HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2002-12-31 1 Lots shall be provided with adequate drainage and shall be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundation wall The grade away from foundation walls shall fall a minimum of 6 Inches w~hln the first 10 feet 2 Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less In size than the studding above Vv"here exceeding 4 feet In height, such walls shall be framed of studs having the size required for an additional story Cripple walls w~h a stud height exceeding 14 Inches shall be concldered first-story walls for the purpose of determining the of bracing reqUIred by Table 602 10 Cripple walls with a stud hleght less than 14 inches shall be sheathed at least on one side with a wood structural panel that IS fastened to both top and bottom plates In accordan\ce with Table 6023(1), or the cripple walls shall be of solid blocking 3 Provide 112" diameter steel bo~s embedded a minimum of 7 Inches Into concrete and masonry Spacing shall not exceed 6 feet on center With a minimum of two bolts per piece of plate or Sill and 1 bolt Within 12 Inches of each end 4 Provide 12 Inches clearance from the under Side of girders and beams and 18" clearance to grade from the under Side of JOiStS and floor 5 Provide 3" of minimum beanng for girders entenng masonry or concrete w~h a 1/2' air space on tops, Sides and ends 6 Provide under floor access to all under floor areas With a minimum 18" x 24" Inch opening 7 When equipment IS Installed In a crawl space, an access opening and passageway of a height and Width suffiCient to perm~ replacement, but not less than 20 Inches Wide x 30 Inches high shall be provided to the "Iorklng space In front of the equipment Provided a permanent electrical outlet located near the furnace and a lighting fixture controlled by a SWitch by the access opening. 8 PrOVide 6 mil black poyethylene ground cover In all under floor crawl areas whK:h shall be lapped a minimum of 12 Inches at all JOints and shall extend a minimum of 12 Inches up foundation walls 9 PrOVide 6 mil polyethylene or approved equal beneath Intenor slabs 10 PrOVide pressure treated wood In contact With concrete, masonry, Within 6 Inches of ground or structural members supporting floors or roofs that are exposed to the weather 11 Install manufactured wood JOiSts and wood beams In accordance With approved manufacturers Installation Specl fl cations 12 All structural lumber shall be No 2 or better D F Larch or equal, u 0 s 13 PrOVide continuous support and/or solid blocking to foundaton, floor, beam, wall or roof dlaghragm (Sections 502 5, 8037,8029) :.-- Verify all dimenslo ns with eXisting structure ~"." 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I "1- ,- WEST ELEVATION ~ ~ 14 On stairways of more than 3 risers, prOVide a continuous handrail, not less than 1 1/4" or mora than 2 518" In cross-sectIOnal dimension With a smooth gripping surface and edges of a minimum 118" radiUS, Such handrail shall be located a minimum 30" to maximum 38" above the nosing of the tread With 1 1/2" clearance to the wall, and on open Sides of enclosed stairs, all Intermediate openings shall be a maximum of 4" 15. All stairways shall be prOVided With Illumination All Interior lighting shall be controlled at the top and bottom of each stairway 16 Enclosed accesSible space under stairs shall have walls and under stair surfaces protected \y"lth minimum 112" gypsum board 17 PrOVide a minimum Side-hinged 3068 eXit door Such door shall not ex~ through a garage or carport 18. PrOVide a minimum 3'-0" x 3'-0" landing on each Side of the ex~ door located Within 1 1/2" of li1e threshold on the interior Side The exterior landing shall be not more than 8" below the top of the threshold provided the door does not sWing over the landing 19 The minimum hallway Width shall be 36" from finished wall to finished wall 20 PrOVide operable egress Windows In all sleeping areas With a minimum net clear opening of 07 square feet The minimum opening height shall not be less than 22' and the minimum opening 20" MaXimum Sill height shall be 44" above finished floor Egress Windows shall open from inSide wrthout use of a key, tool or speCial knowledge 21 Smoke alarms shall be Installed In each sleeping room, outSide each sleeping area In the Immediate vaclnlty of bedrooms and on each add~lOnal story of a dwelling Including basements and cellars All alarms shall be Interconnected such that actuation of one alarm Will actuate all alarms Smoke alarms shall receive their primary source of power from permanent building wiring and when the pnmary source IS Interrupted, each alarm shall receIVe power from a battery ionizatIOn smoke alarms shall not be closer than 3" honzlntally from a door to a kitchen A door to a bathroom containing a tub or shower or supply registers of a forced air heating or cooling system A smoke alarm Within 20' of a cooking appliance shall be a photoelectnc-type srT'uke alarm or the alarm shall have an approved alarm SilenCing means 22 Shower heads and Intenor faucets shall be Ilm~ed to water conserving type of 2 5 gallons per minute and tOilets shall be Ilm~ed to 1 6 gallons per flush 23 Tub and shower enclosures shall be of water-resistant gypsum board, With all JOints, cut edges and pipe openings protected With an approved sealer Such surface must extend not less than 6'-0" above the floor 24 All showers shall be eqUipped w~h control valves of pressure balance, thermostatic miXing or the comblnaton pressure balancefthermostatlc mixing valve types With high Imt stops set to limit water temperatures to a maximum of 120 degrees F (49 deg C) 25 PrOVide all water heaters With a pressure relief valve The discharge pipe shall not be trapped, and shall terminate With an air gap Into a plumbing fIXture, floor drain or other approved point of discharge that Will not create a hazard or potential cause of damage. 26 Water heaters haVing non-rigid connections and over 4" In height from the base to the top of the tank shall be anchored or strapped to the bUilding to resist horzontal displacement in Seismic Zone 3 27 Appliances whICh generate a glow, spark or flame capable of ign~lng gasoline vapors and located In a garage shall be Installed With burner Ignition deVICes, burners or heating elements and SWitches at least 18 Inches above the floor level 28 Vent to the outSide by Single wall duct of galvanized steel, stainless steel or copper Ducts serving range hoods shall not terminate inSide attics or a crawl space 29 PrOVide a weather-reSistant ngld baffle, extending above the isulatlon With a minimum 1" air space between the underSide of the roof sheathing and the baffle, Baffle shall be In place at lime of framing Inspection 30 Flash all extenor doors, WindOWS and honzontal trim Coordinate all flachlng Installations With your building Inspecto r 31 PrOVide a minimum 22 Inch x 30 Inch attic access With 30 Inch clear height above the opening 32, Skylights shall be of an approved k~ design, or prOVided constructIOn plans and details on s~e to be approved by the bUilding Inspector before installation beginS All minim um glazing and curb requirements shall be met In accordance w~h SectIOn 308 6 & Property corner _. 10000 ~ /' I- ill ill ~ l./) ..s:: +- """ ~ Property.:?rner, 10000 1 STREET TREES ARE --v- ARE REQl'IRED Please refer to attached Development Code SectlOn regardmg the placement and types of allowable street Uees --~ MI~IMuM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property Llnes -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Slde yard to Hou5e or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to Hou5e or Garage 10 feet P U.E MAY CHANGE ~ETBACKS NORTH ELEVATION ELEVATIONS 1181=110" ~J',JI',III"~,':".',':,'.',\'rL,',',\':,\','(1,lllfIJIIII r"""'I'"'"'1 :":::::,.,n""""III{II'll'l(rllrrrrrll f>t, ,">/', ,,',:,, ,1>:,>'1',',"1'1>:,"<((>1 111"1 ri,(".rrrf,r, ( L'"i r ",', '-'"'.,l,.' 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Proper ty corner ~ 10000 , "'-I, I . ~ , , , L_____________________~----_-_--_, " .3' 1\ J~ " Ex isti ng sewer clean out to be moved, @ - - r- 128.00' Site Plan Scale: 1" = 10 ft N o QAr, kLC~IVE(n~;;;.O~2-t.9- _Ct:n:2B.CCI1 0 wa ~ ,Zo~ E OCi:~.J:~P:. ~5f~!:~~~ M. Y~..!.Tlfi:) __Q..~c~c.dr.~~!~'L t.04,D 'l~'''''-. _" w~>."" '0' 1Z j..f.9."!..J,?~E fR '"11~' _ n(j3 :;t:t. _ AlJ"'Rl-% LId_-r. 4'tn ~ _. _ _ __, !lit..;;!:!; ~CDft- 'f ~DI) I err:___ -.- ENERGY PATH #1 MaxltnUtnalloooble window area Window class Door ,other that tnal n entry t-kJ.ln entry door, tnax 24 sf No litnlt U= 40 U= 20 U= 54 Tr"iC CC)'<Jl ( ",' AL'1'"~~~AT'..J"J'> I J( ~ _' OR In iF-HAr'e "'~,.. \ PRO...EC:T A~TF-~r~.... r_ :'.:...~ '- ~}~ ~'" \,( ... TriE BUiLDiNG OFt' ~L I \, E:IALt:' '^ f'~ ',f..ll. CH.l"j !..."i , .J~t,WI"'IG'.' ;H ......~ '1"_ ""PPRO'vtD I:lY Wall insulation Under floor Insulation Flat cedi ngs Vaulted cedlngs (50'7. tnClX) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ,o,P?ROVE08Y '}5JJ D~TEJ-/{, oj 1127 4th Street Springfield OR R = 21 R = 25 R = 38 R = 30 Location: Skyftght class Skyftght area Basetnent wall Insulation Sbb edge insulation Forced air duct insulation U= 50 2'. Max, R = 21 R= 15 R=8 Owners: Scott and Toni Kerr I I" ,I,,, I d z w I- < CJ V) Z ~ V) !; ~ ~ I: N~ 8 - ~ - c CJ ~~~ . 0 ~ w ~ LY ., I- ~~z ~<~~ zz~w CXl~<1- OH~< I-,u.CJCJ . ..J ..J o ~ ~ In Z LO ~ !:: V) N LU LO Q M .q- QL LO Z [ij M ., <LU~tl: cJ)ct......O ~t)0\...... H.J:ctLO u......OLO ~MWr:: QMCOOO ctLUcJ)-D QN:>:::t cJ)~WLO I, ,I ~ a ~ .j::Q..... g ~ 0 Jl!'!::Z LUV) s:: o ,- +- .- -0 -0 q:: t- ~ ~ ...... o """ r-.... 0\ , s.: Cl. ~I-O l./)::Q -0 ~ s:: ..s:: ' - O+-~ +- """ 0) s:: +- r-.... ,- o N t- U ...... a. l./)......l./) SCALE: VARIOUS 111" I SHEET NO. 1 OF 4