tr9 brand. if ! avajtabJ9i . Tb~$t connectof'$' may. 0$ sub$titu(ed (or with t another brand if noted on pl~n$. btit shall not be substituted for r if an :'or e<t.'~ note i$ flot iflcfUaed for any speciffc situatloll. ' 9. Any changes to the final draft of plans submitted to the customer after acceptance 01 the plans by the customer shall be cOllsfdered new plans. .. 10.AU wood assumed to be OF #2 or better, unless noted otherwise. 11.AII window and door headers shall be (2) 2"x1(Y' unless specifIed otherwise. ,. c 12.Smoke detectors shall be instalfed in accordance with the OTFOC. In new construction, the new detectors shall be 1 interconnected and hard.wited, and there shall be a detector in each sleeping room, outside each sleeping area, and orte on each addittonar story of thEJ dwellh1g. In addiUons, each new sleeping rQom and each l1ew sreepJl1g aJea shall have a smoke detector that are ha(d.wir~d and in(~teonnected, and detectors f shall be fnstalfed if) the unchanged portion of the dwelling, i located as required fot new cQnstrucUon. The detector$ if)' the " unchanQed portion ot the dwelling shall be hard.wlred and ( 1 Interconnected with the defectors io the flew portion, unlessf installaUon would bl) in an area not uncovered by the proposed ,: ~~ . . 13.All ~xterlQt wa.Hs where no openings occur are to be consIdered I prescriptive path: brac.e panel,. Panels that require specral f nailing (that is, they an)" alternate brace panels) are noted and I specified Or) plans. ( ~ltovrfj ON('f' ro~ -IRES!DENYIA( tIft IN ACCORDA~CE WITli ,A,RTltLE 16 .;If rHE SP~INGF.ELD DE:VELOPMfNT c<"XI 22)(:A FR.NTtcO "N NO lCJOH Cl.(.ARPA,NT. - ..".""",..,.--,,,. .' , FoUNDAtiON NOTES 1, _, .',..... . ' , - ."'.. 1. Assumed sojl ~arrn~ vatue shalt tie 1000 PSF. If that value Is cha_nged b)f thEl jU~lsdrcttOrl during the review proces$, no liability $~alt befa.11 Ule. designer. a. All (o.<)tloQ$ shall .beat on undisturbed soil devol~ of any , organic, m.at~rfa~. 011 a maximum of 4'. material compacted to 95o/a, 0(; Qn ~ngln~ered fiU pet U16 soUs engineer's geotechnical (~PQrt.. C()n'lpa~t~d material sha.ll ~onslst of y.'t cru$h~d rock or wa,[1uJat materia'. rOoUt'gs shaU be s1epped a$. requ.ir~. to . maintain t~~ requfred miniinum depth (oUllore) beroW fInIshed grad~ ~. Maximum compaet~d fill. supporting any concrete work (includIng fJa(wQrk) shall be 4", unless d~slg.ned and inspect~d by an "r~gQIl ar~hited or engineer. AU compaction shall be to a minlmun\ 9~%" 4. AU concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 pst unles$ required to be ~rgher strength by design. Concrete. shall b~ ai, entrained, mimmum 5%, maximum 1%. 5. Concret~ slabs shall' have controt 10ints at maximum 25' intervals in any directloll. ' 6. UnJess specified otherwise, aU reinforcing steel shall be A..615 grade 40. WWM'shaU be &t x f)'t, 10.10, A-615. 7. All wood in contact with concrete shall be pressurEHrea(~d. fn.terto' PQ~t$ sball be separated' frOm concretlJ bases with mfnhllllm 55# roll rooflng. All interior posts greater tHan 41 ill height shall be mechanfcalfy fastened to ilie pIe.. a.nd beam. , - , , , " \ ^ I t " N V -9,0' -$.0' -1 ft . 1 ~;, \ I { '-1ft' '" , -9ft '. { ,-3111" .' {DO I I ~ . '~t t J _.i__.~~~- I I 1 I i. I I I ,I I t I ' '}f, '- I I.' rJ StJ.. Oal.. , Propo~''1 SFO o I --'--'--11 \.9 I J I I ' ~I I ' . I I j 1,1 , I I III I ' . ~I~l~: 1'1 " ~\ I t.' ( , I 2~) ! ,~ : 60'. ! :; \ II , I I t ( I :, '. _(~:~ -9 0' \ 1 \ I I c'"3' I -110' \ -3( .1'S(o~ ;0\3 NO.(;~-(;oo ...-::- i. J' i enE R~c..~~ "A c< GROU? ~ _G'" ' _ 0' -1.0' _ oc..c.'l.<r 't ,."" . ZO"JE. O~;-UP.\I'-lCY L010 ._- U!'IIT(S) T~ CON5'RUC'.LV~~ STORIES \ (0 \.1.01\ t~~ ~~-- ~GAL D:SC~~~ ~ SS---- ADDRE5~ d' A r ^ ^.......~. - - \. \..Viol. ~ '-.~::.'f OWNE'l.. <2 - .:J f EN R'E\ IE.NFD I/o! _T~ NTS ~'ER.l! 0'\1 HA\E a~ pE:.NCIL :.{"'\~"1G~- It~E~~T~~~~o~JE~~b~DTg~ ~~L~:p~~t~E~e: O^~'~~~vGib ~\, OR A.LTERA R~i\' C" r.A,'e 3LLO'.v SHA - PROJECT AFTE. 1_;,..1 THE BUILDING OFF1C.:AL . ... CITY O:#S~RI' GFI~LD, ORE(~~~ _~ c,<,TE 4'-)-f/ (J.J ')"PPROVED BY .... ._:.0...=-- NOTICE: THIS PH/AIr SHALL EXPIi:\E IF 1 HE \\ ,: ~ , AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS' , COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR" ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, Pow- & pJll..~' ,-"'-, "..., ~ . 1 Rw..-L. Or~ew., ----~ f ~ --;fr-~) .... ~ I . '-_____Vi .~ ().O' . 1 , PAGEt SCHI::OUle !!i ';' =";,,,; ," 'J " ' I" "0.."."'.." ,..' ." , ~ ~"Qf 1:Nofe~t plot Plall p~U' 2; gre.vatlon$.. '. .. ,P~~t 3t Ff90r plan. fl'Qun<fatlon & Fro,or framrng Pli\n ~aQ,~ 4: P', Aapo. IBP Detail". Typrca' F()~ndat(on & Wall Oetails Pag~ ~t Sections . ' ., , "; ,>-) . .. " " , , , Ii " ., A ; , , y ,< .. Energv Conservation Ill" . .;" "..,'''' 1 ~ ,flat ~~mnQ.......,. .,....... d......~.. ,.............. ....rt-38 Mirl. . ~.", ~rop~dFceUr(lg., ~......,....... _... .,. ....,.. tt...... ...,... ~R-30 , ~ Ext~rlot waJ(s..i.",i..........-..................., .........R-21 4. wrndoWs.~......... IH...li... ,,,,,",. ... 'I'. ....1....._........... t..U:s O~40 ~.' Inlea:ior fJoor$ expoS^ed {() unheated space.. ..R..24 Min. . ~~ t' ()xterfor doo.......,......................i...,........tl::s <t.G,*, : 1.. AI . other ~xt~rlol doors..:......... .....:;........ ....Q:t 0.20 .. "" - ~ '. .., I 0' f I at I I I I " rown a.couOuy, HQrrl~~i' :,'" ......,. >'. . '-of 11'~ A(llQte$i9~ $uP.divlsJ9"l't, Springtielq. OR Nf.!J9VEQ l>]r' . .. I .... ,. , S<;ALI~ l;t"fLd . ".> -. l{fV,>~lUf .oa PArt.: ,H,Q) ..... . tf~'$f<), , .....n < .p N9~e~..Plot Ptal1 ". 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