HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2002-1-28 Of;(.A~IN~ INOeX eUIL.OIN~ OAT A "1 ~IT! 1"1.,,1-1 . CaV!1't ~H!!T "2 ~L.aOI't I"L."N~ ", !XT!l'tla~ !L.!V"T'aN~ ".. !XT!l'tlal't !1.!V"TlaN~ ...., ~aUNP"TlaN 1"1.,,1-1 . ~!T"IL.~ "6 1't00~ ~1't"MIN~ I"I."N . I'taa~ 1"1.,,1-1 "., eUIL~IN~ ~!!CTlal-l, TI'tU~~ T,(I"!~' ~!T""IL~ !1 !!1.!!CTI'tIC,6,L.I"L.AI-I MAIN f"L.OOI't AI't!!A . eONu9 AI't!!A . 2,61 & $a f"'T', 6!5 '" $a, fI'T'. '!'O'!'AL.SUIL.r:>ING AI't!!A . ',2" $a. fI'!', eNef;(.~V INFOFC.MATION " , , . Ifl .' N ~eNef;(.AL. NOTes 1, '!'HI$I"I'tOJ!!c::." c::.aMI"I..II!$ VIII'!'H !NI!!tG'r" PI'tI!$c::.I'tI"''''VI! PATH 1-10. I A91'!' PI!!'t,.AIN' TO "H!! CUI'tI'tI!N" OI't!!~aN !!NI!I'tG'r" c::.O~1! ,6,~ ~OL.L.OVII$. A. VIN'r"L. I"lINOal"l', U. .4" MIN. S. 1"l000 Ooal't$, U. 20 MIN. e:.. I"lAI..L. IN'UL.A,.,aN: 1't-21 MIN. 0, UN~I!I't~I..OOI't IN'ULA,.laN: 1't.2' MIN, I!. ~L.""" C!II.ING': I't-,& MIN. 1", I"OI'tCI!O AII't Oue,. IN'U!..I I't-& MIN, G, G,6" HI!""TING. H. GA' I"l""TI!I't HI!ATI!I't. , , ~ CODES AND STANDARDS 1. All oon5truotlon 5hall !:>e In 5trlct oompllanoe with the State of Oregon 1ge6 Edition One and Two Famll)' Dwelling Speolalt)' Code and all applloa!:>le State and L(,cal Codee. 2. ENERGY CODE: All oon5truotlon 5hall oonform to the late5t edition of State of Oregon Ener~ Code. Pre!lorlptlve Path 1, Notli)l Al'Ghltect of an)' dl!lorepar,cle!! !:>etween document& and fitandard" Where conflict occur!l, the more rigid !Specification fihall govern, 3. PARllAL SETS OF DOCUMENTS: Arohltect fihall not!:>e re!Sponfil!:>le for ridding errore or oml!Sfilon, due to !:>Iddlng from partlallSete of documente. . () .' <ll Ifl eVM60L.e SITE WOR~ 1, Remove all organlo materlal/top,oll from area under the I>ulldlng and under paved area!l, 2. Fill !Shall con,15t of a free-draining granular material. Place fill In IIft& not to exoeed 8" and oompaot to 100'4 5tandard AASHO under footlnge and 95'4 fitandard AASHO under sla!:>s and paved area,. 3, Seleot fill material under 5Ia!:>& 5halll>e 6" la)'er :3/4" mlnu& crufihed rock or ooaree sand. 4, Provide po,ltlve drainage undeMloor area!l to oompl)' with CA~O 405.1, If required. FOUNDATIONS 1. All footlng!l 5hall !:>ear on undlfitur!:>ed !Soli or compaoted fill minImum 12" I:>elow flnlfih grade (18" at tWO-fitOI")' portlOM) Unlefi!l noted otherwlfie. Notli)l Architect I>efore prooeedlng of an)' unufiual oondltlons encountered In footing exoavatlone, 2. If 5tem wall and footing are two fieparate POUI!l. provide #4 vertloal L I>ar at 6'~ 0" 00 maxImum from footing Into fitem wall. .' 3.00 not exoavats clofier than 2.1 elope adjacent to footlng!l. 4, Clean all footing exoavatlone of loofie material !:>)' hand prior to pouring ronoretll. 4t Q (j) I 0000 I "N~LI! HUNG $l!e,.ION r:>1!'!'''''I!. , , , OOOI't I"lINOaVII . $lNGL.I! HUNG . () -' 't ~ , . , CONCRETE, 1. Mlnlmu m etruotural oonorete oompreefilve fitrength ehalll>e 2.500 pfil at 28 da)'e unlefie noted otherwlee, Expofied ooncrete (elal>e. walke, eto ) fihall have a minimum oompre!S5lve fitl'ength of 3.500 psi at 28 daye and fihalll>e aIr entraIned, 2. Minimum oement oontent 5halll:>e 5 8aokfi/yard except ela!:>e on gra.:le e""ll:>e 61/2 8ackfi/yard. Ma~lmum filump shall be 4". 3. Plaoe an,' oure all oonorets per ACI oodes and lltandard". 4. Provide control Joints In allllla~" at 12'-0" 00 maxImum each wa)' unlee;3 ,)oted otherwl5e. Provlde heaV)' tooled JoInts (3/4") at 5'-0" 00 and 1/4" premoldeJ expMalon joInt" at 20'-0" 00 maxImum at all exterior walk". - ~ ~ r I- IlJ III edTe NOTe~: · VJ!fitIFY ~UfitVJ!Y INFOfitMATION: J::>IMJ!N~ION~ 4 aeAfitlNG~, J!A~J!MJ!NT~ 4 J.J!GAI.. , - , MASONRY (If U&e"'l 1, Concrete Ma'onl")' Units fihall meet the requIrement" of ASTM ceo-eo. T ~I>I8 1 .2 '" 3. T)'pe I, medium weight, f 'm ~ 15001'51. Standard I>look. 500reJ I>look (Wlllamette Gra)'5tone 852R) and 5pllt faced I>look (Wlllametts Graystone eOOSP). ,.e exterior Elevatlone for looatlons of eaoh llt)'le. 2. Concrete Ma'onl")' Unite llhall have 125" mInImum faoe ,hell thlokne,s and 100" mlnlmu m we!:> thlokne'8, 3. When delivered to the job elts, all unit" fihal1l>e !lound and free of oraok" or other defeots that would Interfere with the proper plaolng of the unite or would eugnlfloantl)' · VJ!fitIFY fitJ!aUlfitl!t> ~I!TeAc.l<~ COMP!..Y ~/ AJ.!.. COJ::>I!~, OfitJ::>INANCI!~ 4 GdVl!fitN'c# Ac:;E!N~'J!~. CONCRETE / MASONRY REINFORCING 1, All relnforolng "tee I #5 and "mailer shalll:>e A'615 Grade 40. 2. Refer to detalle for relnfol'Glng steel 5lze. 3, ProvIde ooncrete ma!Sonl")' unite with I:>ond beame at 48" 00 with #4 horizontal and #5 vertloal at 32" 0 o. Grout thelSe oelle ,olld. Refer to details, 4. See elevatlone for looatlone of "oored (Wlllamette Gra)'lltone 852 R) and fipllt faoed I>look (Wlllametts Gra)'"tone 800 Sf). WOOD " Allluml>er "peole" "halll>e ae follow!l unle!le noted otherwlllB: Jol"ts/~ea m6/Strlngere -- OF -L #2 or better 6" Nominal 15eame and Strln~j8re -. OF-L #1 or 15etter Glu-Lamlnated 15eame .. 24F-V4 OF/OF unleu noted otherwise. No Camber ~uok!l/t;locklng/~rldglng/MI!lcellaneoue -- DF-L/Hem-Flr #3 or ~etter Stude -. DF-L Stud Grade SIII!S/Sleepers/Platell/Nalllng t;look!l/ All Wood Embedded In Concrets -. OF-L Pres"ure.Treated or Foundation Grade Cedar 2. Alljol"te and beam" framing Into, not I>earlng on, I>eame, header". gIrder" shalll>e 5upported with Slmpson-t)'pejolfit or I:>eam hanger", 3, Plywood or wafer!:>oard 5halll:>e as noted In foundation. floorframlng and roof framing plans, 4, All exterIor wall "tud spaolng 5halll>e 24" 00 (16" 00 alllooatlone where lap "Idlng I" ulSed) unle,e noted otherwl"e. All Interior wall "tud "paolng "hall be 16" 00 unle", noted otherwllSe. GLAZING " All exterior wln.:lowe, llkyl1ghte, gla,e doo,"" ehal1 have InsulatIng glazIng. Unconditioned 8paoe. ma)' have single glazing unle5e noted otherwllle. 2. If provided, glazing In fihower enoloeuree ehal1l>e Identified and lal>eled as llafet)' glazing and shall oonform to CA~O 308,3 and 308.4. Shower doore fihallllwlng out. 3. Glazln" within 24" arc of vertloal edge of doore In . clOlled poeltlon, la" of floor and/or within doore "halll>e Identified and lal>eled a. eafet)' glazIng and l'>hatl oonform to CAeO 308 3 and 308,4. MISCELLANEOUS 1. ProvIde minimum olearanoe of 30" wIdth and 24" In front of all water olo,ete exoeedlng CA~O Figure 3012. 2. Walle at l'>howerel'>halll>e finished to a minimum height of 72" a!:>ove drain Inlet with material not adver"el)' affeoted 1>)' moisture per Pluml:>lng Code. 3, Smoke deteotor(,) "hall reoelve primaI")' power from !:>ulldlng wIring, have I>attel")' I>ack-up and shall oonform to CA~O ::116. 4. All reoe5sed fixtures In exterior or In"ulated oelllng" Ilhal1l>e Type Ie un leu noted. ~ox In fixture!! per Super Good Cente Standarde. 5, MaxImum fitep down at exterIor doore fihalll>e 1112" Unle", noted otherwl,e. Doore ISwlnglng over landlnge "hall have a maxImum fitep down of 1". 6. Provide mInimum 24" olearanoe above to range hood or 30" olearanoe to ooml>u8tlble oon8truotlon above If no hood Ie u"ed at all kitchen range". ~tfljr clt:lflYit tl ,j -l'''J.~ t']t "\' SW ~ '\ ~~'\, '\\~ ; -'0 J~'\ ~{f ~ ~ 0~:~ ~ ,'. ,,. . "'''' 00' A$$UMI!O'\.., 'l".-.--------.-^---.\---~,~!~~----.~,~.-.--- ,-. f"'''''". 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G::~. l~, ..c.;~ _',":[' '0 t"" ~J) ", 0 I 'I-')~' 1:1 ., .7 ,~ a l ..I...C ""... ~ . -"... ~~-' - ..... -,-, ~ p.u.e~ ~~r\Y CttA:h~S St:T~"/r.:' ,S O-_S I RI:E r TREES WC \RC RLQl'lRED PIe,be rder to nttached Dnel,)p1l1crlt CoJe Sell Ion regdfdlllg the pLlcelllent and l: re<; of dl10vI"<lble ~(reet trees APPROVED or~L y FOR ~ESlc.EN1IAL USE IN ACCORDANCE WI1 H Af{TICLE 16 ("If P'Il: SPR I~Grl[LD DE;VfLOFMEt{T CQPF t' _. . < t BE'EN PSv'IEVJE:.P Wl".~ ;' urED ?'E~CIL C..;A"iC~L.:> , ~II: \PFPO\EO DqA.'N~l'<GS ~H " ~ r. . '/\':.. ;J....LO ,v ~'I~ Ll_ 6E 6"Pf"R';VED El'f r _ ~ ,oJ 'lC" l,t.F1CJML... CITY 01-"' SPRINGFIELD, OREGO~t. /?r?l D^"E~Z-"'O:> t) ......,'\ LD aY . D'':::> , . ".--- 1 NOI't'!'H ,PI '\ '~I~ . WERNE1H I DESIGN 1105 CINNAMON AVE. EUGENE, OREGON 97404 PHONE' (541) 461-9153 CELL: (541) 954-7128 .d . , CON$U!'''.o!!NT9 ! \ z () \'l lU 'Ii zO 0 - iiI- ()~ lLlt .. Wz--' --1 w o...Oii:fP :.T ~\l~~ '-0 ,ri l)I-Z ~ - ( ~I-It ::;- Ill:! 0... lP is' Z:t:\Jl . - ')I J:'fitAY'lN ay: ae~ V JOa NUMaefit: C,;.t;2. NUMaefit: J::>~TJ!: .2 1 JAN,O.2 FtE!VI~ION~: 1 . .2 . es . 4 . SITe PL.AN SHeeT INoex (t,eN. NOTes A ~ eCAL.E!: Ae NOTl!J::>