HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2003-6-5 MINI~UM SETBACKS - INTERIOR L0TS All measurements are from Property Llnes -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House or Garage 10 feet :iI 1"1.001'1. PI.ANt "~II.t:>INe; AlteA 1,61' II". '; STREET TREES ARE -....-- '\RE REQUIRED Please refer to attached Development Code SectlOl1 regardmg the placement and types of allowable street trees PFl-A~IN~ INt::'eX eUIL.DIN~ DATA P.U.E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS tiT!! PI.AN . COV!!I'I. tH!!!!1' , !!XUI'I.IOI'I. !!I.IIVA1'\ONt t76~ YILLAG! PlAZA LOOP SUITE 200 EUGENE, OREGON r7401 PHONE H13H-33J2 FAX.S41-34H591 E-MAIl..AR80RSOlTTH-AOl COM WWW.AR1l0Jl.SOUTH COM 4 I"O~NPATION I"'I.AN' "I1'All.t . """I" l""AMINt "1."'1'1 . T"~U """P'II.U eo e~I~PIN$ t;1"1'ION. "I1'...I~t f!NeFC.~Y INFO~MATION , 1!~I!c:.TI'I.ICAj. I"~AN PROJECT c;,eNe~Al.. NOTeS 1, 1'HIt PI".OJI!c,1' COMPl.ll!t i'lITH I!N=I".Go,( ,.ftl!l"I'I.I"1'\Ve P"'1'11 NO.1 AI 11' ,.e"1'AINI 1'0 1'H!! C,\.II".I'I.!!N1' Ol'l.I!e;ON I!NI!I".,",'( COPI! AI 1"01..1.0i'lI, A. VIN,(j. P"jINt:>Oi'lI, \.I. 40 MIN. S,i'lOOPt:>OOIt~~.:ilOM~ Co i'lA~j. INt~I..A1'ION. I".-:il1 MIN. t:>, ~Nt:>I!"I"J.OO" INt\.lJ."'1'ION, "-:il' MIN. ! 1"1."'1' "!U..IN~&: "-5& MIN. 1", 1"0l'l.CI!t:> Alft t:>\.I"1' INt\.lJ..: ft-~ MIN. e;. $AI HI!"'1'INcS. 1-1, ,",AI i'l"'T=ft 1-I="'T=ft. 641..611 ~ 441..0'1 i'lINt:>Oi'l . $IN$I.I! H\.INe; "1"100' '''It\.lMI!t:>1 J\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~\ ~\\ (\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ - -- - ~ -::::::::::::== ~ ---- --- ~::::::::::--;;, ~~. - -<r- --- 0\"" "1"100'/ "'$I\.IM=t:> 1 1" l' -~----------------------------------------_..... ------ t:>OOft -, O~Tt:>O~ : ~NI1' '<1- "1"100' / At$\.IM=t:> , "r I - I /~~ -v" ) \: 6b ~-rl (' I ), I ' 'i '1111111 :"" , ' , ~! ,;,;1 l'ill , I ,I \. ~~ _1.. P~IVA1'1! , : I' " I' : - --- ~ t:>I'I.AINAiSoelelA~I!MI!N1' 'I' i I': i I f 'I ' :11 II I '1,1" 1',I,II',I'f ~~ I II :, 'I ;11)"11'111, I, I' , , ' II '1 -.!'.Ary" I II ,II, , i I;, 'i;,1- I , 'i ,I 111111'1111'>' _ ~ i , .J ~'~I 1~IJJr . I ,,'~~f, 6W:~~;~FfOoe~ ~~, ! I Y -- . a , --, I-! d;) a ' , III I C\ ' ~ I ~ , "~ ;1'1:>\ ' . I' -, ,1111,,\ _, I I" -: ,11\ I : ~~ I: :::11,1:>1' . ~,'_~ I I ~-=--- II' ' "I:: ~ ~-=- ;11 i 1111" -,:'iilli,ITlllil, : _--' " L . fl II I j' I' i:!, I' 11111 ~ I ~ ! - I Ij" Ii II ' , ,,' CoONCoft!TI! t:>I".IVI! ANt:> Ii' -, ~ lTT l,lll i III! I , I ~il ~-'II I ftV PAt:> - e"'Nt:> I"INI$I-I $I!!I!I"O\.lNt:>"'1'ION!"I..AN Cia}' I " I""ft "1'HI!~ 1"1.."'1' i'lOl'l.1<. I j I."'Nt:>I"A"1!! a'Nt:>\.II1' ,I I I ~ I "'1.1. ~1'II.I1'll!e A~I! 1'0 "el --------------- ---- j ~: ,l I J.O""'TI!t:> ~Nt:>I!I".iSol".O\.lNt:> ----------- --;;;-067-' ______~, I ~, A$~~MI!t:> THE REDMOND (:ODES AND STANDARDS 1, All conlltructlon ohalll:>e In otrlct compliance with the State of Oregon 1996 Edition One an" Two Famll~ Dwelllna Speclalt~ Code and all appllcal:>le State an" Local Co"eo, 2. ENERGY CODE: All conotructlon eohall conform to the Iateeot edition of State of Oregon EnerQY CoM, Preocrlptlve Path 1, Notlfi Architect of an~ "feocrepancleo I:>etw/Uln "ocumento an" Iltan.:!ar.:!o, Where conflict oc;curll, the more rigl" eopeclflcatlon eohall aovern. 3. PARllAL SETS OF DOCUMENTS: Architect eohall not I:>e reeoponeoll:>le for I:>I.:!dlna errorl! or omieoeolonll .:!ue to 1:>1.:!.:!lna from partial eoetll of "oc;umentl!, ~ ~ Q o I """" I SINGI..I! H\.ING l.OT :2 I i I I I i I I, I 'i II, r I! !! I , I I , II , I , SYM60L.6 plTE WORK 1, Remove all organic material/topeooll from area un.:!er the I:>ulldlng an.:! un.:!er paved areal!. 2. Flit eohall cone;le;t of a free-.:!ralnlng granular material. PlaGjl fill In IIftll not to exceed ~"an.:! compact to 100'1. otan.:!ar" AASHO un.:!er footlngll an.:! 96'1. e;tan.:!ard AASHO under elal:>5 an.:! paved areall. 3. Select fill material un.:!er elal:>ll ehalll:>/l 6" la~er 3/4" mlnu5 crueohed rock or coaree 5an.:!. 4. Provlde poeltlve dralMge un.:!er-floor area, to compl~ with CA~O 4061. If re '\U I red , ,FOUNDATI )NS 1. All footln :' ehalll:>ear on undleturl:>e.:! eooll or compacte.:! fill minimum 12" I:>elow flnleoh grad (18" at two-etol)' portlo~.) un lee;, noted otherwle;e. Notifi Architect I:>efore proG ledlng of an~ unue;ual condition, enoountered In footing excavation,. 2. If e;tem ~all ard footing are two eeparate pourll, provide #4 vertical L I:>ar at 6'. 0" oc maxlnlum from footing Into etem wall. 3. Do not e~cavate cloe;er than 2.1 olope adjacent to footIng', 4, Clean all footing ex"avatlon, of loo,e materiall:>y han.:! prior to pourlna concrete. $I!C,TION INDEX SITE PLAN "I!1'AII.. " 42'- 1 0 '/~' , I' :_ Ir~ '='11;', -~, III'. r ", ,I '\ ,-- (:(),'JCRETE 1, fAlnlmum e;t.rJ,tural c"ncret., con'ptee;e;Ivo etrength ehalll:>o 2.500 pe;' at 28 da~' unle", noted OCheNlleo. Expol>ed CO,1crete (elll~'. w.llk,. etc) ehall have a ml~l1T um compree;elve e;tr8ng~h "f 3.500 i',1 at 2~ da~' ~"d e;halll:>e air ontralne,j, 2. Minimum cel~ent content e;halll:>e 6 e;acke;/~ard eXGjlpt e;lal:>ll on gra.:!o e;halll:>o 61/2 e;acke;/~ard. MlI)dmum ,lump e;ha:ll:>e 4". 3. PlaGjl and cure all concrete per ACI code, and ,tandard" 4. Provlde controljolnt' In allelal:>ll at 12'-0" oc maximum each wa~ unlee;, notea otherwle;e. Provldo heaV)' tooled joints (3/4") lit 6'-0" oc an.:! 1/4" premol.:!e.:! expan,lon Joint' at 20'-0" oc maximum at all exterior walk,. !1..!Co , . :-=-=- 1---1 MI!T=I'I. _' .=:, ::::::::: I I ~-=- I 'I r------. ',II' I jOBNO MASONRY (If Ue;edl. 1. Concrete Mae;onl)' Unlto ehall meet the re,\ulrements of ASTM C90-90, Tal:>le 1 .2 110 3. T~pe 1, me':!lum weight. f' m 1600 peol. Stan.:!ar" I:>lock, score" I:>lock (Willa mette Gray,tone b62R) an" e;pllt faGjl" I:>lock (Wlllamette Gra~e;tone b005P), Ilee Exterior Elevatlonll for location, of each e;t~le. 2. Concrete Mlloonl)' Unit' e;hall have 126" minimum faGjl eholl thlcknells and 1.00" minimum well thlcknellll. 3. When .:!ellvere" to the joll ,Ite, all units ehalll:>e e;oun" an" free of cracks or other defects that woul.:!lntorfere wlt.h the proper placlna of the units or woula e;lgnlflcantl~ CONCRETE / MASONRY REINFORCING 1. All relnforclnallteel #6 ana e;maller Ilhalll:>e A-616 Grado 40, 2. Refer to detail, for reinforcing ,tee I e;lze. 3. Provl.:!o conorete ma,onl)' unlt5 with 1:>0n.:!l:>eamll at 48" oc with #4 horizontal and #6 vertical at 32" "c. Grout theH cell, e;oll.:!. Refer to .:!etallll, 4. See elevations for locatlon5 of e;cored (Wlllamette Gra~e;tone ~62 R) and e;pllt faGjl" I:>lock (Wlllamette Graye;tone ~OO 6P). WOOD 1. Allluml:>er e;pecle, e;halll:>e a, follow, un lee;, noted otherwle;e, Joleot,/Eleame;/Strlngel'll -- DF-L #2 or I:>etter 6" Nominal ~eams an.:! Stringer, -- DF-L #1 or ~etter Glu-Lamlnated "eam, -- 24F-V4 DF/DF unlee, noted otherwle;e. No Caml:>er ~UCk5/~locklna/~ri.:!glng/Mle;cellaneoull -- DF-L1Hem-Flr #3 or ~etter Stu.:!, .- DF-L Stu" Gra.:!e SI1I,/sleeFere/Platee/Nalllng ~Iocke;/ AI Woo.:! Eml:>ed.:!e" In Concrete.- DF-L Preeoure. Treate.:! or Foundation Grade Ce.:!ar 2. Alljoleot' an" I:>eam, framlnalnto, not I:>earlng on.l:>eamll, hea.:!er5. alr.:!el'llehalll:>e e;upported wlt.h 5Impeon-t~pe joleot or I:>eam hangers, 3. Plywoo" or waferl:>oar" e;halll:>e a, note" In foundation, floor framlna an" roof framing plan5. 4, All exterior wall e;t.u.:! e;paclng ehalll:>e 24" oc (16" oc all location, where lap e;Idlngl, ueed) unleell noted otherwle;e. All Interior wall e;tud e;paclng Ilhalll:>e 16" oc unlee;, noted otherwle;e. ii~ITl! NOTee, · Vl!~lfY eU~Vf!Y INFORMATION: t:>IME!Ne>lONe 4 al!^RIN~e, I!AeE!MI!NTe 4 1-1!~Al.. '" (-~'" · VI!~IPY "l!aUI~I!O el!TBACKS COMP1- Y ~/ A1-1- cot:>l!e, ORI'INANCl!e 4 ~OVf!RN'G A~I!INCll!e. "-" . , a I L-,.' ~f-/ , ~ i'lA1'I!F!. I POi'lI!F!. I GoA~ PHONell 11!i'l!I". 1'0 eel SIT!! V!Fl.II"I!t:> PFl.IOI'I. 1'Oi'lOl'l.1<. DATE 4 JUNE 2003 DRAWN BY BRAD N!i'li'lAJ.I<. / I / I . N!i'lIVI.I< CHECKED BY DAN t:>A,(l.liSoH1' 1".001" t:>I'I."'IN AT C~I'I.S (1''(PICAI.) REVlSION Co~I".B Co~1' ANt:> NI!Y'! $1t:>I!i'lAI..I< !"I!ft CoIT,( e1'ANt:>AI'lP~ eth eT~eeT c/'\ ~)~+/ () , :z SirE! PL.AN SeA1-I!: 1". 1 O'~O" GLAZING 1. All exterior window,. e;kyllght" glae;, doorll ehall have Ineulatlng glazing. Unoondltlone" e;pace, ma~ have elngle glazing unlee;, noted otherwle;e. 2. If provide.:!, glazing In ehower encloe;ure5 e;halll:>e Identified and lal:>ele.:! a5 'afet~ glazing ana e;hall conform to CA~O 308,3 and 308,4, 6hower .:!oorll e;hall e;wlng out. 3. Glazing within 24" arc of vertlcaledee of doorllln a clolled po,ltlon. 1~" of floor and/or within .:!001'll e;halll:>eldentifle.:! an':!lal:>eled a' 'afet~ glazing and ehall conform to CA~O 308 3 an" 308,4, MISCELLANEOU~ 1. Provldo nllnlmum clearance of 30" width and 24" In front of all water cloe;et, eXGjledlng CA~O Figure 3072. 2. Wall, at ,.howerl! ,halll:>e flnlehed to a minimum height of 72" al:>ove drain Inlet with material riot a.:!vere;el~ affected I:>y moleoture per Pluml:>lng Code. 3. Smoke .:!etector(5) ehall reGjllve primal)' power from I:>ulldlng wiring. have I:>attel)' I:>ack-up and ehall conform to CA~O 316, 4. All recee;eed fixture, In exterior or Ineulated ceiling' ehalll:>o T~pe IC unlee;, noted, ~ox In fixture, per Super Good Cent' 6tan.:!ar.:!" 5. Maximum e;tep down at exterior ,joorll ehalll:>e 71/2" unlee;, noted otherwle;e. Doorll e;wlnglng over landing, e;hall have a maximum etep .:!own of I". 6, Provide minimum 24" clearance al:>ove to range hood or 30" clearance to coml:>uetll:>le conetructlon al:>ove If no hood I, ue;e" at all kitchen rangee;. "1'HI! ~1!t:>MONt:>" "'t:>t:>I".l!le J.01':iI MIMoe'" PA~I< (I!!C1'ION :26. 1'. 11 e.. ~. I i'l.. i'l,Jo'I. M) Ae I"IJ.=t:> IN loAN I! CoO\.lN1',( PI.A1' ~I!col'lt:>e SFI'I.INiSol"ll!l.t:>, I.ANI! CoO\.lNT'(, Ol'l.!e;ON MEMBERS, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . / .!. -}. A rfl'tjljt. a 'rw~~/ ;8G:lAOt.ddV NO!;)3~O 'o,:a1.:l';'JNII:4{S.:Ie) ALl:) SHEET NO -I (I:.lU.=JC\ CJNIO-'1r8 3.H.1. ~8 03i\OG!-dd'tf 38 T1VHS A,\01'3Q 3..LVa :1H L b_-l':'..:iv .!:J...,HOl=:ld t:lO S~t\lIM\"~a 03^Ob-:fd'V 3 -U 0 I :J.G\ l~' -, ~',,-\'b ~ Ll7' HO 'S3::lI\lV'H:l -1I;)"'J.3~ a::nJ:-iO:" i',r) "->~.Y-' Gill ;t\iO.....~ ~.J.1IV FilM a3M:JI^..J~ '\1330 :J/~'V.., ",() -~:j..:lr1 .;;l.'JJl.t-..o..) 3J-.1.L . /7--.9//7" -'Y'k..L,."~~-p"""", ~wi'-o -L a t:L..JJ ~ s;:.:r 7s;;;"f~r:a7 r;!C?Sr.:?r9 Q'.?~~i~r"~c"Tjl~"S3LJ "~:Ul ~OIJ ~n~lJ.SNO.) 3~)' ~ _ sjTJoTS !j'<tO-1 A,:)i-,.\1dll::>JO ----r.-;rd'.n .:lro~a A:)f'.,.7dfl':)~O 31\IOZ L5frC)!).> -~O!'>z::? ("~ 8.'r'bj_c;::-fov",:';C;-T_'-:O'j @ COPYRIGH-r ,.. These draWings are COI?\irl01hted (r(" 0ne-tlri' ',,"1\ )'-);0~ .-} - - ~ , . C AlUlO R SOUl H ARCH mCf\J RE PC THE REOMOND