HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2003-6-13 D~A~IN~ INDEX A1 elTe PL..AN . COVIOFI. eHIOE!T A:2 I"L..OOFl. pL..ANe A' eXTeFl.IOFl. eL..eVATIONe A4 eXTeFl.IOFl. eL..eVATIONe A' F'OoNpATION PL..AN . pI!TAIL..e M. FtOOI' FFtAMINGo PL..AN . FtOOI' PL..AN A' EOUIL..pINGo eeCTION, TFl.Uee Typee. peTAIL..e !1 l!L..eCTFtICAL.. PL..AN ~eNeF<.A1.. NOTes CODES AND STANDARDS 1. All COn!;tructlon &halll1eln &trlct compliance with the State of Oregon 1996 Edition One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code and all appllcal1le State and Local Codes, 2, ENERGY CODE: All con&tructlon &hall conform to the late&t edition of Statd of Oregon Energy Code. Pre&crlptlve Path 1. Notify Architect of any discrepancies l1etween documents and &tandards, Where conflict occurs. the more rigid &peclflcatlon &hall govern, :3, PARTIAL SETS OF DOCUMENTS: Architect &hall not l1e re&ponsll1le for I1lddhg errors or oml&sloM due to I1lddlng from partial &ets of documents, SITE WORK 1. Remove all organic materlal/top&oll from area under the l1ulldlng and under raved areas, 2, Fill &hall COMI&t of a free-draining g"anular material, Place fill In lifts not to e~ ~e~ 8" and compact to 100'4 &tandard AASHO under footings and 95'4 &tandard AASHO under slal1s and paved areas, 3, Select fill material under &lal1s &halll1e 6" layer :3/4" minus cru&hed rock or ,;o"rse &and. 4, Provfde po&ltlve drainage under-floor areas to comply with CABO 405 1. If re1ulrad. FOUNDATIONS 1. All footings &halll1ear on undl&turl1ed &011 or compacted fill minimum 12" l1elvw flnl&h grade (18" at twO-&tory portlon&) unle&s noted otherwl&e, Notify Architect l1efore proceeding of any unu&ual conditions encountered In footing excavatlo~s 2. If &tem wall and footing are two &eparate pours. provide #4 vertical L \:>ar at 6'. 0" 00 maximum from footing Into &tem wall. :3, Do not excavate clo&er than 2'1 &Iope adjacent to footings, . 4, Clean all footing excavations of loo&e materlall1y hand prior to pouring concrete. CONCRETE 1. Minimum &tructural concrete compre&&lve &trength &halll1e 2,500 p&1 at 2< "".,s unle&s noted otherwl&e, Exposed concrete (&Ia\:>s. walks. eto) &hall have a ml",,~um compresf>lve &trength of :3.500 p&1 at 28 days and &hall \:>e air entrained 2. Mlnlrrum cement c"r,t.e~t shall be 5 sack&/yar,~ except sla\:>s on grade sh"ll ."; 'ii; sacks/yard, Maximum &Iump &hall be 4", 3, Place and cure all concrete per ACI codes and standards, 4, Provide control joints In all &Ia\:>s at 12'-0" 00 maximum each way unless noted otherwise, Provide heavy tooled Joints (:3/4") a~ 5'-0" 00 and 1/4" premolded exp"n-,Ion joints at 20'-0" 00 maximum at all exterior walks. MASONRY !If U&ed) 1. Concrete Ma&onry Unrts &hall meet the requirements of ASTM C90.90. Tal'le 1 .z & :3. Type 1. medium weight. f'm 1500 p&l. Standar'" block. &cored \:>Iock (WIi1amette Gray&tone 852R) an'" &pllt faced block (Wlllamette Gray&tone 800SP). &ee exterior Elevatlon5 for locatlon5 of each style. 2, Concrete Ma50nry Units shall have 125" minimum face shell thlckne5s a',d 100" minimum wel1 thlckne5s, :3, When delivered to the jo\:> 5lte. all unlt5 &hall be &ound and free of cracks ,r other defect5 that would InterFere with the proper placing of the units or would &Ignlflcantly CONCRETE / MASONRY REINFORCIN~ 1. All reinforcing &teel #5 and &maller &hall be A-615 Grade 40. 2, Refer to detall5 for reinforcing 5teel &Ize, :3, Provide concrete ma&onry units wrth \:>ond l1eams at 48" oc with #4 horlz01tal an'" #5 vertical at :32" 0 c. Grout the&8 cell" &olld, Refer to details, 4, See elevations for location" of 5core'" (Wlllamette Graystone 852 R) and spirt face'" I110ck (Wlllamette Gray"tone 800 SP), WOOD 1. Allluml1er &pecles shalll1e a5 follows unle5s noted otherwl5e: Jolst,,/Beam&/Strlngers -. DF-L #2 or l1etter 6" Nominal Beams an'" Stringers -. DF-L #1 or Better Glu-Lamlnated Beams -. 24F-Y4 OF/DF unle&s noted otherwl&e No Camber Buck&/Blocklng/Brldglng/MI5cellaneous -. DF-L/Hem-Flr #:3 or Better Studs -. DF-L Stud Grade SIII&/Sleeper&/Plates/Nalllng Block5/ All Wood Embedded In Concrete.. DF-L Pre55ure-Treated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2 All jol&ts an'" beams framing Into. not bearing on. beams. headers. girders "hall be &upported with Slmp&on-typeJol&t or beam hangers, :3, Plywood or waferboar'" shall be as noted In foundation. floor framing and reof framing plan5, 4, All exterIor wall &tud &paclng &hall be 24" oc (16" oc all locations where lap r,ldlng:s u&ed) unle&s noted otherwl&e. All Interior wall &tu'" &paclng &hall be 16" 00 unless noted otherwl5e. GLAZING 1. All exterior windows. &kyllghts. gla5s doors shall have Insulating glazing. Uncon"'ltloned &paces may have &lng1e glazing unle&s noted otherwl5e, 2. If provfded, glazing In "hower enclo&ures shall be Identified an'" labeled a5 s~fety glazing and &hall conform to CABO 308:3 and :308.4, Shower doors &hall 5wlng out, :3, Glazing within 24" aro of vertical edge of doors In a clo&ed po&ltlon.18" of floor and/or within doors &halll1e Identified and labeled as "afety glazing and &hall conform to CABO :308:3 and :3084, MISCELLANEOUS 1. Provide minimum clearance of :30" width and 24" In front of all water clo&ett! exceeding CABO Figure :301,2. 2, Walls at &howers shall be flnlshe'" to a minimum height of 12" a\:>ove drain Ir11et with material not adver5ely affected by mol&ture per Plum\:>lng Code. :3. Smoke detector(5) &hall receive primary power from l1ulldlng wiring. have battery l1ack-up and shall conform to CABO :316, 4, All rece55ed fixtures In exterior or In&ulate'" ceilings &hall be Type IC unle5s noted, Box In fixtures per Super Goo'" Cents Standar"'s, 5, Maximum "tep down at exterior doors shalll1e 11/2" unle&s noted otherwl&e, Door5 "winging over landings shall have a maximum etep "'own of 1", 6, Provide minimum 24 " clearance above to range hoo'" or :30" olearance to combu5tlble conetructlon above If no hood If! ueed at all kitchen rangee, eUI1..DIN~ DATA EOUIL..DINGo AFt!A 1,400SI" eNeFt~Y INr=Of<.MATION 1, rHIS PFtOJECr COMPL..IES /"llrH ENEFtGoY PfteSCftlPrlVI! PArH NO 1 AS Ir PEftrAINS ro rH! CUFtFt!Nr OFt!i#ON !N!Fti#'T' COD! AS ~Ol..l..OY'lS, A. VINYL.. Y'lINpOY'lS' U. 40 MIN e, Y'lOOP DOOftS: U. 20 MIN. C Y'lAl..l..INSUL..ArION Ft-:21 MIN, I' UND!FtF'l..OOR.INSUl..Ar\ON: R-:" MIN. I! F'l..Ar CI!Il..INGS' R-" MIN, 1", ~OFtCED AIFt pucr INeUL..' Ft-' MIN, G GA' HeATING H, GAS Y'lATEFt HI!ArEft, SYM501..S ,~ \ei' $!CrION Q Pl!rAIl.. (]) POOR. \ 0000 SINGL..! HUNG .'lINpOY'l . eINGL..1! HUNi# 'J " .0 . I U -' o rl , L..ANpSCAP! CONpUlre SITE! NOTES: · VE!R-IFY SUR-VE!Y INFOR-MATION: OIMENSIONS 4 SEAR-INGS, E!ASEMENTS.$L.E!GAI.. -'i., l~ , r0 01< .' III 01- ~UJ : III -{ · VER-IFY R-EaUIR-EO eE!TSACI<.S GOMPL.Y VI(/ A!..L. COOES. OR-OINANCES .$ GOVER-N'G AGENCIES, '-- ~IhI~J~ SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Lines -Flont yard to house 10 feet -Front )"rd to Garage 18 feet -Side )ard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear )ard to House or Garage 10 feet P,U E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS " sa"l""01"11! '000' "1"100' ,VAeSUMEp " ." I' "1"100' ~~eUM!p\~_________ '~O'" ,;9'-0" ',,} I' /1 I..~e, ICI< I I I I I I L)A~ E 'Im:...lv~6{-,'-/} -IJ,5 Jo~ I~O ClJIV'\UJO 3i1'tfJ 1 q"SSrFtEEr ,r..o"E t/)~ - . OCCUPANCY GROUP~ ____________________________________________UN'1T(S) I qc;:~J;'i:~NCY LO~ - ~loro(lEs I . ___~ONSl RUC1l2J::i...J.f;.' LEGA~ DESCRrPTION /2ff33::lJ sl.5J-A IP - ADDPr.SS Sf.'17 ,'-1 $'1 <-- ---- SITe PI..AN OWNER !JllQ1AikJWr- CtJ,,,ST(l.UJ:71I.LV ------------------ 12' ~ , 0 0< -' III 01- ~UJ III I I I "-0" t ,/ , e!i'eACI<I , I I -, (9 " , ,. , ~ ----~~-----~------ , - , ~-II ,lie ,~!II 1111, I I 1'1111, 111111 1,'11111:'1' _, ~ I 61-0'" I J II I " r:'II~I,'111 ,III;-~~II 1'/ ' L....- r ___....__..., ~ I ',- I · i!'~---:~I" I I 111111~11~.~I-I"lillllil' II I III I'" , I + II I I III ,II, II :, , ' II I ,PA,IO 1111': ", I!'I'I' II~ I I I I~:: II11 ': III, Ii. 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Fl..A'f ,'iOf(.!<: '1 - ~-j---- ",-a~t~lr' ,: I ~ .. V--------~ J~:O-- :" I i L_______________________J___~---~---~-- ---------~ i i ~-r_----------------I- ! < < oo,)-----.-I----------..,'"'O"'iO:Oo'-------~ < < 00' AeSUM!P ASSUMED 5e'~OJ' .------. ,5'-0" , (~; ~ , I ~ rl -, b , i'l .0 ~) I~ l7 _/ , \ \ NI!Y'I CONC, V'lAL.K SGA!..E: 1". 1 0'-0" ~ITe NOTEel · veR-IFY SUR-VE!Y INFOR-MATION: OIMENSIONS .$ SeAR-INGS, E!ASeMENTS 4 !..E!GA!.. · VER-IFY R-eaUIR-EO eETSAGl<.e GOMPL.Y~/A!..!..GOOE~ OR-OINANGE!S .$ GOVER-N'G AGENCIES, .1L~STREET TREES ".RE ".RE REQLlRED Please refer to attached Developmenr Code SectIOn rt"gardrng the placement and t) pel of allovvable street trtes Kev'l SeJ S-tz cP~~ o /?:% J;, , , DFtAIN Al..l.. DOY'lNe>POUTS ro cuFte Y'le!p HOl..eS .1 /"lATER / PO!"EFt / Go.~S PHON! / e!Y'I!FI. ro EO! SIT! VEFtIP'leD PftlOFt ro Y'lOFtI< \ J 47(,5 VILLAGE PlAZA LOO1' sum zoo EUGENE, OtuGON 9~401 PHONE 54134103332 FAXS413441597 I MAlL. AIUIORSOVTHO^OL.COM WWWARBORSOUTHCOM PROJECT THE JEFFERSON INDEX SITE PLAN jOBNO .'vW 0 5 DATE 19 NOV, 2001 DRAWN BY BRAD CHECKED BY DAN REVISION 30 JUNE 2003 lnt: co.,,"'''t.Nl'":; HEn:E ON \- ALrER,t.n'_\'~s 1'".)'>:;'t,\Tr.:O Of' O~ 'It.l...TERAT, )",S {~,D<! fO'" F'RC',J~C" J.'" ('C~ l'HL wAYS 6 'ThE !3.J1LPlNG ....)FF1CIAL -~ ,. \ ILWED WITl ~ ~"I I '':::H,6NGE~'' "I :>L j'jl"J6S C <: .-' \[.D8, CITY OF SPRiNGH'-^- ": ,-:C;"" ~,N bPPROVED BY ~ ~ __"..J_-1-~J , (1\ '~+~' ;, NOFl.TH MEMBERS, A.'.-IERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH lTE CTS SHEET NO A1 - - ~ C ARBOR SOUTH ARCHITECTURE. PC THE JEFFERSON' MOOS