HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2003-6-7 - c ,....l GI!NERAL NOTES . . PAGE SCHEDULE , , Page 1: Plot pran. Existing & Proposed Con(oor$ pramt. Note$ Pag~ 2: EJevatfoll$ , Page 3: Proposed Floot PI,ans Page 4: toulldat(Qfl PICl,n. Foundation Details p~ge $~ Floo, FramIng Plans. DetaUs paQe 6: (tool Framing Prall, RoofJWall ConnectIon Detail "age t: SectJom" Stair DetaiJs page A 1: Engirleering Iin~.~gvConservatlol1 , " tl. t. Or:awings arG in(end~d to represent desired construction result,. It is the rE:$p~)[\$ibility ot tht contractor to maintain structuraJ integrity of the building during .;onstructloll\. 2. It 1$ tM responsibility of the contractor to obtain required permits (ro01 tI\.~ reg,\,datory l!>1riSdlction(s) prior (i) tn~ ~tart of construction. The coi)tra~(or shall aS$\lm~ full responsibility, (or all changes required by the l\,lrisdfctioll should helshG not (oJfow this pro~edurtl. , , ). ';Oillrlic;tot ~ha!l verity all dimensions prfor to'st\lrtin9 constructioI1. and , brt:ng <ulY and all di$crepanci~s to thG attention o( the designer prfor to prQ(~eding with work in the affected area. All drawli\g$ scaled at {Ii' ::l 1'. Qi' unless rioted otherwise. ... $1,J_b~titutton$ by: the contrac;lol for specified material$ shall be submitted to the c;f~si~Jjet and approved prior to comme(\cing wOrk at the ~ffected afe~ MaterialS specified as- d(Qr iq.) Oil plan$ may bG substituted without pdor approval o. thG qesfg,rter provided contractor re~ains prc)c;fuc;t sPecitreatlons sflowing: equality Of $uperfority to the speCified materia" - ~" frtd,ieated dimensfon$ are required measurements. The indicated mdsuJernents arG from unc~vered stud ot plate te) untovered stud or platf at thG indIcated sldG. NQ scal$ measutements sfla~ be consfdered valid without approval (fOOl the designer. $~ Contractor is responsible for the coordination of aU trades involved in this eO,nstrllction t}rOject. and (eu assuring, requited in$pectlons are requested and p'erformed In a timely manner. ^, t'r All ,CQns.tructlon sflall comply 'J'(ittl the current edition of till) Oregon One arid two Family Qwellin9: Code (also referred to as tM OTfOC). ~. All connectors specifted sflaJ' b$c Simpsorl StronQ-t1e brand, if available. Th~$G connectors may be substituted (ot with another brand if noted on plan'_ but shal. not: be subst[(uted for if an "01 eq. to notG is not included f9' any specifio situation. ~ Anv changes to the final waft 01 plans submitted to the c~stomer after ~a~'c~ptance of the ~rans b~ the customer shalt be considered new plans. 1l1. Alryvood assumed to be Of #2 OF better, unless noted othelwise. 'if.A1t window and door Ma.ders shall be (2) a"x10" unress speCified . oth'erwrse. . , 12.$mQk~ dei~ctor$$lfall be in$talred in accordance with the OlfOC. In new' construction, the- new detectors shalt be interconnected aq.J hard-wired, and tner~ shalf be a detector ill each sleeping room, o....tside each sJeeplng ,a~~a~ and oQe 011 each ~dQitionat story of. the d'.t!.l1lJing. There shalr blJ a haiel-wifed dete<:tot at tl)e top of the stair~, and C I1G at ceiling revel at th(J bottOIn of the stairs 13.AU exterior walls where no opening~ occur are to i)lJ consJdered prescriptivQ path brace panels. Panels that require spedall\ailing (that i" they arG alfernate bracG panels) are noted and speCified <;:\ plans. FOUNDA TIO.N NOTE~ f. AI( footing. shall bear. Oil undisturbed soil devoid of any organIc materiaf, ~1I ;i maximum of ~ material compae{ed (0 95%. or on engineered fill per ~ soils engineer"s geQtechnica.1 report Compacted mat~dal shan consist of sN' crusMd rock or granular materta,. Footings shill' be stepped as required to maintain the requited minimum depth (ot more) below finished grad". 2.. Ma,1tlmufI\ compacted fill supportin~ any concrete work (inch,lding ffatwork) shalt be 4". uoless designed and inspected by an Oregon at~hitect or engineer. All cornpaGtfon shall be to a rninimuUl95%. 3:. ,All concrete shalf havQ ~ minimunt compre,sivG strength of 3000 psi unlesS req~ired to be hrgher strength by design. Concreta shalt be air entrairted. minimum 6%. maximum 1%. <. .4. CQllcrete slab, shal' havG (ontro'10infs at maximum 25' intervals in any direttton. ,. Ullle,s8 specjffed otherwis~ alt relnforcin!) steel shalt be A-61 $ grade 40. WWM shall be l)'l )(~.. 10-10, A-G1~.' .' &t All woo!i- fl) contact with c9ncretlJ shall bl) pressure.(reated. Interior ,l?Qsts $hall b$ separated (rom concrete bases with minimu01' $511 roll roofill~ All interior posts greatet thall ~ in height shalt be mechanically (.asten~d to tM pier and ~am. . 1. fhlJ engirieered foundation shall be constructed as designed. 1. Cei'ing....... ,..... ....... ..... ......... ...... ""1" ."...,......i..R...3& 2. Exterlot wall~".'lu",,,,, u.. ..... ...........; p.. ,~, .,.,..,:..R.21 3:~ Wtndow'..................... ....., ,.. ......, I"" ..,", .... ..,;.U:a 0:40 4. rot~r(or floorS exposed to unheated $pat&... .~.2iS ,.. U) exterior door............ ......... ......... .... .... "HU~ 0.54 e~ All other ~xfert()r dOOflt..t........................... ijiof Q.20 Brace Panel Construction ~ ~ , " , , ' , e),(T~OR {3AACe f'ANJ:;lS (EBPt. uferiQI br~cf pan~ls $flall cC!osi$t of milt. r\Q~ 'I'" CO~ pt)'w~ (01 eq) nllied with Sd nairs @ &" 00 edge,. 1 a" 00 tiefdt. No holdQwns are required (01 exterioll)raco panels. , . , . At.. TERNAT6 BRACe pANELS (ABP): Alternal$ Draco panels shall COOS)st of min. nom. 'I." ~DX ply,ycxxJ'o'~) nailed with Sd nails@)".O(I edge.. &'" oc flelds. with alt edlles b1O<;ked. Each alternate ~race panel shall have (2) opposing Simpson HTl2a holdowns with Simpson S$TB 24 anchorS. . PORT At.. F RAMS (PF}: Portal frame conavuction shall c:on$ist~ of a min.f\llf-size heade' of -." It 1(),' that runs d\t fulllen~th of the ~rtaI fhunt (end to end~ connected to tilt $upporting studs with Simpson 1212\ straps at the supporting crfpplG stu4t. S.ubsidJ'ng shall b,. mill. nom. W. CQX plywood (01 ~ naiJed with Sd nails @ )- oe edges, ~.. 00 field" all edge$ b.loc:,ked. Eacb end of the pQrfaI frame shall have opposing Simpson H06A holdowns W!th Simpson $5T828 <lOchors. . . LNTERlOR BRACe PANELS {u3P}: Interlo, ~race panels shall consist if i~terrof stud waitt cover~d on each side With 'I." 9y~siJrd f?o~d, and be m~h~nkalrv cQnnqc;ted to ~.tb tJ'\G t1QO~ '$semblv and therooUceJlina a$$em~lv: F~r the I,e" in riM with.the f10Qr JOists ....d ~ei,br\~ wS$e', conn~tf9rt shall be made dll$Ctly to thost membe". Where thll Wiill t, I?erptndiculat te) tht Joists and W$se' (and If It is not aligned direclt1 above or b~k~w); blQCking sflaIl be in$~Iled at '1/ ~ and connec;tiort made directly to tl'it bfQCking. , , . 22 II J.of PR,""'EO ON NO HloQk CLlAf;,PRlhI'T . . .,.,' ,..(~: J' . . V:',:V~~ SETB~C~S - I~TERIOR LOTS PII ~easure~ents are from Property Llnes -~L:.t .2Ld :0 ~J~se 10 feet --_Jl: ~td i) ~arage 13 feet -3.:e )2:: to rOJse 0: Garage S feet -?ear jard to ~)Jse or Garage :: feet P U E KAY CHANGE SETBACKS +STRi::n 'CREES ".RE -\PE 'ZEQT IRED p. '>~"'. --, ease r w,-"r ,:) aCtJ,C""',..l D", 1 C ,.<"" L.",- ."e Jp21eQt 0..,", Secr,o'" ~eo~,.-I l., 1"l'>>."...... . I , o:....<..!.1:.g :....e t' ~"'" j.e~t a.'id ...,,~F' of IT, .:-w=- a 0.):2 e st"eet trees '" ~v- ~';:,> i~ ,. " It \ , \ \ I 1 "-.. ; --.., < , i L.t ~ li'flfIi!. \ \~~' . ) !) - -'-~~-, '1,- ~ } ,-~. }~ I\!i " 1 "" 'W[!" -- ,; .- ,-~---- /l' / 1 ! !J. I / / t~. :- ..~, ~Nrl'CQ"N'(OUdQ} EXlS lJ ,'.I .' I' .-l~: . . . " $i~:LJ;i~ .' . . ,~j{Q.fQ'~~ilCQ1'jt:() tj ~ . '.&~ r 'XiT'.'i;r.V'~ ";?~ ,";' '';S;~~;','.':. L ~J~" . ~I\ .'N fIo, h.___ .,~....""_:,Jt~~.1."..~.J \-'<-V.. .' ' ~~~'i~~ " . , 'tJ,I? / . ,.itt.'t . ~t9' 1'~, . ., ' ^~..'" "..";0 ~ , ,,-. 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