HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2004-1-12 , ;E "" N '" N eo SUII-OINGo SECTION. T~USS TYPES. t:>ETAII-S eNeFtGY INFO~MATION I I (/_9 ~ "" 00' " Ne"'2e'61"E 6"00' fA~~UMeD ..-----------------------,--- b Y. I I \) I ill <( I I ---~,~---------------- -------------~ I DI I dl I I I : I r I i I I I ~ }!_~~~!.. I I I I I I '1' ~ -.... -' t'~A~ING INt'eX 6UIL..t'ING t'A"r A SITe PI..AN . COVER SHEeT .' ""'00' A$~UMeD\ , -~~----- TOTAl.. SUII-OINGo A~EA 2.'56SF 2 FLOOR PLANS :3 eXTERIOR ELEVATION~ -1------ I I I I I I 47(;$ YllLAGI Pl..n.A LOOP SUIT!: 200 'EUGENE. OR..EGON 'f'401 PHONE .>413#-3332 r.AX.S41J4.H.s91 WWW.A1Ul0R.50UTH COM 4 FOUNt:>ATION PI-AN. OeTAll-S GeNe~AL.. NOTeS 1 THIS P~OJECT COMPI-IES Y'lITH ENERGoY p~e~C~IPTIVE PATH NO.1 ASIT PERTAINS TO THe CURRENT OREGoON ENeRa.y cooe AS FOLI-OY'lS A. VINYl- Y'lINt:>OY'lS' U. 40 MIN e Y'lOOD POORS' U. 20 MIN. C Y'lAI..I- INSUI-ATION R-2 1 MIN. D. UNt:>eRFI-OOR IN~ULATION. R-:2S MIN e FI-AT CEII..INGS R-6e MIN F Fo~ceD AIR OUCT IN~UI- R-e MIN. Go GAS HEATING H GA~ Y'lATeR HEATeR. d) ...OT S S S ~OOF FRAMINGo PLAN . ~OOF PLAN .' , 'I I I I I I I I I ~'-O" i . ," ~ ~e'il;l1Ci<: ~I ~I ~I ~! ~I , I ~I I I 46'-0" PROJECT , el.ECT~ICAl. PI..AN THE REDMOND g;ITE WORK 1 Remove all organic material/topsoil from area under the building and under paved areas 2 Fill shall consist of a free-draining granular material. Place fllll~ Irfts ~ot to exceed 8" and compact to 100'4 standard AASHO under footings and 95% standard AASHO under slabs and paved areas 3 Select fill material under slabs shall be 6" layer 3/4" minus crushed rock or coarse sand. 4 Provide positive drainage under-floor area,; to comply with CABO 4051, If required. oeT All- OUTOO~ : UNIT \21: . I~ i; 11'1 I~ I' I~ i . I '\ I ).----- I " ". .~~__ III III. I ":'::!ii~- i el.eC A' I, ' !! ! :!! I! '\;===:::::. I I : METER : -11 i ! III i I; I :! I II II ~ ~ : i ! )1 Ii ! j I ~ I III' ~ i i : l' ~ I I I II II II, \ II II 'III ~ ' 'I" i I I -1- /' Ilr I 'I I CONCReTe t:>~lve AND I II I ~ ) "" I. r, I : Rv PAD - SAND FINISH . 14<) L -~~f'gT~ft;t"l?'t$~K - ~ - - - ~ - :;N;~~~P~ C;~O~ if ~ - ~ - ~ - .. -1 j ----------~-~-----I--.---~-- -. --~~~-------~ -------------~---- ~ 0 I ---------- ",,"2.'.'-' -" Oi5'~:~ ~------l" O~ _ A~SUMED II II' !: : ' I 'I III i I': I t:---- I I 1::1 ==-~_ II ,I Ililli" -PATto- I II' 1':111111,1 1111, 111I1 '" - - ... -- " I I : I I "I II _ __ ..... I 1111: I I I, I I _~ _ _-. --" I I II :1 I'I I I I III ", " ".1 -~ I, II 11,It ~ ,1111111111 :,1 __n. "I llllllciiil./':' - -- n "Iff ~ :<pIr";e2ee1Z~elttl-iaUee -f'f~ ~ }94a.-eV-4-OO-o",: - l'llllliillllll I ',II I 'Ii I . 1,' ,,' I' , , v---"" /:~S'-O" t 1'1 ; '\ I P U e. I I ~L '- I ~~___/ (;OOES AND S1ANDARDS 1 All con"tructlon ,;hall be I~ strict compliance wrth the State of Orego~ 1996 Edition One and 11'10 Famrly DwellIng Specialty Code a~d all applicable State and Local Code,; 2 ENERGY CODE. All construction shall conform to the late,;t edrtlon of State of Oregon Energy Code, Prescriptive Path 1. Notify Architect of any dl,;crepancles between documents and standards, Where conflict occurs, the more rigid speCification shall govern. 3 PARllAL SE1S OF DOCUMEN1S' Architect shall not be re,;ponslble for bidding errors or omls,;lons due to bidding from partial sets of documents ! ' ... SYMeOL..S ~ .EOUNDAll0N~ 1. All footings shall bear on undisturbed 5011 or compacted fill minimum 12" below finr"h grade (18" at two-story portions) unless noted otherwise, Notify Architect before proceeding of any unusual conditions encountered I~ footing excavations. 2. If stem wall and footing are two separate pours, provide #4 vertical L bar at 6'- 0" oc maximum from footing Into stem wall 3. Do not excavate clo"er tha~ 21 slope adjacent to footings 4. Clean all footing excavations of loo,;e materIal by hand prior to pouring concrete. 4 G) o I 0000 I ~INGLe HUNG eoEC TION o I ii II) [~DEX SITE PLAN DOOR '- '- Y'lINDOY'l . ~INGoLE HUNG DRAIN Al.l.. POY'lNeoPOUTS TO CURB Y'lEEP HOLES {:ONCRE1E 1. Minimum structural concrete compres,;lve 5trength shall be 2,500 p,;1 at 28 days unle,;s noted otherwise Exposed concrete (slab,;. walks, etc ) "hall have a minimUM compres,;lve ,;trength of 3.500 psi at 26 days and ,;hall be air entralneol. 2 Minimum cement content shalll>e 5 sack"lyard except ,;iabs on grade shall be 5112 ,;acks/yard. Maximum slump shall be 4" 3. Place and cure all concrete per ACi codes and standards. 4. Provide control Joints In all slabs at 12'-0" oc maximum each way unle,;s noted otherwise. Provide heavy tooled Joints (3/4") at 5'-0" oc and 1/4" premolded expansion Joints at 20'-0" oc maximum at all exterior walks , - , l-ANt:>SCAPE CONt:>UITS JOB NO )YIASONRY (If Used) 1 Concrete Ma"onry Unrts ,;hall meet the requirements of AS1M C90-90, Table 1 .2 & 3, Type 1, medIum weight, f'm 1500 p,;l. Standard block, scored block (WllIam6tte Gray"tone 852R) and split faced block (Willamette Graystone 800SP), see Exterior Elevations for locatIOns of each style 2. Concrete Masonry Unrts shall have 120" minimum face shell thlckne,;s and 100" minimum web thickness 3, When delivered to the Job ,;rte, all Units shall be sound and free of crack,; or other defects that would Interfere with the proper placing of the unrts or would significantly plTE: NOTES, · VERIFY SURVEY INFORMATION: OIMENSIONS .$ 6EARIN($S, EASEMENTS .$I-E($AI.. /' - \ (~ ) " , IQ Y. ~~ ' \} Q<( .' III QI- ~u dl .' , I I I ,n . Y'lATeR / pOY'le~ / GAS PHONe / SEY'leR TO ee ~ITe VERIFIED PRIOR TOY'lORi<: DATE 7 JAN 2004 ~ONCRETE I MASONRY REINFORCING 1 All reinforcing "teel #5 and smaller shall be A-615 Grade 40 2. Refer to details for reinforcing steel size 3, Provide concrete masonry unrt,; With bond beams at 48" oc wrth #4 hOrizontal and #5 vertical at 32" 0 c Grout these celts solid. Refer to details 4. See elevatIons for locations of scored (Wlllamette Graystone 852 R) and split faced block (Wltlamette Graystone BOO SP) · VERIFY REaUIREO SET6ACt<.S COMPI-Y 1'11/ AI-I- COOES, OROINANCES 4 GOVeRN'G AGENCIES. ~ ~--- "'100y A~SUME:D / \ DRAWN BY BRAD NeY'lY'lAl.i<: PAYI-IGHT RooF DRAIN AT cu~e (TYPICAl.) CHECKID BY DAN ~I~IMUM SETB~CKS - I~TERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Llnes WOOD 1 All lumber species shall be as follows unle,;,; noted otherwl,;e' Jol"ts/Beam"IStrlngers -- DF-L #2 or better 6" Nominal Beams and Stringers -- DF-L #1 or Better Glu-lamlnated Beams .- 24F-V4 DF/DF unless noted otherwise No Camber Bucks/Blocklng/Bridglng/Mlscellaneous'- DF-LfHem-Fir #3 or Better Studs -- DF-L Stud Grade SI1I5/Sleepers/Plates/Naltlng Blocksl All Wood Embedded In Concrete -- DF-L Pre,;sure-1reated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2. All Jol,;ts and beam,; framing Into, not bearing on, beams, headers, girders shall be supported with Simpson-typeJol,;t or beam hangers. 3, Plywood or waferboard shall be as noted In foundation. floor framing and roof fra m Ing pia ns, 4 All exterior wall stud 5paclng shall be 24" oc (16" oc all locations where lap siding Is used) unless noted otherw15e. All Interior wall stud spacing shall be 16" oc unless noted otherwise -Flont yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -SIde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet CURe CUT AND Nc;Y'l SIt:>EY'lAI-i<: PER CITY STANDARDS REVl'ION q.., S STREET P U E MAY CRANGE SETBACKS SIT! PI-AN \.\~,DL\ c' .~V LJ){2.-- - . N. 3 ~ .'. ..,v , \"10o'Uo.19..J':PfC'i:9. n..Lo2...- 5 ~..i4Ii1-"-'- '<?' ~~~_.__.. ~ ",-,-",' . . ' ,: - ,,~ 0; SCAI-E: 1" = 1 0'-0" ----2.... 5-t-reef frees ARE REQUIRED Please refer to attacbed DeYelopment Code SectlOD regardmg tb~ placement and types of a11o\\ able street trees GLAZINQ 1 All exterior windows, skylights, glass doors shall have Insulating glazing Unconditioned spaces may have single glazing unless noted otherwl,;e. 2 If provIded, glazing in shower enclo,;ures shall be Identified and labeled as safety glazing and shall conform to CABO 308;3 and 308.4. Shower doors shall "wing out. 3. Glazing within 24" arc of vertical edge of doors I~ a closed pOSition, 18" of floor and/or within doors shall be Identrfled and labeled as safety glazing and shall conform to CABO 308 3 and 308.4 :.\ t , . , , STREET TREES ".RE "THE REDMOND" ADDRE:eoS LOT 66 ~eCOND ADDITION TO MIMOSA PARi<: (~eCTION 26, T. 11 S. R. 6 Y'I., Y'l Y'I. M.J AS FII-ED IN l.ANE: COUNTY PI-AT RECO~t:>S ~P~INGFIEI..D, I..ANe COUNTY, OREGoON :1 MEMBERS AMLRlCAN lNSllTUTE OF ARCHlTECTS SHEET NO MISCELLANEOUS 1 Provide minimum clearance of 30" width and 24" In front of all water clo,;ets exceeding CABO Figure 3072. 2. Walls at showers shalt be finished to a minimum height of 72" above drain Inlet With materIal not adversely affected by moisture per Plumbing Code, 3 Smoke detector(s) shalt receive primary power from building wiring, have battery back-up and shall conform to CABO 316 4 All rece,;,;ed fixtures in exterior or Insulated ceilings shalt be 1ype IC unle,;s noted. Box In fixtures per Super Good Cents Standards 5 Maximum step dow~ at exterior doors shalt be 71/2" unless noted otherwise. Door,; swinging over landings shall have a maximum step down of 1". 6. Provide minimum 24" clearance above to range hood or 30" clearance to combustrl>le con,;tructlon above If no hood Is used at all kitchen ranges c7~r" ;" +--, ~~ , ~ I!!I ~ ARBO R SOUTH ARCH 11 ECTURE PC THE REDMOND