HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2002-9-27 I' -.l ~ BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS J DIVISION DIDO-GENERAL 0101 CODES All conslructlon methods. malenals and workmansh'p shall comply with STATE OF OREGON 2000 EDITION ONE AND TWO FAMIL Y DWELLING SPECIALTY CODE compnsed 01 the 199B EditIOn 01 ICC Internotlonal One and Two Family Dwelling Code with Oregon Amendmenls doled April I, 2000 0102 PERMITS The owner Will prov,de and pay for all perm,ls and lees except where other proviSIOn IS mode by contract 0103 UTILITIES' Owner to provide 0104 SUBSTITUTIONS, Certoln processes, types of equ,pment or kinds of materials are specIfied by manufacturer's name, brand or catalog number to establish a basis of quality or desirability for the purpose Intended Exclusions of products of equal quality or desirability to those specllled IS nol Intended Sub-Contractors to secure approval of substitutions from owner Submll sulllclenl Inlormotlon on speclllc producl or products for evaluation Samples may be reqUired 0105 CHECKING. Contractor sholl venly ond coordinate all dlmens,ons and conditions on all drawings and at construction site before proceedmg Discrepancies are to be brought to the attention of the owner, the designer, and/or the engineer os appropriate, and fully resolved before construction IS commenced 0107 CLEANING OF SURF ACES' All surfaces must be clean and In good condition 01 job completion OIOB COOPERA nON Contractor and subcontractors shall fully cooperate in corrYlO9 out the work Contractor to do or be directly respons,ble for 011 construct,on bracing, temporary shoring. furring and bulldmg In, and prOVIding all openmgs. chases. etc. required by venous subcontractors Where work of one subcontractor Is mstalled over surfaces applied by other trades, the commencement of work by the first mentIOned subcontractor constitutes acceptance of the surfaces, and cannot be used for an excuse should subsequent faIlures occur DIVISION 0200 - SITE WORK 0201 EARTHWORK A Excavations or IllIs sholl be so constructed or protected that they do not endanger life or properly 8 Remove trash, rubbish and other obstructIons from sIte pnor to starting earthwork C Do excavation work for structure and other work shown on the draWings. carelully trimmed to lines and elevat,ons reqUired lor the work Permanent cuts and f,lIs sholl not be steeper fhan 2 hOrIZontal to I vertical unless approved by the bUilding ofl,clal o Stockpile excavated matenal for backfill purposes at approved locations Only clean, granular material IS acceptable for re-use E The bulldmg official may require a SOil test to determine the soHls characterIstics F Lot sholl be prov'ded with adequale dralnoge ond sholl be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundatIon walls SaId grade shall fall a minimum of SIX IOches wlthm the first ten feet. except as restricted by lot Jmes where drams shall be provided G A foundation penmeter drain shall be Installed which will dram roof discharge to a pomt at least five feet from the foundation walls or to an approved system 0202 BACKFILLING A Backfill adjacent to concrete walls sholl not be placed unt,l the wall has sufficient strength or has been su1!lc'ently braced to prevent domage by the backfill B Before placmg backfIll, remove all screeds, screed stakes, other wood. debris and matenal subject to rot, corrosion or subterranean termite attack C Backllll material sholl be clean and granular. placed In 6-Inch lilts, and compacled o Dispose of all unSUitable and excess matenal off site Conform to local laws and ordinances relating to waste disposal on property of others. - ~ r ~ 1 I' DIVISION 0300 - CONCRETE 0301 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. A Concrete design, components, storage, mixture, placement and remforcement shall conform to Chapter 4 B. Protect all concrete from domage and use speCial core on 011 exposed concrete to prevent staming or discoloration C. Damaged concrete sholl be repaired, or removed and replaced With new concrete al the discretion 01 Ihe owner, o Form all concrete surfaces, except botfom of footlOgs and top 01 slobs E Footings shall be placed on undisturbed sailor compacted till All lill materials sholl be fl ee of vegelatlon and foreign material A Salls mvestlgatlon report and a report of satisfactory placemenl 01 1111 sholl be submitted to the building official descnblng IllIs greater than 4" thick wh,ch will be used to support the foundations of any building or structure Excepl where approved. fill depths under slobs sholl not exceed 2.411 for clean sand or gravel and 8" for earth F Stepped footings ere reqUired where the ground surface slopes more than orle 10,-,t In ten feet G Remove 011 foreIgn matter and wet down SOil before placement '. of concrete H Isolat,on Joints sholl be provided between 011 slabs and foundation walls, using (2) thicknesses of 30;1' bu'lder's fell or 3/B" asphalt Impregnaled sheeting 0302 FORMWORK. A Forms shall be subsfantlal, suII,clently tlghl and properly braced to prevent leakage and maintaln position and shape B Forms and shoring shall nol be removed until the structure has sulllclent strength 10 support solely Its we'ght and 011 loads placed thereon 0303 REINFORCEMENT A Use only new. clean stock, free from rust, scale, grease and other coatings ReIer to ACI 3IB-77 B Relnlorcement shall conform to ASTM A-615 With deformat,ons to ASTM A-305, Grode 40 C Relnforcemenl sizes and locahons sholl be os shawn on pions or os noted below SPLICE LAP LENGTH Bar Size Concrete '13 1'-6" ;/l 4 2'-0" I 5 21-611 Masonry 2'-011 2'-611 31-0" CONCRETE COVER 310 Concrete deposited agamst earth 211 Formed concrete agamst earth 3/4" To top 01 slob on grade D A grounding electrode system shall be Inslalled os noted In Section 4034 and 4108 and must be coordinated With electrical contractor 0304 CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE. A Basement walls and foundations not exposed to weather and basement slobs and mterlor slabs on grade, except garage floor slabs, sholl be 2500 pSI compressive strength concrete at 2B days B Porches. carport stabs and steps exposed to the 'toIeather, basement walls. foundation walls. ex tenor walls. and other vertical concrete work exposed to the weather and garage floor slabs sholl be 3000 pSI compressIVe strength concrete at 2B days C 3000 pSI concrele and other concrete which may be subject to freezmg and thawmg dUring construction shall be air entrained Total air content (percent by volume 01 concrete) shall be not less than five per cent or more than seven per cent o The minimum cement content of concrete mixtures for exterior porches, carporl slabs ond steps thaI Will be exposed to Ireezlng and thawing In the presence 01 deiCing chemicals shall be os spec,l,ed In ACI 31B E The top surlace of 011 foollngs sholl be level The bottom surlace 01 lootlngs may hove a slope not exceeding I In 10 Foollngs sholl be stepped where It IS necessary to change the elevotlon 01 the top surlace 01 the lootlngs or where the slope of the bottom surface of the loollng w,lI exceed I In 10 F Finishing (vertical surfaces). Correct 011 aggregate pockets and other defects Grind 011 fms and projectIons and remove stams Exterior surfaces of foundation walls encloslOg IJVJng space or slorage below Ilnlshed grade sholl be dompprooled uSing "Thoroseal FoundatIon Coatmgll or equal G FIn,shlng (slabs). Surlace Ilnlshes sholl be on plans Areos noted lIBrush FIOIShll shall have 1/8" hIgh attenuations. With pattern and style os opproved by the owner 0305 EMBEDMENTS: A Anchor bolts attaching mud Sills to concrete foundations, shall be one-half Inch dIameter spaced at SIX feet maxImum on center. and exfend at least seven Inches IOta the concrete There must be an anchor bolt within twelve Inches of each corner and each piece 01 Sill shall hove 01 least two bolls B Post bases. hold-downs, vents. door openings and condUits sholl be located accurately as shown on plans DIVISION 0600 - CARPENTRY '0601 GENERAL A All structural dimenSion lumber shall be groded and marked os noted In Section 502 I, 502 II. 602 I and 802 I B Approved end-JOinted lumber may be used Interchongeably With solid-sown members 01 the same speCIes and grade C All structural lumber Sizes have been deSIgned usmg WWPA grading rules II these members bear the stomp 01 0 dlllerent grading agency. adjustments to sizes may need to be made 0602 POSTS Posts and columns shall be Douglas Ilr/Lorch, Grode Select Structural F 0 H C Posts shall be pressure treated If so noted on plans 0603 BEAMS, HEADERS AND STRINGERS All members 2" to 4" thick and 5" or more WIde shall be Douglas fir/Larch, Beams and Stringers ~ Closs, Grode;/ll All 6" thick members sholl be Douglas "~'~---------,~-~.;...........-...._~"--.........-.--..........".............,,~~"""',.. ,'... . 'IL..L" ---""""..----, --.----" tlr/Larch, Beams and stringers Class, Grade Select Structural All door and Window headers shoJI be 4x6 minimum unless noted otherw,se Glued-Iamlnoted t,mber. shall be 24F-V4, Df/ grode unless noted otherWise 0604 STUDS Sluds shall be Douglas fir/La, ch, Grade #2 at all load bearing wails With size and spacing as sho'o on plans UtIlIty grade lumber may be used for non-bearing studs and bearing studs not supporting floors If spaced per Table 6023{5) Cflpples under headers shall be contmuous to sole ?Iate Top plates 10 load-bearing walls sholl be doubled wilh JOints offsel 4B" minimum Block aU stud walls where required for sheathmg Align ioad-bearlng studs os noted In SectIOn 60234 Intenor nonbearmg partitions moy be capped WIth a Single top plate Foundation cripple walls sholl be constructed as noted In Sect,on 6029 ond 60291 All wood me"bers In contact With concrete shall be pressure treated 0605 JOISTS Floor and ceiling jO'sts shall be Douglas IIr/Larch, Grode #2 All nm JOISts and end joists sholl be caulked In place dunng framing Double all end JOIsts and 011 JoIsts under parallel bearing partitions Lap jOIS~S 611 minImum at mterlor bearing supports where pOSSIble, .otherwise prOVide I-Jl2l! mmlmum bearing on wood or metal t upports and 3" on masonry or use approved JOISt hangers Floor openings shall be framed as noted In Section 502. 8. 0606 RAFTERS Rafters sholl be Douglos Ilr/Lorch. Grade #2 With SIZe and spacmg os shown on plans All raften:, shall be notched to provide full bearmg at supports 0607 TRUSSES Manufocturer of wood Iloor or rool trusses sholl supply caples of truss details and deSIgn ~ olculatlOns to the bUlldmg offICIal and owner Trusses shalll'e Installed with all fasteners. hangers and bracmg as reqllJred by the manufacturer Truss members shall not be dnlled, cut. notched or altered 10 any manner unless so deSigned *** NOTE **'" BUILDER IS STRONGL Y CAUTION~D TO VERIFY ALL TRUSS DIMENSIONS INCLUDING EXACT SLOPE, REQUIRED HEEL IIEIGHT. OVERHANG CONDITION AND SPECII,L LOADING TRUSS DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO BE APPROXIMt,TE ONLY 060B SHEA THING Roof and wall sheathing s' all be 7/16" Onented Strond Boord (OSB) or 1/2" CDX Plywood Kith foce groin perpendicular to supports and staggered JOints Floor sheathmg shall be as shown on plans All structural sheathIng shaU be groded and marked as noted In Section 50321, 50331, 611 or 612 if reqUired, d,ophragms and shear walls sholl be constructed as required by the engmeer or as shown on plans 0609 Slressed skin panels sholl be shipped, s'ored handled and Installed per the manufacturer1s instructions 0610 SOLE PLATES. Sole plales In contact '"th concrete sholl be pressure treated douglas fIr/Larch 0611 NAILING All nailing shall be os noted In lobles 6023(1) ond 602 3(2) Metal conneelors sholl be Installed With all nails. bolts or other fasteners as required by mcmufacturer 0612 BRACING' Wall and cnpple wall bracing shall be prOVided os per Section 6029 and 60210 and Table 60210 0613 METAL CONNECTORS Simpson strong lie, or approved equol 0614 BLOCKING' Full depth solid blocking 01 utility grade lumber IS required ot 011 beanng walls and at the bearing points 01 011 JOISts and rafters Cross bridging between 2xl4 and larger rafters ond 2xl2 ond larger jO,sts IS requli ed at 10'-0" 0 C maximum Bracing between roof or floor trusses shall be Installed as reqUired by manufacturer 0615 NOTCHING Notching, cuffing and dnlllng of studs, plates, Jo,sts or ralters sholl conlorm to Section. 5026, 6026, ond B02 6 0616 DRAFTS TOPPING. Draffstopplng and Fire Blocking shall be constructed and Installed as reqUired by Section 50210 and 602 B 0617 FINISH CARPENTRY A Stairways shall be constructed as ShOW.1 on plans and as noted In Section 314 B Handrails and guardrails shall be constructed os shown on pions and as noted In Section 315 C Wood or hardboard paneling sholl confo,m to SecllOn 7025 061B INTERIOR WALL COVERING' A All mtenor structural components shall comply WIth the Department of HOUSing and Urban Develop'llent (HUD) tormoldehyde emlss,on slandards (#24 CFR part 3280) of 2 ppm (parts per million) for plywood and 3 ppm lor parl,cl. board Plywood or particle board stamped II meets HUn requrementsll or IlHUD approved" etc shoJi be acceptable lnterk,r grade plywood. wafer board, particle board, and onented ',trand board made With phenol-based resms and stamped "Exposure I" shall be acceptable Extenor grade components made \11th phenol-based resms and stamped l1Exteflorll shall be acceptable B All gypsum board JOints and ImperfectIC,s "all be IllIed and loped C All surfaces shall be sanded fer pamt 0 Y'~Jlpaper or textured as speCifIed by owner o All exposed IOterlor gypsum board CornH$ ;;hall be remforced With metal edge tnm E Gypsum board shall not be mstalled until weather protectIon is prOVIded F Gypsum board, support spacing and the slze and spacing of lasteners sholl comply With Sechon 702 ~ G Shower and bath areas shall be flnlsl-ad 10 accordance With Secl,on 702 4 H Garages shall be completely separated irom res,dence and Its attIc With 1/2.11 gypsum board applied to the garage Side All structure supporflng a floor-ceiling separation shall be covered wllh 1/2" gypsum board 0619 EXTERIOR WALL COVERING' Siding ,hal, be os shown on plans and conform to Section 703 with at1achment per Table 7034 unless noted otherw,se Panel type Siding sholl hove shlplapped verflcal jOints over Iramlng mer1bers and flashed or lapped hOrIZontal JOints 0620 ATTIC ACCESS A readily acceSSIble tfJmed attiC access hatch of not less than 22 Inches by 30 Inches shall be prOVided 10 any attic area having 0 clear height 01 over 30 Inches DIVISION 0700 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTFCTION 0701 GENERAL A The conditIoned spaces of these plans ('re intended 10 comply With Prescriptive ComplIance Path I of Section C401 B All Insulating malerlals to comply w,lh Soctlon 319 and AppendiX C C All insulation sholl be opplled unllarmly end In a manner to prevent compressIon Insulation shall be srllt evenly around pipes. wires. ducts or other obstructIons a ld cut In around outlet boxes o Extenor JOints around wmdows and door frames, between wall cavJtles and wmdow and door frames, betw,en wall and foundatton. between wall and roof, beh..een wall panels, at penetraftons or utIlity services through ",ails, floors and roofs and all other openmgs In the extenor envelopes shall be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or otherWise sealed 0702 FLOOR INSULATION A 211 thick (R-15 mlOlmum) extruded p01yst}rene foam insulatIOn (approved for under slab use) shall be mstcllled around entIre perimeter of monolithiC floor slab In all heated areas The Insulation sholl extend downward from Ihe lop 01 the slab to the bottom of the thickened edge The Insulol on shall be prolected as shown on plans to a minimum of 611 below grade The complete area under slab shall be covered WIth 6-mll polyethylene or approved equal B 2.11 thIck (R-15 minImum) extruded polyst~lrene foam insulation (opproved for under slob use) sholl be Inst,lIed around entire penmeter 01 Iloatlng floor slob 'n all heated areas The insulation shall extend downward from the top of the slab for a mmlmum distance of 2.4'\ or downward to the botfom of the slab. then hOrizontally beneath the slab for a ffin Imum total distance of 24" The complete area under slab and under msulatlon shall be covered w,lh 6-mJl polyethylene or approved equal C R-25 Ilbergloss bail Insulat,on, supported by lath or corrosion-proof Wire, shall be Installed flush under floors over all crawlspaces Support system (wood lath, corrosion-resistant Wire, or rot-resistant tWine) IS reqUired to hold IOsulatlOn 10 place wJthout compressmg It Use baffles If reqUired to mamtaln clearance around crawl space vents Install I perm maxImum kraft paper vapor retarder betwe'~n 2x decking and underlayment Separate vapor retarder IS "lot reqUired In floors constructed With plywood or OSS sheathmg Ground cover of 6-mll black eolyethylene With JOints lapped 121' mlmmum and turned up 12' at edges IS reqUired at all crawl spaces 0703 WALL INSULATION A (R-21) Kroll faced (10 perm moxlmum) high denSity fiberglass batt insulation shall be face stapled to Inside (warm) surface of studs In all walls separating heated from unheated spaces B (R-21) F"e-rated foll-faced h'gh denslly f,berglass ball msulatlon shall be Installed inSide below grarle concrete walls enclOSing heated spaces InsulatIOn shall bf face stapled to 2x4 framed Intenor fmlsh wall held In from concrete wall so that Insulation does not contact concrete Insulollon must extend from the bottom of the above-groda sub floor to the top of the below-grade Ilnlshed floor The nm Jo"t area must be Insulated 0704 CEILING INSULATION A (R-3B) Fiberglass ball or loose till Ilber,'ass, cellulose or rock wool Insulation sholl be Installed on flat celllngs Loose till msulat,on may be used only where rool ';Iope Is 4/12 or greater and headroom at ridge Is at least l4 mches Loose fill insulation must be Installed per label indicatIons of pounds reqUired per square 1001 or bogs per 1000 square feet, B (R-30) Fall faced fIberglass batt Insulot,on sholl be Instolled on sloped ceilings constructed With smgle rafters C (R-30) Kratl laced fiberglass balllnsuletlon shall be Installed on ceilings With 0 slope 01 greater than 2/12 and on alllo space above - - -,~-_.~,~- "......,-,'---",~ - -"""" ~-~ --- o (R-30) Loose fill fIberglass. cellulose or rock wool insulatIon may be used on sloped ceilings prOVIdE d slope IS 2/12 or less and headroom at ridge Is 01 least 44 mches Loose till insulation must be Installed per label indICations If of pounds reqUIred per square foot or bags per 1000 squa e feet E (R-21) FOil laced fiberglass boll Insulation may be Instolled , 10 partially vaulted ceIlings and ceilings totaling ryot more than 150 square feet m area for dormers, bay Vr',mdows, etc Space must be fIlled (except for reqUired ventIlation space) and a 05 perm (dry cup) vapor retarder Installed onll worm (10 wmter) Side F, All cellmgs Without on alllc space above shall hove a vapor barfler With 0 maximum 05 perm ratmg G All aHic accesses and skylight wells sholl be luulated to the same R-value as the surroundmg ceiling At .IC access hatches shall be ....eather-strlpped H R'g,d, weather-reSlSlont baffles sholl be Insta led to deflect softlt vent,lotlon olr above Insulotlon andl to keep Insulation clear from attic hatches Non-combus,tlble baffles shall be installed to prOVide 311 clearance aroundlflues, metal chimneys, gas vents or fixtures that reqUire cleC1rances or ventilatIOn for fire safety 0706 ROOFING. A Roofmg mateflals and applIcation to comply w th Chapter 9 B Roollng sholl be applied w,fh all Iloshlng and 0 ;ces'ones recommended by manufacturer or as reqUired fa' a watertight assembly Finish roofing matenols sholl be apprc ved by owner C Gutters shall be mstalled at lower edge of 011 rool slopes Downspouts from guffers to discharge Into starn ;water dram Owner to approve style and color 0707 VEN"ILATION A Screened soffit, eave. ndge or roof jack venl s sholl be supplIed as shown on plans with a minimum ratio )f net vent opening to ventilated area of I to 150 RatIO ma I be reduced to I to 300 If vents are arranged as noted In Sectl >n 806 Screen shall have 1/811 square openings of corrosion resi stant \WIre B Crawl space shall be ventilated by means of s :reened opemngs Ihrough foundation stem wolls os shown on plans Total net opening and arrangement of vents shall be as no ed in SectIon 409/ Screen shall hove 1/811 square openmgs 0: corrosIOn-resistant wire 070B MUD SILL Both top and bottom of mud sill sl all be caulked or gosketed 0709 THERMAL BREAK. Concrete slobs en grade" cond,t,oned spaces shall be thermally broken from slabs In adjacent mcondltloned spaces DIVISION 0800 - DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS OBOI DOORS I A Door sIzes shall be as noted on plans, With type. tmlshes and hardware as selected by owner All egress ~oors shall be readily open able from the Side from which egres51 Is to be made Without the use of a key or speCial knowledge or leffort B ExterIOr doors (except mom entry door) to hal e a maximum 020 U-Value MaIO entry door (24 square feet naxlmum) to have o maximum 054 U-Value All exterior doors to l.ave on air leakage rating of 037 cfm maximum per square 'oat of door area All exterior doors shall be I 3/4" thIck mlrtlffiUm and be weather-stripped (do not use stIcky back foam) C Doors With more than 25 square feet of glazmg must meet the U-Value requirements for wmdows SlIdIng glass joors shall be tested and certifIed as noted In SectIon 609 o Openmgs between garage and reSIdence shall t e eqUIpped With solid wood doors nol less thon I 3/B" thick or 2C -minute fire-rated doors E Hmged shower doors shall open outward OB02 WINDOWS' A Window brand and style sholl be os directed b) owner S,zes slholl be as noted on plans NOTE: Sizes of \VlOdo dS shown on pitons are nomInal only Yeflfy rough openIng reqllfed before f,omlng B All windows shall be double glazed With a maxln um 040 U-Value and shall meet the fenestratIon requirements of AppendiX C All Windows sholl be tested ond certll,ed os n,' ted In Section 609 All Windows must be labeled wllh U'Value or U-Value closs excepl os noted In SectIOn C4014 o Sleepmg rooms shall have at least one openabl ~ egress Window or door os shown on plans and os required by Se ,tlon 310 NOTE Sizes of Windows shown on plans are nomlr 01 only Verity CLEAR OPEI<lNG dimenSions for egress windows os reqUired by code E Windows shall be set onto a bead of caulking J F Skylights shall be constructed of double glazln . With inner pane tempered. In Q metal frame or as noted In S,ectJon 3086 with a maxImum 050 U-Value Skylrght area shall be not more than 2 per cent of heated floor area I G Glass doors and enclosures for showers. hot tubs, Whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms and bathtubs. glazing 10 s...mlgmg or sliding doors and storm doors, and all glaZing and mirrors WIthIn 2411 at doors or within IB" 01 floors, and 011 glazing rn ral~ngs ond glOZIng llsed 10 barflers around swimming pools an spas shall be tempered and permanently marked per Section 3 8 II Exceptions or e noted In Section 30B 4 I DIVISIOIN 0900 - FINISHES j 0901 GENERAL: ~ - A. All mterlor finIshes and mateflals to conform t SectIons 31B and 702 Wall and ce'ling frn,shes sholl hove flcme-spread classlticatlon of not greater thon 2110 except as noied rn Sect,on 31B I and 0 smoke denSity not gr, ,aler than 450 B All exterior finishes and matenals shall contorn, to Section 703 and Table 7034 0902 INTERIOR PAINT' Lalex parnt w,th colors sholl ,e opproved by owner 0903 EXTERIOR PAINT Latex or stain With color to be approved by o....ner 0904 OTHER WALL FINISHES Contraclor 10 coordln ale With owner where wall paper. paneling. or wainscotting are deSired 0905 FLOOR FINISHES A Carpet shall be protesslonolly Installed wl1h pO', tack strip orud metal tnm os reqUired Carpet and pod shall ,e approved by o~ner B Cush,on Vinyl type shall be approved by owner OIVISIO N 1600 - ELECTRICAL - A All work sholl meet the requirements and Inspe?tlons 01 Chapters 15 ond 39 through 4B ond the 2000 Ele clrlcal Sp,ec,olty Code B Elec!ncal systems sholl be desrgned and Install, ,d by a qUlalll,ed controclor Contractor sholl supply detail ,d pions, callculatlOns and speCifications of 011 proposed equ pment If re qUlred by the bUilding oll,clal C Wiring shall be done w,fh 3-wlre nonmetallic cot ie w,lh 011 oUltlets properly grounded AU wires shall be copp ~r and none sh 011 be less than ;/l14 gouge Sw,tches and duplex outlets sholl bel fIrst grode SWitches shall be silent type o SUitable connections shall be prOVided for all nf'Vi electrical ou tlets and flxfures as shown on the plans E SmOh8 detectors sholl be Installed mSlde and Ol tslde of all sleepIng rooms and on each floor as noted In Sect on 316 and as sh own on plans F Non-combusl,ble fire-stopping shall be prOVided, at all gaps arlound electrical Imes at ceIlings and floor levels I Seal 011 pe netratlons through the bUildIng envelope With co'likmg G WIfing shall be mstalled In a manner to allow fOI as much walll insulation as pOSSIble H Recessed lights installed In extenor vaulted eel !ngs (wilthout on attic space above) shall be rated to 01 cw direct co ntact WIth insulatIon DATE RECE.,y'~ Cl-.ll-0"2-J.QQ No Od.." olllol-Q.L ZONE J...~l"l..- OCCUp""",v W'OUP k'9Yltv U'\I.\T(S) OCCUF'ANCY tlOAD ' STORIES I _~_ ...qIlfE CON5T~UCTION vN LEGAL DESC:R,r-'O" 17.03 .3'" I~ OCil~O AnDRESS 616 '7 l"'i-f<". S&--L<-1'"1 "" n^ vA -. 0J1 p ., 9WNER--.J.A..~fJ-n. l;..HA~~ ~ I <- THE CONTENTS HE!<E 0''>1 HAVE BEEN RE' (lEWEO WITH ALTERATIONS lNDICA-I-E.D ON rOLORED PEN' ..IL ~HANGE5 OR ALTERA....IONS '/il\Dt:: TO THE APPROVED JRAWINGS OR PROJECT AFTER TrlE DATE EeLON SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY OF C:1:RINGFIELD. OjEGON /^ ,-1-\-o-J...- APPROVED BY tJ'w\. !lATE U , . 'V V - -- t- ill ill tY: t- U) I t- (fl -- -- ~~- -- - ~~n""'~~'~ _~~~_ ---~-.~---..~.- -~~ VICINllY MAP NO SCALE CENTENNIAL 6LJo ) ~) I- !Q N :r Iii N E STREET ~ ATTENTION Oreaon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center Those rules are set forth rn OAR 952-001-001 0 through OAR 952-001- 0090. You may obtam copies of the rules by callmg the center. (NDte the telephone numberforthe Oregon Utility Notllicatlon Center IS 1-800-332- :ze>I_lZ)J1 186''''' 569"5i&'''''''''E r~~;: ~--T----1V//~y" yJl -' I / //) V ~~ I I / f'Q I I Q an I z: ~~:~; - /- ~ FROF05ED ADDITION '. N89'5b'lZliZl"W 188.''''' ~ I an NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. SITE PLAN SCALE 1"=20' TL# 17 03 36 13 09100 MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Llnes -Front yard to Bouse 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet P.U.E. HAY CHANGE SETBACKS ~ ....,....,..,..-- '- -........... "'""'~- , " " " .' , I' FR9E.ERTY 60U"!PARY " IP-- - .--...--- ~) ~ j"",- -""-=.=.""" ~- -~". I 31 $'~ f'Q Qan <1)1 I 'h__~ .......-......- -'-~~ / REVISIONS .;;- h " ----' "" 0:::: W ~ ~ - 2 z Z 1-0 <C We..') Ww U) IX IX => t;)o U) IO- ~ I-~ 0::: OJw 0 .,.- LL lL. -l ~ Ze..') w 0:::: z 0 -' 0 <C I'--IX 2 c.DD-. w 2 0::: LOCI) U) ~Z <Co 2- ~ )-<C ~U w-LL ~Z- U)U~ >D-- U) Z <C ~ D-- ( " \ , , LIl 0 t<) LIl I t<) 't ~r t<) ~ C'l 0 't DI' I'- ~ Cl Jl: 0 c:::, w ~ Z w Cl ::l @ w ~ . l- V) ~ Jl: W Cl Z ~ 0 0 LIl r:::::t I'- I'- / ) \ 9-25-02 '- ~ Date Scale NOTED PLOT Scale 1 = 240 Drawn TR Job 3328 Sheet Of '- @ 5 Sheets ,~/ I I I ,