HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2003-3-26 DFC-A~ING INDex ..., ~ITI! Pl....N . CQyel'l. ~HeI!T ...2 fl.QQI'I. Pl....N~ ...lS eXTel'l.IQI'I. el.eY"'TIQN~ ...4 I!XTI!I'I.IQI'I. 1!1.I!Y"'TIQN~ ..., ,.OVNP...TION Pl....N. PI!T...ll.~ ...6 1'1.001" "I'I....MINGo Pl....N . I'I.OQI" Pl....N ..., eVIL-PINGo i>I!CTIQN, TI'I.VSS TYPI!S' PI!T"'IL-~ I!' 1!1.I!CTI'I.IC"'1. Pl....N GeNeFC-A1.. NOTes eWES AND SfANDARDS 1. All construction shall ~e: In Strict canpll ance: with the: Swte of Or e:eo n 1996 Earuo n One: and Two Family Dvle:llin~ Specialty Code: and all appllca~le: Stat<: and Local (Care. 2. ENERGY eWE: All constructIOn shall conform to the: Iata:>t e:druon of Stat<: of Or"0on Enerrol Code:. Pre6Crrptl ve: Path 1 Notrfy Architect of any dl&c repancrre ~e:twoon documenta and E'>t.andards. Where: conflict occurs. the: more: rreld E'>poclflcatlon shall eovern. 3. PAAllAL SElS OF IXlCUMEN1S: Architect shall not ~e: r~ponslble:for blMIn~ errors or anl561 ons due to blMIn~ from parttal ;:;eta of documel'tt6. SITE 'MJ RK 1. Remove: all oreanlc materralltops 011 from area under the: ~U1ldlne and under paved are:as. 2. Fill shall con€:>lE'>t of a froo-dramine eranular materral, Place: fill in lifts not to e.'\Cee:d 8' and compact to 100% E'>tandard MSHO u nderfootines and 95% E'>t.andard MSHO under slaOO and pave:d areas, 3. Select fill material under E'>laOO shall ~ e: 6' layer3l4!' rr11 nus crushe:d rock or coarse sand, 4, Provide: pOE'>ltIve: dralnaee: under-t1oor areas to comply With CABO 405.1. If r/XI'"nxl. FOUNDA1l0NS 1. All footlnes shall ~ear on undl"wrl:Je:d SOil or compacted fill minimum 12" ~elow flnlE'>h erade: (18' attwo-E'>tory portIOns) unless noted otherwl5e:. Notify Architect ~efore: procoodm~ of any unusual conditions encountered In footine e:xcal'aUon5. 2. If stem wall and fooune are two separate po urs. prOVide: #4 vertical L ~ar at (f- 0' oc maximum from footlne mto E'>tem wall. 3. Do not excavate clo.serthan 2:1s10 pe: a4Jacent to footlnes. 4, Clean all footlne e:xcal'aUons of 1005 e material by hand pnor<;o pounne conc',_i:e. CONCRETl; 1. Mimmum structural concrete: com pre60l ve: 5tren0th ",hall be 2.500 r sI at 28 I",ys unk>ss noud otherwl5e:. Expor~d concrete: (sla~s. w3lks. etc.) shall have: a ml mr, um compre&5lve E'>tren0th of 3.500 psi at 28 d,~ys and shall be air entrained. ' 2 MInimum cement content E'>hall ~e5 sackE'>/yard =eptslabs on ~rade 0halll,e.l'J 112 E'>acks/yard. Maximum E'>lump E'>hall ~e:4' 3. Place: and cure all concrete: per /'CI codre and standards 4. Provld e: control jOlntei In all E'>laOO at 12'-0' oc maxim um each way unless note otherwise. PrOVide: heavy toole:dJomts (314") at 5'-0' oc and 1/4" premolded expan"lon JOInt6 at 20-a' oc maxim um at all extenor walks. MASONRY !If Used' 1. Concrete: Maso nry UnItS E'>haU me et the: r/XIUlrement6 of ASTM C9G-90. I able: 1 ,2 & 3. Type: 1. me:drum wCleht, f 'm ;a: 1500 psi Swndard ~Iock. &cored ~Iock (Wlllacl1 ette Graystone: 862R) and E'>pht face:d block (Wlllamette Graystone: 8ooSf). see: o tenor Ele:vatlons for locations of each style:. 2. Concrete Maso nry Unrta "hall have: 125" rr11nJmum face shell thickness at,';; 1.00" mI mmu m we~ thl ckneGS. 3. When delivere:d tothe:Jo~ "rte:. all unrtb E'>hall be sound and froo of cracks or other deftXt6 that would mterfere with the: proper p1aclne of the: unrtb or would slentfl~antly CONCRETE / MASONRY RElNFORCINQ 1. All remforclne ste<:lll'5 and 5l1'la1l er shall be A-61'5 Grade: 40 2. Refer to details for remforcrne "te<:I SIZ~ 3. PrOVIde concrete: ma:.onry unrtb v"th ~ond ~e:Jns at 48' oc with #4 honzontal and 1151'ertlcal at 32" 0 c. Grout these: Cel6 solid. Refer to details 4, See e:levatlons for locations of score:d (W1l1amette: Graystone 862 R) ano E'>plrt face:d block (Wlllamette Graystone: 800 Sf) wcro 1. Alllurn~er spoclre shall ~e: as follows unless noted otherWISe: JOtsta/ Beamsl Stnneers - DF-L #2 0 r ~etter 6' Nanl nal Beams and Stnneers -- DF-L 111 or Better Glu-La-runate:d Be:ar1s -- 24F-V4 DF/DF unle:&s noud otherwl5e:. No Camber Bucks/Blocklne/Bndem(l/Mlscella ne:ous -- DF-UHem-Flr #3 or !X1;ter Studs -- DF-L Stud Grade: SI16/S100perslf'lata:>/Nalli ne Blocks/ All Wood EmbeMe:d In Concrete: -- DF-L Pr~sur~ Treated or FoundatlO n Grade: Cedar 2. AlljOl"tE; and ~ea11S fr::rolne Into. not ~eanne 01\ ~e::ros, headers. (llrders sh,,1I ~e: supported with Slmpt:ion-type:jOl"t or ~ea11 haneers. 3. Plywood orwaferl:>oard shall be as noted m foundation. floorfr::rolr1e and roof fr::rol ne pia ns. 4, Ail extenor wall stud E'>paclr1e shall be 24' oc (16' oc all locatIOns where: lap "Idll~ 15 used) unl~s noted othe:rwI5e:. Alllntenor wall stud spaclne E'>hall ~e: 16' oc unl",,-, noud otherwise: GLAZING 1. All extenor WindOWS. skyhehta. e1355 doors E'>hall have msulatlne e1aLlne. Unconditioned spacre may have: "Inele: elazlr1e unless noted otherWise. 2 If provided. elaz1ne In shower enclosure:& shall ~e: Identlfied and la~eled as safety elazlne and shall confOITY1 to CABO 308 3 and 308.4 Shower doors E'>hall 15M r1II out, 3. Glazlr1~ within 24" arc of vertICal e:d0e: of doors In a closed po"ruo 1\ 18" of floor and/or within doors E'>hall ~e: Ide:ntJfie:d andla~ele:d as safety elazln~ and shall conform to CABO 308.3 and 308.4, MI SCELLANEOOS 1. Provide: mlrum urn clearance: of 30" Width and 24" In front of all water clo;:;eta excee:dlne CABO Fleure: 307 2. 2. Walls at showers shall ~e:fimshe:d to a mlmmum heleht of 72" a~ove: dram mletwlth material not adversely affected ~y mOI"ture: per Plumbine Cod~ 3. &rIoke: detector(s) shall rece:rve: pnmary powerfrom ~uildlr10 Winne. have: battery ~ack-up and shall confOITY1 to CABO 316. 4, Ail recessed f1xturea In extenor or Insulated celltnes shall ~e: Iype: IC unless noted. Box rn f1xwrea per Super Good CenU'> Swndards. 5 Maxim um step down at extenor doors shall be7112" unless noted othel'Wl5e. Doors SWIn(llr1e over landlr1es E'>hall have: a maxim um E'>tep down of 1', 6. PrOVIde: minim um 24" clearance: a~ove: to ranee: hood or 30' cle:arance: to com~usu~le: construcuon al:>ow:: rf no hood rs used at all kitchen rane~. q~oa ~~oa "'~SVM~~+_______-7~:r-___~_~_ a~ o~~___-+_____---,J/ AssuM-ep o \) r- " <( Ul m ~--~--~---~'F-----------------------------' 'III ' ~ I , I I I i I I I :~----~---- ~~. I ,1:,\ f"" I !'r "i,r''''~l' , I" "I Ilii,7'" I I I ~ jl..Oll #) , II I" 1111111111 Ir~at~i""K 'I II I,ll' , I , I,l III I': ili:;]II!lllllll! I ~"'TIOI il'II'IIIIIIII:111111111 lQ I I:, I: III ,1111111'1' I -\:~ " IAIA I ~ I I ,I 1I11I 1III1111illlll I I 1':..--------- --~I',!! III',~:II~'III I,' II " I ~'"' F~eF' ~'IIII' ill I III' ;\.. ...,., I ,: III ' I I ~ ,." II "~ I ~1Nt$H1"J.<,o~-eu~~<:;Q~" 'il'i',' I,i I I ~ I I!II,' III' ~ I,: :: 'I~ II I . I -"",1,1 I " I 1111111i' ~ "1'1111,,111'1 11 '111'1'1'11111.> ,11'1 """"'1'111'11111,1 I; , , I '1"'"'''''' :' I () I' '/: I' 1111 III' .. , I" I~I;'-' /' I, I ,,', ", '~ ", II" !l!l.!C 1111 _." ~~"I'" 'I' II' I" ,', '!IIIIIIIIIII ,M!T!~ '11/ ~30; - I""'" I 11'11'1111" 11'11 " I ,_ -' II :::"I",L,III.', ',',' ,I'I,llilll:" I i ~~'~~;'~:;~:..'K'" f..' lIW;L=~.in ......]'1 'i ,I I, r\ I'. I ~ -~T.h-I (~ @ -lIJ-~:-:o;, ~r{'~~I:II: i ~ I i'! @ ~~ y ~i@ 'l1! -'~~Q::_~__________ _____ a"",, 0q.()j________ ,-'A~~VMI!P A~~\JM!P 6UI1...DING DATA eVll.PING- "'I'I.I!A 1,400'1" eNeFC-~Y INFOFC-MAiION I I b ,~p-, ~'I V' I I I ' i I -'--j I I ] 5'-Q"~ r'I!T ~ACK 8 - Re.l"aRS iO aROSION I, p~!NaNiION l"I!AiURIl!S I Pe:R Cli.,.. I ReaUIRI!MaNi I I () _I ~ ~ ~ , THI' PI'I.O,J!CT CQMPL-I!a I"I'TH eN!~GoY pI'I.e'CI'I.IPTIYI! PATH NQ 1 A' IT pe~TAIN' TO TH! CVI'I.I'I.!NT Ol'l.I!G-QN !t-I!I'I.G-Y CQPI! ..., I"Ql-l.QI"I' A. VINYl- I"IINPOI"I': V. 40 MIN- e. VIIQOP POQI'I.': V. 20 MIN. C. I"IAl.l. INSVI-ATIQN. ~-2 1 MIN P. VNPI!~Fl.QQI'I. INSVl.ATIQN, ~-2' MIN, I!. Fl.AT Cl!ll.ING" 1'1.-' a MIN I" ,.QI'I.CI!P AIR PVCT INSVl. !'t-a MIN. G- G...., H!ATING H, G..., I"IATI!ft HI!ATeft. SYM601...S ~ Q (() SI!CTIQN DeTAIl. PQQI'I. I 0000 SINGl.! HVNG- I"IINPOI"I . SINGl.! HVNG- ~ , ,I Slie NOi!S: · VE~IFY SU~VEY INFO~MAiION: OIMENSIONS . 6EA~INGS. EASI!MENiS.1.EGA1. · VE~IFY ftEaUlftEO sEi6ACI<S COMP1.Y~/A1.1.COOE~ OftOINANCEs . GOVe~N'G AGENCIES. l.ANP'C...P! I,GONPVIT.. ~ 10'-0" " " 52'-011 f~ V I ,5'-0" , , ' " -8 @ OVTPQOft VNIT e ei~eei 24'-011 '- -', SITE PL..AN SCA1.E: 1". 1 0'-0" 1.0i ;3 1. 2NO AOOlilON iO MIMOSA PA~I<. PHASE 1 NE 1/4, SEC 2e., i1 'S, ft;3~. ~.M. SP~INGFIE1.0, LoANE COUNiY. O~EGON MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front )ard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet P . U . E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS ':).... STREET TREES ARE ~ ".RE REQUIRED Please refer to attached De\- e topment Code SectJOn regardmg the placement and t}pes of allo',';able street trees /... TTE~mON Oregor, ,a'N ,equlres you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center Those rules are set forth In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-00t- )090 You may obtam copies of the rules by eallng the ce~ter ,Note the telephone lumber for the Oregon Utility NotificatIOn Ce~ter rs 1-800- <,?-2344) I"IATep" I PQVlel'l. I $...a PHONe I Sl!l"Ie~ TO ee I;;IT~ yef<,Ir-,ep i"~IQR TQ I"IOI'I.K ...1.1. VTll-lTle, "'I'I.I! -0 ea l.QGAT!PVND~ftG~OVNP NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, "?I'~()V;D Ci,'/.Y FC~ RF:S:D' ~..ll;l.L U~f _; ., r . "-.' " ',f '; 6,~rIClE 1{ ~~f H..f ~IFI,I "I....., . !.~J ,,' ")J' - f ~ ~ _"... \,:'~i> \..\.}~ NQftTH p~ " + ... ~~ '-":-=- [,-r- \!':"~:2.\o:~ ::-.Ycl.oro.'lJ:t?>ItA Z-""':::'.L_~__ _uQ;:~JF>\~,"-'5ii::~,,:~_ i)~ U" 11' l)I~I~II;;:',,' - 'L0-,...~ ~ ------- --- -.---- --~ - _.~.~-,.._-- 5TO-I'-~ -'v,.( ~')r,~;-'.~ ':.--'- )1-.) L~;:' ~ ~-~~-:"=-::-r ~,~;:--.- ~" r~ "'fL r-filr,^O--- - ____.__ n~- ~l.II.1.::LV~ ----- 6.~Q-'_;:-_~_ - - ~;;;YI7 -- --...- ---. Qi".l~r>"_"V\\~ - V\---)\\ww--- - TI'"\c..:' cc"" r ,,"I c- ~ ""r" - C c, 1-1 "1'- \- ..._~~ t"(~_ II.\! C\) ".1'1 H ALlt.:. ~ ,i I.."'~' '1',-,. -j ~.1 '_'-, ,-- '. ,{; I Ch~"c;r3 OH ..~_ " ~r, .....)-..,.~ L /'":".).J7.';'''It''':'_~C~ PRO."I_:" 11':;'1::" (", ,~~ "I'~~~_C""'....f-';'l..LS<:o\"r;.)\!:...D~Y TdE:. 3"i1LUH..~ J'-~- C. CITY OF ~F'~iNCFI:O:U), OREGON !'~!:::EQVED BY -) f'iY"""'. DATE c.J-=:j1J:O 3- 4165 VILLAGE PlAZA LOOP SUITE 200 EUGIoNll OIl.EOON 97...01 PHOM S4134+-3332 FAXS41-34klS97 HMIL AA,BORS01J!'H" AOl COM WWW.ARllORSOUTHCOM PROJECT THE JEFFERSON 2 ~n~I' - INDEX SITE PLAN )OBNO DATE 24 MARCH 2003 DRAWN BY DARRELL CHECKED BY DAN REVlSlON I MEMBERS, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS SHEET NO A: . C ARllDR SOU1 H ARCHlTECT\JRE PC THE JEFFERSON - 2